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CLEd Q2 - Out of love, He consented to His

baptism of death for the remission of

Baptism of Jesus – Jesus began His public
our sins.
ministry by being baptized by John the
Baptist. Why did Jesus wait for 30 years to begin his
public ministry?
Matthew’s account relates the occurrence
of three phenomena - Jesus might have been waiting for
this most opportune moment to
1. The Opening of Heavens – signifies
begin his public ministry.
that God had come to visit His
people. It symbolizes God's Points to Ponder:
intervention in human affairs
- The baptism of Jesus revealed both
through His Son, Jesus Christ.
who He was and what His mission
2. The Descent of the Dove –
was. His baptism showed that He was
represents the coming of the Holy
called to accomplish His Father's
Spirit. It signifies God's Spirit resting
saving work through the power of
on Jesus and anointing Him with the
the Holy Spirit with which he was
extraordinary power He needed for
His public ministry.
3. The Proclamation of the Voice from
Heaven – it is God the Father
affirmation of Jesus as His own
beloved Son, the Messiah who would
save all the people from sin.
Why did Jesus, the sinless Son of God,
receive the "baptism of repentance" meant
for sinners?
- To identify himself with his people,
who, as a result of John's preaching,
for the first time in Jewish history
became aware of their sins and of • At Jesus’ baptism, He was
their need for repentance. He anointed for His mission.
allowed himself to be numbered Similarly, we were empowered to
among sinners. take up Christ’s mission during
- Jesus’ baptism by John was the our baptism.
acceptance and the beginning of his • Baptism marks the personal
mission as God’s suffering Servant. identification with Christ. No
- Jesus submitted himself entirely to other sacrament can be received
his Father’s will. without it.
Ways to keep the light of Christ alive in your
life as baptized Christians:
- Establish your prayer routine
- Schedule a retreat
- Join a bible study
- Find ways to better connect your
faith with your work, home life and
activities; all work and activities
matter to god, so approach it with
love and treat others with dignity • When the devil had finished all this
- Take part in a parish social ministry tempting, he left him until an
- Attend a mass during the week opportune time
- Sign up for an hour of adoration • Jesus was tempted to misuse His
- Read a book about a saint power (To satisfy himself, to
promote himself, to assure himself)

What is Temptation? Points to Ponder:

- The desire to do something, - Ordinary people can overcome

especially something wrong or temptation. Some say Jesus can
unwise. resist temptation because He is God-
- The act of tempting or the state of made man. While we are not God, we
being tempted especially to evil. can resist temptation because of
- We define temptation based on the God's grace dwelling in each of us -
Bible as anything that influences you the Holy Spirit.
to disobey God.
Temptation of Jesus – Jesus was anointed The Call of the First Disciples
for His mission of salvation at His baptism.
But because He was truly human, Jesus had - Jesus' Apostles were ordinary men
to face situations involving serious with little of what the world deems
temptations. necessary for success, such as
education, wealth and social
Matthew 4:1 “Jesus was led by the Spirit into standing.
the desert to be tempted by the devil.” - The First 3 Apostles were Simon
- In the history of the Jews, the desert (Peter), Andrew, and John.
was a place both for testing and The Relationship between Jesus and His
receiving great favors. Apostles
- A place where decisions were made
on the basis of life and death. - The call of the Apostles Is part of
God's saving plan and a mystery.
- It was customary for a rabbi or a Kingdom of God
teacher to have followers as his
- The central image of Jesus' message
as proclaimed in the synoptic
- Jesus was like a rabbi to the 12
apostles, but their relationship
- It is the heart of the Gospels'
differed from the usual rabbi-student
presentation of Jesus mission and
relationship in the following ways.
- It was Jesus who called His disciples.
- Jesus' mission was to establish God's
"It was not you who chose me, but I
Kingdom - as God's Plan of Salvation,
who chose you."
God's Enterprise, God's Presence,
- Jesus called His Apostles to a lasting
the Good News or the Kingdom of
personal relationship with Him. He
said to Levi "Follow me, I have called
you friends".
- The disciples were called not only for
their benefit. Jesus called the 12, so
they can "go and bear fruit".
- The apostles were called to work for
the Kingdom that Jesus has started.
- Fishermen to Fishers of Men

The Apostles were a major part of Jesus’ Old Testament – it is apparent that the
ministry Israelites understood the Kingdom of God as
a political state or a specific territory where
- Jesus sent them on a mission to
God is King and God would usually send
proclaim the Good News of the
leaders, prophets and judges to have
Kingdom of God.
someone guide the people.
- He empowered them to teach, heal
and cast out evil. Jesus Unique Vision of the Kingdom
- The Apostles realized their full
- Jesus announced that the kingdom
mission only after Jesus'
was present in His person.
