A Wifes Revenge

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A husband faces his wife's revenge for a bad decision.

14.5k words

3 Stories
They just left.
I am so fucking angry, and empty, and hurt, and ready to kill them. I'm in shock.
I feel like I'm frozen in a moment of knowing extreme hell is coming, but I have
no ability to do anything. I just am waiting for hell to arrive and swallow me up.
She's the mother of our children. I want to hurt her now, but can't. This is so
screwed up. I want to call my best bud, Jimmy, but I can't even do that. What
could I say? My wife and her boss just made me a cuck, and there's nothing I
can do. Nothing!
You see, I made a mistake after our second child was born. Susie had post
partum depression. And for months she wouldn't do anything physical, no
hugs, no kissing, no sex.. She was sad all the time. Life was really hard then with
two very young girls.

So, Emily was this cute summer student who was working for me. She was
always super flirty with me. On her last day before she finished the summer
project we went out for drinks with our entire crew. I drove us to her place so
she could change. I knew that wasn't the best idea, but honestly I figured at
most I would get something more to masterbate to, I had a lot of scenarios I
used to do that. One or two more wouldn't hurt right? I saw her nude image in
a mirror while she changed, and she saw me. Nothing happened then. But
later, well, that is where i put my foot in it.
The long story cut short was we wound up back at her place because i'd had a
few drinks, and she was sober and drove. We fucked like rabbits that night. But
then I had to go home. It was three in the morning. I should have showered. I
should have ubered. I should have done a lot of things. And I shouldn't have
fucked my summer student.
Susie was waiting for me. She saw me and knew. It nearly killed her. She kicked
me out for the night. I felt like shit. I was a shit. I begged and pleaded. I told her
I would do anything. I slept in the van in the driveway.
I was allowed to live. We stayed together. We slept in the same bed. We
carried on like nothing happened, but she didn't trust me. And we didn't have
any sex or contact for months. It was a tense five months. I think the first
month we maybe said 5 words to each other unless it was talking about
children, bills or family. Our friends commented on us, worried. Susie just said
we are having a rough time adapting to family life. We will get through it. I
followed her lead. Glad that she didn't throw me under the bus or park it right
on top of me.
By the third month we were at least talking more. She was talking about the
timelines to return to work. She seemed to be coming out of her post partum
depression more as well. We still had no physical contact. It was like our bed
had an invisible wall. No kisses good morning, or goodnight or goodbye. Not
even a pat on the arm was allowed. I tried every so often and the reaction was
like I spilled acid on her. And then a glare. A cold steely eyed glare. I would back
away apologizing.
I think I apologized every day at least three times in the beginning. By month
five, she had told me to stop, but at least once a week I would when I crossed
some kind of line or boundary.

Then one night about a week after she returned to work she kissed me. First
contact in over 5 months. I was floored. Her eyes sparkled a bit. But when I
touched her hand later in the evening I got that cold look. Ice! At least I got a
A few nights later when we went to bed, she kissed me passionately. After
nearly a year she was back. She even gave me a blow job with the most
incredible skill and eroticism. Then after I came in her mouth she tried to
swallow, but couldn't. But when she returned to bed she sucked me hard again.
She climbed on top and slowly rode me to three or four orgasms before I
released inside her again. We cuddled and I quietly thanked God she still loved
me. I was in a bit of shock that this came about without discussion or any lead
up or anything. But I was sure happy we were at least making progress.
After that night we resumed a more normal life together. We began talking
more, about anything and everything. After the second week of normalcy I got
another shock. When I told her that I thanked her for forgiving me she
surprised me.
"No way in hell are you forgiven for what you did. I just found a way to still love
you in spite of that"
I was kind of floored by that statement. And when I pressed her to explain all I
ever got was "Two things honey, do you love me? And do you love the sex?"
My answer was obviously "yes."
"Good. I still love you and I like the sex too" and that would be the end of the
conversation.the sex was better than before we had kids. She even tried a few
new things which I was totally game with. That was two months ago.
Now, tonight things changed. I thought everything was going to be ok. But it
wasn't. I was in the study, typical for a Friday evening for me. Finishing off stuff
before the weekend. Susie had taken our two kids to her moms for the
weekend. I was looking forward to some time alone. Then the doorbell rang.
Susie yelled out that she'd get it. Then she called me to come to the living
I went into the room and saw her, dressed in a slinky dress that barely covered
her pussy and the top had her tits about to be bursting out. Skin tight was a
little looser a fit than this. And behind her was her boss Darren. Behind him was
a big black man in a dark suit.

"What's going on?" I asked

I watched Darren walk up next to Susie and put an arm around her.
Susie started speaking, confidently she said " It's time for you to understand
our relationship better"
Darren cut in on the statement from Susie. " Let me spell this out for you. You
both have committed adultery. You admitted it freely. So does she. If you
divorce, there is no cause or fault. It becomes irreconcilable differences. She
gets half. The house, the vehicles, the cottage, your business, any savings and
as typical for most divorces, she will retain custody. You will pay child support,
and alimony. Divorce her and her bonuses get cut off as revenue you would
make up the lost revenue to her. Trust me we can pay her in other ways quite
legally but still keep you in line to pay support."
He paused to get a breath, or for effect "Add to that, I will take over being your
children's dad. That means you will only be a minor part in their lives, if any
He had his arm over Susie's shoulders. He reached down and caressed her
breast. She sighed and melted into him more.
" Stay and you will continue to have your life. She will make very good bonuses
based on our work, and you keep your family. My only claim to her on this is
that she is available when I request, and that she has always got free will to
determine her own choices."
Again he paused. " This isn't meant to humiliate you or break up your marriage,
it is simply to allow us to have our relationship." He looked at Susie and
squeezed her breast. They kissed.
"We are leaving now. She will return on Sunday mid day so you can go collect
your children. Any violence, threats, or if you leave, it will result in actions
against you. It's not a threat, it is what will happen"
I so badly wanted to cave in the back of his head with a hammer, but his
security was keeping a very close eye on me.
"Bye honey, see you Sunday" was all she said on her way out the door.
After they cleared the door the goon followed, keeping an eye on me.

I watched stunned as Darren made a scene of kissing Susie passionately and

pulling her dress up so I could see her shaved pussy. Then they ducked in the
car and drove away. She never shaved, said it was too painful when it grew in.
And hurt like hell with razor burn. What the fuck.
And then they just left. Drove away. Left me in my misery. I realized I didn't
even get over the shock to say a word. That's how bad my shock was. I had no
idea my Susie had any thought of fooling around let alone doing this. I just got
cucked, and I didn't have a way out.
I was fuming. How dare she rub my nose in this, her fucking her boss. For the
whole weekend! Fuck me! What was I going to do?
I thought revenge. Find them and hurt them all. I had to do something. I went
to get my gun out of the gun case. I went to the basement in a near blind rage.
It was already open and empty. A note read " just as a precaution we sold these
today. Best case scenario would be you doing time for assault being some
assholes bitch, worst case is the kids would be orphans. You don't want that. I
love you S"
That only made me madder.
I went to the computer. I logged into our bank account. It should have had
close to $7000 in it. Instead there was $2200.00 there was a withdrawal of
$3550 and a purchase at a dress shop and a lingerie shop and a sex shop.
$1600.00 used and she cashed the rest out. What the Fuck!
As I sat looking at the screen I got a notification of an email. I went to look at it.
It was from Susie's email
It read "hi honey, by now you probably are wondering about a lot of things. I
will explain in detail on Sunday. Just in case, I have taken my share of the cash. I
also locked all of our investments for the next six months. Your Credit card has
a new limit of $300.00. Just so you don't do anything rash. This will work for us,
trust me! Love S"
I picked up my laptop and hurled it against the wall. I had two days and $2200
to get through and no idea where to start.
I had a flash of brilliance. When our neighbor figured his wife was stepping out
on him he hired a PI. Howard and sons. I called. I got a tired voice on the other

"How much is it to find someone and watch them for an entire week?" I asked.
"24 hours a day or just daytime?"
"24 hours 7 days a week for one entire week." I said.
"Including public pictures and video probably could do it for 5 to 6 K. if you
wanted anything more clandestine the price would at least double." Was the
gruff reply.
Fuck I thought. " how much a retainer do you need?"
"$2500." Was the quick reply.
"I'll take it, I need you to follow my wife Susie McCallister "
"Sorry bud, no can do. " the phone went dead.
I called back. No answer. Then I tried the land line. He answered.
" why not? " I demanded.
" because I am already under contract with her to watch you. No one in this
town will take your money. You don't have enough, sorry bud. But that's all I
can say"
I collapsed. I went to the liquor cabinet and grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniel's.
It also had a note
" don't overdo it, i know you aren't a heavy drinker. if you puke all over,you will
have to clean it up. Love S"
The bottle almost sailed into a wall. Instead I opened it and drank. In less than
five minutes I had a serious buzz going. Fuck her!
I got a ding that I got a text. I opened my phone.
"Hi Honey, Howard told me you called. I'll make this easy on you. If you want
video or pictures just ask. Here are some samples. Much cheaper than hiring
anyone. Love you S" with a little heart emoji following.
My phone pinged again and a picture loaded. Susie was sitting legs spread
wide, no panties on, her pussy covered in cum and her mouth full of what I
presumed to be Darren's rather large cock. Then another shot of his cock
buried in her to the hilt and a look of ecstasy in her eyes. Then another. This
time her ass was up and her ass was being stretched by his cock.

I took a long pull of Jack. And sat on the floor. Rather unceremoniously I might
add. She never did anal. Wouldn't even let me put a finger anywhere near her
The phone dinged again.
"Howard says you look rather drunk. Relax honey, its only sex and fun. Don't
make it worse on yourself, love S"
The phone hit the wall and stuck in the plaster. It dinged again once more but I
left it. I took another swig of Jack and stuck up my middle finger. Just in case
Howard was still watching."
I didn't wake up until about 5 the next morning. My head hurt. My right fist was
bloodied and bruised. I had a wicked hangover. I was still sitting on the floor of
the livingroom.
It took me all of 5 seconds to remember why I felt like shit. I barely made the
bathroom before puking.
I went back to the living room. There were three large holes in the wall. There
was a trail of blood from the last one. The pictures of Susie and I on our
wedding day were in a pile of shattered glass.
I felt completely empty. She was having an affair with her boss. No, I corrected
myself, they were cuckolding me so I had no choices while they had a blatant
affair. I could leave. But I'd be broke, I would lose my daughters to that asshole
and I would pay my entire life. She didn't just rip my heart out. She used a dull
rusty knife and then she savored torturing me as she slowly crushed it.
My phone buzzed. It was still lodged in the wall. I walked past it and left it
there. I needed something. A lifeline, or something.
I sat in the kitchen and made a coffee. And a piece of toast. I grabbed my pad of
paper and a pen. I started writing ideas. What to do.
I called a legal aide office to inquire on divorce law. No fault meant a 50 50 split
unless we had a prenuptial. She could force the sale of every asset we
owned.that included dissolving my company. She would likely be able to keep
the house but I would have to sell the cottage so she could buy me out for the
house. Because the company would be gone I'd need to find a job.. I would
look at getting about $35 k from all of the assets after she bought my share of
the house, but then I would have to pay support and alimony. I would be

looking at around $2500 a month in payments. The rest of my earnings would

be mine. It would take a few years before I could buy a house. I would struggle
to get my company started again. It took over $70 k to get us started.
The word US stuck in my brain when I thought it. There was no more us.
I went to the bedroom. She had left her lace thong on the bed. the room
smelled of her perfume. I flushed the perfume down the toilet. Same with her
lipstick, blush and eyeliner. I tore the bedding off and shredded it. She chose
the pattern of flying birds. I went back to my list, Call legal aide was the only
thing I had written. There wasn't anything I could do. If I left it was
abandonment. Then she didn't even have to buy out the house. It would just be
hers. I was screwed.
I went down to my basement workshop. I looked at my projects. The custom
display cabinet for Susie. A sledgehammer took care of that. The custom
bedside tables. They got smashed to smithereens. I took the wood and tossed
it in the fireplace and lit it. I burned all of the walnut and maple I had spent a
fortune on. I tossed the remnants of the wedding pictures in as well. I threw my
gold wedding band in as well. I may be stuck being married but any promises of
love and cherishing were gone.
After the fire burned down I went back downstairs. It was my solitude
normally. Now it seemed empty and I felt trapped. I sat there wondering what
to do. I looked at my block and tackle and considered ending my life. I was
surprised that I no longer had a lot to be happy to be alive for. My children
would grow up with me either being a shattered cuck of a man or with Susie's
boss as dad. That was my highpoint. Everything else was dark. I played with the
rope. I thought about it.
I think slept a few hours in the basement. I woke up because a strange man
was calling me. He was at the bottom of the stairs.
"What the fuck do you want and why are you in my house?" I yelled at him.
"Look Chase, I don't want to do this, but your wife paid me to watch you. She
said if you disappeared for a long time to come check in case you, um, decided
to end it. She didn't want that to happen but if you tried I was to stop you. She
didn't want to be the one to find you."
He shrugged.
"Howard I presume?" I asked

"Guilty as charged." He relied. "Are you OK man? This all seems pretty harsh.
And I have seen lots of harsh trust me"
I nodded.
He mumbled something and left.
I cleaned up a bit and then said fuck it. I went upstairs. I cleaned up some of the
mess. I cleaned up the pieces of my laptop. It was ruined. I cleaned up the
broken plaster around the wall. I left the blood trail. I looked around the house.
It was already 2 in the afternoon.
I decided to turn the big screen TV on maybe a movie or sports. March is a bad
time for sports for me. No football. My hockey team was garbage and painful
to watch and I hated basketball. Golf sucks to watch. I flipped to movies. I saw
an action movie and without reading any more hit to watch it. About three
minutes in the main guy finds out his wife is screwing around on him. I don't
remember throwing the remote. I just remember all the sparks when it stuck in
the screen. Well there goes $2500 to replace that.
I got up and left the house. Aimlessly I walked. I wasn't thinking. I was just
empty. And I walked. I looked at my watch around 7:30 I was hungry. I was
downtown. I was two blocks from Susie's office. I almost puked at the thought
of what had been going on there, and what would continue to go on there by
the sounds of what she described. I also realized I had a car following me.
Howard no doubt. I ducked in a store and asked for the washroom. I ducked
out the back door and hopped a bus. A few blocks later I got off.
I started walking away from downtown. Down to the river. Anywhere but
home. I didn't have a home anymore. I got a few blocks away from the river.
Then I felt a hand on my arm. I looked to see a young woman in a loose top and
short skirt.
"Feel like some company? You look like you could use a good time." She looked
at me and thrust her chest out.
"You aren't a cop are you?" She grabbed my cock through my pants. Then she
grabbed my hand and put it on her breast.
"No" I laughed. " But have you got this wrong. Sex is the last thing I need."
"Buy a girl a drink then?" She asked.
"Lead on and I'll tell you my tale of woe, and you can tell me yours"

"Deal " she said. We walked a block and then entered a sleazy looking bar.
"Relax, you are safe with me" she said
I bought her a rum and coke and myself a beer. " does this place have food?"
"Best steak sandwich in the area" was her reply.
I bought her one as well and we started talking. She asked me what was my
"About 6 months ago, I cheated on my wife when she was dealing with
depression. I begged forgiveness. Instead she told me she still loved me, but
she would never forgive me." I paused. She looked at me waiting for me to
continue. "What I didn't realize was that she decided to have her own affair
and now had taken the steps to cuckold me.and now I was trapped. I had to
decide to stay knowing she was fucking her boss. Doing things we never did.
She was his slut. And she apparently loved it. "
I took a long drink of my beer.
"Why don't you just leave? Walk away. Leave it all behind. Start over." She said.
"They'd find me. She would get the divorce and get everything and I would
never have anything"
"Except your pride" she said plainly, " why did you cheat in the first place?"
"My wife was depressed and depressing as hell to be around. I had this cute
summer student who had a bit of a crush on me. When our crew went to
celebrate at the end of the summer I got a bit more drunk than I realized and
she wound up driving my car back to her place. Before I knew it she was giving
me head and then stripping and riding me on her living room couch. By the
time I came to my senses it was 3 in the morning and I'd done more new things
than I had in the last 6 years. I drove home and my wife was waiting by the
front door. She knew right away and kicked me out for the night." I took a
"But now she is blatantly fucking her boss and rubbing your nose in it, why not
leave with some pride?" She said plainly.
" How proud would you be to leave your daughters raised by an arrogant
chauvinistic pig who treats his women like cheap fucktoys?"

She looked at me with a bit of a cold look. " you see what I do and for what
kind of guy right? "
"Sorry. I just want better for my daughters than how he would raise them" I
Her look softened. "I wish my dad felt that way. He beat me and was the first to
rape me. Then he showed me to his friends. I was the party girl for them all at
15. "
It was her turn to take a long drink.
"After him, this is easy. " she added
"I'm sorry." I said. I felt like I had to do something, but again what do you do to
fix something beyond your control.
She paused. Shrugged and took a sip. "So what are you going to do? Just let her
keep fucking him and stay in the house? Sounds like torture."
" if I look at what I have if I stay, I have my girls, I have my business. I have my
cottage at the lake. I will be able to do some stuff. If I leave I have none of that.
I won't ever get any of that back. No girls, no business, no home. Just more
misery. Which is worse?"
I downed the rest of my beer.
She held my arm. "Relax, things will get clearer. You seem smart. You will figure
it out. You sure stuck your foot in it though"
"That I definitely did!" I agreed.
The food came just in time. Any more beer on my empty stomach and I would
have been a mess.
While we ate I asked her what she wanted from life.
" A chance. That's it, just a chance"
"For what?" I asked
"Anything really. To do something. To show myself I can do things. be a good
"" you know you are, right? I mean you saw me in my mess and opted to be a
kind soul. To me that is a good person. Doing something that matters. I mean

off and on today I have been so wrapped in my misery I kept thinking of just
ending it. Now I don't feel that way"
"Thanks, my life is so bad it makes yours better?" She gave a little chuckle.
"What you showed me was your fight, your grit, and determination." I
"Thanks" she wiped away a tear. "I appreciate that."
"Whats next?" I asked.
" I gotta go hustle a hundred and fifty for my room. More if I want food in the
morning." She sighed.
"No I meant what are you looking to do after this? For work? School? Life?"
I saw a fire of anger in her eyes. "You don't get it. I never finished school. I
never got to get an education. I can't get a job, and I'm not exactly wife
material here" she paused "I can't get a chance, a break or anything. Who in
their right mind would do that?"
I thought about that. "Fuck, there has to be something. Someone."
"The Government relief are just a bunch of pencil pushers giving false hope.
The social ladies want to seem like they are caring for their sisters. They are
only wanting to hide us from their husband's." She took a big gulp of the last of
her rum and coke "Who else? You? One of my regulars who wants to cozy up to
me so he can fuck my ass, cuz his old lady won't let him"
She saw me flinch "Ha, you too hey?" she smiled but that faded to a sad look as
she looked at the impact on me.
I told her of the pictures Susie sent me. "It's a little fresh at the moment"
"Sorry, you seem like a decent guy.. I didn't mean to hurt you. Its just we both
are at dead ends with no good way out."
"Come with me for a bit. Do you have regular clothes?" I had an idea.
"Duh, I go to Walmart with my fuck me clothes on all the time. I hand out
condoms for business cards too!" Her eyes twinkled a bit as she pulled my leg
"Lets get them and go" I stood and took her hand, pulling her up.
"Where" she asked

"Trust Me for a moment." I said "where too?"

"Not so fast. I need to make my way tonight or I'm screwed"
"Would $300 cover the night? Plus a room in a good hotel?"
"Thought you weren't interested" she quiped
" I'm not, I just don't want to be alone with my misery." I said kind of shyly.
"In that case I am in" she bounced in her seat as she said it.
She led me to a small worn out looking apartment block. She unlocked the door
and a sleazy fat balding man stood in her way. " you know the rules. Not in
"Relax" She spat back at him. " he isn't like you."
"Watch your mouth you little.." he spat back
"Or what you fill it with your limp dick for two minutes again" she spat back.
She pulled me past him and up the stairs.
" No tricks in here. I mean it" he yelled
" nice landlord" I said
" once a month I get the pleasure of knowing too well. " she shook her head.
"What?" I asked without thinking.
She turned and looked at me. "You ever cross the tracks to this side of the
world?" She asked
I think I looked a little dumbfounded. She laughed! " pervs like him feed on
bitches like me, he likes me to suck him off slowly while I'm naked. He keeps
telling me he is going to fuck me so good, but he blows his load long before he
gets that far"
I looked at her for a second or two.
" it gets me rent free for 2 or 3 days. " she added. " if I didn't he would make
my life hell. Its easier that way"
We went in her room. I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't an
immaculately kept room. No dust, no dirt, everything was clean. The bed was
made, the dishes done, and the stove was clean. She apparently no longer had
a sense of modesty as she stripped. I also noticed that everything was in the

one room. I noticed the bathroom door was missing. I turned to keep myself
from staring. She had a beautiful body.
" shy guy huh? " she commented. Then she went to the washroom. It was a bit
awkward when she used the toilet. But she had no hang ups about her body.
She came out and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Last touch was a pair
of sandals.
She asked, "are you good to go?"
" yes" I answered i wasn't quite as sure on this as I was when I started talking to
We walked down the stairs. The sleazy landlord called out " Rent is due
tomorrow morning. No discounts this week."
" do you have money now?" She asked
" I only have about $40 in cash but there was an ATM next door at the store"
" give me the forty, please" she said and shook her head " touch that ATM and I
can't protect you"
I did. She dug in the pocket of her jeans. Put several more bills together and
walked up to him. "Here you go. Good to next Saturday. "
She turned and walked back to me. She took my hand. " lets go!"
We walked along the river to a bit nicer an area, a little less industrial and
definitely out of the seedy area. There was Holiday Inn that I knew of. Not high
end, but still nice. We walked in the lobby and I suggested she go to the bar
and find us a booth. I'd take care of registering.
When I was done I hit the ATM and pulled $500 out. I walked in the bar. She
was easy to spot. She already had a crowd of three young men hitting on her.
She was getting pretty vocal with them
" my husband is right here guys, fuck off! " she said loud enough to get them
backing off.
" Fucking assholes! Figure I am an easy pick up in a bar like this. Don't do that
to me again!" She barked at me.
" Sorry, I didn't realize" I said
" you don't get out much do you?" She asked

"Since my wife got pregnant, definitely not. When we have time alone we relax
or visit friends or maybe hit a C&W bar and dance. That hadn't happened in a
year " I lamented.
"You seem nice, but you are definitely out of touch!" She laughed and shook
her head
Our waitress arrived and asked our order
"Coors light for me" I said
"White rum and coke" she said.
After the waitress left I looked at her " seeing as how we are married now
maybe I should know your name, I'm Chase."
" I'm Jan, but where you saw me i am Candy"
" Nice to meet you Jan" I said.
" You too. Even if this is something out of a horror movie, a nice guy who only
wants a bit of company. Takes a girl for a 5 dollar meal and then to a night at a
nice hotel, just so he isn't alone. Parts of my head have me hearing the the
knife blade sing as it leaves the metal Sheath and a dull knife cuts into me at
any moment." She mock acted dieing slowly with a knife in her breast.
"OH fuck, sorry I didn't mean for this to be weird or anything. I just thought I
would like to know you more, and maybe we could help other."
"Relax" she giggled " I'm just busting your chops. I wouldn't survive very long if I
wasn't a good judge of character"
I sat looking at her. She was pretty. Light blondish hair, maybe sandy blond,
fierce blue eyes. A straight nose and thin lips and a nice angular face. Not a
model type face but pretty. She was well built, nice B to maybe a C cup breasts
which didn't need a bra. And noticeable were her pert nipples.
I wanted to cry. Her nipples were pert little nubs, just like Susie's. And likely
Susie Had had her nipples sucked, bitten, licked, squeezed and pulled many
times over in the past 24 hours. She probably has had countless orgasms while I
was drowning in misery.

Jan looked at me. "What's wrong?" She crossed her arms in front of her breasts
covering them from my prying eyes.
" Your breasts and perky nipples reminded me of Susie, and I was thinking how
much I loved teasing her, and now they were someone else's to enjoy and give
her pleasure now."
The waitress brought our drinks and left. I downed most of mine in one gulp.
"Easy big boy. I am not into cleaning up after a drunken pukefest" she said.
I nodded in agreement. I didn't want to have another massive hangover either.
" What do you like to do in your spare time?" I asked her
"I like to read. Fiction or fantasy stuff mostly, I like swimming, but it's too cold
most of the time. I used to like crafts and stuff. But not anymore. " Now it was
her downing her drink.
" Is it too personal why you don't do that stuff anymore?" I asked
Her eyes held mine and I could see the anger. As I held her gaze, it softened.
"My asshole dad used to do crafts with me. I would sit on his lap. I realized
when I got older it was so he could get me used to him having his hands all over
me." She finished her drink in one gulp. "When I developed more he used to
make me do crafts and he would play with me."
"Yup, it would take me a lot to want to go back and try that again. I'm sorry he
ruined that for you."
"I like walking, in the country. Away from the city. I dream of my own place in
the country one-day. But that's a fantasy. Just like my books"
"Why not make it a goal? Save some, try to build enough to get a new start."
"Duh, yeah, let me just go toss half my paycheck that I don't really need into a
savings account. Right!" She huffed
"Maybe I could help" I offered
"What, daily blow jobs" she shot back. "Try that and I would be pissed at you
Now it was me feeling like I had been dumped on, "why couldn't I help"

She let a bit of drool dribble out the corner of her mouth, puckered up in some
porn star worthy blow job lips and said, "Thank you so much for giving me
another deposit!" While she let her spit dribble down her chin. Exotic as any
porn star. Fuck
I froze in the realization of how I must have sounded
She burst out laughing "Fuck me, your reaction was priceless. I bet you wanted
to run and at the same time fuck me six ways sideways"
I actually rearranged my cock in my pants without thinking about it. She broke
into uncontrolled laughter pointing to my crotch.
I had to laugh too. She was infectious with her dry humor. I realized it felt good
to laugh.
"You are so easy to tease, it's like you're totally innocent on life." She laughed.
"I think I was, but I think I'm getting a serious case of getting fucked over now" I
said, realizing as I said it that just put a serious halt to the levity.
"Come on Sugar, let's go for a walk and get your head out your ass." Jan said,
getting out of the booth. "I could do with some fresh air as well"
I got up and paid our tab and we left. It was a bit cool but still fairly nice for
March. We walked towards the river. Away from the downtown and into more
of the parks and residential area. At first we were fairly quiet. Then she started
asking me a few questions.
"Would you be able to take it? Her fucking him, when and how he wants, while
you get nothing or sloppy seconds?"
That had me take a deep breath. " I don't know. Right now I am on a roller
coaster of emotion. If you weren't here all of the ride would be pretty dark." I
took a deep breath. " for my girls I'd stay"
"Do you still love your wife?" Was the next question.
"No!" I spat out, then I paused, "yes. Fuck it, thats why it hurts so much. I still
love her. And I still feel like a shit for screwing up in the first place"
"Do you think you will forgive her?" Another hard question.
" To be honest I think that may be impossible to answer. What She did this
weekend was vicious,mean calculated revenge for what I did to her. I could

forgive that, maybe. Get past it? Maybe, in time. Lots of time. But what comes
next? If it continues? What if it just gets worse?"
"Would you still sleep with her?" Fuck her questions were hard.
"Not For a long time. This was pretty next level mean. I deserved some of it,but
she is obviously enjoying the sex without any guilt or remorse. She wants to be
a slut for him." That realization as I spoke it hurt.
"How will you be able to trust her?" This was unrelenting!
"I don't know that I ever will again. Shit this will be a never ending hell!"
We were by the river on a path. I had to stop, I had to sit down.
Jan took my hand.
"Sorry, I don't want to hurt you, but this is going to hurt either way." She gave
me a hug.
"I know, and you have me thinking about this in ways I hadn't"
" If you leave, do you think she will still be vindictive and take everything from
you?" Another difficult question
" I don't know. I really don't. What do you think?"
"Shit man, I think that if she went to the trouble to do all of the things she has
done, there isn't room for empty threats." She said. "But, I don't know her like
you do, whether normally she is kind and not this mean, so I don't know."
The conversation had me exhausted. I think Jan felt it too. " Let's get you back
to the hotel and get you some sleep"
It was all I could do to get up and start walking with her. Again she took my
hand. We walked quietly now. The streets had mostly emptied in this part of
town. It was almost serene. We strolled through a park. It was so dark we could
easily see the stars.
She broke the silence " T-his is my favorite park. I can sit and watch the stars.
Look for shooting stars, satellites and planets." We stopped and looked up. The
stars were bright, we stood and watched for a few moments. A bright meteor
flashed across the sky.
"Make a wish" Jan said.

I did. To get through this mess somehow, and then I thought that Jan deserved
the break she was looking for. That seemed a more noble wish.
She shivered. She was only in a t-shirt. I took off my jacket and put it on her
shoulders. She protested, but I stood firm. I still had a long sleeve shirt on. We
started walking again.
When we got to the hotel I saw a familiar car in the drive up. It was the PI.
Apparently he must have been tracking my credit card.
"The PI that Susie and Darren hired is here."
Jan stopped. " They hired a fucking PI to watch you?"
"Yeah, they wanted to see my misery, and make sure I didn't kill myself"
"That is so fucked up. You are screwed. If they are going to this extent, there is
no limit to your hell." Jan shook her head in disbelief.
"What now? Do we go in together? Separately? Your call on this one" she said
after a minute.
"Fuck it. Let's see what the fucker is wanting now." I said
We walked up to the car. I scared the shit out of him when I tapped on his side
window. He was busy watching the lobby.
He rolled down the window and looked at me, then Jan, then back at me. "Your
wife left a message on your phone. Here it is" he handed me my phone. The
screen had a small crack in the corner, but looked to have survived me
throwing it into the wall.
I took the phone from him.
"She said to tell you that you needed to watch it, I would, she doesn't seem to
mess around." He said
He rolled up the window and slouched in the car, getting comfortable I guess.
He glanced up at me one more time and shrugged.
Jan and I walked in to the hotel. Got in the elevator and went to our rooms. I
handed Jan her swipe card.
"What the fuck is this for?" She asked
"So you could relax,enjoy a nice room without feeling obligated or worried
about me doing anything to you" I said

"If I have any worries about being with you tonight, it isn't you I'd be worried
about, it's that deranged bitch of a wife of yours I'd worry about."
We went to my room. She went to the washroom. I looked in the mini bar. I
pulled out a white rum and coke for her and a dark rum and coke for me. There
was an ice maker built into the fridge so I filled the two glasses with ice.
I sat in the chair at the desk and turned on the phone. It showed a bunch of
text messages.
I opened the app and started reading the first one.
Susie wrote " I hope you aren't doing anything stupid again, like getting drunk.
Look what happened now because of last time!, and don't leave your phone
The next was a Google link. I opened it. Immediately I saw Susie lying on her
back on a bed, naked. Darren was stuffing his cock down her throat. You could
see the bulge in her throat every time he went all in. At the same time you
could see him finger fucking her pussy savagely. Her hips rising and shaking as
he made her cum. You could hear her groaning even with his fat dick filling her
throat. I'd seen porn like this but most women looked like they were being hate
fucked. Susie was pulling his cock deeper.
"Holy fuck she is a kinky bitch" Jan said over my shoulder. The video looped
over and over. After the third time watching her cum I went to the next video.
In this one she was riding him reverse cowgirl. Her butt cheeks were bright red.
He kept slapping her ass hard as she rode him, moaning hard. I could see his
cock was probably an inch longer and a bit fatter than mine. Susie was making
the most of it "fuck me with your huge cock!" "Stretch my pussy like my
husband can't." And the best for last " take my pussy Daddy, make it yours, fill
me with your hot cum" the video ended showing his cock throbbing as he filled
her cunt with his cum, and then showing it leaking out around his cock.
This one started to replay again, but I just flipped to the next. This one looked
like it was earlier in the evening. It was in a dance club. Susie was dancing with
Darren; she also had three other guys dancing around her. She was rubbing her
butt against Darren and then grinding her pussy against the guys cocks, She was
kissing each of the guys. One of the guys reached between her legs and was
obviously finger fucking her on the dance floor. You could see her body twitch
and shake as she was cumming. The scene faded and then she was in the

parking lot. The view was her face with three cocks, wet from her spit. She was
alternating cocks. She would suck one, bobbing her head back and forth then
she would take the cock right to the base and hold it there for an impossibly
long time and pull off moving to the next cock. The voices of the men were
whooping it up, getting into chanting "suck suck suck" followed by a cheer
when she went all the way down. Slowly the camera panned back. Susie's tits
were bare. But they were being mauled by some big black hands. As the
camera panned even farther back you could see his big cock pumping in her
slowly and methodically. The scene faded and then went to a picture of her.
Face covered in cum tits covered as well. And a trail of cum running down her
legs. She smiled and waved and said "love you Chase"
Jan flipped the screen to the next one with a few comments under her breath.
This one was in a nicely finished bedroom. Susie was coming out of the shower.
She had little bite marks on her neck and breasts. She spun around and her ass
was bright red. With clear hand prints she walked up to the camera and she
started speaking.
"I have never been so well fucked and cum so much. My pussy is stretched and
needs a break or it will be so sore. " the camera panned down to her swollen
red lips that now were gaping partially exposing her inner lips and swollen clit.
"I love being fucked like this. Used for pleasure, the object to be desired and
lusted after. And to think, I never would have thought to try any of this if not
for you Chase, fucking your little cheerleader student. That and my powerful
considerate boss who realized my desires. Thank you for opening this door
Chase I love you!" The end of the scene was her taking Darren's hard cock and
swallowing it in one go. Right till there was nothing left. Her eyes never flinched
or left the camera.
"Fucking bitch" Jan called out "That is just fucking mean and degrading shit"
she stomped around the room incensed.
I was just numb. My normal pretty sweet nice wife who gave an occasionall
blow job and whose variety she limited to missionary, doggy and once in a rare
blue moon cowgirl was now deepthroating and fucking multiple men. Plural
now, I had seen at least two plowing her, and at the same time.
That was the last video. I went back to the messages. There were two more.

The first was Susie again. " You need to understand your role a little clearer.
You don't have any control. No power to choose. Try and change that and it will
get very uncomfortable. I don't want to hurt you unnecessarily, but if you push
I will control the situation. Trust me, relax, don't do stupid things, I love you. It
will work out fine really! " a kiss emoji followed. It was time stamped just after
the videos were sent.
The next was from a number I didn't recognize. "You are so fucked! Susie is
going livid that you showed up with a girl who has to be a hooker. Good call
pulling the money out of the account to pay the tramp. Susie is going to be
sending you a video later to show her displeasure with your decisions. Keep it
up! I love the wild crazy slutty side! " it was time stamped 20 minutes ago.
"Fuck" said Jan slowly. "Sorry, I didn't think she would turn this against you to
do more." Her eyes had tears in them.
I was pissed. She could fuck and send videos, but I do anything and she
escalates things. My stomach sank. I drank my drink in one shot.
I looked at my watch. 1:30 A.M. I sat back in the chair. I felt about as worthless
as I think a person could. I created my own hell, a gatekeeper, and her
accomplices were the devil incarnate. I got up and stumbled to the bathroom. I
needed to puke. Not from the drink, but from having my life turn to hell.
I came out and fell on the bed. Jan came over and cuddled against me while I
sobbed my way to sleep.
I woke up to a dark room. But I smelled food. Bacon eggs, and pancakes and
sausages. I sat up.
Jan came over and sat beside me. " How are you?" She held my hands.
I felt drained of everything. " I feel empty, like a snail shell washed up on the
shore, the insides dead and rotting out"
"Graphic much!" She stated. " Let's fill you with some food and as much caring
and compassion I can give you. Ok?"
She pulled me up and told me to go have a quick shower. The heat and water
pounding against my back felt good. I didn't want to get out. But after a few
minutes of standing under the water she came in. "Nice package! But it will
shrivel up into a raisin if you don't get out. Food is getting cold too." She took
another look at my cock. I thought it looked lifeless and useless.

