Assignment 2

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1. “People analytics is connected with technology and social media” Do you agree?

Support your answer drawing three (03) examples from the case.

According to Shannon and Shannon (2019), As firms engage in better managing the inflow of
personnel data, HR technology provides expanded capabilities, shifting analytics operations
from trained specialists to the larger workforce. People analytics has emerged as a critical
goal for more than 80% of organisations in the last year, but less than 30% have noticed an
impact on engagement, cost savings, and productivity.

Health Management Tool for the Employees.

Organizations are increasingly recognising the value of seeing employee health from a
broader perspective, realising that healthy and productive people positively impact corporate
structure and the bottom line. By harnessing the actionable data provided by current health
management systems and its analytic tools, firms may increase employee health and
performance while mitigating health-related risk.

Another critical question, especially in this setting, is if new technology can be utilised to
keep individuals safe by tracking their physical and mental well-being. There is currently
extensive discussion about how businesses may make their workplaces secure and ensure a
safe reopening of the offices following a lockdown. It is not just the typical precautions, such
as temperature monitoring or social separation, that may help. Companies are integrating new
technologies in a variety of ways to benefit their staff. Wearables can now measure stress and
anxiety if employees choose to share their data. Chatbots that can ask you about your
emotional state and give you recommendations. Of course, the similar knowledge might be
used to help control people: if you understand how a person is experiencing, how
his/her physiological and psychological condition is, such information may be utilised to treat
them and make them good, or, one hopes not, manipulate and control them. This is true
wherever technology allows other people or parties to acquire insight to your deepest
emotional states.

Talent Management Tool for Employees

Essentially, talent management is concerned with attracting, maintaining, and developing

skilled individuals. Talent management encompasses all aspects of personnel marketing,
retention, and development.

A talent management system, sometimes known as a TMS is a software platform that handles
crucial talent management tasks like hiring and onboarding new employees, learning and
career development, compensation and reward, and succession.

Wristband for Monitor Employee Performances

Amazon recently filed for patents on ideas for a wristband that could precisely detect the
location of warehouse workers' hands and prompt them to move in a different direction using
vibrations. The strategy, which attempts to streamline order fulfilment, increases scrutiny in a
setting where it already is difficult to work.

The information is sent to each warehouse employee's personal computer when a customer
orders a product from Amazon. After receiving the order information, the employee has to
scramble to grab the item from one of the numerous storage bins on shelves, place it in a
delivery box, and move on to the next task.

With the help of ultrasonic tracking, the proposed bracelets would be able to identify a
worker's hands as they fetch items. A sensory feedback system that vibrates against the
wearer's skin to guide their hand is described in one of the patents.

At the end workers can complete more orders until robots have the dexterity to completely
replace them. People analytics is a novel approach to making evidence-based decisions that
benefit companies. However, in the early days, most businesses concentrated on the
characteristics of individuals rather than their interactions with other employees. Looking at
qualities will only get a company so far. However, by utilising relational analytics, they may
estimate the possibility that one worker, a team, or an entire business will meet a performance
target. Algorithms can also be used to customise staff assignment to alterations in employee
networks or a specific managerial need. Of course, the top organisations will employ

relational analytics to supplement their own evaluation method and generate healthier,
happier communities and further fruitful organizations.

2. Critically examine four (04) ways in which organizations can manage talent
using people analytics

The application of integrated strategies or systems that aim to boost workplace productivity
by implementing operational procedures for attracting, developing, retaining, and utilising
individuals who have the necessary skills and competence to fulfil current and future needs is
known as talent management.

HR analytics will make the HR function more strategic

People Analytics is done to see if attempting to improve people management procedures can
lead to improved organizational outcomes. People analytics is thus intrinsically strategic and
data-driven, and it will influence ways businesses recruit, hire, appraise, promote, and
remove employees.

Analytics requires a data-driven mindset for HR professionals

The HR business partner's position is changing as a result of data access and analytics. The
business partner would typically heed the manager's counsel. There may be numerous
operational operations involved in this. I've talked with colleagues who were required to
compile a list of birthdates for the manager to keep track of for business partners. They can
now look at data to determine the people issues the manager is dealing with rather than
producing birthdate lists. They now hold a different perspective, which increases the demand
for HR analytics programs and other tools for building analytics.

People analytics changes HR by busting long-held beliefs

As we saw in the first instance, people analytics will put preconceived notions to the test. As
an illustration, a fast-food chain was actively hiring individuals who had previously worked
there. They hired them because they thought that since they were already familiar with the
work, they would require less time for orientation and would stay longer. The people
analytics team discovered, however, after further investigation, that the reason for dismissal
was not reviewed and that individuals who had been fired for engaging in fraudulent behavior

had been rehired, albeit for a much shorter time than the typical hire. The recruitment staff
was capable of making improved hiring judgments after sharing these thoughts.

