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Continuous stirred tank reactor 499

Natesan Jayakumar1 Research Article

Mohd Ali Hashim1
Merlin T. Thomas2 Input Multiplicity Analysis in a Non-
Department of Chemical Isothermal CSTR for Acid-Catalyzed
Engineering, University
of Malaya, Hydrolysis of Acetic Anhydride
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Institute of Science & Multiplicity analysis gives practical guidance for process design to eliminate diffi-
Technology for Advanced cult operating regions associated with input and output multiplicities. Continu-
Studies & Research (ISTAR) ous stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) present challenging operational problems due
Vallabh Vidyanagar, to complex behavior such as input and output multiplicities, ignition/extinction,
Anand, Gujarat, India. parametric sensitivity, and nonlinear oscillations. In the absence of a unified
mathematical theory for representing various nonlinear system characteristics,
the present study was aimed at understanding the dynamic behavior of CSTRs by
means of experiments and to link the experimental data to theoretical considera-
tions for further detection and elimination of operating problems. Theoretical
modeling and analysis of a non-isothermal CSTR with acid-catalyzed hydrolysis
of an acetic anhydride system for input multiplicity are discussed. Theoretical
modeling of a non-isothermal CSTR using a root-finding technique was carried
out for predicting steady-state temperatures. Alternatively, a mathematical model
for a non-isothermal CSTR using unsteady-state mass and energy balance equa-
tions is proposed. Computer-based simulation was carried out using a program
developed in MATLAB for final transient temperature and time-temperature data
of the CSTR system under investigation. The results of a theoretical analysis con-
ducted for confirming the existence of input multiplicity in non-isothermal
CSTRs with acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of acetic anhydride were compared with
experimental investigations for validation.

Keywords: Continuous stirred tank reactor, Input multiplicity, Modeling, Reactor dynamics,
Received: May 13, 2009; revised: December 12, 2009; accepted: December 15, 2009
DOI: 10.1002/ceat.200900220

1 Introduction systems can exhibit a variety of dynamic patterns ranging from

stable operation at a unique stable steady state to oscillations,
Multiplicity and stability problems are encountered in indus- chaos, and turbulence. In general, input multiplicities occur
trial reactors but, apparently, proprietary considerations have due to the presence of competing effects in a nonlinear process
prevented the disclosure of data and specific reaction. The or due to nonideal mixing with certain nonlinear reaction ki-
occurrence of different steady states under the same operating netics, or due to the recycling structure of nonlinear processes.
conditions of a reactor is called output multiplicity, whereas Constraints placed on the manipulated variable of a nonlinear
input multiplicity means more than one set of input variables process and the increase in the number of controlled variables
causes the same output variable. Nonlinearity is a necessary can eliminate input multiplicities [2]. But, one of the major
condition for input and output multiplicities [1]. Nonlinear difficulties in dealing with nonlinear systems is the lack of
unified mathematical theory for representing various non-
linear system characteristics.
Early researchers in this area have made attempts to theoret-
ically demonstrate the application of linear stability analysis
– and classical nonlinear mechanics to examine local stability of
Correspondence: Dr. N. S. Jayakumar (, jaya_ a steady state, and the existence of multiple steady states and, Department of Chemical Engineering, University sustained oscillations of CSTRs with and without control
of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur – 50603, Malaysia. [3, 4]. In the early seventies, few attempted a derivation of the

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
15214125, 2010, 3, Downloaded from by Cochrane Thailand, Wiley Online Library on [27/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
500 N. Jayakumar et al.

