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Commentary of the story.

 To begin with I'd like to say that the story is written by a famous American writer. . .
 The title of the story is . . .
 I think that it gives us an idea about the story . . .
 Reading the title we can understand that the story is about . . .
 The structure of the title is a letter, a word, a word combination. (The title is made up of a
word . . .)
The structure
1. Exposition/introduction (including setting and the means of creating local colour)
2. Inciting moment
3. Development of plot/rising action
4. Climax
5. Falling action
6. Resolution/Denouement
7. Epilogue (which includes additional facts about the future of the characters)
 The story presents first (third) person (narration).
 The main character(s) of the story is (are). . . .
 All parts of the story follow in their natural succession. The story begins with the exposition
where.... development of actions Climax and Denouement . . .
 Having read the story I came to the conclusion that the theme treated here is . . .
 The main idea of this story is . . .
 Reading the story I noticed that the author dwelt on such problems are . . .
 Speaking about the structure of the story I can say that it is written in the form of narration
intercepted with dialogue and description.
 The author used dialogue to show the readers the inner-world of the main characters.
 I think that the story has a closed (open) plot structure, because the author gives the ending
of the story (because the author lets his readers give their own ending).
 I conclusion I should like to say that the story impressed me deeply, because it treats an up-
to-date problem and it describes a true-to-life story.

The pilot

The text presents a story about . . .

The plot of the story is... very complicated/very simple/far-fetched/realistic/closely related to ...

The author offers a faithful/truthful/and amusing narrative.

The author introducea us into the atmosphere of. The plot goes like following...

The plot is set

The plot goes like this.

Let me summarise the narrative of the story briefly.

The central story is overlapped with several story-lines.

The author leads us to believe that..

The story is essentially about ..

Later in the story-we learn ..

As the story continues we witness ....

The point I'm trying make is that...

On closer inspection it becomes obvious/apparent that..

One of the book's most important scenes is the one in which...

We become aware of the picture created by the author.

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