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Canadian Organizational Behavior

There are several elements of stress present in this case. They include the stressors, which are

the critical cause of stress in this case. The stressors appear due to the planned system adopted in

grading and vaguenesses in the various requirements. The other element is the stress response, which is

depicted in my excessive stress due to the fear of low grades. I fear that the criteria might act against my

grades expectations leading to low scores. There is also an element of an individual difference since it is

clear that I experience the stress differently that might be different from others. I also experience

allosteric load element, which is an aspect that triggers physiological and emotional changes, causing

different extents of stress, which is high in my case due to the fear of getting a low grade despite other

aspects being perfect.

The stress aim facing can be reduced or eliminated by various approaches. First, I can change my

perception of the professor's planned criteria and adopt a positive concept. This concept includes

wishing for a good grade and hoping that the professor changes his criteria and vagueness

requirements. The concept will, therefore, relieve me from the low grades stress. Seeking social support

from friends and relatives can also reduce stress as they can encourage someone to change their

perception towards negative expectations.

Engaging in different mind-relieving activities and recreational activities such as watching and

playing can also reduce stress since they will divert my mind from a low grade's expectations. I can also

adopt other stress-relieving techniques such as relaxation through meditations to prevent excessive

thinking on the issue. Lastly, I can also seek treatment from the stress managers, physiologists, or other

mental professionals to equip me with healthy ways of dealing with stress or even giving me medication.

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