Guddu Complaint To PM Portal (To PEPCO)

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Imran Khan, Prime Minister (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)

House No. 2, St. 84, G-6/4, Embassy Road, Islamabad

Nepotism & favoritism in reliving of surplus staff @ GENCO-II under violation

of ECC instruction &
“Discrimination is not allowed according to constitution of Pakistan”
Ref. / orders No’s
[01] ECC-123/11/2021 Dt. 07 April, 2021
[02] MoE (Power Division Isb. No. GPI-G(Misc.)/2021 Dt. 29th April, 2021
[03] GENCO Holding Co. Ltd. GHCL No. GHCL/HR&Admn/Manpower/2115-19 Dt. 5 May, 2021
[04] PEPCO office order for Surplus No. 3145-56/MDP/DAP/E-II/17/SEPCO/2020 Dt. 20-5-21
[05] PEPCO office order for Surplus No. 3157-68/MDP/DAP/E-II/17/MEPCO/2020 Dt. 20-5-21
[06] PEPCO office order for Surplus No. 3169-79/MDP/DAP/E-II/17/FESCO/2020 Dt. 20-5-21
[07] PEPCO office order for Surplus No. 3180-90/MDP/DAP/E-II/17/QESCO/2020 Dt. 20-5-21
[08] CPGCL office order for reliving FESCO No. CPGCL/CEO/Chief(HR&Admn)Officer/9639-49 Dt. 25-5-21
[09] CPGCL office order for reliving MEPCO No. CPGCL/CEO/Chief(HR&Admn)Officer/9628-38 Dt. 25-5-21
[10] CPGCL office order for reliving QESCO No. CPGCL/CEO/Chief(HR&Admn)Officer/9584-94 Dt. 24-5-21
[11] CPGCL office order for reliving SEPCO No. CPGCL/CEO/Chief(HR&Admn)Officer/9650-60 Dt.25-5-21

CPGCL (Central power generation co. ltd) GENCO-II, TPS, Guddu is registered with SECP under the
company’s ordinance 1984. CPGCL, GENCO-II comprises on TPS Sukkur, TPS Quetta & TPS Guddu Power
Plant Complexes. Head quarter of CPGCL is situated at Guddu in district Kashmore of Sindh province near
to tri- junction of Balochistan, Punjab & Sindh.
Being a registered company, it is governed by the BOD under the umbrella of Govt. of Pakistan. Upon
commissioning of state-of-the-art technology of 747 MW CCP Guddu in 2014, No staff was sanctioned for
the O&M of this Plant. Recently after decommissioning of Unit No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 getting the generation license
cancelled from NEPRA, its staff has been kept on the surpluses due to de-licensing of old units @ Guddu,
Sukkur & Quetta.

The Economic coordination committee (ECC) of cabinet decided the case to surplus the readjust the staff of
those power plant which are declared closed / defunct / expiry of generation licenses. To conquer a plan
was made & circulated to the GENCO’s for input & suggestions which are provided successfully. Resultantly
the employees of GENCO-II were adjusted on different available vacant posts.

The whole process was intact till to upper level management. However, when it arrives to ground level
management i.e. Asif Mehmood Rizvi & Ejaz Chief HR , they failed to comply & made if too difficult to be
achieved as planned. Further due, to partial reliving of staff made the authorities order more contradictory
which is now creating chaotic situation among the employees.

The management of CPGCL reflects incompetency & ill planning, now seeking different ways to avoid its
complete implementations in letter & spirit & is beating-up the bushes.


** (Excluding 48No of
security guards)
Total Nos of employees declared 36 50 173 33 292
Total Nos. of employees actually 10 22 62 33 127
Implementation in % 28% 45% 36% 100% 43.5%


48 No of Security guards have been included in this surplus plan which is under the administrative control
& jurisdiction of Director Security WAPDA, not the GENCO’s. Thus it was not a matter of SURPLUS staff but
a matter of transfer& posting order for security guards posted at Guddu.

