10 Enemies v17

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On quests, the characters are bound to encounter
all kinds of unsavory foes. The New Lands holds
danger aplenty. Aside from xenophobic peoples,
beastmen roam the woodlands, along with strange
things that escaped from the Weird Wizard
laboratories. Add to these devious faeries, goblins,
giants, and monsters of legend, forays into the
lands unknown to the refugees promises great
reward and greater peril.
This chapter presents a menagerie of monsters,
a bestiary filled with all the enemies one might
face exploring the known world and worlds
unknown. Here you will find common foes such as
bandits and soldiers, strange faerie knights, and
diabolical necromancers, but you will also find
legions of undead, spirits, monsters, and the awful
creations of the Weird Wizard himself. The entries
offer you the foes and the rules you need to
challenge the characters as they pursue their
Although the entries in this chapter most often
serve to oppose the characters in their quest, this
chapter does present rules for creatures that
might be allies. An ensorcelled monster might
obey its master’s commands, while characters
might form alliances with creatures that would be
their foes when doing so would allow them all to
overcome a common enemy. Whether you make
these deadly foes or comrades in arms is up to

Enemy Entries
Tradition Spells spell name, spell name, spell name
Talent A talent that requires the use of an action or modifies
certain uses of actions.
Talent A trait or talent that requires the use of a move or a trait
The enemies described in this chapter appear in or talent that modifies or limits how the enemy can move.
alphabetical order and an entry might describe a Talent A talent that requires the use of a minor action.
single foe or multiple variations of one kind of foe. Talent A talent that requires the use of a reaction.
Each uses a similar format.
Descriptions The typical weapons an enemy wields appear in
its rules. A weapon's properties are mentioned
Enemy entries include general descriptions that only if the enemy can use them; for instance, any
explain what they look like, common activities, property that involves combat tokens does not
and where they might be found. Particular appear because enemies don't use combat tokens.
enemies can have any kind of motivation, any Unless otherwise noted, an enemy uses an
moral outlook you choose. Bandits might waylay action to attack with its weapon, and it makes the
caravans to feed starving families and a basilisk attack against one creature or object in its zone or
could, perhaps, have a kindly disposition and within the weapon’s range. If an enemy can attack
avoid doing harm to others, but such individuals multiple targets, it makes a separate roll to attack
tend not to enemies the characters face during against each target.
their quests. When the description offers The attack lines also tell you what attribute is
behavioral guidance, it merely offers an used for the roll, whether any boons or banes
explanation for why the enemy could come into apply, and how to determine the target number for
conflict with characters. In other words, you can the attack.
adjust the descriptive elements in any way you An attack entry concludes by saying what
choose to serve the needs of the story you would happens on a success, and what, if anything,
tell. happens on a failure. Some enemies that use
Ancestries: Entries that describe members of a weapons deal more damage than is typical for a
certain profession, such as bandits, cultists, and weapon of that sort. Such an increase might
pirates, assume the members of these groups to be represent an enemy's superior training, inherent
human. Enemy humans lack the Exceptional trait capability, or some other advantage that enables
described in chapter 2; only characters gain this the enemy to use the weapon to greater effect.
benefit. For weapons that use ammunition, an enemy is
assumed to have enough ammunition to last for
Rules the combat. (You can, of course, reduce the
amount as you choose.)
The rules for using enemies follow the
descriptions. The rules follow a similar format for HUMAN-SIZED TARGETS
ease of use and a set of rules represents a typical Some effects refer to targets being human-sized or
member of the larger group. smaller. Such a target would need to fall within the
normal range of size for human beings or be smaller
than that. In otherwords, a person, about 7 feet tall and
Name no more than 500 pounds.
Level the enemy’s level Defense the score (armor, if any,
defensive weapon, if any) Health the score
Strength score (modifier) Agility score (modifier) Intellect
score (modifier) Will score (modifier)
Languages name (if no language, this line is absent) A few enemies can cast spells. If so, the spells the
Immune Any source of damage, affliction, or effect the enemy enemy can cast tell you the tradition to which they
ignores. If the enemy is immune to nothing, this entry is belong. Typically, an enemy’s entry includes only
Traits or Talents Any traits or talents that has a persistent
the spells it is most likely to use. It might have
effect and requires no use of an action, move, minor action, access to other spells at your discretion.
or reaction.

Modifying Entries
Melee Attack—Weapon (relevant properties) Attribute
against Defense/attribute. On a success, the…. On a failure,
Ranged Attack—Weapon (relevant properties) Attribute You can adjust an entry’s rules as needed to
against Defense/attribute. On a success, the…. On a failure, change how the foe works. Some guidance follows.

Ancestry to protect them from the consequences of their
Any of the human enemies can be turned into own foolish decisions.
members of a different ancestry simply by There are some guidelines for determining the
applying the ancestry's traits and characteristics, suitability of enemies for use in adventures, which
as described in chapter 2. are handy when you are considering how many
foes to use in a scene of your design. Don’t look for
Equipment hard and fast rules here. What might be an easy
You can change out an entry’s armor and weapons battle could turn lethal if the group is low on
as needed. A change of weapons might mean the resources or suffers a string of bad rolls. Similarly,
entry deals a bit more or less damage than normal, a lucky or optimized group might crush a lethal
but such a variation falls inside the acceptable fight without breaking a sweat. And that’s fine too.
range for level. Giving an entry better armor can,
however, make the entry tougher and any increase Typical Encounters
of 3 or more to the entry’s Defense score increases A typical encounter represents the normal sorts of
its level by 1 for those of level 5 or lower. Entries encounters a group might face by tier and enemy
of higher level can have slightly higher Defense level. For an entry of 1/2, a group might fight one
scores without changing their level. per two members, while a 1/4 tells you that a
group of four characters can handle it.
Spells You can have groups encounter enemies of
You can replace an entry’s spells with ones from mixed levels. Just choose the enemies for each
the same tiers—starting, novice, expert, or master. character. For example, say you’re putting together
Or, you can give an enemy the ability to cast spells, a fight for a group of four novice characters. You
up to three spells from tiers appropriate to the could have the fight involve eight level 1 or lower
enemy’s level. A level 1/2 enemy can have starting foes, but you could also have a group of two level 1
spells, levels 1 to 2, starting or novice spells. or lower enemies, one of level 2, and one of level 3
Enemies of levels 3 to 6 can have spells from the or 4.
starting, novice, or expert tiers, while enemies of
level 7 or higher can have spells from any tier. It’s NUMBER APPEARING PER CHARACTER
best to give an enemy no more than one spell from Enemy
Level Starting Novice Expert Master
the highest tier it can access.
1/2 1 2 4 8
1 1/2 1-1/2 2 4
Attributes 2 1/4 1 2 4
You can change out attribute scores without 3 — 3/4 2 4
adjusting the level unless you increase two or 4 — 1/2 1 2
more scores to number above 15. If so, increase 5 — 1/4 3/4 2
the entry’s level by 1. 6 — — 1/2 2
7 — — 1/4 1

Using Enemies 8

Enemies can be obstacles to overcome, sources of 10 — — — 1/2
information the characters need, owners of 11+ — — — 1/4
objects vital to a quest, or see use in a myriad of
other ways. As the Sage, you can use enemies of
any level and in any numbers you like. Enemies
inhabit the world and go about their business until
such time that they cross paths with the
characters and rarely arrange themselves in
quantities suited to the exact number of
characters when they are at their peak readiness.
Instead, a group might stumble into a nest of
twenty goblins or more, they might run afoul of a
cruel ogre while wandering around in the woods.
Common sense should keep a novice group from
exploring the dragon’s lair, but there are no rules

People take up adventure to win glory, find gold,
protect the innocent, or exploit the chaos of
civilization’s break down. The following
adventurers represent a typical party one might
encounter in the borderlands and beyond. Come
up with one or two features to make them stand
out. The adventuring soldier could wear the
tattered remains of a uniform, while the magic-
user might have fiery hair.

Level 1 Defense 13 (leather) Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Level 1 Defense 13 (leather) Health 10
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Common
Hard to Hit Enemies make rolls against the crook’s Defense
with 1 bane.
Extra Reaction A crook can use two reactions in each round.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Agility with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6

Fire Mage
Level 1 Defense 11 Health 9
Strength 9 (–1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common
Melee Attack—Quarterstaff Agility against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Pyromancy Spells billowing smoke, flame jet, immolation

Veteran Soldier
Level 1 Defense 15 (brigandine, shield) Health 12
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

War Priest
Level 1 Defense 15 (brigandine, shield) Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Common
Melee Attack—Mace Strength against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.
Theurgy Spells battle blessing, sacred light

Some believe amphisbaenas come into the world
from the blood of a loathsome Ancient One, spilled
by the Sky Father long ago, but, if true, such a
heritage does little to inform the monsters’
behavior. They behave as ordinary beasts do and
usually with the same motivations. However, some
do find themselves pressed into service by dark
magic-users and sinister priests to protect potent
Amphisbaenas are colorful serpents, 12 to 15
feet long, and they might be mistaken for snakes
until the second head reveals itself. They have
fanged heads at either end of their bodies. Each
one has hollow, dagger-long fangs and they use
them to injecting potent venom into their victims.
Weirder still is their ability to pin their victims in
place with a glimpse of their eyes.

Level 5 Defense 17 Health 45
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 12 (+2)
Immune immobilized, prone; free attacks
True Vision An amphisbaena needs no light to see and
perceives outlines around invisible creatures and objects in
its line of sight.
Extra Actions An amphisbaena can use two actions per turn
while it is not injured.
Extra Reaction An amphisbaena can use two reactions in each
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs (reach) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
damage and makes a luck roll. On a failed luck roll, the target
becomes poisoned (luck ends). Whenever a creature
poisoned in this way makes a roll to attack, it must also
make a luck roll. The creature’s roll to attack counts as a
success only if the results of both rolls are successful.
Blinding Spittle As an action, the amphisbaena spits at one
creature in its zone or an adjacent one. The target makes an
Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the target takes 3d6
damage and becomes blinded until the end of the round.
Once the amphisbaena uses this talent twice, it loses access
to it (luck ends).
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
the amphisbaena’s Defense or Agility, the amphisbaena
imposes 1 bane on the enemy’s roll.
Pinning Gaze As a reaction when an enemy in the
amphisbaena’s zone or an adjacent one starts its turn and
the amphisbaena can see it, the amphisbaena makes a Will
roll against that enemy’s Will. On a success, the enemy
becomes immobilized until either it overcomes the affliction
with a successful Will roll or the amphisbaena becomes
An enemy that overcomes the affliction becomes immune
to the Pinning Gaze of all amphisbaenas for 24 hours.

Archons wander the lands of the mortal world,
seeking places for themselves and purposes to
replace the one their god first gave them. Archons
have no predilections toward good or evil; like
anyone, their nature reflects the sum of their
experiences. Some see it as their purpose to
champion their estranged gods, while others
succumb to the bitterness of their exile and
oppose their former masters in all things.
Archons can understand all languages and can
speak in a way that makes all who hear them hear
the words in a language they know and

Archon Antipaladin
Fallen from grace and reveling in darkness, the
archon antipaladin vows to fight law and order, to
eradicate goodness wherever it finds it. The
archon has charred, blackened metallic skin and
obscene symbols of chaos and evil etched into its
metallic hide.

Archon Antipaladin
Level 6 Defense 17 (plate) Health 69
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 15 (+5)
Languages all
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Blighted Presence When an injured enemy in the archon’s
zone takes damage, the enemy takes an extra 1d6 damage.
True Vision An archon needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Melee Attack—Corrupted Longsword (keen +1d6,
wounding) Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 6d6 damage and becomes
weakened (luck ends).
Divine Word As a minor action, the archon can speak a word
of power. Each enemy in its zone that can hear it makes a
Will roll. On a failure, the enemy grants 1 boon on rolls to
attack it until the end of the archon’s next turn.
Once it uses this trait, the archon must wait for at least 1
hour before it can use it again.
Curse of the Antigod As a minor action once per round, the
archon chooses one creature in its zone or an adjacent one.
The target makes a luck roll and, on a failure, becomes
cursed for 24 hours. While it is cursed in this way, the target
cannot heal damage. On a success, the target is immune to
this archon’s use of this talent for 24 hours.

Untold numbers of faeries live in the lands of the
faeries. Few match the atomies when it comes to
playfulness. Travelers are bound to spy one or
more of these diminutive fey peering out from a
hole in trees, from under leaves on the forest
floors, or capering amidst the cherry blossoms.
They might just hear their laughter, recalling the
chiming of tiny bells. But as charming as they
might appear, atomies thrive on mischief. They
untie cords, loosen saddle straps, steal small
items, tug on hairs, panic animals, and work all
kinds of wickedness, but not out of malice. They
just want to see what happens, and find nothing so
funny as a mortal enraged.
Atomies stand three inches tall and look like
naked human children with pointed ears and
mops of brightly colored, unruly hair. They have
large eyes of jewels and butterfly wings on their
backs. Some have physical traits of birds, rodents,
and insects.
An individual atomy poses little danger, but
when met in numbers, they can be dangerous.
They flee from threats, but active and successful
attempts to harm them can see them gather into
angry clouds equal to creatures much larger
themselves. They swarm over enemies and bite
out chunks of flesh and rake the skin. They press
the attacks until they feel their victims have
learned their lessons or until they themselves have
been scattered.

Swarm of Atomies
Level 1 Defense 13 Health 9
Strength 5 (–5) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Sylvan
Immune immobilized, prone; infection; free attacks
Damage Resistance A swarm of atomies takes half damage
from weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Iron Weakness The swarm of atomies is weakened while
carrying or wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Befuddlement When an enemy starts its turn in the swarm’s
zone, the enemy makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy
becomes dazed until the end of its next turn.
Radiant A swarm of atomies emits dim light.
Malleable A swarm of atomies can squeeze through an
opening at least 1 inch wide.
Flight A swarm of atomies can move by flying while it is not
Wicked Mischief At the end of each round, each enemy in the
swarm’s zone makes a luck roll. On a failure, the enemy
either falls prone or becomes impaired in one attribute until
the end of the next round.
Swarming Faeries As an action, the swarm rises up, forcing
each enemy in its zone to make an Agility roll with 1 bane.
On a failure, the enemy loses something it wears or carries,
and it also takes 2d6 damage, or 1d6 damage if the swarm is

overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength

Stooped, gray-skinned humanoids with tufts of

black hair sprouting out from the creases in their

skin, attercops suffer from the horns and spurs
that break through their rubbery hides. They have
spider characteristics: a pair of spinnerets emerge
from under their sagging bellies and they have
eight, bright red eyes, though their arrangement
on their heads varies from individual to individual.
Caves, passes, or thick woods make their ideal
homes. They foul them though with excretions and
dead bodies. Bones cover ground, interspersed
with bits gear or the odd trinket. Spiders exploit
the attercops’ webs; spiders of all sizes feast on
the small, terrified things caught in strands.
When a living creature becomes unconscious
from the attercop’s poison, the attercop wraps the
creature in its webs, which takes 1 minute, and
then hangs the victim from the ceiling to “cure.”

Level 5 Defense 12 Health 36
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Attercop
Night Vision An attercop treats dim light as bright light.
Climber When the attercop uses a move to climb, it can climb
into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage and the
target makes a luck roll. On a failed luck roll, the target loses
1d6 Health and becomes poisoned (luck ends). If the target
becomes injured while it is poisoned in this way, it falls
prone and becomes unconscious for 1d6 hours. Time spent
unconscious in this way does not count as resting.
Lair Advantages If the attercop is in its lair at the start of its
turn, it can use a minor action to produce one of the
following effects:
• One enemy in the zone stumbles into webs and makes a
luck roll. On a failure, the target becomes immobilized
until it overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength
• One enemy in the zone runs afoul of venomous spiders
and makes a luck roll. On a failure, the enemy takes 1d6
damage. If the target becomes injured as a result of this
damage, it also becomes poisoned (luck with 1 boon
• The attercop hides even if it is being observed.

Attercop Lair
An attercop’s lair has one or more open borders;
by stone, trees, or debris close in the others.
Debris covers the ground with challenging terrain,
while strands of attercop silk stretch through the
air. The strands force an enemy that enters the
zone to make a luck roll. On a failure, the webs
cause the enemy to become immobilized until it

Leadership The bandit chief grants 1 boon on allies’ attribute
Melee Attack—Battle Axe (brutal) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Bandits prey on travelers, from the lone wanderer Ranged Attack—Crossbow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon
to caravans laden with goods and gold. Although against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
some choose a life of banditry, having cruel
dispositions and evil intent, most come to the
trade from lack of other options. War, famine,
oppressive regimes, and other difficulties can push
people into doing things they would never do. For
this reason, bandits rarely fight to the death and
gladly take provisions and coin in place of lives.
When not waylaying travelers, bandits live in
caves, tree forts, or in the woods. Sharing their
space are their families, lovers, opportunists,
sympathetic priests, whatever animals they might
have, and captive or two awaiting their ransom.
Bandits have little in the way of goods or treasure;
if they had such things then they wouldn’t be out
robbing wagons. After a recent raid, though, they
might be flush with goods until they consume
them, trade them, or give them away to those in
Most groups of bandits consist of flea-bitten,
filthy common folk forced into banditry. These
people wear tatty cloaks over stained and soiled
clothing, using whatever weapons they can
scavenge. The older hands have been in the
robbing business long enough to have better gear.
A chief, captain, or “lord or lady” commands the
bandits. These leaders include disgraced military
officers, wanted criminals, fallen nobles, and
charismatic scoundrels. Leaders command for as
long as they can keep their followers fed.

Level 1/2 Defense 11 (padded) Health 10
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 8 (–2)
Languages Common
Melee Attack—Club Strength against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Veteran Bandit
Level 1 Defense 15 (brigandine, shield) Health 15
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Bandit Chief
Level 3 Defense 15 (brigandine, shield) Health 28
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common
Protected If a bandit chief has three or more allies in its zone,
it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.

enemy becomes Strength impaired until the end of the next
Keening As an action, the banshee screams. Each enemy in the
banshee’s zone or any adjacent one that is not deafened
Grief of injustice can bind the souls of the dead to takes 10d6 damage. A target makes a luck roll, taking half
the world, and the hatred for the wrong can turn the damage on a success or becoming weakened (luck ends)
the spirit into a horrid thing known as a banshee. on a failure.
Once the banshee uses this supernatural talent, it loses
The need to kill, to right the wrongs, and punish
access to it (luck ends).
the wrongdoers calls banshees forth to wander the
lands, howling their misfortune. Such is the
lethality of their presence that a single banshee
kills trees, withers grasses, and drives off animals
for miles around.
Most know banshees by their scream, which is a
piercing cry that carries for miles, though
dangerous only to those nearby. The cry ought to
warn enemies away, but, if not, its appearance—
that of a pale man or women garbed in shadows—
bestows a cruel curse that speeds the living to
their graves. And if the sight and sound cannot
deter the enemy, the banshee’s touch can kill a
mortal’s soul.

Level 7 Defense 16 Health 50
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 16 (+6) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 15 (+5)
Immune frightened, immobilized, poisoned, prone; free
attacks; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Accursed Appearance An enemy becomes cursed for 24 hours
when it first sees the banshee. A creature cursed in this way
is frightened of the banshee, and the creature loses 1d6
Health the first time it takes damage in a round.
Fearsome The banshee imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Damage Resistance A banshee takes half damage from
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Burned by Sunlight If the banshee starts its turn in a zone lit
by direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
True Vision A banshee needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Airborne A banshee moves only by flying and can hover.
Spirit A banshee can move through or end its movement inside
a solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the banshee
cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed. The banshee
ignores the effects of wind and other kinds of challenging
terrain that can ordinarily affect flying creatures. The
banshee makes no noise unless it chooses to do so.
Banshee Fury Each time the banshee fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
tokens and either ends the controlled and stunned afflictions
on itself, or it flies around its zone, forcing each enemy in the
zone to make an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
enemy loses 2d6 Health and becomes weakened until it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength roll.
Melee Attack—Chilling Touch Agility with 1 boon against
Agility. On a success, the target loses 2d6 Health and
becomes Strength impaired (luck ends).
On either a success or a failure, the banshee releases a
burst of life-killing energy that spreads through the zone.
Each enemy in the zone makes a luck roll. On a failed roll, an


Of all the fiends trapped in the Netherworld, only

the barghests can enter the mortal world without
invitation. The pacts with the old gods give the
Adversary rights to harvest the souls of the
damned and the task of collecting them falls to the
hounds of hell. These fiends know all the hidden
ways of reality and thus might be found in the
mortal world, the spirit world, and anywhere else
a person might try to hide from the doom their
actions earned them.
Barghests have canine forms recalling bull
mastiffs, but they stand five feet tall at the
shoulder and weigh close to 300 pounds. Thick
black fur with bluish tips covers their bodies and
their broad, blunted heads feature eye sockets
filled with blue-black flames. Their prodigious
drool leaks from their mouths and burns whatever
it touches.
Given their freedom to move about, many
barghests prowl the wilds in the mortal world.
They favor barren, forlorn places, such as moors
and abandoned towns. Since scavengers never
touch carcasses of things killed by hell hounds, the
rotting, mangled remnants of their victims lay
scattered throughout their territory.