I got out and dried myself. I saw a new toothbrush and mini toothpaste and a
hair brush. I did the morning routine. I went to put my shirt on but it smelled of
booze and faintly of puke. I left it off. I pulled my jeans on and went out into
the room. Jan had opened the heavy curtains and now the room was bright.
Jan had set a table up with the trays of food and our two plates.
"Let's get some good healthy food into you. Then we can talk and figure this all
out. And maybe come up with some kind of plan." She sat "Come on, let's enjoy
the food and our time. Everything else can wait"
I sat, she dished food out. " Its supposed to be nice out today. Its early, so we
have a nice morning to relax "
My plate was heaped with eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes. She covered
most of it with syrup. She did the same for herself.
As we began eating she started talking " one of my favorite things is breakfast.
Good food, lots of choices, coffee. And getting a belly full so you have to slow
down or stop. No matter where I am or what my space is I always make sure I
have a Sunday breakfast somewhere nice. Do you like big Sunday breakfasts?"
" I do. I love the smell of breakfast too. Something nice and comforting" I added
"It always makes my day seem better and gives me strength to deal with
anything. Today is sunny and bright. I love the feel of the heat of the sun
warming my skin." We were sitting in the room with the balcony door open.
The sun shone in on us. It was cool but nice.
The whole breakfast she chattered, upbeat and smiling and energetic. I looked
at her. Life had, through no fault of hers, kept dealing get shitty hands and here
she was with this perspective and happiness. She was infectious.
"Thank you!" I said when I pushed my plate away. There was still a little food
left. But I was stuffed. It felt good.
She laughed. " Room service! It's going on your bill. Sorry!" She said and
shrugged. "I couldn't pay cash. They can't take it in the rooms"
We both laughed. " No, actually I meant thank you. You being here has given
me my perspective. I may not be in control of much, but I am in control of me
and how I choose to cope." I paused " You are a good person. I don't know
many who would have bothered with a stranger in a piss pot of trouble"

She got up and gave me a hug. Then a soft punch. "don't tell anyone. I have my
tough as shit image go keep up"
"Ready to go and take a walk and enjoy a morning?" She inquired with a big
"Sure" I said.
I grabbed my shirt and looked at it a second Jan scrunched up her nose as well.
I tossed it in the garbage and pulled my jacket on.
We looked around the room, we grabbed everything we needed and left.
On the way to the elevator Jan stopped. "I have to tell you something before
we go. Don't be mad. I was just pissed. "
"What?" I asked.
"After you passed out you got another text. I used your finger to open it. It's
still there. But don't look until later. It pissed me off both for what she was
doing and what she said about me. I sent a text back. I didn't pull any punches.
I don't. Ever." She looked at me and her eyes had tears forming. "I hope I didn't
make things worse, but she needed to hear how much of a cunt she was
I gave her a hug. I reached for my phone, but Jan told me," leave it for now."
I shrugged. I knew it would be bad, but what the hell. It was a nice morning
why fuck it up.
I went to check out and settle the bill. Jan stood beside me. When I was done
she pointed outside to the PI.
"Wait here ok?" I said I ran into the restaurant.
I came back out carrying coffees. 3 of them. "Come on, they are hot!" I called to
her. Together we walked out, right up to the car. I stood beside his window. He
rolled it down.
"Last night must have been a shitty night for you. Here's a coffee. Some cream
and sugar. We are going for a nice walk. If you want to follow, maybe walk a
bit. I won't try to lose you or anything, there is no point."
He looked at me, took the coffee and mumbled "Thanks"

Jan and I started walking. The shops were still closed but we could window
Jan asked me "What do you do for a living?"
"My company does landscaping for new properties. Mostly high end stuff with
barbecues and patios, sometimes pools and exotic gardens." I replied.
" is it mostly summer or year round?" Jan asked
" Year round mostly. Some of the pools and hot tubs are harder to do in winter
if it freezes hard. In the summer we get more renos and upgrades. That allows
me to hire summer crews. I usually recruit high school football players as
laborers. They work hard and it's good training. "
"Is it technical work? Or just hard physical work?" Jan asked
"Hauling bricks and stones is really physical. That's why the football players like
it, they get exercise and get paid. The laying the bricks and stone is technical.
Any water and electrical requires a tradesman to do to meet code." Was my
" What do you do when you are off work for fun?" Was the next question.
"I like to head up to the cabin. It's on a nice small lake. Iti isn't a real popular
place, but there are lots of hiking trails, decent fishing, and its a great place to
go and just watch the world go by the way it's supposed to."
I looked at her, " You'd love it, the stars are so close, you want to touch them.
And the air is so fresh that you take a breath and it tastes good."
"Wow, that sounds so nice. Peaceful and slow" she looked off in the distance. "
almost like heaven"
We stopped on a bridge and watched the water flow beneath us. I was lost in
my own world. I knew my reality was going to be filled with pain and anger and
heartbreak but now I felt almost at peace. I dreaded moving ahead,but I knew
time was ticking.
Jan must have felt the anxiety creeping in "what time do you need to be
"In about an hour and a bit. " I sighed I couldn't look at her.
"Have you decided what you are going to do?" She took my hand and held it.

"I have to stay. My daughters will need me. And I can't bear to leave them." I
felt tears in my eyes burning as they started rolling down my cheeks
"They are lucky to have you. You are a good man. You made one mistake, but
you shouldn't pay for all your life"
"Thanks, you are an amazing woman. You didn't do anything to get where you
are. Your chance will come. I know it"
We both were quiet. A melancholy silence. After a few minutes I spoke. "I
should head out. I have a fair walk to go. But can I get your number? And can I
call you?"
"You better! I need to be able to find you so I can kick your wife's ass and knock
some sense into her." She smiled "and I need a friend like you."
She pulled her phone out "what's your number?"
I gave it to her. She punched the number in. Then she snapped a picture of
herself. And texted it to me.
I grabbed my phone, and looked at the messages. I had six. I only looked at the
last one. I created a contact and saved it. I snapped a quick picture of both of
us, and sent it back. I put the phone back in my pocket.
I pulled out my wallet. I pulled out the $400 I had left and handed it to her. "Put
some away for you to give yourself your chance."
She pushed my hand away. "When I need a loan, I may call you and ask. But
right now I want you to show your whore wife that she's the only cunt for rent.
Sorry you need to show her you didn't buy me, it's important to me" her teary-
eyed showed a hurt that ran deep.
"I will have it always ready, any time and every time you need it "
We hugged, and she kissed my cheek "bye for now. Take care of yourself." And
she walked away.
Funny things run through your head when you are stressed. I wanted to run
after her and run away. But I knew that wouldn't work either. We may need
each other,but that wasn't romance or love or anything other than support.
"Take care of you" I said. She didn't turn around, she just waved and kept
walking. I saw Howard in the distance. Still watching.

I watched her go until she was out of sight. I turned I waved to Howard and
pointed to home. And I started walking.
It was a very nice morning. I took my time. I stopped and watched kids playing
in the park. I grabbed a coffee. I bought a chocolate bar. I hadn't had one in
years. I walked a very convoluted way home, past parks, through trails just to
enjoy as much of the day as I could. I finally walked up to the house. I hadn't
even locked the door on my way out.
I sat in the living room and waited. About an hour later I heard a car pull up. A
car door closed, and then I heard her at the door.
"Hi, " and then she looked around the TV with a big hole in the center. And the
remote and some bits of glass on the floor. The holes in the wall and a trail of
blood. Then she noticed the pictures that were missing.
"Did it feel good to trash stuff?"
"No" was my answer. I looked at her. She wore a halter top her tits were
visible, so were the bite marks and hickeys. I wondered if her ass still had
assholes hand prints on it. I looked at her legs below her short skirt to see if she
was leaving a trail of cum. She wasn't. Surprise! I thought.
I took another sip of my coffee. It was cold and almost gone. I went to the
kitchen and made a cup in the Keurig. Susie went to the bedroom. I heard a
stifled groan and realized she saw the bedspread. I had left it on the floor. I
I took the coffee and sat back on the couch. I looked at my watch. We needed
to get the kids in about an hour. I heard the shower start. I went to the
basement. I had a ratty old couch in the shop. It looked kind of rough, but it
was comfortable. I pulled a sleeping bag down and laid it out. I moved some
stuff around so it was comfortable. I cleared out the crap in the bathroom. And
hung up a few towels.
I looked around,not great, but it would do until I made it a bedroom instead of
a shop. I had a few ideas to make it better. I remembered a camp cot in the
garage. It would do until I got a futon.
I went back upstairs and was just in time to see her come out of the shower. I
think she showed herself to me on purpose. I looked for a second at all the bite
marks and hickeys and went back to my coffee. I went back to the couch and
sat down. I heard her picking up the bedding. She came and grabbed a garbage

bag. A few minutes later she had a broom and she swept up the glass. And
wiped the blood away that she could, but some of it stained. She tossed the
garbage and then went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
When she was done she walked in front of me and stood there looking at me. I
looked her in the eyes. "Ready?"
I was already getting up and heading to the door. She reached her hand out to
me. I pulled away before she touched me. And I kept going out the door. I got
in the van and buckled up. Started the engine and waited until she got in. I
noticed she was moving a little gingerly. She sat slowly into the seat.
I backed out and bounced down the curb without bothering to slow down I
heard a muffled groan. I heard another when we went over the playground
bumps a bit fast. I smirked as I realized her parents live on a bumpy gravel road
about three miles off pavement.
The gravel road didn't disappoint. It was rough and I stayed a constant 40 mph
just to ensure we hit with some force. I never swerved once. We both looked
straight ahead. I don't think a word was said the entire trip.i just watched her
wincing with each bump.
When we got to their house, Julie came right out. She gave Susie a tight
squeeze and a kiss. Then she came to me and gave me a big hug and a short
kiss " you both look tired! " and she laughed, " did you two keep each other
busy all weekend?"
I answered quickly "Not exactly. Susie went out with friends for the weekend,
and I did some home renos."
"What a shame, I would have thought you two would be getting busy the whole
time" again Julie laughed as she led us into the house.
I almost burst out laughing. Susie was trying not to look guilty as sin.
"We are just going to pick up the kids and head home mom " Susie said
"But I made a big supper! Please stay." She looked at me to try to change her
"I am fine staying,'' I said.
Susie shot me a look.

"Come on Susie, we haven't had you all over for a visit in a while now."" Julie
smiled at me, putting more pressure on Susie. When she looked at Susie she
added "Nothing is wrong is there?" Seeing Susie looking quite uncomfortable.
I kicked off my shoes and went into the house. " mind if I use the little boys
room?" I asked.
When I came back Julie was interrogating Susie like only a mother can. Susie
was looking quite uncomfortable. When I came back to join them there was an
awkward silence. I caught a searching look from Julie.
"Where are the girls? " I asked
"Bill had them out in the backyard. He was trying to do some yard cleanup."
She chuckled. " I don't think he got a lot done"
"I can imagine!" I quipped. "I'm going to head back and chat"
Again Susie shot me a look. I continued smiling as I made my way out back.
I saw Bill on the blanket with the girls. Taylor was lying on her back playing with
her favorite dolly. Amanda was serving tea and pinecones.
When she saw me she told me "come and sit. We are having tea and crust
I sat and said a quick hi to Bill. Taylor reached for me and called me to pick her
"How were the girls?" I asked Bill
"At this age they can only be angels, except when they want something they
can't have. Then they are their Grandmas!" He laughed and I joined him in a
" How was the weekend?" He asked.
"Quiet, for me. I walked around, and did some light renos while Susie went out
with friends for the weekend."
Now I felt under the interrogation light. " I thought you two were going to
make it a romantic weekend with lots of time for you two to, well you know.
What happened to those plans?" He inquired giving me a serious look.
"She got an invite to go have a weekend away with friends to de-stress" I took a
sip of my tea and a pretend bite of my Crust Ant.

Amanda smiled "Daddy, didn't you and mommy sleep in and cuddle?"
"No honey, but did you sleep in and take care of Tay?" I redirected
"I did, and I helped Gran with cooking and dishes " she beamed
"That's my good girl!" I picked her up and gave her a hug and a kiss on the
Bill stated, "We should take these dishes in and wash up too! Gran will be
cooking the rest of supper soon and we don't want to be in the way."
Amanda gathered up the dishes and pine cones and told Taylor to grab the
blanket and she matched into the kitchen. By the time we made it into the
house she had a chair pulled up to the sink and she was rinsing the tea cups
and pinecone in the sink.
We could hear Julie giving Susie the third degree in the livingroom. "What is
going on Susan, you are being evasive and I know you, something is going on
and I want an answer."
Bill gave me a look. I shrugged and raised my hands palm up. He nodded. I think
in guy language it was' Girl issues that we don't know how or why, but we are
in the line of fire. '
He helped Amanda clean the dishes and mopped up the area. "Why don't you
go to your room and grab your bags and toys and take them out to the van with
your sister while your dad and I set the table." He directed.
"OK Grampa" she said and she took her sisters hand and off they went. As soon
as they entered the livingroom Julie's interrogation of Susie stopped.
A moment later Julie came into the kitchen. She gave me a stern look and then
looked at Bill. He just shrugged and grabbed some of the dinnerware down.
"What are you doing?" Julie asked him.
"To quell the storm we sent the girls off on a mission. We have to set the table
to hold our end of the bargain." He replied then to me he said " better get the
I did and we set the table. Susie had walked outside with the girls to help them
stow their stuff.

When they all came in Bill told them to go sit in front of the TV and we could
watch Frozen. Both girls cheered and pulled mom to the couch. Bill sat in his
usual chair. I decided to go help Julie if I could.
As soon as I went in the kitchen I realized the error of my ways. "What in hell
has gotten into that girl? She won't talk at all. If it was such a simple get
together why the secrecy. What's going on!" It wasn't a question,it was a
"I don't know, we didn't have time to talk much before getting here. I think she
is just in a mood." Was my best cover.
Julie stared at me. "You two deserve one another! You better figure this out. I
don't know if either of you can stand another war of emotional embargos like
the last time you two shut down." She sighed and looked at me. " you have
your girls to consider. Figure it out please" her eyes were tearing up fast. I went
and hugged her.
"I'll do my absolute best Julie, promise" I said "now how about letting me help
with the salad"
It was boiling hot in the kitchen. Julie and Bill both liked a warm house. Today it
was sweltering hot. I stripped to my t-shirt. Draping my button down shirt over
the back of a chair. I mentioned the heat hoping to get Julie to open a window.
She said "It will cool down quick this evening and if we kept warm now we
wouldn't need as much heat later"
She was a bit stubborn. Just like her daughter.
Silently we finished preparing the food. Julie asked me to slice up the roast.
Then she went to the livingroom and told everyone to go start washing up.
She made quick work of some gravy, potatoes and small bits of meat mixed
together for Taylor. She set up the antique children's seat and put the rest of
the food on the table.
Julie set it up that Susie and I sat side by side. We sat and said grace, holding
hands. I couldn't believe how hard it was to hold Susie's hand. It was burning
hot. But that wasn't why. I remembered watching her hand complete with
wedding rings stroking another cock as she sucked it.
During dinner it was fairly quiet except for Amanda recalling the highlights of
her weekend.

Halfway through the dinner Julie stopped eating and looked at Susie. I stopped
too. She was sweating profusely. It was still really warm, but where I had
stripped to the t-shirt Susie had a long sleeve turtleneck sweater on. It wasn't
super thick, but it was obvious she was overheating.
"Take off your sweater dear. You are cooking yourself to death" Julie
I realized she was trapped. I sat back and looked at her, wondering how she
would get out of this one. I saw the marks. She needed every inch of what the
sweater hid, to keep the marks from showing.
"I'm fine, I have a bit of a chill actually" she said
"Julie put her hand to her head taking her temperature " I hope you didn't
catch anything!" She said
"So do I" I said before my brain kicked in.
Susie shot me a glance that inspired wrath of God fear. I smiled back and took
another bite
"This roast is absolutely amazing Julie" I stated trying to defuse this before I
wound up getting a stake in my heart overnight.
"Mommy are you alright?" Amanda asked "you don't look good."
Susie shoveled her food eating as fast as she could. When she was done she
began clearing the table. She pulled my plate the moment I picked up my last
Julie told her rather sternly to sit down and relax, but Susie kept right on
clearing the girls dishes and even feeding Taylor her last few bites.
"We need to get going mom, the girls need baths and we have an early
morning tomorrow."
Julie started to say something but thought better of it and sat back and just
watched as Susie spun around with anxiety written all over her every action.
Even Amanda stopped questioning her behavior after a few sharp comments
I got up and gave Julie a hug and thanked her for the wonderful meal and for
taking the kids for the weekend. She was ready to cry when I gave her a kiss on
the cheek.

"Don't be too hard on her, I don't know what she's done, but forgive and move
on please, for the girls" she whispered in my ear.
I nodded. Bill got up and walked with us to the van. "Safe travels" he said he
gave my hand an extra squeeze as we loaded up for the drive. Julie quietly
walked up and handed me a bag of leftovers.
As soon as we hit the driveway Susie turned the AC full blast. I realized after the
first few bumps the discomfort she was in, bouncing around on her seat. Fuck
it, I thought. I'm not giving her any sympathy by dodging holes and bumps. By
the time we hit the main road the girls were asleep.
"Well that went well tonight, didn't it?" I stated
I looked at her. She gave a glance at me and looked out the window. She didn't
say another word until we got to the house.
"I'll take the girls in, can you bring their stuff down to the laundry?" She said.
She unbuckled both girls and picked them up and carried them to the door.
They were still sleeping.
I watched as she realized she couldn't get her keys in the lock and had to wait
for me to open the door. I took my time gathering the stuff from the van and
went to open the door. She barged in and made a beeline for the girls room. It
wasn't even 6 o'clock k yet and I wondered how she would handle the rest of
the evening.
I put the laundry in the wash, hung up the coats and set the girls boots in the
shoe rack. Then I went to the kitchen and put away the leftovers that Julie had
put together for us.
When I came back to the living room I heard the bath running and the girls
voices excitedly talking about a bubble bath. I smiled to myself. Susie was going
to navigate her way past the girl tonight at least.
I walked over to the bookshelf and thumbed through the titles. I settled on JRR
Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. I sat in the stuffed chair and started reading.
About an hour later my two little girls came running out to get me to go read a
bedtime book.
Amanda whispered to me "Daddy, mommy is really tired and she has some
bruises from an accident. Take care of her ok?"

I nearly lost it. I went in their room and set them in their beds and pulled a
favorite book from the shelf. They both cheered. I read the whole story. taking
my time and making my voice match the characters as best I could. By the time
I finished they both had droopy eyes and were more than ready for bed. I
tucked them in and closed the door behind me.
I went back to the living room. I picked up my book, then i put it back down and
went to the bar and grabbed a bottle of Glamorangie. I poured a couple of
fingers in my glass. As I was pouring it Susie came out of our room. She had
changed into a light t-shirt and loose cargo pants.
"Want one?" I asked. I knew she normally steered clear of scotch, but tonight
she nodded.
"Half of what you are having. Please" she said.
I brought her glass and set it on the coaster on the table. I took a long slow sip
of mine and sat and picked up my book.
"Why are you reading" she asked
I pointed to the TV. "Aside from that, reading ts supposed to enrich your life" I
She sat in silence. Sipping her drink every so often. By 10:00 she was yawning.
She got up and put her glass away.
"Are you coming to bed?" She asked
"I think I'll go to the shop and sleep." I said and took my final sip of scotch
"No, don't." She stated. "I won't press you to do anything or say anything, but
you shouldn't sleep there."
She looked at me, I couldn't figure this out. Was she remorseful? It didn't look
it. She hadn't said anything. Was she going to rub my nose in her dirty laundry?
She actually didn't bring anything home except what she wore. Would she be
trying go make me fuck her? That wouldn't happen. I'd go outside and sleep on
the driveway first.
"I didn't make you sleep in the basement when you fucked around. At least not
after the first night. Come to bed. I can see you are tired too." She said.
I don't quite know why that logic worked. But I still felt guilty. I got up and put
my glass in the sink.

"She misread my actions of walking away. "Aside from that the girls will be
worried if their dad isn't in bed with their mom when they get up in the
I almost went to the basement with her blatant guilt trip of using the girls. She
knew I loved them and couldn't leave them.
She stood by the hallway watching me. When I moved towards the bedroom
she smiled and turned and went ahead of me into our room.
She had put fresh linen on the bed, a plain blue bedspread and pillowcases. She
turned down her side and pulled the cargo pants off, but left the Tshirt on. I
thought that odd, she always slept with a light teddy. Maybe she didn't want to
rub my nose in her shit. Maybe there was remorse. Maybe she struggled to say
I went to the washroom. Did the usual brushing of teeth and going to the can.
When I was done I came out and Susie was lying under the covers.
I climbed under the covers, set my alarm and shut off my light.
"Who was the little cum dump you picked up" she asked
"What?" I exclaimed
"You heard me, Who was she and how much did the little whore cost?"
"You have no fucking idea how good of a person she is compared to you right
now. " I spat back sitting up.
"Howard found out she's a common prostitute, so how much did she cost for
the weekend?"
"She needed a friend when I needed a friend even worse. She refused money,
and we never did anything inappropriate, I started go get out of bed, but my
phone beeped. I just got a message.
I looked at Susie, she just smiled. I picked up my phone The most recent
message was from asshole.
"She might be a bit stretched out tonight, sorry if she's a bit loose. tell her I said
goodnight and thanks, can't wait till next weekend, or maybe tomorrow in the

I looked at her and she smirked. I decided that now was as good a time as any
go replay her previous texts as I hadn't seen them. My mind was made up to be
decidedly indifferent.
I went back to the last message from her I had read. The next was another
Google photos link.
"This looks interesting! " I said
I hit play and watched as she was getting her ass filled by Darren while her
mouth was being abused by the black guy. He was stroking in until he had just
the last few inches to fit and was pushing until her eyes bulged as he crammed
his thick cock down her throat. After a few minutes of that the video faded to
be replaced by the two guys sandwiching her. The black guy holding her up
while he fucked her pussy hard and Datrren fucked her ass. The whole time she
was squealing and yelling at him harder, faster and deeper. The video faded
and the next scene was her lying on her back. Darren was visibly deep up her
ass, and her pussy was gaping open. The lack guy moved in snd began fucking
her so hard the bed shook. It was hard to watch because of the violence of his
fucking. His body was slapping hard against hers. It sounded like a whip
cracking. Then he pulled her up and flipped her over. Darren was in her pussy
now and the black monster started ravaging her ass. The only sounds were the
bed crashing around and Susie's shrieks and moans And the constant smack of
their bodies crashing together. He pounded her ass for at least five minutes
straight before cumming in her. When he pulled back Susie's ass was stretched
and bruising from the abuse. She had bruises from how tight he grabbed her
hips and held her so he could fuck her.
I looked at her. "Holy shit, I bet that hurt for a while!" I thumbed back to the
next message.from Susie.
'You fucking idiot! You better be using two rubbers so you don't bring back any
STDs from that diseased whore. You are so pathetic to pick up trash to try to
fuck. You deserve each other. You better shower before you get home I don't
want her whore stench in my house.'
I looked at Susie, "isn't that the broth calling the soup out for being wet?"
The next message had me laughing. 'You are the pathetic one. He is civilized,
polite, kind and a true humane being. While you try to shred his dignity, pride
and rip out his heart,he remains compassionate for others. You are only making

yourself to look cheaper and dirtier than you ever thought I could be. And for
the record, while I need the money, I wouldn't take a penny from him. You may
never realize how special and good he makes me feel or could have made you
feel. I can only imagine what it would be like to make love with him. He doesn't
love me though, so that never happened, or any of the stuff a gutter trash hoe
like you allows men to do to them. Show some self respect woman, you make a
prostitute look bad.'
"Holy shit, did she set that record straight. " I laughed hard for a few minutes
"Fuck you!" She said.
The next shot must gave been in the morning. She was in the shower. Darren
was washing her all over. Susie could be heard moaning and her legs would
shake. Darren had to hold her up. Then he bagan to fuck her slowly. Over the
noise of the shower you could hear her moaning for him to take her pussy,
make her his. The fucking went on several minutes. Then she came out of the
shower on wobbly legs. The camera panned down to her ankle. She had a solid
band formed around her ankle. It was etched with the words Hotwife. His cum
was dripping down her leg onto it.
Susie pulled her foot from under the blanket to show me.
"You can't leave, or I will take everything. You can't do anything you pathetic
little man."
She turned away, and pulled the covers up over her. It may have hurt me more
except I saw the tears and heard her voice crack from the emotion.
The next few days and weeks were going to be hard.very hard.
I lay back down and tried to sleep.


Authors Note:
For those who question getting in too far or not being able to find your way
out of a situation, look at how poorly some people react to stressful
situations. Personal experience has shown me that on occasion, when
emotions and shocking circumstances occur, people overreact and do things
they later regret. Things that set in motion domino’s that can't be stopped,
once they start tumbling. Once you step through that door, there is no way to
undo anything you initiate.
Please read the first story before this, it will make a lot more sense that way.
Chapter two
It was Thursday morning. This past week was a living hell. I woke up early each
day and got myself ready, woke the girls and got them dressed and was out the
door before Sue woke up. I dropped the girls at the daycare and went in to
work stopping for a coffee and bagel along the way. Today, when I woke up,
Sue was sitting up in bed. She was looking at her phone. "You need to pick up
the girls tonight. I won't be home until late" then she lay back down.
I could only imagine what that meant would be happening tonight. It threw my
morning off. Fuck it threw my day off. I realized it was the only thing she had
said to me when it was just her and I in the same space. Silence ruled the
When I woke the girls, Amanda had an overnight accident in her bed. I had to
pull the bedding and throw it in the wash. The washer was still full of Susan's
clothes. Thongs and short skirts and push up bras. And silky soft blouses. I
tossed them in the dryer and turned the heat to the highest setting. She might
need those clothes for work today. I chuckled to myself..
When I got back upstairs Amanda had been trying to get breakfast ready and
milk was all over the table, and dripping down the floor. She was starting to cry
and the anger I was exploding with, whimpered away and I gave her a hug.
"Thanks for trying to help honey" I kissed her cheek

"I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to. and I didn't mean to make you and mommy
fight." she cried
"You didn't do anything of the sort honey, mommy and daddy are just upset
with each other, but we both love you very much!"
She seemed to accept that and we cleaned up the mess together.
After dropping them off and arriving at work I was next faced with a dilemma.
My receptionist left me a message. Her father had suffered a heart attack and
would be in hospital for a week or more. She had to help her mother. I'd get a
call later in the day when she knew more.
I knew I could cover the role, but I also had two meetings with my major
contractors. These were the house builders who hired me to complete the
outside of the new homes to their customer specifications. We were all gearing
up for a busy summer and needed agreement on the different packages I
I tried my head supervisor but he was busy on a concrete pour. My other Team
leaders were all involved in projects. All I needed was a person to look nice and
take names and numbers and let me know when the people arrived for the
I had a flash. I called Jan
"Hi! I wasn't sure you'd call, what's up?" God it sounded good to hear her voice.
"I have a few awkward questions for you, if your game?" I asked
"Sure " was her response
"Have you got a criminal record?" I inquired
"No, never even been picked up." She replied
"Do you have any clothes suitable for working in an office?" Was my next
"I have a librarian outfit. It's nice and I can do the buttons up on it" she giggled
"My Receptionist Secretary is off for a few days. I need a temp. It's work
experience. I can give a reference for it."
"Deal! Where and how soon?"

I texted her the address and told her to take a taxi as soon as she was able.
Twelve minutes later she arrived. The skirt was a bit short, but the nylons
looked professional as did her shoes. Her top was transparent but she had a
white tank top under. She looked the part perfectly.
"I have 15 minutes before the meeting guests arrive. The phone is here, take
notes, advise I can't be disturbed but I will check in and respond within two
hours on important issues. Take names, numbers, and a brief description of the
"Got it" she said
"When the guests arrive, show them into the meeting room. Have them sit
along the end of the table. I need to set a few things before we meet so make
them comfortable. Water and coffee are on the back wall. Can you make a
quick pot? Coffee and creamer and sugar are in the cabinet"
"Easy as pie" she said, "anything else?
"Do this and I will be in your debt again!" I said and smiled for the first time this
She led the way back to her desk. She looked around. She saw the scheduler on
the computer, waiting for someone to log in.
"Is there a password?" Jan asked.
"Use mine for now, it's my email. The password is Troutman" I handed her my
business card.
She logged in and brought the scheduling screen up. "I have never done any of
this but I do know a bit about computers. I'll try not to screw anything up."
"Thanks" I said and ran off to get set up. I had to set the presentation up and
print the packages.
20 minutes later Jan knocked "Your guests just arrived. They have coffee, water
and tea. I said you would be there in a minute."
I thanked her. They were 5 minutes early. I picked up the package and went to
do the presentation. Almost two hours later we all emerged from the room.
They had bargained me down in price by about 6%. I was playing it like I was
being squeezed, but had planned to be able to drop by as much as 9%, the
extra 3% was bonus money. After they left I saw Jan looking a bit pained.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Where is the ladies room? I have to pee so fucking bad!"
I pointed down the hall, " through the kitchen, and open the door that looks
like a closet, the bathroom is through the second door."
She ran.
When she returned she asked "What's next? Or do you want me to go through
your calls?"
"We have about 30 minutes before I have to make a call. Then we have a small
break before the next presentation group comes in at 11:30. We have a lunch
order that should be delivered around 11:45. We will have a working lunch. But
In the meantime we need to clear the room, put the dishes in the dishwasher
and set everything up."
"Were there any urgent calls?" I asked
"One of your friends called, Jimmy, he said to call when you have time. He was
checking in with you to see if everything was OK." She said, "Your supervisor
called and was seeing if you need him to cover the office later. He said to call."
She paused, "One other call from Susie. Reminding you that you have the girls
tonight. There are chicken nuggets and French fries in the freezer. And a
reminder that tonight is bath night." She looked at me reading my reaction.
"Cuck night tonight" I said
"Sorry, I did keep it professional I only called her a fucking hoe after I hung up"
she smiled
"The other calls sounded like sales people. I took names and numbers and
company information. It's all right here." She pointed to a neatly written
I recognized most of the salespeople, and some subcontractors. All the people I
could get back to later.
Let's go clear the room. If you put this headset on and flip this switch you can
walk around and answer calls by double tapping the earpiece. You can mute by
pressing the button on the microphone arm.

She put it on and we started to prepare the room. She took the dishes and then
cleaned and wiped the table. Then she prepared the coffee and tea. She also
pulled a food cart out so she could prepare the food once it was delivered. By
the time we were done the room looked perfect
Before I went to my office I told Jan that she should take a break. There is a
park next door if she just wanted a bit of fresh air. Or she could help herself to
anything from the kitchenette.
I went into my office and tried to focus. My call was from one of my suppliers. I
was hoping to swing a deal that would allow me to upgrade some of the
stonework for minimal cost but a significant increase in profit. I sat down and
took a few breaths. And then I made the call.
It went smoother than I expected. The only challenge for me was the increased
volume I would need to sell and use in order to get the discount. I would need
a few more bookings, or to carry some inventory.
I came out of the office. Two of my crew were standing by Jan's desk. They
were obviously trying to impress her. And flirt. I couldn't blame them, she
looked pretty good.
When they saw me they backed off. Jan smiled,
"These men were wondering about two construction permits, I didn't want to
interrupt you during your call, so they decided to wait a few minutes, is that
ok? I think that the package from City Hall that was just couriered in might be
what they are after, but I didn't want to overstep" she said demurely
I watched the two young guys doing their best bobble head impersonations.
"Let's open the package up and find out?" I said with a grin. "I presume you
guys have introduced yourselves? "
"I'm Scott and this is Wayne" the taller one introduced himself , and extended
his hand.
"Jan" she replied, "nice to meet you both" giving each a handshake. I noticed
Scott had a difficult time keeping his eyes up. He was intently staring at her
The envelope held the two documents they needed. "Please make copies for
the guys so they can be on their way. Thanks"

Jan got up and took the copies to the photocopier. She turned and looked at
me "I, um never used this one before…"
I realized her uncertainty and walked over beside and mouthed sorry to her "
there is no log in for this one, but it starts with this and then copies with this
one. As well you can email by hitting this one. " I put the copies in the tray and
hit the button to start.
She took the copies and handed them over to the guys.
"Thanks, Nice to meet you" said Wayne
"Yeah Thank you! It was nice!" Said Scott
Jan smiled "it was a pleasure"
I watched the two of them fall over themselves on the way to their trucks.
"Those two are generally good guys, just young and obviously they have great
taste in women!" I said with a smirk
"They were quite funny actually. Like little boys. Trying to out impress each
"So how do I do this again?" She asked, pointing to the copier.
The lunch meeting was a presentation for an entire new neighborhood that
was being built. If I landed the deal it would double our number of projects. I
had rehearsed the presentation so much that it went smoothly. They booked
for a package of 10 yards. They also had booked to do their feature house,
which was a complete bell's and whistles deal. That would give the option to
customers to choose personalized packages.
The rest of the day went super smooth. At 3:00 I was finished and was just
putting some loose ends together.
Jan came to my office door and tentatively knocked.
I looked up and smiled.
Jan didn't "your wife called. You apparently ruined her clothes for tonight. She
said her boss is upset that she needs to go shopping during work hours."
"OK," I smiled.
"What did you do?" Jan asked

"After she told me she was going out tonight, I had to put my daughter's
bedding in the wash. Her delicates and fancy dresses were left in the wash. I
put them in the dryer on the highest heat setting so they would be good and
dry for when she needed them."
"OH my!"
"Yes my favorite satin and silk teddies were in there, is that bad ?" I asked
"Very! Nothing delicate can ever be dried on high, if it can even go in the dryer
at all" she laughed.
"Oopsie" I mocked.
"So what's next? Did I do ok today? Do you still want me back tomorrow?" She
asked hesitantly
"Absolutely! You were amazing! I will show you a little more of the operation
tomorrow. I haven't heard back from Jillian from her dad, but it didn't sound
good this morning. She will likely need some time."
I looked at my watch. "I can pay you cash for today, but I need to set you up on
payroll tomorrow. Will $175.00 be good?" I opened the petty cash safe and
pulled out some bills, on second thought how is $200. I am short on small bills."
"You are giving me $200 for sitting around and answering a few calls? And
serving lunch" she looked at me, questioning "I won't let you try to be my white
"Honestly, I'm not. A temp receptionist would be about $200 for the day and
would likely screw up most of the messages and wouldn't help with anything
else. And I likely wouldn't be able to get one until Monday"
"OH, so you are cheating me out of hard earned money then?" She stood hands
on hips in a demanding stance.
"Fine $250 a day and that's my final offer." I stated
I handed her the cash. "But tomorrow you are on payroll at $23 an hour, same
as what Jillian started at."
She reached up and gave me a full on kiss on the lips. “Thank you, you won't
regret this for a second! You have my word on that!"

With that she sat in her chair, "Tomorrow you only have one meeting here.
How about you show me more of what I need to know before you have to
prepare, and I will research online receptionist duties and Secretarial duties so I
can do this."
"Sounds good. I need to get ready to get my kids. Can you lock up at 4?" I
asked. I handed her a key from the petty cash safe.
"Are you sure about this?" She asked "you hardly know me"
"The fact that you just said that reaffirms my belief I can trust you." And I put
the key in her hand. "Start time tomorrow is 8 o'clock sharp."

