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I’m about to give you a presentation of the tiger, a feline in danger.

So, we all know that the tiger is famous for being scary and respected by other animals but what
we’re not aware of is that it could have disappeared in the 20th century if scientist didn’t warn the

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is one of the first independent organisation to protect the
environnement in the world. In 1969, less than 2,000 in India. At the end of the 19th century, around
100,000 tigers roamed the forests of Asia. Today, only 3,890 tigers still live there, with the largest
numbers in India.

Easily recognized by its red fur with black stripes, the tiger Panthera tigris is the largest wild feline
and one of the largest land carnivores. It weighs from 100 to 300 kilograms depending on the
This predator mainly hunts deer and wild boar, it can even attack larger prey such as buffalo.
Competing with the lion for the status of "king of animals" in traditional culture, the tiger is an
emblematic figure representing ferocity.

The fascination of the tiger has made it one of the most poached species on the planet. Tigers are
hunted because of their skins but also for different parts of their bodies, which are supposed to cure
various pathologies in traditional Chinese medicine, felines are victims of international trafficking,
carried out by powerful mafias.
Tiger hunting has long been the primary cause of tiger extinction. Now banned in all the countries
where the tiger lives, poaching, the cultivation of land and the scarcity of its wild prey are now the
main causes of its decline.
The tiger has lost 93% of its geographical area. Habitat destruction and prey loss are two other main
threats to the tiger's long-term survival in the wild.
Humans and tigers are increasingly competing for space and food. This competition is leading to
conflicts that not only threaten the remaining wild tigers but also pose a significant problem for
human communities living near the big feline’s habitat.

Since 2010, World Wildlife Fund and the governments of the 13 tiger range countries have been
working to double the wild tiger population, with the aim of reaching 6,000 animals by 2022.
Their long-term strategy is to close, both within and outside the borders of these countries, conserve
tiger habitats and to make the tiger a policy priority.

For instance, here is a young tiger rescued from traffickers and examined by vets, Chaiyaphum
In addition to poaching, tigers are also captured alive and trafficked internationally. A world wildlife
funds study highlighted a trade route used by traffickers from Thailand through Laos to Vietnam,
three countries where the number of tiger farms has increased.

World Wildlife Fund has been actively involved in tiger conservation and carries out field projects
to effectively combat the pressures on this endangered species.
Nowadays, we can’t say if they will be or not tigers in 50 years.

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