Total Nos of employees declared surplus = 221

Nos. of Security Guards included = 48
Total of actual employees (excluding S/guards) = 173
Total nos of employees relieved out of 173 surplus (including Security = 110
Total of nos employees relieved (excluding Security guards) = (110-48) = 62

Resultantly employees relieved 62 out of 173 in SEPCO

Chart showing overall implementation of ECC


33 Order implementation in %

62 FESCO 28%
173 MEPCO 45%
QESCO 100%

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Total employees actually relieved Total employees declared
ASIF MEHMOOD RIZVI (Chief Engineer / TD)

He is a non-regular Chief Engineer of BPS-20 but have been picked up / chosen by the Ex C.E.O Hammad
Ammir Hashmi being his pupil of eye. It is pertinent to mention that, Mr. Hammad Amir Hashmi himself
was terminated by the Ministry of Energy through the BoD of CPGCL on dated: 13-04- 2021 due to his
corruption, mismanagement & maladministration.

Asif Mehmood Rizvi, presently overall Incharge administratively & technically (all in all). This
person having no ability to handle the situation & decide the technical & administrative matters purely
on merit that is why he deliberately planned a conflict situation during implementation of ECC orders.
Without setting well-defined & well specified criteria, as he has advised the CEO & the HR to relieved
handpicked employees from the surplus staff list & thrown a bone of contention.

Being close aide & abate of Hashmi in looting & plundering the resources of CPGCL was assigned the
task to look after as Chief Engineer / TD of the CPGCL.

That is why, the aggrieved surplus staff deeming & invoking their legitimate right had knocked the
doors of the Justice & had filed a suit against the Federation of Pakistan in the High Court circuit bench
Larkana against the poor planning, favoritism, incompetency & discrimination of the top management
of PEPCO / Ministry of Power & energy & ultimately the Federation of Pakistan.

He is who created the Drama & caused this dilemma which ultimately plunged the federation of
Pakistan on her back foot (defense).
Any sensible, viable, uniform, standard policy/criteria may have been devised & prepared by him to
avoid litigations against the federation & he has just displayed the nepotism & handpicked (selected)
persons were retained @ CPGCL Guddu. This consequently will delay & more costs in not proper
implementation of ECC recommendations & the adjustment orders for surplus officials.
EJAZ HUSSAIN (Chief HR & Admin)

Ejaz Hussain (L)…… Junaid Kalwar(R)

Chief (HR) ............... Peon to Chief (HR)
BPS-20 …… BPS-01

Ejaz Hussain working as Chief (HR&Admn Officer) at CPGCL, GENCO-II, Guddu & is overall Incharge &
responsible for the administration of CPGCL. This incompetent & most corrupt person was hired from the
private market in August, 2019 by Mian Imran CEO GHCL Isb. This person has to observe & work out all the
probabilities regarding litigations during implementation. However, with mal intentions to grease his hands
only, he used & practiced the old tactics & implemented partial orders of the ECC so that the officials were
forced to suffer the discrimination & can approach him in different ways to materialize his ill plans & make
money. This brigand person didn’t deliberately implement the ECC orders in letter & spirit under his own accord
& expand the matter on the shoulders of Drawing & disbursing officer / Plant Managers (DDO/PM) so that he
can get & materialize his bad deeds.

NOTE:-QESCO staff was relieved immediately (100%) in accordance with the ECC orders from higher
authority. The question arises here that why the same scale was not used in Guddu & Sukkur employees? Isn’t
this fishy?

He deliberately didn’t complete the orders & create different paths & ways to oil his hands. He definitely knows
about discriminatory approach.

