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Naturwissenschaften (2013) 100:235–243

DOI 10.1007/s00114-013-1018-5


A Pathological Late Pleistocene canid from San Sidero

(Italy): implications for social- and feeding-behaviour
Dawid Adam Iurino & Rosario Fico & Mauro Petrucci &
Raffaele Sardella

Received: 20 October 2012 / Revised: 11 January 2013 / Accepted: 14 January 2013 / Published online: 1 February 2013
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Evidence of diseases on vertebrate fossil bones Keywords Palaeopathology . Tomography . Carnivora .
can provide detailed information on many aspects of extinct Cuon alpinus . Late Pleistocene . Italy
animals. This study focused on pathological craniodental
remains (left maxilla and dentary) referred to the canid
Cuon alpinus unearthed from a Late Pleistocene karst filling Introduction
deposit at San Sidero (Apulia, southern Italy). These fossils
show clear evidence of a chronic periodontitis that caused Palaeopathology in vertebrate palaeontology focuses essen-
the animal’s death. Clinical diagnosis of the disease and the tially on the skeletal system because bones and teeth are
timing of its development have been defined on the basis of much better preserved than other anatomical tissues
a veterinary odontostomatology approach, in addition to (Moodie 1917; Benton 2005; Waldron 2009). The most
radiographic and tomographic techniques. From the initia- common observed pathologies are fractures and dental
tion of the infection until death, a time span of at least anomalies (Moodie 1917; Rossi et al. 2004; Aufterheide
6 months occurred, and three main steps have been defined: and Rodrìguez-Martìn 2006; Rothschild and Martin 2006;
(1) the bacterial infections of the buccal cavity turning into Waldron 2009), with variability depending (for example) on
severe periodontitis, (2) the fracture of the lower carnassial taxon and individual age. Discoveries of pathology in ver-
and (3) the loss of teeth due to the worsening infection that tebrate fossil bones are relatively frequent (Moodie 1917),
deformed and/or eroded maxillary and mandibular bones but they are poorly investigated despite their importance in
and enlarged alveoli. The analysis of the palaeopathology reconstructing the ontogeny, physiology and palaeoecology
also provides information about the biomechanics of the of fossil taxa.
bite, on the feeding behaviour and on the relationships of Among vertebrate pathologies, periodontitis is of particular
injured members in a pack of Late Pleistocene canids. interest because of its considerable effect on teeth and max-
illary/mandibular bones and, as a consequence, on mastication
Communicated by: Robert J. Asher
and feeding behaviour. Periodontitis is an infection of bacte-
rial origin that may cause loss of teeth, tissue inflammation,
D. A. Iurino : R. Sardella
abscess formation, deformation and remodelling of mandibu-
Dipartimento si Scienze della Terra, Sapienza Università di Roma,
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, lar, premaxillary and maxillary bone tissues (Neville et al.
00185, Rome, Italy 2002; Ortner 2003; Aufterheide and Rodrìguez-Martìn 2006;
Radostits et al. 2006; Waldron 2009). In the most serious cases
D. A. Iurino (*) : M. Petrucci : R. Sardella
of chronic disease, the animal cannot survive (Aufterheide and
IsIPU, Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana, via Aldrovandi 18,
00197, Rome, Italy Rodrìguez-Martìn 2006).
e-mail: The goal of this work is to describe periodontitis in
remains of Cuon alpinus from the Late Pleistocene of San
R. Fico
Sidero (Apulia, Italy) using tomographic techniques and
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana,
via Appia Nuova 1411, veterinary diagnostics (Ashraf 2011; Chhem and Brothwell
00178, Rome, Italy 2008; Sutton 2008).
236 Naturwissenschaften (2013) 100:235–243

Extant C. alpinus, Lycaon pictus and Canis lupus are Referred material
characterized by complex social structures, a condition
probably shared also with closely related Pleistocene forms. SS 2004/1: left maxilla with I3, C, P2–P4, M1
Behavioural ecology provides data about this topic which SS 2004/2: left dentary with P1–P3, fragment of P4, frag-
can be used in the interpretation of some palaeoecological ment of M1, M2
aspects of the fossil species. In this case, the pathologies of “SS” refers to San Sidero. Specimens are housed in the
the San Sidero dhole (Cuon alpinus) provide also evidence Earth Science Department of Sapienza University of Rome.
for sociality in this Pleistocene species.
Geological setting