criteria for the exhibition of input multiplicity for different re- a continuous flow stirred tank reactor. Availability of kinetic
action schemes [5–7]. It is reported that isothermal reactions data and proof of the existence of output multiplicity has been
whose rate curves go through a maximum can exhibit multi- the primary criteria in the selection of the above reaction sys-
plicity. Most of the recent advances in the study and under- tem for investigating the existence of input multiplicity in
standing of multiplicity in chemically-reacting systems have non-isothermal CSTRs. So far, no study has been reported on
resulted from the applications of catastrophe and singularity the input multiplicity of CSTRs using acetic anhydride hydro-
theories to situations which are relatively simple (the number lysis. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of acetic anhydride was chosen
of intrinsic state variables involved are limited). The applica- as the reaction system for the study.
tion of these catastrophe and singularity theories in deriving This work discusses the theoretical modeling and analysis of
the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a non-isothermal CSTR with acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of an
input multiplicity has been studied [8–12]. It is noted that acetic anhydride system for input multiplicity. The mathemati-
whenever ∂C1)/∂m = 0, the possibility of multiple steady states cal modeling of a non-isothermal CSTR using a root-finding
must be considered. It cannot be confidently assumed that the technique was conducted for the prediction of steady-state
inverse function of C(m) exists as a one-to-one mapping from temperatures. The dynamic unsteady-state mass and energy
values of C to values of m. In physical terms, there may be balance equations are considered for predicting transient tem-
more than one set of manipulated variables, m, which can pro- perature. Computer-based simulation was carried out using a
duce the same desired steady state variable, C. Past studies on program developed in MATLAB for final transient tempera-
multiplicity in various reacting systems have shown that pro- ture and time-temperature data of the CSTR system under
cess behavior such as divergence phenomena and uncon- investigation. The results of a theoretical analysis conducted
strained limit cycles are caused by input multiplicity for confirming the existence of input multiplicity in an non-
[13, 14, 16]. The unconstrained limit cycle phenomenon is isothermal CSTR with acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of acetic anhy-
potentially very important. There is theoretical evidence which dride and was also compared with experimental investigations
suggests that the same mathematical conditions necessary for for validation.
input multiplicity may also be necessary for an unconstrained
limit cycle [15].
The continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) is widely used 2 Modeling CSTR Dynamics
in chemical process industries for conducting single and multi-
ple reactions. CSTRs present a challenging operational prob- 2.1 Modeling Conditions that cause Input
lem due to the complex open-loop behavior such as input and Multiplicity
output multiplicities, ignition/extinction, parametric sensitiv-
ity, nonlinear oscillations, and perhaps even chaos. In the past, The quantum of investigations required for confirming input
few studies have taken place in the understanding of the multiplicity in a reaction system can be minimized and are
dynamic behavior of CSTRs, including investigations on the easily realizable in the laboratory by theoretically identifying
existence of input multiplicity for several reaction schemes the regions of its existence. Through selecting a set of process
from a theoretical standpoint. However, very few reaction sys- variable combinations from the regions, the trial runs required
tems have been tried experimentally. In the absence of a uni- for experimental confirmation of the input multiplicity behav-
fied mathematical theory for representing various nonlinear ior of a reaction system can be reduced considerably. The con-
system characteristics, it is appropriate to link theoretical con- ditions necessary for the occurrence of input multiplicity for
siderations to experimental data for detection and elimination the system under study is theoretically determined using the
of operating problems. Multiplicity analysis provides practical same approach as that of Balakotaiah and Luss [2]. They pre-
guidance for process redesign to eliminate difficult operating dicted methods for the determination of parameter regions
regions associated with input and output multiplicities. with a number of solutions. They used concentration as con-
For cases where there is not much difference between feed trol variable, whereas in the present work, temperature is taken
temperature and coolant temperature, output multiplicity is a as a control variable. For a perfectly mixed continuous stirred
necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of input tank reactor (CSTR) in which a first-order exothermic reaction
multiplicity [2]. Liou and Chien [18] also showed that one of occurs, the steady-state mass and energy balance equations are
the conditions for the existence of input multiplicity is that the modeled as follows:
phenomenon of output multiplicity occurs at the nonlinear q…CAf CA † Vk0 exp… E=RT†CA ˆ 0 (1)
reaction rate. Preliminary investigation based on the published
values of kinetics parameters for this system showed that the
qqCp …Tf T† ‡ Ua…Tc T† ‡ V… DH†ko exp… E=RT†CA ˆ 0
system may exhibit input multiplicity if low concentrations of
acetic anhydride were used as in the studies by Jayakumar and (2)
Rao [19], and Haldar and Rao [20]. As this reaction generates Consider the case where temperature in the reactor is con-
heat to the extent of 58.2 kJ/mol [20], it was also felt that the trolled by manipulating the flow rate (q) and the coolant flow
system might be suitable for investigating input multiplicity of rate (qc). Eliminating the concentration term from Eqs. (1)
and (2), the following single steady state equation is obtained:

– bCX
…C ‡ a†h ahc ˆ0 (3)
1) List of symbols at the end of the paper. C ‡X © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507
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Continuous stirred tank reactor 501

A single steady state equation relating the Table 1. Process variable combinations that cause input multiplicity.
temperature, T, and the dimensionless flow rate,
C, is obtained by eliminating the concentration Tf [°C] hc [–] c [–] B [–] CAf [kmol/m3] C [–]
term from the steady-state mass and energy bal- 20.2 0.0027 38.34 0.2387 5 16.93
ance equations for a perfectly mixed CSTR, for
a first-order exothermic reaction. The various
dimensionless numbers used in the solution of 20.2 0.0027 38.34 0.2865 6 24.85
the above equation are as follows:
Cˆ (4a) 20.2 0.0027 38.34 0.3342 7 32.9
Vko exp… E=RTf †

… DH†CAf 20.2 0.0027 38.34 0.382 8 40.9

bˆ (4b)
qCp Tf 1.39
24 0.009 37.85 0.235 5 20.74
aˆ (4c) 1.65
qCp Vko exp…E=RTf †
24 0.009 37.85 0.2828 6 27.91
c…T Tf †
hˆ (4d)
Tf 24 0.009 37.85 0.329 7 35.68
c…Tc Tf † 24 0.009 37.85 0.377 8 43.5
hc ˆ (4e)
31.3 0.072 36.96 0.23 5 23.81
X ˆ exp (4f)
…1 ‡ …h=c† 0.478
31.3 0.072 36.96 0.276 6 30.76
cˆ (4g) 0.37
31.3 0.072 36.96 0.322 7 38.67
Eq. (3) is quadratic in C so that at most two 0.295
values of C may exist for any specified h, the di-
mensionless temperature, which is related to X. 31.3 0.072 36.96 0.368 8 46.04
This implies the existence of a single steady-state 0.247
temperature for two manipulating flow rates.
Using the kinetic parameters for the hydroly-
sis of acetic anhydride as given by Haldar and Rao [20], the For the concrete problems of CSTRs, these approaches are well
regions of existence of input multiplicity were identified for worth the effort since considerable progress can be made both
various combinations of process variables (temperature, con- in theory and computation. Since many physical parameters of
centration, and kinetic parameters) by drawing graphs of a greatly divergent sizes actually occur, proper nondimensionali-
(dimensionless heat transfer coefficient) versus h (dimension- zation and sophisticated procedures are essential. The condi-
less temperature). The process variable combinations causing tion of instantaneous and perfect mixing throughout the con-
input multiplicity of non-isothermal CSTRs for the hydrolysis tents of a CSTR is an idealization that can never actually be
of acetic anhydride obtained by theoretical calculations are attained in a real reactor. Understanding of the dynamic be-
summarized in Tab. 1. The concentrations ranging from havior of a CSTR under input multiplicity requires accurate
5 kmol/m3 to 8 kmol/m3 were selected for further theoretical mathematical modeling of the energy balance equation.
and experimental investigations, because output multiplicity Mathematical equations characterizing the dynamic behav-
for the same system was already established with the above ior of the non-isothermal CSTR are modeled using the unstea-
concentrations by Jayakumar and Rao [19]. dy state material, and energy balance and the Arrhenius rela-
tion. The unsteady state material and energy balance for a
single CSTR are given as:
2.2 CSTR Modeling Analysis using a Root-Finding dCA
Method V ˆ q …CAf CA † V k CA (5)
The theoretical modeling of systems necessitates deeper con- dT
qCp V ˆ qqCp …Tf T† ‡ Ua…Tc T† ‡ V… DH†kCA (6)
cepts and more powerful mathematical machinery in general. dt

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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502 N. Jayakumar et al.