She looked at me, "ok! I'll have coffee ready for you."
I left work feeling a little better about things, until I had the girls. Amanda
apparently had been acting out in daycare all day and I had to meet with the
head caregiver.. When we got home, Amanda was still acting out. Everything I
tried to do to reach her or get through to her was met with the stubborn
determination of a three year old. Chicken fingers and fries were followed by a
lengthy time out and a short bath and bed. Even then she fought every action.
The last thing she did was to splash half the bathwater on me when I pulled the
plug to get her out of the tub. I was soaked and irritated. Bedtime didn't
include a story or anything other than a quick hug and kiss.
I changed into a pair of grungy sweatpants and a ratty old t-shirt. I sat up in bed
and read several chapters of Lord of the Rings.
I awoke from a groggy sleep. I was dreaming that Susie told me I had been
having a bad dream and that she would show me how much she loved me. She
was giving me a slow erotic blow job, teasing my cock and telling me how much
she loved me.
When I realized I wasn't dreaming I realized that Susie was sucking my cock
slowly and deep and when she pulled off me she said "I still love you! and will
keep showing you how much!"
I bolted upright. I pushed her back. I pulled my sweatpants back up covering my
cock. "Get the fuck away from me!" I shouted. "I know what that mouth has
been doing and it won't be doing anything with me!" I was screaming with rage
inside. "You are nothing but a useless fucking cunt spreading your legs and ass

for any fucking cock to take and while your at it you figure you may as well suck
some cock too. Just so every hole gets used. Fucking cheap useless cunt!"
I got out of bed to see her. She was pretty drunk. And she was starting to cry.
"Fuck it" I said and grabbed my pillow and headed for the basement.
Trying to fall asleep was hard. Every time I would drift off I would see her
sucking my cock with Darren's cum leaking from her pussy and ass. I was hard
and teased and mad as hell. Not a good combination for getting sleep.
I woke up at my usual 6:00. I went to the bedroom to get my clothes. Sue was
sleeping on the floor curled in a blanket. She was wearing a slinky dress and her
breast had fallen out the top. I grabbed my clothes and went to the main
bathroom to take a shower. I made coffee and then went to wake the girls.
Before I did I figured I should get Sue in bed. The girls would wonder if she was
half dressed and sleeping on the floor.
Sue woke up with a start. She looked at me and for a moment I saw remorse.
Then she steeled herself away behind her mask. She climbed into bed and
pulled the covers up.
I got the girls and dropped them at the daycare without incident. I pulled in to
work at 7:45.
Jan was already behind her desk. She had coffee and donuts on the counter
behind her. She also had all of my messages from the day before lined up
neatly on a pad. I looked at her close. She wore a nice skirt to just past her
knees. A pair of nice shoes with a little bit of a heel, and a pretty blouse that
only showed a hint of cleavage. She also had put on a little bit of make-up. Just
a hint of blush and a subtle lip gloss.
"Wow! You look amazing! Professional and very beautiful" I smiled for the first
time today. "I will have to keep the guys away or they will never leave you
Jan smiled. "I did a little shopping last night. It's amazing what you can find at
thrift stores." She walked towards me and did a pirouette. "I also figured you
might need some comfort food." She handed me a donut and a coffee
"So how did last night go?" She asked tentatively
"Not great, Amanda was acting out all day and night. She dumped a bucket of
water from the tub on me."

Jan burst out laughing, "Sorry, I know it must not have felt funny at the time,
but imagining a three year old soaking you is kind of funny."
I started laughing as well. "She can be very stubborn sometimes. And
"Like her father perhaps?" She asked with a broad smile.
"I guess so, I hope it serves her better than I serves me" I said morosely
"So how was everything else?" Jan inquired
I took a deep breath. "I fell asleep on the bed and woke up to Sue giving me a
blowjob. I freaked out. I was really fucking rude. And then I slept in the
Jan looked at me, trying to gage my emotions. "How do you feel?"
"I was enjoying it until I woke up enough to remember. Then I hated myself for
liking it and hating her for doing it. Today I feel like a shit because she was
telling me she loves me and I called her cruel names."
I sat in my chair and put my head in my hands. " I hate her fucking guts and
love her in spite of it all."
Jan came and sat beside me. She put an arm around me. "You will figure it out.
Be strong. believe in yourself,"
I relaxed in her arms for a moment. "Thank you! I needed this. "
I did my best to pull my shit together. I had a meeting at 10:00 and I needed to
coordinate some stuff first. I was placing ads out for our summer crew. We
usually had a decent rush when spring hit for renovations. There was the
annual Spring Garden Show that I needed to set up a booth for. I also needed
to figure out where I was with bills, invoices and supply inventory. Jillian usually
took care of the bills so all I had to do was sign the cheques. With her helping
her dad and mom out for the next few weeks I would need to get on that.
I asked Jan to make me a list, and I named off tasks. I also showed her how all
the guys on the crew logged in to our online timesheet program. I asked her to
run the program tonight just before leaving. It would log everyone's hours. I
would have to plug that report into the secondary part of the program so I
could generate pay stubs and do the pay transfers. I was kind of surprised how
fast she was catching on with everything.

It was approaching 9:00 and I asked Jan how she felt about the day. With what I
had given her.
"I am fine. I don't see anything I can't do, but if I run into something I will come
find you. Its easier to ask a stupid question than it is to fix a stupid mistake."
She said, I realized she never seemed to stop smiling. She was smiling now.
Beaming actually.
"What's up? You are smiling like you just won the lottery" I asked, trying my
best to keep it light hearted.
"I think I may have."" She replied, almost bouncing. " I registered for an
evening course. It's online. It's an entry level introduction to office procedures"
I qualify for getting a break on the fees, because I haven't got any work
experience. Those bleeding heart housewives may actually help after all"
She was almost vibrating with excitement. I gave her the biggest hug I could.
"When does it start?"
"Next week is the first class. But I received the online materials last night." She
paused. I saw a sudden change in her demeanor. "I um have a question and
"What is it?" I asked.
"I came back here last night after shopping and I stayed until I finished
registering and stuff. I didn't plan on staying that late. I'm sorry but I don't have
a computer. It made it easier." She said, looking at me. "I also used almost all
the cash, could I get paid today cash? At the hourly rate?"
"Would an advance on your pay work? Your next payday really won't be for
almost three weeks" I looked at her, I was pushing my own trust boundaries
now.. oh well.
"Sure, would $300 be ok?" she asked.
"How about $600, that would give you $200 a week until payday and you'd still
get a cheque for around $900 after taxes."
"Why are you doing this?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes?
I thought for a second. "I need to feel good about doing something for
someone. I did something that I can't believe how selfish and cruel it was,

when I screwed around in my marriage and now I am feeling the results of that.
I need to feel like I am doing something for someone."
Jan looked at me. She almost looked sad, which seemed an unusual look for
her. "You should try doing something good for you! You deserve it."
"Ha! You said I never knew your side of the streets, but you should look at my
side. I built a successful business, I had a great wife, I have two daughters, I
grew up getting anything I wanted. I never had to fight for any of it, I just had to
work at it a bit, and I screwed it up. No one forced me to do stuff. No one made
me do anything to screw it up. I wallowed in my own self pity party that I let
myself believe I deserved a free pass, and I hurt the person I loved most, when
she was at her worst moment. Who does that to someone? Let alone someone
they are supposed to care about?"
I realized I was getting louder and louder. I was getting angry. And my focus
was on me.
"You think you deserve what she's doing!" Jan softly said. "That's it! That's why
you feel trapped and can't fight. You think you deserve this hell you're in"
I looked at her. Maybe she was right. Maybe I did deserve it.
"You need to figure out a way you can forgive yourself before you can figure
out how to deal with Susie" she walked up to me and pulled my face to look up
at her. "What she is doing is wrong, maybe it's her way of getting back at you,
but you don't deserve the willful destruction of your life, because she doesn't
know how to forgive you either."
She turned and walked away for a few steps. She said "$600 will work. But
remember you are paying me for working. Nothing else. Work got it?"
I nodded.
It was getting close to 10:00 and I went to my office to get stuff ready. A few
minutes later Jan buzzed my phone. "Your 10:00 is here, I am going to take
them to the conference room if that's ok"
I looked at my watch, 9:48. Fuck I needed five minutes to finish. I started to
scramble. I was putting pieces together when Jan walked past my door. She
looked in.
"Do you need me to provide a distraction so you have a few minutes to pull
your shit together?" She asked me.

"God please yes. I need about 5 minutes." I replied

"Done" she turned and went back to the conference room.
After I pulled myself together and got my presentation set to run I took a deep
breath. I tried to focus. And then I went to the conference room.
When I got to the door I heard a lot of laughing and it sounded like the two
men I was meeting with were actively flirting with Jan and she was being coy
and lighthearted and flirtatious back.
When I entered the room Jan spoke up "Here you are, I told them you wouldn't
be long! If you need me for anything else just give me a shout." As she walked
out the door her walk had a bit extra sway to her hips.
"Where did you find her?" John asked He was the president of a small but very
high-end construction company. I was trying to get them to use my services to
add to their program.
"She's my temp secretary, filling in while my regular girl is on a leave"
"When you're finished with her, send her to me, I could use someone young
and fresh like that around my office!" He gave me a slightly uneasy feeling the
way he said it.
"Will do!" I lied.
The rest of the meeting flowed smoothly. John and his underlings liked my
presentation. They appreciated the quality I was putting into the work and
found the prices fair. He agreed in principle to my suggestion that he sign up to
have me booked for 5 builds this summer so I could ensure staffing for a
minimum order of $10,000 for each house from the packages I had put
When they were leaving John put his hand on Jan's shoulder. "Honey, Chase
told me you were only a temp here. When you are done, I may have a position
for you in my office. Call me if you are interested." He handed her a business
card. ”Call me anytime" he added.
We watched them drive away. "I need to go wash the filth off. God, what a
sleaze!" Her disdain was extremely evident.
I looked at her.

"He doesn't want a secretary, he wants a toy to fuck and parade around. A
trophy. His flirting was pretty direct."
I think my jaw must have dropped to the floor. John and his attractive wife
were mainstays in the social world in our city. I had never thought he was
anything but a confident, astute businessman, not a skirt chasing ass.
"You can stop being so surprised. Guys like him are all over. Men always seem
to need a pretty woman to control so they feel good about themselves.
Peacock syndrome !"
"What?" I Laughed. "I need to hear this one!"
"Are you sure? I might also be talking about you!"
"If I fit, then I want to know about it"
"Okay then" she took a deep breath and looked at me "A male peacock gets to
a position where it is the dominant male by doing what?"
"Having the best display of feathers to show its potential mate. " I answered
"Right, so the male flashes this great display that states it is the best, better
than anyone else, right?"
I nodded
"For what?"
"To get the chance to reproduce" I said
"To get laid by the best females" she said. "They get to fuck the best of the
best. Think about it, they do whatever it is they can do to show off to the world
their imaginary power of having feathers that mark them as easy prey. Just so
they can look most impressive, and keep the rest of the males and females
looking up at them with adoration."
She took a second to let that sink in. " He came here, flirted openly with me,
and made reference to taking me away from you. He throws you a crumb of
business, but walks over your maleness. While he is flashing his magnificence
and feathers creating a wonderment that a poor innocent girl like me would fall
for landing legs spread, fucked royally and smiling because the head peacock
just bred me. And fucked you."
I looked at her. Men were easy to figure out, I realized.

"Don't think you aren't a peacock either. How much flash did you show to get
your summer student interested. I don't think for a second you weren't waving
your tail feathers around strutting your stuff. Men don't even realize that they
are doing it."
I sat in my chair dumbfounded. Everything she just said was true.
"Am I being a peacock with you?
"You wouldn't get the chance. I saw the energy it takes to keep those feathers
intact. I'd rather someone who spent energy on me instead of their own
image" she snickered "Aside from that, peacocks typically have tiny dicks."
"OH, so I have a tiny dick apparently" I joked "because apparently I am as much
a peacock as John"
"I saw yours, definitely not a tiny dick, remember?" She laughed.
My day flew by. Before I knew it, it was 5:00 Jan had brought me the last of the
calls and bills. She had run payroll and we were done for the day.
"A favor?" She asked
"What now? Want to turn one of my tail feathers into a decorative fountain
pen ?" I quipped
"Maybe later. No, I just want permission to stay and look at the computer for
my classes." She stated
"I have a spare work laptop, you can take it home and have it for whenever you
need it"
"No, it isn't safe in that apartment. It would disappear."
"OK then, yes, stay or come back. I do have an alarm, you just need the code.” I
wrote it on a piece of paper. 78743 I handed it to her.
"You have got it so bad…. Is it the same for your petty cash too?" She tilted her
head looking at me and smirking.
I looked at her. "What are you talking about?" She was right though. All my
pass codes were the same. How the fuck did she know?
"I bet when you first started and had to come up with this type of stuff you
spent time trying to figure out a good code. Then it came to you. What meant
most to you?

"Fuck….I spelled her name." I sighed.

I left shortly after. I gave her the cash. I told her that she could put it in the safe
in an envelope. For safekeeping.
On the way home I thought of what she'd said. Over and over.
When I got home I opened the door to be greeted by my two favorite
daughters. I scooped them up and gave them kisses. I asked about their day,
and carried them into the house.
Sue was in the kitchen. Supper smelled good. "Hungry?" She asked if I could see
if she'd made a favorite of mine, Chicken Marsala with grilled potatoes and
"Yes, thank you!" I replied
After a moment or two of silence I put the girls down. They played in the living
room. I went to the kitchen beside Sue.
"Sue, I'm sorry. I was a complete insensitive ass then when I cheated. And I
never realized how much I hurt you. I'm sorry." My voice was cracking as I said
it. "I'm sorry I called you names last night too. I went overboard. Sorry."
I went and washed up. When I got back, dinner was served. Sue didn't look up.
She ate silently. The girl's chatter filled the gap in our silence. After supper they
took me into their room to play. We did the usual dollies and storytelling and
before long it was bedtime. I tucked them both in after they cleaned up for the
night and had changed into their PJ's.
Sue came in and gave each of them a kiss, a hug and a tickle and told them
I picked out a book and started to read to them. Three pages in they had both
fallen asleep. I stayed and sat in the quiet.
When I got up to go to the living room I saw Sue. She had changed. She wore a
dress that was open in the front to her waist. If she bent forward even slightly
her tits would be on open display. The dress had suits up the sides. High
enough to realize the only thing she had on was the dress.
Her eyes were misty and she mumbled sorry as she left. Closing the door softly
behind her.

My heart sank. Again. The emptiness inside grew. I sat in my chair and watched
the night creep over the city. I was still sitting in the dark when my phone rang.
I had a message.
"Susie seemed a bit depressed earlier. But she seems to have cum around.
She's the life of the party!"
A picture followed the asshole's text. Sue was standing with her arms around
two very buff looking young men. She was smiling. They had their arms around
her waist. A nipple was peeking out. Both men's eyes were glued to her chest.
The next text read 'she's already had two cocks in her and looks ready for
Asshole was going to get a severe beating one of these days.
I got up and showered and went to bed. I figured Sue wasn't likely to be home
tonight anyway I may as well be comfortable.
I was just about asleep when my phone beeped again. Habit had me open the
text. Sue was on a bed straddling one guy. Her dress bunched over her waist.
Three young buff guys were fucking each of her holes.
Another picture followed . There were about six young guys in the room. They
were all naked.
My wife was getting gangbanged.
A text followed. 'She loves being the center of attention!'
I put the phone down. I tried to sleep, but couldn't. I kept thinking of how she
looked being fucked. She looked hot! But she was my wife so it also hurt like
hell. My insides were twisting.
I got up and pulled on my sweats. I grabbed my bottle of scotch and poured a
glass full. I sat down in my chair and picked up my book and read.
One thing about Tolkien's stories: they catch you in their web and you can just
read for hours. I hadn't realized how long I had been reading until my phone
rang at 2:30 AM.
Asshole had sent a google link. I looked. It was a large file. It took a while to
open. When It did, the crew of guys was fucking Sue. She was moaning and
cumming. The guys were swapping positions and railing her hard. After what
looked like a minute long intense orgasm. She was begging for Darren's cock to

suck. "Please, give it to me baby, fuck my sweet little mouth. Give it to me,
baby." A few seconds later you can see him grab two handfuls of hair and he
begins to drive his cock down her throat while two other guys fuck her hard. I
realized after a minute that both guys' cocks were squished together in her
pussy. Sue was moaning and blubbering. A few times Douchebag held his cock
so deep it looked like she was going to pass out before he let her breathe. She
obviously came a few more times with the fucking.
I watched several of the guys take turns fucking her. Some of the positions
looked quite awkward. In one she was rolled up with her face below her pussy.
One guy was kneeling with her head between his knees. He was driving his cock
in her pussy while it looked like she was trying to lick his ass. The other guy was
pounding his cock in her ass. He was driving hard and so deep she was bent
almost like a pretzel with her legs flailing away to the sides. Another position
had her standing on one leg with the other pulled up over her head. Two guys
were fucking her in a see saw motion. One drove in while the other pulled out.
Sue was moaning unintelligibly.
The last scene was her with the black security guy on his back and Sue sitting
on his cock. She bounced on him as he drove his hips up into her. Some of
these young studs were busy taking turns fucking her face while she came over
and over. By the end of the video she was covered in cum.
There was a second video. In this one that black guy unloaded into her pussy,
and then in rapid succession 4 more guys fucked her pussy and ass unloading in
her. The closing scene was her gasping for breath and quivering in the
aftershocks of too many orgasms. She was covered in cum and was leaking
everywhere. Her pussy and ass gaped open. Spasming rhythmically. Darren
came into view. " I think she is almost done for the night. " he smiled and fed
her his cock again. "Almost done"
I put the phone down. I think I was getting acclimatized to the abuse. I finished
my scotch and picked up my book. I started reading again.
I was woken up about 90 minutes later. Someone was banging on the door. I
got up and opened it. Two young guys stood holding Sue up. She was quite
drunk, and she was still covered in cum. Her red dress was wet and sticky all
over. Her hair was matted. Her tits were hanging out and I could see the
redness and bruising. Again she had bite marks on her neck and chest.

The guys laughed, "She's all yours now. Have fun" They pushed her into my
She nearly slid out of my arms. She mumbled she loved me. Her breath stank of
cum. She stunk of cum. I was grossed out. I wanted to drop her and walk away.
I dragged and carried her to our room. I pulled the dress off and tossed it in the
hamper. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and got it soaked with warm
water. I grabbed another towel. I laid the dry towel out and wiped her down.
She kept mumbling.
I was trying to get as much cum out of her hair when she started to make
sounds like she was going to puke. I hoisted her up and set her down so she
could puke in the toilet. She was so out of it she let her hair fall in her vomit.
Then she puked down the front of her. The smell of tequila and cum was
nauseating. I picked her up and put her in the tub. I ran the shower and tried to
keep her sitting. She was sliding all over. She puked one more time, all over
herself again. I rinsed her off again, and I washed her hair twice. By the time I
was done she had slid down and was lying with her legs splayed to the sides. I
wanted to leave her like that, but I couldn't.
I looked at her vagina. It was raw to the point where it looked like a friction
burn oozing clear liquid. Her ass was the same way. Both looked stretched
open unnaturally. Her face didn't look much better. Her lips were puffy and
swollen. I picked her up and carried her to bed. She wrapped her arms around
my neck. I barely made out her question. "Is that you Chase"
When I said "yes" She mumbled again. It sounded like "sorry"
I laid her on her side on the bed. I propped her there with pillows. I tried to
throw a t-shirt on but she was flopping around like a dead fish. I gave up and
covered her with a blanket.
I sat at the end of the bed and watched her. Then I went to the bathroom. I still
had sticky cum on me, on my pants and in my hair. I stripped and had as hot a
shower as I could stand. I tossed my clothes in the hamper and turned out the
I went to the living room. I poured a shot of scotch and tossed it back. I poured
another. I was feeling a buzz and decided that was good enough. I grabbed my
phone and went to bed. I set my alarm for 8:00. I didn't want the girls to come

in and see their mother naked, bruised and abused. I figured I could get up
early, take them out for breakfast, and to the park or something.
Fortunately, it didn't take long for me to fall asleep. Unfortunately the alarm
rang when it felt like I had just closed my eyes.
I got up and got dressed. I picked up Sue's shoes from by the front door. They
were sticky. I tossed them in the hamper too. I washed my hands.
I went and woke the girls. I told them mommy was sick and needed sleep so we
were going to go out for breakfast. Pancakes and syrup. But only if they were
good and stayed quiet.
It was after 3 when we returned. I set the girls up in their room with a movie on
the small TV. We usually had it run in the kitchen, but the cable would reach. I
went and checked on Sue. She was sleeping. She was on her back now. She had
the t-shirt on. I covered her up and closed the door behind me.
I went to the kitchen and started making super. I did my quick and easy tuna
casserole. The girls loved it. I went to the living room. I took down the TV and
put it in the back of the van. I went to the basement. I grabbed some tools and
drywall mud and some pieces of drywall and started patching the holes in the
walls. By the time I was done the first mudding of the walls, the casserole was
done. I pulled it out and let it cool. Then I got the girls.
We ate and played. Amanda wanted to wake up Sue to see if she was feeling
better. I told her mommy needed sleep more than anything.
She relented when we said we could speak to her before bed.
She was still asleep when we looked in.
Amanda commented that the room smelled funny. I realized it did. It still
smelled of cum.
I put them in bed and read them two stories. They finally fell asleep.
I was wiped. I sat down in my chair. I passed out immediately.
I was woken up by Sue shaking me awake. When I was somewhat awake she
told me to go to bed. I looked uncomfortable when I was sleeping.
"How are you?" I asked
"I'll be ok," she said looking down.

I stood. My neck was stiff. We went to bed. Together, sort of. I stayed on my
side, and she didn't venture to try to cuddle.
Sunday morning I was woken up by my girls shaking me awake. Amanda asked
if mommy was still sick. I said I didn't know. But we could make her breakfast.
And find out then.
I got up and together we made French toast. I helped Amanda carry it in. Sue
still looked ill.
She sat up and took the plate from the girls. She ate and laughed with them
while feeding each of them bites. I excused myself, and went back to the
kitchen and sat and drank my coffee. I still felt empty and betrayed
I went back to the bedroom. I told all of them I was heading out shopping. I'd
be back later. I left before I heard any comments.
I got in the van and drove to an electronics store. I looked for another TV and I
found one on sale. I went to buy it and the sales clerk informed me that my
card was declined . I pulled out my phone, I looked at the account. I only had
$700 left. Sue had pulled out money and gone shopping for dresses yesterday.
I exchanged the big TV for a smaller cheaper one that fit my new budget.
My day was looking more and more depressing. I got home to find my parents'
van in the driveway. I went in to see what kind of disaster awaited. I knew my
parents and Sue's parents talked frequently.
As soon as I opened the door my mother was on me.
"What is going on Chase? You and Susie need to work out whatever is going on.
You have children. You better be keeping that thing in your pants."
I looked at Sue, she had her head in her hands.
"Mom, where are the girls?" I asked
"Your father took them for a walk. They don't need to hear your tawdry
"Look mom, last week Sue was a little sick. She was under the weather all
week. She was still sick Friday night and Saturday. She was so sick she slept all
day. Ask the girls."
"What about the TV? And the wall? "

"Mom, really? The TV quit in the middle of the game. I broke it trying to check
what was going on. As for the wall I was trying to locate the wires because we
had a short."
I watched her. "Look mom we are fine, her mom was just overthinking things.
Now you are too!"
She was having some second thoughts.
"Look Mom, you can't just barge in like this. It isn't fair. I'd invite you to dinner
but as you can see Sue isn't feeling well still."
Dad walked in the door just then. The girls rushed up and gave me a hug.
Amanda whispered "Daddy Nana thinks somethings wrong with mommy. Is she
"Yes she is a sweetheart. She is still feeling sick. She is feeling better today than
yesterday, right Sue?"
She nodded.
Amanda went and gave her a hug.
My parents left a few minutes later. Reluctantly.
"Thanks, I was about 30 seconds away from a breakdown when you came in."
Sue stated
"I think I've had six in the last few days. I don't need any more questions."
I got up and asked the girls what they wanted for supper. Macdonald's was the
obvious choice. I loaded them in the van and went off to get two kids meals
and a chicken burger for Sue. I wasn't hungry. We got home. The girls ate with
their mother while I set up the TV. After they finished I turned on a kids movie
and I vegged out while they watched.
After the kids were in bed. I pulled out my book and started reading, but my
head wasn't into it.
Sue said she was going to hop in the tub and soak. I refrained from saying it out
loud, but my thoughts were along the lines of needing a lot of soap and
scrubbing to wash the filth away.
I reflected on what I knew now about Sue. She loved sex. Hard-core, intense
fucking made her cum harder that any of my teasing and lovemaking. She said

she loved me. And I think somewhere in all of this she does. I also think the
pain I caused her now has her feeling like what she does to cause me is
justified. The other realization was that she loved being appreciated as a
sexually attractive and desirable woman.. When those young studs were paying
attention to her, she glowed in the attention. I could feel how turned on she
was from my side of the screen.
I thought about how that made me feel. I wanted to make sure I was in now
way a cuckold, but in reality, I was. I was trapped. The only thing I noticed was
that Sue wasn't sending me videos demonstrating how cucked I was, Darren
was. He was establishing himself as the Alpha Male to Sue. He controlled who
she fucked, how they fucked and how much they fucked. He was Alpha.
So where do I go? What should I do?
I thought about ways I could control my circumstances. I decided to log the
texts, the videos, and the spoken words as far back as I could. I also decided to
do my own investigation. I wanted to know how long Darren and her had been
fucking? Was it when I thought she was coming back to me? Was it when she
gave me that first blowjob? It was better than she ever had, and was followed
by an unusual position for what we usually did.
I also decided to record my own visuals. Her bruises and bite marks. How she
paraded around in front of me. The comments, both good and bad. I also
wanted to know what she said to our friends, her friends, and Darren when I
wasn't around.
I went online. I bought four spy cams. I also looked up how to get her phone to
show me every text, and social media. Every email and photo.
I found out I could get another phone identical to hers, and make a mirror
copy. That would cover her social media and texts.
Then I found out I could put a hidden app that would record every word and
sounds. I could even turn on her phone to play the audio to me only phone
without her knowing. I could also see what she typed or wrote or posted in
emails , snap chats or any social media platform.
Tomorrow I will get the duplicate phone. With using a new laptop connected to
a free Wi-Fi zone with a private security blocking program running it would be
untraceable. The web was an amazing place.

Satisfied with my progress I began to organize and save every detail, every
video, every text. I created a new profile for myself. And used it to store the
videos and pictures.
I went into the bedroom. Sue was still in the bath. Her phone was on her
dresser. I knew her passcode. She was quite predictable. Her birthday was 9260
June 29… she had two new texts from Darren, and one from one of our friends
about a BBQ this coming Saturday night. Adults only. Darren's preview was
basically telling her how fucking hot she was and how much he loved watching
her embrace her sexuality. The other text was a picture that I couldn't see a
preview of.
I put the phone back. Last thing I wanted was for her to clue in that I was
I went to the laundry hamper. I pulled out the dress with the dried cum. I took
several pictures inside and outside. I put it back as close as I could to how it
was. I took pictures of her shoes. Red satin heels from a high fashion designer.
$500 shoes ruined by cum stains.
I remembered the front door where she had leaned. The cum stains were still
there too.
I heard the bath letting out. I set my phone on the couch beside me on record
and picked up my book.
She came into the living room wearing a short T-shirt. It barely covered her ass.
The sleeves had been ripped off so the armholes hung loose. I could see marks
and clear bite marks. She stopped by the kitchen to get my attention.
"Would you like a drink? Or tea? I'm making mint tea with honey. For myself. "
I said. "That sounds good, yes please." I went back to reading.
I noticed that she stood there a bit, looking at me. I wondered if she was
wanting a reaction? Or if she was wondering if I had accepted things. She was
wondering something. But what?
She turned, and went to make the tea. I focused on looking like I was reading. I
actually decided to reread the last chapter. I had been in a daze the first go
A few short minutes later, she brought my tea. She set it on the table beside
me. Then she sat across from me.

"Thank you" I said as I glanced up, just to make eye contact. She was sitting just
watching me.

I figured if she had something to say or a question to ask it was on her to speak.
I went back to reading.

About 15 minutes later, she moved. I took a sip of my tea and tried to use my
peripheral vision to take a peak. She was on the couch with her legs tucked
under her. She was naked under the T-shirt.
I thought to myself that if that had been three weeks ago I would have been
raging hard and be on my knees savoring her sweet pussy. Today I was having
my stomach churn wondering how many times I had gone down and eaten
somebody's cum out of her. Any thoughts inspiring a hard on were well and
truly shattered.
I went back to reading. After another 15 minutes she moved again, taking a sip
of tea. But she was stretching on the couch now.
Curiosity is a horrible thing. She was laying on the couch, with only a T-shirt
that was missing significant pieces. Coverage was non-existent. A glance up
showed side boob, and her exposed pussy. She had a thin smile. She knew I
would look. And I fell into the trap once again.
I tried to focus on my book. I finished my tea. I yawned. I got up and went to
the bathroom. I walked into the living room to see her lying on her stomach.
Her ass clearly in view. Her legs slightly spread so I could see her nether lips.
Fuck this, I thought. I'm tired and I'm going to bed.
"I am beat. I am going to bed" I said and walked on by.
"Good idea," she said and she rolled over and spread her legs giving me a
gaping view.
I went and did my usual brushing of teeth, and washing my face. I came to bed
and tossed my clothes in the hamper. I pulled on my boxers and climbed into
bed. Sue was already in bed, laying on her side facing me.
I climbed in and rolled on my stomach.
I could feel her eyes boring into the back of my head. Stubborn resolve held out
for me.

Sleep was not coming easy. I don't think it was for Sue either. After 20 minutes
she rolled over. She tossed and turned frequently before she finally crashed.
Now I had to deal with her snoring. It was after 1:00 before I finally crashed.
I woke up early. My alarm had yet to go off. I was on my back. Sue was against
my side. One hand was on my cock. Her leg was draped over mine. It was how
we often slept. A lot of times I would wake up and get hard and we'd make love
before getting out of bed to go get the kids.
This morning I rolled over. I reached for my phone. My alarm was set to go off
in 30 minutes. I crawled out of bed and into the shower. I was still tired, and
irritated. She was flaunting herself to me, touching me, intentionally or not.
And I was getting pissed.
I got the girls up and did the morning routine. I didn't realize until I had to wait
for the daycare to open at 7:00, That's how early I was. I got to work, unlocked
the doors and retreated to my office. I sat there in silence. I hadn't even turned
a light on.
About 15 minutes later I heard a commotion. I heard someone swearing softly.
I got up to look.
Jan was standing at the reception desk cursing.
"What's up?" I asked
She shrieked loud enough it hurt my ears.
Then she took off her shoe and threw it at me. Not hard, just enough to make
me duck.
"What the fuck are you thinking sneaking up on me like that? I just about
tossed the monitor at you." She yelled
"Why were you cursing?" I asked
"I left late last night. I thought I might have forgotten to set the alarm and lock
the door." She answered. "What the fuck are you doing here so early?"
My look must have said a ton. "No reason" was met with an immediate
"What happened this weekend? Come on. You need to talk, I can tell."

I told her every detail. Right down to Sue's hand on my cock this morning and
how it made me angry.
She listened while making coffee. "Look, you have no meetings booked this
morning. The only thing you have scheduled is payroll and bills and invoicing.
Jillian isn't calling until around noon. Why don't you take the morning and
relax. You look tired still, and I can call your office line if I need to wake you."
I lay on my couch and slept. She woke me up with a coffee and a toasted bagel
with cream cheese. I felt like a new man. She brought me a new hair brush and
toothbrush. Still in the packaging. "We are next door to a pharmacy. And this
stuff is always good to have around"
I freshened up, and then asked her if anyone called.
She handed me a series of contract notes. The last was Jillian. It said callback at
1:00.. I looked at my watch 12:45.
"I guess I needed that!" I remarked
"I know you did, you look so much better." She smirked. "Jillian was worried
about you. When she called last week she said you sounded like you were in
pain. I told her that you just got some troubling news, but everything was
looking to work out. Nothing for her to worry about."

"Thanks" I will pay better attention."

"You need to, all your crew are talking. They know you, they know somethings
up." She stated. "Every call from your team wasn't about the bullshit on the
note, it was asking about you."
I called Jillian, she has worked with me for years. She knew Sue and I had
challenges in the past, not details, just rough spots. She picked up on it right
away. Also her dad had one procedure done. A stint put in. He needed an
operation to repair a faulty valve. That would be in a week. He would need 6
weeks to recover. She wondered if she could do some part time work remotely.
I thought it sounded perfect.
I came out of my office. "Jan, do you have a minute or two?"
She came into my office and sat facing me. "Yes sir?" She smiled
"Would you knock off the official secretary bullcrap?" I laughed.

"It looks like Jillian may be away for a while. Thank means I may have to extend
your temporary position for another 6-7 weeks. Will that be a challenge for
you?" I said. I was smiling. I was thinking with her course, and experience this
really could be her chance.
"Sir, no disrespect intended, but I hope to make myself someone you can't do
without, at least around the office that is. I want a permanent position." She
said it straight faced, and with conviction.
I wasn't sure how to respond, I would gladly have her around, but I didn't need
two secretaries. I was just about to speak when she broke into a big grin.
"Jillian was right, you are way too easy to tease!"
"Brat" I cursed at her.
"We talked, I told her I was trying to get my foot in the door in business. She
said I should hassle you. She is always busy and an extra hand would help her."
Jan smiled at me. "You know she thinks you are the absolute best boss in the
We went through the rest of the day without any significant challenges. Jan
had organized all my bills, and had matched payments and outstanding
payments from our invoices. She had also linked Jillian in to those for follow up
and tracking.
We also had 8 new orders placed through the home builders. I would need to
hire another crew if business kept growing at this pace. I had a discussion by
phone with my leadership group to discuss best ways to move ahead. They
came up with some great suggestions. I scheduled a meeting for Thursday to
discuss them.
I realized by days end of the day it had been a good day. Jan was going to stay
and do some work on her class. I left feeling good about how things had gone.
I got home to find Sue quite anxious. She was curt with the girls. I wondered if
it was me she was pissed at, but she smiled and set dinner without any hint of
being irritated with me.
Right after dinner, she got a text message, and ran into the bedroom. I was
cursing that I hadn't been able to get the phone set up to give me the details of
what was going on.

