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Principles of


After Studying “FOUNDATION OF PLANNING” students will be able

□ Define planning.
□ Explore why planning is important.
□ Contrast approaches to goal setting and planning.
□ Set goals according to SMART criteria.
□ Analyze and conduct the SWOT analysis.
□ Describe the vital role played by strategy implementation in
determining managers ability to achieve an organization’s mission
and goals.
□ Assess importance of scenario planning.
□ Design personal professional development plan.
□ Develop plan by giving their own idea of any event and present
their idea through plan.

Defining an organization's goals,

establish an overall strategy for achieving
those goals, and developing plans to
integrate and coordinate work activities.
□ Planning
■ A primary managerial activity that involves:
□ Defining the organization’s goals
□ Establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals
□ Developing plans for organizational work activities.
■ Types of planning
□ Informal: not written down, short-term focus; specific to an
organizational unit.
□ Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus, involves
shared goals for the organization.
Why Do Managers Plan?

□ Purposes of Planning
■ Provides direction
■ Reduces uncertainty
■ Minimizes waste and redundancy
■ Sets the standards for controlling
Elements of Planning

■ Goals (also Objectives)

□ Desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or entire
□ Provide direction and evaluation performance criteria
■ Plans
□ Documents that outline how goals are to be accomplished
□ Describe how resources are to be allocated and establish
activity schedules
Types of Goals

□ Financial Goals
■ Are related to the expected internal financial performance of the
□ Strategic Goals
■ Are related to the performance of the firm relative to factors in its
external environment (e.g., competitors).
□ Stated Goals versus Real Goals
■ Broadly-worded official statements of the organization (intended
for public consumption) that may be irrelevant to its real goals
(what actually goes on in the organization).
Types of Plans
Planning Process

Planning process consists of following steps

i. Goal setting
ii. Forecasting
iii. Strategy formation
iv. Setting specific standards
v. Continual review & revision
•1-Goal Setting

Goal setting is first step in planning

•Approaches of Goal Setting
•Traditional goal setting

Traditional goal setting
An approach in which goals are set at the top level of an
organization and then broken-down into sub goals for each
level of the organization.
■ Broad goals are set at the top of the organization.
■ Goals are then broken into sub-goals for each
organizational level.
■ Assumes that top management knows best because they
can see the “big picture.”
■ Goals are intended to direct, guide, and constrain from
■ Goals lose clarity and focus as lower-level managers
attempt to interpret and define the goals for their areas of
The Downside of Traditional Goal Setting
Management By Objective

MBO is a management system in which specific

performance goals are jointly determined by
employees and their managers, progress towards
accomplishing those goals is periodically reviewed,
and rewards are allocated on the basis of this
Steps in a Typical MBO Program

1. The organization’s overall objectives and strategies are

2. Major objectives are allocated among divisional and
departmental units.
3. Unit managers collaboratively set specific objectives for their
units with their managers.
4. Specific objectives are collaboratively set with all department
5. Action plans, defining how objectives are to be achieved, are
specified and agreed upon by managers and employees.
6. The action plans are implemented.
7. Progress toward objectives is periodically reviewed, and
feedback is provided.
8. Successful achievement of objectives is reinforced by
performance-based rewards.
•Steps in Goals
Steps in Goals Setting

a. Review the organization’s mission

b. Evaluate available resources
c. Determination of goals
d. Write down and communicate the goals
e. Review of results.
a. Review the Organization’s Mission

A mission statement is the purpose of an organization and it

provide an overall guideline to what organizational members
think is important.
A mission statement serves many purposes
a) For managers it is bench mark to evaluate success against.
b) For employees it defines a common purpose, bring up
organizational loyalty and foster sense of community for
c) For external parties such as investors, government
agencies and the public it helps provide unique insight into
the organization’s value and future direction.
b. Evaluate Available Resources
Don’t set goals that are impossible to achieve within your given resources.
Even though goals should be challenging, they should be realistic.
a) Financial Resources: means debt, equity, retain earnings and selected
b) Physical Resources: means building, machinery, vehicle and other
c) Human Resource: includes skills, abilities, experience and other work
related characteristics of people associated with the organization.
d) Organizational Resources: include the history of groups in the
organization, relationship, level of trust and associated culture dimensions,
as well as formal reporting structure, control system and compensation
c. Determination of Goals

Determine the goals individually or with input

from others but these goals should be


S Specific
(in terms of outcomes)
M Measurable
A Action oriented
(Contains plan of action)
R Realistic
(Not too small, nor too big)
T Time Bound
d. Write down and communicate the goals

A well designed goal should be written in terms of

results rather than actions, moreover the process of
writing the goals force people to think thoroughly and
make them committed.
Finally goals should also be communicated to all the
organizational members who need to know the goals.
Because making people aware of the goals ensures that
they all are “On the Same Page” and working in ways to
ensure the accomplishment of the organizational goals.
e. Review of Results

The last step of Goal setting is review of results

to see whether goals are being met and if change
is needed to do so.

