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What is Facebook marketing?

Facebook marketing is the practice of promoting a business and brand on Facebook. It can help
businesses build brand awareness, grow an online following, gather leads, and sell more
products or services.

Facebook marketing tactics can include:

 Organic text, photo, or video content

 Paid, or “boosted,” text, photo, or video content
 Facebook Stories and Reels
 Facebook ads
 Facebook Groups
 Contests and giveaways
 Facebook Messenger chatbots or auto-responders
 Influencer marketing campaigns

Create a Facebook Business Page

1. Sign in to Facebook with your personal account. Your personal information won’t show on your
Page, but you can also create a new Facebook account with a work email address if you prefer.

2. Open the menu (the nine dots on the right side) and click Create, then Page.

3. To create your Page, enter:

a. Name: Your business name

b. Category: Start typing to see the available options. For example, “retail” or “restaurant.”

c. Description: A sentence or two describing what your business does. You can edit this later.

4. Congrats! Your Page is live. Click Edit Page Info to add more to your About section, add a
website URL, and more. I’ll cover exactly how to optimize your new Page later in this article.

Facebook marketing strategy in 7 easy steps

1. Set Goals
The very first step in your Facebook marketing strategy should be to set

What results are you looking to achieve from your Facebook marketing

Are you trying to build brand awareness, increase website traffic, boost
your engagement rates, gain leads from your Facebook business page?

Once you have determined your goals, you can adjust your Facebook
marketing strategy accordingly.
There is no one-size-fits-all Facebook marketing strategy. Setting goals is
how you make sure your strategy is catered to your specific needs.

2. Pinpoint Target Audience 

Facebook marketing is useless if you aren’t reaching the right people.
That’s why getting the right target audience is so important!

Whether your target audience consists of grandmas, gamers, or graphic

designers, odds are, they’re on Facebook.

You just have to know how to find them.

So where do you start? If you have a basic idea of who your target
audience is, you can start building an audience in Facebook Ads Manager.

You can build a custom audience by clicking on the “Audience” section

pictured below.
Next, click the blue “create audience” button on the left-hand side of the
screen and select “custom audience” on the dropdown list.

When you create a custom audience on Facebook Advertising, it will first

ask how you want to create your audience with a list of options.

The option you choose will depend on the amount of information you
already have available to your target audience.

Easy to Follow 7 Step

Facebook Marketing Strategy
That Works
SEAN - JUNE 13, 2022 ~   | LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 22, 2022

With two billion people who use Facebook monthly, it is by far the most
popular social media platform.
However, you’re going to need an excellent Facebook marketing strategy if
you want your business to stand out among the 50 million businesses on

Facebook ads are the cornerstone of many small businesses’ marketing


But you need to pay attention to the content on your page in addition to
your ads.

We’re here to provide you with a 7-step Facebook marketing strategy sure
to help your business succeed!
7 Steps On How To Build Your Facebook
Marketing Strategy
Now here are all seven steps in detail so you’ll have all the information you
need to get started on your Facebook marketing strategy:

1. Set Goals
The very first step in your Facebook marketing strategy should be to set

What results are you looking to achieve from your Facebook marketing

Are you trying to build brand awareness, increase website traffic, boost
your engagement rates, gain leads from your Facebook business page?

Once you have determined your goals, you can adjust your Facebook
marketing strategy accordingly.

There is no one-size-fits-all Facebook marketing strategy. Setting goals is

how you make sure your strategy is catered to your specific needs.

So where do you start? When setting goals for your marketing efforts, it’s a
great idea to use the SMART strategy.

That is, setting marketing goals that are specific, measurable, attainable,
relevant, and timely.

For example, instead of stating that your goal is increased brand

awareness, your goal could be to gain 1,000 followers in three months.

This is a SMART goal because it is specific, can easily be tracked and

measured, it’s realistic, and has a time component.

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If you’re looking to increase leads and sales, your goal could be to have 30
leads and a cost per conversion of less than $10 by the end of the month.
Setting SMART goals can help you determine if your Facebook marketing
strategy is working.

2. Pinpoint Target Audience 

Facebook marketing is useless if you aren’t reaching the right people.
That’s why getting the right target audience is so important!

Whether your target audience consists of grandmas, gamers, or graphic

designers, odds are, they’re on Facebook.

You just have to know how to find them.

So where do you start? If you have a basic idea of who your target
audience is, you can start building an audience in Facebook Ads Manager.

You can build a custom audience by clicking on the “Audience” section

pictured below.
Next, click the blue “create audience” button on the left-hand side of the
screen and select “custom audience” on the dropdown list.
When you create a custom audience on Facebook Advertising, it will first
ask how you want to create your audience with a list of options.