Soon, I pledged myself. I busied myself with my girls. Amanda was wanting to
learn how to read. I was challenged with that. She was only three. But she
spoke clearly. She had learned most of the alphabet. And knew the numbers 1
to 9. What was comical was that I showed Amanda the letters and the sounds,
she showed and taught Taylor. I spelled each of their names out. Amanda was
proud she could do the sounds of her name. She didn't get why Taylor's name
the 'A' sounded different. The way she sounded it out gave her an almost
Australian accent.
By the time we finished writing letters and sounds out it was bedtime. Sue still
hadn't come out of the bedroom, so I got the girls to brush their teeth and
wash up and get ready for bed. I chose a really small simple favorite story for
the girls. One they knew by heart. Amanda was busy protesting.
"Amanda, we just practiced the sounds of the words, you know every word of
this story. Why don't you read it to us. Knowing the story will help you figure
out reading. And I can help if you get stuck."
She was elated. She took her time reading. Taylor played mostly, but was still
listening. I Realized she told the story by what she remembered the words to
be, and was as much matching what she said to what the words were. I wasn't
concerned about how well she did. I just told her how proud I was of her for
trying. She did well and was beaming.
Sue never came out of the room. I went to go to bed and saw her in a regular
nightgown, asleep on her side of the bed. I did my usual stuff and slept on my
The rest of the week was uneventful, for the most part. Jan got her hair styled
to look less grunge and more professional. She also moved out of her
apartment. She found a small apartment that while small, had better terms for
rent, as she put it.
I also got the spy cameras, but as Sue stayed home I never got time to do
anything. On Wednesday I wound up syncing her phone to the one I had
purchased. I also installed the Spyware. I hadn't had any chance to look at
anything though.
The last thing was our invite to our friends on Saturday. Sue told me about the
invite. She never put herself in the position of being for going or against it. I

said I wouldn't mind going and socializing. She confirmed our attendance she
arranged a babysitter.
I came home Thursday to find Sue getting ready to go out. As soon as I cleared
the door she was gone taking her car and stating she would be back in a few
hours. Supper was in the oven staying warm. With a wave she was off.
I shrugged and greeted my girls. They had already eaten, so they went into
their room and played. I pulled out my ghost phone. She had a secret email
account I realized. She had emails going back from about a month after she
started back at work. The last email was about wanting to continue where they
left off. It was from D_is4Danger her email was S_is4Slut. When I looked at text
messages I saw a few from our friends this week. One of our friends was
moaning about her husband being an ass. I saw two from Sunday from guys she
met at her gangbang wanting to know if she would be interested in dates. She
hadn't texted back. I decided to check her call log later.
I also saw she had set up a cloud based folder for pictures, videos, and other
stuff. There were articles on how to cuckold your husband. And how to become
a hot wife. She also had a Tumblr account with about 5 pictures of her semi
undressed. She already had over 100 followers. I decided to copy the contents
into my own newly formed cloud account. I could look later.
The next surprise for me was a separate bank account. Her regular pay went
into our joint account. But it seemed like she had been getting bonuses
transferred from different accounts into this account. Her spending was lavish.
Jewelry. Designer Stores for fashion and shoes. Purses. Lingerie. There was still
over $20,000 in the account. She had easily spent over $10,000. All transactions
started 4 months ago. Very small amounts to start with. Last weekend she
received a deposit for $6,000 the week before was $3500.
I realized I would need to get busy putting all of the timelines and
communications together. I was going to be busy.
I kept digging. I found another chat app. One supposed to be more secure. I
read a message from last night. 'Very disappointed in you choosing to skip
Saturday's fun. I will miss you. Friday will be fun though, and I will guarantee no
marks or bites. At least not where they can be seen. Call me for details.'
Damn I wish I could have heard that call. I read back to Sunday night when she
had been chatting with Dickhead. "I can't believe how many cocks I fucked. I

can't believe how hard I came or how many times. That was super intense.
Sorry I got so drunk. I was fighting my inner demons and it got away from me."
His response was one I had to put myself in check with. "You are such a hot
fucking slut. I love watching you let loose and feel your inner sexuality. I get so
hard seeing you climax magnificently. It thrills me to see you adored and
appreciated for the beautiful sexual being you are. What your loser husband
fails to appreciate, I assure you, I will!'
They had also shared pictures. She had some that looked like they were
professionally done boudoir shots. Various lingerie, with everything from
stockings and corsets and satin skirts, flowing dresses with hints at sexuality,
and fully naked shots showing her obvious arousal. Each one showed her
beauty and erotic side. I felt gut punched that these images were not intended
for me, but the ass who was using her for his pleasure.
I also saw still shots. Erotic pics of her in various poses. In some she was sucking
a cock. Another showed her cumming on a thick cock. Her toes curled, her
mouth in a seductive 'O' yet another showed her being spit roasted. Her mouth
full, and her pussy with her on her knees. The next image enraged me beyond
anything else. It was Sue in our bed. Her pussy leaking cum. The bedding on the
floor. And her flushed with exertion. She had fucked in my bed.
I wanted to know what was going on now. What had they started that they had
to finish? I went to the basement and turned on the audio. It was badly muted.
Then there was a click followed by Sue screaming in obvious pain. "Holy Fuck
that hurt! " then there was more mumbling. That was followed by a moment or
two of quiet then another shriek. "Fuck fuck fuck!" Were her comments this
time. To say I was curious was a radical understatement.
There was a male voice that couldn't understand at all. He went on for several
minutes. then another male voice, then Sue said something. Within a few
moments the talking ceased and was replaced by sounds I knew. Heavy
breathing. The noise of a wet mouth filled by a hard cock the sound of a cock
slamming into a pussy. Female moans and males groaning and grunting. I
listened. While listening I looked at other things I could do. I found out I could
have her phone record all calls automatically and download the conversation to
my cloud. I also found out I could set times to record audio. I set for tomorrow,
noon to 1, and again 7 to 8 pm. And again midnight to 1.

I heard them cum. I heard other noises I didn't recognize. Then quite clearly I
heard Sue say she needed to go. She thanked the one man and then I could
hear bits of her conversation but the static made understanding impossible.
Finally it was quiet. I heard her kiss him, thank him and then I heard her moan
again. And then I heard a car door close, and she was in her car.
I raced upstairs. I set one camera in our bedroom. Facing the bed. It looked like
a charger for a phone. I plugged it in on my wall outlet. It even worked. The
next one was an outlet cover with the center screw being a camera lens. That
one was her side of the bed, facing the door. The next was one that fit in a
bathroom fan cover. I aimed it to cover the bath and toilet. The last one I put in
the living room facing the kitchen, it wouldn't show great detail, but I would
see everything on a wide scale.
I scanned my phone. I would have to adjust some angles, but it was pretty
good. The outlet on her side of the bed would only show ankles when she was
by the bed.
I went and decided to go to the basement and put the camping gear together.
Usually early April meant a trip to the cabin. Spring cleanup was fun usually and
something I always anticipated. I was downstairs when I heard Sue come in. I
heard her call out to me.
"Down here" I said back
She came downstairs. I looked her over. Not 25 minutes ago I heard her being
fucked and sucking a cock. There wasn't a clue that I could see to hint at her
"What are you doing?" She asked
"Getting gear together for our first trip to the cabin. " was my reply.
"When do you want to do that?" She asked
"Depends, " I replied
"On what?" She questioned
"Whether I am going up there to get it ready to be put up for sale or if the kids
are game to camping away on weekends"
"You love the place, why would you sell it?" She demanded
I was tired of her pissy voice and the words coming out of her whore mouth.

"Because it was supposed to be for us, you and me. Together to enjoy. There
isn't a fuck of a lot left of us wanting to enjoy anything together!" I spat back at
Just then my phone pinged a message. I looked. Dickface sent an image.
"Nice!" I said, it was his dick between her newly pierced tits and lips with a
dribble of cum.
I turned and showed her the image. "Yeah, I don't know if I want a lot of
reminders of the dreams we had to share " I tossed down the stuff I was
working on and pushed past her and marched out the door. I drove around for
a while. I wanted to get drunk, but I had shit to do in the morning. I decided to
head to the office and crash on my couch.
I unlocked the door, but the alarm wasn't set. "Hello?" I called out
"What the hell are you doing here?" Was Jan's voice coming from the
kitchenette. She peered around the corner. "Wait a minute. I need to get
dressed " she said
My head was exploding why would she need to get dressed?
"Sorry but I only have two outfits and they wrinkle if you sit too long. I can hang
them up in the bathroom so they look good again in the morning."
She was still buttoning up the top. She looked at me and I saw her heart drop.
"What did that cunt do now?"
I realized I couldn't tell her I spied on my wife, "She went out to go see asshole
for a two hour quickie that extended a bit. I got pissed at her when she came
home and my anger boiled over I blew up at her and marched out."
I sat on the floor. "I hate this. I fucking hate this." My fists were clenched. I was
shaking with anger.
"How can I help you?" Jan asked "what can I do?"
"Find me a twelve gage shotgun and three slugs" I snorted back
"You listen here, you ! "She shouted, ”You were proud of me for fighting
through all the shit I've been through, have you had a dick stuck up your ass
uninvited? Have you had your virginity taken by your drunk father as he choked
you? Have you ever been raped so badly that you couldn't move?" She spat at
me. "How about the betrayal of your own mother, who should protect you

walking away so your father can fuck you until he gets too tired? How about
deal with that shit when your friends are dealing with first dates and kisses!"
I was stunned.
“Don't you cop out on me now, give me a taste of what my life could be and
then punt me back to the streets, while you give up. What about your girls?
Who helps them? Or do you leave them to foster care to see who fucks their
lives up in that system" she was beginning to run out of steam "don't you
fucking dare do any of that."
Now it was her sliding down to sit on the floor crying.
"OK, I won't. " I said softly.
"What?" She asked
"I said, OK I won't, " I was choking up inside. I just caught a glimpse of what her
life had been like, mine was still a fairy tale by comparison. Who knew how
much darker her story went.
"Good," she said. She got up and marched to the bathroom
I sat there. My phone dinged. I looked. I am a sucker for punishment. It was
Sue. "Where are you?"
I put my phone down. I wasn't ready to answer her questions.
After a few minutes Jan came out of the bathroom. "Don't ever bring any of
what I said up again ever. Do you hear me? Never!"
"I promise, but if ever…"
She cut that off with a hand face up in my face. "Nope"
"I have to go home now. You should too. Or stay here, whatever" she walked
out the door.
I sat on the floor. Sue texted me again. "Don't leave me. I need you!"
That got a few comments from me under my breath.
I went and made a cup of tea. I sat at my desk. I started to pull out my phone to
look further. I put it back. I didn't want to know any more. I just wanted it over.
I mulled my options over. When I got depressed with those I realized I didn't
have many. Two really.

I got up. I washed my face, as much to snap my head back into the land of the
living, but also I didn't want anyone to see the tear stains.
I got back in the van and drove home. I went in and straight to the basement. I
set my alarm, turned out the lights and lay in the dark.
I heard Sue open the door and listen, and then close the door. I heard her walk
softly to the bed.
My alarm woke me up at 6 again. I showered in the half bath in the basement. I
went upstairs and got some clothes. I woke the girls and took them out to
breakfast. We relaxed a bit, then I dropped them at daycare.
I dreaded going to work. I didn't want to face Jan.
I pulled up and the doors were locked. The alarm system was set. I went in and
made a pot of coffee. I waited for Jan.
At 8:00 she came in. She looked tired. She started to speak. I interrupted.
"No, you need to let me say this. What you said last night hurt you to speak, I
won't bring it up again unless you want to talk. I won't take your chance away. I
promise. I can't forget what you've said. But I will try not to let it define our
friendship. Please let's help each other. "
She came to me and hugged me crying. We stood there for several minutes.
The phone ringing broke up the hug.
She disengaged, pulled herself together and answered the phone. She took a
message and then hung up.
"Thanks, how are you this morning?" She asked
"Rough, really fucking rough. " I smiled at her.
"OK, so let's get on with the day then." She started. "You have two site visits to
do, first at 9:30 with the building inspector at the Eastside Gardens renovation.
You also have a meeting with the Hansen’s' to discuss the changes they want to
their new home at noon. This afternoon, you were going to have the ads placed
for the new positions you were going to hire."
"OK, so I need to get going. Call me if you need me" I said as I grabbed my
briefcase and headed out the door.

I had just got into the car and started driving, when my phone rang. My
Bluetooth connected the call.
It was Sue. Shit I remembered there were plans for tonight. Plans I knew I
wouldn't like.
"Hi Sue, sorry I just started driving, what’s up?"
"Um, I have some stuff I need to do tonight. Can you pick up the girls. I may be
late too, but I will be there for Saturday. Ok ?"
"I will get them." I said plainly.
"OK, hon. Thank you! Love you!" She said
I just about T-boned a car. I had run a red light. I better get my shit together or
I'd be dead and she'd get the insurance, the company and all the cock she
I coasted through the day. The Hanson's got a $5000 discount because my head
was up my ass. I called to check in with Jan around 2:00. The only thing I had
left was placing the ads.
Jan told me she had written the ads. She texted me her ideas. They looked
fresh and good. She nailed the ads.
I called Jan back. "The ads look great.. Do you want to just call them in? I have
to go get the girls. It would give me some time to get stuff together"
"Do you need to talk? I can tell you are stressed. Don't try to hide from me. If
we are trusting each other, then there is none of that. " she said.
"It's exactly what you think. She is going out. And bonus points for my shit life
Saturday we are going out with a bunch of our friends. We get to show off how
good a couple we are. Great looking weekend. If I panic call you, will you be
"As long as my new landlord doesn't have me naked covered in oil and doing
body slides" she laughed. "Call me if you need me, take care of you, you're
worth it!"
My Friday night was as bad as I expected. I started getting texts at 10:00 from
dickshit. My dickbreath wife was sucking his cock. Also in the view was the
black snake driving his cock up her overused cunt.

The dialogue from the two of them was getting tired. She sucks so good the
pussy is so tight, cum for us slut.
The next video was two hours later. Black dick was on his back Sue was riding
him. His cock was deep in her ass. As she was cumming, she laid back on him.
He held her legs spread as they trembled. Dick for brains lined up and started
plowing into her. She went from one orgasm to another more intense one.
Just after 2:00 was the show stopper. She was stroking both of them off so they
came all over her pierced nipples.
An hour later she was sneaking in the front door. I think she was surprised to
see me sitting on the chair.
"Did you have a good time?" I asked
"Why are you still up?" She asked
"I asked first" I shook my head. "Did you have fun?"
"Yes" she said. "sorry"
"Nice piercings. It looked like the guys enjoyed decorating them"
Her look was shocked.
"He sends pictures, and videos."
She tried to say something. "Goodnight" I went down to the basement. I could
hear her talking upstairs. She didn't sound happy. Oh well.
I poked around in the basement. I decided to look in some of our boxes that we
had never unpacked. I found a box of my university stuff. Yearbooks, trophy's
there wax a picture of Sue and I when we first dated. It was a copper etching. I
dragged a knife through the middle of it. I found our school team jerseys. We
had bought a his and hers. I put a knife through mine. I shredded it. The rest of
the box was more of our time together at University. By the time I was done
destroying stuff, I was beat. It was quiet upstairs. I had a box full of garbage to
deal with.
I lay down, it was 5 in the morning. I set my alarm for 7:30. Oh happy days.
I woke up to the alarm, cursing. I grabbed the girls and went to MacDonald’s
for breakfast. After we went to a park. My phone kept buzzing and dinging but I
didn't want to deal with anything. I turned it off. it. Around 3 we returned

home to find Sue was frantic. Turned out she thought I kidnapped the girls. She
called the police, now she had to call them back. They came and gave her a
stern warning for calling a kidnapping when we had just gone out. I sat and
laughed as they lectured her.
I went downstairs after the police had left. Amanda was asking her mother why
police were after daddy. I hopped in the shower. I got dressed for the party.
When I got upstairs Sue was still talking to the girls. She hadn't begun to get
"Did you change your mind?" I asked.
"I wasn't sure you wanted to go" she said
She got up and went to get dressed. "Can you go pick up Nikky? I will text her
to let her know you are picking her up"
"Ok" Funny how her questions were getting shorter and shorter answers. I
thought about things. It seemed like I didn't care much about much anymore.
My girls. Jan. The cabin. The rest I didn't give a shit about anymore.
When I got to Nikky's, I was shocked. Most of the time she babysat for us was
when Sue needed to go out while I was working. I hadn't seen her in several
months. She was now an 18 year old wet dream. Tits that sat high up and pert.
Skinny waist of a fresh young woman. Hips and a cute tight butt, and long
perfect legs. And a beautiful face with nice angles, bright sparkling eyes and
long flowing brunette hair. She was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans and a loose
top with a spandex sports bra.
"Holy crap Nikky! you look amazing! Its been a while since I've seen you! You've
grown a lot." One thing I really liked about Nikky was she was always open and
honest, and she was this light breath of fresh air.
"All the boys seem to have noticed too!" She smirked. "They seem to notice
how much some things have grown" she stuck her chest out. She had always
been a bit flirtatious, and she looked to be even more confident now.
"Boys will notice just those for sure, but honestly, you have developed into a
totally beautiful woman." I stated.
She blushed "Thank you! I think that is the best thing anyone has ever said!"
"That’s boys for you, missing the obvious"

"You can just keep on going! I am enjoying this conversation!" She gushed
"I better keep my thoughts in check! Men can make spectacular fools of
themselves talking to attractive young women. How is school going?"
"I am first year at the College. I am studying horticulture. It is pretty intense"
she said.
"When you are further along we should talk. I would love to have a
Horticulturist on my team under me."
"Oh! You would really like me under you! But what would Sue say?" She
"See what I mean. A pretty woman and a guy is in trouble" I winked back
"I would be no trouble at all under you! Chase." She gave a look of a seductress
tempting me.
"Wow, you could be very dangerous!" I stuttered, "I better be careful"
"Or not." She winked again. "Its just fun, right?"
We got to the house, and went in. The girls rushed Nikky and she fell in a pile
with them. They were rolling on the floor laughing and giggling..
Sue came out of the bedroom. She wore a transparent blouse with a camisole
underneath, with long flowing pantsuit that looked stunning. With her hair up
she looked like a model.
"Wow Mrs. McC, you look amazing! Mr. McC is one lucky man." Nikky said
I don't think either saw my look. I wished I was still that lucky.
We got to Todd and Lois place around 7:00. We could smell the BBQ walking up
to the house. Lois greeted us with hugs and kisses, she offered a beer and told
us join everyone in the backyard.
Todd was cooking ribs, and Lois was bringing out salads and the like. Todd
flirted with Sue, and then told me I better watch out, one day he was going to
steal her away from me. It was his usual banter.
"I'd watch your back, Todd. Lois would be fun to steal away" I shot back
Lois walked out. "Anytime Chase, I'd hop on that ride anytime!" She grabbed
my ass with her free hand. " Damn fine!"

I thought to myself maybe tonight wouldn't be that bad. Todd was a bit of a
douchebag sometimes, and I always wondered what Lois saw in him. A few
times over the years he had wanted to stray, and the guys held him in check.
Our usual get together like this were Todd and Lois, who unfortunately couldn't
have kids. Lois and Sue went to high school together. Maggie and Bill met Sue
and I during university. They had a boy and girl the same age as Amanda and
Taylor. Maggie was a gemologist and Bill worked for the city in urban planning.
Artie and Angie were the free spirits of the group. Artie was an architect, by
trade, but instead chose to run a hobby farm and sold his organic products at
farmers markets and fairs. Angie was a tiny woman, barely four foot ten inches.
She often ran the booths at the markets and fairs. She could sell sand in a
desert. It didn't hurt that she had an aura that people were attracted to. We
ran into them just after University. They had a six month old girl.
After making the initial rounds and checking in with everyone we sat on the
porch and stuffed our faces. One thing Todd was exceptional at, was
Barbecuing. His ribs were to die for. His homemade beer was also top notch.
He ran a craft beer brewery that was beginning to take off. The perfect
As the evening cooled we went inside. Our decision was to play board games,
or cards. It was almost unanimous for Board games. Artie was a major card
shark and lived to play poker. It didn't matter if the chips were worth nothing
or hundred dollars he wanted to play. He was the sole holdout for cards.
We started with Ticket to Ride. Then we went to Cards against Humanity. It was
nice to sit and laugh. A few beers didn't hurt in that regard either. The evening
was pretty casual and light and easy on my nerves. I actually felt more relaxed
than I had in a few weeks. Artie and Angie had to leave around 11 as she had to
breast feed their daughter and she needed to get back before she started
leaking. Around midnight Maggie and Bill called it a night as well.
The four of us sat around chatting for a bit. Lois pulled me away to show me
one of her designs for the spa she managed. It was going to be an oriental
themed room with massage, sauna, and jetted bath. The enclave was built
around a Koi pond. I was impressed with the design. The layout worked
After we talked about the project, Lois got serious

"Chase, is the something going on with you and Sue? You've hardly said two
words to each other all night. "
"We are just in a funk right now." I said. "I don't understand some of the stuff
that she is thinking, but we'll manage" I hoped that gave her enough to keep
her satisfied. I know she knew Sue quite well. She wasn't going to be put off
with any shrugging it off as nothing.
"She gets in her own head sometimes. She needs help getting back. Don't let
her go too far." Was her advice.
Lois and I walked to go back upstairs. Lois stopped in the bathroom. I carried
on. The stairs came up by the back entrance where the kitchen was. I saw Todd
and Sue. Todd had his hands on Sue's breasts. She slapped him hard and
started giving him shit. Quietly of course. but she can be very direct and didn't
need to scream at someone. I went back downstairs to intercept Lois.
When Lois came out of the washroom she immediately asked me "What was
that about?"
"Just Sue and Todd having an animated discussion" I tried to downplay it.
"Animated discussions don't involve a slap" she stated, "and you know what's
going on, now tell me!"
"Todd grabbed Sue's breasts, and she slapped him a good one. I'm kind of
surprised though."
"Why is that?" She asked
I trapped myself, thinking that Sue hadn't said no to anyone or anything except
me. "Todd getting frisky in his own house. Too many beers maybe."
"He's a slut. I think he's poked half of the girls in the brewery." She said her
anger, while subdued, was evident "I wonder why Sue slapped him? She usually
is the provocative tease around him"
"I don't know" I muttered. Did everyone know my wife was a slut except me? I
thought to myself.
"Maybe we should do something to make them jealous.? I would love to ride
you sometime!" She put her hand on my inner thigh. "Would you like to fuck
me? Feel my tight pussy around your hard cock. Sue said its big, and that you
are really good in bed." She was stroking my cock now.

Part of me wanted to fuck her silly. The part she had her hand wrapped around
definitely did. She pulled my hand to her breast. She had pert firm breasts with
a small pointed nipples. She turned me to facing her and she started to drop to
her knees.
I took her hand and pulled her back up. "I can't do this. Not now. I am a mess
inside and can't. "
She looked at me wondering. "What's going on?" She asked, concerned now.
"Chase, are you coming? We should think about going." Sue called out from the
top of the stairs. The moment shattered.
"Ok" I answered
I rearranged my cock. And we headed up.
Sue had her shoes on and was ready by the door. Todd was standing beside
her. It looked like he was trying to say something to her desperately.
Lois came and gave Sue a hug, then me one. I could feel her nipples pressing
into my chest. Todd gave a short hug to Sue. We did the man brace thing guys
"Ever put your hands on my wife again I will fuck Lois into next week. Don't
think she wouldn't either, asshole." I said to him quietly.
His look as we separated was like he shit himself. I noticed that he had a bright
handprint complete with Sue's ring imprint on his cheek. I thought to myself I
won't be the only one having a shitty night. At least he deserved it.
When we got to the car Sue asked me "what was that about?"
"I just told him if he put his hands on you again I would fuck Lois into next
week." I said looking at her "She was all ready to give me a blowjob in the
"Lois? You should have! Todd's an asshole" was her reply.
"Why didn't you?" She asked after a bit
"She's your friend. I hurt you once. Very badly apparently. I wouldn't do that
"She was ready to blow you, is she really a friend?"

"She's been hurt by Todd, she just wants to even the score, besides she noticed
that you usually are very much the tease with him as well"
The rest of the ride was quiet.
Nikky was resting on the couch when we got home. She was watching a movie.
"Alright if I stay and watch the end of it?" She asked.
Sue said "I’m going to clean up and get ready for bed, so its up to Chase."
"I don't mind," I said, so I sat and started watching. Part of the movie got pretty
explicit. I looked at Nikky. She just smiled back. The woman in the show was
naked, and while you couldn't see, she was definitely sucking the guys cock
then she moved to sitting in the guys lap riding him slowly to an intense long
orgasm, the kind only movies show. The love scene was the end of the movie.
So Nikky got up and stretched. What a view.
"Ready?" I asked
"For you?' She winked, "anytime!" She licked her lips and laughed "goodnight
Sue! Thank you" she quietly called out down the hall.
"Did Chase pay you?" Sue asked
"Not yet, we're good though"
"OK, thanks!" Was Sue's reply
We left and got into the van
"Pretty hot scene, hey?" She stated
"Totally!" I agreed
"I noticed you liked it" she smiled and looked into my lap
I fumbled for words, Nikky was always flirty, but she was getting bold.
"It got me super wet. I so badly want to pull out your cock and suck you hard
and then feel you inside me "
"Nikky, you can't I'm married and you've been our babysitter for years."
"That makes it even hotter. Getting fucked by my first crush?" She moaned
She leaned closer to me. Her hand on my thigh the other hand between her
legs. "You could stop here and I would do whatever you wanted. Would you
like to see my tits? Or would you like to come in my mouth?"

I put my hand on hers to keep her from grabbing my cock. Driving was
becoming difficult.
She pulled her top up with her other hand. "Do you like my little titties?"
"Of course I do, but you are still our babysitter, and I'm still married"
She pulled her top back in place when we got to her house. I was glad it was a
short drive.
I reached for my wallet and pulled out $50.00
She took the money. "When you go home, remember I will be making myself
cum over and over dreaming of sucking your cock and having you fuck me.
Mmmmm. I really want that!"
"Goodnight Nikky!"
"Sweet dreams Chase! It was fun teasing you! Maybe next time?" She turned
and walked up to her house. Before she went in she slid her hand inside her
shorts Her legs spread and she
Moaned with her head tilted back as she played with herself. Then she turned
and went inside
I was hard. I realized I hadn't cum in over three weeks.
I drove home slowly. I needed a moment to think, and to get my cock under
I walked into the house. It was dark except the bedroom light. I went to go sit
in my chair. Sue came out of the bedroom. She was wearing a camisole with a
transparent wrap. She brought me a scotch. She had a tall glass of wine.
"I wondered if Nikky was going to ambush you tonight too? She was giving you
a serious horny stare." she said looking straight into my eyes.
"She hinted" I said and took a sip.
"Only hinted? I thought she was going to masturbate on the couch for you
watching the end of that movie."
"She saved that for when she got to her front door" I smiled at the thought
"Did she flash you her cute little pert tits?"
"Yes" I replied

"Were you tempted?" She sat on the arm of the chair. Her bare leg next to my
"Yes, and no" I answered " I had a thought that one day my daughters are going
to babysit. They will be pretty like their mother. I hope the father remembers
he is a father then too. But she is fucking hot!"
"I can tell" she smiled she ran a finger over the edge of my cock.
She knelt down in front of me.
"Sue, no." I started to say, but she put a finger up to my lips
She undid my belt and opened the snaps. "I have been wanting to make love
with you for so long" she whispered
Part of me wanted to shove her away. But I also wanted her. She placed her
lips on my cock and as she pulled down my pants she sucked me into her
mouth. She was slowly exploring my cock. Her tongue teased and caressed the
head. Her lips kissed and stroked me. I was ready to explode, but every time
she would back off and keep me on edge. Then in what seemed like an instant I
would be back on the verge of cumming. She would look up at me and tease
my cock more.
After what seemed like forever, she slid her wrap off her shoulders. She slid the
camisole off. She climbed up and sat on my cock. She slowly lowered herself on
me. She moaned as I filled her. She rocked her hips moving me inside. She had
me ready to cum in seconds. But she slowing down to keep me twitching and
building a pent up need to cum. Over and over. She kept bringing me closer
and then letting me ease back again.
She took my hands and placed them on her breasts. I felt the barbells. I pulled
them gently. She moaned. As she moaned her pussy clenched around me
tighter. I twisted and pulled harder. Her head tilted back and she groaned she
dropped herself on my cock hard. She started to cum. She leaned forward and
kissed my neck. Nibbled and bit. I stood up and carried her to our bed. I closed
the door. Her legs were wrapped around my waist. I dropped her on the bed. I
pulled her legs up over my shoulders. I pulled my cock out until I was resting
the head just at her entrance. She was quivering. I reached for her nipples and
pulled on the barbells. Then I pounded my cock into her. She nearly screamed
with the orgasm that rocked her. I started to fuck her harder than I ever
thought possible. I pushed her legs back against her shoulders. I was fucking

her deep and hard and as fast as I could. She started to cum hard again. I rolled
her on her side. I kept her legs pulled up to her chest. I drove into her again and
again. I was going to cum. I fucked her until I felt my cum charging up, then I
flipped her on her back and pulled her off the end of the bed. She slid off the
end of the bed on the covers and floor. Her face was level with my cock and I
unleashed a series of blasts at first on her face, then she opened her mouth. I
thrust my hips forward until I had her lips pressed against the root of my cock.
Her eyes bulged as my cock pulsed filling her throat. I began fucking her mouth.
Holding her splayed out on the floor as I used her mouth to keep me hard. She
made all kinds of gagging noises as I pumped deep into her throat. Fuck I
wanted to cum again down her throat, but I had another idea.
I pulled her up. I tossed her face down on the bed. I pulled her hips up and
stuffed a pillow under her hips. I climbed up on the bed and started fucking her
from behind. I slapped her ass. Hard, really hard. She tried to stop me. I pulled
out of her. I grabbed my pants. I pulled the belt out. I held her wrists and
swatted her cheeks with the belt. Not as hard as I had spanked her, but enough
to make her shriek. Then I tied her arms behind her back. I fucked her long and
slow, then fast and hard. I stuck my index finger roughly in her ass. She tried to
move, but I held her. I pumped my finger in her ass as I fucked her. She began
to cum. Harder than I had ever seen her cum. After a few minutes of pounding
into her I pulled out. I swung around until I was in front of her face. I lifted her
face up and stuffed my cock in her mouth again. I reached over and pulled the
massage oil from the drawer. I poured a stream of it down her ass cheeks and
down between the crack of her ass.
I stroked two fingers down the crease of her ass until I reached her little tight
star. I pressed my fingers in. Sue moaned against my cock as my fingers pressed
past the tight ring of her ass and entered her. Now I was plunging into her ass
and mouth at the same time. I pulled out of her mouth and pulled her down to
the edge of the bed. Her ass up over a pillow, legs spread wide. I lined my cock
up and pushed. Fuck she was tight. I began to fuck her slow, long and deep. She
began to moan harder and tremble. I sped up and her moans became more
guttural. I pulled her hair back, arching her back up. I reached around and
grabbed her breasts and pinched her nipples. I stretched her back more and
pounded up into her. She came so hard she began to squirt, little jets of cum
with each of my thrusts. When she was spent I let her fall back on the bed. I
untied her arms and rolled her onto her back. I stuffed my cock in her pussy
again. I bit her nipple and teased the barbell with my tongue. She growled like

a hungry tiger. I fucked her and played with her tits. Again she started to squirt,
her pussy pulsing against my cock. I couldn't hold back any longer. I came inside
her. Hard pulsing jets of cum. Her body trembled as she moaned and her
orgasm washed through her. She fell back on the bed. Her breasts rising and
falling as she tried to catch her breath. Her legs trembled and shook with minor
spasms. My cock slid out of her and I sat back on the floor. I stayed there for a
moment, then I slowly got to my feet. Sue sat back up. She pulled me to her.
She took my cock and sucked me into her mouth. She licked and sucked me
clean, licking cum off my balls and shaft. When she was done, she pulled me up
into bed. I lay on my back. She lay up against me.
"I love you! " she said. "More than anything"
"I know" I said. I knew she did, and I knew I loved her no matter what.
Within seconds we both fell asleep.
I woke up with soft lips on my cock. She was sucking me slowly, and
"Good morning! " she said and then took my cock back into her mouth. She
built me up to the edge of cumming and held me there on the edge for a long
time. My whole body was trembling.
"I want you to explode in my mouth, I want to taste every drop of your cum on
my lips" she took the head in her mouth and ran her tongue in circles over the
crown. I told her I was going to cum and she purred like a kitten. It felt like I
was at a fireworks show and I was the grand finale. Jet after jet of cum filled
her mouth. So much that rivulets ran down over her fingers and on my belly.
When I was finished she showed me her mouth full, and she swallowed it all.
Then she licked her fingers, my cock, and every drop off my belly. Finally she lay
on me, her head on my stomach, her body between my legs.
My head was spinning. Last night she started with passion, but then I basically
hate fucked the hell out of her. This morning was about passion again. I hate
her. I love her. I am so fucked.
We stayed like that for many minutes. Then we heard the girls. Sue jumped up
into the bed and pulled the covers up. She curled up next to me. Looking up at
me and she smiled a radiant smile.

The girls came barging in. They jumped up on the bed and lay down with us.
Amanda told us she read a whole book to Taylor this morning. She and Taylor
talked and carried on for a long time, until we realised we were hungry.
"Crepes?" I asked
All three women yelled "Please!"
The girls got up and went to get dressed. Sue and I got dressed as well. I went
to the kitchen to start cooking.
I thought to myself something has to change I hoped we were back on a path
to get over this. I can't be a cuck husband. I can't.


Thank you for the patience, and the many suggestions. As I have said this is my
first work, so I expected to make mistakes. I did want to write something
different than the cheating wife or husband getting torched. I think that is what
everyone wants to do,but reality is often a different set of circumstances. I
wanted to take the reader on this type of journey. I know the story type isn't
for everyone. Hopefully everyone enjoys at least some of the story.
As it is my first, comments both good and critical will help me do better. Please
give detail, other than "It Sucked!"
Please read the chapters in order so the story makes sense. Thanks, and please
Cheers and happy reading!
Chapter Three
A Wife's Revenge, In Too Deep?
Monday morning started great, well compared to how my last three weeks had
Yesterday Sue and I talked. She told me of how she had a simple plan to get
even. To exact her revenge. She also confessed that her upbringing was to be
so reserved especially sexually. She wanted to explore some freedom. Once she
opened that door she couldn't close it.

Her affair began with Darren as a verbal teasing affair. No touching, no nudity,
no sex. But with all they talked about, it aroused her desires. She craved to
explore. She craved new adventures. After almost 4 months they had their first
experience. It changed her inside.
She told me that originally she wanted to plan the sex to do some things that
peaked her curiosity and that would shock me. Just one weekend of the wildest
stuff to try. Then, when they actually started fucking, it was different, it was
new, and exciting. Darren pushed boundaries. At home she had love, with
Darren she had sex.
The original plan was to cuckold me for the weekend.. and then work through
the challenges. Her plan was to make it where I had to stay, and then we could
work out everything after. She thought the relief at not being cucked would be
a reason to forgive. Also her new found desires to experiment would spice up
our love life.
She also made it quite clear, when I fucked Emily, she developed a rage which
burned inside. At times everything else, including the kids was eclipsed by her
rage and desire to make me hurt like she had hurt. Sex would be her weapon.
She needed a partner to assist. Her old boss had propositioned her many times.
He was good looking. He was rich. He owned numerous companies. He was
good with the ladies. He had a dark allure. He wanted her.
That's when she told me she was going back to work. He was very interested in
having her return. Once he found her reasons for wanting to return, he became
quite devoted to her plan. They spent hours talking about what they could do,
how they could set it up.
Then one afternoon, after a very hot and sexy discussion, he pulled his cock out
to show her how turned on he was. She sucked him. He came in her mouth. He
made her swallow. He fucked her three times that afternoon. She came home
late, claiming she had a headache, had a bath and went to bed. She felt guilty,
free and sexual. And she felt like she was starting on getting even.
After that, they had sex at least once a week. They had a plan to fuck all
weekend. The kids could be with her parents. She would tell me what was
going on so my insides could turn, knowing she would be fucking someone else.
Then they would send short videos or pictures. They could fuck, party, dance,
drink, whatever. There would be no limits.

Darren wanted to keep tabs on me, so he hired a private eye. He wanted to

make sure I didn't grab a gun or buy something off the street and come
gunning for him. She said she was also worried I might snap and kill myself. The
PI would keep me safe, hopefully.
The plan was supposed to go off and it was supposed to end after the weekend.
The first night was just sex. Anything goes. It was wild. The next night they
were at a club. It got wild. I had never been with more than one person before.
That was farther than she had wanted things to go, but it was fucking hot, she
had said. But still that was supposed to be as far as it went.
Then I showed up with a hooker. Even knowing the PI was watching, we went
up to a room. We didn't come down until morning, together. Even after we had
stayed together. Sue said she was going to show me how much I could hurt and
be tortured. The two men fucked her savagely. She came so hard and it felt so
good, and it sated the anger. But after she just hurt. Emotionally and physically.
The hot wife anklet was Darren's idea. The idea was to extend things for
another week., and then end it. But she was so sore that she needed a few days
to recover. Thursday night was just Darren. But when she tried to come home
to be with me, I was mean. I made her feel cheap, and dirty. And guilty.
Then when Friday came he came over to pick her up while I was at work. They
fucked in our bed, then in the shower, and they left after cleaning up. That
night was crazy. It got way beyond what she wanted. It was going too far. And
the reality was that it didn't look like I had actually fucked the hooker. Her text
haunted Sue. It was going way too far.
The problem was she couldn't make it stop. She couldn't undo her actions. It
just kept going. When they talked about piercings, it was just talk, until they got
put in. Again she had said it wasn't planned, but once done the gravity struck.
Piecing was permanent. Sort of. It was a constant reminder of someone else
taking control. It couldn't be undone. Later when I showed the pictures of her
pierced tits covered in cum it was a permanent stake through our marriage.
The only thing that felt good was the wild and kinky sex. But some of what was
happening was going places she didn't want, but she couldn't stop it either. But
the love that she wanted was becoming farther and farther away. It might be
gone permanently.
She couldn't deal with the thought of losing the new sexual freedom, and most
importantly the love of her husband.