Resurrection when they received the
- Jesus’ miracles revealed that God’s
Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day.
Kingdom is a condition in which God
- By our Baptism, we have been
is Lord of all.
incorporated into Christ. Hence, we
- It is a condition, therefore, of order,
are called to be His disciple and
friend. We have been given the peace and wholeness in people as
well as the environment.
perfect norm and model for living our
life, Christ.
Parable – a simple story used to illustrate a - God's kingdom is a banquet, a table
moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in fellowship, a joyful communion with
the Gospels. the Lord and with one's fellow
human beings.
• Parable of the Mustard Seed
- Our role is to acknowledge the gift
- Jesus compared the kingdom of God
and respond to it actively.
to a mustard seed (small).
- We are called to search for God's
- If you have faith the size of a mustard
Kingdom to work for its coming, and
seed, nothing will be impossible for
to celebrate its presence here and
- If the seed if given enough care, soil,
water and nourishment it grows into
a big tree.
• We pray to have a change of mind
- We can spread the word of God by
and heart (Conversion), to become
simply being nice
selfless, to exercise virtues of the
- Jesus is referring to our good deeds
Kingdom of God and seek justice, and
here on earth.
to use our talents for the Kingdom.
- Small acts of kindness may look
simply, but is a big contribution to The Kingdom of God is already here, but not
the kingdom of God, and a big impact yet fully
on other people.
- The kingdom of God is present in
human history and society. It is
determined by Christ's norms, as
• Parable of the Pearl of the Great
distinct from society and the world.
- The Church represents the coming of
- He sold everything to buy the Pearl.
the Kingdom and the Kingdom in
- Jesus compared the kingdom of God
- process.
to that Pearl.
- Complete her earthly task of
- If we are able to find out the real
preaching and teaching, celebrating
meaning of the Kingdom of God
the sacraments and governing and
everything, we have here on earth
leading God's people.
that is not important will be
- Conversion is needed to make the
kingdom a reality in our lives and
- It is important how we live our life
here on earth.
- Confirmation strengthens the gift of
the Holy Spirit within us,
empowering us to become witnesses
The Kingdom of God is a gift as well as a task
and proclaimers of the Kingdom of
- God's kingdom is the gift of salvation. God.
It is the offer of pardon to sinners.
Miracles and Parables – the appeal of stories - The Unforgiving Servant (Mt 18:23-
to people is universal and true for all. This is 35) and The Good Samaritan (Lk
why, the Gospels contain many stories such 10:29-37)
as parables and miracle accounts. 4. Parables that refer to the future
coming of the Kingdom
Searching for the good news in the parables
- The Wedding Feast (Mt 22:1-14) The
- A parable is a comparison drawn Weeds among the Wheat (Mt. 13:24-
from nature (like the mustard seed) 30)
or human life (like the marriage
feast) told us a story to embody or
evoke some moral or religious • God’s loving mercy is at the heart of
insight. the Good News
- Jesus parables are one of kind - Jesus reveals that God is Abba, an
because of the twist He gave them. Aramaic word and term of
- The parables invite a response from endearment for “Father”.
readers. When we study the parables - God loves us with His infinite,
of Jesus seriously and reflect on them unconditional and forgiving love.
deeply, we often come to a • Everyone is called to enter the
revelation of God's mysterious Kingdom
Kingdom. - It tells us that the Kingdom is a gift to
- Parables are short simple stories the people of all nation. However,
about everyday life that convey a the Kingdom requires a response
moral truth or religious principle. from each of us.
• The Kingdom demands our
Types of Parables
repentance and persevering
1. Parables that describe the King/ God response
- His nature, His qualities and His - “Repent and believe in the Gospel”
attitudes in dealing with people. The The Parables challenge us to change
Lost Sheep (Lk 15:4-7), The Lost Coin our old ways and to be selfless.
(Lk 15:8-10) , The Lost Son (Lk 15:11- • Rejoice and be hopeful
32) - Jesus reveals to us God’s goodness,
2. Parables that emphasize the kind of generosity forgiveness, love and
response needed to enter the offer of salvation.
- The Pharisee and the Tax Collector Miracles as sign of the Kingdom of God
(Lk18:9-14) The Talents (Mt 13:24- - The miracles that Jesus performed
30) can be seen as signs of the Kingdom
3. Parables that deal with our of God in Action.
relationship with other people
- Jesus' miracles were manifestations
of his power over all creation (nature
miracles), sickness (healing miracles),
evil (exorcism) and death
(restoration of life).

Immaculate Concepcion
“ the first instance of her conception, by
a singular privilege and grace granted by
God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the
Savior of the human race, was preserved
exempt from all stain of original sin...”
