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Informatics College Pokhara

Artificial Intelligence
Coursework 2

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Student Name: Kusum Acharya Mr. Abhinav Dahal
London Met ID: 17031967 Module Leader
Group: L3C1 Artificial Intelligence
Date: 10-Feb-2019
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1Explanation of Topic ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Reason of Selection ......................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Project Scope ................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Architecture of system..................................................................................................... 2
2. Mind Map............................................................................................................................. 3
2.1Description and design of mind map ................................................................................ 3
2.1.1 Mind Map 1 .............................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 Mind Map 2 .............................................................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Mind Map 3 .............................................................................................................. 4
2.1.4 Mind Map 4 .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1.5 Mind Map 5 .............................................................................................................. 6
2.2Research work done in coursework 1 ............................................................................... 6
3.1Pseudo code for the solution............................................................................................. 7
3.2 State transition diagram ................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Development process....................................................................................................... 8
Features ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Achieved results .............................................................................................................. 9
3.5 Concept proof ................................................................................................................ 15
4. Analysis............................................................................................................................... 15
4.1Concept analysis ............................................................................................................. 15
5. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 16
Bibliography........................................................................................................................... 17
Table of Figure
Figure 1 :Architecture design .....................................................................2
Figure 2: Mind map 1 .................................................................................3
Figure3: Mindmap2 ...................................................................................4
Figure4: Mindmap3 ...................................................................................4
Figure 5: Mind map 4 .................................................................................5
Figure 6: Mind map 5 .................................................................................6
Figure 7: State diagram of smart dictionary ...............................................8
Figure 8: Upload Image ..............................................................................9
Figure 9 : Capture Image ..........................................................................10
Figure 10: Crop word ................................................................................11
Figure 11: Process image ..........................................................................12
Figure 12: Detect text ...............................................................................13
Figure 13 : Meaning ..................................................................................14
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

1. Introduction
Growth of mobile application grew in less than two decades which achieve largest
information repository in human history. Internet and mobile application provides
efficient, fast, consistent and authentic tools. Information technology play an
important role in changing live of many people around the world. Nowadays, demand
of any information available on mobile phones.

Machine replication of human capacities, such as perusing, is an old dream. In any

case, finished the most recent five decades, machine perusing has developed from a
fantasy to the real world. Optical character acknowledgment has turned out to be a
standout amongst the best uses of innovation in the field of example acknowledgment
and computerized reasoning Study of human learning process is consider as practical
significant. Principle underlying human learning abilities which leads effective
educational techniques. The objective of machine learning process is the exploration
of alternative learning mechanism, including discovery of different induction
algorithms. (R.S. Michalski, Apr 17, 2013)

1.1Explanation of Topic
Smart dictionary is a technology which enables us to convert the text, image capture
by camera phone into searchable and editable data. Scan text are great and very useful
to save time without typing the text. It can perform the action in few minutes. It is
able to recognized the text, image and convert into meaning. he recognition module,
the system takes the scanned documents image as an input file, first crops the image
and then extracts/recognizes the characters from the document and makes these
character meaning.

1.2 Reason of Selection

 Machine learning pattern recognition
 Very useful and enhance to each and every research, organization, student,
academic and business organization which save the time.
 To show the pattern recognition system in real time.

Kusum Acharya 1
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

1.3 Purpose
The main purpose of Smart dictionary is to analysis the image text,
document/handwritten text converted these text meaning efficiency. This technology
is very useful to save the time without typing the text. It can perform the action in few
minutes .it recognized the image and text words and convert these words into
meaning. Hence saves the time.

1.4 Project Scope

The scope of purposed system (Smart dictionary) on grid infrastructure which
provides the effective software tools for user to convert the words into their meaning.
It is very useful and enhance to each and every research, organization, student,
academic and business organization which save the time.

1.5 Architecture of system

Figure 1 Architecture design

Kusum Acharya 2
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

2. Mind Map
2.1Description and design of mind map

2.1.1 Mind Map 1

Figure 2: Mind map 1

In Mind map first, after initial research project topic was chosen as Smart dictionary.
Smart dictionary is android application. Environment is selected as mobile phone and
within it android phone. It scans the words and display meaning.

Kusum Acharya 3
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

2.1.2 Mind Map 2


In this mind map second, the type of application is optical character recognition
(OCR). This application use machine learning. This application is scan the words and
result as the meaning of the word.