I had told her I hated her for torturing me, but at the same time I knew I
deserved it. When Sue was down I kicked her in her most vulnerable places.
But the knowledge that someone else controlled her sexuality, who she fucked,
how she fucked, and how intense the orgasms were, hurt.
I told her I hated hatefucking her. I hated her mouth on me knowing it was
others who had awakened the eroticism and desire to be highly skilled at oral.
Or to fuck with intensity.
We talked until late. Then I went to bed. Too exhausted and emotionally raw to
do anything but sleep.
Work in the morning started off great. Jan was in a great mood. She was happy
we were talking and her class was going excellent. We had 14 more contracts
to do. That meant we were booked until early June already.
Around noon I got a call on my phone. It was Sue. "Um, uh, uh, Chase, uh, oh,
uh, God, uh Chase, uh, uh, honey, I uh, uh, oh, God uh, Chase I uh called uh,
"He is fucking you isn't he?" I spat into the phone.
I heard him laugh "yes, sorry, oh shit, oooohhhhhh! Fuckkkkkk!" She said,
I threw the phone.
I got up. I put together some papers. I was in a complete rage. I called my
supervisors. I called Jillian. I set a conference for 5 that night. Everyone had
questions. I said just make sure you are there or online. Jan tried to stop me,
but I just pushed past her.
I called the bank. I straightened some things out. I cleared up some of the
accounts. I called a realtor. Then I called a lawyer.
At the meeting I had drafted a bill of sale. The company and all assets except
the 3 acres of storage yard would be sold equally to them as shareholders. The
loans for materials basically were balanced by the assets of bricks, Rock,
landscape goods and equipment. Each of them would own shares in the
company for the price of 1 dollar per share. They would also sign a contract to
lease the storage yard from me for the cost of the mortgage plus all taxes.
Sue would get the house. The value of the cabin would pay more of the
mortgage down. The values we had in the house would equal the eventual
value of the storage yard. That would eliminate my obligations to pay alimony. I

didn't want to pay that cunt to be fucking the douchebag. I would still have
child support. I could deal with that.
The company could keep me as a consultant if I felt like it. The extra cash from
the company accounts would be used to pay me and Sue out over 6 months at
$6 k per month each. The company could use the equity to secure loans and
products to keep the business fluid.
I signed my copy and told them that the legal version would be done next
week. They would need to come up with the cash for the purchase price before
that time. I walked out. I heard people calling for me but I shook them off and
left. I drove away.
I drove to the country and kept going until I was in the mountains. I had no idea
where I was. I slept in the back of the van. While I was driving I made a plan.
When I woke up I decided that it would work. I turned back and headed for a
campsite out of town. I paid for a week. I had stopped at several stores along
the way back. I Picked an item up from each store. I followed Darren in a taxi. I
gave a generous tip to ensure the driver forgot my face.
I knew where he lived. I knew when I would be ready.
I made the call. Man to man. Bring the bodyguard. I didn't care. I wanted him. I
told him where and when.
I went to the lawyers and completed the paperwork for the sale of my
business. I arranged a courier to deliver the package to work. I bought a cheap
burner phone. I sent a text to Sue. I spelled out the terms of the divorce. If she
fought it would be a long battle, and everything would come out. The lawyer
would call her to sign the papers. She had sole custody of the girls. I said that I
hoped in time I would be able to be able to visit occasionally. I re-read it and hit
send. She called right after. I threw the phone against a wall. It shattered.
The next morning I went to the site I had chosen. It was secluded, up in the hills
just out of town. Overlooking the river. It was an old gravel pit. It was a
beautiful morning. I drove the van into a pile of rocks at the bottom of the pit..
It was smoking a bit. I waited, I was early. I had a camera set up. It would
record up to six hours.
I saw them pull up. I heard the crunch of gravel when the car bottomed out on
one of the piles of rock. They parked on the flat area I had staked out and I
smiled. I smiled even more as both of them got out of the car.

I was wearing shorts and a shirt. I took off my Shirt. I shook my pants. I turned
around. "No weapons. Just my fists."
Darren walked towards me. Cocky as ever. When he got close he stopped.
"What do you want?" Darren asked
"A piece of you. I don't care if I lose. I just want one or two shots in" I said "on
both of you two assholes"
Darren gave the driver a look. He pulled off his jacket. He undid his shirt. He
kicked off his shoes. "I was a gold glove in my day. I don't see you landing a
single punch. And in case you try anything, we brought insurance. The driver
pulled a semiautomatic rifle. He patted it and smiled.
I got in my stance. We moved and sparred. I tried a jab intentionally slower
than I knew I could throw. His block and counter was aimed right for my nose. I
blocked and gave him a short uppercut with my jab hand. It wasn't hard, but it
hit his jaw. He laughed. We spared, I jabbed again a bit slow. He blocked and
feigned a punch to my face but turned to a gut shot. It caught me a bit. He had
power. I made like I was winded and dropped my hands. I knew he couldn't
resist a solid face shot. When it came I ducked and hit him with a combo. One
really good shot to the head. And a light shot that split his lip. I rotated around
him. He gave a couple of fake shots to gage my reaction. It wasn't as easy as he
first thought.
He came in with a combo two to the face, one to the midsection, and two more
to the face. He caught me with one of the punches pretty good. I backed away.
When he came after me I hit him with a roundhouse kick. I connected with his
lower ribs. The kidney area. His guard dropped on that side. His next charge I
brought a knee up to his solar plexus. Then I dropped an elbow to the top of his
head. I hoped that would slow him. It did, but it also pissed him off. He began
to throw more punch combos. He kept closing the distance so I couldn't get
I knew this was where his training would be a difference maker. I landed one
more shot to his nose. It crunched. I wasn't sure if it broke or that was just
cartilage grinding, but it felt good to hurt him, at least a bit. From then on I was
stuck on defense. His shots to my ribs began taking their toll. He landed a few
good ones that stunned me. I dropped. I saw the kick coming. I caught it and
twisted his knee. It popped. But then he landed a fierce shot to my temple.

While I was trying to find my balance he switched places with the driver. He
leaned against the car with his rifle. He was taunting me. The driver just gave
me a look of cold hate.
"Next time I fuck Sue I am going to ride her ass until I turn her inside out. I will
fuck her until she shits, and then I am going to fuck that shit down her throat
for fucking you. I am going to twist those little fucking barbells until she
screams. And then I am going to rip them off her."
He came in to grab me. I tossed handfuls of gravel up into his face. I got two
punches in and then I took out his knee with a straight kick that buckled
backwards. Unfortunately Darren chose that moment to nail the back of my
head with the butt of the rifle. I spun to the ground. The world was spinning.
He came over and kicked me once. His knee must have hurt because it wasn't a
hard kick. The butt end of the rifle fucking hurt when it connected with my ribs.
He swung two more times. Once more to my ribs, and once more to the back of
my head.
The next feeling I had was I was wet. It was raining warm rain. I opened my
eyes to look. It was Darren and the driver. They were pissing on me. Darren
took one more swing with the rifle, connecting with my knee.
They left me there. Dazed, hurt, and on the verge of passing out. They got in
the car and started driving. Leaving me there. I smiled. I focused on staying
awake. I couldn't pass out yet I waited a few minutes. Any time now I prayed.
And then I heard metal on metal screeching and tires skidding. I looked to
where I thought the river was. There it was, a cloud of thick smoke. And then I
was gone.
I woke up and it was dark. I collected my camera. My knee was sore as hell but
it held my weight. I hobbled up to the road. I started to walk to town. When I
got to the long straight section going to the river there were still police at the
bottom. Lights were flashing. I kept walking. When I got close I saw where the
guardrail had been hit. It was a twenty foot drop to the water. A tow truck was
trying to pull the car back up to the road.
The cop looked at me. "What happened to you?" He asked
"I had a score to settle. The old fashioned way, I guess I didn't fare too well." I
"What happened here?" I asked.

"Looks like they tore their gas line in the gravel pit. It caught fire. If they hadn't
hit the water they would have burned to death. They both got burned pretty
bad and the crash roughed them up pretty good.
I laughed "was it Darren and his driver then?" I asked
"How did you know?" He asked
"Guess who I was settling the score with at the gravel pit." I said. "The two of
them were fucking my wife"
"I'm going to have to bring you in for questioning" he said
I laughed. " That's at your risk, after they beat me they both pissed on me." I
think I laughed hysterically.
"I have my video of the fight. I took it in case they decided to kill me. I thought
they were going to when they brought out the rifle." I said
I handed him my camera. "I hoped he would have killed me. so when someone
found the video it would send him to jail for life. I don't have anything to live
for, and I don't have it in me to kill him."
He called dispatch. I was given a ride to the hospital, and then to the sheriff's
My story checked out. They had found the gun in the back seat. A gas line had
been broken and leaked leaving a trail all the way back from the gravel pit, and
apparently spraying the undercarriage of the car. It ignited into a fireball on the
hill. They crashed into the river when they couldn't see, or stop.
I thought to myself how funny it was that a tiny leak in a gas line could cover
enough of the underside of a car with enough gas to cause it to burn like that.
Tsk Tsk. The cops should have seen that. I smiled to myself. Amazing what a
flint and a balloon full of gas tied to a string can do when a bit of gas is sprayed
around. Good thing rope burns! I chuckled to myself.
When they were ready to let me go, they asked if I wanted to call my family. I
said no. I didn't have anyone except my parents and I didn't want to bother
them. They gave me a ride to my campsite.
I think I slept for two straight days. On the third I hobbled into town. I bought a
beat up old truck. It had a canopy on the back. I bought another cheap phone
and called my parents. I left a message. I was leaving town. I left my number,

but told them not to let Sue know it. I'd call in a few days. I told them to tell the
girls I needed a few days. I would see them when I could.
I drove back out to the mountains. I found a quiet campsite and cracked a
bottle of Jack Daniel's. I drank until I puked, then I drank some more. I drank
until I couldn't even drink anymore.
I woke up. I had puked on myself. There is no feeling lower than losing
everything, waking with nothing but a wicked hangover, and being covered in
puke. Vile putrid puke. Unless of course it starts to rain a fine drizzle on you.
At least I was near a river. There were a few other campers around. I saw one
mother frantic to gather her kids away from me. I guess I was quite the sight. I
walked into the river. It was freezing cold. I washed my hair as well as I could. I
took off my shirt and washed it. I couldn't exactly take off my pants but I hoped
the water would at least take most of the stench away.
My next challenge was my guts were cramping up. I needed an outhouse. I got
out of the river and went in search of one. It was cold outside. Being wet had
amplified the effect. I was shivering. When I got to the outhouse my fingers
didn't want to cooperate. I couldn't unhook the lock on the outside. I went in
when finally got the lock unhooked and it was so gross I almost puked again. I
wiped the seat off and had a torrent of diarrhea erupt. Fortunately I managed
to sit on the can just in time.
My plan had worked, maybe a bit too well. I just wanted to fuck them up a bit
the next part of my plan was to drop a hint that they will never know when, or
how, but I would finish what I started. My plan for that was to record him
threatening me and hand that to the police. If I disappeared, they would
investigate. I didn't really care about living anymore. I was already in hell.
Death might be an easier path. And if it brought asshole to a suitable fate then
it would at least give me some satisfaction.
The problem was I felt ill. Every fiber hurts right now. I was frozen. shivering,
having possibly the worst case of the runs in my life in the grossest of
I realized that for the first time in my life, I had no purpose. No plan to execute.
No one is relying on me. The only thing I had that mattered was my two girls,
who would probably in a few years be calling Darren dad. Instead of feeling
free I felt empty. Emotionally, spiritually, and physically empty.

So, I sat and I shit until my ass was burning, and there was nothing left to come
out. I shivered because I was cold and wet. I decided to head to someplace
warm. It didn't matter much where. I sat in the truck and let the heater kick in
and warm me up. I needed to find a store or restaurant and get some food and
liquids in me. I was shaking still but it wasn't from the cold anymore.
My useless phone didn't have a data plan. I couldn't even tell where I was. Or
where the next town was. I decided to start driving. Something would show up
eventually. I drove for about 30 minutes and came to a town. I put gas in the
truck, and added oil. I guess it burned a little. I didn't really feel like a greasy
burger and fries, but when I looked at the menu, it was the only thing that
didn't make me want to go puke again. It didn't sit the best in my stomach, but
at least it stayed there. I also drank a ton of water. I felt a bit better.
I found a general store. I bought a shirt, jacket and pair of jeans. I changed in
the bathroom. I tossed everything I wore in the store into the garbage. Except
my shoes. I had to go commando. Oh well.
I just started driving again when my phone rang. I pulled over and answered. I
knew my mom would be worried as hell. Time to face that music.
It was my dad instead. "What the fucking Sam hell do you think you are doing?
I didn't raise you to run away from problems. Your family needs you. Stop
feeling sorry for yourself and pull your shit together"
My mom took the phone from him. "Hello Chase? Your dad is upset"
"No shit" I said. "I was just about to launch the phone into a wall. I am finding it
to be kind of therapeutic to throw them."
"Don't you dare. We have been trying to get hold of you for days." She scolded
me. "We have your girls with us. Sue is staying with her mothers." Her voice
took on a hushed tone, " she told us everything. I'm so sorry Chase. But your
children need you. She is too broken to care for them and so we have them.
They need you though."
I was stunned. "What happened?"
Sue quit her job. She called me to take the kids and help you with them. She
couldn't face you to talk to you. She is with her mothers. I think she had a
breakdown." she told me. "Why did you run away?"

My head was trying to pull this together. Sue left the kids to me? She quit? And
I ran? When did any of this happen? How?
"Chase? Are you there?' She asked
"Yeah mom, I'm trying to put this all together. When did this all happen?" I
"We were trying to get hold of you Monday afternoon. She called just after
lunch. We had to hurry. We've been trying to get you all week. Your work
wasn't any help either. The one new girl knows, but isn't saying anything. They
are ready to hang her. I am about ready go provide the rope"
"Mom, she is the only friend I had in this" I couldn't think straight. "Mom, I
don't even know where I am. I need to get home."
"Get here as soon as you can. These girls need a parent and both of you left.
That isn't fair to them."
"Are you at the house? Or your place?" I asked
"We are at your place." She said
"I'm on my way mom. I love you! Thank you!" I hung up.
I turned the truck around. I headed back to the gas station. I needed a map.
By the time I made it home it was past 10:00 pm. I was exhausted. I barely got
out of the truck when mom came out.
"What In God's name happened go you?" She looked at me. I hadn't given any
thought to the beating I took from Darren or the driver. "I tried to fight the
guys who took Sue away."
"Go take a shower. Clean up a bit before you wake up the girls. They need to
see you, but not like this" she said
I went in. My dad just shook his head at me, "what were you thinking?"
Mom shut him down. "Not now!" The look she gave him gave him reason to
I went to the bedroom. It was exactly how I left it. The bathroom was the same.
I hopped in the shower. I shaved. I brushed my teeth. And put deodorant on. I
put on my regular clean clothes.

Mom took me in to wake up the girls. Amanda started crying as she hugged
me. "Where were you daddy? Where is mommy? Is she ok?" Taylor hugged me
and wouldn't let go.
I did my best to explain. "Mom was dealing with a problem. I had to deal with a
different problem. I finished with mine first. Now I am home."
"Mommy will be home soon too?" She asked
"We'll see" I hated myself for not being able to reassure her, but I didn't have
much hope for us to be together.
"What happened to you daddy? Your face is bruised." She asked
"A bad person tried to hurt me. But they only bruised me a bit"
"Will they hurt you again? She asked, looking scared.
"No, they can't hurt me anymore. The police won't let them." I said
"Is mommy hurt too? Did they bruise her like before?" I saw the connection she
made and how it scared her
"No mommy doesn't have any bruises. Those ones are all better." I said
"Why don't we read you two books to fall asleep. Tomorrow we can catch up."
My mother said, calmly.
Taylor grabbed her favorite right away. I lay on the bed with one girl on each
arm. They fell asleep fairly quickly
I got up and went to the living room. My mom was making tea. My dad was
sitting in my chair. He was frowning. Mom came out and set our teas down.
"How come you left, instead of taking care of your children?" Dad asked
"When Sue's lover taunted me by screwing her while making her call me, I had
two choices. Divorce her and let her have the guy she chose to screw around
with, or let her continue to screw around and pretend to ignore it. I couldn't
take the taunting and humiliation. I left giving her the house and car. The cabin
will be sold and I sold off the business so she is set up with the girls. The lawyer
drew up the stuff Monday to give her Tuesday. All she had to do was agree." I
told them.
"I texted her the details and left. I didn't know anything else happened till now.
I did get into a fight with her boss later in the week. He is a better fighter and

he cheats. After that I left town." My mom was looking at me as I finished

speaking. Tears running down her cheeks.
We were quiet for a while. "Have you heard anything about how Sue is?" I
My dad shook his head. Mom started speaking softly. "She isn't doing well. She
knows she messed up everything. She is giving up."
Her answer scared me a bit. "What do you mean 'giving up'?"
"When she went home, she told Julie everything. How she planned to hurt you,
but she went way overboard. She destroyed everything. She got used,
manipulated and toyed with, and she killed your love. Since then she has been
shutting down. She won't eat. She wanted to get help originally, but now she
just wants to give up."
"What should I do?" I asked
"Grow a set, son." My dad said
"Brad!" My mother reacted.
"I fucked up in my day. Nothing like what you did, but stupid in my own way.
Your mother sent a very clear message. Either work for it, or don't. But if you
don't, it won't be there when you want it" he explained. "Marriage takes effort.
sacrifice, humility, and nothing you do is for getting recognition, it's done for
"I called Julie early the next morning. I told her we were coming over. Don't tell
Sue. We are bringing breakfast." I loaded Mom and Dad and the girls into the
van. We picked up a mountain of pancakes at IHOP and a few jars of syrup.
I had the girls help carry the food. I had my parents watch the girls. I went in
the house ahead.
"Where is she?" I asked Julie
"She's in her room, Chase, wait...."
I didn't, I barged in. She was curled in her bed. She looked at me surprised. She
tried to pull the covers up. I pulled them back.
"Our daughters are here, they need their mother. We brought breakfast. Come
and eat. Let them hug you and love you."

I just finished saying that when Amanda Burst in," Mommy!" She charged and
jumped on the bed. Taylor followed and I pulled her up on the bed. "Daddy said
you were getting better, are you coming home?" Amanda asked.
Sue looked at me and looked away. I saw her withdraw. "Let's get through
breakfast and then we can talk about getting mom ready to come home with
Mom and dad took the kids out. I stayed and pulled her to sit up. I sat down.
"Do you love me?" I asked
"Yes, but..."
" No buts... I love you. I hurt you, and you hurt me. We still love each other. It
will take a lot of work for both of us. Let's decide if we are worth it in time,
when we are ready." I don't know if I made any sense, but her eyes teared up.
"Lets go have breakfast" I took her hand and pulled her by my side.
Breakfast was kept light by the kids talking and babbling on. They told tales to
Sue about things their grandparents took them to do and see. After breakfast I
suggested the kids Sue and I take a walk to the park. It was a decent distance
away, but easy walking.
I carried Taylor most of the way there. Amanda latched onto her mothers hand
and stayed with her. Walking a country lane in spring is pleasant. The leaves
are fresh and green. The air has scents of early flowers and freshness. The sun
was giving a radiant heat that made the day feel warmer than the 70 degrees.
When we got to the park the girls wanted swing rides.I pushed Tay and Sue
pushed Amanda.
The girls enjoyed play time and soon wanted to be spun on the merry go round.
I tried to hold Tay but had to get off. I was getting really dizzy and I realized my
concussion was probably causing some after effects. Sue rode with Tay, and
Amanda both. From there the girls went to the slides and generally all over the
platforms and forts.
Sue and I sat watching them.
"Why are you here?" Sue asked me.
I looked at her. She couldn't look me in the eye. "My mom said you were giving
up. Shutting down. It sounded like you were going back to when you had

postpartum. You were suicidal at times then. I worried you would um, end it. I
had thought about that too. The hurt I caused, I felt worthless. It sounded like
you were feeling the same. " I took both her hands. "In spite of the hurt, the
thought of you being gone, of giving up, not being there was something I
couldn't deal with."
She was crying. " I really screwed up."
I pulled her into a hug. " Let's look ahead. Not back. We can't change the past."
I tilted her head up to look at me. " it make take time, to heal, and build trust
again, but I would rather we started talking, instead of building walls up and
hurting in private"
The girls came over to see why Sue was crying. I started to answer but she
interrupted me "Because I am finally feeling a bit better, thanks to you two and
your dad"
It was time to head back. I picked up Amanda and gave her a piggyback ride.
Tay was happy to walk holding mommy's hand, at least for the first 200 yards.
Then she wanted to be carried.
When we got back to the house our parents were sitting around the dining
room table. The conversation stopped when we entered the room.
"You know, there is no better way to make someone uncomfortable than to
stop talking when they enter the room" I looked at the four of them. Then at
Sue. "I wonder what I did this time?" And I laughed. The girls laughed too. Sue
even started to giggle a little.
I sent the girls to go get their stuff. After lunch we would probably head back
I pulled Sue into her room. "Are you wanting to come home with us?" I asked
"I don't know. I feel like I don't deserve you. I read your text. I wanted to die,
because I destroyed us, and you still were good and cared."
"I also have a lot of anger to work through. I don't want to rage hatred on you
when I can't cope and drive you away." I said truthfully "There are some parts
of me feeling pretty fucked up and evil."

"I think I still need time. I think you may want some time too. I think we need to
get mad as hell at each other, and I'm not ready for that." She said softly "that
scares me too. Not being ready in case you are gone for good then."
"That's my fear too." I said
We sat there for a few minutes. Reality weighed heavy in the air and silence.
"Stay here for now" I said.
"Ok" was all Sue said.
I got up and pulled her up. Together we walked into the living room
"Ready to go girls? Mom is tired out and needs some rest. We can come back
Both girls broke into tears. Both sets of grandparents echoed the need for Sue
to rest and get better before coming home. My parents loaded the girls in the
van after a long teary hug. I gave Sue a kiss. "Call me" I said and I got in and
drove away.
It was a sullen quiet ride. When we got home the girls were tired. We cheated
and went to McDonald's. for supper again. Then it was bath time and bed.
After the girls were asleep, my dad started talking " You have your work cut out
for you. Sue needs some time. You need time to get over being angry and sorry
for yourself. You need to find your footing. So does she. Then maybe you can
work through this. In the meantime, you have two girls to think of, who did
nothing to deserve this. You need to make a normal life for them to fit into, so
they feel safe and secure. I can't hold your hand through this. You need to
stand on your own two feet. Tomorrow your mother and I are going to head
home. I need to go back to work. So do you."
He got up, and went to the guest bedroom. My mom had already gone to bed.
It was 9:00. I sat and thought about the day. It was good to see Sue. I went to
bed. I lay there forever waiting for sleep, but it didn't want to give me any
My next several days were a blur. Not that they went by fast without much
activity, actually the opposite. Slow days of basic nothing. Walks, stuff for kids
to do. Patching the rest of the living room. Reading stories. The blur masked
the nothingness of it all.

Monday morning I dropped the girls at daycare. I went to the office. Jan gave
me a huge hug followed by a gut punch that took my breath away. I got
another hug after.
"You fucking piece of shit. You gave me 1/5th of your company and no one
knows me here. They thought I was fucking you to get it. They know I know
what's going on and won't tell them, so they all fucking hate me." She gave me
another shot to the gut. I was better prepared. I called everyone. We did a
conference with Jillian on video.
"Jan knows what happened to my marriage. It's embarrassing, and I am not
going to go into details. I sincerely appreciate the support she gave me. At the
same time she was helping me, she needed a chance. If my marriage dissolved
the company could go too. I didn't want that, so I figured how you all could
keep what we had. And I could keep a promise to Jan."
When I stopped talking, everyone started talking all at the same time.
"Stop, you all own this company. You need to get your shit together on how
you work together. Everyone here has a skill that is needed."
Jillian interrupted "We decided not to take your offer though. The company is
still yours"
Everyone nodded. The bunch of bobbleheads I thought. "You need to take it. If
Sue and I divorce and the deal isn't done first it gets sold for scrap. Everyone
loses. Sign the fucking papers!"
That silenced them. "I also have a favor. I need a job. Part time. But I need
income, and I have to raise my daughters. I need both. A job and time."
They all became bobbleheads again. Some day I will laugh about it. Today I was
They started tossing out titles and job positions. Executive Director, General
manager, President, CEO, COO. Again I asked them to be quiet. "I want a
salesperson, and a business consultant on the side."
They all agreed in an instant. Kyle asked "How much do you want to make?"
"This advice as a consultant will cost you $200 an hour. When do you ever ask
any employee what they will make. The question is how much can you afford to
pay me, and what are the expectations that I would get paid for"

"How do we figure it out? "Scott asked. He was one of the crew leaders. "I
don't know how to figure that out."
"You aren't all the sole boss. You own a piece of the company. Does Jillian
know how to run a crew?"
"No" Scott replied
"Who does?" I asked
"Me and Wayne" Scott replied
"Exactly, you do your job. You get paid a wage to do your job. Do it well, the
company makes money. Do it badly and the company loses money. Who knows
the books on this place?"
"Jillian" everyone answered
"So who can figure out what to pay a salesman?"
"Jillian" was the answer.
"Who is the head boss then?" Kyle asked.
"General Manager you mean?" I suggested
"OK, GM"
"You." I said. "But remember, your boss is the other four. Same for everyone."
"Any other questions?" I asked
Jan raised her hand
"What is it?" I asked
"Is there anything we can do to help? Now or sometime? Let us know, please"
They were all bobbleheads, yet again. I smiled.
"OK, that's $200 you owe me. " I said
They looked at me, blankly....
"Consultants aren't cheap. Don't waste your money, but pay up when you do
use one." I said "that tidbit is free!"
Jan went to the safe. She pulled out $200 "We will need a receipt, and next
time we will need an itemized invoice"

Scott stood, "ok we have work to do! Let's get at it. Jan, can you set up a team
meeting sometime tomorrow. We need to get crews hired, products ordered,
and we need to clarify who is doing what. One other thing. Jan, sorry for not
trusting you. We know Chase has good judgment. We should have believed
that. I apologize"
Jan gave him a hug, "Thank you! I would be wondering why someone new and
with no experience gets here too!"
The crew filed out, each saying sorry in their own way. Finally it was Jan Jillian
on the monitor, and I left.
Jillian spoke first. "Is it really that bad Chase? To make you give up your
"It's worse than that bad Jill, but, for now I have the girls, I have the house, and
I have a job that will support me, I hope." I said.
"We will do whatever it takes to make sure you have that." She said, "On the
plus side, my dad is scheduled for surgery the day after tomorrow. So I am
coming home. I will spend a day with Jan getting her on some stuff, while I
organize finances and inventory. Can I call on you for some consultation time in
the afternoon?"
I agreed.
I stayed and caught up with Jan for a bit, and then decided to call Jimmy. It had
been over three weeks since I had talked with him. He was my best friend. I
also knew that his response to this would be a harsh one. He wasn't very
tolerant of cheating. When he found out I cheated on Sue, his response was to
go tell Sue how to take everything and leave me with nothing. He also punched
me in the face. Now, the clarity of his decisiveness would likely be redirected.
He answered on the third ring. "Hey you douchebag, about fucking time you
call! What's up?" He answered.
"Actually a lot has been going on, but I'd rather talk in person. What's your
schedule look like?" I asked
His voice belied his concern, "That serious, huh? I haven't had lunch yet, how
about we meet up and eat. Maybe grab a few cold ones and make it an

"Yeah, it's that screwed up. How about Rickie's?" That was a pretty decent bar.
They served a great lunch and dinner.
"See you in about thirty." He said.
I told him everything that happened. Initially when I told him Sue cheated, he
told me I deserved it. I was surprised by that.
"What is good for the goose is good for the gander" he explained. "If you broke
the trust, then she has the right to as well."
His position changed as I told him more of the details. That it was planned,
premeditated, and was ongoing, and very graphically rubbed in my face.
"A guys got to do what a guy's got to do. You fucked up the guys who fucked
you over. But you don't know if they are still fucking her. You only know that
they aren't rubbing your nose in it. Or maybe they can't because of the
accident, but will again when they can. What's your exit strategy?" There was
the decisiveness I knew he would break it into.
"She still loves me. I still love her. There's the girls to consider. I was ready to
leave and start over. She just left and left me with the girls. While she tried to
get her head on straight."
"Listen to yourself Chase. She left you and the girls? What fucking lunatic
woman does that? I like Susie, but you are talking like you will stand around
waiting for her to come back to you. What if while she's deciding she decides
she needs a little love from some strange cock? Maybe the tag team assholes?
You're going to still stand there waiting for her to get it right?" He was full on in
preacher mode. "What if she comes back to you groveling for mercy? How are
you going to stand by her and trust her when some other slimy dickhead chases
her? Will you trust her absolutely? You said that she did shit, even when she
didn't want to hurt you, but she did it anyway. You are just going to stand by
and wait for her? Your first decision is always right. Do you even know what
your first instinct was? You burned your wedding ring and trashed the wedding
photos." He took a breath. " you know as well as I do, don't second guess your
I hated the clarity he had on stuff. The only argument I had on his ability to be
that clear was that same clarity was also responsible for him remaining single.
No woman stood up to the standard. It wasn't much of an argument.

I changed the topic to ask him what he was up to. He told me he found a girl he
likes being around. But she is a great lady and fun, but still not long term
material. They both are in it for a short term. He also was planning his summer.
He loved hiking and mountains. He was going to do a section of the great divide
trail starting up in Canada. He'd be gone for almost 2 months. He would cover
close to 300 miles of mountains, closer to 500 miles of walking distance..
"That's pretty intense? Are you going solo?" I asked.
"I haven't found my soulmate yet, so yeah solo. You should come do a few days
with me? Any longer and I'd have to use your bullshit for bear bait." He
laughed, "seriously bud, a few days up there and your perspective would be so
We ate and talked. He didn't belabor his position on Sue and I. He had made his
thoughts clear. For him he gave his opinion, like he always had. And then as a
friend does he lets me do all the bullshit I would do anyway. If it blew up in my
face it would be me saying he told me so. He wouldn't. That's why he was my
best friend.
I realized we had been talking for hours and I had to go get the girls. We gave
each other a hug. "Call me! I'd love to see the girls. Maybe we could have a
BBQ and go out afterwards?" He said before hopping in an Uber.
I picked up the girls and we began what was to be our new routine of diner,
playing at the park, and bedtime. My time after the girls went to bed was
usually reading or going down to the basement and clearing out junk.
The following Saturday we went to go visit Sue. Friday evening was impossible
to keep the girls on any routine. They were too cited to be seeing their mother.
We did cards and drawings for her. I did call her one evening and we talked.
Our conversation was good, however we steered clear of the hard issues.
Our visit was really nice. We went out to a lake that we had to hike into. We
brought a picnic lunch and sat by the lake. The girls tried the water but it was
still really cold. While the girls played Sue and I had a good heart to heart talk.
"I didn't think about it at the time, but I'd always known Darren to be a
manipulative ass with women. He had a charm, and the ability to sweet talk
women. I had totally forgotten that side of him. I realised when he called you
the last time, he didn't just want to play. He wanted to destroy you, and

possess me to have me be his sexual fantasy slut." She told me, looking at the
"I was trying to tell him we were done, but he turned that around and got to
me. I don't even know how I let him. Twice I told him we were through and
each time he managed to get me to let him fuck me, and each time he used
that to destroy your feelings for me."
I let her talk. It was giving me some perspective on how their relationship
She continued "When we talked about piercings, he made it sound erotic, like I
would be a sexual goddess for him and for me. It sounded like something I
wanted." She had to stop and compose herself. "When it was done, I realized
he wanted it for him, so he could show that I was now forever marked as his.
He told the guy who did the piercing he could fuck me, any way he wanted.
Darren wanted to fuck my mouth and cum on my tits so he could take a
picture, and video me getting fucked. I didn't get any say in it. When he sent
you the picture I knew he was after only getting you out of the picture so I
would be his."
"The next night, we were going to an event. I had to dress up nice. But I told
him that we were done. Somehow it turned out that we wound up having sex
again. He sent you pictures and videos of that too." She was crying as she was
telling me this. " I hated him, but he knew how to get to me, to get me to allow
him to give his way. While I say he took advantage of me, I didn't do what I
should have to stop. I don't know why I was so weak willed, how I allowed
myself to hurt you like I did. I don't know how I was so blind to what was going
"I felt such a relief inside when you allowed me to touch you, how we had sex.
How you turned your rage into something that I wanted so badly, and that was
to have you again. I went into the office and quit. He was determined that I at
least let him enjoy one last time. It was pure garbage. I know I was absolutely
stupid to, but he convinced me it would be the right way to wrap up our affair.
Then when he had me coming he called you and set the phone down in front of
me. I had to talk or he would. That call shattered my soul. I heard and felt your
reaction. I felt Darren cum inside me gloating over the control and how he
fucked you over one more time. He told me you would never be able to touch

me again without hearing me cumming as I called you. I realized I was a useless

slut. Worse than useless. I allowed myself to be played and used."
She told me another bit of information that she learned.
"One of the young guys you saw the night I got, um, I got used, called me. He
wanted to know if I was available for another event. Money was no object. He
offered thousands to have me. It turns out I was their bonus for meeting a
deadline on time and on budget. Darren left the party, leaving the guys to use
me how they wanted before they took me home. They fucked me all the way
home, feeding me shots so I was completely out of it. " She sobbed "To them I
was a prostitute, a whore, and you were the cuck who they could laugh about."
"I know I hurt you, far worse than I realized. Way worse than I intended. I just
wanted a simple revenge and to make you feel like your life was shattered, like
mine was. I was hoping to have it be simple, you screwed around, I screwed
around. It would hurt, but we would put the pieces back together and be
together and be stronger after." She looked me in the eyes. "I don't know when
I became so stupid as to think I could put this behind us and get us back
together. "
"Do you know what hurts still, and probably always will? " I asked her.
"What?" She asked
"That through all of this, what Initially was revenge, you so clearly enjoyed the
sex, the letting yourself be that slut, that whore, that woman who cuckolded
me." I looked at her. "The sex I might be able to live with after a while, maybe a
long while. That you enjoyed it so much, burns"
She didn't have an answer for that. She just cried. It was true. And I think she
knew it as well.
A short while later we got up and walked around the lake. The girls enjoyed
seeing the frogs and tadpoles and minnows. And the birds. When we got back
to the car it was time to load up and go. The girls fell asleep almost instantly.
They were sad when we dropped Sue off. But they fell asleep again right after.
It had been a very quiet ride from the lake home.
Sunday was a new routine. Laundry, shopping for groceries, getting stuff ready
for a week that would be busy. We settled into a bit of a routine. Sue and I
texted, and we called a bit more frequently, so she could talk to the girls, and

we could talk after. It struck me as odd that we could relax on the phone, and
talk for hours, but in person sometimes the emotional edge was just too raw.
Wednesday I got a call from my realtor. We hadn't listed the cabin yet. We had
only done a little work on pricing it. He had a person from out of state. This was
exactly what they wanted. They were making an offer on the property of
several thousand above what it was going to be listed for. The offer meant that
the house could almost be paid off. The offer had a deadline of Sunday noon.
They also wanted the cabin empty by June 1st.
I told him that I would need to talk to Sue, and get back to him by Friday at the
I called her Wednesday night. I was surprised when her mom answered and
said Sue had gone out with some friends. She would have her call when she
I felt the anger rise up in me. How dare she go and hang out and have fun while
I was still trapped. I wondered if she was fucking one of the friends. I wondered
if she would tell me if she was. My mind raced. I hated how my thoughts raced.
I called Jan.
Ten minutes later she was at the house. We sat on the front step. It was a nice
evening. I told her how my mind went to all the wrong conclusions. Every one
of them was not likely to happen or be happening. But I kept thinking that I was
being betrayed again.
"Chase, what do you think Sue would think if she found out that the hooker she
saw you with was now part owner of the company you used to own? How
would she feel if your confidant now was that same person who slut shamed
her? What if when you needed to calm yourself down instead of calling her,
you called me.?" She looked at me. "You need to be honest with her, to get the
honesty you want. She may not be able to give you what you want, but unless
you are honest with her, there is no future. Trust will always be broken."
Why the hell was everyone so smart? And I was so dumb. She left a short time
later. She was going to enjoy the walk.
It was after 11 when Sue called. "Hi Chase, sorry, I wound up meeting a few of
my old classmates that I hadn't seen in years. We went out to go catch up.
Sorry to call so late, but we lost track of time catching up."