The option you choose will depend on the amount of information you
already have available to your target audience.

The first option on the list is to upload a customer file.

If you have a list of information on previous customers including names,

phone numbers, and/or email addresses.

Facebook can use that information to generate what is referred to as a

lookalike audience.
A lookalike audience is an audience composed of Facebook users similar
to your current customers or clients.

This can be a great start and can be narrowed later on if the audience
ends up being too large or you only want to target certain demographics.

Some other custom audience options include targeting people who have
visited your website.

People who have previously engaged with your Facebook or Instagram

page, and more.

These options are great if you already have a lot of engagement and want
to turn your followers into customers.

Or, if you have a lot of website traffic and wish to retarget people who
visited your site without making a purchase.

We will dive deeper into retargeting shortly.

If you don’t have a customer list, as many startups do not, you can create
a custom audience from scratch.

To do this, you’ll want to select Saved Audience instead from the same
drop-down menu where you selected Custom Audience.

You can now fill in the targeting information you desire and click “create
audience” at the bottom of the window.

Once the audience has been saved, you can use that custom audience in
future ad sets and tweak it as needed.
While creating your custom audience, pay close attention to the meter on
the upper right-hand side that shows you the audience size.

Ideally, your audience should fall into the green range on the meter.

The red indicates your audience is too specific and the yellow indicates
your audience is too broad.
Reaching as many active users as possible may sound great, but you
should always refine your audience to just the most qualified people.

This is especially true for local businesses who offer services catered only
to their local area.

A big pond doesn’t necessarily mean your Facebook ad campaign will

catch bigger fish.

In fact, it may make it more difficult to find the right fish.

Analogies aside, you can narrow your audience if you think it may be too
big. You can do so by clicking the “Narrow Audience” button as pictured
As you can see in the above image, this fairly large audience includes
2,000,000 people.

It includes people in the U.S. who are small business owners OR are
interested in social media marketing.

If we click the “Narrow Audience” button, we can remove small business

owners from the first section and add them to the new section.

This makes it so the audience consists only of small business owners who
are also interested in social media marketing.

Narrowing the audience this way will lower it to 65,000 people.

On the other hand, if your audience is too small, you risk the same people
seeing your ads over and over again without reaching new people.

As you can see in the chart below, Facebook tracks both “reach” and

Reach is the number of unique users who have seen your ads while
impressions are the number of times your ads have been seen in total.

If your impressions are higher than your reach (as they often are when
your ads have been running for a while).

That means some of your audience members have seen your ads more
than once.

If your number of impressions is way higher than your reach.

It may be a sign that either your audience is too small, or just that you’ve
exhausted your audience and it’s time to work on a new one or refresh
your ads.
What if you aren’t sure who your target audience is already? Don’t worry!
Facebook has tools for that, too.

Facebook Audience Insights is a fantastic tool to conduct research on the

demographics of your competitors’ followers.

This will give you a starting point from which you can create your own
unique target audience. For example, let’s say you own a pizzeria.

You can type in the names of popular pizza restaurants into the “interests”
section of Audience Insights…

…to learn which types of people might enjoy your restaurant.

Once you’ve obtained the demographic information you need from

Facebook Audience Insights, you can use it to build your own custom
Earlier in this section, we mentioned the term “retargeting.”

Retargeting is when you target a set of ads towards people who have
visited your website without making a purchase.

A retargeting audience tends to be smaller than other audiences.

But more effective since 100% of the audience is already familiar with your
brand and has expressed some interest in it already.

In the marketing world, this is called a warm audience.

On average, only 2% of online shoppers make a purchase on their first

visit to an online store.

Retargeting is how you focus on turning the other 98% into customers!
3. Set Your Budget
The next step in your Facebook marketing strategy is to plan your monthly

As the old saying goes: you have to spend money to make money. This has
never been truer when it comes to your Facebook marketing strategy.

This social network is a very money-motivated platform.

As long as you are willing to put some money behind your posts and ads.

Facebook can put your page in front of people who may have otherwise
never heard of it!

4. Plan engaging content

Now that you have your goals and target audience in mind and your
budget planned, it’s time to begin drafting content to post on your
Facebook page.

5. Plan equally engaging ads

Many of the same strategies behind creating engaging Facebook content
can be applied to creating quality Facebook ads.

You will want to keep the same tips in mind about using bright.

Clear images with faces in them and videos that convey meaning without
the need for sound.

However, Facebook ads have a few more rules when it comes to images.

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