HR analytics will impact the tools we use

Analytics helps talent management to be optimised. Every stage of the employee journey
could be examined and improved. This involves evaluating how well businesses manage,
develop, and attract talent. Because they will need to gather data from each stage of the talent
management system, this will change how we deploy HR solutions.

3. Professional network (LinkedIn) intends to automatically update the status of

employee work performance. Explain this process with reference to the following
drivers of employee behaviour:

a. Altruism

Altruism has been found to positively impact the sharing of tacit knowledge, according to
earlier studies (Wasko and Faraj, 2005; Wu et al., 2009). Altruistic people share their
knowledge because they enjoy helping others, even though doing so puts their knowledge at
risk of being lost. Employees contribute to the group by sharing their knowledge,
experiences, and stories—possibly at their own expense. Altruism, according to (Szuster,
2016), is the control of environmental responses by social norms. Through interaction and
selflessness, altruistic people can build relationships with others, which makes it easier to
share tacit knowledge. Thus, it can be concluded that personality traits that rely on social
capital, like altruism, have a stronger impact on tacit knowledge sharing than traits that
emphasize intrinsic components. Professional networks always give a good opportunity to
share knowledge among different employees through the network and influence their

b. Homophily

One of the most crucial findings made by social scientists is that individuals with similar
characteristics frequently belong to the same social groups (after all, "birds of a feather flock
together"). It significantly affects the value we get from social media and the networks to
which we belong (as often we hear similar voices and interact with like-minded people).

Homophily (love of the same) is the term for this phenomenon (McPherson, Smith-Lovin,
and Cook, 2001). Having many homophiles ties, both professionally and in terms of gender,
strengthens the positive relationship between social network brokerage and individuals'
innovative behavior.

c. Memetics

An adaptive entity known as a meme automaton is one that develops increasingly

sophisticated capabilities and intelligence on its own, either as a result of embedded memes
evolving on their own or as a result of social interactions. Memetic agents have a learning
mechanism they can use to develop more socially human-like behaviour. The new learning
mechanism is a compromise between the principles of imitating the elite and like attracts like.
Meanwhile, the influence of each principle is dynamically weighted. As a result, the new
learning mechanism adapts to its changing environment. The comparison of performance
demonstrates the emergence of human-like social behaviours in memetic agents. (2017)
(Zeng et al.) Individuals imitate ideas, habits, and beliefs through professional networks and
influence the behaviour of the employees.

d. Tribalism

Tribalism simply means being influenced by the ideas of the associated group. It is also
defined as "an attitude that arises when subgroups fixate on their own activities and fail to
look at the organization as a whole" in a 2008 article in "The Economic Times." There are
numerous formally formed subgroups within businesses. Tribes are compelling places to find
support, validation, and guidance. While these characteristics are understandably appealing,
when tribal loyalty undermines the overall success of the organization, it behoves everyone to
look beyond tribal borders. (n.d.,

4. Employees could be classified as under-performers, average performers and best
performers with the assistance of people analytics. Identify and explain with examples
four (04) disadvantages of such method.

a. Data Privacy

It goes without saying that human resources divisions must adhere to national data privacy
laws. Businesses that misuse or improperly secure the personal information of employees
may be fined up to €20 million, or 4% of annual turnover, whichever is higher.

When using data, HR departments should adhere to both the law and the business' ethical
standards. An honest and open society is now valued by the majority of businesses. Serious
morale and confidence issues may arise if data-driven HR operations go against the culture,
such as by awkwardly implementing data initiatives or failing to explain how data is used.

b. Safety from Data Breaches

HR data must be securely protected from cyber-attacks in this environment of stricter

regulatory requirements. You are mistaken if you think that no one will ever steal information
about your staff. You might be surprised to learn that health data is 10 times more valuable to
thieves than credit card information. The lesson here is that if data contains personally
identifiable information, it can be useful regardless of the type of data.

c. Requirement of Expert Knowledge

A team of experienced IT personnel is required which might be costly to hire and are in high
demand during this period of data analytics. The lack of such analytical acumen skills results
in incorrect, unreliable, or hard-to-access data. HR IT-cantered personnel are responsible for
integrating appropriate hardware and software tools to achieve performance appraisals. HR
personnel buy in might be a challenge since they might feel technology-based decisions are
biased and undermine their expertise (Lanwehr and Mayer, 2018, West, 2019).

d. Increasing Employee Turnover

Retention may increase as a result of people analytics' capacity to enhance employee

experience. Analytics may show recruiters on the HR team the causes of employees'
unfavourable attitudes as well as the reasons why workers stick with the organization
(SearchHRSoftware, n.d.). The organization may not be able to detect skill shortages within
the team and try to fill them in an effort to make the team members happy and keep them at
the company utilizing the given classification of the performance of the employees as
determined by analytics.


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