I tried to play it cool. "That's OK, I just called because we got an offer on the
cabin. I wanted to talk it over with you. The offer would give us enough to
almost pay off the house."
"Chase, you love that cabin, you spent so much time and effort to make it
perfect. Why would you sell it?" She asked
"We still owe money on it. We owe money on the house too. You aren't
working, you quit. I am no longer the owner of the company, I am earning a
paycheck, but I can't work 60 hours a week, I can barely manage 30 hours. I
have kids. This makes it so I can afford to live."
"That's not..." she started to say, but then stopped mid sentence.
I could tell she was upset. "What is it Sue?"
"You sold the company away, you're selling the cabin away. Everything we had
is up for sale." She said, "I don't want that. I want to go back."
"We can't go back, Sue. If I keep the company and we divorce everyone
working there loses their jobs, their careers. By selling it to them, we get the
equity. The cabin is just financing. I can't afford two mortgages. I love the place,
but we can't afford to keep it."
"It just feels like all of the things we worked for are going away. Are we done?
Is that all? We divide everything and have no more together?" She asked.
"I don't know the future Sue. I get angry with you over stupid shit now. I was
angry when I heard you went out. I had to call Jan to talk to someone." I told
"Who is Jan?" She asked
"Do you remember the first weekend you went with Darren?" I asked her.
"Yes," she said.
"Do you remember the girl you accused of being a cheap hooker?" I heard the
air rush out of Sue as a gasp. "She helped me then, she has continued to help
me. She even works at the company now because when Jillian's Dad had his
heart attack I was desperate."
"Are you fucking her?" She said with a definite edge in her voice.

"I don't know if it's really your business but no. We are friends who talk. She is
the one who told me I needed to be honest with you. If you found out we were
friends later, any trust we built would be broken again."
"How do you know she isn't taking you for a ride? Setting you up against me so
she can take you away. Have you kissed her?" She asked.
"Yes, once, when she was happy she got into a class she wanted," I replied. "So
have you fucked anyone? Have you kissed anyone?" I shot back.
"No, I haven't, really. I oh, I um kissed one of my high school boyfriends. But it
was nothing." She replied.
"Really, nothing?" I spat into the phone. "You go out with friends and kiss one
of your old boyfriends?"
"It wasn't like that. I'm not going to fuck him. He was nice, it was a kiss like old
friends." She argued.
"We have some trust issues, Sue. I don't trust you. And I don't think you trust
me. I like you! Hell, I still love you. But every time I have to trust you right now I
don't. And I don't think you trust me either."
She sobbed into the phone. "It was only a kiss like we give our friends Chase. It
didn't mean any more than that. You need to believe me"
"How long do you think I was fucking Emily?" I asked her.
"A few months maybe" she answered, "I don't know. You were attached at the
hip for the whole summer. Why, what does she have to do with this"
I could feel the hostility between us.
"The one night. That was it. Just once. I never even thought I would ever or
could ever fuck her until it happened." I said. "I have told you that so many
times. I think I fucked her because I was so surprised that she was even
interested in a washed up husband who couldn't keep his wife happy"
The line was silent..
"We have some trust issues to work out Sue" I said. "and we need to decide on
the cabin."
"I guess we have to sell it. But if the money from it goes to the house, who
owns the house? You get everything then. That's not fair either!" Sue stated.

"I told you if we divorce the house is yours. I would still hold the property that
the business uses, but that has little value now, but over time will gain value.
Just as the house does for you."
"But you are in the house now. I am living with my parents."
"Sue, you chose to go until you figured stuff out. I wasn't going to move the
kids and me somewhere else and I can't afford while the house sat waiting for
you to come live there. Hell I didn't even know you'd gone until, I talked with
my mom 4 days later."
"You what? I sent a text" she said astonished.
"When I heard you being fucked by that asshole and cumming over the phone I
threw it. It stayed at the office. I thought I shattered it, but I just broke the
screen so bad it was hard to see. I sold the business, talked to the realtor, made
arrangements with the lawyer and left. I did stay to confront the asshole one
more time, but even then he wouldn't settle a score like a man."
I did leave a little bit out. I didn't fill her in on the details of my encounter with
Darren and their driver that occurred after our fight.
"If your mother wouldn't have tried to call, the kids would have been
abandoned at the daycare." I said.
I had a nagging thought about that. Something that didn't fit together. How had
her parents and my parents put stuff together to get the kids. I wondered if
there was part of the story she wasn't telling me.
"It's late, we are getting worked up over this stuff. One step at a time. I'll sell
the cabin. It's a great deal. After that's all settled then we can take our next
steps." I said
"Ok" she agreed, "good night Chase. I love you!"
"I love you too. I'll call tomorrow. Maybe if you'd like, you could take the girls
for the weekend."
"I'd like that, talk to you then" she hung up.
I was trashed. The energy and the toll this was taking was never ending it
Bed and sleep followed quickly.

The weekend was a new level of loneliness. I drove the girls out on Friday. I had
nothing to occupy my time until Sunday night when Sue was bringing them
home. It was a cool rainy weekend. I thought about going to the cabin, but the
deal hadn't closed.
I binge watched Netflix shows and ate crappy food all weekend.
Sunday around 7 Sue pulled in. The kids were yelling and carrying on. I got two
massive hugs. Sue gave me a peck on the cheek and a soft hug.
"Would you be ok if I went and got some clothes? I didn't have much with my
parents. " she asked.
"Go ahead," I said. I got the girls into the bathtub and washed their hair. When
they were done in the tub it was PJ's and getting ready for bed.
Amanda insisted on reading to both Sue and I, and then they fell asleep.
Sue had a suitcase by the door of clothes. I asked her if she wanted to go talk
and have tea or coffee.
"Coffee if you're ok with that. Tea and I'd fall asleep on the way back " she
replied. She sat on the couch.
"How did the weekend go?" I asked.
"Good, Friday was just getting settled, Saturday we went to the park. Then we
went for ice cream with friends. Saturday evening we watched kids movies
until way past their bedtime. Today was nice. My mom made pancakes for
breakfast for us. And then we went and cleaned up the spare bedroom. Mom
and Dad thought it would be easy to turn it into a room for the girls when they
come over."
"Sounds like fun"
"What about you? How was your weekend?" I saw her eyes searching me for
"I needed a weekend to relax and chill. I never left the house." I saw her
reaction. It looked like she was happy and disappointed at the same time.
"You should have gone out with friends," she said. Sounds a bit concerning.
"Jimmy has a new temporary squeeze. And the rest of our friends would
involve a lot of painful catching up. This was nice." I countered

"I have to tell you something, '' she said after a moment. "Brian, from my old
class, is looking for a part time receptionist. He offered me the job.'' she was
watching me like a hawk. I realized I tensed up. She did too. "I wanted to talk to
you because I need something, but he is an old boyfriend. I don't want that to
get in the way of anything you and I getting back..." she couldn't finish the
"So you've been talking to your old boyfriend, how much does he know about
us?" I asked
"He knows I screwed up. He knows I did a lot of harmful things. But most
importantly he knows I want you back." She said,
"Maybe it's just me, but I always hoped the person you would confide in would
be me." I got up, and went back to the kitchen. "You do what you need to. If I
remember you always said he was a nice guy." I poured myself a bit more
I came back and sat down. She was searching me with her eyes, trying to read
"I need the money. My psychiatrist is expensive. And I need to do something.
I'm doing better, but I need to take some steps on my own." She said,
"Sue, take the position. Just make sure he doesn't take advantage of you being
vulnerable." I told her.
"Thank you."
"So how long have you been seeing a psychiatrist?" I asked.
"My mom set me up to talk when I arrived. She thinks I had a nervous
breakdown. My psychiatrist thinks I was having another type of anxiety
disorder. She also thinks I likely have had numerous bouts of depression going
back to high-school even." She told me.
"Anything I can do?" I asked
"Take me back, wave a wand and make this past year go away so we could do it
over. That would be a good start" she said, half laughing.
I pretended to look for a wand, "sorry I think I must have lost that wand. I'll try
to find it"
"Does it help talking to her?" I asked.

"Yes, a lot. I need to get better at talking about my thoughts. It's scary too. I
was afraid of what you'd think about finding out that I was talking to Brian. But
I also knew that hiding it meant holding secrets."
"We talked about trust." I responded, "Jan and I have as well. I think I am
understanding a few things better."
She flinched when I said that, and I wondered why. But she stood instead. "I
should get going. It's a dark wet night. I should go."
I stood too, and walked to the door. "Sue, what is it?"
She looked at me. "After I saw what the impact of me screwing around was on
you. I felt almost completely worthless. My only feeling was wanting back what
I'd ruined, and the momentary pleasure of sex. That was my only redeeming
value was as a slut. Now all I have is wanting to have you back. But I think I may
have pushed you way too far, and I am left worthless." She sobbed "and you
are probably far better off with Lois, or Nikky, or Jan. You'd be better off if I just
kept pushing you away."
I tried to give her a hug, but she pushed away crying. She ran to the car with
the suitcase. And sped off.
I sent a text. "I love you. Text me that you got to your parents."
I got a text about 90 minutes later 'I made it'
My week was chaotic. The cabin deal was finalized. I had closed 8 more
contracts for work. The daycare had an outbreak of head lice and of course
both girls had little nits in their hair. I tried calling Sue on Tuesday and
Wednesday, but hadn't heard back. Thursday was another hurdle as Amanda
told me that Ice Cream last Saturday was with Brian and Sue and the girls. Sue
hadn't lied. She just didn't tell me everything.
I got a call from Sue Thursday well after the girls went to bed. "Hi, sorry I know
you called earlier. I couldn't take your call. I started work on Wednesday. I had
a lot to do to get ready." She sounded reserved somehow. My trust issues were
creeping in.
"It's ok." I said "congrats on the job."
Our conversation was kind of stilted. I didn't get it.

"I have to go to the cabin to clean out our stuff. Would you be ok with the girls
on the weekend?" I asked. "It will probably take a few trips. Maybe we should
do one trip together to go through stuff"
"I can do that," she answered, "and when would you like to go?" Was her next
"Next weekend?" Was my response. "Should we bring the girls? Or could they
stay with your parents for the weekend?"
"I'll ask," was her reply
"Sue, are you ok? You sound distant. "
"I'll be ok. I am just having an emotional time right now. I need to work through
some things." She said,
"I'm here for you, if you need." I said
"I know, thank you!" She said "bye for now"
I got off the call wondering WTF. First she doesn't answer, or call back for two
days, and then she's distant and not talking about what was bothering her.
Nothing I said was greeted with any excitement or enthusiasm. I went to bed
somewhat irritated.
Going to work the next day I still was on edge. Jan picked up on it right away.
"What's up? Something is under your skin." She inquired.
I told her about the call and my feelings. On how I felt that she kept hiding
stuff. I told her about Amanda telling me that Sue and Brian, an ex boyfriend,
had taken the girls for ice cream on Saturday. Now she was working for him
part time. It just sounded so convenient. If it was just a friend why not be
straight up about it.
I rambled on about how in 3 weeks of us being separated she was now seeing a
guy, working for him and he was her confidant.
Jan was always blunt. " You told her about me, right? You work with me, gave
me part of your company, and I've been with you since the beginning of this
shit show right? Who is your confidant? An ex hooker who tried to pick you up..
oh and let's see. Your best friend, he has basically told you to Burn the Bitch.
Do you think she doesn't know that the cards are stacked against her? What
about your friends? The one who was ready to blow you, who you basically said

that your wife was the one proving her husband liked to stray. Maybe you
might be calling on the babysitter who is hot for daddy. Watching porn with
you in front of your wife undressing you, flashing you and saying literally 'take
me, use me, fuck me, please' I am sure she feels totally confident in who she
has to talk to." Her gut checks were always so on point it was sickening.
I got off work early. Jan's harsh reality burned in my memories. I picked up the
small cube truck I rented to move stuff, and then got the girls. I drove out to
drop them off with Sue. I was pulling in drive when I saw her in a guys arms
hugging. As she saw me her eyes got huge and she pushed him away and
backed up.
I got out of the car. I was in an instant rage. "What the fuck are you doing with
my wife? You fucking asshole trying to move in when we are trying to figure
shit out.! I should fucking take you out you piece of shit."
Sue was crying and trying to get me to stop. Julie came running from the house.
"Chase, have you lost your mind? Your girls are in the car."
Brian had backed away and was standing by the door of his car. Sue was on the
ground crying, the girls were crying and Julie was taking them to the house.
"Fuck it" I said, got in the car and drove home. I turned my phone off. I got in
the truck and was heading to go when Lois came up to the house.
"Sue called. You scared her. Are you ok?" She looked at me trying to see what
was going on.
"What did she tell you?" I asked.
"Not much. She was kind of in a state. She was worried you would do
something stupid. She said she didn't want to call me, but she didn't have
anyone else. She also told me not to take you from her. Then she made me
come here to check on you. Did you tell her what I was going to do in the
"I did." I said.
"So what the fuck is going on? She wasn't making much sense, and she was
flipping out. What is going on with you two?" Lois asked
"When I pulled up at her parents house, to drop the girls off, she was in the
arms of her old boyfriend. I just lost it."

"Why is she at her parents house? Where did this boyfriend come from? Has
she been cheating with him?" She asked rapid fire.
"Did you know she has been staying with her parents for almost three weeks? "
I asked Lois
"Why is she staying there? Is it because of you and I in the basement?" her eyes
looked like a deer in the headlights
"No, she doesn't think much of your husband though." I said
"Soon to be ex-husband I kicked him out after you left. If Sue slapped him that
hard he must have done something pretty bad. I've had enough." She stated
"but wait, why then?"
" Sue decided to have a revenge affair.. it got out of control. We both lost it
when her boss put her on the phone with me while he was fucking her. I left for
the mountains, she quit her job and went to her parents. My parents watched
the girls until they found me. "
Lois leaned against the house. "Whoa there. You had an affair? She was fucking
her boss? The douche? I thought I had marital problems" she looked at me
"And you heard her getting fucked?" She sat there trying to process things
"Yes. I lost it. I sold the company, sold the cabin, left town after getting a few
shots in on her boss"
"Wow, this is too much! What then?" Lois inquired
"So I have been looking after the girls, and she has been trying to get back on
track supposedly. We'd been talking, and I thought things were doing ok. But
then she lied a little, and then this week was like not answering calls, she was
distant. And she has been hanging around an ex boyfriend"
"What happened then? Why did she call?" Lois asked
"I saw her in the arms of her ex boyfriend, and I lost it. I made some threats
and was going to pound the shit out of him, but Sue and her mom stopped me.
The girls were in the car." I explained to her, " they freaked, so I left"
"So she is with her parents, and she is hugging her ex who she just got a job
working for and you show up unexpectedly? That is fucked up." She sat there.
Lois looked at me. She had a question.

"What is it Lois?" I asked

"Something is off. If she was getting with her Ex, if stuff was going on, then why
call me to make sure you don't do something stupid. That doesn't fit." She
"Well she told her boss twice that they were done, because she wanted me
back and he fucked her both times after, with the last time with her cumming
on the phone while trying to talk to me. What she does and what she says
seem to have no connection."
"So twice she tries to break off the affair, but he still fucks her?"
"The first time she was leaving she fucked both him and his driver at the same
time, the next time all I know is I heard him laughing as he fucked her." I
"That's too much. No way"
I pulled out the phone. I showed her a short bit of the video.
" Fuck." She looked at me. "What... no, how, no why Did your PI take these?"
"No, her asshole boss sent me videos, pictures, texts, Sue texted me a few too,
when she was revenge cuckolding me. "
"You have more?" She exclaimed "oh shit, no wonder you were messed up that
I nodded. She needed a few minutes to process things.
"You had an affair?" She asked.
"I got a bit drunk, and fucked one of the summer staff we hired, one night. One
time. Sue thought we fucked all summer though. She just never knew it. After
one night though she knew." I put my head in my hands.
"How?" Lois asked.
"I told her." I said, "I couldn't lie. I came home smelling of booze and sex. She
knew the minute she saw me. But she still doesn't believe it was a one time
"So how did that happen?" Asked Lois.
"So last summer, you remember Sue and I were having problems? I asked,

Lois nodded
"Emily was this Student from the University. She worked with me on projects
and design and planning. She had a crush on me, but I never paid much
attention to it. " I stopped remembering what Jan had said.
"Well not exactly true I guess. I liked the attention. I liked being the focus of her
desires. But the whole summer she flirted and teased. She wore loose clothing
and stuff. I liked the attention, because Sue had been dealing with Postpartum
Depression and we weren't doing anything. "
I continued. " The end of summer came and as usual we had a big party for the
staff who were going back to school. I drove her to her place so she could get
changed. Emily didn't have a car. She brought me in and showed me her
apartment. She left her bedroom door open so we could talk. The whole time
she was changing I could see her in the full length mirror. I watched her strip.
Tweak her nipples, pull her stretchy top down and rearrange the girls. Then I
watched her put on a lacy thong. She turned to check her ass out in the mirror
and saw me looking."
"Our previous conversation stopped abruptly. I couldn't tell you what we had
been saying. My fears were that she would freak out. Instead she smiled.
Turned again to check out her ass. Then she pulled her short skirt on and
zipped it." I told Lois how the night started.
"The whole time she finished dressing we were quiet. Then she came out of the
room. Walked right up to me where I was sitting she asked me, "Did you like
what you saw?"
"To give you an idea of how hard she was flirting she told me that my watching
her got her so wet and horny that she almost decided to take her thong off and
go commando for the night. She couldn't because she was so wet she would
leak on her skirt. "
"At the party she kept wandering away to socialize, but she'd come back to me.
Every time she did she would tell me how wet she was, how her nipples were
hard and erect and hurt, needing to be used and sucked. I was getting a bit
drunk. At one point she told me how she could see the outline of my cock. She
told me that she had fantasized so many times of me sliding it in her mouth or
her pussy."

"By the end of the night I was in a daze. She drove me to her place. She was
supposed to drive me home. She said my wife would be pissed if she showed
up with me with a boner and her in a dress that was designed to show off her
assets. She had me come in. I knew it wasn't a good idea but II was entranced
at that point.. She was going to pop in and change. She stripped for me. And
then we just did about everything we could do. I came to my senses around
2:00. I had sobered up. I felt so guilty and ashamed. "
"I got out of the house and drove straight home. I hadn't cleaned up. I smelled
of sex and booze. Sue was waiting for me. She kicked me out for the night. I
slept in the van in the driveway. Sue never told anyone. She took me in the
next morning. It took a long time before we were talking. Longer for other
"So she took you back but planned to have an affair?" Loid asked me
"She told me once when I thanked her for forgiving me, that she hadn't, She
just found a way to still love me. When I asked what she meant she asked me if
I loved her, and if I loved the sex. When I said yes, she said she did too." I said "I
think she was already fucking him when I asked that."
"So she was screwing around and then they started sending you texts and
pictures?" Lois inquired.
"Sue told me the plan was for Asshole and her to fuck around for one weekend,
then we were supposed to reconcile. But they started early. Then when the
weekend was over she was mad at me because instead of crying in my bed I
went out. I met a woman who Sue thought was a tramp. She thought I dealt
with her fucking around with Asshole by fucking this woman. So she upped her
game. I got pictures of her being gangbanged. She got dropped at the house
covered in cum. Leaking from everywhere and drunk. I had to clean her up and
put her to bed so the girls didn't see her like that. "
"She was always so reserved. Even in university. Wow" Lois commented
"I used to want her to be a bit more into trying new things. Now I can't think of
anything she hasn't tried, and I'm still wondering what it would be like to try a
new position once in a while." I said.
"What are you going to do? " Lois asked
"Sell the cabin, take care of my girls. Work, maybe one day find someone else.
Maybe I won't bother." I said

"Sorry. Chase. I wasn't sure what to expect when Susie called. I sure wasn't
expecting this." She said, "Maybe we could go for a drink sometime later"
"I'd like that" I said
She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then I left.
I drove up to the cabin. It was dark and quiet. I lit a bonfire in the fire pit. I
made coffee, and sat by the fire. Around midnight I went to bed.
I woke up early and loaded personal stuff into the truck. I pulled all of the
furniture that I would take. In a moment of anger I took all of the custom tables
I built for Sue and burned them in the fire pit. I also burned all of the pictures of
the two of us. By the end of the day I was done most of what I wanted to get
done. I decided to stay another night, and head back in the morning. I enjoyed
a quiet scotch and sat out in the yard. I hated the idea that my dream for this
place was gone. Shattered, like my life.
In the morning I got up early. I drove to town. I put my stuff in a storage locker.
Then I unloaded what I had packed of Sue's into boxes. I left those by the front
door. I went and returned the cube truck and took a taxi home.
Around two in the afternoon Sue pulled up. The girls came running up to give
me hugs. I went in with them into the house leaving Sue outside.
I made the girls grilled cheese for lunch. I gave them some juice and I sat and
listened as they talked.
Amanda asked the question I dreaded. "Daddy, why don't you like Brian?"
I was struggling with how to answer. "I think we had a misunderstanding. I am
sure he is a nice man"
"Mommy likes him. He seems nice." She said, Her answer grated on my nerves.
I sat and wondered. I was the bad guy in all of this. I got up and went outside to
see how Sue was doing. She had almost everything packed in.
I watched her load the last box in the van. "How are you Chase?" She asked.
"I've been better." I answered.
"Chase, we need to talk about Brian." She started to say

"No, we actually don't. You are making your decisions in your life. I will be
making my own decisions." I turned and went into the house, closing the door
behind me.
After a few minutes I heard the van start and she drove away.
The rest of the day was spent doing laundry, cleaning up and bathing the girls.
After bedtime the house was quiet, and lonely. I sat in silence. Time to move
Morning started as usual. Breakfast, dropping off at the daycare, and work. Jan
was my normal decompress for the weekend. This morning I was in a surly
mood. I didn't want to answer questions. After a few minutes she left me alone.
I called Jimmy at lunch. I told him I wanted to go out for a few drinks one night
this week. He was good to go for Wednesday. We talked for a bit and then he
had to go.
The rest of my week was pretty basic. Up until Wednesday. Drinks with Jimmy
was at a strip club. I wasn't really interested in a woman who rubbed her crotch
on guys for money. Where it got interesting was Nikky had agreed to babysit.
When the taxi dropped me off, she was waiting. "So what's going on with you
and Sue?"
"She is staying with her parents while she wants me to be here waiting for her
to figure out how not to be a slut. " I said with a degree of sarcasm.
"That's pretty harsh. Is she really being a slut?" She inquired
"Want to see?" I asked her
"What, you have proof?" She asked
I pulled out my phone. To be honest I was a bit buzzed. I pulled up the video of
Sue being fucked by the driver while sucking off three guys. I showed her
getting gangbanged next.
I don't know exactly what I was thinking of showing her these photos. When I
first started showing them she was on the chair across from me. Then she
moved beside me.
She took the phone from me. She scrolled another video. Then shut the phone
off. "Holy crap, I never would have believed Sue to be able to do that. What are
you going to do?"

"I don't know. Right now I just want some normalcy." I told her
"I realized her breast was pressing into my arm. I could feel the heat of her
body. I looked down. Her dress, which was already short, was riding up pretty
high up her thigh. I looked into her eyes.
She put her hand on my leg, just below where my cock reached.
"Nikky, we can't."
"Why not? I am of legal age. I want to. And I don't think your wife should have
any say on what you do. "
Her hand brushed the tip of my cock. She turned to kneel beside me. Her hand
gripped my cock leaning towards me. Her top was loose. I could see her pert
tits, topped by pointed nipples. I saw her lips. She licked them and said "I want
to taste you. I want to have you taste me and make me cum hard. I want you to
fuck me like you've wanted to fuck me, don't deny it."
She kissed me. Her mouth was like a soft sweet kiss with a hard edge of
passion. She made my cock twitch when she teased my lips with her tongue. It
twitched again when she wrestled with my tongue.
"Fuck, I knew you'd be a great kisser!" She said, out of breath.
She kissed me again, but this time she climbed on my lap. My hands wrapped
around her. I could feel her rubbing my cock. It was trapped in my pants leg
and she rubbed her pussy back and forth on it. As she kissed me she moaned.
God she was sexy as hell.
She stopped kissing me long enough to push back and pull her top off. I looked
at her breasts. They were perfect, not large, but with a gentle slope on top and
a nice fullness on the bottom. Her nipples were dark and pointed. My hands
just gravitated to them. Lightly rubbing the points. Her moan was erotic. She
kissed me again with a desperate passion. We kissed until we were both
gasping for air. Then I pulled her breast to my mouth. Her groan as I sucked was
a vibration through her. I felt her pussy press down on my cock. I nibbled and
teased the tip. She responded by gripping my head in her hands and holding
me to her breast. Her hips began rhythmically rocking on my cock. She groaned
a long groan and her hips spasmed in little twitches and thrusts.
"OH God, oh God oh fuck" she moaned and then she pulled me off her breast
and kissed me.

After kissing me she pulled herself back. She started to climb down to her
knees on the floor. Instead I pulled her up and stood holding her. I squeezed
the cheeks of her ass and lifted her off her feet. She wrapped her legs around
me. I walked us into the bedroom..
When I set her on the edge of the bed she reached for my belt. While her
hands were busy with that I tilted her head back and kissed her. My finger tips
caressed her breasts. By the time she had my pants undone she was moaning
Her hand wrapped around my exposed cock. "Fuck you are big"
She leaned forward and licked the tip of my cock. My knees just about buckled.
Her lips grazed the head as she opened her mouth to take me in. She closed
her lips around the head and her tongue ran circles around it. My hands
gripped her shoulders as she teased me.
She tried to slide me deep in her mouth, but her gag reflex wouldn't let her
take more than half of me. "Nikky just focus on the head. It drives a man crazy
with lust. If you want I can help you practice deep throating me later."
She almost purred as she renewed her efforts on my cock head and the first
few inches.
I could feel the tension in my balls wanting to explode in this hot little nymph,
but I didn't want to cum yet. I pulled out of her mouth and pushed her back on
the bed.
I leaned forward kissing her lips. My tongue penetrated her mouth like my cock
had. Such a sweet mouth. She sucked on my tongue while toying with it on her
own. I kissed her neck, softly at first. Then nibbling and biting her. With one of
my hands I stroked my fingers over her nipple, around her breast. Soft light
I nibbled her ear lobe and I whispered. "You wanted this for a long time,
tonight I am going to make you cum so many times you won't be able to walk
straight for a week. Then I am going to make you cum some more"
"Oh God " she gasped. Her body was trembling.
I bit her earlobe, not painfully, but enough to make her gasp. I pinched her
nipple as well at the same time. When I released her earlobe I twisted her
nipple lightly. Her back arched and she let out a guttural moan.

I sucked her other nipple. My tongue flicked the tip.

"Oh god, fuck me. Take me and fuck me! " she moaned. " I'm protected, please
fuck me"
She wrapped her legs around my waist and was pulling me to her. Her hands
gripped the back of my shoulders. I forced myself lower, teasing a line from her
nipple to her navel. I mauled her breast keeping her stiff nipple between my
thumb and index finger rolling and pulling on it.
I sat up on my knees and pulled the zipper of her skirt down. Then I pulled her
legs up as I pulled it off her. God what a vision. "You are so amazing, such
beautiful breasts, topped with perfect nipples" I said as I caressed each one. "
such a toned hot body. The way your ribs flow to your waist and back to your
hips." I caressed her body. My hands appreciating her beauty as I described it. "
God, your legs are beautiful, strong and sexy. Your cute toes, perfect. " I
nibbled on each of her delicate toes. Sucking on them.
She was quivering with my touches. Writhing around on the bed as I teased her
entire body.
I placed my hands on her upper thighs framing the dark satin of her thong. I
pressed my thumbs along the insides of her thighs. My fingertips caressed the
top lace band of her thong, reaching out to her exposed inner hips. Her thong
was too narrow to cover her. And her inner lips teased me with their
appearance. I leaned down between her legs and enticed her with my tongue.
Teasing her soft lips. Tasting her musky fragrance.
I pulled her thong down and off her. I kissed her mons. I held her legs spread
and began to tease her with little licks and kisses exploring her soft beautiful
pussy. She was wet and glistening with anticipation. I frequently dipped the tip
of my tongue in between her labia to taste her and tease her.
Nikky was moaning non stop. Her fingers were holding my arms still or pulling
my hair, or digging into my shoulders. I sucked on her pert little nub and she
tensed and groaned and came. She wrapped her legs around my back and drew
me to her. I watched her stomach contract over and over. Her beautiful pert
tits rising and falling as she tried to gain control of her breathing.
I reached up with both hands and cupped her breasts. Squeezing them and
pulling myself into her pussy. I kissed and sucked her inner lips. I ran my tongue

between the wet and slippery folds. I flicked my tongue over her clit. Again she
clenched and came.
Her moans were getting frantic. "Chase, oh God Chase, fuck, oh God, oh shit, "
she moaned repeatedly.
I dragged my fingertips down her taut stomach and pressed her legs back wide.
I began a rapid assault on her clit and lips with my mouth. Sucking, nibbling,
biting and licking. I curled two fingers down and slid them Inside her. God she
was tight.
Her reaction was to thrust her hips and back up. With this angle I could suck
her clit and hit her g spot with my fingers. She came so hard and so fast, I
thought she was going to twist my fingers off.
She pushed me away when she slowed from cumming. "OH fuck you are
intense! I need a second. What did you just do? Oh Fuck!" She moaned. She
pulled her legs to her chest and rolled to the side trembling and twitching.
I slid up the bed and curled her up in my arms behind her. Cradling her. My
hand held her breast while the other rested on her hip. I softly kissed her
shoulder. I could feel little tremors rocking through her.
As her breathing became near normal she said, "I've only ever had one guy do
oral before. I wondered what the fuss was about. Oh my God, you need to keep
doing that to me." She looked into my eyes with a need.
"No problem," I said as my hand explored down between her legs. I stroked her
soft lips eliciting another moan. She reached down and grabbed my cock and
moved her hips until I was pressing into her entrance.
"Fill me, I have been craving this for so long. Please, don't make me wait." She
moaned. She was trying to move to push herself on me.
I lifted her leg up and repositioned myself better. Slowly I pushed my hips up
and I entered her.
She let out a long growl and shivered. I pulled back and held still until she
recovered. Then I thrust further.
"Do you like the feel of my cock stretching your tight little pussy? I love how
you shiver when I get deeper inside you. Fuck you have the sweetest pussy
ever. " I whispered little phrases to her as I stroked in and out of her.

She was whimpering and moaning. She called my name out over and over. I felt
like a God of sex in that moment. As I increased the pace of my thrusts I also
was getting deeper inside her. I still had a bit to go to be fully inside her, when I
felt my cock ram up against her cervix.
It took her breath away. She gasped, looking at me. Eyes wide open. She let out
a long slow moan. The leg I had held upright kicked involuntarily and her pussy
squeezed me tightly.
I pulled back a bit.
"What the fuck was that? " she exclaimed
"Did it hurt?" I asked
"A bit, but it felt like I was so completely full. I think I peed myself." She said
"It's called a squirting orgasm." I said
"Good, I was afraid I peed on your bed, and you'd be grossed out."
"You can squirt in my bed with me as much as you want. I promise I won't ever
be grossed out!" I grinned.
I began building up my pace again. I felt her begin to cum hard again and I
pressed deeper again.
She squealed and she came so hard it was like a squirt gun filled with warm
water sprayed us. Each thrust she squirted more.
I looked at her. Her eyes were closed, Her nipples were little rocks on top of her
breasts. Her stomach was defined into a sexy six pack. And her legs trembled.
Her foot that was raised up was clenched tight and her leg shook. I fucked her
right through one orgasm into another one.
I rolled over onto my back. I pulled her over with me. I wasn't as deep in her
now, but I could feel the head of my cock rubbing her g spot. I began to buck
into her with short firm thrusts. She put her feet on the bed to brace herself. I
felt her spasm and it drew me closer to cumming
"I am going to cum, I can't hold back" I told her
"I want to feel you cum in me. " she said

I erupted in her, my cock pulsing and throbbing. She pulled her knees together
as she came hard again too. I held her tight as we both trembled in aftershocks.
For a few minutes we lay together.
"She turned to kiss me. I knew you would totally blow me away, but I had no
idea there could be anything this good ever."
I was getting soft, and when she pulled up I slid out of her. She groaned "OH
fuck, you feel so good inside me. I feel empty without you"
She rolled onto her back. She looked so completely sexy. I kissed her breast.
Then her neck, and finally her mouth.
"OH god don't stop!" She whispered in my ear. " I think I am addicted to you.
How you make my whole body alive and I, um I liked my orgasms before. This
is, I don't know, it's beyond incredible. My toes are spasming from my orgasms,
my toes for fuck sakes!"
I laughed, "Glad you enjoyed this!" I tweaked her nipple just a bit. "Any chance
we could maybe try to do it again?"
"If you don't let me come and fuck you senseless, from now on, I will come and
kidnap you and hide you in my basement." She exclaimed. "You can't do this to
me and then leave me! I'd be ruined"
We kissed and held each other for a few minutes. Then azure called
I got up and went to the washroom. I pulled my polo shirt off on the way. I
went to the bathroom, then grabbed two washcloths. I ran warm water over
them. I cleaned my cock off with one. I wrung out the water from the other. I
gently cleaned Nikky up. Then I kissed her again.
"I don't think I want to ever stop being with you either. " I told her. "I love
making you cum"
I lay on my side facing her. We caressed each other. After a few minutes she
pushed me on my back. She knelt down and began to lick my cock. "Can you
show me how to deep throat?" Nikky asked, "I want to take all of you"
"Take me as deep as you can, until you feel your gag reflex kick in. Then tease
my cock in and back. Each time you go a bit deeper, and hold it longer. Make
sure you get your reflex under control before you try to take me back."

Nikky tried to take me, but each time she took me deep she gagged. I pulled
her up and kissed her.. She was straddling me. I lifted her hips and set her back
down on my cock. Her reaction was like I pushed the air out of her lungs.
"Fuck" she moaned
I raised her hips up and let her drop on my cock again.
"Oh Shit, that is so intense" she said
I picked her up again. She leaned forward and kissed me.
"You are going to have me addicted to sex with you". She whispered in my ear
as she rocked her hips slowly.
"Good!" Was my reply, "I think a hot young sweetheart like you might fit
perfect about now"
"Oh, so you like young hotties do you?" She teased
"Just the one I'm with right now" I replied
"I could have half the girls at the University for you. So many guys can't fuck
worth a damn". She moaned as she took me deeper. "Not only are you nice,
and make a girl cum but you have a monster cock too!. You could be really
"Pimping me out already?" I teased her back
"No, I was just thinking one of my girlfriends and I could have a real good time"
she said as she began to ride my cock a little harder
I slapped her ass as she rode me "such a dirty girl you are".
She smiled at me. "You have no idea"
She rode my cock harder and faster until she started to lose control. Her body
began to twitch and shake as she built to her orgasm.
I grabbed her in my arms, with my hands holding her ass firmly in place. Then I
began to drive up into her, while pushing her hard down on my cock. In less
than a minute she was a quivering spastic moaning rag doll in my arms. I kept
driving up into her as she moaned. Before long I felt myself reaching a point of
no return.
"I am going to fill your sweet pussy with my hot cum again" I growled into her
ear. I licked and then nibbled her earlobe as I unloaded jets of cum up into her.