Healing – was an integral part of Jesus' Ineffabilis Deus by Pope Pius IX.
proclamation of the Good News. - Mary was preserved exempt from all
Miracles as Revelations of Jesus' Identity stain of original sin at the first
moment of her conception in the
- Jesus performed signs that showed womb of her mother, St. Anne.
that He is, indeed, the Messiah the
Incarnate Son of God. “ the first instance of her conception, by
- Jesus' mission rather was to free us a singular privilege and grace granted by
sin-the greatest slavery of all. God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the
Savior of the human race, was preserved
The different Miracles of Jesus exempt from all stain of original sin...”
1. Jesus performs healing Miracles Ineffabilis Deus by Pope Pius IX.
- He relieved the physical sufferings - It was God Who willed Mary to be
and illnesses of people. conceived immaculately and not by
2. Jesus performs nature Miracles her own efforts alone.
- He has control over the forces of
nature. “ the first instance of her conception, by
3. Jesus performs exorcisms a singular privilege and grace granted by
- He drove out evil spirits. God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ,
4. Jesus restores life the Savior of the human race, was preserved
- He brought those who had died back exempt from all stain of original sin...”
to life. Ineffabilis Deus by Pope Pius IX.
- The immunity from original sin was Hence, Sunday must be considered the
given to Mary by a singular primordial feast day.
exemption from a universal law
Solemnities – are counted among the most
through the same merits of Christ, by
important days, whose celebration begins
which other men are cleansed from
with First Vespers (Evening Prayer I) on the
sin by baptism.
preceding day. Some Solemnities are also
“ the first instance of her conception, by endowed with their own Vigil Mass, which is
a singular privilege and grace granted by to be used on the evening of the preceding
God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the day, if an evening Mass is celebrated. The
Savior of the human race, was preserved celebration of the two greatest Solemnities,
exempt from all stain of original sin...” Easter and the Nativity, is extended over
Ineffabilis Deus by Pope Pius IX. eight days. Each Octave is governed by its
own rules.
- The formal active essence of original
sin was not removed from her soul, Feasts – are celebrated within the limits of
as it is removed from others by the natural day; accordingly, they have no
baptism; it was excluded, it never First Vespers (Evening Prayer I), except in the
was in her soul. Simultaneously with case of Feasts of the Lord that fall on a
the exclusion of sin. Sunday in Ordinary Time or in Christmas
• The apparition of Mary in Lourdes, Time and which replace the Sunday Office.
France, known as the Our Lady of
Memorial – are either obligatory or optional;
Lourdes affirms the dogma of the
their observance is integrated into the
Immaculate Conception.
celebration of the occurring weekday in
• Mary appeared 18 times on Lourdes,
accordance with the norms set forth in the
France, on February 11, 1858 to April
General Instruction of the Roman Missal and
1858 to Bernadette Soubirous.
of the Liturgy of the Hours. Obligatory
• Our Lady called herself “I am the
Memorials which fall on weekdays of Lent
Immaculate Conception”.
may only be celebrated as Optional
• Our Lady of Lourdes authenticated Memorials. If several Optional Memorials
the Dogma which was proclaimed on are inscribed in the Calendar on the same
December 08, 1854, 4 years before day, only one may be celebrated, the others
Mary appeared in Lourdes, France. being omitted. On Saturdays in Ordinary
Liturgical Time Time when no Obligatory Memorial occurs,
an Optional Memorial of the Blessed Virgin
Sunday – on the first day of each week, Mary may be celebrated.
which is known as the Day of the Lord or the
Lord’s Day, the Church, by an apostolic Liturgical Year
tradition that draws its origin from the very - The Church unfolds the whole
day of the Resurrection of Christ, celebrates mystery of Christ.
the Paschal Mystery.
- Recalls the mysteries of Redemption Easter Season
that opens the Lord’s powers and
- Celebration of Christ’s Resurrection.
merits, that it may be made present
- Octave of Easter.
and be filled with saving grace.
- 50days of Celebration.
Advent Season - Starts on Easter Sunday to Pentecost
- A period of devout and expectant
delight. Ordinary Time
- Celebration of the First Coming of
- The fullness of Christ’s mystery is
honored here.
- Looking forward to the Second
- 34 weeks and color green.
- Two parts: after Christmas and
- Characterized by four weeks, color
before Ash Wednesday and after
violet and omission of the Gloria.
Pentecost until Christ the King.
Christmas Season
What is a Liturgical Calendar?
- Celebration of the First Coming of
- The Liturgical Calendar begins every
year during the month of November
- Octave of Christmas.
on the First Sunday of Advent and
- Color White.
runs through to the Solemnity of
- Starts on December 25 and ends on
Christ the King.
the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus.
- The "Lectionary," the Mass readings
Lenten Season from the Holy Bible, follows a Sunday
cycle and a weekday cycle. The
- Preparation for the Easter Season.