The temperature dependency of the rate of reaction accord- by using Eq. (14), representing b in dependence on Z for varia-
ing to Arrhenius theory is: tions in:

k ˆ k0 exp… E=RT†: (7) b ˆ Zexp…Z†=…1 aZ† 0 ≤ Z ≤ 1/a (19)

At steady state, the right-hand side of Eqs. (5) and (6), are The characteristics of Eq. (17) make it possible to determine
equal to zero. The two temperature differences, (Tf – T) and the steady state point. Concentration CA and the steady-state
(Tc – T), which occur in Eqs. (5) and (6) suggest the choice of temperature are determined from the following equations:
an appropriate reference temperature. The identity obtained
from Eqs. (6) and (7): T=Tm ˆ 1=…1 …RTm =E†Z† (20)

qqCp …Tf T† Ua …Tc T† ˆ …qqCp ‡ Ua †…Tm T† (8)

CA =CAf ˆ …1 aZ†T=Tm (21)
From the identity given above, we obtain the reference tem-
perature as: The analysis was carried out for all process variable combi-
nations that were under experimental investigation. The steady
Tm ˆ …qqCp Tf ‡ Ua Tc †=…qqCp ‡ Ua † (9) state values obtained for different feed temperatures are given
in Tab. 2.
In the above equation, temperature Tm appears as a
weighted mean value of the temperature of the coolant, Tc,
and that of the feed stream temperature, Tf. Using Eq. (9), 2.3 The CSTR Analysis using Simulation Modeling
Eq. (8) takes – for steady state conditions – the form:
Computer-based simulation was also carried out using a pro-
…qqCp ‡ UA †…Tm T† ‡ V… DH†k0 exp…E=RT†CA ˆ 0 (10) gram developed in MATLAB to obtain the final transient tem-
perature and time-temperature data for the CSTR system
When the concentration term, CA, in Eq. (8) is eliminated under investigation. The unsteady-state mass and energy bal-
by the use of Eq. (5), Eq. (10) becomes: ances, Eqs. (5) and (6), were used as mathematical model for
the simulation of non-isothermal CSTR. The coupled non-
…V… DH†kqCAf †=…q ‡ Vk0 †exp… E=RT†† linear differential equations are solved numerically by using
ˆ …qqCp ‡ Ua †…T Tm† the variable order/Gear method of Matlab (ODE15S of Matlab
version Release 12) for time-temperature predictions.
The form of the rate equation, k ˆ k0 exp… E=RT†, suggests Time-temperature plots of the simulation runs carried out for
the introduction of a dimensionless temperature, Z, as follows: eight variable combinations are given in Figs. 2–5.

Z ˆ …E=R†…1=Tm 1=T† (12)

3 Experimental Investigation
where k ˆ km exp…Z† and km ˆ k0 exp… E=RTm †.
While rearranging Eq. (9) using Eq. (10), we obtain: For the purpose of experimental investigations, a CSTR assem-
bly was fabricated in the laboratory. The assembly consists of
Z ˆ …E=RTm † …E=RTm †…Tm =T† (13) the necessary storage tanks, constant head feed tanks, overflow
collection tanks, a constant-temperature bath, a 330-mL stain-
…E=RTm † Z ˆ …E=RTm †…Tm =T† (14) less steel reactor with four stainless steel baffles of 0.6-cm
width, a 0.63 cm-diameter stainless steel cooling coil of six
turns, a stirrer assembly with 0.25 HP motor and a glass stirrer
…T=Tm † 1 ˆ Z=……E=RTm † Z†† (15) of diameter 4.3 cm, resistance temperature detector, and volt-
age variac and tachometer for regulating the motor speed.
when Eq. (13) is rearranged using Eq. (15), we get: Fig. 1 shows the layout details of the setup employed for con-
ducting the experiments. For the fabricated CSTR, heat loss
F…Z; a; b† ˆ ln…Z=b…1 aZ†† Zˆ0 (16) experiments were conducted for the determination of the over-
all heat transfer coefficient with nine different coolant flow
where the two parameters, a and b, are defined as: rates with water as the coolant. Based on the trial experimental
runs, an empirical equation relating Ua and qc is obtained from
a ˆ …RTm =E†f1 ‡ …Ua ‡ qqCp †Tm =… DH†qCAf g > 0 (17) various values of the heat transfer coefficient and the coolant
flow rate.
The pure acetic anhydride was kept in storage tank 1, and
b ˆ …… DH†VCAf km †…E=RTm
†=…Ua ‡ qqCp † > 0 (18) the mixture of glacial acetic acid-water (60:40) and analar
grade sulphuric acid catalyst were placed in storage tank 2.
Eqs. (17) and (18) can be used to characterize the entire be- The 60:40 ratio is taken to make the reaction mixture homoge-
havior of the system. The steady state values of b is obtained neous when the reaction is carried out. The reactants were © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507
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Continuous stirred tank reactor 503

Table 2. Steady-state temperature in the CSTR from the root-finding method.