Her moans and guttural cries were intense. I could feel ripples running through
her pussy clenching me. Then she just dropped onto me.
I looked at her in shock. She was breathing still, breathing hard, but breathing.
She passed out.
I rolled over so she was on her side.
She began to come around "holy fuck, what happened?"
"You came so fucking hard I think you passed out". I told her
"God I feel like jelly! All shakes and jiggly". She rolled over onto her back. Legs
splayed out. "Fuck me. I can't believe you can do this to me!"
We lay there for a while. Trying to get a grip on reality.
"I still have to get home, shit,. I need a shower, or a bath! My poor pussy has
been so abused tonight". She pretended to pout. "How swollen and red are
these lips? Look at all that cum leaking out"
"I'll abuse that pussy some more if you're not careful". I told her as I slid a
finger in her and curled up inside
"Oh shit no! Too much! Oh fuck too much!" She said as her hands clenched into
fists holding the bedsheets
"Seriously. Holy fuck. I am a bundle of nerves there right now. Holy shit".
I laughed! "Come on then. Let's get you in a shower and I'll drive you home"
We showered together. She stroked my cock hard one more time. She started
to suck my cock taking me deeper.
"Chase, don't be gentle. I want you to stuff that cock down my throat. Fuck my
I started to push harder, it was too tight. I didn't want to hurt her.
She took hold of me and pulled me into her mouth hard. I got the idea she
wanted this. I held her by the back of her head and plunged hard into her
mouth. At first I hit the resistance, and then my cock slid a few inches deeper
than I had been. I pulled back and she sputtered and drooled. Then she pulled
me back into her throat. I plunged hard into her again. I slid in easier this time. I
pulled out again to her sputtering and drooling. I didn't hesitate. I thrust back
and pushed deep. I was almost all the way down her throat. This was only the

second time in my life I had a woman take all of me. Sue, a few weeks ago and
now Nikky. Nikky was definitely tighter and the feeling of control was getting
me close.
I pulled back again. "I am going to cum if I keep doing this" I told her
"Please". She whimpered as she pulled herself on my cock.
Fuck! Who am I to turn down an opportunity like this.
I drove my cock in and out of her throat. When I couldn't hold back any longer I
told her to get ready.
I slammed my cock deep and then held my cock in her throat while I came
down her throat.
She was moaning as I came, which increased the sensation.
I pulled out slowly, she was still moaning. I realized she had her fingers deep in
her pussy. She tumbled on the floor in the shower
I pulled her up and washed her. She seemed in a daze. I asked her. "Are you
"I have no strength left! My legs are so spent from cumming" she smiled at me
" I am going to have to practice to get my stamina up"
"I think I can help with that!" I snickered
After the shower I drove her home.
"I can't kiss you in case my parents are watching, but I want to. When can we
do this again?" She asked
"I don't know. I might be good for Friday, otherwise I am looking at next week"
"Call me so I know you got home to your kids ok" she said. She sounded
disappointed that she may have to wait until we could be together again.
I drove home second guessing my actions. Should I have had more resolve? My
frustration peaked when I had a thought that I had screwed someone, because
of my insecurity over Sue holding information back. She may have absolutely
nothing going on.
I felt like I had the proverbial Angel on one shoulder and devil on the other.

"The bitch fucked how many different guys? How many at the same time? And
you're worried about nailing a woman who has had a crush on you for how
Versus " Sue was really sorry. She is getting help with her challenges. It was you
fucking Emily once that got you into this mess. Now you can't resist another
young tease? Shame on me!"
I told both of them to go fuck themselves or each other. I went to sleep.
I was use about asleep when my phone rang
"Sorry to call, but I wanted to check you made it home." Nikky aid meekly
"I'm sorry Nikky, I think I was tired" I said. "My God I had a great time tonight"
"Me too" she giggled " I am still tingly all over, I hope Friday will work for us to
get together again"
"Me too". I said
""Chase, I forgot to tell you, Sue called just after you left with Jimmy. I'm sorry I
forgot. She said to call her later, it didn't matter when, just call tonight.
"That's ok". I said, "I didn't want to talk to her earlier, I was busy doing
something I really enjoyed"
"Do you mean doing something? Or Someone?" She giggled
"You!" I said. "I was loving doing you!"
I sat up in bed and turned the light on. It was 3:30 in the morning. I sent a quick
text. 'Nikky said I should call, are you still up?"
I got a reply almost instantly. "Yes, can I call U?"
I texted yes and almost as soon as I hit send the phone rang
"Hi Sue, sorry it's so late Jimmy took me out for some drinks at the bar to help
me unwind. What's up?"
"It's ok, did you have a good time?" She asked
"Yes, it was a good thing I took a taxi though. I wouldn't have been able to
drive". I commented
"That's good, I'm glad you had a fun night, Nikky got home ok?"

"Yes." I said plainly "she forgot to tell me you called so she called me to let me
"Oh, ok. You must have been partying pretty good tonight then" she was
pressing for details
"Yes, morning is going to come way too early. That's for sure". I said. "So.
What's up? Why the call?" I asked
"I just wanted to see how you wanted to do the weekend. My parents or your
parents can take the girls. We could go Friday and stay till Sunday. That way we
can get everything done. Then if we go back again it would just be to relax one
more time"
"Sounds good, " I answered, " should I see if my parents can take the girls?"
"I think they'd like that". She replied
"Ok. It's settled! I'll drop the girls off and meet you up there". I said
"Ok, goodnight Chase". She said, "I love you"
"Goodnight Sue. I love you too!" I replied
I went to work the next morning. Jan greeted me with a sly smile "Good
"Good Morning! How are you today?" I asked
"I'm doing really well today. Jillian is coming by later. She is going to show me a
few more things". Jan said as I grabbed a coffee. "She says I am a natural at
"You are! I had a feeling you'd be good at this". I said as I leaned against the
"If I ever forget to say it, Thank you!. You have no idea how much I owe you"
"No you don't. I owe you my life! I had spent the better part of a day once,
considering how to end it".
"How is the battle on that front?" She asked
"Well I feel like shit after rejoining the land of the living last night". I winked at
"Do tell!" She inquired

"A gentleman never tells". I pretended to scold her.

"True, but I don't see any Gentlemen around, so spill!" She laughed with me
"Jimmy took me to the strip club. He kept my glass full, my lap busy, and did his
level best to entice me with all manner of female companionship." I told her
"Ew! The pig! That is a horrible place to get over a woman" Jan said with a
degree of disdain
"Well he wanted me to remember there are lots of options, unfortunately I am
not interested in lust with rent". I said
Jan laughed with me on that.
"So how come you are all smiles this morning then? If having naked women
grinding on you didn't entice you?" She asked
"I can't say!" I smirked
"Did Sue come by for a surprise?" She pried
"No, but I did talk with her about clearing out the cabin this weekend"
"Ok spill it! What are you grinning about?" She inquired
"Remember the sitter?" I told Jan ""Things got a little interesting"
"Chase! That's playing with fire! Fuck! How interesting is 'interesting'?" Jan
eyed me closely.
"Quite interesting!" I smiled and walked to my office
Jan followed me. "What's happening with Sue then?"
"She was quite comfortable in her new boss's arms. So I don't really care." I put
it to her coldly.
"I am happy you are happy, just be careful, the babysitter with a severe crush
could go sideways. It also sounds like fun for you, just be careful". She said and
left back to the desk
My day flew by. I got a sweet text from Nikky. 'I had so much fun last night!
Hopefully soon we can play again!" With a few kisses and eggplant emoji's
At 3:00 I left and picked up the girls. I had to grab a few groceries and then it
was home, dinner and we decided to watch a movie. Frozen.

After about 20 minutes of watching the doorbell rang. It was Lois.

"Sorry to intrude, but I am bored out of my skull at home alone. I thought I'd
pop by" she told me, looking into my eyes.
It was hard keeping my eyes up. She wore a low cut blouse and a pair of skinny
"Come in". I invited her in. Amanda and Tay ran up and gave her huge hugs
"Hi Auntie Lois! ". Amanda gave her a sweet kiss "You look pretty!" And then
she was back watching the movie
"You do look very pretty tonight". I echoed
"Thanks, I'd spent the past week in my housecoat moping about. I needed to
look nice and get out"
"Wine? Coffee? Or tea?" I asked
"If you're having wine I would love a glass or six! But if I get that high, I won't
be driving home." She gave me a wink and a sultry smile.
It was impossible to miss the way she had implied that she could be into
I popped open a nice red wine and poured two glasses full.
"So how is life?" I asked
"Freaking boring!" she said in a quiet voice. "All my friends are married with
children. And weekends are like the couples get together. Did you know last
weekend Maggie and Bill and Artie and Angie got together? I didn't even rate
as a ``hey, what are you up to?"
"I didn't know, either," I said. It actually did feel weird to be left out
"So I figure I am going to start hanging with my single friends and see how
much trouble I can get myself in." Lois looked at me with a sly smile. " I hope
you are up for a bit of fun, lord knows with what we've been through we both
deserve some"
She finished off half her wine in one rather large sip.
"What about you? Have you been out getting any yet? Jeez, you are lucky. Tall,
handsome, no ring on the finger, nice ass and the view up front looks real
good." She licked her lips

"Right," I tried to be modest and humble, but I liked the flattery.

"If you go out to a bar, you will be dragged away by the ladies. I look like the
old ex wife thing that's been cast to the side."
It was an obvious ploy for a compliment. I couldn't let her down. " Lois, you are
hot! Don't sell yourself short. You have a sweet butt to die for, you have a tight
waist and breasts that scream to guys to look. The best thing is you have a face
that looks like it was created for an angel and temptress at the same time. You
are beautiful. Stunningly so!"
"Wow, you sure know how to make a woman feel good!" She winked. "Tell me
"I'd get myself in trouble if I told you any more, aside from that there are little
ears nearby".
"Maybe I can coax you into flattering me more later!"
"No coaxing required". I flirted back
"So what have you been doing to keep busy?" She inquired
"The usual, work, kids, clearing out crap. We are selling the cabin. I have to
finish getting rid of stuff this weekend".
"No! Why? That place is amazing!" She exclaimed
"I got it for Sue and I. It doesn't have the same effect on me as it used to. We
got a great price for it". I said
"Chase, that place was your inspiration. You shouldn't give it up!" She looked
"It didn't feel the same. It felt cold and empty" I took a large sip of my wine. It
was going down easily. I topped up our glasses
"What are you looking forward to doing with your freedom?" I asked her
"I want to get properly laid! A few times, maybe more than a few times. Todd
was my second, I didn't have a lot of experience. I've heard the talk. I think
there is more out there if you know what I mean". She winked "and I think I
want to go to a few exotic places. Off the beaten path. Find some rare gems."
She sighed

"Sounds amazing! " I reflected "I only wanted to get away for some hikes and
backcountry camping,"
"Take me with you when you go!" She said excitedly "Seriously!"
"I didn't know you liked hiking!" I said surprised.
"I used to. A lot. Todd wasn't very outdoorsy"
We sat and talked about hiking, trails we loved, and ones we wanted to try. We
planned a hike for a couple of weeks away to a remote lake. It was a decent
distance and great overnight.
We paused for a second. I topped our glasses. We were halfway through our
second bottle. I looked at the girls. They both had fallen asleep on the couch. I
picked up Amanda and Lois picked up Tay and together we put them to bed.
I picked up our glasses and the bottle and we sat on the couch. Lois had
stopped in the washroom after tucking the kids to bed.
Lois sat next to me on the couch. "I think you are trying to get me drunk". She
said " By the way, it's working!"
"It definitely is". I toasted her and we drank some more.
Lois was leaning towards me, I let my eyes wander to her breasts. I could see
one nipple barely visible.
Lois looked up and saw my gaze. She smiled. "Enjoying the view?"
"There is a wonderful set of peaks and a valley between that I would love to
explore. The summit on the one that is barely visible is extremely enchanting!"
"You make me feel attractive again!" She sighed
I decided that it was time to see what the night held for possibilities. I tilted her
head up and kissed her softly, but fully on her lips ``you shouldn't feel simply
attractive, your beauty inspires lust, and passion." I placed her hand on my
"Oh shit". She looked at what she was holding. Even through my jeans I knew I
was obviously bigger than Todd.
She kissed me passionately. Her hand began to explore the length and width of
my cock. My hand cupped her breast and my fingertips brushed over her

"Oh Jesus," Lois moaned.

I ran my other hand through her hair, and then I clenched my fist and pulled
her head back. I kissed her neck, biting softly. "Oh God Chase, yes!"
I squeezed my hand around her breast and pinched her nipple roughly. I bit her
shoulder, eliciting a sharp gasp. And as I relaxed my bite into sucking and letting
my tongue explore, she moaned.
I pushed her back suddenly. Her eyes opened wide at the shock of my action. I
reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up over her head. Her long
sleeves served to hold her arms behind her. I sucked and held her rubbery nub
in my teeth while my other hand held her compliantly back against the couch. I
kissed my way back up to her mouth.
"Do you want me to take you? Here? now? However, I want you?" I searched
her eyes for any hesitation
"Take me!" She groaned as I rolled her nipple tightly between my fingers.
I bit, I sucked, I licked everywhere searching for sensitive areas that made her
shiver. My hands caressed her. Softly at times, but also firmly and at times
almost savage in the ravaging of her breasts.
I stood and pulled my shirt off. Looking down at her submissive form. I undid
my belt. I undid the button and pulled the zipper down. I pulled the belt out of
my jeans. I slid it around her neck and pulled it close around her neck.
Her eyes were wide. Uncertain. But as I lowered my jeans she watched intently.
The moment my cock sprang free, her mouth was open and searching to take
I didn't need the belt to guide her or restrain her. She pushed herself to take
me as deep as she could manage, and then some. She sucked and drooled and
bobbed her head on my cock.
"I think someone likes a man who takes control," I groaned. I began to thrust
my hips forcing me deeper. I could already feel the tension in my balls. It was
tempting to cum in her mouth. I very nearly did, but I pushed myself back. My
cock bouncing and twitching. Precum and her drool creating a bridge between
her mouth and my cock.
I pulled her up to her feet. I took the shirt the rest of the way off, freeing her
hands. I undid her tight jeans and began to pull them down.

I lacked patience. When they were down to her knees I leaned her over onto
the couch and stuffed my cock in her. She was wet, and ready. I began fucking
her with long deep strokes. As I fucked her slowly my hands explored her. Her
breasts, her nice round butt. I toyed with her clit, but with her legs held
together that was more difficult to maintain.
She began to tremble. "Fuck Chase Don't stop, don't you dare stop!"
I grabbed her hips and thrust harder and a bit quicker. I savoured hearing her
grunt and moan and the trembling was over the top.
Lois screamed, or started too, she buried her face in a throw pillow. She had
clenched every muscle for a moment or two and then shook like she was
having a seizure and then she slumped down on the couch.
I slowed my pace, but kept fucking her. I lifted her right leg up, essentially
pulling her jeans down to her ankle. I stepped on her jeans and lifted her leg
I placed my foot on the couch, with her leg trapped. Her upper shoulder was
almost laying on her upper thigh. Now as I drove my cock into her I could
stroke her clit.
Her response was immediate. I had to push her face into the pillow to muffle
her cries.
"You don't want me to have to stop, do you?" I teased. " Too much noise and I
will have to stop fucking you and figure some way to keep you quiet"
I pinched her nipple and slowly twisted as I began to thrust harder and deeper.
Lois' moans were turning into little squeaks as she tried to control herself. She
finally buried her face in the pillow and screamed as another orgasm rocked
through her. Again she tensed up, and then shook. This time she fell over. My
cock bounced lewdly dripping her nectar.
"Are you ok?" I asked
"Fuck, yes, oh God I need a minute!" Lois gasped
I peeled the other leg of my jeans off. I sat on the couch beside her. I ran my
hand over her back and side.
"You are even more beautiful and sexy naked" I commented.

She sat up and leaned on me. "I think I could get used to this! Mind blowing
orgasms, flattery, and it sounds like you actually mean it. ". She laughed
I laughed " If you keep giving me incentives like that I will be more than happy
to tell you how gorgeous you are and fuck you senseless."
She stroked my cock. "You haven't cum yet. Let me take care of you"
She slid off the couch and between my legs. She looked up at me while she ran
her fingers up and down the shaft. She flicked her tongue over my sac and then
ran her tongue up over the entire length of my cock.
"God you have a gorgeous cock!" She said and then she began licking and
sucking the head. I could feel the tension in my balls, needing to cum.
Lois had other ideas though. She slowed her pace down leaving my cock
twitching in her mouth. I was sorely tempted to grab her and fuck her mouth,
but I held myself in check. I had been dominant enough with her mouth and
pussy. I didn't want to push too far.
She slowly took my cock and tried to take it as deep as she could. I could feel
the back of her throat pulsing with her reflex. She would hold me deep and
then pull back. Only to repeat the process. After a few minutes of this I was
"Oh Fuck. I'm going to cum". I warned her
She pulled my cock until just the top was resting on her tongue. Her fists
pumped hard, stroking me. I watched as my cum shot into Lois' mouth,
catching some on her lips and spilling down her chin.
She sucked me clean, then licked her lips. I pulled her up to me. I kissed her.
"That was fucking incredible!"
We lay together for a moment or two. My hands running up and down her
"You have an amazing touch," Lois said, looking into my eyes. "I could lie here
forever and be in heaven"
"So could I, but I think that being naked next to you, I would have to relieve my
desires to see how many ways I can make you cum"
"Rats, and here I thought I had found my Nirvana, and then you want to add
that!" She mocked.

I slapped her ass. She moaned softly.

"We should probably head to bed". I whispered in her ear as I ran my fingers
through her hair.
"I can't sleep here. I can't be here when the girls wake up". She said, sitting up
"Who said I was going to let you sleep? And we can set an alarm for 6 in case
we do collapse due to fatigue"
"Really? You want to, again?" She asked
"Hell yeah! Can you blame me? I haven't even tasted you yet. Or made love to
you, or half a million things I want to do". I kissed her
"Chase, " she hesitated, " This isn't us falling in love. This is two friends,
supporting each other and having fun right?"
"Lois, you are sexy, intelligent, like some of the same things as me, and are
incredible in bed!" I took a breath. "I am not wanting to fall in love, I still have
feelings for Sue that tear my heart out."
She interrupted me, " Chase, honey, I just didn't want a rebound that would
hurt worse"
She bounced up and stood in front of me. "So, I think you gave an invitation for
more of our FWB benefits!" She giggled. " or were you just getting my hopes
I stood up. I kissed her and then picked her up and carried her into my
bedroom. I shut the door behind me and lay her down at the end of the bed.
The entire way I was kissing her softly.
I kissed her mouth, then her jawline. I nibbled her ear. As I was kissing her my
hands were caressing her. Exploring. I kissed her breasts. She shivered when I
sucked gently on her nipple and ran my tongue over it.
Lois was gasping and trembling with my touches and soft kisses. Moaning
I slid off the bed and took one of her legs and kissed my way from her toes,
right up to her hot wet labia. I traced up over her clit with the tip of my tongue.
I softly pulled her sweet swollen lips into my mouth and teased her some more.
Then I went to the other leg. Again I worked my way up.

This time she was gasping and twisting around on the bed. It seemed like she
was both pushing herself onto my mouth and trying to pull away.
"Oh God" she began to moan softly. Over and over. "Chase, you need to make
me cum! I need to cum, please" she begged
I slid my finger inside her. "How bad do you want to cum? Tell me?"
" oh fuck you bastard! So bad, please, oh fuck please. Don't fucking stop" she
I paid close attention to her clit with my mouth while my finger picked up the
pace. Then I slid two fingers in and curled them up while sucking her clit hard
Her hips thrust up and she shook. Her pussy leaked all down my hand and chin.
I sucked her clit hard. My tongue danced. And my fingers kept pressing
"Fuck" she moaned loudly and then covered her mouth with her hands. Her
whole body shook and then she fell back onto the bed. Her legs wrapped over
my back, holding me to her.
I stood up and pulled her butt to the edge of the bed. I lined my cock up with
her pussy and slid in slowly. Her legs clenched my neck and shoulders. I leaned
down, folding her knees back by her face. I kissed her
As I fucked her I watched her face. How she stared at me when I filled her. How
she closed her eyes when the feelings got intense. I watched as her eyes
opened wide when she started cumming. And how she glowed when I came
inside her.
The feeling of pride in taking a beautiful woman like Lois to the peaks of ecstasy
was heady stuff.
I lay beside her.
"You are going to spoil me Chase!" Lois said. " Can I tell you something?"
"Sure". I leaned up an elbow and looked at her.
"I have led a daily sheltered existence sexually. So I, uh, rarely uh cum, except
when I uh, you know, do myself. ". She was stumbling over her words.
"So you and Todd?" I started to ask.

"In the beginning, I was good with sex. It is still really something that feels
good, you know, but Unless he was going down on me, or using a toy. I
couldn't, you know, cum."
"So what's so different?" I asked her
"For one you are bigger, but I don't know if that's all of it. It helps though. The
second part is the way you took me. I found that really um, turned me on. I had
a mini orgasm with you taking my mouth and fucking me with your belt around
my neck. I've never been that turned on. When you took me from behind and
my legs were trapped. God I lost it. There's part of me that wants to explore
having you take control. And part of me that's scared."
"So you want to be my bondage bitch do you?" I lightly pinched her nipple.
"Asshole! No. Not really. I don't want to have a BDSM relationship, but I kind of
want to try a few things, if we could. On occasion "
"Really, Lois, one thing I want to be perfectly clear on. This is still fun between
friends?" I said, mocking our earlier discussion.
She punched me in my arm. "It's because I trust you".
We talked and snuggled. The alarm at 6 woke us both up. We quickly gathered
our clothes from the living room. We hopped in the shower together and I took
her again with her facing the wall driving up into her from behind. We both
came quickly. Lois left with a sweet kiss that curled my toes.
The day went quickly. I picked up the girls from daycare early. I drove them out
to my parents. Then I went shopping for food for the weekend. I was unsure
what to expect from the weekend. Aside from the quick call in the middle of
the night we hadn't talked or texted at all.
It was by far the most distance we had between us. I also realized that it may
have something to do with me putting some space between us.
I got to the cabin around 9:00. Sue hadn't arrived yet. I went in and fired up the
fridge. The cabin was off grid so it ran on propane. The power was solar. And
the water was from a well. I put the food away. Then I went to bring the
firewood in. And starting the fire.
I sat back and was watching the flames when I heard the van driving up. I got
up and went to meet her.

She got out of the van. My eyes popped

"Wow, you look good!" I said. She had cut her hair, nothing drastic, she had a
loose curl, and added some blond highlights to her natural auburn colour. She
also wore a plaid work shirt and a long jean skirt. It was all form fitting, and
looked amazing.
"Thank you! I went to get my hair done before coming up" she looked at me to
read my reaction.
"Do you want a hand with your stuff?" I asked
"I just bought a pair of jeans and a shirt, and this.
"Nice, Did you eat?" I asked.
"I grabbed a quick bite after leaving work. But I am famished now. I made a
couple of burgers. They are in the cooler."
"I brought some as well! We never discussed food. I brought some just in case"
"So did I, I didn't want to assume anything". She said nervously " I brought a
few bottles of wine as well"
"Looks like we could have a bender! I brought a few as well". I laughed.
I tossed some burgers on the grill, along with a few strips of bacon, I toasted
the buns lightly and melted slices of cheese.
Sue sliced the tomato and onion. We tossed them on the fire to grill them a bit.
We sat outside by the fire pit. I had thrown a few logs on and we had a fire that
radiated out enough to fight off the cool night air.
We ate and drank wine and talked about the kids. Amanda had Sue's parents
wrapped around her finger. She told of how she would pout and Grandpa
would cheer her up with Ice-cream. Or Gran would find a stash of jujubes or
licorice sticks. Bedtime was always three stories. One for Taylor, one for
Ananda, and one that Amanda would read.
"Chase, this is beautiful here! Can't you figure out a way to keep it?" Sue
stated. "I mean, look at the view, this fire pit is placed perfectly. This is you.
Your work and dreams. It's perfect"
"It is nice, but I can't pay for this and the house and raise the girls. I couldn't
work the 50 hour weeks either. So working my job is getting me by, barely. "

Sue started to cry. She tried to hide it from me, but I knew her too well.
"Sue, it's ok! It's only a cabin". I said
"It's not the cabin. It's all the rest." She sobbed, "I had a stupid idea on revenge,
that was supposed to end up with us together again, and I blew it up. Our
family, our friends, our life, this, your company. I was happy. I had a delusional
idea to get even, and instead everything is thrown away"
"I am the ass who slept with Emily". Don't be too hard on you. Instead of being
there for you to help with your depression and the girls, I went out too!" I said.
"I am none to proud of that escapade"
"Can I tell you something?" She looked at me, "When I started on this stupid
path, I wanted to discover what I wanted. What deep inside I wanted. What I
found out was it was what I gave up".
I poured some more wine. I wasn't sure what to say.
"The sex felt good, but it was missing the most important part, you. The
excitement of trying things was different, and exciting, but it wasn't everything
I wanted. It lacked something I realized was essential to me. You!"
I took a drink. A fairly good sized drink.
"Did you ever steal candy from a corner store as a kid?" she asked
"Yeah, I think every kid tries that at least once" I replied
"So often you steal the cheap penny candy. It doesn't taste the best, it isn't
what you want, but the good stuff is too secure. You steal the cheap candy and
it tastes better than normal because you stole it, but what you really want is
that top shelf candy"
"Ok. I can see that."
"What I did was take that crappy candy, and it felt good because it was wrong,
but it wasn't what I wanted". She said, Tears flowing down her cheeks. "All I
really wanted was my top shelf candy, you!"
She turned and ran into the house. I gave her a second. I spread out the fire,
closed up the chairs and grabbed the bottle and our glasses. I went to look for

She was in the girls bedroom face down on the bed. It had been stripped of the
sheets and blankets.
"So why didn't you come home so we could try?" I asked.
"Because I can see the rage inside, I can see the distrust! You were ready to kill
Brian, and he has just been trying to help an old friend. I see that anger and I
put it there! Me! I did that!" She cried. "You never ever lose control of your
emotions. It tears me apart to know that I put that in you." She was talking
while tears rolled down her cheeks
"My therapist figures I need to give you time and space to heal. She doesn't
realize she is doing it, but she tells me you have been through a lot, it will take
time. She is saying I put you through a lot. Even my therapist can't stop telling
me I fucked you over that badly, Chase!" She wiped the tears away
"I planned to come up here and seduce you. To try to win you back. I can't even
do that right. Instead I am a crying whimpering mess. I can't even compete
"Compete? It's not a competition Sue". I said
"I talked with Lois.. She told me about last night. She didn't want to hurt me by
having me hear gossip or rumours. She felt like she betrayed me. So how do I
compare to her? She told me you were incredible? "
"Sorry, she was depressed. She realized Todd was fucking every girl he could.
We started drinking wine and..." I said
"She told me she wanted you, so you never stood a chance. I'm just glad it's her
and not any other woman who would jump your bones, and try to tie you
I laughed. " Right, beautiful women are just going to come out of the
woodwork wanting me! Not going to happen. And why now? "
"Do you remember when we used to go out for a night on the town? Do you
remember the women that would ask you to dance?"" She asked
"Yeah, but you got hit on even more than I did," I replied.
"The difference is we had a reason to not go anywhere with those women and
men ''. She rolled over on her back. "Now instead of me being a reason to say
no, I am a reason to fuck each of them like crazy".

I lay down beside her. "Oh! I never thought about it like that". I sighed. "That
goes for you too though, If I am, why should you not have fun"
"Did you not hear me? I did try, I regret it. It was empty. It was only sex, I don't
want to hook up, because I want you! If I spread my legs again I will close any
chance ever to open that door again."
I was gobsmacked. If any of what she said was true, then while I thought I was
the trapped one, she was. I had choices, she couldn't do anything but wait and
hope. Or walk completely away.
"So, uh. "I stumbled, "so you, um, no."
"What do you want to say, Chase?" She looked at me. I think she was peeved
that I was grinning
"So why wouldn't you come home? ". I asked
"Chase, Brian is a friend, nothing more. He gave me a hug because I was
nervous with you. You were going to be on your own for the weekend. I was
scared. That's all. What was your reaction? Whenever I look at a guy, whenever
I am alone with a guy you are nervous with, what will be your reaction? Do you
know how I know? Because after Emily I was like that. But I couldn't say
anything or do anything. Everything I already did was angry at that point."
"I can't help it. I hoped we could be together. And he was in the way. "
"I know, I talked to my therapist about that too. I understand why you don't
trust me, and why you would get angry. " Sue told me. " I also know that the
same way I wanted to get even you will too. Maybe you already have, with Lois,
maybe with Nikky". She glanced up at me.
"Sue, I didn't mean for that to..."
"Like I said, I know to expect that. It hurts, but with what I did to you there is
reason to expect you will have reason to be entitled to "
I was lying on my back, and Sue was sitting beside me. She reached out and
stroked my hair. "So Lois told me that it was an amazing night. She never had
anything like that before., How was it for you?"
"It was good, different. " I wasn't sure what to say. I felt uneasy talking to her
about this.
"Is it awkward to share?" Sue asked.

"Very!" I said.
"You know it's ok. I just want to know if I could in any way compete." She
looked away ashamed.
I sat up " Compete? Why do you need to compete? Why do you keep thinking
you need to?"
"Because for a long time I have been pretty plain in bed. I never let you do
anything out of the ordinary. And then I let someone else show me some of
what I had been missing. It was new and exhilarating, and I liked it. But it
wasn't you. Now you have someone to compare to." She took my hand. " And
it's hard, I want to show you some of what I was exposed to, but I don't want
you to think I want any of it with anyone but you, so I am afraid to do some
She saw my look of confusion, "If I did something new to you, and it made me
cum hard, would you wonder if I did that because I had someone else do it and
I wanted it again? That you hadn't satisfied me and I wanted more. Would you
think of other men making me cum doing the same thing? Or would you realize
I came because It's you doing something different that makes us both feel
good, whether I learned it reading a book, fucking Darren or from a long hidden
"So you want to know how good it was with someone else, so you know how
far to try to go?" I asked
"I guess". She said
"That's fucked". I snorted.
"What?" She was astonished by my answer
"So there is stuff you want to do that would blow my mind with how good sex
could be, and if, and it's a big if, we wind up having sex you wouldn't do stuff
because your afraid of my reaction, not that you would do stuff you knew we
could enjoy"
"Oh, crap, I am overthinking everything again" she put her face to her hands
and cried.
I watched her cry, then I put my arms around her. "Sue, let's just take things
day by day, minute by minute." I gave her a squeeze " whatever we do we need
to keep things good because we have the girls"

"You know I love you right?" She asked.

"Yes, you know I love you too?" I kissed her forehead.
"I do." She smiled.
She kissed me quickly, with her impish grin. She stood up and pulled me up. "
Come". She instructed
I followed her. She went to the living room. She pushed the couch back.
"Build a nice fire, please". She kissed me again. A little more passion in this kiss.
She went to the bedroom. I could hear her doing something, but I wasn't sure
what. I built a good fire in the fireplace. I set some wood by the side ready to
add to the fire as it burnt down.
Sue came out of the bedroom dragging the futon mattress and blankets. She
pulled it in front of the fire. She set the pillows up so we could watch the fire.
"Ever since we first got to this place I wanted to sleep with you in front of this
fire. I want to make love with you in Front of it too. ". She looked at me. "We
don't have to, but at least I want to sleep beside the fire with you"
I nodded. I poured us the last of the bottle of wine. I went and grabbed another
I pulled off my shirt and jeans, leaving my boxers on and leaned up against the
couch in a bed of pillows. Sue went to the washroom. She came out wearing
just the button down shirt. I wasn't sure if she had anything underneath it. She
climbed into the bed beside me.
"Cheers" I said, holding her glass for her, and holding my own.
She took it and we drank.
She leaned in towards me. I put my arm around her and we cuddled for a few
minutes. She repositioned snuggling closer. Her shirt had opened up and I
could she her nipple
"What happened to the piercings?" I asked
"Oh!" She pulled her shirt around her. " When I realized Darren was doing
things to show his dominance over both me and you, and the piercings were a
huge piece of that, I had them removed. If ever you decide that we want them
back the woman who took them out said it would be easy to put them back."

"Did it hurt?" I asked

"Putting them in hurts like crazy. You know they are sensitive. Taking them out
was easy." Sue told me.
"Did you like having them in?" I asked
"Yes and no. I totally loved when you pulled on my nipples and the barbells.
That made me cum like crazy. I hated the look you gave them after when you
were thinking of Darren using me"
"How about when they were just in, and you did regular stuff?" I asked.
"Sometimes it would turn me on, but other times it is really irritating". She
explained. "I need to wear a bra or my boobs hurt after. In a bra the piercings
rub and hurt. They can get raw. Which is no fun during sex. ".
"Would you want them again?" I inquired
"No barbells, but there might be other ones that I might try. Small rings, there
is one that is designed to stimulate that keeps a nipple erect always. For special
occasions maybe". She looked at me coyly.
"What kind of special occasions?"
She looked at me "Times you and I went out for a night of seduction. Where I
would dress for you. Tease you and then later have wild passionate sex in a
parking lot, or in the van or a park somewhere. Or on a night where I tie you to
the bed and spend hours teasing you. Riding you, sucking you. Teasing you with
them. Maybe I would straddle your mouth and have you tease me until I came,
my nipples so sensitive from being stiff. Then when I untied you so you could
fuck me and cum I would be so turned on I would cum non stop."
My cock was tenting my boxers. Sue noticed. "Chase. I know we have a lot to
go through, we have a lot of things to overcome, but for right now can we just
relax and be together?"
"I have a hard time separating emotion and love and sex" I said
"I don't mean just sex, I mean let's make love, enjoy us being together
exploring together" she said., rolling to her knees and leaning towards me. She
looked ready to kiss me. Her breasts hung seductively.
I pulled her mouth to mine. We kissed. I really missed her kisses. She pulled
back and nibbled on my neck.

"I want to tease you until you break down and need to fuck me hard Babe!"
She whispered in my ear before teasing me with a long sensitive lick.
She nibbled and sucked my nipples. Her hand found my cock. She moaned as
she reached under the boxers and began stroking me slowly. Her lips kissed
down to my stomach. The head of my cock was sticking out above the band of
my boxers. She took it softly in her mouth. She slowly pulled my boxers lower.
Her fingers lightly traced up and down the length of my cock. She stroked her
fingers over my balls, and sucked me hard.
I was moaning and tensing up inside. She looked at me. Her eyes were filled
with desire, and passion. I could feel my orgasm building. She pulled her mouth
off me and she slowly stroked my entire length with her hands.
"I love getting you so hard, feeling you on the verge of exploding in my mouth."
She moaned. "I want to tease you until you need to take me and ravage me and
cum in me. Then I want to please you over and over. First though I am going to
tease you until you can't take it anymore"
She took me in her mouth and slid me slowly down her throat. She maintained
a sexy eye contact the whole time. A few times I felt her start to gag, but she
kept control until she had all of me. She did something with her tongue. I
couldn't begin to explain where it felt like she was pumping my shaft while her
throat tightened on me.
She pulled off me and gasped to catch her breath. Then she did it again, even
slower. Again she held me in her throat for what seemed like minutes of
pleasurable torture. When she did it the next time she stopped when the head
was filling the back of her mouth. Her reflex with holding me there was that she
was milking the head with spasms and her tongue. She had to pull off me or I
would have cum.
She climbed up over me. And undid the buttons on her shirt. She straddled my
cock and slid my shaft between the lips of her pussy. She put her nipples to my
mouth one at a time. I nibbled softly, and sucked them.
"Put your hands on my ass and slide me over your cock, nice and slow." She
told me.
Her motions had her moaning and whimpering. Sounds I had never heard her
make before. Either in person or on video. As she increased her pace the pitch
of her moans increased as well.