Materials and methods In 2004, during a field survey at San Sidero locality
(Maglie, Lecce, Apulia, 40°08′20″ N, 18°16′23″E)
Radiography and CT (Fig. 1), a research team of the Earth Sciences Department
of Sapienza University of Rome unearthed a maxillary bone
Radiographs have been taken at the Veterinary Clinic “La and associated dentary of a large individual of the canid C.
Clinica Veterinaria Borghesiana” (Roma), using digital alpinus.
Radiological Unit Rx Foschi x1 425 HF. It consists of an X- San Sidero is located in a region where several quarries
ray tube of KW 16–32, with rotating anode of 2,800 rpm (HZ are opened for the extraction of a Miocene calcarenite,
50) and 60 mm in diameter. The maximum anode voltage is known as “Pietra Leccese.” During the Middle–Late
130kV. Radiographs have been made in projection L-L (lat- Pleistocene, the calcarenite was affected by intense karst
ero-lateralis) 42 kV; mAs 20, projection M-L (medio-lateralis) activity that formed an articulated fissure network that the
42 kV; mAs 20, with dimensions of 3,072×3,072 pixels. quarry activities have since exposed (Selleri et al. 2003;
Tomographic images have been made at M. G. Vannini Selleri 2007). The vertically funnel-shaped karst fissures,
Hospital by Philips Brilliance CT 64-channel scanner. The locally named “ventarole,” were filled with “terre rosse,” i.e.
fossil of C. alpinus was scanned in its entirety in the coronal residual reddish clays rich with iron oxides, including, in
(i.e. transverse of some authors) slice plane from front to some cases, vertebrate fossil bones. The fossil remains,
back. The scanning resulted in 210 slices (i.e. images) for carried by surface water run-off in the fissures, are generally
the maxilla and 183 for the dentary, with dimensions of well preserved, and articulated bones can be found. The
768×768 pixels. The slices are 0.45 mm thick with an faunal assemblage recorded into the “terre rosse” deposit
interslice space (the space between consecutive slices) of includes Equus ferus, Equus hydruntinus, Stephanorhinus
0.20 mm. Segmentation and 3D rendering of the maxilla and hemitoechus, Dama dama, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus cap-
dentary were computed using the Open-Source software reolus, Bos primigenius, Bison priscus, Sus scrofa, Canis
Osirix 3.9.4, 32-bit for Mac. lupus, Canis mosbachensis, C. alpinus, Vulpes vulpes,
Panthera pardus, Felis silvestris, Lynx lynx, Crocuta cro-
Systematic palaeontology cuta, Meles meles, Lepus europaeus, Oryctolagus cuniculus,
Erinaceus cf. E. europaeus, Microtus (Terricola) savii, and
Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758
Carnivora Bowdich, 1821
Canidae Fischer de Waldheim, 1817
Cuon Hodgson, 1838
Cuon alpinus Pallas, 1811

Type locality

“Udskoi Ostrog,” reported in Honacki et al. (1982) as

“U.S.S.R., Amurskaya Obl., Udskii-Ostrog.”


Generic name Cuon derives from the Greek κύων (=dog),

latinized Cuon Hodgson, 1838. Specific epithet alpinus
should mean “alpine, from Alps,” but Pallas (1811) did Fig. 1 Location of the Late Pleistocene site of San Sidero (Maglie,
not provide a clear explication of this term. Apulia, southern Italy)
Naturwissenschaften (2013) 100:235–243 237