Liturgical Calendar follows a three-
- 40 Days of Discipline.
year cycle, each year being
- Fasting, Abstinence, Almsgiving and
represented by the letters, A, B, and
C. During the year A cycle, the Gospel
- Color Violet.
of Matthew is the primary Gospel
- Gloria and Alleluia are not sung.
that is used for the readings. In year
- Starts on Ash Wednesday and ends
B, Mark is the primary Gospel. In year
on Holy Thursday morning.
C, Luke is the primary Gospel. The
Paschal Triduum Gospel of John is proclaimed on
particular Sundays in each of the
- Celebration of the Passion, Death
and Resurrection of Jesus.
- During the year, in addition to the
- Starts on Holy Thursday Evening on
Sunday worship, the Church also
the Mass of the Lord’s Supper and
celebrates Solemnities, Feasts, and
ends on Easter Sunday.
Memorials, which may be on any day
of the week.
These occur during the year to
commemorate special events or
persons that are highly revered by
the Catholic Church.
Filipino Q2 Haiku
Mundong sang kulay
Araw na mulat Nag-iisa sa lamig
Sa may gintong palayan Huni ng hangin
Ngayong taglagas - Ang mababasa mong haiku ay isinulat
ni Matsuo Basho ang tinaguriang
Di ko alam kung kelan
“master ng haiku”.
Puso ay titigil na
Ngayong talagas
- Ang tankang iyong mababasa ay
'Di mapigil pagtanda
isinulat ni Empress Iwa no Hime, na
siyang Empress-consort of the 16th Ibong lumipad
Sovereign, Emperor Nintokui.
- Isinulat ni Basho ang susunod na
Sinasabing ang tula ay isinulat ng
haiku sa kalagitnaan ng paglalakbay
empress dahil sa kabiguan niyang
sa Osaka. Sa panahong ito ay unti-
masolo ang pag-ibig ng emperor.
unti na siyang nanghihina.
Lakbay ng hirap
Sa Murasaki
Pangarap na maglayag
Ang bukid ng palasyo
Tuyong lupain
Pag pumunta ka
- Ito ang huling haikung isinulat ni
Wag ka sanang makita Basho sa banig ng kamatayan. Alam
na niyang malubha na ang kanyang
Na kumakatay sa 'kin
karamdaman ngunit ang pagsulat pa
- Ang susunod na tanka ay isinulat rin ang kanyang naging sandigan.
noong ikapitong siglo ni Princess
Nukata. Isinulat niya ito noong
dumalo siya ng ceremonial gathering Tanka at Haiku – Sa bansang Hapon,
of the herbs noong Mayo 5, 668 na tinitipon ang mga tulang isinulat ng mga
morganisa ni Emperor Tenji. Isa si kilalang tao mula pa noong ika-8 siglo
Princess Nukata sa mga consort ng hanggang sa kasalukuyan. Isang koleksiyon
naturang emperor. Ngunit ang ng mga sinaunang tula ang Manyoshu, na
tankang iyong mababasa ay inalay ng ang ibig sabihin sa wikang Ingles ay "A
prinsesa sa kanyang dating asawa na Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves".
si Prince Oama.
Manyoshu – naglalaman ng 4,500 tula,
siyamnapung bahagdan ng mga tulang ito ay
Tanka – maigsing tula na may 31 pantig, Ponemang Suprasegmental – ay nakatuon
nahahati ito sa 5 taludtod na may sukat na 5- sa diin (stress), tono o intonasyon (pitch), at
7-5-7-7. hinto o antala (juncture).
Haiku – maigsing tula na nagmula rin sa 1. Diin – ang bigat ng pagbigkas ng
bansang Hapon. Ito ay may 3 taludtod na pantig na maaaring makapag-iba sa
may sukat na 5-7-5. Kadalasan ang tema ng kahulugan ng mga salita maging ang
haiku ay tungkol sa kalikasan. mga ito man ay magkapareho ng
Kiru – wikang Ingles ay “cutting”.
• BUhay –bigkas malumay at may diin
Kireji – salitang pahihintuan o cutting word. sa unang pantig (life)
Kadalasang matatagpuan sa dulo ng isa sa • buHAY – bigkas mabilis at may diin sa
huling tatlong parirala ng bawat berso. ikalawang pantig (alive)
2. Tono o intonasyon – tumutukoy sa
1. Tulang Liriko o Pandamdamin – Sa
pagtaas o pagbaba ng tinig sa
uring ito itinatampok ng makata ang
pagbigkas ng pantig ng isang salita,
kanyang sariling damdamin o
parirala, o pangungusap upang higit
saloobin. Ito ang itinuturing na
na maging malinaw ang pagsasalita
pinakamatandang uri ng tulang
at nang magkaunawaan ang nag-
isinusulat ng mga makata sa buong
uusap. Ang pagbigkas ng salita ay
daigdig. Ito ay puno ng damdamin at
mai- hahalintulad sa musika, may
madalas ding gamiting titik ng mga
tono o intonasyon-may bahaging
awitin. Ang pagkakaugnayan ng
katamtaman, at mataas. Maaaring
tulang liriko at musikang sinasaliwan
makapagpahayag ng iba't ibang
ng instrumentong tinatawag na lira
damdamin o makapagbigay ng
ang siyang dahilan kung bakit ito
bagong kahulugan ang pagbabago ng
nakilala sa taguring tulang liriko. Ito
tono o intonasyon.