Level 4 Defense 11 Health 29
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Common, Goblin, Archaic, Sylvan
Immune frightened, poisoned; infection
Iron Weakness The barghest is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Mournful Howl The first time the barghest sees an enemy, the
barghest howls, the sound of which carries out to ten zones.
Each enemy that can hear the howl makes a Will roll. On a
failure, an enemy becomes frightened of the barghest until it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll. On each
of its turns, the enemy uses a move to run away from the
barghest if it can see it.
True Vision A barghest needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Fast When a barghest runs, it increases the number of zones it
can move by one.
Melee Attack—Teeth (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
If the result of the roll is 15 or higher, the target takes an
extra 1d6 damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the
target also falls prone and cannot stand up until the
barghest falls prone, moves out of the target’s reach, or
becomes unconscious.
Hellfire Breath As an action, the barghest exhales blue-black
flames. Up to three creatures in the barghest's zone take 1d6
damage, and each one makes a luck roll. On a failure, a
creature takes an extra 2d6 damage.
Once the barghest uses this supernatural talent, it loses
access to it (luck ends).

see it, the basilisk makes a Will roll against the enemy’s Will.
On a success, the enemy loses 1d6 Health and becomes
frightened of the basilisk (luck ends).

So noxious is a basilisk’s presence that the land

itself dies around its lair. One can find the bones of Basilisk Lair
all manner of creatures strewn about the dusty Basilisks burrow into the ground and excavate
landscape and there’s a profound stink of spoiled large areas with numerous branching tunnels to
meat that thickens the closer one gets to the hole riddle the ground for about a mile in all directions.
where the monster lives. If a traveler draws too These tunnels reach up to the surface to give the
close, the basilisk stirs from its slumber and basilisk numerous exits from its home for hunting.
emerges to feed. The passages feature pools of standing water, fecal
The basilisk appears as a 30-foot long, hooded mounds, in which one might discover the odd
black snake. Bony protrusions break through the metal object that survived digestion, as well as a
scales on its head to form a crown. The beast has foul stink.
four hollow teeth that it uses to inject venom into When a creature takes damage while it is in a
its victims’ body and it bares them when angered. basilisk’s lair, it takes an extra 1d6 damage from
The most striking feature, however, are its the noxious environment.
lambent eyes. On whatever the monster levels its
gaze, it dies.

Level 7 Defense 10 Health 168
Strength 16 (+6) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 13 (+3)
Immune frightened, poisoned, prone
Fearsome The basilisk imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
True Vision A basilisk needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Basilisk Fury Each time the basilisk fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and can use Spit Venom
as a reaction, even if the basilisk does not currently have
access to that trait.
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs (reach) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6
damage and makes a luck roll with 1 bane. On a failed luck
roll, it becomes poisoned (luck ends). Whenever a target
poisoned in this way loses Health, it loses an extra 1d6
Melee Attack—Tail (reach) Strength against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage, and the basilisk
pushes it into an adjacent zone. If the result of the roll is 15
or higher, the target also falls prone.
Basilisk Assault As an action, the basilisk can make both a
Fangs attack and a Tail attack, but it must choose a different
target for each attack.
Spit Venom As an action, the basilisk spits venom at up to
three creatures that are all in the same zone and within
three zones. Each target makes an Agility roll with 1 bane.
On a failure, a target takes 4d6 damage and becomes blinded
(luck ends). At the end of each round while it is blinded, it
loses 1d6 Health.
Once the basilisk uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck
Crushing Coils As a move, the basilisk shifts its coils, forcing
each other creature in its zone to make an Agility roll with 1
bane. On a failure, a creature takes 1d6 damage. If the result
of its roll is 0 or lower, the creature also falls prone and
cannot stand up until the basilisk moves out of the zone,
becomes unconscious, or dies.
Lethal Gaze As a reaction, when an enemy in the basilisk’s
zone or an adjacent one starts its turn and the basilisk can

zone from anywhere in the world. The bauchan then starts
its turn.
Teleport As a move, the bauchan magically teleports to a zone
within three zones.
Bauchans resemble old, grubby men with bent
backs, greasy brown skin, and masses of frizzy
hair that sticks out in all directions. They’ve held
frowns for so long, they always look to be
scowling. They dress themselves in whatever rags
and scraps they find, using clothespins to hold
them together. When they talk, they do so around
the pipes they always have clenched between their
yellowed teeth. The smoke from these vessels
contributes to their foul odors. Bauchans have few
nice things to say; they’d rather curse, spit, insult,
and complain.
The bauchans have hated mortals for so long,
they cannot even remember what happened to
make them feel the way they do. Their anger
makes them wholly unreasonable when dealing
with mortals and they are quick to anger when
them. Any act of greed, laziness, or anger can
arouse the faeries’ fury so much that they bestow
a nasty curse that dogs the mortals until the end of
their days.
A mortal suffering a bauchan’s attention finds
their life falling to pieces. The bauchan spreads
rumors about the individuals, commits crimes and
leaves evidence that the mortal did the deed, all
while breaking the victim’s possessions and
stealing their food. When the mortal has a bad
turn, the bauchan shows up to make it even worse,
delivering a swift, vicious beating until it can make
off with something and the vanishing.
It takes a great deal to convince a bauchan to lift
its curse (which it does as an action). Acts of
contrition, self-sacrifice, and even gifts might not
be enough. The bauchan must believe the mortal
has changed their ways, but the faerie is so
stubborn and hateful that even the greatest, most
selfless acts can fall short.

Level 2 Defense 11 Health 24
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The bauchan is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Melee Attack—Fists Strength against Defense, with 1 boon if
the target is cursed. On a success, the target takes 2d6
damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the bauchan
also takes one object the target is wearing or carrying.
Bauchan Curse As an action, the bauchan causes one creature
in its zone or an adjacent one to become cursed until either
the bauchan dies or the target dies.
When a creature cursed in this way fails a luck roll and
the result is 0 or lower, the bauchan teleports to the target’s

Satyrs stand about four feet tall and have thin,
scrawny bodies covered in patchy fur. They have
goatish heads, some with horns, others without.
It could be that the beastmen were people once, Most carry weapons of crude manufacture or arms
ordinary folks like those found throughout the they have taken from the people they killed.
lands today, but the transformation into their Shamans In societies where the strong hold all
present forms saw them stripped of all that was the power, it might seem strange that some bands
good and noble, leaving them vicious, venal, and look to the scrawny shamans for leadership and
irredeemable by any measure. They worship guidance. Shamans gain their positions having
demons. They kill for sport. They make nothing, survived possession by their demonic masters
grow nothing, build nothing. They take what they and, from those encounters, gained knowledge of
want, exploit or torment their prisoners before dread magic with which they exert their influence
eating them, and then, once they have despoiled over the band. The phenomenon of possession and
the lands, they move on to begin again. They might release belongs to the satyrs only and few survive
have human shapes, but the amalgamation of this “holy” experience. The ones who do lose all
beast and human have turned them into their body and their skin turns bone white and
something other. scrawled with signs and symbols related to their
Beastmen bands abide by a strict social order, demonic patron. Their horns grow and spiral,
wherein the strong rule the weak. The mighty hold while their eyes turn completely black. Once
all the power until an upstart takes it from them. elevated, they cover themselves in robes of human
Lesser beastmen would easily overpower skin and don elaborate, demonic masks.
tyrannical rules if they could work together, but Shamans retain something of their personalities,
treachery always undermines such efforts and but the brutishness, the cruelty, and selfishness
thus the least must subsist on the scraps while the motivate them to push the beastmen into states of
powerful enjoy all the spoils of victory. near constant conflict. Shamans push them to
Each tribe worships one of the great demons of battle against any and all they encounter, whether
the Void and they model their behavior and they need food and supplies or not. Shamans can
activities in reflection of their master, and the impart some of the demons’ influence on their
likeness of the vile power appears in their banners underlings, giving them great strength at a terrible
and painted on their arms and armor. Each band price.
has an altar raised to their demon god and it takes Wolfkyn The wolfkyn combine the physical
no time at all for them to stain its stones with the traits of wolves and humans. Their lupine heads
blood of their victims. emerge from thick necks that flow into hairless
Mongrels Mongrels experience short, humanoid forms. Being stronger and tougher than
harrowing lives defined by want and unmet need. most others in the herds, they have access to
A fractious, treacherous people, they turn each superior equipment, so most wear mail shirts
other with little provocation and most make do by overtop leather or hide coverings. Battle scars mar
eating their sick and injured. Sickness riddles their their bodies, left from vicious fights amongst each
ranks. Poor living conditions reduces them to skin other and their enemies.
and bones. Most have some infirmity of form, such Wolfyn form into large packs. A dominant
as a twisted limb, a strange growth, stunted body, member takes charge and holds the position with
or some other physical malady and have a wide help from several close allies who receive gifts in
range of animal characteristics. Some have the return for their support. The pack leader
heads of birds, bats, or snakes, while others have determines who eats and who goes hungry. Packs
fur, scales, or feathers on their bodies. also have one or more mongrels charged with
Satyrs The goat-headed beastmen called satyrs carrying their banners into battle.
hold positions above the mongrels, but they gain Hogkyn Hogkyn combine the features of people
few luxuries for their somewhat elevated station. and warthogs, porcine heads jutting out from the
Like mongrels, satyrs face abuse and exploitation shoulders of large humanoid bodies. Tusks crowd
by other beastmen and receive the dross of any their mouths and their ears hang like flaps down
raid. Since no satyr can stand to see its fellow past their jowls. Voracious eaters, they carry a bit
succeed, most hide their victories and keep their more bulk; most have distended abdomens that
own council lest jealous satyrs murder and eat hang like fleshy skirts over their loins. Most go
them. without armor, since they find it difficult to get a
good fit. But they don’t have much need of

protection, as they’re ferocious in a fight and chop Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Agility against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
up their enemies with big battle axes.
When not fighting, the hogkyn wallow in
shallow pools, eating, sleeping, and messing their Satyr
Level 1 Defense 12 Health 14
living environments until they become a Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 9 (–1)
pestilential stew. Flies fill the air and the stink Languages Beastman
carries to drown out even the malodorous Night Vision A beastman treats dim light as bright light.
atmosphere one typically finds in a beastmen’s Fast When a satyr runs, it increases the number of zones it can
move by one.
camp. Hogkyn have strong constitutions, so they Revel in Carnage When the satyr sees a mongrel take damage,
never fall ill, but the diseases bred in their waters the satyr heals 1 damage.
sometimes spread to the other beastmen and Melee Attack—Dagger Agility against Defense. On a success,
winnows their numbers until the whole band has the target takes 1d6 damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Javelin (thrown 2) Strength
to pick up and move. against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ursyr The hulking ursyr combine the features of
bears with people. Like other beastmen, the Satyr Shaman
animal head replaces the human one and it flows Level 5 Defense 12 (leather) Health 59
intop muscled, hirsute bodies. Ursyn upper bodies Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 13 (+3)
are so large and broad that they walk with a stoop, Languages Beastman, Common
Protected If a shaman has three or more allies in its zone, it
their heads thrust out on thick necks. They have imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
comparably short legs with feet that end in long Night Vision A beastman treats dim light as bright light.
claws. Many ursyr wear hooded cloaks and favor Leadership The shaman grants 1 boon on the attribute rolls of
light armor for stealth. allies in its zone.
Howling Darkness The first time the shaman is harmed, it
The ursyr have little love for their fellow rises a few feet into the air and screams, causing all
beastmen and only fear of reprisals from the creatures in its zone to become deafened (luck ends).
shamans keeps them in league with their kin. Even Supernatural darkness spreads out from its body to fill its
though they join the larger bands in times of zone until the end of the round. The darkness blocks all
forms of vision and makes all creatures in the zone blinded
battle, the ursyr keep apart from the mess and for as long as they remain in. it. At the end of the round, the
chaos of their camps. Ursyr consider themselves shaman returns to the ground, and each enemy in the zone
civilized and make sure to converse with their makes a Will roll and, on a failure, becomes frightened of the
victims as they dine on them, starting with the shaman until it overcomes the affliction with a successful
Will roll.
toes and working their way up until conversation Melee Attack—Skull Staff Will against Strength. On a success,
becomes impossible. the target takes 4d6 damage and becomes Strength impaired
Taurkyn Herds of any significant size always (luck ends).
include at least one of the dreaded doom bulls. Thunderous Blast As an action, the shaman causes magical
thunder to boom in one zone within three zones of it. The
The taurkyn stand upwards of eight feet tall and thunder deals 3d6 damage to each creature or object in that
weigh as much as 500 pounds, and nearly all of zone.
that weight is muscle. They have overlarge bull Once the shaman uses this supernatural talent, it loses
heads from which emerge long, sharp horns on access to it (luck ends).
Eye of the Beast Falls on You As a minor action, once per
either side of their heads. Most have brands and round, the shaman causes one beastman ally within three
scars on their bodies, shaped in symbols to evoke zones to become cursed until the shaman uses an action to
the demons’ blessings. touch the ally and end the affliction. While it is cursed in this
Taurkyn could rule, but most lack the wit. way, the ally makes rolls to attack with 1 boon and its attacks
deal an extra 1d6 damage, but it loses 1d6 Health at the end
Instead, they lumber into a fight and hack their of each round.
enemies apart and, when not fighting, they live The shaman can use this supernatural talent three times.
almost in luxury, and enjoy all the fine things the It regains expended uses after a full night’s rest.
beastmen can offer them. The shamans know their
value and work to keep these monsters placated. Wolfkyn
Level 2 Defense 15 (mail) Health 24
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
Mongrel Languages Beastman
Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 9 Night Vision A beastman treats dim light as bright light.
Strength 9 (–1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 6 (–4) Melee Attack—Axe and Dagger (brutal) Strength with 1 boon
Languages Beastman against Defense, or with 2 boons if the wolfkyn outnumber
Craven The mongrel makes attribute rolls with 1 bane while it their enemies in the zone. On a success, the target takes 2d6
is in a zone that contains more enemies than allies. damage.
Night Vision A beastman treats dim light as bright light.

Wolfkyn Pack Leader Sweeping Horns As a minor action, once per round, the
taurkyn makes a Horns attack.
Level 3 Defense 15 (mail) Health 49
Aggressive As a reaction when the taurkyn sees an enemy, the
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
taurkyn can move to where it can reach one enemy in its
Languages Beastman
zone or an adjacent one.
Protected If a pack leader has three or more allies in its zone,
it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Night Vision A beastman treats dim light as bright light.
Leadership The pack leader grants 1 boon on the attribute of
allies in its zone.

Melee Attack—Greataxe (brutal, wounding) Strength with 1
boon against Defense, or with 2 boons if the wolfkyn
outnumber their enemies in the zone. On a success, the
target takes 3d6 damage.
Hateful Howl As a minor action, the pack leader howls. Each
beastman ally within three zones becomes immune to the
frightened affliction and deals an extra 1d6 damage on its
attacks. At the end of each round, the pack leader rolls a d6.
On a 3 or lower, the effect ends.
Once the pack leader uses this trait, it loses access to it for
1 hour.

Level 3 Defense 12 (shield) Health 61
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Beastman
Immune Strength impaired, weakened
Night Vision A beastman treats dim light as bright light.
Ferocious When the hogkyn is harmed, it makes rolls to attack
with 1 boon until the end of the next round.
Melee Attack—Battle Axe (brutal, wounding) Strength
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

Level 4 Defense 15 (brigandine and shield) Health 62
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Beastman
Resilience An ursyr makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Night Vision A beastman treats dim light as bright light.
Murderous If the ursyr gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Crossbow (brutal, range 3) Agility with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6

Level 5 Defense 10 Health 79
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Beastman
Night Vision A beastman treats dim light as bright light.
Vicious When a taurkyn rolls damage, it rolls an additional
time and uses the higher total.
Melee Attack—Greataxe (brutal, wounding) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 5d6
damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target
takes an extra 1d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Horns Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Bull Rush As an action, the taurkyn runs and makes a Horns
attack at any point during its movement. If the result of its
successful roll to attack is 15 or higher, the target takes an
extra 2d6 damage and falls prone.

Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 11 (+1)
Melee Attack—Teeth (brutal) Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Snapping Teeth As an action, the crocodile deals 2d6 damage
Most animals pose little danger to the characters, to a creature it has grabbed, and the crocodile extends the
a few beasts earn attention due to role as major duration of the grab until the end of its next turn.
predators in the ecosystem. The following entries
correspond to animals found in the real world, but Dog
you can change their appearance to make them Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 11
more interesting or even magical. Also, these Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 10 (+0)
Keen Scent A dog knows the location of each creature and
animals represent many different species of the dead creature within one zone of it.
same general kind, such that a bear could be a Melee Attack—Teeth Strength against Defense, with 1 boon if
grizzly bear, while a lion might be some other type the target has already been attacked in this round. On a
of feline, such as a cougar or a tiger. success, the target takes 1d6 damage, or 2d6 damage if the
target is prone. Then the target makes a Strength roll and, on
Most beasts know no languages, though some a failed roll, it falls prone and cannot stand up (luck ends).
can learn certain commands. In the faerie realms, The target also becomes able to stand up if the dog becomes
natural animals can speak the Common language unconscious.
of mortals. This fact has led some to speculate that
these animals were once human, changed by the Giant Frog
faeries into forms the faeries found more pleasing. Level 1 Defense 11 Health 20
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 10 (+0)
If true, the animals never speak of forms other Melee Attack—Teeth Strength against Defense. On a success,
than the ones they possess and retain their the target takes 2d6 damage.
linguistic abilities only as long as they remain in Sticky Tongue As an action, the giant frog flicks its tongue at a
the enchanted places. creature in an adjacent zone. It makes a Strength roll against
the target’s Agility. On a success, the frog pulls the target into
its zone. If the result of the roll also equals or exceeds the
Ape target’s Defense, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Level 2 Defense 11 Health 34 Hop As a move, the giant frog jumps to an adjacent zone and
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1) lands on a surface there.
Melee Attack—Fists and Teeth Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Giant Lizard
Level 3 Defense 11 Health 47
Bear Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 7 (–3) Will 10 (+0)
Level 3 Defense 12 Health 42 Climber When the giant lizard uses a move to climb, it can
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1) climb into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (brutal) Strength with 1 overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
damage. If the result of the roll to attack is 20 or higher, the Melee Attack—Teeth (keen +1d6) Strength against Defense.
target also falls prone. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
Swat As a reaction when an enemy in the bear’s zone deals
damage to it, the bear forces the enemy to make an Agility
roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the enemy takes 1d6 damage.
Giant Rat
Level 1/2 Defense 12 Health 6
Strength 6 (–4) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 9 (–1)
Boar Melee Attack—Teeth Agility against Defense. On a success, the
Level 2 Defense 10 Health 25 target takes 1d6 damage. A target of flesh and blood is also
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 13 (+3) exposed to infection.
Melee Attack—Tusks (punishing) Strength against Defense,
with 1 boon if the boar is injured. On a success, the target
takes 2d6 damage, or 3d6 damage if the boar is injured.
Level 1 Defense 10 Health 21
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 9 (–1)
Bull Mount A horse can carry an ally as a rider.
Level 2 Defense 10 Health 34 Melee Attack—Hooves Strength against Defense. On a
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 7 (–3) Will 13 (+3) success, the target takes 1d6 damage, and if the result of the
Melee Attack—Horns (brutal) Strength against Defense. On a roll also equals or exceeds the target’s Strength, the target
success, the target takes 2d6 damage. falls prone.
Bull Rush As an action, the bull runs and makes a Horns attack
at any point during its movement. If the result of its
successful roll to attack is 15 or higher, the target takes an
extra 2d6 damage and falls prone. Level 3 Defense 12 Health 38
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Night Vision A lion treats dim light as bright light.
Crocodile Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (keen +1d6) Strength against
Level 2 Defense 10 Health 33 Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.

Pounce As an action, the lion jumps to an empty space in an Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Strength with 1 boon against
adjacent zone and makes a Claws and Teeth attack. On a Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and
success, the target makes a Strength roll and, on a failed roll, makes a luck roll with 1 bane, becoming poisoned (luck
falls prone and cannot stand up (luck ends). The target also ends) on a failure.
becomes able to stand up if the lion becomes prone or
unconscious or leaves the zone.
Once the lion uses this talent, it loses access to it (luck
Level 2 Defense 10 Health 37
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1)
Mount A warhorse can bear an ally as a rider.
Mastodon Battle-trained Steed A warhorse grants its rider 1 boon on
Level 5 Defense 10 Health 144 rolls to attack.
Strength 16 (+6) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0) Melee Attack—Hooves Strength against Defense. On a
Trample When the mastodon runs into a zone, each creature success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
in that zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature
takes 1d6 damage and falls prone.
Melee Attack—Tusks and Feet Strength against Agility. On a
Level 1 Defense 11 Health 12
success, a target takes 4d6 damage.
Mastodon Assault As an action, mastodon makes two or three Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Night Vision A wolf treats dim light as bright light.
Tusks and Feet attacks, but must make each attack against a
Melee Attack—Teeth Strength against Defense, with 1 boon if
different target.
the target has already been attacked in this round. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage, or 2d6 damage if it is
Pack Mule prone. Then the target makes a Strength roll and, on a
Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 12 failure, falls prone (or remains prone) and cannot stand up
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 9 (–1) (luck ends). The target also becomes able to stand up if the
Mount A pack mule can bear an ally as a rider. wolf becomes prone or unconscious or leaves the zone.
Melee Attack—Hooves Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage. GOBLIN WOLVES
Goblins train wolves to bear riders and to make them
Python more vicious in a fight. Wolves encountered in the
Level 2 Defense 10 Health 13 company of goblins can have the following additional
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 11 (+1) traits:
Crushing Coils The python makes rolls to grab with 1 boon
and imposes 1 bane on rolls to overcome its grab. If the Vicious When a goblin wolf rolls damage, it rolls an additional
python grabs an injured creature, the creature becomes time and uses the higher total.
subject to suffocation until the grab ends. Each time the Mount A goblin wolf can carry an ally as a rider.
python extends the duration of the grab, the target loses 2d6
Health and becomes weakened until the start of the python’s
next turn.

