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De La Salle University – Dasmariñas


City of Dasmariñas, Cavite

NAME: Marione Alia Fauni____________________ DATE: October 13, 2021

COURSE/YEAR & SECTION: BSA23_____________ PROF.: Ms. Carmela Z. Reyes__


1. Compute and interpret the point and interval estimates of parameters.

2. Compute and interpret the length of the interval formed.
3. Solve each problem using Microsoft Excel.


Read and understand each item carefully. Identify the appropriate probability distribution and use Microsoft Excel as
a tool to solve each problem.

1. The contents, in milliliters (mL), of 16 similar bottles of Bignay Wine are as follows: 498, 490, 502, 500, 500,
492, 493, 501, 503, 489, 495, 504, 500, 500, 496 and 506. Assuming the contents is normally distributed,
determine the following:
a. The 95% CI for the mean contents of all the bottles of Bignay Wine.

Bignay Wine Bignay Wine Lower Limit = Mean - Confidence Level

498 Lower Limit = 498.0625 - 2.69938324
490 Mean 498.0625 Lower Limit = 495.36
502 Standard Error 1.2664542
500 Median 500 Upper Limit = Mean + Confidence Level
500 Mode 500 Upper Limit = 498.0625 + 2.69938324
492 Standard Deviation 5.06581681 Upper Limit = 500.76
493 Sample Variance 25.6625
501 Kurtosis -0.7946147 495.36 ≤ µ ≤ 500.76
503 Skewness -0.4179759
489 Range 17
495 Minimum 489
504 Maximum 506
500 Sum 7969
500 Count 16
496 Confidence Level(95.0%) 2.69938324

Interpretation: The data above shows the 95% CI for the mean contents of all bottles of Bignay Wine. With
the use of descriptive statistics through data analysis, the needed values are obtained such as 498.0625 for
the mean, 5.06581681 for standard deviation, and 2.69938324 for the confidence level. The results are
obtained by using lower and upper limit formula. Therefore, we can be 95% confident that the true mean
contents of all the bottles of Bignay Wines is between 495.36 and 500.76 milliliter.

b. The length of the 95% CI Interval for the mean contents of all the bottles of Bignay Wine.

Length = Upper Limit - Lower Limit

Length = 500.76 - 495.36
Length = 5.40
Interpretation: From the data above, the lower and upper limit are obtained which are 500.76 for the upper
limit and 495.36 for the lower limit. Therefore, the length of the 95% CI Interval for the mean contents of all
the bottles of Bignay Wine is 5.40 milliliter (ml).

2. The contents of 10 similar containers of sulfuric acid are 9.8, 10.2, 10.4, 9.8, 10.0, 10.2, 8.5, 8.9, 10.0 and
9.6 liters. Find a 99% confidence interval for the mean content of all such containers, assuming an
approximate normal distribution for container contents.

Containers Containers Lower Limit = Mean - Confidence Level

9.8 Lower Limit = 9.74 - 0.61889248
10.2 Mean 9.74 Lower Limit = 9.12
10.4 Standard Error 0.19043809
9.8 Median 9.9 Upper Limit = Mean + Confidence Level
10 Mode 9.8 Upper Limit = 9.74 + 0.61889248
10.2 Standard Deviation 0.60221812 Upper Limit = 10.36
8.5 Sample Variance 0.36266667
8.9 Kurtosis 0.88931873 9.12 ≤ µ ≤ 10.36
10 Skewness -1.2618791
9.6 Range 1.9 Length = Upper Limit - Lower Limit
Minimum 8.5 Length = 10.36 - 9.12
Maximum 10.4 Length = 1.24
Sum 97.4
Count 10
Confidence Level(99.0%) 0.61889248

Interpretation: The data above shows the 99% CI for the mean contents of all such containers. With the use
of descriptive statistics through data analysis, the needed values are obtained such as 9.74 for the mean,
0.60221812 for standard deviation, and 0.61889248 for the confidence level. The results are obtained by
using lower and upper limit formula. Therefore, we can be 99% confident that the true mean contents of all
such containers is between 9.12 and 10.36 liters and the length of the interval is 1.24 liters (L).

3. A random sample of 100 automobile owners shows that an automobile is driven on the average 23,500km
per year, in the state of Virginia, with a standard deviation of 3,900 kilometers.
a. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the average number of km. An automobile is driven
annually in Virginia.

Mean 23500
dev. 3900
Sample size 100
Alpha 0.005
Z-table 2.575829304

23500 - 2.575829304 (3900/√100) ≤ 𝜇 ≤ 23500 + 2.575829304 (3900/√100)

23500 - 1004.573429 ≤ 𝜇 ≤ 23500 + 1004.573429
22495.43 ≤ 𝜇 ≤ 24504.57
Interpretation: The needed values were given already such as 23,500 for mean, 3900 for standard deviation,
and 100 for the sample size. Further, the Z-value was obtained with the use of basic excel function. The result
was obtained with the use of lower and upper limit formula which are 22495.43 and 24504,57, respectively.
Therefore, we can be 99% confident that the true average number of km an automobile is driven annually
in Virginia is between 22495.43 and 24504.57 kilometers.

b. What can we assert with 99% confidence about the possible size of our error if we estimate the
average number of km driven by car owners in Virginia to be 23,500 km per year?

Mean 23500
dev. 3900
Sample size 100
Alpha 0.005
Z-table 2.575829304

Formula: 2.575829304 (3900/√100)

Error: 1004.57

Interpretation: From the previous data, the error was obtained which is 1004.57. Therefore, we can be 99%
confident that the possible size of our error if we estimate the average number of km driven by car owners
in Virginia to be 23,500 km per year is 1004.57 kilometers.

4. An engineer developed a new concrete hollow blocks (CHB) use for house construction. He tested 15
samples for compressive strength, in psi, and obtained the following results: 875, 935, 978, 830, 902, 961,
888, 847, 910, 902, 894, 930, 878, 841 and 839.
a. Find the 90% confidence interval for the mean compressive strength of the new developed CHB.

Data Compressive Strength (in psi) Lower Limit = Mean - Confidence Level
875 Lower Limit = 894 - 20.2278811
935 Mean 894 Lower Limit = 873.77
978 Standard Error 11.4845652
830 Median 894 Upper Limit = Mean + Confidence Level
902 Mode 902 Upper Limit = 894 + 20.2278811
961 Standard Deviation 44.4795298 Upper Limit = 914.23
888 Sample Variance 1978.42857
847 Kurtosis -0.5851883 ≤ µ ≤ 500.76
910 Skewness 0.30136323
902 Range 148
894 Minimum 830
930 Maximum 978
878 Sum 13410
841 Count 15
839 Level(90.0%) 20.2278811
Interpretation: The data above shows the 90% CI for the mean compressive strength of the new developed
CHB. With the use of descriptive statistics through data analysis, the needed values are obtained such as 894
for the mean and 20.2278811 for the confidence level. The results are obtained by using lower and upper limit
formula. Therefore, we can be 90% confident that the true mean compressive strength of the new
developed CHB is between 873.77 and 914.23 in psi.

b. Compute the length of the interval.

Length = Upper Limit - Lower Limit

Length = 914.23 - 873.77
Length = 40.46

Interpretation: From the data above, the lower and upper limit are obtained which are 914.23 for the upper
limit and 873.77 for the lower limit. Therefore, the length of the 90% interval for the mean compressive
strength of the new developed CHB is 40.46 in psi.

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