Ejaz Hussain has several charges along with his original post

 Convener (Market committee)

 Convener (House Allotment committee)
 Training Center
 F&C
 Civil
 Purchase committees
 Transport

He has 7 additional charges, it’s really hectic job but surprisingly he always remains on official tours in single
case he done 600km local journey during official tour.
Corruption, The most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty

EJAZ Hussain (being convener of house allotment committee)

1. A Junior Engineer (Ranker non-graduate / matric) namely Rehmatullah Chacher was retired after achieving age of
superannuation & occupying / residing in Bungalow No. H-168 which is formally allotted to BPS-16 & above. As
Rehmatullah chacher was prompted from BPS-16 to 17 he was residing in same residence.
2. NTDC employees at Guddu have to pay standard rent of resident inside colony & for this purpose you need big
reference & money under the table to get residence. However, not in case of Rehmatullah chacher, two
residences were allotted to his sons i.e. J-12 & J-57.
3. Is this, being a coincident? Definitely not there is a game behind the game …. Take bribe with both hands
4. On the other hand, another employee Barkat Hussain meter reader (BPS-9) got lucky & he was surprisingly allotted
H-168 (C type bungalow) of Rehmatullah Chacher..

Now. Here are the facts

Barkat Hussain Meter read (BPS-9) was declared surplus to SEPCO vide original order Sr. No. 292
however not relieved in SEPCO

In another case Mr. Asadullah sawand (BPS-14) was got lucky & he was surprisingly allotted resident N-17 which was
previously occupied by Cardiac Surgeon Mr. Mahesh Kumar BPS-19

Now. Here are the facts

Asadullah sawand was declare surplus to SEPCO vide original order Sr. No. 264 was
demoted from BPS-14 to BPS-7 however not relieved to SEPCO
Kindly observe the picture of Ejaz Hussain there is man giving him flowers above. This is Junaid Kalwar Peon BPS-
01 in the office of Chief HR&Admn. Through this person he is taking money of bribe

FIA should be taken on board along with cybercrime wing to check all phone records of Junaid & Ghaffar
Channa with above named officials & especially with Jr. Engineer Electrical presently very active to make deals
with Chief HR.


It is an established fact that GENCO-II has paid the demanded amount against installation of electricity meters in
residential colony i.e. Rs. 10,964,889/- vide cheque No. 27778319 Dated 31-12-2003 for 2300 residences houses
Ask these questions to above officers & you will find the interesting facts…
1. The amount was paid in 2003 & since your tenure at Guddu how many letters sent for installation of electricity
meters @ Guddu. ?
2. There are around 1300 employees including officers are residing in colony whereas no. houses available are
around 2000.
3. Identify those shop keepers who are residing in colony with family & since when? According to policy the shop
keeper should only be accommodated in bachelor hostel. So why a countable nos of shop keepers are still
residing inside colony with family.
4. What is the monthly bill of electricity of colony (yearly chart)?
5. Is 17% GST is included in those electricity bills? Definitely YES then is the same is deducted / collected from
Employee’s salary and TV charges?
6. Is GENCO-II issuing electricity bills of shops & rented house? Definitely YES then is it legal according to policy
7. How much amount is charged to SEPCO for acquiring Sukkur colony & TPS Sukkur Office? If not then what
steps have you taken during your tenure?
8. Electricity billing is being done by DISCO at Muzaffargarh and Jamshoro Kotri colonies @ GENCO-1 and
GENCO-III then why GENCO-II is not on same scale.
9. There was a policy made that the employees living in houses beyond to their scale should be charged
separately then share the list of employee paying extra amount in term of standard house rent.

Both the above officers Asif Mehmood Rizvi (C.E/T.D) & Ejaz Hussain (Chief HR & Admin officer) of CPGCL Guddu
are completely involved (hand to hand with union) & are fully responsible for not implementation of authority’s
orders in true letter & spirit.

5. Both above officers Asif & Ejaz remains on official tours around 10 – 15 days in a month & always use govt.
owned vehicles for travelling in unjustified ways & manners whereas they both are getting the “conveyance
allowance” at CPGCL against vehicle & for its fuel. The matter needs proper and thorough sensible
investigation under strict discipline otherwise evidence can be manipulated instantly.
6. The Investigating Authorities must demand all the tour reports which are primarily, formally & essentially have
to be submitted by the officer after performing official tours.
7. The investigation team should inspect & investigate the complete expenditure details month wise since he has
been appointed on contract & posted along with fuel, driver, TA/DA. So that, it may conclude that how much
public money is wasted & the national exchequers has been plundered only for his personal enjoyment & gains.