2.1.3 Mind Map 3


Kusum Acharya 4
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

In mind map 3, more research has been done. It uses machine learning pattern
recognition and image processing system. Mobile phone and within it android phone
it use XML layout, image processing and SQLite as a database.

2.1.4 Mind Map 4

Figure 5 : Mind map 4

In Mind map 4, it displays the camera interface and clicks image and process image as
text and finds its meaning. Vision was cleared as using API. In environment,
wireframes were made for the app and xml layouts as views were decided.

Kusum Acharya 5
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

2.1.5 Mind Map 5

Figure 6: Mind map 5

In mind map 5, Application development was started along with research on machine
learning (pattern recognition, image processing). In the views, XML layout was
selected and started to build as shown in figure. In image processing user first upload
the image and process the image scan the text of the image and find its scan meaning.

2.2Research work done in coursework 1

I have read different journals, books, related about the OCR (Optical character
recognition) related to machine learning image processing and pattern recognition. I
saw the different similar application.

Kusum Acharya 6
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

3. Development

3.1Pseudo code for the solution




IF camera is SELECTED


SELECT capture image


UPLOAD image

If UPLOAD image contain text


SAVE image



UPLOAD image contain text



FIND meaning



Kusum Acharya 7
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

3.2 State transition diagram

Figure 7 State diagram of smart dictionary

3.3 Development process

Smart dictionary is an android application. Android studio is the ide which is used in
develop the development of the application. We use the different libraries for the
whole application development they are:

 Android-image-cropper: for image cropping.
 Google Vision API: to recognize text.
 Oxford API: to obtain definition.
Android 4.0 +


 Crop
 Rotate
 Text Detection
 Find Definition

Kusum Acharya 8
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

3.4 Achieved results

1. It is the first screen of application. By clicking on the camera open we can capture
an image.

Figure 8: Upload Image

2. It is the Second page of the application where we can capture the images.

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CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

Figure 9 : Capture Image

Kusum Acharya
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

3. It is the third page of application. We just need one word to find the meaning so,
we should crop the word that we want to know the meaning of.

Figure 10 : Crop word

Kusum Acharya
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

4. It is the fourth page of the application where the crop image is process.

Figure 11 : Process image

Kusum Acharya
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

5. It is the fifth page of the application where it detects the text.

Figure 12: Detect text

Kusum Acharya
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

6. It is the last page of the application where we can find the meaning of the word.

Figure 13 : Meaning

Kusum Acharya
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

3.5 Concept proof

The purposed system based on machine learning pattern recognition which becomes
the common topic for artificial intelligence. It can be used in wide range in country.
Example of OCR is scan dictionary, text scanner, Smart lens which uses machine
learning pattern recognition system.

Different application uses this system. Let’s take example of Scan dictionary is a
pattern recognition application which is design for novels and newspaper. Finding
meaning was easy. We need to type the words to look for the meaning. Just scan the
page through your phone and find the meaning of the words. It can find meaning even
there is no internet connection.

As a result, this concept using in Nepal in academics, business, etc. these entire
concept follows the machine learning pattern recognition.

4. Analysis
4.1Concept analysis
We can find the different similar application that follows the concept of machine
learning pattern recognition. This concept dedicated to the academic, business and
many more.

Now days, we can found the people who are interested with product which implement
OCR directly or indirectly. OCR mainly used in R&D organization. The research
scholars are interested in OCR system for processing document which contains the
paper base document. The academics librarian manages the information of books in
the building virtual library use OCR system. Different sites like E-book have the
demand of OCR system, in order to scan all books in electric format. The Amazon
book largely used the concept of digital library.

As a result, OCR should implement in each and every product. OCR provides the
information about certain product. OCR may be effective for the product rather than
the regular user. User do not needs to waste time in scrolling document up and down,
browsing different websites. So that, user can follows this system to save the time and
understand product.

Kusum Acharya
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

5. Conclusion
Smart dictionary is OCR (optical character recognition) application. It uses the
machine learning pattern recognition and image processing. I am following the proper
process of software engineering include design, deployment, research and
documentation etc. for building machine. Recognition speed can be increased more to
make the user friendly. Different application exist where there was the readable
handwritten entries. Reading handwritten is very difficult work. However, Progress is
being made.

Kusum Acharya
CU6051NP Artificial Intelligence

R.S. Michalski, J.G.C.T.M., Apr 17, 2013. Machine Learning. An Artificial Intelligence
Approach, p.5.

Kusum Acharya

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