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Flutter Related

export PATH="$PATH:macOS/Users/somya/development/flutter/bin"

In terminal,

vi ~/.bash_profile
alias flutter="/Users/somya/development/flutter/bin/flutter"
After you save the file (e.g: by typing [esc] :wq in Vim)
source ~/.bash_profile
flutter doctor
flutter test
flutter run
flutter —version

sudo nano /etc/paths

add this to the file, /Users/somya/Development/flutter/bin
After adding the path to the file, press CTRL + X, Y and then ENTER. Now
completely close(Quit) the terminal and reopen it again. Try the command
flutter and it should work .

alias flutter="/Users/somya/development1/flutter/bin/flutter"
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/development1/flutter/.pub-cache/bin"
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/somya/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools

Setting up the web views

flutter channel master

flutter upgrade
flutter config --enable-web
flutter devices

To run commands as root

sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/destination

For setting up grpc on client side

Flutter pub global activate protoc_plugin

For adding Image picker package for iOS

-> need to add something in info.plist file..check official docs

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