Feed temperature Feed Feed flow rate, Coolant a B Z Steady-state

[°C] concentration q · 106 [m3/s] flow rate, [m2] [–] [–] temperature
[kmol/m3] qc · 106 [m3/s] [°C]

20.2 5 0.4370 630 2.14 0.319 0.21 23.41

0.0887 720 2.14 0.319 0.21 23.41
20.2 6 0.67 630 1.20 0.37 0.318 25.09
3.69 800 1.20 0.37 0.318 25.09
20.2 7 0.8867 630 0.804 0.429 0.42 26.69
0.04633 818 0.804 0.429 0.42 26.69
20.2 8 1.0997 630 0.585 0.481 0.57 29.09
0.0367 875 0.585 0.481 0.57 29.09
24 5 0.8997 590 1.105 0.497 0.41 30.50
0.0715 700 1.105 0.497 0.41 30.50
24 6 1.2103 590 0.713 0.58 0.60 33.7
0.0529 720 0.713 0.58 0.60 33.7
24 7 1.5473 590 0.501 0.657 0.86 37.98
0.0415 752 0.501 0.657 0.86 37.98
24 8 1.8863 590 0.377 0.688 1.25 44.86
0.0345 797 0.377 0.688 1.25 44.86
31.3 5 2.7217 530 0.405 1.164 1.7 45.97
0.0546 700 0.405 1.164 1.7 45.97
31.3 6 3.5160 530 0.288 1.303 3.02 58.38
0.04217 830 0.288 1.303 3.02 58.38
31.3 7 4.420 530 0.219 1.41 4.36 72.00
0.03367 950 0.219 1.41 4.36 72.00
31.3 8 5.2562 530 0.177 1.512 5.55 85.00
0.02817 1020 0.177 1.512 5.55 85.00

allowed to flow through the coils in the bath and through the variable combinations include three feed temperatures
feed lines into the collection tank for a sufficient amount of (20.2 °C, 24.0 °C, and 31.3 °C), four feed concentrations
time such that the reactants attained stable feed temperatures. (5 kmol/m3, 6 kmol/m3, 7 kmol/m3, and 8 kmol/m3), and three
When feed temperatures have attained constant values, the initial reactor temperatures (20.6 °C, 32.0 °C, and 40 °C). For
drain tube of the reactor are closed. The reactor is then filled, each feed temperature, feed concentration and initial reactor
at the same time, with the feed mixtures with known composi- temperature were varied. Each combination had different feed
tion and inlet temperatures up to the level of the outlet flow flow rates (q) and coolant flow rates (qc). In the case of feed
tube. Stirring is done immediately after pouring the reacting temperature 31.3 °C, only two initial reactor temperatures
liquids into the reactor. The experimental runs were allowed to (32.0 °C and 40 °C) were considered due to practical limita-
continue until the temperature of the reactor reached a steady tions. Input multiplicity were observed for all 32 sets (each
value. The transient reactor temperature with time readings with two different flow rates) of the process variable combina-
and the steady-state temperature were noted. tions tried. Input multiplicity is confirmed in the experimental
Sixty-four experimental runs were conducted with various runs by observing the same steady-state temperature in the
process variable combinations covering feed temperature, feed CSTR with two different feed flow rates (q values), while all
concentration, feed and coolant flow rate, etc., that were iden- other variables remained the same. The steady-state tempera-
tified theoretically for the existence of input multiplicity. The tures observed for feed temperature at different feed concen-

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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504 N. Jayakumar et al.

Figure 2b). Time versus temperature profile for Tf = 20.2 °C,

1&2 Storage tanks for the feed reactants CAf = 5 kmol/m3, Ti = 20.6 °C, and q = 0.4367 · 10–6 m3/s.
3&4 Constant head feed tanks
5&6 Overflow collection tanks
7 Thermometer
8 Resistance temperature detector
9 Stirrer assembly
11 Coil pre-heaters

Figure 1. Experimental setup.

Figure 3a). Time versus temperature profile for Tf = 20.2 °C,

CAf = 7 kmol/m3, Ti = 40 °C, and q = 0.04633 · 10–6 m3/s.