Due to malicious/illogical, illegitimate, unprofessional approach & antilogy towards implementation by both
officers @ CPGCL Guddu, the situation is getting worse day by day as almost every employee is offering bribe for
solution of their legal matters in different ways to stop the surplus / reliving orders.

Both officers have shown & proven their defects & badly hampered the implementation in hypnotic behavior.
Hence both the above officers of CPGCL Guddu should be suspended immediately to control the situation & ensure
the implemented in accordance to recommendation of ECC otherwise all in vain.

Syed Muhammad Mohsin

Ex. Plant Manager-I GENCO-II, Guddu
C.c. to
1. Secretary Energy (Power) Block A, 2nd Floor, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad
2. Chairman Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCoE) Block Block-P, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad
3. Tabish Gohar, Special Asstt; to Prime Minister, (SAPM) Pakistan Secretariat, Block-A, 2nd Floor, Islamabad
4. Mr. Zaman Khan, Secretary to PM, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad
5. Joint Secretary-I, Power Division Block-A, 2nd Floor, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad
6. Chairman, NEPRA, NEPRA Tower, Atta Turk Avenue (East) Sector G-5/1, Islamabad
7. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Kakar, Section Officer, GENCOs, Block A, 2nd Floor, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad

Page : 6 of
Genco-II Employees surpluses to FESCO (Order implementation 28% )
Nos of employees declared surplus according to actual order: 36
Actual nos of employees relieved / implementation of order : 10

Order not comply  Order comply 

S/No. S/No. of Name Order

surplus order compliance
01 9 Arif Mehmood 
02 10 Muhammad Tayyab 
03 11 Shabir Ahmed 
04 12 Muhammad Asif Jutt 
05 13 Barkat Ali 
06 14 Saeed Ahmed Solangi 
07 15 Ghulam Muhammad 
08 16 Fida Hussain 
09 17 Zafar Hussain 
10 18 Simab Haider 
11 19 Muhammad Alam 
12 20 ghulam Ali 
13 21 Ghulam Nabi Solangi 
14 22 Kareem Bukhsh 
15 23 Riaz Hussain 
16 24 Zubair Ahmed 
17 25 Mushtaq Ali 
18 26 Syed Konain Abbas 
19 27 Akhtar Hussain 
20 28 Dilbar Khan 
21 29 Muhammad Yasin 
22 30 Muhmmad Afzal 
23 31 Muhammad Ashraf 
24 32 Zameer Ahmed 
25 33 Amir Hussain 
26 34 Muhammad Rafiq 
27 35 Abdul Ghafoor Solangi 
28 36 Dhani Bux 
29 37 Liaquat Ali 
30 38 Muhammad Iqbal 
31 39 Mushtaque Hussain 
32 40 Dad Muhammad 
33 41 Pervaiz Khan 
34 42 Maqsood Ellahi 
35 43 Talib Hussain 
36 44 Murad ali 

Page : 7 of
Genco-II Employees surpluses to MEPCO (Order implementation 45% )
Nos of employees declared surplus according to actual order : 50
Actual nos of employees relieved / implementation of order : 22

