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Hadoop Developer

1. Hadoop Basics
3. HBase
4. Kafka
5. Sqoop
6. Flume
7. Spark SQL
8. Apache Spark
9. MapReduce
10. Apache Oozie
11. GraphX
12. Apache Hive
13. Mahout
14. Ambari
15. Java
16. Python

Business Analyst

Business analyst help guide businesses in improving processes, products, services

and software through data analysis. These agile workers straddle the line between
IT and the business to help bridge the gap and improve efficiency.

Creating a detailed business analysis, outlining problems, opportunities and

solutions for a business
Budgeting and forecasting
Planning and monitoring
Variance analysis
Defining business requirements and reporting them back to stakeholders

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is a liaison between the planners and the doers, so to say, and it
is up to them to ensure that everyone is on the same page. A great Scrum Master
knows exactly what tools and resources a team needs to accomplish their goals and
simultaneously removes any barriers or distractions that could slow them down along
the way.

Scrum and Agile training

Organisational skills
Conflicct Faciliator

Project Manager

Plan projects from conception to implementation

Map out timelines
Assess project risks and opportunities
Execute each phase of the project life cycle
Create, allocate, and manage the budget
Communicate with all stakeholders
Troubleshoot problems and challenges
Deliver (and often maintain) the end product or service

1. Planning and forecasting

2. Risk management

3. Budgeting

4. Tracking and monitoring

5. Project management methodologies

.NET glossary for technical recruiters

.NET framework versions .NET 1.0 – .NET 4.7.2
Languages C#, Visual Basic .NET, F#, C++ .NET
Web frameworks ASP.NET MVC 1-5, ASP.NET Web API 1-2, ASP.NET Web Forms (old
Desktop frameworks WPF, Windows Forms (old school)
Communication frameworks* WCF, ASP.NET Web API, 1-2, Web Services (old school)
IoC Containers Castle Windsor Container, Unity, Structure Map, Ninject, AutoFac
ORM Entity Framework 1-6, nHibernate 1-5, Linq2SQL (depreciated), ADO.NET
C# unit testing frameworks nUnit, SpecFlow, MSTest, xUnit
C# build tools TFS, Team City, Jenkins, Cruise Control .NET, Azure DevOps (old

.NET Core glossary for technical recruiters

.Net Core framework versions .NET Core 1.0-2.2
Languages C#,Visual Basic .NET, F#
Web frameworks ASP.NET Core MVC 1.0-2.2
Desktop frameworks None now but coming in .NET Core 3
Communication frameworks* Web Api is now integrated into ASP.NET Core MVC 1.0-
IoC Containers Castle Windsor Container, Unity, Structure Map, Ninject, AutoFac
ORM Entity Framework Core 1.0-2.2
C# unit testing frameworks nUnit, MSTest, xUnit
*used to exchange data and create Service Oriented Applications.

Backend technical .NET developer skills and qualification that make a candidate
more valuable
Languages (C# plus VB.NET or F#)
Frameworks (most importantly ASP.NET MVC and Entity framework)
Databases (MySQL, SQL Server, Azure SQL)
MTA – Microsoft Technology Associate
MCSA (Web Applications, Universal Windows Platform)
.NET Core

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