Level 1/2 Defense 13 Health 8
Strength 8 (–2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1)
Flight A raptor can move by flying while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Talons Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage, and if the result of the
roll is 20 or higher, the target also becomes blinded (luck

Level 2 Defense 11 Health 26
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 12 (+2)
Aquatic The shark breathes while it is submerged in water and
is subject to suffocation while it is out of water.
Swimmer A shark can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Teeth (wounding) Strength against Defense,
with 1 boon if the target is injured. On a success, the target
takes 2d6 damage.

Level 1 Defense 11 Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 11 (+1)

Blobs lack form. They spread out like liquid-filled
bladders, the skin of which having the texture and
consistency of leather. Tufts of hair, swiveling
eyeballs, and other, more awful organs dot their
bodies, some leaking noisome fluids, other making
piping sounds when the mass flows.
A blob feeds on flesh and blood. Since they’re
slow, they absorb nutrients from dead things,
mostly, or whatever they can corner and crush.
Once a blob rolls over its victim, it takes mere
minutes to consume the body and then it’s
slithering on, looking for its next meal.

Level 6 Defense 5 Health 156
Strength 16 (+6) Agility 5 (–5) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 14 (+4)
Immune immobilized, prone; free attacks
Fearsome The blob imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Stunning Horror When an enemy first sees the blob, the
enemy makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the
enemy becomes immune to this blob’s Stunning Horror for
24 hours. On a failure, the enemy becomes stunned until the
end of its next turn, and then becomes frightened of the blob
until it overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll.
While it is frightened of the blob, the enemy uses a move on
each of its turns to run away from it.
Awareness The blob knows where each creature and object
within three zones of it is located.
Malleable A blob can squeeze through an opening at least 1
inch wide.
Crushing Move When the blob moves into a zone containing at
least one creature, it stops moving in that zone, and each
creature in it takes 6d6 damage. The creature makes an
Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes an extra 3d6
damage, falls prone, and becomes immobilized until the blob
moves or becomes incapacitated. While it is immobilized in
this way, the creature has total cover from attacks and
effects that originate from outside the blob’s zone, it is
subject to suffocation, and it loses 3d6 Health at the end of
each round.
Slow A blob cannot run.
Foul Spray Whenever the blob takes 20 damage or more, it
sprays corrosive juices that deal 1d6 damage to each
creature in its zone. A creature makes an Agility roll and, on
a failure, takes an extra 3d6 damage and becomes weakened
(luck ends).

Bog Beast
Big, lumbering beasts, one might think bog beasts
easily avoidable, but their ability to go days
without shifting their bulk helps them blend into
the wetlands where they live. They move so slowly
and disturb their environments so little that they
come to appear as islands in the muck. That
symbiotic fungi grows from their backs only adds
to their camouflage.
A bog beast gorges itself when it can, but it
might go a week or longer without eating. Rather
than prowl the swamps where most of its kind
live, it uses its prehensile tail to drag birds,
rodents, and other wildlife toward its mouth
where they disappear into its gullet before they
even know what is happening. Only when
threatened does the bog beast lift itself out of the
muck to fight.
The monster has the shape of a hippopotamus,
but with six stumpy legs and a long, whiplike tail.
Its wide mouth holds double rows of sharp teeth
that frame a purple tongue. The fungi and mold
growing on the beast’s back draw nutrients from
the waters and share those nutrients with their
host, which lets the monster shake off damage
with ease.

Bog Beast
Level 5 Defense 9 Health 62
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 12 (+2)
Swamp Concealment If the bog beast is in a marsh, swamp, or
similar zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after
the bog beast takes its first turn.
Spore Cloud Each time the bog beast takes damage, it makes a
luck roll. On a success, the beast releases spores from its
back that obscure its zone for 1 minute. Enemies in the zone
are exposed to infection, and they cannot heal damage while
they are in the zone.
Once the bog beast uses this trait, it loses access to it for 1
Bog Beast Fury Each time the bog beast fails a roll, it gains 1
fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately
discards its tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, moves into
an adjacent zone, and then makes a Tail attack and a Teeth
attack, which can both be against the same target.
Vital Nourishment At the end of the round, if any other
creature in its zone is injured, the bog beast heals 1d6
Melee Attack—Tail (reach) Strength against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 3d6 damage. If the roll to attack
also equals or exceeds the target’s Defense, the target
instead takes 4d6 damage and becomes poisoned and
weakened (luck ends both).
Melee Attack—Teeth Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage and becomes
poisoned and weakened (luck ends both).
Tail Slap As a reaction when the bog beast takes damage, it
makes a Tail attack.

Aggressive As a reaction when the boggart sees an enemy, the
boggart can move to where it can reach one enemy in its
zone or an adjacent one.

Boggarts incarnate their enemies’ worst fears.

They might appear as the shadowy things that hid
in their foes’ closets, menacing exaggerated
embodiments of their nemeses, masses of
crawling, biting things, or things far worse. Facing
such awful visions drives witnesses to the brink of
madness and most run from the boggarts
screaming, without realizing that it is all just an
illusion created so that the boggart can absorb the
terror it needs for survival.
Since boggarts tailor their appearance to the
people who see them, they often appear quite
different to onlookers. Simply communicating
what people see can be enough of a clue to shake
off the dread. Boggarts understand this and thus
prefer to hunt their prey, one at a time.
Piercing their disguise reveals them as stunted,
hairy beings with toothy mouths and red-rimmed
eyes. Rather than fear them, boggarts in their true
form arouse only disgust. A boggart stripped of its
fearsome appearance favors flight over fight and
only stands its ground when it has nowhere else to
Boggarts infest the lands around the Goblin City
and spread out from there. Unwilling to swear
fealty to the Goblin King, they creep about the
weird, distorted landscape, preying on mortal and
goblin alike. Boggarts build no shelters, make no
things. They make their homes inside dead trees,
shallow caves, and burrows.

Level 5 Defense 12 Health 52
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The boggart is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Worst Fears Realized When a creature starts its turn in the
boggart’s zone or an adjacent one and can see the boggart,
the creature makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the
creature is immune to the effects of this trait for 1 hour. On a
failure, the creature becomes frightened of the boggart until
the creature overcomes the affliction with a successful Will
roll or the boggart dies. While it is frightened of the boggart,
the creature uses a move on each of its turns to run away
from it.
Dark Vision A boggart needs no light to see in its zone.
Melee Attack—Touch Strength with 1 boon against Agility. On
a success, the target takes 3d6 damage and becomes
weakened until the end of the boggart’s next turn. A
frightened target or one that was already weakened takes an
extra 2d6 damage.
Boggart Assault As an action, the boggart makes two Touch
attacks, but it must choose a different target for each attack.

becomes frightened of the bone machine (luck ends). An

Bone Machine
enemy also makes an Agility roll with 1 bane and takes an
extra 2d6 damage on a failure. The bone machine can then
move into an adjacent zone.
Of the bone machines, one is known, another is Melee Attack—Sharp Ends (reach, wounding) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6
suspected, and the third exists as the subject of damage. On a failure, the target takes 3d6 damage.
much whispering by the people living in a mere Bone Machine Assault As an action, the bone machine makes
speck of a town called High Hollow. Do others two or three Sharp Ends attacks, but it must choose a
exist? Surely, but they are rare things formed from different target for each attack.
Absorb Bones As a reaction when an enemy in the bone
the psychic echoes of those who died and machine's zone becomes injured or takes damage while it is
contributed their remains to the making of this injured, the bone machine pulls the enemy into its mass. The
thing. enemy becomes immobilized until it overcomes the
Bone machines form in mass graves of people affliction with a successful Strength roll, at which point the
enemy moves out of the bone machine’s mass and into the
killed unjustly. A shifting, seething lake of cracked bone machine’s zone. While it is immobilized, the enemy
and splintered bones, it rattles as the piles shift of moves with the bone machine and loses 1d6 Health at the
their own accord. Life offends the bone machine’s end of each round. Each time an enemy loses Health in this
essence and when something living comes too way, the bone machine heals 3d6 damage.
Each other enemy that sees the bone machine pull the
close, the great pile gathers itself up to rake, creature into its mass makes a Will roll. On a failure, the
punch, and dismember. Creatures who succumb to enemy becomes frightened of the bone machine (luck ends).
the bone machine’s attacks are themselves If the enemy is already frightened, the enemy becomes
dragged into its mass and experience the horror of stunned (luck ends) instead.
spectral fingers pulling away the skin and meat to
add their bones to the horror. Bone Machine Lair
Despite being a pile of animated bones, the bone One might find a bone machine in a catacomb,
machine possesses strange cunning and it shows buried in an old battlefield, or left in a heap inside
in how it seeks out the weakest foes to engulf. a barn where no one can see the remains of the
Some claim the bones machines might form atrocity that led to its creation. Such places occupy
themselves into the shapes of letters and words as one zone with the following properties.
a way to communicate, but the thoughts they Loose Bones Ribcages, tibias, skulls, and more
would express lay just on the other side of cover the ground throughout the zone and counts
meaning and sense. as challenging terrain for all creatures other than
the bone machine. In addition, any creature of
Bone Machine flesh and blood that falls prone in the zone takes
Level 9 Defense 14 Health 255 1d6 damage.
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 15 (+5)
Immune blinded, deafened, immobilized, poisoned, prone;
Haunted Some spectral remains of the dead
damage from cold; free attacks; deprivation, exposure, linger near bone machines. Whenever the result of
infection, suffocation a failed roll by any creature in the bone machine’s
Bone Concealment If the bone machine is in a zone containing zone is 0 or lower, howls and shrieks fill the air,
bones zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the
bone machine takes its first turn. The bone machine then
and grisly images of the dead appear. Each enemy
loses access to this trait until the combat ends. in the zone makes a Will roll and, on a failure,
Fearsome The bone machine imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack becomes frightened of the zone until the enemy
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune overcomes the effect with a successful Will roll. An
to this trait.
Undead A bone machine is not alive. While it is not injured, it
enemy that succeeds on the initial Will roll or
takes half damage from weapons. overcomes the affliction is immune to this effect
Bone Splinters The first time in each round that the bone for 24 hours.
machine takes 10 damage or more, each other creature in its
zone makes a luck roll and takes 1d6 damage on a failure.
Awareness The bone machine knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Malleable A bone machine can squeeze through an opening at
least 6 inches wide.
Tide of Ragged Ends When a bone machine enters a zone,
each enemy in that zone makes a luck roll and, on a failure,
takes 1d6 damage.
Bone Machine Fury Each time the bone machine fails a roll, it
gains 1 fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately
discards its tokens, and each enemy in its zone takes 2d6
damage and makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy

Battle Tactics As a reaction when an ally in the captain’s zone
fails a roll to attack, the captain can turn the failure into a

Wars create brigands. When armies meet on the

battlefield, they spill survivors, deserters, and
others into the countryside. Some find their way
home, but the hardened killers exploit their
sudden freedom by plundering the landscape of
provisions and valuables. Brigands might engage
in activities similar to bandits, but their
experience in battle gives them an edge over their
ragtag counterparts.
Most brigands form into bands that might
number just a few or reach into the hundreds,
though large groups settle into keeps, towers, and
other stronghold wrested from their inhabitants.
Brigand forces maintain a military hierarchy, with
an officer in charge, who might be a captain,
marshal, general, or of whatever rank of a force
divided into sergeant-led squads.
Better accoutered than other outlaws, brigands
have the discipline to care for and maintain their
weapons and gear, which they might keep from
their time in the military. Some wear markings to
show their loyalty to their leaders, with armbands
and badges being the most common displays.

Level 1 Defense 15 (brigandine, shield) Health 15
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Crossbow (range 3) Agility against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

Brigand Sergeant
Level 2 Defense 17 (mail, shield) Health 32
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common
Murderous If the sergeant gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll
to attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Crossbow (brutal, range 3) Agility against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

Brigand Captain
Level 4 Defense 17 (mail, shield) Health 37
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common
Protected If a captain has three or more allies in its zone, it
imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Leadership The captain grants 1 boon on the attribute rolls of
allies in its zone.
Murderous If the captain gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.

Even the most patient fenoderee finds brownies
exhausting. Brownies don’t mean to be irritating,
but their overinflated sense of self and their
unwillingness to accept their diminutive size gets
the into all sorts of trouble. They have ample
courage, but little common sense.
An individual brownie stands three inches tall
with dusky brown skin, thick hair of similar color,
and slight bodies. They clothe themselves in
squirrel skins and wear nut shells for helmets.
They make their weapons from animal bones,
splinters of wood hardened by flames, or scraps of
metal they find. Brownies can communicate with
animals and can be found riding on the backs of
racoons, owls, and others.
Brownies talk all the time. The sound of their
chattering makes it almost impossible to miss
their hideouts, even though brownies do take
great pains to conceal their dens. When they
encounter an unfriendly person, they seem to
know just what to say to enrage their enemies, and
the brownies exploit their foes’ rage by engulfing
them and dragging them to the ground and might
even make a meal of them.

Band of Brownies
Level 3 Defense 14 Health 23
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune immobilized, prone; free attacks; infection
Damage Resistance A band of brownies takes half damage
from weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Iron Weakness The band of brownies is weakened while
carrying or wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Night Vision A band of brownies treats dim light as bright
Malleable A band of brownies can squeeze through an opening
at least 3 inches wide.
Taunts and Insults At the end of each round, one enemy in the
brownies' zone or in an adjacent one that can hear and
understand the brownies makes a Will roll. On a failure, the
enemy becomes Intellect impaired for 1 minute or until it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll. An
Intellect impaired target makes rolls against the brownies
with 1 bane.
Swarming Brownies As an action, the brownies attack any
creatures on the ground in their zone. They make an Agility
roll against each target with 1 boon, or with 2 boons if a
target is Intellect impaired or prone. On a success, the target
takes 4d6 damage, or 2d6 damage if the brownies are
injured, and the target becomes Agility impaired and Will
impaired (luck ends both).
Overwhelm As an action, the brownies engulf one creature on
the ground in their zone. The target makes a Strength roll
with 1 bane and, on a failure, it takes 2d6 damage and falls
prone. The target cannot stand up until either the brownies
become incapacitated, the brownies leave the zone, or the
target overcomes the effect with a successful Strength roll
with 1 bane.

Lashing Claws As an action, the bugbear makes two Claws
attacks, but it must choose a different target for each attack.
Swallow If the bugbear has no creature swallowed, it can, as an
action, swallow one human-sized or smaller creature that it
The Adversary took the eyes from faeries who has grabbed. The target becomes swallowed until it dies, the
offended him. Some of his victims discovered they bugbear dies, or the bugbear vomits it up. A bugbear that
could see if they placed shiny silver coins in their has a creature swallowed can choose to speak with that
creature’s voice when it speaks.
eyes, but no ordinary silver would work. They
A swallowed target cannot move out of the bugbear’s
needed coins minted in the Adversary’s realm. space, cannot see or hear anything outside the bugbear's
Now, the bugbears kidnap mortals and trade them body, and moves with the bugbear when it moves. The target
at the Night Market for new coins when the old can attack the bugbear, but only with off-hand weapons. The
bugbear can use a minor action in each round to digest the
ones become too tarnished for them to see. target, causing it to lose 1d6 Health. The bugbear can also
The nature of the magic that has warped use an action to vomit up the swallowed creature, which
bugbears into their present form has saddled lands in its zone. Finally, if the bugbear becomes
these creatures with odd beliefs, which have, in incapacitated, it automatically vomits up a creature it has
turn, created certain taboos. Individual bugbears An enemy that sees the bugbear use this trait makes a
might have all kinds of prohibitions, but all seem Will roll. On a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of the
unable to open doors of any kind. When they do, bugbear until the enemy overcomes the affliction with a
their fear of what lurks beyond folds them in on successful Will roll. While it is frightened of the bugbear, the
enemy uses a move on each of its turns to run away from the
themselves, causing them to vanish forever.
The taboo against doors forced bugbears to find
other ways to infiltrate their victims’ homes.
Bugbears can flatten, compress their bodies to

slither through the gap left in a door left ajar, a
lowered, but unclosed window, even in the space
under a door.
Bugbears appear as tall, slender humanoids
with shining eyes. They have long delicate fingers
on hands and each ends in a hooked talon.
Bugbears might disguise themselves in top hats
and long coats or move about free from clothing,
their pale, maggot-white skin that gleams in the

Level 4 Defense 12 Health 36
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Archaic, Sylvan
Immune immobilized, prone; free attacks; infection
Fearsome The bugbear imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Invisible A bugbear is invisible while in zones lit by dim light,
faint light, or no light at all. When it uses an action, move, or
reaction, it loses access to this trait until the start of its next
Iron Weakness The bugbear is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Sunlight Weakness A bugbear is weakened while it is in a
zone lit by direct sunlight.
Dark Vision A bugbear needs no light to see in its zone.
Malleable A bugbear can squeeze through an opening at least
1 inch wide.
Bugbear Taboo If a bugbear opens a closed door of any kind,
its Health drops to 0 and it disappears.
Melee Attack—Claws (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target is a creature,
and the bugbear does not have a creature swallowed, it can
use a reaction to swallow the target.

Fiery Step As a minor action, the cambion teleports to an
adjacent zone. Each creature in the cambion’s reach when it
teleports makes a luck roll and takes 1d6 damage on a
failure. Smoke obscures the zone the cambion left until the
The cambions claim descent from the people of start of the cambion’s next turn.
the fallen empire whose ruins have become known Once the cambion uses this trait, it must wait for at least 1
as the Devastation. Long absent, they have hour before it can use it again.
returned to the civilization in dribs and drabs,
often surprising and terrorizing those unfamiliar
with their kind. Cambions appear as devils in the
flesh: crimson-skinned, horns, and spiked tails. If
only they knew that the cambions share a heritage
in common with humans, perhaps the fear and
suspicion that greets the cambions would not be
as great as it is.
Even though cambions have no obligation to
embrace the darkness of their ancestors and can
adopt whatever culture they choose, the fact
remains that many cambions, especially those who
descend from the lost noble houses, keep alive the
traditions of bargaining with devils and gaining
power from them for wealth, influence, and
control. One finds these villains at the center of
cults, sinister secret societies, wielding dread
artifacts, and consorting with evil beings.

Cambion Hellbringer
An unrepentant agent of the fiends, the hellbringer
works mischief in settled areas by murder,
sabotage, and whatever other method serves with
the result being destabilization and the fraying of
social bonds. Hellbringers often employ criminals
to aid them in carrying out their plots.

Cambion Hellbringer
Level 5 Defense 13 (leather) Health 51
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common
Fireborn A cambion take half damage from fire and it rolls to
resist harmful effects of fire with 1 boon. Finally, the
cambion ignores the effects of heat exposure.
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility against Agility. On a success, the
target takes 1d6 damage.
Hellfire Blast As an action, the cambion sprays blue-black fire
from its fingers at one creature within three zones, causing it
to take 3d6 damage. The cambion makes an Intellect roll
with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
target takes an extra 4d6 damage and catches fire (luck
ends). If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the cambion
does not expend a use of this talent.
The cambion can use this magical talent three times. The
cambion regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Stoke the Flames of Hate As an action, the cambion inflames
the passion of one creature in its zone or an adjacent one.
The target becomes Intellect impaired (luck with 1 bane
ends). Until the affliction ends, the target sees all creatures
as enemies and must choose the targets of its attacks at
random. If the target uses an action for any purpose other
than making an attack, the target takes 3d6 damage.
The cambion can use this magical talent once. The
cambion regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.

When not on the move, carnivorous trees blend in
with other trees in forests and woods. A keen eye,
though, might catch their round crimson leaves,
gray bark, and the fanged opening in the middle of
their trunks. Thought to have been planted by
Grandfather Tree long ago to protect the ancient
forests, carnivorous trees bear some responsibility
for people who go missing when trekking through
the woods. The trees snatch creatures that come
too close and stuff them into their greedy maws.

Carnivorous Tree
Level 4 Defense 15 Health 87
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 7 (–3) Intellect 5 (–5) Will 13 (+3)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened
Woodland Concealment If the carnivorous tree is in a forest
zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the
carnivorous tree takes its first turn. The carnivorous tree
then loses access to this trait until the combat ends.
Flammable The carnivorous tree takes double damage from
fire. When it takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with
1 bane and catches fire on a failure.
Awareness The carnivorous tree knows where each creature
and object within six zones of it is located.
Slow A carnivorous tree cannot run.
Melee Attack—Branches and Maw (reach) Strength against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage. If the
target becomes injured from this attack, it takes an extra 3d6
Carnivorous Tree Assault As an action, the carnivorous tree
makes two Branches and Maw attacks, but it must choose a
different target for each attack.

Aggressive As a reaction when the catoblepas sees an enemy,
the catoblepas can move to where it can reach one enemy in
its zone or an adjacent one.

