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(The internet has helped people make their lives easier as it 


communication, easy access to online services, the ability to work at home,

and improved access to education,the internet has proven to be truly life

changing. Multiple factors affect the speed and quality of your internet

connection. Transfer technology, your location, the number of people you

share the connection with and the device you use are only some of these

factors. There are also differences between a fixed network and a mobile

network. Students with no high-speed Internet access at home are also less

likely to plan to attend a college or university. On the other hand, students

with Internet access have substantially higher digital skills, which are a strong

predictor of performance on standardized tests.

Keywords: work from home, telework, job satisfaction, work performance

Job Satisfaction and Job Stress of Government Employees Amidst

COVID 19 Pandemic


Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept that can mean

different things to different people. Use Overall satisfaction is related
to motivation, but the nature of this relationship is unclear. Because
satisfaction is not the same as motivation. "Job satisfaction is more
than an attitude, an internal state. In recent years, the focus on job
satisfaction has become more closely integrates broader approaches
to improve the design and organization of work, as well as the quality
of work life. Job satisfaction has been defined as, the attitude of an
employee toward a job, sometimes expressed as a hedonic response
of liking or disliking the work itself, the rewards pay, promotions,
recognition, or the context such as working conditions, benefits
(Corsini, 1999 cited by Tillman, 2008)

Accomplishment comes from daily activities associated with higher work

engagement and performance levels (Judge, Thoresen, Bono, & Patton, 2001). In
the educational context, Caprara et al. (2003) "decisive factor" affecting
teachers' attitudes and work performance, and suggested that both personal and
collective effectiveness contribute to on teacher job satisfaction. However,
teaching is often a stressful job, with demands from administrators, peers,
students and parents compounded by work overload, policy changes and lack of
recognition of achievement. (Greenglass and Burke, 2003). (Betoret, 2006;
Jepson and Forrest 2006).Kim, J. S., & Ryu, S. (2017). Employee satisfaction
with work‐life balance policies and organizational commitment: A
Philippine study. Public Administration and Development, 37(4), 260-276.

The popularity of remote/remote routing or working from home powered by

digital technology has increased. In the Philippines, the government even passed
a bill in 2019, also known as the “Telework Act”, which allows employers of
different types of organizations to perform work from home. or another location
working for theiremployees. This study examines the impact of homework on
worker productivity in the Philippines. Prasad, K., & Vaidya, R. W. (2020).
Association among Covid-19 parameters, occupational stress and
employee performance: An empirical study with reference to Agricultural
Research Sector in Hyderabad Metro. Sustainable Humanosphere, 16(2),
Outbreaks like the COVID-19 pandemic are stressful situations. Defined as "a
state of discomfort or fear in anticipation of a real or perceived threatening
event or situation" (Spielberger, 2010), anxiety is common among on-line
healthcare workers continue to participate in the care of patients affected during
the pandemic. In addition, due to direct contact with COVID-19 patients,
healthcare workers are more exposed to traumatic events such as patient pain
and death (Pappa et al., 2020), which This can increase their fear and anxiety.
Labrague, L. J., & De los Santos, J. A. A. (2020). COVID‐19 anxiety
among front‐line nurses: Predictive role of organisational support,
personal resilience and social support. Journal of nursing
management, 28(7), 1653-1661.

For decision-making and governance, smart cities depend on tracking

data collected via a substantial percentage of wireless sensing nodes.
However, several limitations affect Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)-
based Internet of Things (IoT) services, such as low battery life, recurrent
connectivity problems due to multi-hop connections, and a limited channel
capacity. Furthermore, in many systems, clustering and routing are
handled independently, which prevents the adaptation of effective
strategies for optimal energy usage and prolonged network lifespan

Energies 2022, 15(20), 7524;

