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LOR Questionnaire

Name of the student:

The course, country or university that the student is applying for:

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what context? Have you served as the
applicant’s Professor/supervisor? If so, please provide approximate dates. Please
comment upon the frequency and nature of your interactions with the applicant. (around
75 words)

2. What are the applicant’s three principal strengths? Please provide an example of each.
(50-100 words)

3. How does the applicant respond to constructive criticism? (50-75 words)

4. Describe the impressions this candidate makes in meetings, presentations, interviews or

other important interactions. (50-100 words)

5. In which three areas can the applicant improve? Please provide an example of each.
How has the applicant worked to address these areas? (50-100 words)

6. If you would like to provide any additional insights into this individual’s candidacy,
please feel free to do so. (50-75 words)

Name of the recommender:

Designation :-
Company/University Name:-
Contact Number of Recommender:
Mail ID of recommender:
Profile link (LinkedIn or organization’s official website)
Academic/ Professional:

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