Gourmands everywhere agree that the pungent

cheese of catoblepas milk has no equal in all the
lands, such is the delicacy of its flavor, the
sharpness of its bite, despite the eye-watering
fumes that lift from the block. As loved and prized
as this cheese might be, collecting milk from the
catoblepas it no work for the faint of heart. Herds
of these beasts roam the plains and prairies of the
New Lands, but sometimes roam into the
Borderlands, and with them comes a great
miasma, a dread stink that comes from their
exhalations whose potency can kill. Still, some
make the effort to steal a bit of milk from these
bison-like creatures and can sell the cheese they
make for as much as 10 gp.
From a distance, a catoblepas might be mistaken
for a bison with enormous horns extending out
from the sides of it oversized, shaggy head. Closer
inspection reveals thick, black armored plates
covering its back in the manner of an armadillo. Its
thick legs end in hoofs divided into three toes. The
catoblepas has no trouble with extreme heat or
Catoblepas cows avoid conflict and run off. The
bulls charge threats and tear them apart with their

Level 3 Defense 14 Health 39
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 7 (–3) Will 10 (+0)
Immune deprivation, exposure
Stench A foul smell emanates from the catoblepas, causing
enemies of flesh and blood in its zone to become weakened
for as long as they remain there.
Melee Attack—Horns (brutal, keen +2d6) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6
damage. If the result of the Strength roll was 20 or higher,
the target also falls prone.
Catoblepas Assault As an action, the catoblepas makes two
Horns attacks, but it must choose a different target for each
Toxic Exhalation As an action, the catoblepas belches out a
cloud of poisonous gas that obscures its zone for 1 minute.
Each creature of flesh and blood that starts its turn in the
zone or that enters it makes a Strength roll. On a success, the
target takes 1d6 damage and becomes immune to the
catoblepas’s Toxic Exhalation for 24 hours. On a failure, a
creature loses 3d6 Health and becomes poisoned (luck
ends). If the target remains poisoned in this way for 6
rounds or longer and lives, the target also becomes
weakened for 24 hours.
The catoblepas can use this talent once. The catoblepas
regains the use of it after 1 hour.
Stomp As a minor action, the catoblepas stomps its foot. Each
creature on the ground in its zone that is not a quadruped
makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature falls prone.
Once the catoblepas uses this trait, it loses access to it
(luck ends).

Centaur Assault As an action, the centaur makes two Hooves
and Spear attacks, but it must choose a different target for
each attack.
Ranged Attack—Shortbow (range 4) Agility with 1 boon
Few centaur herds have interest in dealing with against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
outsiders, and a few disagreeable bands go so far Spring Away The centaur can retreat as a minor action.
as to treat anyone not like themselves as their foes.
And while all centaur bands consider raiding a
practical use for needed supplies, more than a few
raiders go further than simply killing. They
butcher their foes and commit atrocities to their
Herds cooperate for breeding. Mares find
stallions among rival tribes. A male centaur
chosen by a mare cuts all ties to his birth-tribe.
Outside of courtship, centaurs have little reason to
interact, though.
Centaurs combine traits of horses and humans.
Where an ordinary horse’s neck would extend out
from its body, centaurs have human torsos, arms,
and heads. Centaur anatomy has more in common
with horses than with humans, for all organs
denoting gender appear in the horse-like portions
of form. The human components lack certain
features one might expect to see on a human torso.
For this reason, male and female centaurs appear
similar from the waist up.
Herds follow curlbeaks, large, migratory
flightless birds found in Sky Country. The animals
provide the centaurs with meat, feathers, bone,
and hide, materials useful for making all kinds of

Centaur Warrior
People risk their lives when to travel the Sky
Country. A great, wide open region of hardscrabble
scrubland, there’s little there aside from stunted
trees and brambles. If centaur scouts spot
intruders, warriors come forward and it’s rare for
such meetings to end in any way other than
violence. Centaurs take prisoners, but only of
those who won’t cause a great deal of trouble.
They kill warriors, for example, but anyone else
who looks like they can work, they take for trade
or ransom.

Centaur Warrior
Level 1 Defense 11 Health 28
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Centaur
Fast When a centaur runs, it increases the number of zones it
can move by one.
Mount A centaur can carry an ally as a rider.
Equine Anatomy A centaur cannot ride itself or another
Melee Attack—Hooves and Spear Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Faeries choose their final forms upon reaching
adulthood, but some opt to make no choice at all
and live out their lives as changelings. In this form,
they can become anyone they wish to be, which
gives them great freedom to live wherever they
choose. They could settle into a human village,
making themselves appear to grow older over the
years, and then pick up and move someplace else
to start over again. Others stay among the faeries,
passing their time in the courts of the noble fey or
running like wild things in the sylvan woods.

Changeling Scoundrel
For some changelings, the ability to become
anyone tempts them toward making mischief.
Such changeling work sabotage equipment, cause
accidents, and spread cruel rumors. Their efforts
continue until found out, but even when
discovered, they can usually escape unscathed.

Changeling Scoundrel
Level 2 Defense 13 (leather) Health 27
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection.
Iron Weakness The changeling is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. If the result of the
roll is 20 or higher, the target makes its next attribute roll
before the end of the next round with 3 banes. If this
attribute roll is a failure, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Change Self As an action, the changeling flows its body into a
new shape, so that it appears to be someone else. The
changeling keeps this new appearance until it uses this trait
again. If the changeling becomes unconscious, it immediately
reverts to its natural form.
Startling Change As a minor action, the changeling can contort
its features to startle one enemy within its reach. If the
enemy is not immune to the frightened affliction, the
changeling gains 1 boon on its next roll to attack that enemy
before the end of the changeling’s next turn.
Once the changeling uses this trait, the changeling must
rest for at least 1 hour before it can use it again.
Cut Away As a reaction when the changeling becomes
immobilized, the changeling ends the affliction and one
enemy within its reach makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the
enemy takes 2d6 damage.

becomes Intellect impaired and Will impaired until the end
of the next round.
Roaring Heads As a reaction when the chimera takes 20
damage or more, it roars from all three of its heads. Each
Just one chimera exists in the world; the means for enemy within three zones of it that can hear the chimera
creating more were lost with the Weird Wizard. makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the target
The chimera, perhaps his greatest and most becomes frightened of the chimera until the target
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll. If the
monstrous creation, guards the Weird Wizard’s
target was flying, it falls prone and cannot fly until it is no
inner sanctum at the heart of the Forbidden City, longer frightened. If the target was frightened already, it
out of view, but whose roars and shrieks becomes stunned (luck ends).
sometimes carry through the adamantine walls Once the chimera uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck
that contain it. Only the clockwork left to feed and
care for the mighty beast have seen its awful form
and only by compulsions placed on them do they Chimera Lair
remain to carry out the given work. The chimera guards the entrance to the Weird
The Weird Wizard never tired of making new Wizard’s Inner Sanctum, the place where he kept
things in his laboratories and the products of his his greatest treasures. The sanctum spreads across
labors have spilled out of the Forbidden City and six zones that together make a single chamber. Fat
roam the New Lands. Among the most pillars uphold the ceiling and broadcast illusions
controversial of his creations are the hybrids, each to make the monster more comfortable. The
of which fuses two or more beasts to improve on chimera can romp through an illusory sunny
their original designs. It’s thought that the chimera meadow or prowl a dark cave. The illusions create
represented the pinnacle of the Wizard’s work and an entire world in which the chimera lives and
once he created this thing, he turned his attentions wanders and the clockwork creations that come to
to other work. feed it and clean the chamber are similarly
The chimera combines a lion, goat, and serpent affected by the illusions so that they look like part
into one form. The lion and goat heads emerge of the scenery or as victims to be torn apart or
from a heavy barrel-shaped torso attached to a chased.
giant goat’s hindquarters. The beast has the The lair’s magic highlights intruders with garish
forelegs of the lion and the hindlegs of the goat, red light so the monster knows them to be its
and the tail is that of an enormous viper. enemies. Intruders cannot hide from the chimera
and the ceiling in the antechamber is low enough
Chimera to prevent creatures from flying out of its reach.
Level 10 Defense 11 Health 424
Strength 16 (+6) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 15 (+5)
Immune frightened
Fearsome The chimera imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Resilience A chimera makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
True Vision The chimera needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Chimera Fury Each time the chimera fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, moves one zone, and
then makes a Teeth attack and a Horns attack against two
different targets. Then, each enemy that can see the chimera
makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy becomes
frightened of the chimera (luck ends).
Extra Actions The chimera can use three actions on its turn, or
two actions while it is injured.
Melee Attack—Teeth (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage,
or 8d6 damage if it is frightened.
Melee Attack—Horns (wounding) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage and
becomes poisoned (luck ends). Each time a target poisoned
in this way loses Health, it loses an extra 2d6 Health and

Volcanic islands thrust up from the waters of thre
Sunrise Sea. As barren as these places appear, they
have inhabitants. The cinderkin descend from the
caldera to work the landscape into strange shapes
and patterns.
Some believe the cinderkin are scions of an
Ancient One who slipped free from Draconus’s
coils. Others have put forward a theory that they
are fragments of a broken god, one shattered by
Lord Death long ago. Most likely, they owe their
existence to some dread spell that awakened them
and set them loose on the world above their fiery
A typical cinderkin stands ten feet tall and
weighs many thousands of pounds. It has a
humanoid shape with crude, unfinished features.
A crust of black rock forms its skin and hellish
light shines out from the fissures in its “flesh.”
Heat shimmers and toxic gas surround them. They
do not speak, but make rumbling noises when

Level 6 Defense 9 Health 146
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 16 (+6)
Languages Cinderkin
Immune damage from fire
Radiant A cinderkin emits dim light.
Cooling Rock Each time it is harmed by cold or ice, the
cinderkin loses 4d6 Health and its Defense increases by 3. If
the cinderkin’s Defense reaches 18, the cinderkin dies and
turns into a stone statue.
Toxic Fumes At the end of each round, each creature of flesh
and blood in a zone that contains at least one cinderkin
makes a Strength roll. A creature makes the roll with 1 bane
if three or more cinderkin are in its zone. On a failure, toxic
fumes deal 1d6 damage to the creature, and the creature
becomes poisoned (luck ends).
Cinderkin Fury Each time the cinderkin fails a roll, it gains 1
fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately
discards its tokens and blasts each creature or object in its
zone with fire that deals 3d6 damage. Flammable objects in
its zone that are neither worn nor carried catch fire (luck
ends), as do creatures that become injured by this damage.
Melee Attack—Fist Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, a target takes 5d6 damage, and a target creature
makes a luck roll. On a failed luck roll, it catches fire (luck
ends). A target object that is flammable catches fire
automatically. If the result of the attack roll is 20 or higher,
each enemy in the cinderkin’s reach takes 2d6 damage from
a fiery burst.
Cinderkin Assault As an action, the cinderkin makes two Fist
attacks, but it must choose a different target for each attack.

Cliff Haint
Traveling the mountains of the New Lands offers
danger aplenty from the hazardous terrain, as
what paths there are formed naturally. Narrow
ravines, shelfs that wind around the high peaks,
and the occasional cut should make it possible to
pass through the mountains, if not for the cliff
haints who blend into the rocky landscape nearly
invisible until they attack. Voracious eaters, when
they spot a mountain goat or a band of travelers,
they release their grip on the mountain slopes to
glide down and strike.
Cliff haints have simian bodies covered in
mottled fur that helps them blend in with the
mountains and cliffs where they live. Flaps of extra
skin hang down under their armpits and between
their legs. When they leap off the cliffs, they
stretch their arms and legs to glide down onto
their enemies’ backs, where they get to work with
their sharp claws and teeth.
Many consider cliff haints to be wild predators,
just another threat one might encounter in the
wilds of the borderlands and beyond. However,
scouts report seeing the haints communicate with
each other in a strange language of clicks and
trills. Some believe that haints have also
developed simple tools since the remains of their
victims show signs of having the bones broken and
marrow sucked out. All this suggests that the
haints stand at the precipice of becoming an even
great threat to the peoples of the New Lands.

Cliff Haint
Level 1 Defense 12 Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Cliff Haint
Glide A cliff haint takes no damage from landing after a fall and
can control its descent to land where it chooses, either in the
zone directly underneath it or an adjacent one, when it falls.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Agility with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, or 2d6
damage if the cliff haint is clinging to the target.
Cling As a minor action, the cliff haint can cling to any target
creature that it attacked during this round. The cliff haint
moves onto the target’s body and remains there until the
target overcomes the effect with a successful Strength roll,
which also knocks the cliff haint prone; until the cliff haint
becomes stunned or unconscious; or until the cliff haint
moves away from the target. While it clings to a target, the
cliff haint imposes 1 bane on rolls the target makes to attack
it, but it grants 1 boon on rolls to attack it by other creatures.

For ages, sentient machines known as clockworks,
dwelled in the Forbidden City, for it was there that
the Weird Wizard brought them to a sort of life.
His absence freed these people to pursue their
own destinies and to explore the world that had
been previously unknown to them. Having spent
most of their existence as servants, they approach
their new circumstances with no little caution.
Some defer to people of flesh and blood, seeing in
them their maker, while others, emboldened by
their life outside the city, are hostile for fear that
they might find themselves once more clapped in

Clockwork Forbidden Guard

Although nothing holds the clockworks to the
Forbidden City, many remain and carry out their
functions and duties. Clockwork soldiers patrol
the streets of the city, ever watchful for
opportunists who think to make off with the Weird
Wizard’s treasures in his absence. The soldiers
remain every bit as loyal to their master and thus
capture or kill trespassers they find.

Clockwork Forbidden Guard

Level 2 Defense 12 Health 28
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Archaic
Immune asleep, poisoned; deprivation, exposure, infection,
Clockwork Surge The clockwork can increase the number of
actions it can use on its turn by one. If it uses this additional
action, it makes a luck roll at the end of the round and, on a
failure, it becomes stunned until the end of the next round.
Melee Attack—Maul Strength against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 3d6 damage.

What hatches from a chicken egg that has been
incubated by a toad or serpent? A cockatrice is
what! Although spawned by what could be
described as a natural process, there’s little
natural about these creatures. They look like small
scaled reptiles with bulging bellies. Tiny bat wings
extend from where forelimbs ought and the
chicken parts making up their tail and legs on
which they move at a stately pace. As ugly and
strange as they might look, they behave a lot like
chickens and pass their time pecking at the ground
for seed and bugs.
Cockatrices endanger everything in their
environs since a single touch from their beaks can
turn living material to stone. In mere weeks, a
cockatrice’s roosting sight turns from lush
greenery into a stony barren, the ground covered
in the petrified remains of bugs, small rodents,
plants, and an unlucky shepherd caught by
surprise. Once the cockatrice settles in a place, it
remains there until something kills it or it dies
from natural causes.
People have no doubt that cockatrices exist; you
can find their pieces and parts for sale in bazaars
and apothecary shops all over. How they came
about does raise a question, though. Who was the
first to convince a toad or serpent to perch atop a
chicken egg? It seems impossible for a person to
have just stumbled across this idea through trial
and error. It’s more likely that secret for making
cockatrices comes from an occult source, likely a
fiend or faerie intent on making mischief.

Level 1 Defense 10 Health 19
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 10 (+0)
Melee Attack—Beak Strength with 1 boon against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage. A target of flesh and
blood also loses 1d6 Health and transforms into a stone
statue until the end of the next round. As a statue, the target
is an object. If the target’s Health drops to 0, the
transformation into a stone statue is permanent.
Flutter As a move, the cockatrice flies to an adjacent zone and
lands there. Once it uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck

result of a roll is 20 or higher, roll a d6 to see what also
1: Dissection. The target loses 2d6 Health and becomes
weakened (luck ends).
The Weird Wizard charged the collectors to gather 2: Liquified. The target takes an extra 1d6 damage plus 1d6
specimens from the lands beyond the Forbidden damage at the end of each round until the target or
City’s walls, and in olden times, they roamed the another creature within reach of the target uses an action
to wash away the corrosive.
New Lands, traveled across the borderlands,
3: Burned. The target takes an extra 2d6 damage and catches
where they met resistance in the Old Country. fire (luck ends).
Now, few remain, often ones that fell afoul of the 4: Examined. No additional effect.
terrain, trapped in caves, stuck in mires, or 5: Discarded. The target flies 1d6 zones away from the
collector and lands prone in an empty space in that zone.
captured by villainous magicians who would use The target takes 3d6 damage for each zone it enters while
them to further their own designs. it flies in this way.
Collectors stand as big as houses and move on 6: Annihilation. The target takes 10d6 damage and becomes
four tall legs, each as thick as tree trunks—the stunned (luck ends).
Collector Assault As an action, the collector makes one Pincer
front legs are taller than the hindlegs. The attack and up to four Collection Tools attacks, but it must
collector’s body has a flattened shape covered choose a different target for each attack.
with chitinous bands from which emerge fleshy
collection sacs containing gelatinous fluid the
color of pus. Sometimes these sacs hold things
other than fluid and bulge out from the collector’s
Spidery limbs extend out from the bottom of the
collector’s body and end in a dazzling array of
sharp, hooked, and barbed tips, perfect for
snatching and taking apart specimens. The
collector’s chief goal is to gather as many
unrecognized creatures as it can and deliver them
to the Forbidden City, so one might spot a fully
loaded collector ambling eastwards or an empty
one headed anywhere else.

Level 8 Defense 10 Health 158
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 5 (–5) Will 20 (+10)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, poisoned,
stunned; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Awareness The collector knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Trample When the collector runs into a zone, each creature in
that zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes
3d6 damage and falls prone.
Collection Sacs The collector has eight collection sacs on its
back. Each sac has the collector’s Defense score and 20
Health. If a sac is destroyed, its contents spill out and fall
prone in the collector’s zone. After a sac is destroyed, it
cannot be used to hold a creature.
Collector Fury Each time the collector fails a roll, it gains 1
fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately
discards its tokens and moves up to two zones. This
movement does not provoke free attacks. The collector then
makes attribute rolls with 3 boons until the end of the next
Melee Attack—Pincers (reach) Strength against Agility. On a
success, the collector grabs the target and places it in an
empty collection sac. While it is inside the sac, the target is
unconscious. A target rendered unconscious in this way is
immune to the effects of deprivation, but the time it spends
unconscious does not count as resting.
Melee Attack—Collection Tools Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, a target takes 8d6 damage. If the

banes. At the end of each round when a creature is
immobilized in this way, the creature takes 4d6 damage.
Unstoppable When a colossus runs, it can move into a space
that contains an obstacle. The obstacle takes 36 damage. If
Creating colossuses risks Lord Death’s wrath for the obstacle is destroyed by this damage, the colossus can
the making of these mighty stone constructs continue running.
requires stealing a soul from the Underworld, or Rampage At the end of each round, the colossus rolls a d6. On
a 4 or higher, the colossus’s attacks deal an extra 3d6
elsewhere, and binding to unliving matter. The
damage until the end of the next round.
bound soul awakens its vessel and confers onto it Melee Attack—Fist (brutal, concussing, reach) Strength with 1
the means of locomotion, but at the cost of the boon against Agility. On a success, the target takes 8d6
soul’s sanity. Imprisoned in this way is a grave damage. A creature injured by this damage becomes
weakened until it overcomes the affliction with a successful
wrong and the torment the soul endures makes Strength roll with 1 bane.
the colossus difficult to control, even by the Colossus Assault As an action, the colossus makes two Fist
mightiest makers. More than a few colossus- attacks, but it must choose a different target for each attack.
makers have met messy ends at the hands of their
Colossuses are animated statues with any shape,
though humanoid is most common. They typically
stand 13 feet tall and weigh a ton or two
depending on the materials used to make them.
They might be carved from rock, formed from clay,
wrought iron, bronze, or some other material.
Each has a set of three rules inscribed in the
hollow space of its head and the colossus must
obey those rules no matter the circumstances,
even to its own detriment. The colossus might
obey its maker’s commands, but such control is
uneven at best and the colossus fights against each
order given to it.

Level 9 Defense 8 Health 278
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 18 (+8)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, poisoned;
damage from cold, fire, magic, unarmed attacks; deprivation,
exposure, infection, suffocation
Animated Object Magic enables this object to behave as a
creature. If it becomes incapacitated, any damage in excess
of the colossus’s Health score applies to its object form
(Health 100) and the creature becomes an object once more.
Enhanced Will A colossus makes Will rolls with 1 boon and
imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Will.
Fearsome The colossus imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Nigh Invulnerable While a colossus is not injured, it takes half
damage from a weapon attack if the roll to attack it is 24 or
lower. In addition, whenever the colossus takes half damage
from an attack using ordinary weapons, the attacker makes
a luck roll and, on a failure, the weapon breaks. Or, if the
attacker used an unarmed attack, the attack instead loses
1d6 Health.
Dark Vision A colossus needs no light to see in its zone.
Mighty Fall When a colossus falls prone, its body deals 8d6
damage to each creature and object on the ground in the
zone where it falls, and each creature on the ground in that
zone makes an Agility roll. A prone creature fails the roll
automatically. On a failure, a creature takes an extra 4d6
damage, falls prone, and becomes immobilized until the
colossus is no longer prone or the creature overcomes the
immobilized affliction with a successful Strength roll with 3

Commoners comprise most people living in the
world. They are farmers, laborers, and artisans. In
the realms of faeries, they are the common fey folk
who attend to the lords and ladies of their lands.
Dwarfs might be miners toiling in the depths,
while fauns might work in the fields and make
Without commoners to perform the bulk of the
work in building the homes, temples, and stores,
paving the streets, and spanning the rivers with
bridges, no towns or cities would exist. Without
the commoners working in fields or herding
livestock, there would be nothing for the civilized
world to eat. All peoples then depend on
commoners for their survival. It’s wonder, then,
that most face hard, thankless lives that end all too
Peasant Individual commoners pose little
danger to the typical adventurer, even when
gathered in numbers. Most people avoid conflict
when they can, and fight only to protect
themselves. When outrage sweeps through a
community, people might band together and form
into a mobs. Reason, self-control, and a sense of
self-preservation all give way to unreasoning
Militia Member In many communities,
commoners must see to their own defense and
muster up militias to deal with brigands, orcs, and
monsters that might menace them. Militia
members tend to lack formal training and make do
with basic weaponry.

Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 11
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Angry Mob If ten or more peasants are in the same zone, each
of them makes Strength rolls and Will rolls with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Club Strength against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.

Militia Member
Level 1/2 Defense 13 (padded, shield) Health 10
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Melee or Ranged Attack—Spear (thrown 1) Strength against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Melee Attack—Rapier Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Treacherous Suggestion As an action, the charlatan voices a
ludicrous suggestion to one Intellect impaired creature in its
Thieves, con artists, killers, criminals encompass a zone that can hear and understand it. The charlatan makes
wide range of people who live lives of crime for an Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s Intellect. On
reasons that include hunger, opportunity, a success, the target becomes controlled by the charlatan
until the end of the charlatan’s next turn.
desperation, and moral failings. Whether on their
Witty Remark As a minor action, the charlatan cracks wise,
own, in small teams, or in large organizations, forcing each enemy in the charlatan’s zone that can hear and
criminals erode the rule of law and the stability it understand it to make a Will roll. On a failure, the target
provides. The following criminals represent just becomes Intellect impaired until it overcomes the affliction
with a successful Will roll. A target that succeeds on the
some of the scoundrels that characters might face. initial Will roll or that overcomes the affliction is immune to
Brute Gangs and criminal syndicates employ this charlatan’s use of this talent for 24 hours.
brutes for muscle and intimidation. Some mug Once the charlatan uses this talent, it loses access to it
people, others work as leg-breakers, and others (luck ends).
still might have legitimate business as bouncers
and guards. Hired Killer
Charlatan The charlatan grows rich by Level 4 Defense 14 (leather) Health 24
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
exploiting their victims’ gullibility. Rigged games, Languages Common, Finger-Talk
schemes, passing off bottles of colored alcohol as Shadow Concealment If the hired killer is in a faintly lit or
panaceas, and other tricks move coin from their dark zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the
victims into their own purses. hired killer takes its first turn. The hired killer then loses
access to this trait until the combat ends.
Hired Killer A hired killer takes pay for killing Lethal Strike When a hired killer deals damage to a creature
someone, usually someone in a position of power. while it is hidden from that creature, the hired killer makes
Some hired killers belong to guilds or extremist an Intellect roll. On a success, the target also loses 3d6
sects, especially those dedicated to Lord Death and Health.
Melee Attack—Poisoned Scimitar (keen +1d6) Strength with
Calamity. 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
Murderer A murderer is one driven by dark damage and becomes poisoned (luck ends).
impulses to kill people. One might kill once in an Ranged Attack—Crossbow Pistol with Poisoned Bolts
act of terrific violence or have something broken (range 1) Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage and becomes poisoned (luck
within that drives them to kill and kill again. ends).
Robber Robbers break into secure places to Off-hand Shot As a minor action if the hired killer has not
relieve those places of any valuables they contain. attacked with its crossbow pistol during this round, it makes
Most robbers profit by working in teams, but a few a crossbow pistol attack.
Once the hired killer uses this talent, it loses access to it
skilled individuals might just do the jobs alone. (luck ends).
Spy Spies gather information through
infiltration, theft, bribes, and murder. Murderer
Thief The thief steals valuables from others by Level 3 Defense 12 Health 34
various means. Most work as pickpockets, but Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
others might be involved in fraud, counterfeiting, Languages Common
Immune frightened
clipping, and forgery. Down But Not Dead If the murderer becomes incapacitated, it
heals all damage and stands up at the end of the round. It
Brute then loses this trait until after a full night’s rest.
Level 2 Defense 13 (brigandine) Health 25 Murderer’s Fury Each time the murderer fails a roll, it gains 1
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0) fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately
Languages Common discards its tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, moves up to
Enhanced Strength A brute makes Strength rolls with 1 boon two zones toward the nearest enemy without provoking free
and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Strength. attacks, and attacks that enemy, adding 10 to its roll.
Melee Attack—Mace (concussing) Strength with 1 boon Rampage At the end of the round, the murderer rolls a d6. On a
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage. 4 or higher, the murderer’s attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage
until the end of the next round.
Murderous If the murderer gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll
Charlatan to attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Level 1 Defense 12 Health 14 one.
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 10 (+0) Melee Attack—Battle Axe (brutal, wounding) Strength with 1
Languages Common boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
Mask of Innocence An enemy makes rolls to attack a charlatan damage.
with 1 bane. If the enemy is harmed by the charlatan, the
enemy becomes immune to this talent.

Aggressive As a reaction when the murderer sees an enemy,
the murderer can move to where it can reach one enemy in
its zone or an adjacent one.

Level 1 Defense 12 (leather) Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Common, Thieves’ Cant
Melee Attack—Hammer and Knife Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Breaking and Entering As an action, the robber can unlock
any ordinary lock in its zone.

Level 2 Defense 12 (leather) Health 19
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common, Finger-Talk
Shadow Concealment If the spy is in a faintly lit or dark zone,
enemies cannot take the initiative until after the spy takes its
first turn. The spy then loses access to this trait until the
combat ends.
Crowd Cover A spy imposes 1 bane on rolls against it while the
spy is in the same zone as three or more other creatures.
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Crossbow Pistol (range 1) Agility against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Espionage As a minor action, the spy chooses one creature in
its zone or an adjacent one. Until the spy uses this talent
again on a different creature, the spy makes rolls to attack
the target with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls the
target makes to attack it. Also, the first time the spy deals
damage to the target in each round, the target takes an extra
1d6 damage.
Off-hand Shot As a minor action if the spy has not attacked
with its crossbow pistol during this round, it makes a
crossbow pistol attack. Once the spy uses this talent, it loses
access to it (luck ends).

Level 1/2 Defense 12 (leather) Health 10
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Common, Thieves’ Cant
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Agility with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
Fast Hands The thief can steal as a minor action.

The worst thing about crocottas is that they breed
distrust in ordinary people who have survived
meeting these monsters. Crocottas lure victims
into danger by making plaintive sounds of
weeping and appeals for help. When a do-gooder
comes to help, the crocotta springs from hiding to
reward the person for their good intentions with a
painful protracted death.
Their cruelty and nasty disposition make
crocottas monstrous enough, but their unusual
physiology confirm their unnatural natures. They
have leonine trunks supported by stag legs,
wedge-shaped heads with wide mouths that
stretch back to the tiny ears poking out from the
back of its skull. A sharp band or ridge of bone
serves in place of teeth and when it chomps down,
the band cuts through bone.
Caves, ravines, ditches, and stone overhangs
serve as lairs for crocottas in the wild, but hunger
draws them out to wreak havoc on nearby
communities. Cunning, crocottas stalk the
communities at night, slipping through the
shadows and learning the manner of sounds
people make. Crocottas start by snatching pets and
then becoming more brazen by dragging off
livestock. By the time shepherds and woodcutters
start disappearing, only killing the beast puts an
end to its depredations.

Level 4 Defense 10 Health 60
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Night Vision A crocotta treats dim light as bright light.
Crocotta Fury Each time the crocotta fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and makes a Teeth
Melee Attack—Teeth Strength with 1 boon against Agility. Add
5 to the roll if the crocotta has the target grabbed. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage and becomes grabbed.
If the target is already grabbed in this way, it takes an extra
1d6 damage, and the crocotta extends the duration of the
grab. The crocotta imposes 1 bane on rolls to overcome the
grab. If the creature overcomes the grab or is pulled away
from the crocotta, the creature takes 1d6 damage.
Pinning Gaze As a reaction when an enemy the crocotta can
see in the crocotta’s zone or an adjacent one starts its turn,
the crocotta makes a Will roll against that enemy’s Will. On a
success, the enemy becomes immobilized until either it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll or the
crocotta becomes unconscious.
An enemy that overcomes the affliction becomes immune
to the Pinning Gaze of all crocottas for 24 hours.
Defensive Kick As a reaction when a creature not grabbed by
the crocotta deals damage to it, the crocotta kicks out
against the enemy. The creature makes an Agility roll with 1
bane and takes 2d6 damage on a failure.

Ranged Attack—Sling (range 2) Agility against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Eastport has had trouble with the crustacors for
months. The crablike peoples came out of the
ocean depths and have been attacking with
increasing boldness. They first struck the fishing
boats, but have since struck the docks and have
even found ways into the city through the sewers.
City leaders appealing to the priests of Oceanus
for aid, but their invocations have had little effect
on the crabfolk. Some people leave the city while
others shore up its defenses. No one knows what
the crustacors want, but their numbers grow daily
and it seems but a matter of time before the
overwhelm the city.
The crustacors’ aggression stems from their
displacement from their homes in the deeps.
Driven onto the shore by hostile merrows, who
have been fighting these crab people for centuries,
the crustacors aim to carve out a place for
themselves. Tiny communities form all along the
shores of the Sea of Fear and their wanton
aggression makes it difficult for land-dwelling
people to have much sympathy for them.
The crustacor have developed tool use, but only
for hunting and war. They build no structures and
instead make their homes in coastal caves. All
members of their community have equal status,
though roles vary based on capabilities.
Crustacors communicate with a clicking speech
that other people lack the means to reproduce.
Even if one could bridge the language gap, most
crabfolks have no interest in peace; they see
people as food.
A typical crustacor has a wide, flat body covered
by a spiny exoskeleton. It scuttles about on four
legs and has two claws, one large and one small
for finer work. A crustacor carries a driftwood
club and dried kelp sling.

Level 1 Defense 15 Health 16
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Crustacor
Spiked Hide When a creature within reach of the crustacor
attacks it, the attacker makes a luck roll. On a failure, it takes
1d6 damage.
Amphibious The crustacor can breathe when submerged in
Melee Attack—Claw Strength with 1 boon against Agility. On a
success, the target becomes grabbed. If the result of the roll
is 20 or higher, the target also takes 1d6 damage. The
crustacor imposes 1 bane on rolls by the target to overcome
the grab, and the crustacor can extend the duration of the
grab as a minor action.
Melee Attack—Club Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Cult Leader A leader heads every cult cell,
overseeing a small congregation or large one
depending on the host community. Leaders come
Individuals turn to powers beyond themselves to from the ranks of the deacons, but cultists who
find meaning or purpose in life. Organizations display strong leadership potential might move
devoted to one or more powers offer a place directly into this position where they can be
where seekers can find belonging, enjoying the watched by the upper echelons.
fellowship born from shared faith. All the great Priest The higher one climbs a cult’s ranks, the
religions, such as those of the Old Gods and the more secrets one learns. Each secret plants the
Church of the High One formed to solve these seed of terrible devotion to whatever alien power
existential problems and their appeal has allowed the cult serves and commits them to the cult’s
them to become magnificent political forces. Yet objective—world domination, destruction, or
some distrust these institutions and seek meaning change for the worse. The cult’s priests know the
elsewhere, free to choose from the abundance of cult’s nature and receive the reward of magical
cults, sects, and fringe religions that crowd the knowledge for their devotion to the cause.
civilized world and beyond. High Priest The cult looks to its high priest for
Many cults form around the worship of guidance and insights into the deeper mysteries,
innocuous powers that or might not exist, but for the high priest has a direct connection to the
enough come in existence as mortal extensions of entity or idea the cult was founded to serve. The
dark, dreadful forces to see nearly all small high priest monitors activities of cult cells through
religions painted with the same brush of heresy. intermediaries, but might attend to the followers
Such groups devote themselves to the Adversary, in times of need.
eager to reap the immediate rewards, heedless of Exposure to the unspeakable truths leaves high
the unspeakable debt to be paid in death. Others priests strange and erratic. Most have odd habits,
dredge up Ancient Ones to worship, happening such as preserving their excretions in small jars or
upon them in the ruins of abandoned temple and picking and scratching themselves until their skin
in the writing found in forbidden tomes. Whether is torn and bleeding. They lose their train of
sworn to a demonic entity, a mad destroyer god, or thought and might shriek or gibber without
some other ruinous power, evil cults threaten the warning. Danger gives them focus, though, and
natural order of things and, unless discovered and they demonstrate horrifying skill at using the
eradicated, might bring about a doom that will end secrets revealed to them.
all things.
Scores of religious groups have appeared in Cultist
recent years alone and there might be hundreds of Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 11
secret societies and quasi-religious organizations Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
at large in the world, most of whom have escaped Languages Common
Recklessness Enemies of the cultist have 1 boon on rolls
detection. What follows highlights some of the against its Defense.
more dangerous groups at large in the known Melee Attack—Dagger Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
world. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Cultist From the ranks of ordinary people come
the cultists, folks who, one way or another, came Cult Deacon
under the influence of charismatic leaders. Cultists Level 2 Defense 15 (mail) Health 27
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
believe they have secret knowledge of the world Languages Common
and strive in all they do to demonstrate their Immune frightened (while not injured)
worthiness to their leaders. So, when drawn into a Fanatic The cult deacon makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
fight, cultists throw themselves at their enemies Melee Attack—Flail Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
without regard for their own lives. Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength with 1
Cult Deacon The deacons serve as the officers boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
in the cult and help keep the congregations under damage.
the leader’s control, by enforcing rules, counseling
members, and keeping outsiders at bay. Deacons Cult Leader
gain their positions by having higher standing in Level 3 Defense 15 (mail) Health 40
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
their communities or by demonstrating some Languages Common
valuable skill to the priest. Immune frightened (while not injured)

Protected If a cult leader has three or more allies in its zone, it Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Leadership The cult leader grants 1 boon on the attribute rolls Corrupting Whispers As an action, the cult high priest makes
of allies in its zone. a Will roll with 1 boon against the Will of one creature in a
Fanatic The cult leader makes attribute rolls with 1 boon. zone that contains the high priest or one of its allies. On a
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon success, the target becomes controlled (luck ends). While it
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. is controlled in this way, the target makes attribute rolls with
Kill the Apostates As a minor action, the leader exhorts its 1 boon.
followers, enabling each cultist in its zone to use a reaction The high priest can use this supernatural talent three
to make an attack. times. It regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Once the leader uses this supernatural talent, the leader Claws of Corruption As an action, the high priest conjures
loses access to it (luck ends). black claws that rake and deal 2d6 damage to one creature
or object within three zones of it. The high priest then makes
a Will roll with 1 boon against a target creature’s Will. On a
Cult Priest success, the creature also loses 2d6 Health and becomes
Level 5 Defense 10 Health 78
weakened (luck ends).
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 14 (+4)
The high priest can use this supernatural talent three
Languages Arcane, Common
times. It regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Immune frightened
Blood Sacrifice As a minor action, the high priest deals 1d6
Inspired Fanaticism When a cultist, a cult deacon, or a cult damage to one cultist in its zone. When it does so, the high
leader in the priest’s zone makes an attack, the attack deals
priest heals the same amount of damage it dealt to the
an extra 1d6 damage.
creature; and until the end of the next round, it makes
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength against
attribute rolls with 1 boon.
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Shadows of Oblivion As a reaction when an enemy moves into
Grasping Tentacle As an action, the cult priest rips a hole in
the high priest’s zone, the high priest fills the zone with
reality in the priest’s zone or an adjacent one, and a tentacle
supernatural darkness that remains for 1 minute. Natural
reaches out from the opening to strike one creature in that
and magical light sources produce no light while the priest is
zone. The target takes 4d6 damage. Then the cult priest
in the zone. The high priest and allies that have the Fanatic
makes a Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On
trait ignore the darkness. At the end of each round, each
a success, the target takes an extra 4d6 damage and
enemy in the target zone makes a Will roll and, on a failure,
becomes immobilized until it overcomes the affliction with a
loses 1d6 Health.
successful Strength roll. At the end of each round when the
The high priest can use this supernatural talent once. It
target is immobilized in this way, the target loses 1d6 Health.
regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.
The tentacle disappears if the priest fails the Will roll or
when the target overcomes the affliction.
The cult priest can use this supernatural talent once. The
priest regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.
Black Bile of the Profane One As an action, the priest calls
Sample Cults
forth black fluid that forms around up to three creatures in
The following cults represent some of the most
the priest’s zone. The priest makes a Will roll with 1 boon active in the known world.
against each target’s Agility. On a success, a target takes 1d6
damage and becomes Strength impaired until the end of the
priest’s next turn. Unspoken Society
The cult priest can use this supernatural talent three The Unspoken Society formed in answer to the
times. The priest regains expended uses of it after a full secrets revealed in the Key of Horgesh. The
night’s rest.
Gong of Doom As a minor action, the cult priest bangs its gong.
blasphemous tome had surfaced many times
Each enemy in the priest’s zone and in each adjacent one throughout the time of the Great Kingdom, but is
that can hear the sound makes a Will roll. On a failure, an thought to be far older, older than the Fallen
enemy becomes frightened of the cult priest until the priest Empire. The Key presents a pantheon of obscene
becomes incapacitated or the enemy overcomes the
affliction with a successful Will roll.
deities thought to have existed from a time before
The cult priest can use this supernatural talent whenever Lord Death and recounts their defeat by this
it chooses, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it treacherous god. People who read the pages find
last used it. themselves outraged by what befell the elder gods
and feel moved to awaken them using the
Cult High Priest incantations and ceremonies the book reveals.
Level 6 Defense 11 Health 87
Several attempts rouse the sleeping gods have
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common happened already, but magical and religious
Immune frightened orders have been vigilant about suppressing and
Protected If a cult high priest has three or more allies in its thwarting the efforts.
zone, it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
The last known copy was thought to be held in
Leadership The cult high priest grants 1 boon on the attribute
rolls of allies in its zone. the King’s Vault along with hundreds of other vile
Inspired Fanaticism When a cultist, a cult deacon, or a cult works. The Vault was breached and contents
leader in the priest’s zone makes an attack, the attack deals scattered, so it should come to no surprise that a
an extra 1d6 damage.
new cult has formed around the Key and no works

to free the elder gods. These remain early days yet they have sent religious soldiers to make converts
for the cult, whose members call their group the by force. Bands dedicated to the True Faith carry
Unspoken Society, and they require many relics sky blue banners that display the eagle of the Sky
and artifacts to accomplish their goals. Father in the center. Typically, they move into a
The cult claims scholars and fallen priests as its settlement, kill all the priests of rival faiths and
members and they move undetected with the begin converting locals, one at a time. They test
refugees coming out of the Old Country. the converts’ faith by forcing them to recount
Membership in the cult requires a branding of a words from the holy books and to betray
stylized key inside the forearm and find other pretenders and nonbelievers alike.
members by matching their signs.
Heirs of Queron
Followers of the True Path A great artist named Asherai enjoyed the pinnacle
The Great Kingdom fought more than a dozen of success a century ago after completing work on
wars against Sky Reach before the collapse. A The Hundred Windows, a collection of paintings
mountain nation, friction between the two arose purported to depict future events as revealed to
over religious differences. The rise of the High One the artist by a mysterious being known as Queron.
saw missionaries spreading out from the Great That some of the events shown in the paintings
Kingdom to make converts from the believers in did eventually come true grabbed attention in the
the Old Gods, but the Sky People, devoted to the Great Kingdom and soon just about everyone
Sky Father, had no room for other gods and thus there had some notion of the paintings. Popularity
drove out the missionaries and then murdered lasted until the paintings failed to match current
them when they persisted in their efforts to bring events and when the Great Collapse never came
the nation into the earthly Kingdom of the High about, Asherei and the windows faded from
One. popular culture.
Atrocities committed against the proselytizers The Great Collapse did occur, but one hundred
angered the Church who, in turn, pressured the years later, and since then the paintings have been
Great Kingdom to make war on the Sky People. correct. Or, at least, so far that anyone remembers.
The Great Kingdom had materiel, soldiers, and The last paintings were lost and some descriptions
funding many times greater than the defender, but remain, but contradictions exist between various
the people of Sky Reach had the mountains and accounts, so it’s unclear what will happen when.
their unswerving belief in their god. Each war saw One thing that is known is that this being, Queron,
incredible casualties, most of which belonged to appears in the last work, which bodes ill for the
the Great Kingdom, but so long as the Church of world. Queron appeared described as a linen-
the High One maintained pressure on the regents, wrapped, faceless humanoid figure bathed in
the fighting would continue. And each raid, each golden light against a backdrop of a ruined city
skirmish, each bloody battle served to make the some believe to the Forbidden City. As nothing
cult of the Sky Father more violent, more comes after, some believe the appearance signals
bloodthirsty, more reactionary until even the the end of the world or, an age at the very least.
ordinary priests of the vengeful, jealous god could As one can expect, a society of wealthy
no longer recognize them. dilettantes and mystics emerged in the last few
Now that calamity has befallen the Old Country, years and set out to find the remaining paintings
the priests of the Battle Lord, as the Sky Father has to anticipate what is to come. They fund
come to be known to them, seeks to make a war of expeditions both into the Old Country, but also
vengeance against the Church of the High One and around the known world to confirm events that
the zealots from this land form raiding parties to were to have happened have or to find the places
burn temples, destroy relics, and torture anyone where they will transpire. There’s an odd
who will not prostrate themselves before the obsession with these people that goes well and
Battle Lord. The priests of the Battle Lord turned above simple interest. In fact, they have begun to
their nation into an iron-fisted theocracy and the ritualize their meetings and perform ceremonies
interpret all gods but their own to be devils sent to they believe will contact the mysterious figure.
lead believers into wickedness. Their fixation on the works, as well as their
While war rips the Old Country apart, the True devotion to this Queron figure, earns them their
Faith sees the New Lands as fertile ground for right to appear alongside the other cults. They are
establishing a whole new crop of followers and

known by the symbol of a wheel that has seven without any explanation for why the image is
bent spokes. included.