rin ang dahilan kung bakit ngayon
• Nagpapahayag: Madali lang ito.
malimit pumapasok sa ating isipan na
ang liriko ay alinman sa dalawa: • Nagtatanong: Madali lang ito?
tulang talagang kakantahin o kaya'y • Nagbubunyi: Madali lang ito!
tulang may katangiang awit. 3. Hinto o antala – tumutukoy sa saglit
2. Tulang Pasalaysay – Ang uri ng na pagtigil ng pagsasalita upang higit
tulang ito ay naglalahad ng mga na maging malinaw ang mensaheng
tagpo o pangyayari sa pamamagitan ipinahahayag. May hinto bago
ng mga taludtod. magsimula ang isang pangungusap at
3. Tulang Dula – Ito ay mga tulang may hinto rin pagkatapos nito May
isinasadula sa mga entablado iba hinto rin sa loob ng pangungusap
pang tanghalan. kung may kailangang ihiwalay na mga
ideya upang higit na maunawaan ang
nais nitong ipahayag. Kuwit (,) ang
ginagamit sa hinto.
• Hindi siya si Kessa. (Nasa dulo ang - Pag dating ng panahon, hindi niya
hinto at nagsasaad na hindi si Kessa baliktad ang utos ngina. At
ang pinag-uusapan.) malungkot niyang pinanood ang
• Hindi, siya si Kessa. (Ipinahahayag ng pagkaanod ng libingan ng kaniyang
hinto pagkatapos ng "hindi" na si ina. Magmula noon, ang mga palaka
Kessa ang pinag-uusapan.) ay nag-iingay tuwing umuulan.
• Hindi siya, si Kessa. (Ipinahihiwatig ng Alam mo ba?
hinto pagkatapos ng "siya" na hindi
ibang tao ang nasa isip kundi si Kessa. - Ang bansang Korea ay isa sa mga
bansang matatagpuan sa Silangang
Asya. Ito ay dating tinawag na
Ang mag-inang Palakang Puno "Chosen" na ang ibig sabihin ay
"Lupain ng Mapayapang Umaga." Sa
- May mag-inang punong palakang kasalukuyan ay nahahati sa dalawa
naninirahan sa isangmalaking sapa. ang Korea; ang Hilagang Korea at ang
Ang anak na palaka ay pilyo. Timog Korea kung saan magkaibang
Kadalasansiyang sumasalungat sa ideolohiya at sistema ng pamahalaan
kaniyang ina. Araw-araw ayhindi ang umiiral sa dalawang bansa.
nawawalan na pag-asa ang ina na Gayumpaman, masasabing ang
mapabuti ang kanyang anak na kanilang kultura at paniniwala ay
palaka. Lagi niya itong hindi nagkakalayo. Ang mga bansang
pinagsasabihanngunit patuloy pa din ito ay kapwa nagpapahalaga sa
ito sa pagsuway sa kanya. pamilya kung saan ang kapakanan ng
- Mayroong pagkakataon nang turuan bawat kasapi ng mag-anak ang
ng inang palakaang kaniyang anak na pinakamahalaga higit sa ano pa mang
mag "kokak," binaliktad ito nganak mga bagay. Malalaman din sa
na palaka at ginawang "kakok." At pagtatapos ng pabula ang dahilan
nagalit nanamanang inang palaka sa kung bakit sa bansang Korea, ang
pasaway na anak. mga batang hindi sumusunod sa
- Dahil sa pag-aalala sa kanyang anak kanilang magulang ay tinatawag na
ang palakang ina ay nagkasakit. "Cheong Kaeguli" o palakang puno.
Ngunit sa kabila ng kanyang
pagkakasakitang batang palaka ay
pinagpatuloy ang kaniyang pagiging
Mga Paraan ng Pagpapahayag ng Emosyon
o Damdamin
- Nang sabihan ang kaniyang anak na
kung mamamataysiya, sa sapa siya 1. Mga pangungusap na padamdam –
ilibing at hindi sa bundok. Ito pangungusap na nagpapahayag ng
angkaniyang binilan sapagkat alam matinding damdamin o emosyon.
niyang kabaligtaran ng bilin niya ang Ginagamitan ito ng bantas na
gagawin ng anak. tandang padamdam (!).