Order not comply  Order comply 

S/No. S/No. Name Order S/No. S/No. Name Order

of compl- of compl-
surplus iance surplus iance
order order
01 14 Muhammad Fazal  26 39 Ghulam akbar dashti 
02 15 Gul Hassan  27 40 …. 
03 16 Qamar Din  28 41 Khawand Bux 
04 17 Naeem Iqbal  29 42 Muhammad Nadeem 
05 18 Ahmed Dayo  30 43 Hassan Dawar 
06 19 Mushtaque Ahmed  31 44 Muhamamd Yasin 
07 20 Shahid Bay  32 45 Anwar javed 
08 21 Syed Ghazanfar Abbas  33 46 Niaz ahmed soomro 
09 22 Asghar Ali  34 47 Bashir Ahmed 
10 23 Rab Nawaz  35 48 Muhammad sachal 
11 24 Muhammad Yousaf  36 49 Zulfiqar Ali 
12 25 Ghualm Mustafa shah  37 50 Ishtaq ahmed 
13 26 Nihalddin chacher  38 51 Muhammad Abbas 
14 Muhammad Khaniso 39
27 Kumbar  52 …. 
15 40 Muhammad Naeem
28 Manzoor Ahmed  53 Sabir 
16 29 Tariq Mehmood  41 54 Zafaq Iqbal 
17 30 Ghulam Mustafa Shah  42 55 Inayatullah Zahid 
18 31 Allah Dino  43 56 M. Akram Tabassum 
19 32 Muhammad Irfan Qazi  44 57 Shafi Muhammad 
20 33 Abdul Rahim Malik  45 58 Fareed Bukhsh 
21 34 Sarwar Ahmed  46 59 Muhammad Saleem 
22 35 Fida Hussain Mangi  47 60 Atta Muhammad 
23 36 Aslam Pervaiz Pathan  48 61 Abdul Waheed 
24 Mushtaque Hussain 49
37 Jefry  62 Liaquat Hussain 
25 38 Javed Asghar  50 63 Irfan Mehmood Khan 

Page : 8 of
Genco-II Employees surpluses to QESCO (Order implementation 100% )
Nos of employees declared surplus according to actual order : 33
Actual nos of employees relieved / implementation of order : 33

Order not comply  Order comply 

S/No. S/No. of Name Order

surplus order compliance
01 1 Ghulam Muhammad 
02 2 Ali Ahmed 
03 3 Muhammad Rahim 
04 4 Habibullah 
05 5 Muhammad Qasim 
06 6 Abdul Aziz 
07 7 Asghar Ali 
08 8 Muhammad Younis 
09 9 Riaz John 
10 10 Alla-ud-din 
11 11 Ghulam Hussain 
12 12 Adnan Ashraf 
13 13 Amir Khan 
14 14 Ahmed Khan Noonari 
15 15 Bismillah 
16 16 Amir Afzal 
17 17 Abdul Bari 
18 18 Muhammad Karim 
19 19 Muhammad Ashraf 
20 20 Khair Muhammad kamran 
21 21 Naqeebullah 
22 22 Shahid Ahmed 
23 23 Muhammad Iqram 
24 24 Muhammad Ashraf 
25 25 Adnan Ahmed 
26 26 Muhammad Haroon 
27 27 Hidayatullah 
28 28 Noor Muhammad 
29 29 Faiz Muhammad 
30 30 Muhammad Naveed 
31 31 Abdul Salam 
32 32 Shoaib Muhammad 
33 33 Waheed Khan 

Page : 9 of
Genco-II Employees surpluses to SEPCO (Order implementation 36% )


48 Nos are Security guards included which are under the jurisdiction of Director Security WAPA not Genco. Thus
it was not a SURPLUS but a regular transfer order for security guards posted at Guddu.
Total identify the Security Guards SG has bene placed in actual order serial no.

Total Nos of employees declared surplus = 221

Nos. of Security Guards included = 48
Total of actual employees (excluding S/guards) = 173
Total nos of employees relieved out of 173 surplus (including S.guards) = 110
Total of nos employees relieved (excluding s.guards) = (110-48) = 62

