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In our day and age we have little knowledge of what Kingdom living is never mind have any real

examples to compare to. Sure we can point out a handful of Kingdoms that remain with us to this
day, but do they truly reflect the Kingdom of God? I would say no they do not. So if what is on this
earth is dismal reflection of what YHVH has in mind as to what kingdom to reflect. Then this begs the
question, “Then what is the Kingdom of YHVH ?” Man has tried to define what is a kingdom through
out time since the creation.

The closet we got was in the beginning. What in the beginning reflected His Kingdom you may ask.
We had The King on the earth and His ambassadors , Melchizedek in the person of Adam, where in
place (see Kimberly Rogers-Brown teachings Melchizedek Archives – The Messianic Message). So if
this was prefect in all areas a true reflection of His kingdom is then what went wrong? Is there
anything we can do to correct it? The answer to this question is no. In fact the only one who can do
anything about it is YHVH who created us.  Yet even then He will and does allow us to choose which
path we want to travel.
You see what Adam and Eve did was to try to circumvent YHVH in attaining knowledge through the
forbidden tree. See Gen 1 – 3 for the account as what happened. Now fast forward this to Gen 6 at
this point man had corrupted himself so much. YHVH sent a flood to destroy all of creation except for
one family of eight people. That would be Noah and his family.

Before we go on let’s talk about the fall of man and how we got to this point. YHVH did tell them
about what they could eat of every herb of the field and the fruit of the tree. All of it was food for them
except of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. YHVH further went on to explain to them what
would happen to them on the day they would eat of it, He told them that on the day that they would
eat of it they would surly die. “And ‫יהוה‬ Elohim commanded the man, saying, “Eat of every tree of the
garden, but do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat of it
you shall certainly die.”(Gen 2:16-17)

In this line of thought most people want throw Eve under the bus and blame her for all of the trouble
we have today. Contrary to this view when Adam took and ate of the fruit. The current teachers say
that the blame rest solely on Eve.  YHVH looks at this different than we do.

They were one and when she ate of it nothing happened to her so Adam waited to see if she would
die. It is not known how long it was before Adam ate of the fruit. None the less they ate of it and at
that time they were changed. In a reversal of what happened in the garden we read

(1 Cor 15:51-52)

51  See, I speak a secret to you: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52  in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the
dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
We will all be changed to be like Him in an instant. What was imperfect shall be made perfect.
Sounds a lot like it was in the beginning in the garden.

 Now that we have an idea as to what was lost in the garden.  We see what the end result is today. The
very same things that were going on then is what is going on today. You might ask how is that going
today that tree is no longer here with us for it was destroyed at the flood. You would be correct if that
was the point I am making here. What was the question posed to Eve? Did God really say ________?
 You can fill in the blank with whatever you may want. That question has been asked of us in a variety
of ways. Or another statement that often comes into play when their argument is faulty and that is; ”
Well that is not what it means to me.” When we open up the Word of God and use that filter and we
change the meaning of the words to suit our evil lust. Then we come away thinking everything that, “I
wish to do is okay, If I want to eat pig, Beatles then that is okay too, Why would God put it here if it
was food for me?”
 That is my point if we change what the Word says then all things are permissible. You see just by
changing the food laws how messed up things become. Imagine by allowing this to happen when you
apply this thinking to the Torah then you come away with a very messed up view.
In this series we shall explore the following;

1. Can we repair the problem?

2. Who is the only one that can fix this mess that we are in?
3. Who is the King?
4. How are we to treat Him?
5. Where is His Kingdom?
6. What does He expect from His servants?
7. How does He treat His servants?
8. How are we to treat our fellow Servants?
9. If we wronged someone how are to make it right?
This is just the start of the series.  We will find out that it is a burden nor difficult to live YHVH’s

Mat 11:28-30

(28) “Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I shall give you rest.”

(29) “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall
find rest for your beings.

(30) “For My yoke is gentle and My burden is light.”

Jer 6:16

(16) Thus said ‫יהוה‬, “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is,
and walk in it; and find rest for yourselves. But they said, ‘We do not walk in it.’
They said ‘We do not walk in it.’ Even then YHVH gave a choice that would have been easier but the
people as today choose the burdensome path. Why is it that we need to make it more difficult and
If you want proof look around and you will see it in everything we do. What stops a person from just
getting in his own car and drive where ever they choose. No we have to have a thousand or so laws
stating how to proceed down the road. Where we can go or not. If we do that with a simple thing like
driving is it no wonder there is a three volume on just the sabbath.

So in our next session we will discuss the rules of the Kingdom Living. May YHVH bless protect you
and your family. As you go out and come in and may grant to you peace.

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