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1. I am very interested in o Very disagree

producing movie dialog as on of o Disagree
learning speaking o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
2. i like dialog of the avengers o Very disagree
movie o Disagree
o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
3. i enjoy studying to speak o Very disagree
english by movie dialog o Disagree
o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
4. reproducing movie dialog is one o Very disagree
of the effective way to improve o Disagree
my speaking skill o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
5. reproducing movie dialog is o Very disagree
easier to improving my speaking o Disagree
skill o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
6. i feel confident to speak english o Very disagree
after watching movie and o Disagree
reproduce the dialog o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
7. i can speak fluently o Very disagree
o Disagree
o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
8. i can control my speech o Very disagree
o Disagree
o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
9. i can practice my speak quickly o Very disagree
o Disagree
o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
10. i like studying speaking by o Very disagree
reproduce movie dialog to o Disagree
improve my speaking skill  o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
11. i build my confidence to speak o Very disagree
English after reproducing movie o Disagree
dialog o Enough
o Agree
o Very agree
12. reproducing movie dialog o Very disagree
motivates me to increase my o Disagree
speaking skill o Enough

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