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Story of

(alayhi salam)
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Prophet Isa (alayhi salam) was the
last messenger sent to the people
of Bani Israel. He was also the
last prophet before Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him). His
life was filled with miracles and
wonders. However, many people
refused to obey him.
He (alayhi salam) was given
many super powers by Allah.

Let us take a look at his life

and the lessons we can learn
The strength and imaan of
Maryam (alayhi salam)

Maryam (alayhi salam) was a devout

woman, who spent her days and
nights worshiping Allah. She was
extremely chaste and knowledgeable.
Once, her uncle Zakariya (alayhi
salam) visited her and was surprised
to see a huge table filled with a
variety of delicious foods spread in
front of her.
He (alayhi salam) asked her where
she got these amazing foods from.
Maraym (alayhi salam) replied that
Allah provided her with all this and
more. Zakariyah (alayhi salam) was
extremely surprised and couldn't
believe his eyes!
Be grateful
Just like Maryam (alayhi salam), we must always
put our trust in Allah and be thankful for
everything He has blessed us with.
Today, let us make an “Alhamdulillah” cloud.


and night
Food Day
Let us thank Allah for
the food He has given us
Match the following:
Match the following:
Match the following:
Match the following:
Match the following:
Match the following:
An angel visits
Maryam (alayhi salam)
One day, an angel greeted
Maryam (alayhi salam) and
told her that she would
soon have a baby.
Maryam (alayhi salam) was
shocked, but slowly learnt to
accept Allah’s plans. She was
asked to go to a far away place
until her baby was born. When it
was time for her to give birth,
she crawled underneath a date palm
tree and used it as a form of
support to ease her pain.Allah then
asked her to shake the date palm
tree and eat the dates that fell
down. This gave her the strength
needed to give birth to her child.
When her son Isa (alayhi salam) was
born, she carried him and went back
to her town.

remember to call
on to

He will always
help you.
Let us make a
palm tree today!
Take a piece of white paper. Apply
green paint on the sides of your palm
as shown in the picture. Place your
palm carefully on the paper to create
palm leaves. Once you’re done, paint
a bark with brown color and decorate
your very own palm tree garden!
facts abo
Fu n ut
1.Palm trees can live up to a
hundred years or more!

2.There are more than 2500

types of palm trees worldwide.

3. Palm trees have two

different types of leaves.
4.Palm trees provide
coconuts, dates, betel nuts
and acai fruits.

5.The tallest palm tree is

197 feet in height, and is
found in Columbia.
Do you know that Prophet Isa
(alayhi salam) does not have a
father? Yes! Allah is All Powerful
and Mighty. Allah can create
anything He (swt) wishes for! He
(swt) therefore, created Prophet
Isa (alayhi salam) without a
father. This was a miraculous
thing for people to witness.
When they saw Maryam (alayhi
salam) with a baby, they could
not believe their eyes. They
accused her of false things and
called her unchaste.
Allah is able to
do all things.
Therefore, if you need help with anything,
always remember to ask Allah by raising your
hands up in dua. He (swt) answers all our
duas and wishes.
Bismillah -
Your key to success
Cut and color these items. Hang them
with the help of a thread and attach
them to your “Bismillah key”.
Isa (alayhi salam) spoke
from his cradle

Maryam (alayhi salam) asked the

people of her town to talk to Isa
(alayhi salam) but they were
surprised. How could they talk
to a new born baby?

Have you seen a newborn

Well, Isa (alayhi salam) could speak
right from the time he was born! He
(alayhi salam) spoke to the people and
said that he (alayhi salam) was a
prophet of Allah!
Prophet Isa
(alayhi salam)’s miracles:
The people were shocked to see a
baby speak but they could not accept
his message. They refused to worship
Allah, except a few.

it h Allah’s permission,
he t Isa (alayhi salam) could
Prop :
Cure the blind and Heal the sick
restore their eyesight
Heal those
with leprosy
Bring a dead bird
back to life!
Prophet Isa
(alayhi salam)’s message
Just like every single prophet before
him, Prophet Isa (alayhi salam) came to
deliver the message of tawheed - to
worship Allah alone and no one else.
Although some people believed in his
message and worshiped Allah, others
were stubborn in their beliefs and
refused to accept Isa (alayhi salam).
Isa (alayhi salam) also said that Allah
will send a final Messenger named
Muhammad (peace be upon him) who
would spread the message of Islam.
Allah has blessed us with
the guidance of Islam.
When we are on the straight path, we can be
safe from Shaitan. Have you taken your time
out to remember Allah today and thank Him?
La ilaha
Qur’an illa Allah
‫َﻻ إِﻟَٰ َﻪ إِ ﱠﻻ ٱﻟﻠﱠٰ ُﻪ‬
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‫ٱﺳ ِﺘ ْﻐﻔَﺎر‬ ُ َ ‫ٱﻟﻠﱠٰ ُﻪ أَﻛ‬

of Allah swt
ْ when you
astagfirullah first woke up Allahu akbar
Prophet Isa
(alayhi salam)’s return
When some people tried to kill
Prophet Isa (alayhi salam), Allah
took him up to the heavens and
saved him from being killed. Isa
(alayhi salam) will descend before
the Day of Judgment and destroy
falsehood from the Earth.

Let us try our best to obey

Allah and follow Hi
commands in everything w
do inshaAllah. Amee e
If you would like to
learn about more such
stories of our prophets
check out

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