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Drugs Aging

DOI 10.1007/s40266-016-0371-4


The FORTA (Fit fOR The Aged) List 2015: Update of a Validated
Clinical Tool for Improved Pharmacotherapy in the Elderly
Farhad Pazan1 • Christel Weiss2 • Martin Wehling1 • FORTA

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

Multimorbidity and polypharmacy represent a major and D (avoid), depending on the state of evidence for
problem for older people. Patients aged 65 years and older safety, efficacy and age appropriateness [7]. The START
may take five or more drugs in 44 % (male) and 57 % criteria [8], as the main competing listing approach posi-
(female) of cases and ten or more drugs in 12 % of cases tively stating what to do in given clinical situations,
[1]. Critical amendment of medication schemes is impor- describe packages of treatments and may lead to additive
tant to avoid both under- and overtreatment; listing prescriptions if several criteria are met; in contrast, FORTA
approaches are considered to be potentially useful aids, allows for cross-therapeutic prioritization. Meanwhile, the
given the limited paid consultation time in general prac- clinical utility, implementability and teachability of the
tices. Most listing approaches (e.g. Beers in the USA, FORTA List 2012 have been validated in controlled clin-
PRISCUS in Germany [2, 3]) are explicit—thus not ical trials [9, 10], demonstrating a profound effect on
requiring intricate knowledge about patients—and mainly medication quality (reduction of over- and undertreatment)
state what not to give to older patients. Their interventional and adverse drug reactions. As its application aims to
clinical impact is still controversial; they are mostly used improve both over- and undertreatment, the FORTA score
for epidemiological studies on the prevalence of potentially has been developed as the sum of individual errors in both
inappropriate medications [4]. A list of alternative medi- segments; typically, negatively labeled drugs (C/D) may
cations has recently been published to replace high-risk represent overtreatment, while beneficial drugs (A/B) are
medications [5], which, however, does not cover wide often omitted (undertreatment).
therapeutic areas and does not provide cross-therapeutic As drug therapy in older people has gained increased
prioritization guidance. The FORTA (Fit fOR The Aged) interest in recent years, new evidence and experiences with
List 2012 was published in Drugs & Aging [6] as the first the list have necessitated an update of the FORTA List,
drug list combining positive and negative labeling of drugs which followed the same two-step Delphi process [6] as
chronically prescribed to older patients. Its labels range was followed for its first version. Twenty-one raters
from A (indispensable) to B (beneficial), C (questionable) assessed the proposal of four initiators (see ‘‘Acknowl-
edgments’’). The metrics of the changes are given in
The complete list of ‘‘FORTA’’ members are listed in the Table 1; the new list just published at http://www.umm.
Acknowledgments section. (with free access) now contains
273 entries in 29 indications. A general trend toward more
& Martin Wehling negative labels was observed for oncological and psychi-
atric disorders. The entries for the treatment of diabetes
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Center for Geriatric mellitus type II, as well as for Parkinson’s disease, were
Pharmacology in Mannheim at the University of Heidelberg, relabeled in both directions. The mean consensus coeffi-
Mannheim, Germany cient for three psychiatric disorders improved significantly;
Department of Medical Statistics, Biomathematics and finally, over 95 % (249 items) of the proposed items (261
Information Processing, Medical Faculty Mannheim at the items) received a consensus coefficient over 0.8 after the
University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany
F. Pazan et al.

Table 1 Metrics of changes between the 2012 and 2015 versions of the FORTA list
Top 6 indications ranked by Number of entries Number of Number of Number Examples of Examples of downgraded
changes of entries [%] with a new upgraded downgraded of new upgraded entries
classification/total entries entries entries entries
number [%]

Behavioral and psychological 3/3 [100] 0 3 0 – SNRI (serotonin-

symptoms of dementia noradrenaline-reuptake-
(BPSD): depression inhibitors): venlafaxine,
Oncological diseases: solid 21/21 [100] 0 21 0 – Gastric cancer: ECF regime
tumors (epirubicin, cisplatin,
Oncological diseases 6/6 [100] 0 6 6 – MDS (myelodysplastic
Hematological neoplasias syndrome): azacytidine
Incontinence 2/3 [66.6] 0 2 3 – Trospium chloride
Drug therapy for urge B?C
Parkinson’s disease 5/8 [62.5] 3 2 2 L-DOPA Amantadine
Type II diabetes mellitus 5/10 [50] 2 3 1 DPP4 3rd generation sulfonylureas
(dipeptidyl- (for example, glimepiride)
peptidase) A?C
Indications with the highest increase in the mean 2012 mean consensus 2015 mean consensus p value (t test)
consensus coefficient (mean B0.80) coefficient (range) coefficient (range)
BPSD: paranoia, hallucination 0.659 (0.500–0.800) 0.891 (0.833–0.976) p \ 0.05
Dementia 0.784 (0.700–0.900) 0.947 (0.650–1) p \ 0.05
BPSD: restlessness, agitation (aggressiveness) 0.785 (0.625–0.947) 0.922 (0.880–0.976) p \ 0.05

