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Skills Report

for Bhavanraj Kalsi on 05/12/2022

Here's what you answered:
STEP Are you able to speak clearly to someone you know?
0 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak clearly to small groups of people you know?
1 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak clearly to individuals and small groups you do not know?
2 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak effectively by making points in a logical order?
3 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak effectively by thinking about what your listeners already know?
4 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak effectively by using appropriate language?

5 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak effectively by using appropriate tone, expression and gesture?
6 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak engagingly by using facts and examples to support your points?
7 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak engagingly by using visual aids to support your points?
8 Often

STEP Are you able to speak engagingly by using tone, expression and gesture to engage listeners?
9 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak adaptively by changing your language, tone and expression depending on the response of listeners?
10 Often

STEP Are you able to speak adaptively by planning for different possible responses of listeners?
11 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak adaptively by changing your content depending on the response of listeners?
12 Often

STEP Are you able to speak influentially by changing the structure of your points to best persuade the listeners?
13 Almost Always

STEP Are you able to speak influentially by changing the examples and facts you use to best persuade the listeners?
14 Often

STEP Are you able to speak influentially by articulating a compelling vision that persuades the listeners?
15 Almost Always

Bhavanraj Kalsi - 05/12/2022


14 / 15

Your Skill Score shows your overall skill mastery, by adding up Almost Never Rarely Sometimes Often Almost Always
mastery of each of the steps: +0 +0.25 +0.5 +0.75 +1


STEP 11 I speak adaptively by planning for different possible responses of listeners

I speak influentially by changing the structure of my points to best persuade the


STEP 15 I speak influentially by articulating a compelling vision that persuades the listeners


STEP 8 I speak engagingly by using visual aids to support my points

I speak adaptively by changing my language, tone and expression depending on the

response of listeners

STEP 12 I speak adaptively by changing my content depending on the response of listeners

Bhavanraj Kalsi - 05/12/2022

We recommend starting with
Step 8 of Speaking
I speak engagingly by using visual aids to support my points

Build Step 8 with online Skills Builder Launchpad: online, interactive modules to build
each step from the Universal Framework.
To access Launchpad, go to:

Build Step 8 of Speaking

Learn the building blocks of Discover the building blocks of each Universal Framework
skill step, and get practical advice on how to apply skills in
Step 8
your work and wider life.

Visit Speaking Step 8 - Universal Framework

Apply Step 8 today Here’s a suggested activity to help you apply this step in
your day to day life.

Use a new type of visual aid

Identify two visual aids which you have not used before, for example a
PowerPoint or graph and learn how to create the visual aid. Ask someone to
teach you or use the guidance available online on how to use popular tools for
presentation programs.

Bhavanraj Kalsi - 05/12/2022

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