OSD Design

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Project Name:

Company Name: My Company


File No.:
Description: My Job Description Designer: My Name Checker:
Date: 25 February, 2022 Date:
Reference Calculation Output

1. Design Criteria

Design Manual = MSMA 2nd Edition

Method = Simplified Method
Type of OSD = Below Ground

2. Proposed Development
Figure Location = Negeri Sembilan - Seremban
5.A1 Region = Region 1 - West Coast
Project Area = 5.000 ha
Impervious Area = 3.750 ha
Pervious Area = 1.250 ha
Percentage of Impervious Area = 75.00%
Terrain = Mild

3. Permissible Site Discharge (PSD)

Table Permissible Site Discharge (PSD)/ha = 78.70 l/s/ha
5A1 For area of 5.000 ha, PSD = 5.000 x 78.70 = 393.50 l/s

Table Permissible Site Discharge (PSD)/ha = 40.90 l/s/ha

5A2 For area of 5.000 ha, PSD = 5.000 x 40.90 = 204.50 l/s

Permissible Site Discharge (PSD) = 204.50 l/s

(whichever is smaller from Table 5A1 and 5A2)

4. Site Storage Requirement (SSR)

Table Site Storage Requirement (SSR)/ha = 448.50 m3/ha
5A1 For area of 5.000 ha, SSR = 5.000 x 448.50 = 2242.50 m3

Table Site Storage Requirement (SSR)/ha = 343.20 m3/ha

5A2 For area of 5.000 ha, SSR = 5.000 x 343.20 = 1716.00 m3

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Site Storage Requirement (SSR) = 2242.50 m3
(whichever is larger from Table 5A1 and 5A2)

5. OSD Tank Sizing

The required storage is 2242.50 m3

The dimension for the proposed below-ground storage tank:

V = Length × Width × Depth

= 211.00 × 12.00 × 1.00
= 2532.00 m3

Item Length (m) Width (m) Depth (m) Vol. (m³)

OSD 211.0 12.0 1.0 2532.0

6. Inlet & Outlet Sizing

Primary Outlet

Primary outlet discharge should not exceed the lesser PSD flow.

Table Oulet pipe diameter = 492 mm


Table PSD = 204.5001/s = 0.205 m3/s

5A4 Outlet pipe diameter = 457 mm

Required Outlet Pipe diameter = 457 mm

(whichever smaller from Table 5.A3 and Table 5.A4)

Provide 1 nos. 150 mm diameter pipe 1 Nos. 150 mm

Ao = No. of Orifice × π × (D/2)2
= 1 × π × (0.150/2)2
= 0.01767m2

Ho = Depth - Diameter/2 - H
Ho = 1.00 - 0.150/2 - 0.000
Ho = 0.925 m

Q = CdAo(2gHo)0.5 46.675/s <

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= 0.62 × 0.018(2 × 9.81 × 0.9250)0.5 393.500/s
= 0.047m3/s OK
= 46.68l/s

Secondary Outlet
Table Required overflow pipe diameter = 944 mm
Ao = π × (D/2)2
= π × (0.944/2)2
= 0.700 m2

Provide 1 nos. 944 mm diameter pipe 1 Nos. 944 mm

Ao = No. of Orifice × π × (D/2)2
= 1 × π × (0.944/2)2
= 0.69990m2

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