Apodemus sylvaticus, Eliomys quercinus and has been bio- 2004). The current distribution of the genus Cuon includes
chronologically referred to the beginning of the Late some areas of Southeast Asia (India, Malaysia, Sumatra and
Pleistocene (De Giuli 1983; Bologna et al. 1994; Bedetti et Java), but the historical range included China, Mongolia and
al. 2004). Eastern Russia. During the Late Pleistocene, the distribution
reached Eurasia and North America (Baryshnikov 1996;
Cuon alpinus Ripoll et al. 2010; Brugal and Boudadi-Maligne 2011).
In Italy, the dhole has been recorded from the late Middle
Cuon alpinus (Pallas 1811), or dhole, is a medium-size Pleistocene to the earliest Holocene, and it is documented by
social canid, with brown or reddish coat, usually character- teeth, jaws and incomplete post-cranial remains (Del
ized by a conspicuous white spot that extends from the Campana 1923; Fabiani 1923; Boule and De Villeneuve
throat to the abdomen (depending upon the geographical 1927; Del Campana 1954; Bedetti et al. 2004; Petrucci et
region), and a dark bushy tail (Fig. 2a, b). In extant Cuon, al. 2012).
body weight is about 15–17 kg for males and 10–13 kg for The dhole occupies different habitats, preferring dense
females (Fox 1971, 1984; Venkataraman and Johnsingh forest and thick scrub jungle, avoiding deserts (Nowak

Fig. 2 Cuon alpinus (Pallas 1811) from San Sidero (Maglie, Apulia, 30 mm); e1 illustration buccal view; e2 illustration lingual view; f1
southern Italy); Late Pleistocene. a Life reconstruction of the animal; b photo buccal view; f2 photo lingual view; g1 radiography buccal view;
reconstructed head; c complete skull; d San Sidero fossils of C. g2 radiography lingual view. al apical lesion, pd periodontal disease.
alpinus; e1–g2 maxilla and dentary of San Sidero dhole (scale bar Photo and illustrations by D. A. Iurino
238 Naturwissenschaften (2013) 100:235–243

2005). The teeth show that Cuon is a typical hypercarnivo- molar. The I3 and the canine are lightly worn on the apex
rus canid, like Lycaon and Speothos, adaptively converging and along the mesial and distal sides. P1 is absent, and the
on the latter (Thenius 1954a, b; Ewer 1973; Macdonald and alveolus is completely closed by newly formed porous bone
Sillero-Zubiri 2010). They are hunters, socially organized in tissue. P2 and P3 are complete and unworn. The cusps of the
packs of five to ten individuals, rarely 30 (Davidar 1973, upper carnassial do not show wear, but the anterior root is
1975; Fox 1984). The prey tends to be medium to large broken, posterior to which is a very slender root. M1 has the
mammals like deer, wild pigs, mountain sheep, gaurs and talon basin crown traumatically removed after chewing of a
antelopes. They are tracked by scent and then pursued, hard object. At level of P4 and M1 a trauma/infection pa-
sometimes for a considerable distance. Overtaken, it is sur- thology (periodontitis) involves the teeth and the surround-
rounded and attacked from different sides. When flesh ing bone tissue, and both show traces of calculus (a kind of
availability is scarce, dholes may also hunt alone or in pairs, hardened dental plaque) (Fig. 3c, d, k).
taking smaller prey (Davidar 1973, 1975; Fox 1984; The dentary lacks of incisors, canine and the coronoid
Venkataraman et al. 1995). process. P1, P2, P3 and M2 are complete and unworn,
whereas P4 and M1 are fractured. The trauma involves
Description the dentary, too, clearly fractured at the level of P4 and
M1. The horizontal branch is deformed, and the fourth
The C. alpinus described here includes an articulated left premolar lacks the posterior half of the crown and related
premaxilla and maxilla (SS 2004/1) and a left dentary (SS root, while in the lower carnassial the posterior root and a
2004/2). The bones belong to the same individual, and both little portion of the crown are present. The attribution to
of them show pathologies (Petrucci et al. 2012). The mate- the species C. alpinus (Petrucci et al. 2012) is strengthened
rial is stored in the Earth Science Department of Sapienza by the X-ray image analysis that shows the absence of the
University of Rome (Fig. 2e1–f2). M3 alveolus behind the M2 (Fig. 2g1, g2) (Ewer 1973). At
The premaxilla and maxilla bear the third incisor, the present, both fossils constitute the most complete cranio-
canine, the second, third and fourth premolars, and the first dental sample of Cuon in Italy.