Resultantly employees relieved 62 out of 173 in SEPCO

Order not comply  Order comply 

S/No. S/No. Name Order S/No. S/No. Name Order

of compl- of compl-
surplus iance surplus iance
order order
01 177 Naeem Khan  24 200 Ashiq Hussain 
02 178 Saeed Ahmed  25 201 Muhammad Suleman 
03 179 Nazar Hussain  26 202 Sodho Khan 
04 180 Aijaz Ahmed  27 203 Muhammad Latif Malik 
05 181 Abdul Karim  28 204 Samo Khan Mazari 
06 182 Arifullah  29 205 Ahmed Pervaiz 
07 183 Aqeel Ahmed  30 206 Fateh Muhammad 
08 184 Abdul Reheem  31 207 Inayatullah Noonari 
09 185 Muhammad Chattal  32 208 Amanullah 
10 186 Muhammad Amin  33 209 Abdul Aziz Awan 
11 187 Ghulam Mustafa  34 210 Muhammad Ali 
12 188 Abdul Aziz  35 211 Gul Bahar 
13 189 Sanaullah Soomro  36 212 Fazal Quresh 
14 Qazi Abdul Sattar 37
190 Tariq  213 Nazir Hussain Umrani 
15 191 Behram Ali  38 214 Shahzado Khan 
16 192 Rashid Hussain  39 215 Muhammad Shakeel 
17 193 Abbas Ali  40 216 Karim Bux 
18 194 Muhammad Nadeem  41 217 Barkat Ali Domki 
19 195 Ghulam Rasool  42 218 Imran Soomro 
20 Azizullah Chandio s/o 43 4747Muhammad Qasim
196 khuda bux  219 Mazari 
21 Hafiz Muhammad 44
197 Arshad  220 Imtiaz ali pirzado 
22 198 Javed Iqbal  45 221 Riaz Ahmed Malik 
23 Azizullah Chandio s/o 46
199 rajab ali  222 Khuda Bux 

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Genco-II Employees surpluses to SEPCO (Order implementation 36% )

Order not comply  Order comply 

S/No. S/No. Name Order S/No. S/No. Name Order

of compl- of compl-
surplus iance surplus iance
order order
47 223 Hidayatullah  79 255 Shah Jahan 
48 224 Kazim Ali  80 256 Shoukat Ali 
49 225 Ahmed Bukhsh  81 257 Mashooq ali 
50 226 Shafeeque Alam  82 258 Muhammad Nadeem 
51 227 Faisal Khan  83 259 Muhammad soomar 
52 228 Shahid Latif  84 260 Mohbat Ali 
53 229 Shazado  85 261 Waqas hussain shah 
54 230 Muhammad Ali  86 262 Imtiaz ali shah 
55 231 Nisar Ahmed  87 263 Raza muhammad 
56 232 Kazim Hussain  88 264 Asadullah 
57 233 Bashir Ahmed  89 265 Abdul Sattar 
58 234 Abdul Nabi  90 266 Saleem Akhtar 
59 235 Muhammad Akram  91 267 Zahid hussain din 
60 236 Abdul Majeed  92 268 Qamar deen 
61 237 Abdul Nabi  93 269 Mir Muhammad 
62 238 Muhammad Sadiq  94 270 sobhi khan 
63 239 Shoukat Ali  95 271 Muhammad pervaiz 
64 240 Nasir Khan  96 272 Aftab ahmed 
65 241 Murad Bux  97 273 Muhammad Ramzan 
66 242 Atta Rasool  98 274 Khadim hussain malik 
67 243 Khan Muhammad  99 275 Liaquat ali 
68 244 Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti  100 276 Hafiz muhammad ismail 
69 245 Irshad Ahmed Mughal  101 277 Abdul Naveed 
70 246 Muhammad Shoaib  102 278 Inam Nabi 
71 247 Bashir Ahmed  103 279 Arif aziz 
72 Muhammad Mazhar 104
248 Iqbal  280 Sharafddin 
73 249 Muhammad Saleem  105 281 Abdul Hayee 
74 250 Nabi Bux  106 282 Akhtiar Ali 
75 Muhammad Iqbal 107
251 Bugti  283 Irfan Ali 
76 252 Ishaque Ahmed  108 284 Shoukat Ali 
77 253 Irshad ahmed malik  109 285 Abdul Mujeer 
78 254 Irshad ahmed mazari  110 286 Muhammad Malook 

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Genco-II Employees surpluses to SEPCO (Order implementation 36% )