2. Maiikling sambitla – sambitlang - ABC, Ang karaniwang katawagan sa
iisahin o dadalawahing pantig na mga tulad kong may magulang na
nagpapahayag ng matinding Tsino subalit ipinanganak at lumaki
damdamin. rito sa America. American-Chinses
3. Mga pangungusap na nagsasaad ng ang tawag sa akin ng nakararami.
tiyak na damdamin o emosyon ng Ipinanganak at lumaki ako rito sa Los
isang tao – mga pangungusap na may Angeles, California subalit parehong
anyong pasalaysay kaya't Tsino mula sa Beijing, China ang aking
mahihinuhang hindi gaanong matindi magulang.
ang damdaming ipinahahayag subalit - Dinadala ni Jia Li ang kanyang Wai Po
maaari din itong maging sa mga Football games at
pangungusap na padamdam na nagkwekwentuhan lang sila at
nagsasaad naman ng matinding pagkatapos ng game ay kumakain sila
damdamin. ng hotdog, hamburger at ibat ibang
a. Kasiyahan: Natutuwa ako sa pagkaing amerikano.
pagdating ng binatang sumalba sa - Sinabi ng kaibigan ni Jia Li na si Lian
aking buhay. na “We have the best of both worlds”
b. Pagtataka: Bakit hindi siya - Dahil rin sa kultura ng Tsino,
nagsasawang tumulong sa iba? maraming kababaihan sa Tsina ang ni
c. Pagkalungkot: Ikinalulungkot ko ang hindi nakapipili ng kanilang
ginawa ng mabangis na tigre. mapapangasawa dahil ang magulang
d. Pagkagalit: Galit ako sa ang pumipili at nakikipagsundo sa
pagmamalupit ng tao sa mahihina. mapapangasawa ng kanilang anak na
e. Pagsang-ayon: Tunay ngang babae.
nakabubuti ang pagsasama-sama. - Kailangan niya ring sumunod sa
f. Pagpapasalamat: Salamat sa iyong tatlong utos: unang pag sunod ay
pagdating. nagsasaad na Kapag siya’y bata pa,
kailangan niyang sumunod sa
magulang; ang ikalawang pagsunod
4. Mga pangungusap na ay nagsasaad na kapag siya’y may-
nagpapahiwatig ng damdamin sa asawa na ay dapat siyang sumunod
hindi diretsahang paraan – sa kanyang asawa at ang ikatlong
halimbawa ay, Nakalulungkot isiping pagsunod ay nagsasaad na kapag
ang tauhan ay sumakabilang buhay siya’y nabalo na ay kailangan niyang
na. (Kahulugan: pumanaw). sumunod sa kanyang anak na lalaki.
- Maraming Tsino ang sumusunod sa
mga feng shui dahil ito raw ay gabay
Ako si Jia Li, Isang ABC para maisaayos ang pamumuhay
nang naaayon sa limang elemento ng
ABC – American Born Chinese.
kalikasan ang kahoy, apoy, lupa,
metal, at tubig.
Makatutulong daw ito sa Hashnu, Ang Manlililok ng Bato
pagpapanatili ng mabuting
- May isang manlililok ng bato sa isang
kalusugan, kaligayahan, at kaayusan
lalawigan sa Jiangsu sa Bayan ng
sa buhay.
Nanjing sa Tsina. Ang kanyang
- Hindi dapat itusok nang patayo sa
pangalan ay Hashnu. Siya ay nag-
gitna ng kanin ang aking mga
uukit ng bato araw-araw sa ilalim ng
chopstick dahil ito raw ay
matinding sikat ng araw. Hanggang
nangangahulugan ng kamatayan.
sa dumating ang isang araw na
- Sabay-sabay kumakain sa pabilog na
habang nag-uukit si Hashnu,
mesa. Sa kaugalian namin ay dapat
nabanggit niya na sana ay mabuhay
una munang pauupuin ang mga
na lamang ang tao na hindi
nakatatanda at mga bisita (kung
nahihirapang magtrabaho. Tila isang
mayroon) bilang pagpapakita ng
himala ang naganap.
paggalang, kasunod ang pinakabata
- Biglang pumasok sa isip niya na gusto
tulad ni Sheng, tapos, kami naman.
niyang maging Hari. Agad naman
- Kapag may ipinagdiriwang na
siyang nakarinig ng tinig na
espesyal na okasyon tulad ng Chinese
nagsasabing "Magiging Hari Ka."
