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Calvin Keith Yadao BSN 2F

For me the greater impact on person’s growth and development is the Environmental
Factors.It’s affect a lot to physical and mental health. The environment plays a critical role in
the development of children and it represents the sum total of physical and psychological
stimulation the child receives. Some of the environmental factors influencing early childhood
development involve the physical surroundings and geographical conditions of the place the
child lives in, as well his social environment and relationships with family and peers. It is easy to
understand that a well-nurtured child does better than a deprived one; the environment
children are constantly immersed in contributes to this. A good school and a loving family builds
in children strong social and interpersonal skills, which will enable them to excel in other areas
such as academics and extra curicullar activities.When a child growing you notice that his or her
physical change.External environment ,nutrition is why that the an children grow it can affect
on what he/she eat that came in our environment.Pre natal environment can significally affect
the development of the child .Most everything the mother ingests,including food,liquid,and
even medication ,travels through the placenta to the fetus anything the ,mother is exposed to
in the environment affects the fetus and it can affect growth and development. After birth,
the environment may insert either a positive or negative effect on growth. In underdeveloped
countries, malnutrition plays a major role in inhibiting the growth process. Children from
families of higher socioeconomic classes are taller than their coevals in the lower
socioeconomic groups.
An evidence-based that support my argument about Environmental Factor that the
greater the impact on person’s growth and development is an child to be an more nerish and
more healthy about on it’s internal and external environment when growing affecting on it’s
health.According to my knowledge it’s have more affect more than Genetic Factors because
genetic factors is all about our body and environment factor it can have pre natal environment
can process inside the body and that can be on the internal environment and external
environment can be activities that can be do by the child whe he/she growing.Whenever if it is
Environmental Factor or Genetic Factors it is both important.

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