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Explaining the Gait Cycle

For the NPTE


1. Review phases of the normal gait cycle.

2. Characterize the normal gait cycle by the three fundamental tasks (weight acceptance, single
limb support, and limb advancement).
3. Discuss joint action and muscle activity at each step of the normal gait cycle. Determine if
energy generation (concentric muscle work) or energy control (eccentric muscle work) is

Below are a few ideas to help you engage with the material for easier recall and studying.

• Before watching the video again, pull out a piece of paper or bring up a blank document on
your computer. Write down everything you can remember from the video, then go back and
watch it again to fill in any gaps in your notes.
• Fill in the table below with the names of each gait phase using both Traditional Terminology
and Rancho Los Amigos Terminology.


Page 1
• Write out definitions for concentric contraction and eccentric contraction.

✦ Concentric contraction:

✦ Eccentric contraction:

• Fill in the missing muscle activity in the table below.

Gait Hip Knee Ankle

Phases Muscle Activity Muscle Activity Muscle Activity

Initial Contact to
Loading Response Eccentric knee
Eccentric dorsiflexors

Loading Response to

Midstance Concentric hip

Eccentric plantarflexors

Midstance to
Transitions from
Terminal Stance Concentric hip concentric knee
extensors extensors to concentric
knee flexors

Slight concentric hip Concentric

Concentric knee flexors
flexors plantarflexors

Preswing to

Initial Swing Concentric

Concentric hip flexors

Concentric hip flexors Concentric knee flexors Concentric dorsiflexors

Midswing to
Slight concentric knee
Terminal Swing flexors (then muscles Concentric dorsiflexors
turn off)

Terminal Swing to

Initial Contact Concentric dorsiflexors

Page 2

1. A patient with Parkinson’s disease is referred for rehabilitation. At the beginning of the
session, the physical therapist decides to examine the patient’s gait pattern. What does the
therapist expect to see based on the patient’s diagnosis?
A) Abnormal muscle tone of the plantarflexor muscles causing a toe-walking gait
B) Increased step length with rapid, small steps causing a shuffling-like motion
C) Decreased step length with rapid, small steps causing a shuffling-like motion
D) Abnormal muscle tone of the adductor muscles causing a scissoring-like motion

2. The loading response is characterized by placing the foot flat in order to accept body
weight toward the beginning of stance phase. Weight acceptance requires the use of which
A) Eccentric hip extensors
B) Eccentric quadriceps
C) Eccentric hamstrings
D) Concentric quadriceps

3. From terminal swing to initial contact, the hip moves into flexion and is controlled by
eccentric action of the hip extensors. What muscles will be active in the next phase of the
gait cycle?
A) Eccentric contraction of the iliopsoas
B) Concentric contraction of the iliopsoas
C) Concentric contraction of the tibialis anterior
D) Eccentric contraction of the quadriceps

4. Which of the following parts of the gait cycle requires energy generation at the hip, knee,
and ankle?
A) Preswing to Initial Swing
B) Initial Contact to Loading Response
C) Terminal Swing to Initial Contact
D) Loading Response to Midstance

5. The image below shows the ground reaction force (GRF) during midstance. Due to the
vector of the GRF, which of the following muscles will be active during the transition from
midstance to heel off?

A) Gluteus maximus working concentrically

B) Gluteus maximus working eccentrically
C) Gastrocnemius-soleus complex working eccentrically
D) Biceps femoris working eccentrically

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