Predictions of outcomes

□ Quantitative Forecasting
■ Forecasting that applies a set of mathematical rules to a
series of past data to predict outcomes
□ Qualitative Forecasting
■ Forecasting that uses the judgment and opinions of
knowledgeable individuals to predict outcomes.
Developing Plans
□ Contingency Factors in A Manager’s Planning
■ Manager’s level in the organization
□ Strategic plans at higher levels
□ Operational plans at lower levels.
•3-Strategy Formulation

A comprehensive action plan to

accomplish the organizational goals is
called strategy.
Formulating Strategy
□ Strategy Formulation
■ Managers analyze the current situation to develop
strategies for achieving the mission.
□ SWOT Analysis
❖ A planning exercise in which managers identify:
■ organizational strengths and weaknesses.
□ Strengths (e.g., superior marketing skills)
□ Weaknesses (e.g., outdated production facilities)
■ External opportunities and threats.
□ Opportunities (e.g., entry into new related markets).
□ Threats (increased competition)
Strategy Formulation
Level of Plan & Strategy Formulation
Concentration on a International Vertical
Corporate level Single Diversification Expansion integration
plan Business/Industry

Business level Low cost Differentiation Focused low cost differentiation
strategy strategy strategy strategy

Functional level Human Resource

Research &
Manufacture Finance
3a.Formulating Corporate-Level Strategies
1. Concentration on a Single Business/Industry
Can become a strong competitor, but can be risky
2. Diversification
Expanding a company’s business operations into a new industry in
order to produce new kinds of valuable goods or services
a. Related Diversification: into similar market areas to build upon existing
b. Un Related Diversification: is entry into industries unrelated to current
3a.Formulating Corporate-Level Strategies
3. International expansion
To what extent do we customize products and marketing for
different national conditions?
a. Global strategy
Selling the same standardized product and using the same basic marketing
approach in all countries.
▪ Standardization provides for lower production cost.
▪ Ignores national differences that local competitors can address to their
b. Multi-domestic Strategy
Customizing products and marketing strategies to specific national
▪ Helps gain local market share.
▪ Raises production costs.
□ Horizontal Integration
■ Combining operations with another
competitor in the same industry to
increase competitive strengths and lower
competition among industry rivals
3a.Formulating Corporate-Level Strategies
4.Vertical Integration
A strategy that allows an organization to create
value by producing its own inputs or distributing
its own products.
a. Backward vertical integration occurs when a firm seeks to
reduce its input costs by producing its own inputs.
b. Forward vertical integration occurs when a firm distributes its
outputs or products to lower distribution costs and ensure the
quality service to customers.
■ A fully integrated firm faces the risk of bearing the full costs of an
industry-wide slowdown.
3b.Formulating Business-Level Strategies
1.Low cost strategy
Driving the organization’s total costs down below the total costs of rivals
2.Differentiation strategy
Distinguishing an organization’s products from the products of
competitors on dimensions such as product design, quality, or after-sales
3.Focused low cost strategy
Serving only one market segment and being the lowest-cost organization
serving that segment
4.Focused differentiation strategy
Serving only one market segment as the most differentiated organization
serving that segment
3c.Formulating Functional-Level Strategies
A plan that indicates how a function intends to achieve
its goals
■ Seeks to have each department add value to a good or
service. Marketing, service, and production functions
can all add value to a good or service through:
□ Lowering the costs of providing the value in products.
□ Adding new value to the product by differentiating.
■ Functional strategies must fit with business level
Implementing strategy
5 steps of strategy implementation:

1. Allocating responsibility for implementation to appropriate

individuals or groups.
2. Drafting detailed action plans that specify how a strategy to
be implemented.
3. Establishing a time table for implementation that includes
precise, measureable goals linked to the attainment of the
action plan.
4. Allocating resources to responsible person.
5. Holding specific individuals/group for attainment of
corporate, business and functional goals.
Scenario planning
Scenario planning Preparing for unexpected
▪A scenario is a consistent view of what ▪Identify potential unexpected events
the future is likely to be!!
▪Determine if any of these events would
▪The determination of alternative course have early indicators.
of action to be taken if an intended plan
▪Set up an information gathering system
is unexpectedly disrupted or rendered
inappropriate is called “Scenario to identify early indicators.
planning/contingency planning”.
▪Have appropriate responses (plans)in
▪Criticism: place if these unexpected events occur.

Difficult to forecast random events so

not suitable when unexpected events
•Contemporary Issues in
Planning Issues
Barriers to effective planning Overcoming the barriers to planning
▪Demands on manager time ▪Learn to apply the managerial functions
▪Ambiguous and uncertain operating better
environments ▪Involve employees in decision making
▪Resistance to change ▪Take advantage of diversity of views
▪Encourage strategic thinking

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