The Order of the All-Seeing Scions of the Scaled One

The Scales of Silithris presents a history of the
Eye world that contradicts what is generally known
Skeptics deny the Order of the All-Seeing Eye even and held to be true. A fluid script fills the tomes
exists and dismiss the claims of a continent- many hundreds of pages and lays out a story of an
spanning secret society as being the deranged ancient people who ruled Erth long before mortal
invention of conspiracy theorists. And yet, for all peoples, and suggests these serpent people
that the authorities discount the existence of such possessed knowledge beyond that of anything
an organization, would it not make sense for the dreamed by the most advanced thinkers in the
people in power to deny the very thing to which known world. They triumphed over ever disease,
they belong? Would it not behoove them to play could go anywhere in their flying machines, and
down the connections between key events as possessed weapons that could wipe out entire
circumstance and coincidence, if doing so would nations in an instant.
maintain their order’s integrity and keep The book blames the fall of this mighty
unwanted attention at bay? civilization on Lord Death, who came from the
The most unhinged takes on the Order blame it darkness between the stars to lay waste to mighty
for all the ills that have befallen civilization and civilization. From the heavens fell burning rocks,
that the elite membership orchestrate events to the thralls the serpent people created rose up in
achieve global domination as the means for rebellion, and the weakest members of their
preparing the way for the return of the Ancient civilization abetted the slaves in throwing down
Ones. The Order never acts in the open; rather, it the masters. In the end, the civilization collapsed
manipulates events through the various societies and the survivors hid themselves in the deep
it controls from the shadows. Groups purported to places, biding their time for an eventual return.
be under the Order’s control include a diabolic cult The Scions of the Scaled Ones hold the writings
known as the Dark Brotherhood, who claim in their sacred book to be true and each claims
service to He Who Must Not Be Named and seek to descent from this ancient people, though they
return the City of Spires, which can be glimpsed have little proof of such heritage. The elite
under certain conditions, from behind Sister Moon members use methods described in their unholy
and into the world where it belongs. book to restore themselves to their true forms,
Others include the August Society of Weights and most develop reptilian characteristics—fine
and Balances, a mercantile organization that sets scales covering their bodies, elliptically-shaped
prices throughout the civilized world, the pupils, and fangs in their mouths. Members who
Rabidashans, a sect that splintered from the fail to display these changes are either reduced to
Church of the High One who hold congress with the status of servant or killed outright.
the severed head of an ancient demon that even In any event, the cult seeks to find the hidden
now whispers dread truths, and the Order of peoples and restore them to their rightful places
Paladins, whose betrayal of the Great Kingdom’s as rulers of the world, with themselves richly
regent sent the Old Country into war and chaos. rewarded for their efforts. The cult hides behind a
Other groups are said to be fronts for the All- legitimate façade, one that claims they are
Seeing Eye, as well. scientists, historians, and archeologists, and thus
The foundation for the belief in this cult comes their sign, a green cobra with flaring hood,
from dubious sources, much of which is merely appears on the armbands worn by workers and
conjecture and without any concrete evidence, soldiers at sites of interest across the New Lands.
which leads people to discount the existence of
this cult. But, the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye
does exist and shows itself in many unexpected

places. It has appeared on the gold coins circulated
in the Great Kingdom at the time of its fall, it has
been seen on crooked obelisks on the borders of
the Devastation, appears in Grimoires, books of
poetry, political theory, and more, and often

Trample When the cyclops runs into a zone, each creature in
that zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes
3d6 damage and falls prone.
Mighty Fall When the cyclops falls prone, its body deals 3d6
The cyclopes strode across the lands in ancient damage to each creature and object on the ground in the
times and did as the gods bade them. From the zone where it falls. In addition, each creature on the ground
cyclopes’ forges came the armaments of the gods in that zone makes an Agility roll. A prone creature fails the
roll automatically. On a failure, the creature takes an extra
and their servants. Such wonders they created
3d6 damage, falls prone, and becomes immobilized until the
include fabled Fireheart, a blade quenched in cyclops is no longer prone or the creature overcomes the
Mother Sun’s tears, and the Chariot of Clouds, immobilized affliction with a successful Strength roll with 3
which the Sky Father drives across the dome of the banes. At the end of each round when a creature is
immobilized in this way, the creature takes 3d6 damage.
world. As their accomplishments grew, so did their Cyclops Fury Each time the cyclops fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
pride. token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
The cyclopes resented the gods. In particular, tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and gains one move and
they despised their maker, Baen, who claimed one action.
Melee Attack—Warclub (reach) Strength with 1 boon against
credit for all their labors. Who are the gods, after Defense. On a success, a target takes 8d6 damage and makes
all, to make such demands? They didn’t even a Strength roll. On a failed Strength roll, it takes an extra 2d6
create the world over which they claimed damage, falls prone, and becomes dazed (luck ends).
dominion. If the gods can claim authority, then so Cyclops Assault As an action, the cyclops makes two or three
Warclub attacks, but must make each attack against a
too could the cyclopes. And thus did the cyclopes
different target.
take up arms against the Old Gods, beginning with Boulder The cyclops carries 1d6 boulders. As an action, it
their maker, whom they slew. throws one of them, which lands in a zone up to ten zones
When Baen’s shade came before Lord Death for away from it and then rolls in the direction it was thrown.
The boulder stops when it rolls into the third zone or when
judgment, the god grew angry and cast the spirit it encounters an obstacle. Each creature or object in the zone
of the fallen god into a black suit of plate armor where the boulder lands takes 10d6 damage, and each
that houses it still and the pair of them rose up creature or object in a zone that the boulder rolls through or
from the Underworld to punish the rebellious into takes 5d6 damage. In either case, a creature can make
an Agility roll and takes half the damage on a success, or no
giants. In a battle that nearly shook the world off
damage on a result of 20 or higher.
Draconus’s back, Lord Death and Baen triumphed Stomp As a minor action, the cyclops stomps its foot on one
over the cyclopes and for their envy he took from creature in its zone. The target makes an Agility roll with 1
them each and eye and scattered them to live in bane. On a failure, the target takes 4d6 damage, and falls
poverty until the end of days.
The cyclopes have since fallen far from their
vaunted positions as divine smiths and they
remain largely scattered, living in lonely places far
from the lesser peoples that inhabit the world.
Worse, nearly all have forgotten their skills and
live as barbarians, tending their herds, and living
in caves. They despise the gods still and one can
hear their bitter curses booming across the lands
they roam.
Cyclopes are enormous creatures. They stand
nearly forty-feet tall and weigh twenty thousand
pounds. Each has but a single eye positioned in the
center of their foreheads. Aside from their ocular
impairment, most cyclopes have unusual physical
characteristics resulting from generations of
inbreeding and examples include prodigious body
hair, horns, boney protrusions erupting from the
skin, or odd, pulsating humps and bulges.

Level 8 Defense 9 Health 294
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Runic

Descendants from an ancient civilization of people
who challenged the gods, the daevas bound their
essence to magical crystals that were then
scattered across the world to escape divine
retribution. Only when a mortal happens upon
these relics and consents to a binding do the
daevas return to life. Given the obstacles they face,
the current population of daevas are so small
almost no one knows about them or their

Daeva Godslayer
In challenging the gods’ dominion over the world,
the daevas earned the doom of their society and
saw the works of their civilization dashed. Ages
spent trapped in jewels has done little to blunt
their animosity to the gods and their return has
seen many daevas resume their struggles against
what these see as tyrants. The appearance of the
High One, an entity that did not exist in their time,
has only renewed the old animosities and seen the
many daevas take up arms against the followers of
what they have deemed a false god.

Daeva Godslayer
Level 6 Defense 20 (plate, shield) Health 73
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 15 (+5) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Archaic, Common
Supernatural Resistance A daeva takes half damage from
supernatural sources, makes rolls to resist supernatural
effects with 1 boon, and imposes 1 bane on rolls against it
using supernatural effects.
All-Out Effort When the daeva makes an attribute roll, it can
add its attribute score to the roll in place of its attribute
The daeva can use this trait once and regains the use of it
after a full night’s rest.
Melee Attack—Mace (concussing) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
Brilliant Burst As an action, the daeva causes light to burst
from its body. Each creature, other than the daeva, in the
daeva’s zone or in any adjacent one takes 2d6 damage and
makes a Strength roll. On a failure, a creature becomes
blinded (luck ends) and takes an extra 4d6 damage, or an
extra 6d6 damage if it is supernatural.
The daeva can use this magical talent once. The daeva
regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.
Intellect Blast As a minor action, the daeva focuses its
thoughts into a magical wave of hostile intention against one
creature within three zones of it. The target makes an
Intellect roll with 1 bane and, on a failure, takes 1d6 damage
and becomes Intellect impaired until the end of the next
Luminous Body As a minor action, the daeva can choose to
emit faint light, dim light, bright light, or no light. The
illumination persists until it makes a different choice.

Deep Worm
At the end of this, the worm’s head bursts
through a wall, ceiling, or floor. Roll 2d6 to
determine the distance between the deep worm
Spelunkers braving the deepest caverns are bound and the zone the group occupies, treating any roll
to come across at least one of the wormruns of doubles as the worm making its appearance in
riddling the earth. Massive, smooth-walled, the group’s zone.
circular tunnels, they deep worms make them as
they move through the depths. These tunnels Deep Worm
never stay empty long; the spicy excretions the Level 11 Defense 0 Health 2,020
worms leave and the open spaces attract all Strength 20 (+10) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 5 (–5) Will 20
manner of strange things, from monsters that lap (+10)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened
up the worms’ slime to molds, fungi, and oozes Awareness The deep worm knows where each creature and
that thrive in the noisome darkness. The object within ten zones of the worm’s head is located.
wormruns lead ever downward, burrowing into Gigantic The deep worm fills completely a line of fifteen
the flesh of Draconus like maggots in spoiling contiguous zones with its head in the leading zone and the
tip of its tail in the trailing zone. When the deep worm
meat, and thus few ever risk encountering them moves, it moves its head one or two zones and drags the rest
no matter how far they travel into the of its body behind it. The deep worm grants 2 boons on rolls
subterranean realms. to attack it and makes rolls to attack with 2 banes. Other
Deep worms can reach up to twenty feet in creatures moved into a zone occupied by the deep worm
stop moving at the edge of the zone inside the zone occupied
diameter and grow up to five hundred feet long. by the deep worm.
They have thick hides, often mottled pink, purple, Cavernous Maw When the deep worm’s head enters a zone,
and black and great, with eyeless heads that each creature or object in that zone tumbles into its mouth
feature a wide, circular mouth filled with rings of and then is propelled 1d6 zones inside its body toward its
tail. A creature makes a luck roll with 2 banes. On a success,
backward-pointing teeth. it avoids falling into the worm’s maw but takes 10d6 damage
The beasts only surface when faced with from being crushed by the worm’s body. The creature is then
flooding or a threat bigger and nastier than pushed to the edge of the zone the head occupies.
themselves. Deep rumbling of the deep worm The maw sweeps up unsecured objects. Secured objects
take 10d6 damage and their debris falls into the worm’s
chewing through earth and stone presage an maw.
attack. The deep worm erupts from the ground, Belly of the Beast Each of the thirteen interior zones inside
ceiling, or wall, drawn by tremors felt in the the worm’s body has two open borders, one toward the
ground, and gobbles up what it can before worm’s mouth and the other toward its tail. A creature
inside the worm can move from one interior zone to another.
tunneling away. A creature that travels through the worm’s interior can exit
safely from the trailing zone, falling prone in a slimy pool of
Fighting Deep Worms its waste, or can try to exit from its mouth.
A creature inside the worm can attack it, though it makes
Great size, impossible strength, and the ability to rolls to do so with 1 bane.
burrow through solid rock make fighting deep Any creature inside the worm in the zone that contains
the worm’s head when the worm moves makes a luck roll.
worms a ludicrous proposition. No sword or On a failure, the creature takes 5d6 damage from the debris
arrow stands a chance of even denting its hide let the worm consumes and is propelled 1d6 zones in the
alone breaking through to cause anything more direction of the worm’s tail.
than momentary discomfort. While one might set Any creature inside the worm in the zone that contains
the worm’s head can use a move on its turn to leap free from
out to hack and chop at the deep worm, the beast
the worm’s mouth and land in a zone adjacent to the zone
is likely to ignore attacks and go on its way containing the worm’s head.
through the bowels of the earth and leave Digestion At the end of each round, each creature or object in
annoying pests in the ruins of its wake. contact with a surface in an interior zone of the deep worm’s
body loses 1d6 Health from exposure to the worm’s
A deep worm travels by burrowing through dirt
digestive juices.
and stone. As it draws near, one can feel the Tunneling Worm As a move, the deep worm tunnels through a
vibrations caused by its movement that only closed border, creating or entering a new zone that its head
intensify the nearer it comes. It takes 2d6 rounds occupies. This movement does not enable enemies to make
free attacks. When it vacates this zone, it leaves behind a
for the deep worm to arrive once the vibrations tubular opening of the same diameter as its body when it
start and each round, during the end of the round, moves underground.
each creature in contact with a surface through Heaving Guts As a reaction when the deep worm takes 20
which the beast travels makes a luck roll and, on a damage or more from a source inside its body, it propels
each creature or object inside its body 1d6 zones toward its
failure, falls prone or takes 1d6 damage if it is
head. If this movement causes a creature or an object to exit
already prone. its body, the creature or object lands prone in front of the

deep worm and takes 10d6 damage from the corrosive
juices that spill out from the worm’s maw.

Call of the Void At the end of the round, if the formless demon
is not in the Void, make a luck roll. On a failure, the demon
disappears into the Void and is removed from the combat.
Melee Attack—Demonic Possession Will against Will. On a
Beyond reality’s edge stretches the endless success, the target becomes controlled, and each other
darkness called the Void. Here, amidst the enemy in the formless demon’s zone makes a Will roll. On a
tumbling debris of shattered realities dwell the failed roll, an enemy becomes frightened of the demon (luck
ends) and frightened of the target it has controlled (luck
demons, bodiless things of wild hatred impelled
by some unknown force to make ruin of all they While it has a creature controlled with this supernatural
encounter. The demons loathe the darkness and talent, the demon hides inside the target’s body and is not
seek ingress to the realities that have thus far subject to Call of the Void. It knows everything the target
knows, can speak using the target’s voice, and can use the
resisted the pull into the Void and, once freed, target’s traits and talents. Every 8 hours, the target makes a
dismantle creation by stealing form from luck roll. On a failure, the target loses 1d6 Health and gains
substance, so that the unformed matter dissolves one demonic sign (see the sidebar). When the target dies,
away into the darkness, lost forever. when the demon moves out of the target’s body, or when an
effect drives out the demon, it appears in an unoccupied
space next to the body it left.

Formless Demon If the formless demon gets a failure on its roll to attack,
the target becomes immune to this demon’s Demonic
Demons have no natural physical form and, in the Possession trait for 24 hours.
Void, they flit through its gloom appearing as DEMONIC SIGNS
crooked shadows, all claws and spines and teeth. A creature possessed by a demon might gain a demonic
Only when they enter a reality apart from their sign. When one does, roll a d20 and find the number
own realm do they gather the substance they need rolled on the dice on the following table to see what
to gain physicality useful for carrying out evil. And form the sign takes.
if the body fails them, the essence leaves,
becoming an ephemeral shadow that fights the DEMONIC SIGNS
Void pull until it is finally dragged back to the d20 Sign
1 The host gives off a stench of vomit,
darkness from whence it came.
excrement, and sour milk.
2 The host’s body displays bruising, scratch
Formless Demon marks, and open sores.
Level 2 Defense 12 Health 24
3 Profane symbols appear on the host’s body.
Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Archaic 4 The host’s teeth fall out, and its nails fall off.
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, immobilized, poisoned, 5 The host moves in an unnatural way.
prone; free attacks; deprivation, exposure, infection, 6 The host’s shadow moves independently of the
suffocation host.
Shadow Concealment If the formless demon is in a faintly lit 7 The host’s teeth lengthen into fangs.
or dark zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after
8 The host’s eyes become dark pits.
the formless demon takes its first turn. The formless demon
loses access to this trait until the combat ends. 9 The host’s tongue bifurcates.
Fearsome The formless demon imposes 1 bane on rolls to 10 The host’s voice echoes or becomes fringed
attack it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is with whispers.
immune to this trait. 11 The host becomes infested with vermin.
Damage Resistance A formless demon takes half damage from 12 The host weeps blood.
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Magic Resistance The formless demon takes half damage from
13 The host spontaneously vomits.
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from 14 The host develops a deep, rattling cough and a
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical hoarse voice.
effects with 1 boon. 15 The host gives off oily excretions.
Awareness The formless demon knows where each creature 16 The host suffers from tremors.
and object within three zones of it is located. 17 Animals in the zone with the host become
Airborne A formless demon moves only by flying and can
hostile to it.
Spirit A formless demon can move through or end its 18 The host’s extremities blacken and rot.
movement inside a solid object. While it is inside a solid 19 Horrid growths appear all over the host’s body.
object, the formless demon cannot be harmed until the 20 The host occasionally levitates.
object is destroyed. The formless demon ignores the effects
of wind and other kinds of challenging terrain that can
ordinarily affect flying creatures. The formless demon makes
no noise unless it chooses to do so. Demonic Invaders
Demons that slip into reality gather up nearby
substance and use it to form bodies for

themselves. They equip their bodies with natural and pocks and fissures drain pus and ichor to
weapons so they can be about their business of streak down their flabby forms. Hardly anyone
killing and breaking things. Some might sport sees them like this, though, since type IV demons
claws, others horns, some have club-like can change their appearance as needed to move
appendages, while others seem wholly assembled unseen and undetected among their victims.
from rusty blades. Beyond their weaponry, they Type V Demon Type V demons enter the mortal
might have bodies of flesh and blood, glass and world at a run to cut down as many things as they
water, stone and steel, or, really anything. Some can. Armor from solidified magic protects their
look like weird trees, while others might be bodies and they bristle with weapons. They have
gelatinous masses covered in mouths that gibber enormous size and appear assembled from the
and shriek as they pull themselves across the parts of giants and monsters. One might have the
ground. head of a wolf or dragon or both, the lower body of
Although their appearance varies, demons can an alligator, lion, or something else. For all that it
be roughly classified into one of six types, appears to have been gathered in a higgledy-
numbered from 1 to 6. The higher the number, the piggledy fashion, nothing in the demon’s body is
more devastating its presence on the world, wasted—it is a perfect killing machine.
thanks to size, mobility, and other factors. You can Type VI Demon So rarely have the mightiest
randomly determine a demon’s type by rolling 3d6 demons breached the boundary to the Void, many
and finding the sum on the following table. believe such beings cannot exist and, if they do,
they do in limited numbers. Regardless, type VI
RANDOM DEMON TYPE demons incarnate all the rage and hatred found in
3d6 Type
3 Type V
the Void and when they enter the mortal world,
4–5 Type III the lands groan in horror. Quakes rip through the
6–8 Type II landscape, while leprous clouds crackling with
9–12 Type I black lightning spill across the skies. Some people
13–15 Type II transform into orcs and beastmen, while the dead
16–17 Type IV rise from their graves. The seasons might stop or
18 Type VI magic could go awry. The effects these incursions
produce can tear the planet apart.
Type I Demon The most basic form a demon A type VI demon possesses a towering stature of
can take, type I demons have squat, apish bodies bizarre and hideous aspect. Lightning and fire
cobbled together from dirt, dung, rotting meat, thread the shadows wreathing its titanic form and
bent pieces of rusted metal, and rocks. They have the ground buckles beneath its every footfall. The
numerous natural weapons for use in killing their demon comes into the world armed with dread
victims. weapons forged from nightmares.
Type II Demon Type II demons have lithe
bodies equipped with limbs or organs that let Type I Demon
them fly. Wings are most common, but some have Level 3 Defense 13 Health 45
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 15 (+5)
bloated sacs filled with lighter-than-air gas, weird Languages Archaic
propellers, or cilia that thicken the air around Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
them and propels them through it. Many type II infection, suffocation
demons have avian or insectile features. Fearsome The demon imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
Type III Demon The type III demons possess all this trait.
the fury and hate of the lesser demons, but are Magic Resistance The demon takes half damage from magical
bigger, tougher, and nastier. Their bodies bristle sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
with weapons: spikes, horns, and barbs. And while effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
not exactly brilliant, their lack of intelligence in no Demonic Fate When the demon becomes incapacitated, it rolls
way impairs their ability to kill and destroy. a d6. On a 6, the demon becomes a formless demon. On a 2
Type IV Demon The least of the greater through 5, the demon returns to the Void and is removed
demons, the type IV demons have cunning and from the combat. On a 1, demonic ichor appears on the
ground in the space the demon left.
magic to aid them in their efforts to unravel the Demonic Shadows Light sources in the demon’s zone that
mortal world. Like other demons, they have a normally produce bright light instead produce dim light; dim
hideous appearance from the assembling of body light becomes faint light; and faint light becomes no light at
parts from what they have within their reach all.
when they enter the world. They appear bloated,