The prevalence of telework/telecommuting or working from home

arrangement enabled by digital technology has been increasing. In The
Philippines, the government even passed a bill in 2019 otherwise known
as “Telecommuting Act” which approves the employers of different types
of organizations to implement work from home or alternative workplace
arrangement to their employees. This study investigates the impact of
work from home arrangement on the productivity of workers in The
Philippines. This study found that, “Work from Home Factors” has
significant positive effect on “Job Satisfaction” and “Productivity” but, it
does not affect “Job Stress”. Secondly, “Work from Home Factors”
negatively affects “Job Performance”. . Pauline Ramos, J., & Tri Prasetyo,
Y. (2020, September). The impact of work-home arrangement on the
productivity of employees during COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines: A
structural equation modelling approach. In 2020 The 6th International
Conference on Industrial and Business Engineerin (pp. 135-140).

Empowering Leadership and Ethical Behavior at

Work as Predictors on Goal Orientations Among
Social Workers in Malita, Davao Occidental.


Social workers like doctors, lawyers, nurses, re or any other type of
professional-need to know things that will make their professional
practice effective. Although it seems reasonable to suppose that all
social workers would agree with that statement, they would not all
agree about the best ways to go about learning the things they need
to know. Some might favour learning things by relying on what most
of their teachers, supervisors, and more t experienced social workers
in general agree to be true. Others might assert that learning things
through what they observe and experience in their professional
practice is at least as valuable as is learning about what other
respected sources agree to be true.

Considerable research suggests that empowering leaders try to enhance

subordinate work motivation and performance through delegating authority for
job-related decisions (Chen et al., 2011; Huang et al., 2010; Kirkman and Rosen,
1999; Konczak et al., 2000; Yukl and Becker, 2006) and involving subordinates in
making decisions about the work (Chen et al., 2011; Huang et al., 2010; Kirkman
and Rosen, 1999; Konczak et al., 2000). Other research found that leaders who
develop high-quality exchange relations consult more with their subordinates
about important decisions and use their ideas and suggestions (Yukl and Fu,
1999; Yukl et al., 2009). Such behavior signals that the leader has confidence and
trust in the subordinate's skills and motivation to accomplish a difficult task or
project (Dirks and Ferrin, 2002; Yukl, 2009). Research on the relationship
between empowering leadership and LMX is limited, but several studies found a
positive relationship between consultation and LMX (Yukl et al., 2009; Yukl and
Fu, 1999), and a number of studies found a significant positive relationship
between delegation and LMX (O'Donnell et al., 2012; Yukl et al., 2009; Yukl and
Fu, 1999; Schriesheim et al., 1998).

The impact of ethics on recent leadership practice is

prominent in both practical and theoretical debates on the successes
and failures of corporate leadership. His scandal in the early 21st
century, which involved big companies such as Arthur Andersen,
Enron, HealthSouth, Tyco, WorldCom and Toyota , made the concept
of ethical leadership a timely and relevant research topic. is shown.
Leaders strive to achieve organizational goals by encouraging
employees to achieve high levels of performance (Drucker, 2001). A
leader's ability to influence employee attitudes and behavior is
critical in this quest. Because it leads to better job performance
(Tanner, Brugger, Van Schie, & Lebherz, 2010). Ethical leadership can
provide an effective approach to encouraging positive employee
attitudes and actions. As moral persons and moral managers, ethical
leaders are engaging and credible role models. Employees respond
positively to principles-based leadership, altruism, empowerment,
and ethical leader reward systems, suggesting that employee
attitudes and work-related behaviors may improve. (Brown &
Trevino, 2006a).

Hassan, S., Mahsud, R., Yukl, G., & Prussia, G. E. (2013). Ethical and
empowering leadership and leader effectiveness. Journal of
Managerial Psychology.
Current research aims to advance the theory and research of ethical
leadership in two ways. First, we propose that psychological
empowerment is an overarching motivational mechanism that links
ethical leadership to current and potential future success in
employee roles. Second, we propose that employee emotional
exhaustion is a destructive psychological state that weakens the
empowering impact of ethical leaders. The results of two field studies
show that emotional fatigue is associated with ethical leadership by
attenuating its direct effects on psychological empowerment and its
indirect effects on employees' current success and potential for
success. shows that it undermines the motivational efforts of
Theoretical and practical implications are debated. Dust, S. B., Resick,
C. J., Margolis, J. A., Mawritz, M. B., & Greenbaum, R. L. (2018).
Ethical leadership and employee success: Examining the roles of
psychological empowerment and emotional exhaustion. The
Leadership Quarterly, 29(5), 570-583.