Fig. 3 Cuon alpinus (Pallas 1811) from San Sidero (Maglie, Apulia, hemimandibular teeth (scale bar 10 mm); g fractured M1, photo on
southern Italy); Late Pleistocene. a, b C. alpinus dentary (scale bar the left and 3D CT image on the right (scale bars 5 mm); h odontopathic
30 mm); c, d C. alpinus maxilla (scale bar 30 mm); a photo occlusal fistula (scale bar 5 mm); i worn canine (scale bar 5 mm); j post-
view; b 3D CT image occlusal view; c photo occlusal view; d 3D CT mortem fracture on the left and additional root on the right (scale
image occlusal view; e fractured P4, photo on the left and 3D CT bars 10 mm), RE root exposure; k tartar on M1 (scale bar 5 mm).
images on the right (scale bars 5 mm); f 3D CT images of Photo by D. A. Iurino
Naturwissenschaften (2013) 100:235–243 239


Periodontitis is defined as “Inflammatory disease of teeth

supportive tissue, caused by specific microorganisms which
lead to progressive destruction of periodontal membrane
and alveolar bone, with formation of periodontal pockets
and gingival recession” (Pejčić et al. 2007).
Dogs show a natural predisposition to be affected by
acute peridontitis, as a consequence of pre-existing gingivi-
tis (Strillou et al. 2010). Periodontitis could be caused and
worsened by the diet of soft foods, promoting the accumu-
lation of supragingival plaque and calculus.
This acute pathology may evolve in chronic periodon-
titis due to the response to bacterial aggregations on the
tooth surfaces. The outcome is an irreversible destruction
of the connective tissue attachment, which results in
periodontal pocket formation and loss of alveolar bone
(Brown et al. 1989).
For the Apulian fossils SS 2004/1 and SS 2004/2, the
hypothesis of a chronic periodontitis can be supported by
an increase of the alveolar bone tissue pores through
which the blood flows. Shape, diameter and “architecture”
of blood vessels are strongly influenced by a chronic
pathologic condition.
In canids, a chronic inflammation of the oral cavity Fig. 4 CT scanning visualization of teeth details of San Sidero fossil.
a1 P4 with evident enlargement of pulp cavity due to chronic inflam-
provokes an increasing of the gingival blood flow (from mation (in red) (scale bar 10 mm); a2 coronal section of P4 with
200 to 400 %) (Kaplan et al. 1982). Moreover, the persistent additional root (in red) (scale bar 5 mm); b coronal section of M1, in
tissuesinflammation provokes an increasing development of evidence the pulp cavity (in red) (scale bar 10 mm); c lingual view of
the vascular pores in the maxillary and dentary bones M2, in evidence the gingival pocket (scale bar 5 mm). ar additional
root, epc enlargement of pulp cavity, gp gingival pocket, pc pulp
(Kaplan et al. 1982; Hock and Kim 1987; Zoellner 1990), cavity, pd periodontal disease
as can be observed in the fossil Apulian Cuon SS 2004/1
and SS 2004/2.
The prevalence and severity of gingivitis and periodonti- from the roots of the teeth, a symptom of chronic periodon-
tis in dogs increase principally with age, but the nature of titis caused by a bacterial infection protracted for a long time
infection, genetics and diet can vary the affection between (Aufterheide and Rodrìguez-Martìn 2006; Waldron 2009).
individuals/individually (Strillou et al. 2010). Veterinary The destructive osteomyelitis process has also caused a
studies on colony dogs point out that periodontitis appears significant thickening of the maxillary bone of the section
earlier and more severely than in domestic dogs (Page and between P4 and M1. The porosity involves the whole bone
Schroeder 1981). tissue that surrounds the periodontal area, indicates a rich
Signs of osteomyelitis were evident on SS 2004/1 and SS blood supply due to chronic inflammation (Söderholm and
2004/2. A protracted bacterial infection caused the patholo- Egelberg 1973). An odontopathic fistula is present on the
gy, forming gingival pockets (Fig. 4c) and odontopathic palate near P4, probably connecting an abscess or apical
fistulas, and provoking partial or total loss of teeth and granuloma to oral cavity (Fig. 3h). Calculus is evident on
retraction of newly formed bone tissue. the P4 paracone and metastyle external surfaces and is more
The anterior side of upper canine and posterior side of I3 abundant on the M1 paracone and metacone labial side
crown are strongly worn due to malocclusion (Fig. 3i). The (Fig. 3k).
analysis of the radiographic image of the jaw shows that the By the radiographic and CT scanning images, radiopaque
loss of the P1 has led to the resorption of the alveolus with borders around the root apices of P4, M1 and P4 are clearly
the formation of spongy bone tissue. This is a clue that the visible. These empty cavities are named apical lesions and
animal survived several months after the loss of the tooth are produced by bacterial activity. In some cases, inflamma-
(even traumatic, because of the lack of signs of periodonti- tion continues along the dental roots (Carranza et al. 2011)
tis) (Fig. 3c, d). Along the labial surface, from the posterior as evident in the P4 (Fig. 4a1). A tiny and non-functional
edge of P3 to M1, there is a clear detachment of the bone root is present on the labial side of the upper carnassial,
240 Naturwissenschaften (2013) 100:235–243