Wrongness A demon warps reality around itself, imposing 1 Resilience The demon makes a luck roll when it gains an
bane on the attribute rolls of creatures other than demons in affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
its zone. Spiked Hide When a creature within reach of the demon
Dark Vision A demon needs no light to see in its zone. attacks it, the creature makes a luck roll. On a failed roll, it
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength with 1 boon against takes 1d6 damage.
Defense. On a success, a target takes 2d6 damage. If the Demonic Shadows Light sources in the demon’s zone that
result of the roll is 20 or higher, one enemy other than the normally produce bright light instead produce dim light; dim
targets in the demon’s zone makes a luck roll and, on a failed light becomes faint light; and faint light becomes no light at
roll, takes 1d6 damage. If there is no other enemy in the all.
zone, the demon instead teleports to an adjacent zone. Wrongness A demon warps reality around itself, imposing 1
Demonic Assault As an action, the demon makes two Claws bane on the attribute rolls of creatures other than demons in
and Teeth attacks, but it must choose a different target for its zone.
each attack. Dark Vision A demon needs no light to see in its zone.
Demonic Fate When the demon becomes incapacitated, it rolls
a d6. On a 5 or 6, the demon becomes a formless demon. On
Type II Demon a 2 through 4, the demon returns to the Void and is removed
Level 4 Defense 14 Health 46
from the combat. On a 1, demonic ichor appears on the
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 13 (+3)
ground in the space the demon left.
Languages Archaic
Vicious When the demon rolls damage, it rolls an additional
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure, time and uses the higher total.
infection, suffocation
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength with 1 boon against
Fearsome The demon imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
Defense. On a success, a target takes 4d6 damage. If the
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
result of the roll is 20 or higher, one enemy other than the
this trait.
targets in the demon’s zone makes a luck roll and, on a failed
Magic Resistance The demon takes half damage from magical
roll, takes 2d6 damage. If there is no other enemy in the
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
zone, the demon instead teleports to a zone within two
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
Demonic Assault As an action, the demon makes two Claws
Resilience The demon makes a luck roll when it gains an
and Teeth attacks, but it must choose a different target for
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
each attack.
Demonic Shadows Light sources in the demon’s zone that
normally produce bright light instead produce dim light; dim
light becomes faint light; and faint light becomes no light at Type IV Demon
all. Level 8 Defense 12 Health 136
Wrongness A demon warps reality around itself, imposing 1 Strength 16 (+6) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 15 (+5) Will 16 (+6)
bane on the attribute rolls of creatures other than demons in Languages Archaic
its zone. Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
Dark Vision A demon needs no light to see in its zone. infection, suffocation
Flight A type II demon can move by flying while it is not Fearsome The demon imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
injured. creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
Demonic Fate When the demon becomes incapacitated, it rolls this trait.
a d6. On a 6, the demon becomes a formless demon. On a 2 Enhanced Intellect and Will The demon makes Intellect rolls
through 5, the demon returns to the Void and is removed and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
from the combat. On a 1, demonic ichor appears on the against its Intellect or Will.
ground in the space the demon left. Magic Resistance The demon takes half damage from magical
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength with 1 boon against sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
Defense. On a success, a target takes 3d6 damage, and a effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
creature falls prone. 1 boon.
Demonic Assault As an action, the demon makes two Claws Resilience The demon makes a luck roll when it gains an
and Teeth attacks, but it must choose a different target for affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
each attack. Demonic Shadows Light sources in the demon’s zone that
Aggressive As a reaction when the demon sees an enemy, the normally produce bright light instead produce dim light; dim
demon can move to where it can reach one enemy in its zone light becomes faint light; and faint light becomes no light at
or an adjacent one. all.
Wrongness A demon warps reality around itself, imposing 1
bane on the attribute rolls of creatures other than demons in
Type III Demon its zone.
Level 5 Defense 12 Health 87
Dark Vision A demon needs no light to see in its zone.
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 16 (+6)
Demonic Fate When the demon becomes incapacitated, it rolls
Languages Archaic
a d6. On a 4 or higher, the demon becomes a formless
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
demon. On a 2 or 3, the demon returns to the Void and is
infection, suffocation
removed from the combat. On a 1, demonic ichor appears on
Fearsome The demon imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
the ground in the space the demon left.
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6, wounding) Strength with 1
this trait.
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6
Magic Resistance The demon takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength with 1 boon against
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
Defense. On a success, a target takes 4d6 damage.
1 boon.

Demonic Assault As an action, the demon makes two Sword Demonic Fate When the demon becomes incapacitated, it rolls
attacks or two Claws and Teeth attacks, but it must choose a a d6. On a 3 or higher, the demon becomes a formless
different target for each attack. demon. On a 2, the demon returns to the Void and is
Confounding Colors As an action, the demon causes riotous removed from the combat. On a 1, demonic ichor appears on
colors to appear in a zone within three zones of it. Each the ground in the space the demon left.
enemy in the target zone makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a Vicious When the demon rolls damage, it rolls an additional
failure, the enemy becomes stunned (luck ends). While it is time and uses the higher total.
stunned in this way, the target is blinded and deafened. Melee Attack—Demonic Weaponry (brutal, keen +1d6,
The demon can use this magical talent once. It regains the wounding) Strength with 1 boon, or 2 boons against an
use of it after 1 hour. injured target, against Defense. On a success, the target takes
Void Blast As an action, the demon releases a braided rope of 13d6 damage.
black energy at one creature within six zones of it. It makes a Storm of Attacks As an action, the demon makes a Demonic
Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s Will. On a success, Weaponry attack against up to six creatures or objects. Each
the target takes 4d6 damage and becomes weakened (luck attack deals 6d6 damage on a success.
ends). If the target becomes injured from this damage, it Face Me As a minor action, the demon roars a challenge at one
takes an extra 4d6 damage. If the target becomes creature within three zones of it. If the target can hear and
incapacitated from this damage, it explodes and dies. understand the demon, the demon makes a Will roll against
Comely Appearance As a minor action, the demon transforms the target’s Will. On a success, the demon magically pulls the
into a human-sized creature of any ancestry with a body of target into its zone, and the target becomes immobilized
flesh and blood and remains in this form until it uses this (luck ends).
talent again or it takes damage from a silvered weapon. The Aggressive As a reaction when the demon sees an enemy, the
demon makes all decisions about this form’s appearance and demon can move to where it can reach one enemy in its zone
can alter its voice to suit its form. Until it returns to its true or an adjacent one.
form, the demon loses access to the following traits and
talents: Demonic Shadows, Fearsome, and its Claws and
Teeth attacks.
Type VI Demon
Level 12 Defense 12 Health 666
Corrupt Mind As a minor action, the demon magically reaches
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 16 (+6) Will 18 (+8)
into the mind of one creature in its zone or an adjacent one.
Languages Archaic
It makes a Will roll against the target’s Will. On a failure, the
Immune asleep, controlled, dazed, frightened, poisoned,
target becomes immune to this demon’s Corrupt Mind talent
stunned, magic; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
for 24 hours. On a success, the target becomes controlled
Fearsome The demon imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
(luck ends). At the end of each round the target is controlled
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
in this way, it loses 1d6 Health.
this trait.
Horrifying Presence When an enemy starts its turn within ten
Type V Demon zones of a type VI demon or moves to within ten zones of
Level 10 Defense 17 Health 297 one, the enemy makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure,
Strength 17 (+7) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 17 (+7) the enemy becomes stunned (luck ends). When the stunned
Languages Archaic affliction ends, the enemy becomes frightened of the demon
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure, until either the demon becomes incapacitated or the enemy
infection, suffocation overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll. The
Fearsome The demon imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A demon imposes 2 banes on rolls to overcome the frightened
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to affliction by any frightened creature that can see it.
this trait. Enhanced Intellect and Will The demon makes Intellect rolls
Enhanced Intellect and Will The demon makes Intellect rolls and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Intellect or Will.
against its Intellect or Will. Supernatural Resistance The demon takes half damage from
Magic Resistance The demon takes half damage from magical supernatural sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical from supernatural effects, and makes rolls to resist or end
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with supernatural effects with 1 boon.
1 boon. Shadow of the Void Light sources in the demon’s environment
Demonic Shadows Light sources in the demon’s zone that that normally produce bright light instead produce faint
normally produce bright light instead produce dim light; dim light. Light sources that normally produce dim or faint light
light becomes faint light; and faint light becomes no light at produce no light at all.
all. True Vision A demon needs no light to see and perceives
Wrongness A demon warps reality around itself, imposing 1 outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
bane on the attribute rolls of creatures other than demons in sight.
its zone. Flight A type VI demon can move by flying while it is not
Dark Vision A demon needs no light to see in its zone. injured.
Demonic Fury Each time the demon fails a roll, it gains 1 fury Demonic Fury Each time the demon fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and gains an action. tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and gains an action.
Then, each enemy in the demon’s zone and each adjacent Then, each enemy in the demon’s zone and each adjacent
one makes a Will roll. On a failure, an enemy becomes one makes a Will roll. On a failure, an enemy becomes
frightened of the demon (luck ends). frightened of the demon (luck ends).
Whirlwind of Death At the end of the round, each enemy in Ruinous Presence At the end of each round, each creature or
the demon’s zone makes an Agility roll with 1 bane and object in the demon’s environment loses 1d6 Health.
takes 3d6 damage on a failure.

Wrongness A demon warps reality around itself, imposing 1 Climber When demonic ichor uses a move to climb, it can
bane on the attribute rolls of creatures other than demons in climb into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
its zone. overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
Explosive Demise When the demon becomes incapacitated, an makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
enormous ball of fire envelops it and then explodes, Malleable Demonic ichor can squeeze through an opening at
consuming the demon and everything it wears and carries. least 1 inch wide.
The explosion deals 15d6 damage to each creature and Melee Attack—Gooey Appendage Strength against Agility. On
object in the demon’s environment. A creature makes a a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, and a target creature
Strength roll and takes an extra 15d6 damage on a failure, or of flesh and blood also loses 1d6 Health.
is killed and utterly destroyed if the result of the roll is 5 or Dissolving Touch As an action, demonic ichor causes one
lower. object in its zone to lose 3d6 Health.
The explosion leaves behind a 100-foot-deep crater with a
100-foot diameter. After 1 minute, 3d6 type I demons, 2d6
type II demons, and 1d6 type III demons appear at the
bottom of the crater and take the next available turn.
Melee Attack—Sword and Flail (brutal, keen +3d6, punishing,
reach, wounding) Up to four creatures or objects. Strength
with 3 boons against Defense. On a success, a target takes
10d6 damage, and, if the result is 20 or higher, the target
also loses 10d6 Health.
Cataclysm As an action, the demon causes one environment
within three environments to erupt in flame. The flame deals
20d6 damage to each creature or object in that environment
and another 10d6 damage at the end of each round for 1
minute. Whenever a creature takes damage from this talent,
it can make a luck roll and takes half the damage on a
The demon can use this supernatural talent once. It
regains the use of it after 1 hour.
Howl of the Demon Lord As a reaction, when the demon’s
damage total first reaches or surpasses 300, the demon
releases a deafening roar that spreads throughout the
demon’s environment. The noise kills outright all level 1/2
creatures and harmless creatures in the environment.
Creatures of levels 1 through 10 become stunned (luck
The demon can use this supernatural talent once. It
regains the use of it when its damage total is 100 or lower.

Demonic Ichor
The destruction of a demon sometimes leaves a
stain in the world, a tarry residue that manifests
the demon’s ruinous intent and continues its work
to unravel reality. The ichor becomes a creeping
thing, slinking over the ground, dissolving
whatever it touches.

Demonic Ichor
Level 2 Defense 8 Health 19
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 8 (–2)
Immune asleep, immobilized, poisoned, prone; damage from
fire; free attacks; deprivation, exposure, infection,
Ruinous Touch When a creature in the same zone as demonic
ichor deals damage to it using an unarmed attack or a melee
weapon that lacks the reach property, the creature loses 1d6
Supernatural Resistance Demonic ichor takes half damage
from supernatural sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against
it from supernatural effects, and makes rolls to resist or end
supernatural effects with 1 boon.
Stench A foul smell emanates from demonic ichor, causing
enemies of flesh and blood in its zone to become weakened
for as long as they remain there.

Demon Spawn
Each time the shadow of the Void falls upon the
lands, it leaves the world a bit worse than it once
was. Demons gambol in the gloom, while weird,
catastrophic happening result all along its
bleeding edge. Even worse than the death and ruin
that these incursions create are the innocent
victims of the Void’s influence. Called demon
spawn, these beings were once ordinary creatures,
common folk, livestock, wild animals, all changed
into something foul, monstrous, awful.
Glimpses of the former existence might be
caught in the fleshy, lurching mounds of swiveling
eyeballs, slobbering maws, spiked and clawed
limbs jutting every which direction. One might
also hear the plaintive cries for mercy between the
mewling, bubbling, piping noises these horrors
make. No matter how wretched the thing might
appear, they mean only to undo all they can touch,
so the best way to show mercy to these horrors is
a swift, clean death.

Demon Spawn
Level 3 Defense 9 Health 49
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 11 (+1)
Immune frightened
Fearsome The demon spawn imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
to this trait.
Appalling Eruption When the demon spawn’s damage total
first reaches 15, 30, and 45, a glistening, toothy tentacle
emerges from its body, and the demon spawn can use a
reaction to make a Claws and Teeth attack against one
creature in its zone.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (brutal) Strength with 1
boon, or 2 boons if the demon spawn is injured, against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage, or 4d6
damage if the demon spawn is injured.
Demon Spawn Assault As an action, the demon makes one
Claws and Teeth attack plus one attack for each time it has
used Appalling Eruption, but it must choose a different
target for each attack.

discards its tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and gains an
Whispers from the Void At the end of each round, the
demonist rolls a d6. On a 1, it becomes dazed until the end of
The Void holds the secrets of all reality; one the next round. On a 6, the demonist makes attribute rolls
merely has to peer into the darkness to glimpse and luck rolls with 2 boons, and its attacks and damage-
the truth. Yet in that same darkness awaits dealing effects deal an extra 2d6 damage until the end of the
next round.
madness, pain, suffering, and horror, such are the
Fitting End When the demonist becomes incapacitated, a tear
darkest secrets underpinning reality. Any dabbling in reality opens, and pale hands come forth from it to grab
with these hostile forces invites attention from the the demonist’s body. The hands drag it into the yawning
demons and risks the very fabric of reality darkness, after which the tear seals itself. If the demonist
has its casting of release demon remaining, a type I demon
whenever such things find release from the Place emerges from the gap before it closes.
Without. Wise magicians keep their distance from Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength against
the Void and the demons, but greed, envy, hatred, Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
and sickness can draw them to this well and draw Dark Arts Spells hemorrhage, release demon, vivisection
Void Gaze As a reaction, when an enemy in the demonist’s
from it the power they crave to attain their zone or an adjacent one starts its turn, the demonist gazes at
despicable objectives. it. If the enemy can see the demonist, the enemy makes a
Demonist encompasses anyone who makes their Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the enemy becomes
field of study demons, their nature, their origins, immune to this demonist’s Void Gaze supernatural talent for
1 hour. On a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of the
and their place in cosmology. Some well-
demonist until either the demonist becomes incapacitated
intentioned exorcists might call themselves such, or the enemy overcomes the affliction with a successful Will
but they use forbidden knowledge to combat the roll with 1 bane. While it is frightened in this way, the enemy
darkness, rather than seek to master it. True cannot see or hear anything outside its zone and loses 1d6
Health at the end of each round.
demonists, however, would use what they learn to
make themselves into mighty, godlike beings,
heedless of the risks to reality and to themselves
as such work makes for them enemies of all the
great powers. Demonists conjure demons from the
Void, bend them to their will until they become
servants or sources of power to fuel strange
supernatural devices.
Demonology puts great strain on practitioner. It
exposes the magician to truly awful sights, which
can blast one’s sanity to shards, ravages the body
with corrupting energies, and, eventually, makes it
impossible for demonists to live among others,
such is the stain on their souls. Thus do the
mightiest demonists live alone, on the edges of
places, hidden away from spying eyes as they push
against reason and restraint to apprehend the true
authority over all manner of demons.

Level 7 Defense 10 Health 51
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 15 (+5) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common, Sylvan
Immune frightened
Enhanced Intellect and Will The demonist makes Intellect
rolls and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
against its Intellect or Will.
Fearsome The demonist imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Resilience The demonist makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Dark Vision A demonist needs no light to see in its zone.
Demonist Fury Each time the demonist fails a roll, it gains 1
fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately

Immune frightened; damage from cold, damage from fire;
Dreadful Allure A creature makes a Will roll when it first sees
the devil. On a success, the creature becomes immune to this
Souls of the damned must pass through the devil’s Dreadful Allure. On a failure, the creature becomes
Netherworld’s gates to find their reward for a the devil’s ally until the devil becomes incapacitated or the
lifetime spent in service to evil and darkness. In creature is harmed by the devil.
Fearsome The devil imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
the endless line of those seeking entry, one finds
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
the greedy, the venal, the cruel, the hateful, and the this trait.
despicable. Each soul walks the road, some Enhanced Intellect and Will The devil makes Intellect rolls
proclaiming that someone must have erred, others and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
against its Intellect or Will.
grim-faced and determined to see what waits for Magic Resistance The devil takes half damage from magical
them. No matter the crime, no matter the deeds, sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
the souls of the damned henceforth belong to the effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
fiends. 1 boon.
Silver Vulnerability When a devil takes damage from a
Ancient compacts between the gods and the silvered weapon, it also loses 1d6 Health.
fiends, prevent the Adversary and his minions True Vision A devil needs no light to see and perceives
from taking a direct hand in mortal affairs, or even outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
leave the Netherworld. With only a few exceptions, sight.
Melee Attack—Claws Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
only an invitation allows a fiend to leave its
On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
domain and no fiends are better at enticing Temptation As an action, the devil tries to enlist the aid of one
mortals into such unwise efforts than are the ally in the devil’s zone or an adjacent one. The devil makes
devils. an Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s Will. On a
success, the target becomes controlled by the devil (luck
Devils recruit mortals by whatever means they ends). On a failure, the target becomes immune to this
have available to them. Devils wield power devil’s Temptation talent for 24 hours.
invested in them by the Adversary, so they can Hellfire Strike As an action, the devil sprays blue-black flames
grant wishes, perform favors, and carry out just from its hands at one creature within three zones of it,
dealing 1d6 damage to it. The devil makes an Intellect roll
about any service a mortal might command them,
with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
within certain limits. Devils cannot leave the target takes an extra 5d6 damage, catches fire, and becomes
Netherworld unless they are summoned and while immobilized (luck ends both).
there, they cannot directly harm anyone who has Pinning Gaze As a reaction when an enemy in the devil’s zone
or an adjacent one starts its turn and the devil can see it, the
not done them harm first. They can, however,
devil makes a Will roll against that enemy’s Will. On a
arrange circumstances to bring misfortune and success, the enemy becomes frightened of the devil and
pain and, even, death to innocents, but they can immobilized until either the devil becomes unconscious or
achieve these ends only by convincing mortals to the enemy overcomes both afflictions with a successful Will
perform the requisite activities on their behalf.
There’s no mistaking a devil; the malice and
wickedness appears in its monstrous form. Devils Summoning Devils
have humanoid forms with scarlet skin, horns on Devils answer magic used to summon them from
their brows, flaming eyes, and long black talons the Netherworld. Mortals find the procedure for
tipping their fingers. Their lips, mouths, and teeth summoning devils easy, the methods available in a
are black and their breath reeks of a charnel wide range of pamphlets, grimoires, and even holy
house. Despite their fearsome appearance, they books. Anyone who follows the proper steps can
are all gentility when dealing with mortals. Polite summon a devil.
to a fault, empathetic even, they offer their
assistance while making no judgment about the Draw the Circle
character of their summoner. So comfortable do Wise summoners take time to inscribe a circle
they make the mortal through their friendliness inside which the devil appears. The circle can have
and understanding that few ever realize they have a radius of up to 6 feet and must be inscribed
been duped into surrendering their souls for a using powdered silver worth 5 sp for each 3 feet of
trifle. the radius. The drawing of the circle takes 1 hour.
Even if properly drawn, the circle has no power
Devil unless the summoner expends a measure of life
Level 7 Defense 11 Health 84 force—losing 1d6 Health in the process. Doing so
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 16 (+6) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common, Goblin, Sylvan
invests magical energy into the circle that lingers
until the circle is broken.