The topic of true leadership and the ethical behavior of managers has
received a great deal of attention in recent years due to the spate of
ethics scandals within companies. In this article, we developed a
theoretical framework arguing that employee psychological
empowerment mediates the relationship between ethical behavior
of leaders and employee engagement with and trust in leaders. We
also argue that authenticity (that is, consistency between true ethical
intentions and behavior of leaders) moderates the relationship
between ethical behavior of leaders and employee outcomes. We
discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the proposed
model for tackling true leadership. Zhu, W., May, D. R., & Avolio, B. J.
(2004). The impact of ethical leadership behavior on employee
outcomes: The roles of psychological empowerment and
authenticity. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 11(1),

Recently, research on ethical leadership in organizations has

increased, with several studies and a number of theoretical papers
beginning to address ethical leadership and its interrelationships (for
an overview see Brown & Treviño, 2006). please). There are several
different conceptualizations of ethical leadership behavior in the
literature. Brown and colleagues (2005) explore ethical leadership in
terms of social learning and consider ethical leaders as role models of
normatively appropriate behavior. Furthermore, ethical leaders use
rewards and punishments to encourage ethical behavior (Brown et
al., 2005; Treviño et al., 2003). The authors define ethical leadership
as “exemplifying normatively appropriate behavior through personal
behavior and interpersonal relationships, and encouraging such
behavior in followers through mutual communication,
reinforcement, and decision-making.” masu (p. 120). Researchers
using 's social exchange theory focus more on norms of reciprocity,
believing that adherents will willingly exchange if treated fairly and
with concern (e.g. Mayer , Kuenzi, Greenbaum, Bardes, & Salvador,
2009). Consistent with the social interaction perspective, researchers
have defined ethical leadership as the tension between altruistic and
selfish motives, with ethical leaders defined by accepted beliefs and
good judgment rather than self-interest. Suggested to be driven by
the system. beneficial to adherents, organizations and societies
(Aronson, 2001; Kanungo & Mendonca, 2001; Turner et al., 2002).
Lesic and colleague
Kalshoven, K., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2009). Ethical leader behavior
and leader effectiveness: The role of prototypicality and
trust. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(2), 102-120.

Although not widely discussed in previous research, hierarchical

cultures and empowering leadership can create different working
conditions. In other words, a hierarchical culture can have a negative
impact on work, but empowering leadership can create positive
working conditions. In particular, the reason why a hierarchical
organizational culture makes work less meaningful can be explained
by the Competing Values Framework (CVF; Cameron & Quinn, 1999).
Hierarchical organizational culture means a top-down hierarchical
system where all necessary processes follow a very systematic
process without being questioned. Hierarchical This document is
copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its
affiliated publishers. This article is for the individual user's personal
use only and will not be widely distributed. WORK SENSE AND
COMMITMENT 5 Culture also means that only senior management
can make final decisions, reducing flexibility in the workplace
(Giberson et al., 2009). Daniels and Greguras (2014) argue that
inequality often exists in hierarchical settings and affects most
organizational processes. Employees feel they lack autonomy to do
their jobs and feel constrained by conditions and rules imposed by
upper management (Wrzesn. Lee, M. C. C., Idris, M. A., & Delfabbro,
P. H. (2017). The linkages between hierarchical culture and
empowering leadership and their effects on employees’ work
engagement: Work meaningfulness as a mediator. International
Journal of Stress Management, 24(4), 392.
Empowering Leadership and Ethical Behavior at
Work as Predictors on Goal Orientations Among
Social Workers

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