Order not comply  Order comply 

S/No. S/No. Name Order S/No. S/No. Name Order

of compl- of compl-
surplus iance surplus iance
order order
111 287 Muhammad Ashraf  146 322 Saifullah 
112 288 Atta Muhammad  147 323 Muhammad Israfeel 
113 289 Ehsanul Haq  148 324 Shah Muhammad 
114 290 Imam dino sheikh  149 325 Abdul Wahid 
115 291 Muhamamd Ramzan  150 326 Fida Hussain 
116 292 Barkat Hussain  151 327-SG Muhammad Afzal 
117 293 Shoukat Ali  152 328-SG Muhammad Afzal 
118 294 Saeed Ahmed  153 329-SG Rasool Bukhsh 
119 295 Muhammad farooq  154 330-SG Muhammad Essab Khan 
120 296 Khadim hussain  155 331-SG Ghulam Mustafa 
121 297 Sajad Hussain  156 332-SG Muhammad Ali 
122 298 Gulzar Ali  157 333-SG Abdullah Jan 
123 299 Farooq ahmed  158 334-SG Rabiullah 
124 300 Shah gul mazari  159 335-SG Muhammad farooq 
125 301 Waqar Ahmed  160 336-SG Nazar Hussain 
126 302 Abdul rehman  161 337-SG Muhammad Rafeeq 
127 303 Shah nawaz sher  162 338-SG Niaz Ahmed 
128 304 Mashkool ahmed  163 339-SG Muhammad Boota 
129 305 Dilawar Khan  164 340-SG Roshan din 
130 306 Horan  165 341-SG Ghulam akbar 
131 307 Faqeer Muhammad  166 342-SG Khan Muhammad 
132 308 Tanveer ahmed  167 343-SG Nazar band 
133 309 Abdul Razzaq  168 344-SG Shamaa din 
134 310 Niaz ahmed Mazari  169 345-SG Asad Khan 
135 311 Qurab Ali  170 346-SG Muhammad Ismail 
136 312 Srajuddin  171 347-SG Muhammad Khalid 
137 313 Muhammad Irfan  172 348-SG Saeed Ahmed 
138 314 Niaz Hussain  173 349-SG Muhamamd Younis 
139 315 Rab nawaz  174 350-SG Gul Khan 
140 316 Ghulam Abbas  175 351-SG Abdul Razzaq 
141 317 Shahzado Khan  176 352-SG Muhammad yousuf 
142 318 Imran Ali Khan  177 353-SG Abdul Rasheed 
143 319 Ghulam Muhammad  178 354-SG Haqdad Khan 
144 320 Syed naveed shah  179 355-SG Shabir ahmed 
145 321 Hussain Bux  180 356-SG Mir Fazal 

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Genco-II Employees surpluses to SEPCO (Order implementation 36% )

Order not comply  Order comply 

S/No. S/No. Name Order S/No. S/No. Name Order

of compl- of compl-
surplus iance surplus iance
order order
181 357-SG Aslam khan  202 378 Muhamad Aslam 
182 358-SG Muhammad Afzal  203 379 Lutuf ali 
183 359-SG Ghazanfar Ali  204 380 Muhammad Aslam Shah 
184 360-SG Muhamamd farooq  205 381 Abdul Waheed 
185 361-SG Ameer Khan  206 382 Muhammad Ilyas 
186 362-SG Muhammad Aslam  207 383 Arz Muhammad 
187 363-SG Muhammad Arshad  208 384 Hafeezullah 
188 364-SG Shoukat Ali  209 385 Allah Ditta 
189 365-SG Amanullah khan  210 386 Mehran Ali 
190 366-SG Shareen khan  211 505 Naseem Khan Unar 
191 367-SG Muqadar khan  212 506 Rasheed Ahmed 
192 368-SG Liaquat ali  213 507 Fakharudin Jakhrani 
193 369-SG Shoukat Ali  214 508 shah Nawz Khalti 
194 370-SG Dodo Khan  215 509 Riaz ahmed abbasi 
195 371-SG Suleman Khan  216 510 Abdul Jabbar tunio 
196 217 Wali Muhammad
372-SG Mazzoor Ahmed  511 Sohrani 
197 373-SG Muhammad Sadiq  218 512 Abdul Khaliq Qureshi 
198 374-SG Muhammad Ijaz  219 513 Subeh Sadiq 
199 220 Muhamad Shaban
375-SG Zulfiqar Ali  514 Soomro 
200 376-SG Muhammad Afzal  221 515 Muhammad Arshad 
201 377 Abdul Raheem 

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