Figure 2a). Time versus temperature profile for Tf = 20.2 °C,

CAf = 5 kmol/m3, Ti = 20.6 °C, and q = 0.08867 · 10–6 m3/s.

trations are summarized in Tabs. 3–5 along with results ob-

tained from theoretical modeling of the reaction system. The
experimental observations confirm the existence of input mul-
tiplicity for the chosen reaction system. In total, all 64 experi-
mental runs (32 sets of feed flow rates) exhibited the phenom- Figure 3b). Time versus temperature profile for Tf = 20.2 °C,
ena of input multiplicity. CAf = 7 kmol/m3, Ti = 40 °C, and q = 0.8867 · 10–6 m3/s. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507
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Continuous stirred tank reactor 505

Figure 4a). Time versus temperature profile for Tf = 24 °C, Figure 5a). Time versus temperature profile for Tf = 31.3 °C,
CAf = 5 kmol/m3, Ti = 25 °C, and q = 0.0715 · 10–6 m3/s. CAf = 5 kmol/m3, Ti = 40 °C, and q = 0.0545 · 10–6 m3/s.

Figure 4b). Time versus temperature profile for Tf = 24 °C, Figure 5b). Time versus temperature profile for Tf = 31.3 °C,
CAf = 5 kmol/m3, Ti = 25 °C, and q = 0.8997 · 10–6 m3/s. CAf = 5 kmol/m3, Ti = 40 °C, and q = 2.7217 · 10–6 m3/s.

4 Results and Discussion ence between the final steady-state temperature obtained from
experiments and theoretical simulation is greater. These differ-
Final transient temperatures in the reactor system obtained ences are primarily due to the uncertainty in the values of
from experimental investigation as well as theoretical analysis kinetic parameters and the role of impurities at higher temper-
are summarized in Tabs. 3–5. The comparison is given for all atures. The steady-state temperatures of non-isothermal
the sixty-four process variable combinations for which experi- CSTRs are sensitive to small errors in the system parameters.
ments were conducted and input multiplicity phenomena were Janssen et al. [22] are of the opinion that if the value of the
confirmed. All the steady-state temperatures obtained from concentration of acetic anhydride or water is in excess, the
the root-finding method agreed well with the experimental deviation in the rate equation could be observed. In the pres-
steady-state temperatures. The simulation results also agreed ent case, a high concentration level of acetic anhydride and
reasonably well with the experimental results. For reaction sys- acetic acid along with possible impurities might have affected
tems involving lower feed temperatures (20.2 °C and 24 °C) the values of the rate constant. It is also reported by Golding
and lower feed concentrations, the steady-state temperature and Dussault [23] that the heat of reaction could also vary
values obtained from simulation runs closely match experi- with respect to a change in the concentration. Though acetic
mental values. However, it appears from the results (Tab. 5) anhydride was purified using batch distillation, there are possi-
that wherever a reaction system involving a higher value of the bilities that some impurities remain in the feed. It also appears
feed temperature or feed concentration is employed, the differ- from the results that there is no influence of initial reactor

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
15214125, 2010, 3, Downloaded from by Cochrane Thailand, Wiley Online Library on [27/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
506 N. Jayakumar et al.

Table 3. Steady-state temperature of the CSTR at feed temperature 20.2 °C.

Initial reactor temperature, 20.6 32.0 40.0 20.6 32.0 40.0 20.6 32.0 40.0
Ti [°C]
Process variables Experimental steady state Steady-state temperature Steady-state temperature
3 6 3 temperatures, values, Ts, from the root-finding values, Ts, from the MATLAB
CAf [kmol/m ] q · 10 [m /s]
Ts [°C] method [°C] simulation [°C]

5 0.4367 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.41 23.41 23.41 24.20 24.24 24.16
5 0.08867 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.41 23.41 23.41 24.60 24.57 24.72
6 0.670 24.96 24.92 24.92 25.09 25.09 25.09 24.66 24.62 24.35
6 0.0615 25.10 25.10 25.10 25.09 25.09 25.09 25.02 25.02 25.03
7 0.8867 26.10 26.10 26.10 26.69 26.69 26.69 25.06 25.08 25.20
7 0.04633 26.10 26.10 26.10 26.69 26.69 26.69 25.35 25.33 25.34
8 1.0997 29.60 29.60 29.60 29.09 29.09 29.09 25.46 25.74 26.14
8 0.0367 29.56 29.56 29.56 29.09 29.09 29.09 25.49 25.48 25.49

Table 4. Steady-state temperature of the CSTR at feed temperature 24 °C.