first round of the Delphi process, indicating improved Heinrich Burkhardt, MD; Geriatric Medicine, 4th Department of
coherence between raters and initiators. The FORTA List Medicine, University Medical Centre Mannheim, Theodor-Kutzer-
Ufer 1–3, 68167 Mannheim, Germany
2015 now reflects recent advances in drug treatment for Stefan Schwarz, MD; Central Institute of Mental Health, J5,
older people, backed by a wider consensus among experts, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
thereby increasing its validity for clinical use further. It Ulrich Wedding, MD; Clinic for Internal Medicine II, University
represents a tool to improve the quality of drug prescription Hospital, Bachstrasse 18, 07743 Jena, Germany
Expert Panel Members (Raters) and Their Affiliations
in older patients by identifying inappropriate and omitted Jürgen Bauer, MD; Geriatrics Centre Oldenburg, University of
drugs, and thus both over- and undertreatment. Oldenburg, Rahel-Straus-Strasse 10, 26133 Oldenburg, Germany
Unlike the explicit approaches mentioned above, its Heiner K. Berthold, MD; Department of Internal Medicine and
application requires detailed (‘implicit’) knowledge of the Geriatrics, Bielefeld Evangelical Hospital (EvKB), Schildescher
Strasse 99, 33611 Bielefeld, Germany
patient, as it supports matching of the diagnoses, severity of Michael Denkinger, MD; AGAPLESION Bethesda Klinik Ulm,
disease and current status of therapeutic success with cor- University Hospital Ulm, Zollernring 26, 89073 Ulm, Germany
responding drugs [11]. As a living document, the list needs Peter Dovjak, MD; Department of Acute Geriatric Medicine,
frequent updates, as gerontopharmacology progresses Gmunden Hospital, Miller-von-Aichholz-Strasse 49, 4810 Gmunden,
rapidly. Further studies and development of electronic aids to Helmut Frohnhofen, MD; Essen-Mitte Hospital, Knappschafts
promote the principle and the list are under way. Hospital, Teaching Hospital at the University of Duisburg in Essen,
Am Deimelsberg 34a, 45276 Essen, Germany; and Faculty of Health,
Acknowledgments FORTA List Initiators and Their Affiliations University of Witten-Herdecke, Witten, Germany
Martin Wehling, MD; Center for Geriatric Pharmacology, Institute Thomas Frühwald, MD; Geriatric Department, Hietzing Hospital,
of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Heidel- Wolkersbergenstrasse 1, 1130 Vienna, Austria
berg, Maybachstrasse 14, 68169 Mannheim, Germany
2015 Update of the FORTA List

Christoph Gisinger, MD; Haus der Barmherzigkeit, Danube Takeda, Roche, Pfizer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Daichii-Sankyo, Lilly,
University Krems, Seeböckgasse 30a, 1160 Vienna, Austria LEO Pharma, Novo-Nordisk, Shire and Pro Bono Bio Entrepreneur
Manfred Gogol, MD; Geriatric Department, Lindenbrunn Hospital, Ltd. Farhad Pazan and Christel Weiss have no conflicts of interest that
Lindenbrunn 1, 31863 Coppenbruegge, Germany are directly relevant to the content of this letter.
Markus Gosch, MD; Medical Clinic 2, Geriatric Department,
University Hospital of the Paracelsus Medical University, Nürnberg
Hospital North, Prof.-Ernst-Nathan-Strasse 1, 90419 Nürnberg,
Hans Gutzmann, MD; Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and
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Wolfgang von Renteln-Kruse, MD; Albertinen Hospital/Albertinen potentially harmful drug–disease interactions in the elderly
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Gerontology, Scientific Institution at the University of Hamburg, 6. Kuhn-Thiel AM, Weiss C, Wehling M, The FORTA Authors/
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Compliance with Ethical Standards 10. Wehling M, Burkhardt H, Kuhn-Thiel AM, Pazan F, Throm C,
Weiss C, Frohnhofen H. VALFORTA—a randomized trial to
Martin Wehling was employed by AstraZeneca R&D (Mölndal, validate the FORTA (‘‘Fit fOR The Aged’’) classification. Age
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fees from Sanofi-Aventis, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis,

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