evident on X-ray and CT images (Figs. 3j and 4a2). Such a Rodrìguez-Martìn 2006) (Fig. 3i). The cause of the dental
condition is not very common, but it has been recorded in fractures is unclear although the morphology of the frac-
some carnivores (Verstraete et al. 1996). The fracture of the tured surface seems to indicate a strong compression
anterior root of P4 occurred post-mortem, during fossiliza- (Neville et al. 2002). This would be confirmed by the
tion. In the dentary, alveoli of P4 and M1 are partially breaking lines of the P4 and M1 crown, which follows the
occluded by spongy bone, related to a cyst or apical granu- points of minimum thickness. Probably, the trauma did not
loma. On the distal side of the M1, a gingival pocket is occur during predation, when incisors and canines are main-
visible (Fig. 4c). The thickening of horizontal branch is ly used (Ewer 1973; Tumlison et al. 1989; Valkenburgh
caused by destructive/regenerative processes of the perios- 1996, 2009) but perhaps during feeding activity and/or
teum or bone remodelling due to inflammatory stimulus. chewing a hard object. Since there is no evidence of frac-
The fractures involving P4, P4 and M1 were made during tures or tooth marks on the fossils, we exclude the possibil-
life since they are complementary in the occlusion points ity that the initial traumatic event was due to predation or
and simultaneously involved in the biomechanics of the bite fighting injuries caused by other animals.
(Fig. 3e, g). The traumatic event took place during this The trauma did not cause directly the damage to P4 and
phase. The fracture did not cause the immediate loss of M1. These teeth broke when the bone tissue underlying the
teeth, allowing the onset of bacterial infection during the teeth was retracted, and the tooth pulp that caused strong
subsequent months. Great variability in the course of a and chronic pain to the animal was exposed (Figs. 3e, g and
periodontal disease can be observed in modern canids, and 4b). As a consequence, the absence of the occlusion caused
on the basis of the large diameter of the cavities left by the the lowering of P4. The dramatic increase of pathology may
blood vessels evident between P4 and M1 and exposure to have led to the animal’s death, perhaps indirectly through
most of the P4 and M1 roots, the disease of the San Sidero other associated diseases, as can be observed on extant
dhole started more than 6 months before the animal’s death. carnivores in similar conditions (Verstraete et al. 1996;
Such a time has been estimated following the experimental Lazar et al. 2008).
models provided by Nyman et al. (1978) and Strillou et al. Excepting the heavily worn I3 and upper canine, the teeth
(2010). These authors pointed out that the seriousness of the show slight wear, indicating an adult but not an old individ-
alveolar bone loss can be classified by measuring the dis- ual. The pattern of tooth wear in the extant dhole (Durbin et
tance between the upper edge of alveolar bone and the al. 2004) suggests an age between 2 and 4 years for the
cementum-enamel junction (Fig. 3j). animal from San Sidero; this inference is supported by the
Measurements carried out on spontaneous or experimen- analogy with the estimating age by tooth wear in other
tal cases showed that 4–6 months are needed to provoke a canids (Ferrara 1965; Gipson et al. 2000). Other diagnostic
root exposure of 5 mm (Strillou et al. 2010; Kinoshita et al. features are unavailable, such as cranial suture closures.
1997; Pallua and Suschek 2011). In SS 2004/2, the alveolar Similar considerations can be used also for reconstructing
bone loss ranges between 3 and 15 mm; thus, the inferred the final weeks of the Late Pleistocene dhole from San
development time of the periodontitis can be defined as Sidero. Although Cuon could prey on small animals and
more than 6 months. insects, and eat plants sporadically (Macdonald and Sillero-
Zubiri 2010), this kind of diet cannot allow the survival of
an isolated sick individual for many months. The severe
Discussion pathology affecting the animal left heavy evidence of the
disease development following three phases until death,
Developmental pathology lasting more than 6 months (Nyman et al. 1978; Strillou et
al. 2010): (1) development of bacterial infections of the
The pathology of the San Sidero dhole caused malocclusion buccal cavity of the dhole, followed by periodontitis; (2)
and compromised the capacity of the animal to bite. Such a the fractured carnassials possibly by biting a very hard
condition led to a heavy wear of left I3 and upper and lower object and ( 3) loss of the teeth due to the worsening caused
canines that were involved in shearing and chewing. As by the infection that deformed and/or eroded maxillary bone
observed in extant canids affected by the same disease, the and mandibular bones and enlarged alveoli.
chewing was probably compensated by the lower and upper
right tooth rows (Pavlović et al. 2007; Lazar et al. 2008). Feeding behaviour inference
The effects can be observed mainly on the anterior teeth
of left dentary and maxilla, where the posterior side of I3 and Efficiency in providing food is of crucial importance for a
the anterior side of the upper canine have been heavily worn carnivore, and surviving a disease for months depends on
by anomalous movement of the lower canine. This caused different factors (Valkenburgh 1996, 2009). Many large
enamel and partially dentine wear (Aufterheide and canids, such as dholes, African wild dogs and wolves, are
Naturwissenschaften (2013) 100:235–243 241