Initial reactor temperature, 25 32.0 40.0 25 32.0 40.0 25 32.0 40.0

Ti [°C]
Process variables Experimental steady state Steady-state temperature Steady-state temperature
temperatures, values, Ts, from the root-finding values, Ts, from the MATLAB
Ts [°C] method [°C] simulation [°C]
CAf [kmol/m3] q · 106 [m3/s] 30.80 30.80 30.80 30.50 30.50 30.50 31.98 31.94 31.30

5 0.0715 30.80 30.80 30.80 30.50 30.50 30.50 31.66 31.65 31.60
6 1.2103 33.40 33.40 33.40 33.70 33.70 33.70 30.89 30.71 30.88
6 0.0529 33.30 33.36 33.30 33.70 33.70 33.70 31.13 31.15 31.71
7 1.5473 38.00 38.00 37.94 37.98 37.98 37.98 30.86 30.88 30.82
7 0.4162 38.00 38.00 37.92 37.98 37.98 37.98 31.22 31.22 31.26
8 1.8863 45.00 45.00 45.00 44.86 44.86 44.86 30.08 30.07 30.16
8 0.03453 45.08 45.08 45.08 44.86 44.86 44.86 34.45 34.53 33.83

Table 5. Steady-state temperature of the CSTRs at feed temperature 31.3 °C.

Initial reactor temperature, 32.0 40.0 32.0 40.0 32.0 40.0

Ti [°C]
Process variables Experimental steady state Steady-state temperature Steady-state temperature
temperatures, values, Ts, from the root-finding values, Ts, from the MATLAB
Ts [°C] method [°C] simulation [°C]
CAf [kmol/m3] q · 106 [m3/s] 44.10 44.10 45.87 45.97 37.69 36.88

5 0.05463 44.00 44.00 45.97 45.97 38.46 37.50

6 3.5160 56.20 56.25 58.38 58.38 37.30 37.02
6 0.04217 56.00 56.10 58.38 58.38 37.88 37.52
7 4.420 70.00 70.00 72.00 72.00 39.60 39.52
7 0.03367 69.50 69.50 72.00 72.00 39.60 39.57
8 5.2562 83.00 83.10 85.00 85.00 42.26 42.23
8 0.0282 83.60 83.65 85.00 85.00 42.12 42.20 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507
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Continuous stirred tank reactor 507

temperature on the final steady state temperate in the reactor. q [m3/s] feed flow rate (qA + qB)
Both experimental as well as theoretical results confirm the qc [mL/s] coolant flow rate
above. R [J/mol K] universal gas constant
Few cases of times versus temperature plots comparing the rA [kmol/s m3] rate of reaction
theoretically-predicted results and the experimental results are Ti [°C] initial reactor temperature
shown in Figs. 2–5. As discussed in the case of final transient Tf [°C] feed temperature
temperatures, the predicted temperature profile of the reactor T [°C] reactor temperature
matches the experimentally-obtained results for feed tempera- Tc [°C] temperature of the coolant
tures, 20.2 °C and 24 °C (with lower feed concentration levels). U [W/(m2 K)] overall heat transfer coefficient
However, deviation is found more in the case of higher feed V [m3] volume of the reactor
temperature/feed concentrations. X [–] dimensionless temperature ratio

Greek symbols
5 Conclusion a [–] dimensionless heat transfer
Using the unsteady-state mass and energy balance, mathemati-
c [–] dimensionless activation energy
cal modeling of non-isothermal CSTRs is carried out and,
h [–] dimensionless temperature
using a root-finding technique, steady-state temperatures in
hc [–] dimensionless coolant
CSTRs corresponding to various process variable combina-
tions are predicted. The results obtained from the root-finding
q [kg/m3] density of the reaction mixture
method agreed well with experimentally-observed steady-state
C [–] dimensionless flow rate
Computer-based simulation was also carried out using a
program developed in MATLAB to obtain the final transient References
temperature and time-temperature data for the CSTR system
under investigation. For the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the
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Chem. Eng. Technol. 2010, 33, No. 3, 499–507 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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