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Mcqs question for Test:

1. The enzyme that digest the protein in the stomach

A. Pepsine
B. Trypsine
C. Amylase
D. Lipase




2. Two pink coloured flower on crossing results one red, two pink and one white. The nature of
the cross will be
A. Double fertilization
B. Single fertilization
C. Self pollination
D. Cross pollination
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________




3. The zygote which has an X-chromosome inherited from father will develop into a
A. Boy
B. Girl
C. Either boy or a girl
D. Neither boy nor a girl
Ans: _______________________________________________________________



4. In which mode of nutrition an organism de-rives its food from the body of another living
organism without killing it?
A. Saprotrophic nutrition
B. Parasitic nutrition
C. Holozoic nutrition
D. Autotrophic nutrition
Ans: _______________________________________________________________




5. When a few drops of iodine solution are added to rice water, the solution turns blue- black in
colour. This indicates that rice water contains:
A. Fats
B. complex proteins
C. starch
D. simple proteins

Ans: _______________________________________________________________




6. The contraction and expansion movement of the walls of the food pipe is called:
A. Translocation
B. Transpiration
C. peristaltic movement
D. Digestion

Ans: _______________________________________________________________




7. Which of the following acts as both endocrine and exocrine gland?

A. Pancreas
B. Thyroid
C. Adrenal

D. Liver

Ans: _______________________________________________________________




8. A diabetic patient suffers from deficiency of which hormone?

A. Thyroxine
B. Testosterone
C. Oestrogen
D. Insulin

Ans: _______________________________________________________________




9. Which plant hormone promotes dormancy in seeds and buds?

A. Auxin
B. Gibberellin
C. Cytokinin
D. Abscisic acid

Ans: _______________________________________________________________




10. What is the probability that the male progeny will be a boy?
A. 25%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. It varies individual to individual

Ans: _______________________________________________________________




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