"Oh Fuck Chase. You are going to make me cum, of God Chase, Oh Chase,
please oh God don't cum yet please."
The motion on my cock had me close, really close but before I had the chance
to cum, she did.
"Chase, oh Chase. I love you! " she moaned as she pulled me to her breasts and
slid over my Cock trembling.
She pulled back off me. She took me in her mouth and slowly licked my cock
and balls. I realized she was letting me get control again. Allowing me more
time before I would need to explode.
"Mmmm. You taste so good with the combination of your Precum and my
She crawled up to me. Again she slid my cock between her pussy lips. She
kissed my neck, and my ear.
"Let me taste you," I moaned. Pulling her face to me. I plunged my tongue deep
in her mouth. I loved the taste of her.
"If you want to taste me I will climb on top but you can't cum, ok" she said.
She spun around. She knelt so she was over top of me and took my cock down
her throat again. I pulled her pussy down to my mouth and began to lick and
nibble. Her motion on my cock had me close several times. She was teasing me
by alternating taking me deep and other times only using her lips and tongue
on the head of my cock, and other times she ran her lips over me. The
combination was intense. She trembled and came once. And was close to
cumming again. I slid two fingers in her and began to thrust in her. She came on
my tongue and I loved it. Her mouth on my cock as she moaned had me almost
cumming but she pulled off just in time.
She spun around and climbed into my lap. We kissed and she positioned her
wet pussy so my cock slowly entered her. Her moans into my neck as she
lowered herself on me were intense. She rode me slowly. Kissing me, teasing
me. Driving me crazy as she continued to slowly tease me to the point I needed
to take her and fuck her until I came.
She teased my cock relentlessly. I felt her cum at least once more as she rode

She moaned in my ear. "Chase, you are making me cum like crazy, knowing that
you are going to be driving your cock hard into me. The anticipation has me so
turned on".
That was the instigation to making me go over that edge of needing to cum. I
pulled her to me and sucked hard on her nipple. By keeping her immobile I
could drive my cock hard up into her. Over and over I drove up into her. She
spasmed and moaned non stop while I drove into her.
"Oh God Chase, Oh shit, of Chase, God, oh God..." she moaned and then she let
out an animalistic growl. As her pussy clamped hard on me. I felt her spray cum
all over me. She shook and then trembled. I rolled her over on her back and
drove my cock hard into her.
Her mewling howls had me craving my orgasm. And craving one more at least
from her.
"I'm going to cum in your hot tight pussy Susie, I am going to fill you up and
keep fucking you until you pass out." I growled into her ear.
While I was telling her how I was going to cum, her legs began to go spastic
with twitches and shakes. She gripped me in her arms and let out a series of
high pitched squeals as she came again.
As I shot jet after jet of cum in her she squealed again.
We collapsed together, breathless and comfortable.
"I had fantasized about this being good, I never thought it could ever get that
good" she leaned over and kissed me. "I promise I will never hold back again. I
never felt you cum that hard ever"
"That was special" I agreed "l don't think I have ever cum that much or that
"I came so much the bedding is damp, I need to go change it" she said
"No, leave it," I told her " when we snuggle we only use a portion of the bed
anyways ". I pulled her over me and laid her on my other side. She snuggled in
and our bodies interlocked
"You wore me out tonight, I can't keep my eyes open now!" She said with a

"Then sleep silly! I'll be here in the morning, right beside you". I kissed her
softly, my hand caressed her cheek.
She nearly purred like a kitten, and then she fell asleep
I lay awake for a bit. The glow of the fire and the radiant heat, coupled with the
comfort of having Susie's body next to mine with our legs and arms intertwined
was truly relaxing. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
I was awakened by Sue slipping back into bed beside me "shush, it's early, I just
needed to go to the washroom and to clean up a bit."
I looked at her. She was stunning to look at in the dim light of pre-dawn. She
curled up next to me. We kissed.
She felt my cock awaken, pressing into her leg "want me to take care of that?"
She asked with a soft kiss. Her hand caressing me.
"Mmmm, no, I want to lie here with you and relax with you in my arms. Maybe
when it's time to wake up for real" I hinted.
"I like the way you think," she said, "and feel" as she gave my cock a light caress
When I awoke the next time it was Susie stroking my cock with her fingertips.
Every so often she would reach out with her tongue and lick up the pre cum
that was dribbling from my erect cock. Erect may not convey how it felt. I felt
like my cock was solid like a hard wooden shaft that was covered in nerve
endings. Every one of them was being stimulated by the lightest touches, and
the softest kisses and licks.
"I wondered how long before the rest of you woke up!" She laughed before
sucking the head between her lips.
"Oh Fuck!" I gasped.
She let the head pop out of her mouth but kept her lips pressed against it. "Last
night was my fantasy of how I wanted to be with you. Have a fantasy you want
to share?" She asked before sucking the head and rolling her tongue in little
"I don't know," I said. I thought of a few things. A body slide, but I don't think
we had oil.
"Come with me". I stood and pulled her up. We went up to the loft, and then
out on the balcony. It was quite cool in the early morning.

"Get me good and hard, and then I want you to bend over the railing and
spread your legs wide" I instructed her.
She leaned forward and took me in her mouth. She slid me down until I was
pressed against her lips. She took my hands and wrapped her hair around
them. Then she knelt down and let me use her mouth.
I was already hard, but taking her like this had me hard as a rock in no time. I
pulled out and spun her around. She bent forward at the waist and leaned her
tits out over the railing.
I lined up to her wet pussy and began to pump into her for all I was worth. I
held her hips and watched as I made her butt shake, and her tits bounce. Then I
pulled her back so I could cup her tits as they bounced in my hands.
She started grunting as I plowed into her. Then she started to moan.. I pinched
her nipples and pulled them lightly.
The moans she made while I railed her, and pulled her nipples had me close to
exploding. I tried to hold on as long as I could, but I lost it when Susie cried out
"oh Fuck I'm cumming." Her pussy quivered in waves and I came hard and deep
in her. I pulled her up to standing and tilted her so I could kiss her while my
cock twitched and pulsed in her.
We stood there kissing, when the sun rose over the horizon and bathed us in
bright sunshine.
"That was pretty damn close to my fantasy. And better than I imagined". I
sighed. "Where have you been all my life?"
"Tucked away in the dark recesses of my mind"." She quipped "so your fantasy
was sex on a balcony at sunrise?"
"Well close, but not exactly. I've always wanted to fuck you hard from behind
and standing, and I also wanted to bend you over a balcony railing and fuck you
outside. But the rest of the fantasy, well, do you remember our honeymoon,
making out on the balcony while people danced and partied below?"
"Yes," she giggled.
"Remember I wanted to take you right there? On the balcony?"

"Oh God! So this was kind of a montage of fantasies?" She smiled at me, "but
you wanted to be an exhibitionist! Show off your wife, and how you fuck!
We spent the day packing and cleaning. We finished around 5:00 in the
evening. The day had been a good one. We shared some of our heartfelt
thoughts and worries. We had an awkward moment. Everything we needed to
do was done. What to do now? Go home? Stay? We hadn't discussed this
"Want to stay? Have dinner and another night in front of the fire?" I asked
She curled into my arms. "Yes". She kissed me. Hard "I wanted to but I wasn't
sure what you wanted."
I kissed her, "funny, I was wondering the same thing. I didn't want to assume
"We still need to work on some communication, I guess!" I said, "maybe you
can help me loosen up my tongue". I winked
"I think I can help you with that". She smiled
We decided on Steaks and potatoes over the grill. And Susie cracked a bottle of
Red wine.
I was cooking on the grill when she excused herself. I wondered for a second or
two what she was up to. I shrugged it off. We were away from literally
When the steaks were done and she still hadn't come back I called out "Susie?
Dinner is done"
She called back. " be there in a second"
I turned the grill too low, pulled out the plates and set up the table. I just
finished pouring wine when I heard the old radio come on and play some
mellow rock.
Then she walked through the door to the fire pit. "I hope it is still too early for
She was wearing a semi transparent black dress that fit her perfectly, but was
sheer enough you could see the contrast of her nipples, and the hint of her
pussy. She had done her makeup. Soft hints of blush, a subtle lip gloss, a

delicate touch of eyeliner and mascara. Just enough to look elegant and
"I found the old radio, and thought maybe after dinner we could dance."
She sat at the table demurely, I served our dinner while Susie calmly chatted
while we ate about upcoming things we had to deal with for the girls.
We talked about mundane things, dreams, fanciful plans, exotic places we
would love to go. We migrated from exotic locations to erotic locales. My
balcony in public, Susie wanted a waterfall to make love in, I dreamt of on the
hood of an exotic sports car, she wanted a field in the middle of a remote
forest, I wanted a remote tropical island beach, she wanted a sailboat,
Our discussion got more animated and erotic. Susie drank the last of her wine "
Before I jump you and ravage you, why don't we dance? "
"With what you are wearing I may jump you". I winked and spun her on the
living room floor. God she looked hot as her dress flared out. I pulled her back
from the spin into my arms. We danced.
At times we moved seductively together. At times she moved to tantalize me
with how she moved her body, other times I held her so my hard cock pressed
against her pussy.
Our conversation went from erotic to nearly pornographic. Susie told me that
she wanted to have my cock stroking her long and slow, while she held a
vibrator on her clit. This was occurring while we were deep in the woods.
I countered with us 69ing on a secluded beach in the Caribbean. Naked,
exposed, and with the real possibility of being seen.
She topped that with her blindfolding me, securing my hands to the
headboard. She described a wet and sloppy blowjob, following that with setting
her pussy on my mouth while she I received a slow sensuous hand job, with an
occasional lick or suck. The capper was when she said she wanted to cum on
my tongue while her secret partner lowered her pussy on my cock.
I kissed her neck while holding her close. "I want you, now!"
She giggled, "I have been trying to see how far I could tempt you before you
took me".

"Tease!" I nibbled her neck. ``For that I may just spend the evening seeing how
far I can take you without letting you cum."
I pulled her close to me and ran my hands over back, sides and ass while I toyed
with a spot on her neck that I knew made her knees weak. My fingers teased
the soft sides of her breasts. When I cupped her sweet ass I curled my
fingertips to caress her innermost thighs, barely touching her labia and
"Oh, God you are going to pay for this, so deliciously" she moaned as I nuzzled
her collarbone and pressed up against her vulva.
In the evening light her dress was tantalizingly sheer yet not enough to see at
detail. As she moved in my arms I could see her breasts and the outline of her
nipples, but only vaguely so. As she moved I would have to look closer again.
"I think you like this dress! I love how you look at me!"
Damn, I thought, I want to do so much more than look! We were still moving
slightly to the music in the background. I grabbed her butt and pulled her to rub
her pussy against my hard cock as we swayed back and forth. I kissed her and
wrestled her tongue with my own.
She wrapped a leg around mine and began to rock her hips to stroke my cock
with her pussy. Her breath was coming in gasps. She began to whimper as she
was being teased closer and closer to cumming.
I spun her and pulled her back to me. Our bodies collide beautifully. The break
in contact gives her a brief pause, enough to have her body come down from
the stimulation.
She looked at me and smiled. With her hands clasped behind my neck she
leaned back. She wrapped a leg around me again and began to gyrate her hips
pressing herself hard against my cock.
I ran my hand up her side from her hips up to the side of her breast. I teased
her hard nub with my fingertips. The sheer material added to the sensation.
She moaned, I groaned. The pressure of her pussy on my cock was tantalizingly
erotic. She could make me cum if she kept it up.
The gleam in her eyes told me that she was enjoying teasing me as much as I
was teasing her. I decided to up the ante a bit to see how she would react.

I slid my hand up one of the slits in the material and began to caress the soft
indent between her hip and her mons. I teased closer to her pussy getting the
response I was hoping for. Her moans grew in intensity, and her eyes looked
desperate for me to continue.
I gently teased the top of her pussy barely grazing her clit which was protruding
in her excitement. I felt her tremble at my touch. I slid my hand to cup her ass
and pulled her hard to press against my cock. She grunted and groaned as I
rubbed against her pussy roughly.
I moved away from her and began teasing her again with soft gentle touches.
Caressing her hips, down again stroke up and down her labia, and her clit.
Again she was moaning as I tormented her. This time she initiated grinding her
pussy against my cock, trapping my fingers to press her little button.
Her chest was rising and falling as she gasped and tried to get me to make her
cum. This time when I pulled back I placed my hands on her breasts and tugged
her nipples, one at a time. I placed one of my legs between hers and let her
grind against me again. I kissed her again. Long and passionately.
I could tell she was close to exploding again. This time I waited for one song to
end and suggested a sip of wine to refresh ourselves. Her eyes were almost
glazed with lust. I poured her glass and mine.
I handed her the glass and as she tried to drink I
Stroked my finger Up and down the slit of her pussy. I flicked my finger over
her clit while she drank and she spilled some wine down her chin onto her
Quickly I leaned in and licked from the top of her breast up to her mouth. I
flicked across her clit again while I kissed her. She moaned into my mouth and I
felt her knees almost give out. She was close.
I let her drink and I drank. She looked like her body was on fire. Her breasts are
full and nipples have hardened nubs. Her pussy was full, wet and her clitoris
engorged. Her labia we're parted with lust and the bright pink of her inner lips
was clearly visible. The sheer clothing could only hide so much.
A song came on the radio that was perfect stripper material. I pulled her to the
wooden kitchen chair and sat her down. I began to undo my shirt doing my
best campy version of a male exotic dancer. When I had my shirt off I let her
lick and suck my nipples. I backed away and pulled my belt free. I tossed it to

the corner and undid my pants. I rubbed my crotch up against her mouth
letting her lips feel the heat of my erection. I lowered my pants teasing her with
a view of the bulge of my cock in my boxers. I had quite a tent formed. I put
one leg up by her thigh on the chair and ran my fingers between her legs. All
the way from her knees up to her pussy. Her mouth was on the head of my
cock through the boxer material. My fingers were rubbing her clit through the
thin weave of her dress. She was trembling slightly with each touch.
I stepped away. She needed to back away from the precipice of cumming. I
needed to gain control as well. I teased her with views of my hard cock. I took
some of my Pre-cum on a finger and fed it to her. She nearly inhaled my finger.
I danced close to her again. This time I pushed her legs wide apart. Her dress
rode up to her knees. As I moved toward her I pushed it up higher. I pressed my
cock between the valley between her breasts and pressed them together. I
began to titty fuck her slowly even though she had her dress and I wore my
I teased her more when I pulled my boxers low enough that the head of my
cock popped free. She could just barely lick the tip. Again she groaned with
She looked up at me, then down at my cock and back to me pleading silently.
I pushed up high enough for her to greedily take the head into her mouth. She
sucked me hungrily for a moment. Then I pulled her to her feet.
A song with a slow deep rhythm was playing. Each pulse of the music I grind my
cock against her. She was clearly getting over-stimulated.
As I moved my boxers slid lower until I had to step back and let them drop.
Susie stood back and stared. I was naked. I pulled her to me. I found my way
back to touching the inside of her hip. She was nearly dry humping me to the
beat of the music.
I stepped back again and quickly ran my finger up her parted nether lips. Her
knees buckled for a second. I pulled her close and bit her neck.
She wrapped a leg around mine and stroked my cock blatantly fucking me
through her clothing. I pulled the dress higher and slid my cock up to her

She was hot. And very wet. As she tried to push herself on me I maintained my
position. As she moved, so did I. Her moans were escalating in volume and
"Oh God I can't take anymore Chase Fuck me please, just fuck me!" She cried.
As I pushed into her I had to hold her by her ass so she didn't collapse. One leg
tightened around behind me and she tried to get me as deep as she could
before she cried out with a wail. Her body tensed and shuddered. I felt the
warmth of her cum dribbling down my leg. Her head fell forward onto my
shoulder and I slowly rocked inside her as she continued to twitch and moan.
I took the leg that was behind me and hooked my elbow under her knee. I bent
down and scooped her other leg up and bounced her onto my cock forcing her
to take all of me.
She bit my neck, hard as she came again. Now I began bucking my hips back
and forth.
"Chase, oh God,oh Chase, oh, oh oooh! " she moaned and came hard again. I
kept bouncing her on my cock, my hips pounding back and forth, her hips
slamming into mine. I drove into her with a steady pace intensifying her moans
as my cock pounded into her wet pussy.
For a moment my fingertips brushed her tight rosebud.
"No, Chase No! please No!" She wailed, fear momentarily in her eyes.
I had a gut wrenching moment realizing something triggered her reaction. Her
look was scared and ashamed as she searched me for a second, gaging my
reaction to her panic.
I pulled my fingers back and continued to bounce her on my cock.
"I love you babe. I won't press any boundaries, unless you want me to" I
whispered in her ear. I walked her back until a wall was pressed up against her.
I lifted her a bit and with a slightly different angle continued to stroke in and
I kissed her. I watched her relax. "Are you ready for me to cum and fill you?" I
I was trying to maintain control but I was trembling myself.

"I want to feel you cum in me so hard, babe! Take me, fill me! Cum in me!" She
I thrust until I felt myself lose control. Then I felt myself swell and erupt inside
her. I could feel my cum blasting deep in her. I could also feel her clenching her
legs tight to me as she drenched me with her cum.
I leaned into her, against the wall. I could feel both of us quivering with
aftershocks. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.
"God Chase I didn't know I could cum like that. That hard, that intense. That's
amazing!" She panted. "I love you! I love you so much! She had tears running
down her cheeks.
I kissed her tears away "what is Susie?"
"I was so scared I would lose you. I feel like we might make it. And this feels so
intense and good and I love you, but we still have issues. I'm still afraid of losing
you! And now we have discovered another level to our lovemaking. I couldn't
bear the thought of not having you." She was sobbing now. I couldn't take
losing you!"
"Then let's both work on making sure that doesn't happen! " I brushed away
her tears. "I will try my damned best to make sure I don't ever lose you again if
you will. "
Her legs were still wobbly as she kissed me and said "Absolutely I will!"
"We should lie down before we fall," I suggested.
She took my hand and we lay together on the futon. Before we lay down she
asked". Would you be ok if I took the dress off? It actually is hard to handle
when you lay on it!"
I helped her out of it, then we curled up together.
As we talked about our weekend, we explored each other. Touch was our
medium. I kissed her neck as we talked, then down to her breasts.
I enjoyed teasing and tasting her. When I got to her belly button she turned
around. She could now kiss and lick her way to my cock. I licked my way to her
Susie moaned " I love the taste of us on your cock!"

I was tasting her and teasing her. I licked her up and down her pussy. Some
guys get grossed out tasting themselves with their woman. I wasn't like that. I
mean I kissed her after she blew me. And sometimes she sucked me after we
fucked and then we kissed. Tonight though I was tasting her and I could see our
fluids combined.
I had an uncomfortable thought of when I first realized Susie was fucking
Darren and planning to cuck me. I remembered wondering if she had ever had
me go down on her after he had fucked her.
It was a gut clenching moment that caused me to stop mid taste.
Susie felt me clench and pull back. "What is it honey?"
I pushed myself through the memory and began to tease her some more. The
moment we forgot, we began to get more and more into the moment. At one
point Susie started to suck and lick my balls. Then she tongued just below my
I've never had anyone do that to me before. The feeling of being touched there
while she stroked my cock had me twitching in no time. She took me and
sucked hard and ran her fingers where she had been stimulating. I came. She
was slurping up my cum while I had her moaning.
I pushed three fingers inside her. I pressed her g-spot and sucked her clit. Susie
came exploding on me. I slurped and sucked as Susie twisted and turned
After we lay there and caught our breath we started talking again.
"Why did you tense up when you were going down on me?" Susie asked.
I considered lying. "Are you sure you want to hear it?"
She looked at me. I saw her waver in thought. "Yes," she said meekly.
"Remember when you and Darren started to cuck me? He was totally into
demeaning me in any way he could. " I needed to take a breath and a moment.
" I read up on what someone like him, and like a wife Cuckolding her husband
would do, to demean him, me."
"I didn't mean it to get that far out of hand. He went too far." She said tears
were forming.

"I think I know that now, but then when my guts were churning and he kept
showing me pictures of your pussy filled with his cum, one of the things I
researched that is done to a cuck is to have me suck his cum out of you. I
thought of that for a moment". I said. "I'm sorry. I didn't say this to hurt you,
it's just a moment that gave me a reason to pause."
She sobbed in my arms for a moment
"When I grazed your ass with my finger, you had a look of panic. What was that
about?" I asked carefully. " If you don't want to talk about it, that's ok."
She had been laying curled up facing me, my left arm wrapped around her. She
sat up cross legged and faced me. She covered herself with a blanket.
"I don't know exactly how to say this. It isn't that I want sympathy or anything.
My therapist says I believed I deserved what he did. She says it was abusive and
controlling. I'm sure the video Darren shared was all me cumming and doing
crazy things. It wasn't all fun. A lot of it hurt, badly. They fucked me so hard I
tore inside. My pussy and my ass. They weren't gentle either. Sometimes the
rough sex turned me on, sometimes it hurt like hell. Tony fucked my ass the
way you did tonight. I tore inside from how he fucked me. At first it was
tolerable. Then he pounded me harder and harder. I bruised badly inside and
tore. I had to go see the doctor because it felt like my insides were ripped out. "
she continued to cry silently.
"I let myself be controlled, manipulated, used, he made me feel like a cheap
useless whore at times. And my self esteem was destroyed. The only way left to
feel good was to let him have his way."
I reached for her but she pulled away, a pained look on her face. "Don't! How
bad I hurt you, don't you comfort me with my stupidity".
"Susie, we both made mistakes that hurt each other. But we need to be there
for each other". I pulled her into my arms and then we lay together.
We lay together in silence. Listening to our own demons in our heads I guess.
Mine were that she had been submissive to Darren. And even though she
didn't like it, and it hurt, she still allowed him to do more and more. Him having
that control caused me some unease.
We slept in, relatively anyway. I woke up with Susie in my arms. She had just
woken up as well.

I got up to make coffee and made a couple eggs. Susie went and had a shower.
She had a long shower, by her standards. Breakfast was ready and waiting
when she came out.
I noticed right away her eyes were puffy and red like she had been crying.
"What is it hon? You've been crying." I asked
She poked around her eggs. "You talk in your sleep sometimes. It's like listening
to one side of a phone call. Last night you talked about Darren and Tony taking
me away again.. I could hear the pain"
"It was a dream Susie, just a bad dream!"
"Are you worried I would go with him again?" She asked
"Of course in the back of my head there were all kinds of crazy scenarios
running around."
"And Brian? Are you afraid he and I will have sex?" She pushed for an answer.
"Yes, "I admitted, " I worry he is waiting for a moment of weakness. A moment
he can comfort you, and he will try. And I worry that we are pretty fragile in our
relationship. And maybe in a moment it would feel good for you."
"Susie, I don't hold a magic incantation that protects us and wards off the
desires and wants and needs that I want to control. It isn't up to me. Right now
I have no reason or right to have any expectations for you. These will be your
She was looking at me with sad eyes. Just listening.
"How can I tell you to be only mine when I was with two different women this
past week and you? I may not have made my best decisions with them. But
they are my decisions"
"If we are going to get through this, and come together, we need to accept that
we will have insecurities and doubts and worries and deep seated fears. It's
going to happen that stuff will trigger one or the other. We need to support
each other, and build our trust."
"Now eat! I want to walk with you down by the lake one more time before we
go!" I told her

We walked the lake holding hands the whole time. We spent over 4 hours
following the path around. We talked about our insecurities and concerns.
Directions for our path forward. We talked about the girls and how we should
help them with the changes that impacted them.
When we got back to the cabin we made a light lunch. We packed away the last
items. We stood by our cars trying to leave, but not wanting to either.
"One door closes, another opens." I said. "It's just a change. It's one place we
liked, but we will find another. And it will be even better"
Susie was standing beside me. "I was really nervous about coming up alone
with you. I'm glad I did! I want you to do me a favour. To help us. And to help
me feel like we could be on more even footing". She said looking straight
"What is it?" I inquired.
"Lois likes you, not in a permanent way, but she likes being with you. I think
Nikky is the same. I want you to keep seeing them for a bit at least. "
She gulped and it was obvious she was fighting within herself for saying this "
God I know this sounds crazy, and I know I'm playing with fire. But it's
important I think. I experienced a lot of new things. I've seen you have new
knowledge for when we are together. I don't want to be concerned with trying
something because I learned how with someone else. I don't want you
wondering either. We should be able to talk about these things But first You
need to experience new and exciting things to try. "
"There is one more thing I realized I had, and lost, and want back" she said
looking at me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"When I first met you, there was a complete confidence you had in everything
we did together. Our relationship. I pushed you away into the arms of another
woman. Since then you have put me in a position where everything you did
was with a huge "I'm Sorry' banner written on it. Then I trampled that banner
with what I did. I killed your confidence. I made you question yourself."
She kissed me quickly while I was taking this in. "This weekend I felt part of that
come back to you! How you did things by instinct. But I still saw doubt and

questions. I want those erased. Gone. I want my man back. No regrets. Full on
back. Nothing less"
She finished with tears in her eyes. "I have to go! I love you! Thank you!" She
kissed me hard. Got in the van and drove away.
I stood there for a second or two. I put what she said together in my head. I
had so many questions rattling around. I got in my car and started driving to my
parents place.
The next few weeks were a blur. I got the bank draft for the property. I put it on
our credit cards and mortgage. I also put a large chunk in Susie's and my
savings account. Our nest egg for our next place.
I took the girls up to see their Mom on Tuesday and again dropped them off for
the weekend.
Thursday I had a dinner engagement and Nikky sat for me. After the kids were
asleep we spent the evening engaged in multiple orgasms, and bliss. She liked
being tied to the bed and teased. She also was a huge fan of anal sex. She also
got really good at deep throating me.
That weekend Lois stayed with me. It was a weekend of exploration and
experiences. I found out she liked to be submissive. I pushed that boundary on
Monday when I told her to Snapchat me from the washroom at work. She
needed to cum and I wanted to watch. She enjoyed that a lot! I received a few
pictures during the week of her in compromising positions. The best was on her
boss's desk with her legs spread wide. Her pussy wet. Her boss had gone for
lunch with her husband or something so she used the office."
One of the key things for me was that I called Susie almost daily. We texted
each other. And when we saw each other in person, it felt right.
Things carried on for about a month with only minor changes. Nikky began
dating a boy from school. No sex yet, but she wanted to be true to him. We still
talked quite openly. Lois and Jimmy were flirting with each other. We went out
together and they hit it off pretty good. Jan at work was flying through her
courses. The changes in the office were incredible. Scott and her were known
to have gone out a few times after work. We also talked about everything,
freely expressing our opinions. She was happy. I was too.

Things took a weird turn on the July long weekend. I got a text from Darren.
'Going to see our little slut, I'll send pictures'. I had the girls that weekend. Susie
was coming by for the day on Sunday afternoon and staying till Monday.
I spent Friday and Saturday in a panic. I wanted to call Sue and see what was
going on. I dreaded every time my phone beeped with a text message. By
Sunday morning I was a complete mess.
I caved and called Sue. "How are you Sue?" I asked. I tried playing it cool. " How
has your weekend gone so far?"
"What's wrong Chase? '' she asked. "I could hear the concern in your voice".
My senses were tingling all over the place. Did she suspect I knew about her
and Darren? And more, worse darker thoughts.
"Darren texted me that he was visiting you. I was worried" I said.
"He did, he tried to get me to go with him. He even tried pulling me into his car.
I beat him up. I kicked his balls so hard he puked. My dad had to pull me off
him." She stopped. "Chase? Are you ok?"
"I am! I am really good now! One day I am going to deal with that ass, but now I
am really fucking awesome!" I said. "How soon are you coming?"
"Chase, did you think I would go with him? Really?" She asked.
My bubble burst. I had gone from gut wrenched to elated to the bottom of my
stomach just dropping.
"I had doubts rolling around in my head. Sorry" I said
"Chase! Really? For fuck sakes Chase! He is an ass! Worse than that!" She said
her anger was rising. " you think I am such a slut I would spread my legs for him
again? After all he did to both you and me? Fuck".
The phone went dead.
It was July 4th! Fireworks just blew up in my face. I tried calling back. I sent a
text. 'I'm sorry, it wasn't you I doubted, it was me, He did something to me that
causes me to doubt myself". I got no answer. It didn't show as read either.
Sunday afternoon was a long one. I took the girls to watch the fireworks. I tried
calling and texting. Still nothing.
I called Nikky.

She came right away. "I need to do something, if it goes sideways, call Susie or
her parents. Ok?"
She nodded.
I left. I stopped at the work yard. I picked up a couple of things. I pulled up to
the house. I saw the car in the driveway. I threw a sledgehammer through the
driver's door. The alarm went off. I waited. I saw the door open and I ran off
checking to see that I was followed.
Sure enough I was.. I pulled into the park and waited behind a big tree. When I
heard him coming I stepped out. The punch to his face dropped him on the
spot. I rolled Tony on his side. I kicked him twice in the balls for good measure.
I gave him two more hard shots to his ribs.
I walked back to the house. I threw the sledgehammer through the windshield
this time. I went up to the door and waited.
When it opened I nailed him in the jaw. Then twice to his stomach and a
roundhouse punch to the temple and a shot with all I could put into it on his
chin. He dropped. I kicked him in his balls for good measure as well.
I leaned down close to him and pulled my hoodie back enough for him to see. It
was me. "Amazing how your car went up in flames after our last meeting. This
is strike two. Three and you are out!" I punched him hard in the ribs.
A woman asked me "who are you?" She was naked and looked to have been
getting fucked hard. I saw a ring on her finger.
"Husband of another woman he thinks he can go after. This is me saying not to
try, ever again." I looked at him. He was wearing pajamas. He was moaning. His
face was a complete mess.
I walked away, back to my car and drove home. I took a long route past the
lake. I stopped and threw the brass knuckles in the water as far as I could
throw. When I got home, I waited. I thought the police would be there soon.
They never showed up.
Nikky and I talked. "If the cops come, you don't know anything, I just had to go
do something, then I came back."
She tried to say something, I held up my hand and she was quiet. She smiled.
She knew I did something good.

Nikky left at 12:30. She was going to see her boyfriend. It was going to be a
special night of firsts for them.
At 2:30 I got a call. It was Susie. " I'm sorry. She slurred. Oh fuck you were right.
About everything. Please come get me!"
"Are you drunk?" I asked
"Yes, I had to call dad. He got me. You were right. I am so stupid. Please, I need
you." She started crying. She sounded pretty blitzed. After a few minutes I
heard a rustling with the phone. I heard a man's voice.
"Chase it's Bill, how are you?" He said.
"To tell the truth I am a bit concerned, what happened?" I asked.
"She was mad at you for doubting her, she needed someone to talk to. So she
called her old friend. He got her drunk and tried to seduce her. She slapped him
and called me. I punched him, once for being an asshole, and once for you. "
He stopped to let me comprehend what he said.
"I beat the shit out of Darren tonight. I guess it was a bit of a doubling down
kind of night" I said. "Thank you for getting her."
"She loves you, she has so much guilt to get through. You two need to get over
shit and figure this out. It's tearing you apart, both of you"
I know Bill. "Would it be all right if I came up in the morning? I'll bring
"That would be good. She is sleeping on the couch now" he said
"Ok goodnight Bill. And thank you!"
Goodnight Chase! Coffee one sugar two cream!" He said
"Gotcha!" I said and sat on my couch.
I got up. I packed a few things for the girls. I loaded them in the car. I packed
some drinks, and some snacks. I waited until 5 before waking up the girls.
"Road trip!" I said. " Let's go see Mommy!"
That got them going. We ate a light breakfast and got in the car. We stopped at
The IHOP and loaded up. We got to Bill and Julie's right at 8 O'clock.
Bill opened the door in his dressing gown. "Come in"

The girls woke Susie up on the couch. She looked a bit of a mess. And confused.
I walked over. " We won't have to worry about Darren again. Ever. And no, I am
not sorry. Neither should you be. I truly am sorry that my reaction put you in a
bad position. I won't make that mistake again. I also truly wish I would have
been wrong about Brian, you deserve better." I looked her in the eyes to see if
she understood what I was trying to say.
She gave a faint smile.
"We brought breakfast". I said. "Then I am taking you home. I don't want to
wait till we figure it out on our own. We need to figure it out together. It may
hurt at times. But I won't be pushed away again. And I won't push you away
again ever." I held out my hand.
She took it, tentatively at first. I pulled her into a hug and a kiss. "You need to
brush your teeth. After". I smiled.
"After?" She asked
"After I kiss you and tell you I love you!" I winked. And held her.
She kissed me lightly and excused herself. She went to the bathroom.
I went and set the table and had the girls help arrange everything. Bill and Julie
came out still dressed in pajamas and sat down.
I went to the bathroom. I knocked and opened the door. "Are you coming?"
"What all happened last night?" She asked. She was crying.
"Well you slapped your friend when he tried to seduce you. I am sorry I really
wish I was wrong about him. You called your dad and he punched him twice for
being a douche. When you got home, you called me, you were drunk."
" In the meantime I had my own adventure. I gave Darren a very clear hand
delivered message. From me. Very very clear. Now let's eat. I want to take you
home and make love with my gorgeous wife tonight in our bed. And again
maybe in the morning."
"Come" I took her hand and pulled her with me. She smiled.
"Really?" She asked
"Really". I told her. And I kissed her

We ate. The girls carried the conversation. Susie and I just kept looking at each
other and smiling.
The girls helped pack. We loaded the van. I left the car. We could grab it later. I
gave a big hug to Bill and to Julie. I thanked them with tears of joy in my eyes. I
left their house feeling like myself again. My confidence was somewhat
restored. Susie too was feeling better about herself. She is a strong woman
We did fight a few times. We also had some hard moments that rubbed our
emotions raw. But we talked. We shared how we felt. And we grew together.
We also started ticking off some of our dream bucket lists. I was surprised the
first time we checked one of the boxes off the list. Susie was playfully tying me
up in bed for a night of pleasure. A blindfold covered my eyes. She teased me
relentlessly. Then she had me try to make her cum with my tongue.
I got the surprise of my life when Lois whispered in my ear "I am going to suck
your cock. If Susie cums before you do you can tie me up next and Susie and
you can play. If you cum first you stay tied up and I will see about making Susie
cum next. You can listen"
We also took a trip to the Caribbean, a place with a nice balcony. Our last night
was spectacular. We attracted a small crowd. It was incredible.
Life is good. We also bought our dream property. Susie bought it actually. Her
savings account, plus our savings. Half a lake with two beautiful building sites
to choose from. The other half of the lake is protected land. It is perfect. It was
our anniversary. We made love in a field on the property, another bucket list
item checked off.
Life throws curveballs. Challenges and barriers. People make stupid choices. It
took almost losing each other to get Susie and I to be open and honest with
how we feel. She still deals with depression. Together we fight it. Our girls are
happy. I even got promoted and now own a share of the company. My share
cost me a dollar.
I have a private thought. I am waiting for the right moment to share it with
Susie. I reflected on hers and my relationship from the beginning. How we
blocked each other out. How our perfect love affair got dark. I strayed because
of the silence, she had a plan to get us together by cuckolding me. Damned if it
didn't work out better than either of us expected. Without what we did, we
wouldn't have made it. Ironic isn't it?

Susie told me the other night she was worried she would never get her man
back. She is so happy I came back.
So am I. So am I!
Thanks for reading!

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