New Year, kasalan, graduation,
Bigla ngang naging Hari si Hashnu.
kaarawan, o kapag may bisita kami ay
Naglakad siya ng may yabang habang
nagiging abalá ang lahat sa
ang mga utusan niya'y nakasunod sa
paghahanda ng mula sampu
kanya. Habang naglalakad, hindi na
hanggang labindalawang putahe.
niya napigilan ang pagod dahil sa
Paggamit ng angkop na mga pahayag sa bigat at init ng kanyang kasuotan.
pagbibigay ng sariling Opinyon/ pananaw - Bigla naman niyang naisip ang araw
na nagbibigay ng init at liwanag sa
- Sa aking palagay...
mundo. Ginusto niya naman ngayon
- Sa tingin ko ay...
na maging araw at katulad ng
- Para sa akin...
nangyari, agad itong natupad. Ngunit
- Kung ako ang tatanungin...
hindi rin niya natagalan ang maging
- Ang paniniwala ko ay...
isang araw dahil nagbigay rin siya ng
- Ayon sa nabasa kong datos...
matinding init na nagdulot ng
- Hindi ako sumasang-ayon sa sinabi
pagkatuyo ng mga halaman.
mo dahil...
- Ngayon naman ay gusto na niyang
- Mahusay ang sinabi mo at ako man
maging ulap para makaya niyang
takpan ang araw. At tulad ng mga
- Nasa iyo yan kung hindi ka sumasang-
naunang nangyari, naging ulap rin
ayon sa aking pananaw subalit...
siya. Ngunit hindi rin niya nakaya
- Maaari po bang magbigay ng aking
dahil nagbigay rin siya ng malaking
trahedya sa buhay ng tao.
- Maaari po bang magdagdag sa sinabi
- Ngayon naman ay napansin ni - Nang babalik sa lupa, doon muli siya
Hashnu ang mga bato sa lupa. manghuhuli ng ibon. Bago tuluyang
Naisipan na naman niyang maging bumalik, siya ay pinabaunan ng
bato. Hindi na naman niya ito koronang sa bato ay hitik. Sa
nagustuhan. Dahil dito, naisip niya na pagbalik, doon na siya muling
siya ang pinakamalakas sa anyo ng nagsimula ng bagong buhay.
isang manlililok.
Alam mo ba?
- Kaya naman humiling siya sa huling
pagkakataon. Nais na niyang - Ang dulang pantanghalan na iyong
magbalik sa pagiging isang manlililok. babasahin ay nagmula sa bansang
Hapon, tinatawag itong "Kyogen". Ito
ay marikit na dulang katatawanang
Ang Mandaragit ng Ibon sa Impiyerno isinisingit sa pagpapalabas ng "Noh"-
isa pa ring uri ng dulang
- Magsisimula ang dula sa
pantanghalang may marubdob at
pagpapakilala kay Yama, “hari ng
mapuwersang aksiyon. Ang Noh at
mga demonyo”, kasama ang kanyang
Kyogen ay magkasabay na umusbong
mga alalay. Inutos niya na dalhin sa
noong ika-14 na siglo sa panahon ng
kanya ang mga taong makasalanan.
Muromachi Period (1333-1573). Sa
Ipinakilala naman si Kiyoyori, na
kasalukuyan, hindi mapaghihiwalay
iginigiit na lahat ng tao ay sadyang
ang mga dulang Noh at Kyogen na
makasalanan. Sa kanyang palagay sa
tinawag na Nogaku Ang mga ito ay
langit ang kanyang magiging
nagsisilbing ekslusibong palipasan o
himlayan. Nang "maamoy" siya ng
aliwan ng aristokrasya. Ang “Kyogen”
mga alalay, agad siya tinungo at
ay may mga katangiang tulad ng
hinila papunya kay Yama.
pagkamakalupa, pagiging bukal at
- Sinabi ng mga demonyo na siya ay
tuwiran, at ng mataas na uri ng
may mabigat na kasalanan dahilang
mabuting kalidad ng pagpapatawa.
pagpaslang ng mga ibon ay
pagpaslang din ng buhay. Nang
maiharap na kay Yama si Kiyoyori,
sinabi niya na ang mga nahuhuling
ibon ay ipinakain din sa palkon, isang
uri ng ibon.
- Dahil rito, inutos ni Yama na siya ay
hulihin at ihawin. Sinunod ni Kiyoyori
ang mga utos. Lubusang nasarapan
ang hari at ang mga alalay nito.
Binigyan nila ang lalaki na mamuhay
pa ng ilang taon.
AP Q2 Produkto – gawa ng tao, kalikasan, makina
na nahahawakan, nagagamit, at nakakain.
Ekonomiks – nag-aaral kung paano
tutugunan ang tila walang katapusang Serbisyo – paglilingkod na may kabayaran.
pangangailangan at kagustuhan ng tao gamit
Presyo – halaga ng produkto o serbisyo.
ang limitadong pinagkukunang-yaman.
(Unit Price, Bundle Price, at Promo Price).