social species, and such a condition has been taken into that guard juveniles (Malcolm and Marten 1982; Fox 1984;
account to explain the possible pack support for an animal Courchamp and Macdonald 2001; Courchamp et al. 2002).
in a severe state of disease. Behavioural ecology provides On the contrary, healthy or sick adult individuals do not
information which can be used in the interpretation of some typically receive any direct assistance in food sharing
palaeoecological aspects of fossil species. (Fentress and Ryon 1982; Fox 1984); although among wild
An interesting case study was presented by Palmqvist et dogs, food sharing may be more flexible, and some cases of
al. (1999). These authors described the skull and the man- regurgitated food to injured or sick members of the pack
dible of a large hypercarnivorous canid from the Early have been reported (Kruuk and Turner 1967; Estes and
Pleistocene site of Venta Micena (Spain). The fossil, later Goddard 1967). Etho-ecological studies pointed out that
referred to Lycaon lycaonoides (Martínez-Navarro and such behaviour within the pack is closely related to its
Rook 2003), shows dental anomalies; it lacks the right I1, energy cost (Malcolm and Marten 1982; Courchamp and
I2, C1,P2, the right M2 and M3, and the right I3 and P1 are Macdonald 2001; Courchamp et al. 2002). For example,
partially fractured. Palmqvist et al. (1999) explained the pack size in canids has a great influence in the amount of
survival of the animal with such an abnormal craniodental regurgitation that individuals can receive. Within the pack,
condition through cooperative behaviour. In fact, some there is a clear relationship between the number of hunting
authors report that the cooperation of many wild dogs within individuals, the prey size and the amount of food carried to
a pack could support injured individuals (Kruuk and Turner the den to be shared with cubs and females. In times of food
1967; Palmqvist et al. 1999). scarcity, the sentinels at the den are not fed. On the other
A detailed analysis of the feeding behaviour, in particular, hand, a greater number of hunters can bring a larger amount
regarding hypercarnivorous canids, was required in order to of food to the den, with a consequently increase of the
better define a complex and well-structured hierarchical soci- availability of food per capita (Malcolm and Marten 1982;
ality (Thenius 1954a, b; Ewer 1973; Fox 1984; Venkataraman Creel and Creel 1995; Gusset and Macdonald 2010;
et al. 1995; Macdonald and Sillero-Zubiri 2010; Srivastav and Courchamp and Macdonald 2001; Courchamp et al. 2002).
Nigam 2010). According to this, the hypothesis of direct help to injured
In these species, especially in wolves and dholes, the members of the pack cannot be supported. A possible and
food is hierarchically shared, and the dominant male/female more realistic explanation suggests considering the whole
is the first to feed (Fox 1984; Srivastav and Nigam 2010). pack as a strong “protective condition” for individuals with
Among African wild dogs and uniquely, among canids, reduced capabilities. Therefore, a sick individual can sur-
puppies first have access to the prey, followed by all the vive within the pack as a sort of “intraspecific kleptopar-
other members of the pack (Malcolm and Marten 1982). In asite,” being indirectly supported by the other components
all these cases, no special attention is given to sick animals of the pack and receiving protection. It could be described as