Maykroekonomiks – pag-aaral ng maliliit na
Ang Relasyon ng Demand sa Presyo ay
yunit ng ekonomiya.
mailalarawan sa iba't ibang paraan:
- Kilos at gawi ng konsyumer at
Demand Schedule – isang talahanayan ng
dami ng handa at kayang bilhin ng mamimili
- Deman at suplay
sa iba't ibang presyo.
- Pamilihan
- Presyo
- Negosyo
Makroekonomiks – pag-aaral ng ikinikilos ng
pangkalahatang ekonomiya ng bansa.
- Pambansang kita
- GDP at GNP
- Utang Panlabas
- Palitan ng piso sa dolyar at iba pang Demand Function
Mahahalagang Mekanismo ng Ekonomiks
Bahay-kalakal (Firm) – Nagbebenta ng
produkto o serbisyo. Sektor ng ekonomiya
na tumutukoy sa isang tao o pangkat ng mga
tao tulad ng produsyer o negosyante.
Sambahayan (Household) – Bumibili, Sektor
ng ekonomiya na tumutukoy sa mga
kumokonsumo o Mamimili.
Konsepto ng Demand
Demand (Mamimili) – tumutukoy sa dami
ng produkto at serbisyo na kaya at handang
bilhin ng mga mamimili sa itinakdang presyo
sa panahon.

• Kahandaan (Willing) + Kakayahan

(Able) = Demand
Supply Function

Konsepto ng Supply
Supply (Nagbebenta/ Prodyuser) – Downward Sloping – Kapag ang presyo ay
tumutukoy sa dami ng produkto at serbisyo tumataas, ang Quantity Demand ay
na kaya at handang ipagbili o ibenta ng mga bumababa habang Ipinalalagay na walang
negosyante/ bahay kalakal sa itinakdang ibang salik na nagbabago.
presyo sa panahon. Upward Sloping – naglalarawan ng tuwiran
Demand/ Supply Curve – ipinapakita sa na relasyon ng dalawang variable na habang
graph. ang presyo ay tumataas, ang QS ay tumataas
habang ipinalalagay na walang ibang salik na
Supply Schedule – isang talahanayan ng nagbabago.
dami ng handa at kayang ipagbili o ibenta ng
negosyante/ prodyuser sa iba't ibang presyo. Ceteris Paribus – salitang latin na ang ibig
sabihin “at all other things remain constant”
o walang salik na nagbabago.
Presyo – ang nakakaapekto sa mamimili.
Surplus – kalagayan sa pamilihan ang
nagpapakita na labis ang supply kaysa sa
dami ng demand ng mga mamimili.
Shortage – Pagkakaroon ng kakulangan sa
Republic Act 7581 – Ang batas na ito ay
ipinapatupad upang maisagawa ng
pamahalaan ang pagkontrol ng presyo ng
mga bilihin.
Price Support – layunin nito na matulungan
ang mga magsasaka at mga negosyante na
mabawasan ang kanilang gastusin sa
produksiyon at magkamit ng kita para sa
kanilang pamumuhay.
Price Ceiling – pinakamataas na presyong
itinakda ng pamahalaan upang ipagbili ang
mga produkto.
Pamilihan – dito nagaganap ang interaksyon
ng Consumer at Prodyuser (Mamimili at
Nagtitinda) Ganap na Kompetisyon at Di-
Ganap na Kompetisyon.
Oligopolyo – nagkakaroon ng sabwatan
Elastisidad – Ito ay porsyento % ng pagtugon (Collusion sa presyo ng langis/ petrolyo).
ng mamimili sa bawat porsyento ng
Monopolyo – iisa lang ang Prodyuser
pagbabago ng presyo.
(Meralco, Maynilad).
Ekilibriyo – nagpapakita na may
Monopsonyo – iisa lang ang Konsyumer
pinagkasunduan ang mamimili at prodyuser
sa presyo at dami ng produkto.
Monopolistic – maraming nagbebenta
Ekilibriyong Presyo – pinagkasunduang
ngunit may product differentiation (Close up
presyo ng dalawang tauhan sa pamilihan.
vs Colgate).
Ekilibriyong Dami – pinagkasunduang dami
Elastik – Mataas ang Demand/ Supply kaysa
ng produkto at serbisyo ng mamimili at
Presyo. More than 1.
Inelastik – Mataas ang Presyo kaysa sa
Demand/ Supply. Less than 1.
Unitary – Pantay/ Magkatimbang ang Presyo
at D/S. 1-1.99.
Substitute Goods – produktong pamalit.
Complementary Goods – produktong
Ganap na Kompetisyon – Malaya at
maraming uri ng mamimili at nagbebenta
(Halimbawa ay Naglalako ng taho).
Di-Ganap na Kompetisyon – karamihan ay
mayayamang negosyante ang

Good luck everyone! From us,

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