within the pack. passive support of the pack, which provides protection
According to this model, we can assume that the against other predators, such as large felids and hyaenas,
Pleistocene dhole from San Sidero, was still able to chew and provides prey killed by the other members of the pack
and to be part of the pack, at least during the first phase of (Courchamp and Macdonald 2001).
the disease. Thus, the animal was probably one of the last to The severe pathology of the dhole from San Sidero has
have access to food, being a young adult individual (2– been investigated in detail thanks to CT scanning and image
4 years old). Due to the deterioration of its health caused processing techniques, which provide information also on
by osteomyelitis, the animal was no longer able to partici- the effect that periodontitis and other associated diseases
pate effectively in hunting activity. Therefore, the assistance produced on teeth and bone tissues.
through food regurgitation to a sick animal with limited We estimate that the animal could have survived since
predatory and locomotory abilities by other members of onset of the infection for 6 months. This is in accordance
the pack seems to be the most likely hypothesis to consider. with a social condition that protects the sick animal against
It has been suggested in the case of the Venta Micena other predators and provides food sources. Finally, on the
Lycaon (Palmqvist et al. 1999; Martínez-Navarro and basis of the behavioural ecology studies on the extant social
Rook 2003). canids quoted above, the occurrence of an “indirect” support
Although cases in which wild dogs have regurgitated of the pack, with no evidence of a “direct altruistic behav-
food to other adults are known in literature (Kruuk and iour,” can be suggested.
Turner 1967; Estes and Goddard 1967), these episodes are
considered exceptions and not as a manifestation of habitual Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. Paolo Peppucci and
Dr. Aniello Polise (La Clinica Veterinaria Borghesiana, Rome, Italy)
behaviour. Among wolves, African wild dogs and dholes,
for their help in making the first radiographic investigations. Dr.
regurgitation is a practice mainly targeted towards puppies Massimiliano Danti and Prof. Sabino Della Sala (Ospedale M.G.
and lactating females and in some cases, towards individuals Vannini, Rome, Italy) for making the CT scanning. Dr. Claudia Eleni
242 Naturwissenschaften (2013) 100:235–243

and Dr. Cristiano Cocumelli (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Durbin LS, Venkataraman A, Hedges S, Duckworth W (2004) Dhole
Lazio e della Toscana, Italy) for their advice in the first phase of this (Cuon alpinus). In: Sillero-Zubiri C, Hoffman M, Macdonald DW
work. Prof. Luigi Boitani, Prof. Alessandro Pilolli, Dr. Luca Santini (eds) Canids: foxes, wolves, jackals and dogs. Oxford University
(Sapienza University of Rome), Dr. Martina Jeżowska (Karolinska Press, UK, pp 210–219
Institutet, Sweden) and Dr. Fiore Conca for their useful suggestions Estes RD, Goddard J (1967) Prey selection and hunting behaviour of
and help. The authors also express their gratitude to Dr. Sven Thatje, the African hunting dog. J Wildl Manag 31:52–70
Dr. Robert Asher and two anonymous reviewers who greatly improved Ewer RF (1973) The carnivores. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and
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