For 24 hours, any creature summoned into the devil might protect its summoner or to carry out a
space inside the circle cannot move across the particular task while it is bound.
circle by any means natural or magical, nor can the Information: A devil can impart information
creature affect creatures, objects, or areas outside the summoner needs. Devils have access to a wide
the circle with its magic, if it has any. range of secrets, usually gained from bargains and
readily share this information if it suits them.
Speak the Mystic Words Despite this, devils are not omniscient and there
A devil appears if certain mystic words are spoken. should be things not even they know. Ultimately,
Such words include naming the devil to be it’s up to you to decide if the devil knows
summoned, exhortations for it to appear, something, can discover it, or not.
invocations to the gods old and new for protection, Service: A devil can be convinced to carry out a
as well as whatever the summoner might be particular service. Examples include arranging the
willing to offer the devil. The chanting takes 5 assassination of another mortal, intelligence
minutes. gathering, theft, hiding something, or retrieving
something. A devil performs any service for the
Make the Bargain right price, though the time it takes to perform it
When the summoner finishes speaking, smoke depends on the service requested.
appears in the place where the devil appears. Gifts: Devils can also award infernal gifts, if it’s
Lightning, thunder, wind, and foul odors might within their power to do so. Without a soul in the
also accompany the fiend. offering, a devil will provide a gift worth no more
A devil sees any summoning as an opportunity than 100 gp. With a soul in offering, the devil
to claim a mortal soul and is thus amenable to provides whatever gift it needs in order to claim
negotiation after a bit of bluster, to maintain the soul. Devils might also increase attributes, but
appearances of course. A devil performs any task no more than by 1, Health by no more than 6, or
that will not obviously lead to its own destruction the knowledge of an expert spell or a spell of a
in return for the binding of the summoner’s soul. It lower tier.
is unwilling to perform services for anything less
than a soul or for creatures who have already Selling One’s Soul
promised their souls to a different devil. Certain paths assume the characters who take
Convincing a devil to perform a task without a them to have already bargained away their souls
soul in the offering requires a successful Intellect in return for magical knowledge. The drawbacks
roll against its Will. The nature of the service of such bargains are shown in the path’s features.
imposes 1 or more banes on the roll as you Others who bargain with devils and surrender
choose. If the roll succeeds, the devil carries out their souls become damned, which means their
the service request exactly as it was negotiated. soul belongs to the Netherworld when they die.
Offering a gift to the devil—a sacrifice of life, Being damned has the following effects.
treasure, knowledge, or magic can make the devil Pariah: A damned creature finds children,
willing to undertake the task. The devil wants to animals, and servants of the gods become hostile
ruin the mortal summoner first and then escape to them. In addition, a damned creature makes
its mortal master’s service if at all possible so it rolls to interact in social situations with 1 bane.
can corrupt others. Devil’s Mark: The damned creature has a mark
If the devil accepts the bargain, it does somewhere on its body that designates the
everything it can to come out ahead in the deal. It creature’s fealty to the Adversary. The mark is
exploits any and every loophole it finds, and does often a patch of discolored skin on a place that can
whatever it can to bring misfortune to its be concealed with clothing. The mark has no
summoner. Strict parameters can make the roll sensation whatsoever; one could push a long
more difficult, while loose or no restrictions can needle into the mark without causing any
grant an automatic success. No matter what, discomfort.
though, a devil who has agreed to a service will Cursed: A damned creature is cursed. The curse
carry out that service to the best of its ability. cannot be lifted short of divine intervention.
Companionship: A devil can be convinced to Doom: If a damned creature dies, its soul travels
accompany the summoner for a time, but usually to the Netherworld and the creature cannot be
for no more than a number of days equal to the restored to life until the fiends agree to release the
summoner’s level. The devil follows its summoner, soul, something the fiends are unlikely to do under
watches from the sidelines, and offers advice. The

any circumstance, though an offer of ten times the
soul’s value might convince them otherwise.

When a vampire drinks blood from a mortal and
neither kills nor turns its victim into a vampire, a
curse might afflict the victim, transforming it into
a hybrid known as a dhampir. The curse afflicts
the victim and anyone who sired by or born to one
who carries it. Dhampir crave blood, though they
need it not to survive.

The ability to control the thirst for blood that
comes with the vampire’s curse varies with the
individual. The most disciplined find they can go
weeks, even months, without a taste, but all too
many find themselves enslaved by their appetites
and feed whenever they can.
Those who become habitual drinkers pose a
danger to their communities and face reprisals or
death if caught. Once exposed, the dhampir has
few places to which it can turn, and thus many flee
for the darkness, vanishing into the catacombs,
sewers, and other unwholesome places where
they live among the other scavengers and
parasites. Living in the sewers, amidst the rot and
squalor of old tombs, takes a toll on these dhampir
until they become ravaged, nasty, bug-ridden and
blighted with disease. These dhampir are the
nosferatu, outcasts hated by all.

Level 2 Defense 11 Health 19
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 8 (–2)
Languages Common, Undertongue
Immune poisoned
Sunlight Weakness A nosferatu is weakened while it is in a
zone lit by direct sunlight.
Night Vision A nosferatu treats dim light as bright light.
Vicious When a nosferatu rolls damage, it rolls an additional
time and uses the higher total.
Melee Attack—Teeth Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage and loses 1 Health, and
the nosferatu makes its next attribute roll before the end of
the next round with 1 boon.
Call Rats As an action, the nosferatu causes a mass of rats to
appear in an adjacent underground zone or in its own zone
if underground. The rats spread across the ground for 1
minute. Any creature on the ground when the rats appear or
that moves onto the ground before the effect ends makes an
Agility roll, taking 4d6 damage on a failure, or half the
damage on a success.
The nosferatu can use this magical talent once. It regains
the use of it after 24 hours.
Aggressive As a reaction when the nosferatu sees an enemy,
the nosferatu can move to where it can reach one enemy in
its zone or an adjacent one.

Dire Wolf
A cu sith uses the rules for the dire wolf, but it also
automatically succeeds on rolls it makes to sneak and it
speaks Sylvan instead of Goblin.
Dire wolves resemble ordinary wolves but grow to
much larger size, reaching up to six feet tall at the
shoulder and weighing close to two hundred
pounds. They have sleek black fur and blazing red
eyes that shine when they reflect light. Unlike
other beasts, dire wolves can speak, though most
speak in their own filthy tongue.
Legend claims that the dire were born from the
union of the Horned Lord and Wild Woman in the
early days of the world, but what love they had for
their makers withered when the gods favored
some of their kind and not others with the ability
to change their shapes. In their bitterness, they
warred against their warg kin and hunt them still
under the light of the moon.
A great many dire wolves keep alive the old
grudges and have been corrupted by them. Rather
than hunt and kill in the manner of other beasts,
they work evil on the lands in which they hunt.
They leave droppings to spoil crops, steal
livestock, drag off shepherds, and worse. They
have great cunning and use all manner of tricks to
lure their victims into danger.

Dire Wolf
Level 3 Defense 12 Health 28
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Goblin
Night Vision A dire wolf treats dim light as bright light.
Fast When a dire wolf runs, it increases the number of zones it
can move by one.
Melee Attack—Teeth Strength with 1 boon against Defense, or
with 2 boons if the target has already been attacked in this
round. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage, or 3d6
damage if it is prone. Then, the target makes a Strength roll
and, on a failed roll, falls prone (if it was not already prone)
and cannot stand up (luck ends).
Spring Away As a reaction when a roll to attack the dire wolf
results in a failure, the dire wolf imposes 1 bane on rolls to
attack it until the start of its next turn.

There might not be in all the world a hound nobler than
the cu sith (coo-shee). A big beast, the size of a young
bullocks, with a thick, shaggy coat of green fur, and
tightly coiled paws, each as broad as a human hand, the
cu sith moves with grace and restraint. It never becomes
excited, never acts in the manner of another, lesser dog,
and barks only when it must.
Highborn faeries keep cu sith as companions and the
beasts sometimes accompany the faerie hunters who
cross the borders between worlds to stalk and bring
down their prey. It’s said that to earn a cu sith’s trust is
to have a companion for life.

Dust Storm When a dragon flies into a zone and lands there,
the beating of its wings kicks up dust and debris, forcing
each creature in the zone to make a luck roll and a Strength
roll. On a failed luck roll, an enemy becomes blinded until
No matter how dire the legend, no matter how the end of its next turn. On a failed Strength roll, an enemy
many knights have been cooked in their armor, falls prone.
sacrificed nobles devoured, and magicians torn to Trample When the dragon runs into a zone, each creature in
that zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes
pieces, there’s never seems to be a shortage of
3d6 damage and falls prone.
those eager to take up swords and wands to face Flight A dragon can move by flying while it is not injured. If the
the dragons in their domains. One might question dragon becomes injured while flying, it must land on a
why. Legend holds that dragons plundered the surface that can support its weight by the end of its next
turn or it falls.
world of its greatest treasures long ago and drape Mighty Fall When the dragon falls prone, its body deals 6d6
their vast bodies over mountains of glittering damage to each creature and object on the ground in the
coins, jewels, old tomes, magic items, and other zone where it falls. In addition, each creature on the ground
fantastical riches. With such fortunes in the in that zone makes an Agility roll. A prone creature fails the
roll automatically. On a failure, the creature takes an extra
offering, is it any wonder that people would risk 6d6 damage, falls prone (if it was not already prone), and
their lives for even a piece of a dragon’s hoard? becomes immobilized until either the dragon is no longer
Stories about dragons force them into all kinds prone or the creature overcomes the immobilized affliction
of shapes and bestows on them fantastical abilities with a successful Strength roll with 3 banes. At the end of
each round when a creature is immobilized in this way, the
that range from the vision so sharp it can pierce
creature takes 2d6 damage.
walls, never needing to sleep, the gift of speech, Dragon Fury Each time the dragon fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
the ability to breathe lightning or poison gas, use token. When it reaches 3 fury tokens, it immediately
of magic, and even shapeshifting capabilities. discards its tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and gains an
Some tales even speak of kindly dragons with Extra Reactions A dragon can use two reactions in each round.
scales of the most precious metals, eager to help Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (brutal, keen +2d6, reach)
mortals with their struggles. All of it is nonsense. One to three creatures. Each target takes 2d6 damage, and
Dragons are powerful monsters that embody the dragon makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against each
target’s Defense. On a success, a target takes an extra 6d6
the wickedness of greed. They have no interest
damage. Or, if the dragon attacks just one target, the target
beyond feeding their great appetites and adding to takes an extra 10d6 damage.
the mountains of wealth they have already Fire Breath As an action, the dragon breathes fire into up to
accumulated. Dragons breathe fire, most can fly, three contiguous zones within twelve zones of it. Each
creature or object in a target zone takes 5d6 damage, and
and all are almost impossible to kill. They come in
flammable objects that are neither worn nor carried catch
a variety of colors and some have four legs, others fire. A creature makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a
two, a few lack any legs at all and instead claw at failure, it takes an extra 5d6 damage and catches fire (luck
their foes with the talons sprouting from their ends).
Once the dragon uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck
wings. The idea of good or noble dragons fails to ends).
stand up to the countless examples of cruelty and Dive and Snatch As an action, the dragon it flies up to three
hatred shown in typical dragon behavior. zones and attacks one creature in its zone or any zone it
enters during this movement. The dragon makes a Strength
with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
Dragon target takes 6d6 damage and becomes grabbed. On a failure,
Level 10 Defense 11 Health 318
the target makes an Agility roll and falls prone on a failed
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 18 (+8)
Languages Archaic
The dragon can have up to two creatures grabbed at one
Immune frightened, fire
time and can extend the duration of the grab for all creatures
Fearsome The dragon imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
it is grabbing as a minor action. A creature grabbed moves
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
with the dragon when it moves and loses 1d6 Health at the
this trait.
end of each round. If the dragon lands while it has a creature
Enhanced Intellect The dragon makes Intellect rolls with 1
grabbed, the creature takes 6d6 damage and the grab ends.
boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Intellect. Bloodied Breath As a reaction when the dragon becomes
Nigh Invulnerable While a dragon is not injured, it takes half
injured, it regains the use of its Fire Breath and uses it
damage from a weapon attack if the result of the roll to
attack it is 24 or lower. In addition, whenever the dragon
Dragon Roar As a reaction when the dragon fails a roll to
takes half damage from an attack using an ordinary weapon,
attack, it roars. Each enemy within three zones of the dragon
the attacker makes a luck roll. On a failed roll, the weapon
makes a Will roll. On a success, an enemy is immune to this
breaks. Or, if the attacker used an unarmed attack, the
dragon’s Dragon Roar for 24 hours. On a failure, it becomes
attacker instead loses 1d6 Health.
frightened of the dragon until either the dragon becomes
True Vision A dragon needs no light to see and perceives
incapacitated or the enemy overcomes the affliction with a
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
successful Will roll. While it is frightened in this way, an
enemy is also immobilized.

Slashing Tail As a reaction when an enemy starts its turn in
the dragon’s zone, the dragon sweeps its tail at that enemy.
The dragon makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against that
enemy’s Defense. On a success, the enemy takes 6d6 damage
and falls prone.

A Dragon’s Hoard
Dragons covet precious metals and gemstones
above all else. Since they often lair in places
hostile to delicate art works and other finery,
dragons pass up anything that might become
damaged and thus worthless in favor of more
durable goods, which it swallows and then
disgorges when it reaches its hoard. Often,
precious metals melt and run together forming
large lumps when they cool.
A typical dragon’s hoard includes the following
treasure: 150,000 cp, 100,000 sp, 50,000 gp,
75,000 gp in various gems and jewels, 1d6 magic
weapons, 1d6 suits of magic armor, 2d6 trinkets,
and 50,000 gp of other durable valuables.

Dragon’s Lair
Places difficult to reach and perilous to explore
typify the kinds of locations where a dragon might
make its lair. Volcanic calderas, lava tubes, ruins
having slid into a deep ravine, empty, abandoned,
crumbling castles, and similar locations make
ideal sites for storing wealth and guarding it.
Rarely, dragons might recruit other creatures to
help guard its lair, and more than one cult has
formed around these powerful monsters.
A dragon’s lair comprises at least six connected
zones. These zones have the following properties.
Toxic Fumes Toxic fumes fill the air inside the
lair and in each zone adjacent to it. Each breathing
creature in an affected zone makes a Strength roll
with 1 bane at the end of the round or lose 1d6
Health and become Strength impaired until the
end of the next round. Wind clears the fumes from
the zone for 1 hour.
Flame Jet Whenever the result of a creature’s
failed attribute roll is 0 or lower, a jet of flame
blasts the creature, and deals 8d6 damage to it.
Oily Secretions Pools of oil dot the floor in the
dragon’s lair and in each adjacent zone. Whenever
the dragon uses Fire Breath, it rolls a d6. On a 5 or
6, the oil in one zone of the dragon’s choice ignites,
filling that zone with smoke that lasts for 1 hour or
until it is dispersed by wind. The smoke blinds all
creatures in it.

Dragonets have left their woodlands homes in
droves; the lure of civilization has proven too
strong to ignore. Abundance of food and drink,
comforts and distractions all play a part, but
curiosity has always been the true culprit reason
why the tiny dragons seem to be everywhere in
the large towns and cities of the borderlands. Now
dragonets live as companions for the mighty and
powerful, run businesses that range from the
making of jewelry to fencing purloined goods.

Dragonet Trickster
Most dragonets avoid confrontations; they seek
peace with others. Their gregarious natures and
accommodating personalities have served them
well to this end, but when they cannot avoid
conflict, they use mischief to teach their enemies
lessons they’ll never forget. They use magic, traps,
and tricks to vex their foes and send them away
seeking safety and sanity.

Dragonet Trickster
Level 1 Defense 13 Health 12
Strength 8 (–2) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Flight A dragonet can move by flying while it is not injured.
Prehensile Tail The dragonet’s tail counts as an extra limb.
Like its hands, it can use it to grasp small objects and even
wield weapons, though the weapons must have the off-hand
trait. Even if it wields weapons in both hands and in its tail,
the dragonet can at most attack with two weapons at a time.
Melee Attack—Knife Agility against Defense. On a success, the
target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Blowgun (range 1) Agility against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 1 damage and becomes
poisoned (luck ends).
Tricks The dragonet has 3 trick tokens. It gains 1 trick token
whenever it fails an attribute roll, up to a maximum of 3. As a
minor action, the dragonet can spend 1 trick token to
produce one of the following effects:
• It turns the next successful roll against it before the end of
its next turn into a failed roll.
• It makes its next attribute roll before the end of its next
turn with 1 boon.
• It forces one enemy in its zone or an adjacent one to make
a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy becomes dazed (luck
Fire Breath As a minor action, the dragonet can breathe fire at
one creature or object in its zone. The target makes an
Agility roll and, on a failure, takes 1d6 damage. Once the
dragonet uses this talent, it loses access to it (luck ends).

Drakes have sleek bodies equipped with large
leathery wings that span as wide as they are long.
Hollow bones and the rippling muscles make them
nimble fliers. Fine scales, similar to those found on
snakes, cover their bodies, but thicken and
become harder closer to their wedge-shaped
Many suppose drakes share a common origin
with dragonets and dragons, given their
appearance, but, if so, they lack anything close to
the dragonets’ intelligence or the dragons’ greed.
Instead, they behave as wild animals, being clever
hunters, but no smarter than the average predator.
Drakes form into packs and work together to bring
down large game. Once they rake their prey to
death, they settle down to feed. If scavengers come
near, they shoot venom from their maws that
burns and poisons whatever it touches.
Drakes cause endless trouble for the centaurs in
the plains, so much so that the centaurs scour
their territory for signs of their nests and burn
them whenever they find them. Drakes attack
curlbeaks, tear apart young centaurs, and circle
the skies above hunting parties, thus revealing
their location to enemies. Many centaurs give their
young hollowed drake bone amulets in the hopes
these devices confer some protection against
drake attacks.

Level 4 Defense 13 Health 53
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
Flight A drake can move by flying while it is not injured.
Vicious When a drake rolls damage, it rolls an additional time
and uses the higher total.
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Strength with 1 boon against
Defense, or with 2 boons if the target is injured. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage and becomes poisoned
(luck ends).
Spit Venom As an action, the drake spits venom at one
creature in its zone or an adjacent one. It makes a Strength
roll against the creature’s Agility. On a success, the target
loses 1d6 Health and becomes poisoned (luck ends). If the
result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target is also blinded for
as long as it is poisoned in this way.
Once the drake uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck

Immune asleep, poisoned, damage from cold; deprivation,
exposure, infection, suffocation
Undead A draugr is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
In some cultures, warriors see it as a great honor Burned by Sunlight If the draugr starts its turn in a zone lit by
to accompany their lieges to their final resting direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
places. Charged with guarding the remains of their Health.
Dark Vision A draugr needs no light to see in its zone.
masters, they find themselves sealed inside the
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On
tombs and standing vigil in the darkness. The a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
vows they speak bind their souls to their bodies Ranged Attack—Shortbow (range 4) Agility with 1 boon
and prevent Lord Death from laying claim to them against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
when death final enfolds them in its cold embrace.
Yet they remain, aware and animate, unliving Draugr Guard
guardians standing at the ready to fight if any Level 1 Defense 16 (ring, shield) Health 16
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
robbers come to plunder the vaults of the dead. Language understands Archaic
Draugr appear as skeletal humans with their Immune asleep, poisoned, damage from cold; deprivation,
skin drawn tight to their bones. Their flesh exposure, infection, suffocation
atrophies until even the skin of the abdomen pulls Undead A draugr is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
back around the pelvis and spine. Their eyes and Burned by Sunlight If the draugr starts its turn in a zone lit by
other soft tissues have all rotted away, making direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
their visages awful to behold. Dust and cobwebs Health.
cling to their bodies, often, and leather has Dark Vision A draugr needs no light to see in its zone.
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
become brittle, mail rusted, blades chipped and against Defense, or with 2 boons if the target is injured. On a
corroded. Draugr draw no breath so they cannot success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
speak, but their hostile intentions become clear in
their aggression. Draugr Champion
Draugr Archer Standing guard in the galleries, Level 2 Defense 13 (brigandine) Health 28
on bridges, and in other high places found in the Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Language understands Archaic
large tombs, they pepper intruders with their Immune asleep, poisoned, damage from cold; deprivation,
black-fletched arrows. exposure, infection, suffocation
Draugr Guard The guards protect their leaders’ Undead A draugr is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
remains and treasures. They roam the tunnels of half damage from weapons.
Burned by Sunlight If the draugr starts its turn in a zone lit by
the barrows, wary of robbers. direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
Draugr Champion Exceptional warriors in life, Health.
the champions retain their skill at arms and swing Dark Vision A draugr needs no light to see in its zone.
their massive weapons with terrible ease. Melee Attack—Long Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Draugr Dark Mage The dark mages of old Aggressive As a reaction when the champion sees an enemy,
studied the magic for binding the souls of the dead the champion can move to where it can reach one enemy in
warriors to their remains. Their spells let survive its zone or an adjacent one.
death after a fashion, but trapped themselves in
the very same graves as the undead they created. Draugr Dark Mage
Draugr Brute Bigger, tougher, stronger Level 2 Defense 12 (leather) Health 24
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
warriors, when intruders violate the barrows, the Language understands Archaic
brutes come up from the darkness to push back Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned, damage from cold;
the hated foes. deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Draugr Death Master All draugr in a barrow Undead A draugr is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
take orders from the death master who binds their Fanatic The draugr dark mage makes attribute rolls with 1
souls to their bodies. The death master wears boon.
scorched black plate armor and can use dark Burned by Sunlight If the draugr starts its turn in a zone lit by
magic spells to brutalize enemies it encounters. direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
The death master shrieks and cackles in battle, the Dark Vision A draugr needs no light to see in its zone.
sounds of which unnerve enemies. Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength against Defense,
with 1 boon if the dark mage is not injured. On a success, the
Draugr Archer target takes 2d6 damage.
Level 1 Defense 13 (leather) Health 14 Word of Ruin As an action, the dark mage speaks a ringing
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1) word that affects up to three creatures in its zone. It makes a
Language understands Archaic Will roll against each target’s Strength, with 1 boon on each

roll if the dark mage is not injured. On a success, a target Unholy Aid As an action, the death master causes one ally in its
takes 1d6 damage, falls prone, and becomes dazed (luck zone to heal 6d6 damage. The ally can then use a reaction to
ends). make an attack.
The dark mage can use this magical talent once. It regains The death master can use this magical talent three times.
the use of it after 24 hours. It regains all expended uses of it 24 hours after it expends
Ice Spear As an action, the dark mage flings an icy spear at one the third use.
creature within three zones of it. It makes a Will roll against Wall of Death As a minor action, the death master causes
the target’s Strength, with 1 boon if the dark mage is not shadows to spread across one open border within three
injured. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage and zones of it and remain there for 1 minute. A creature that is
becomes immobilized until either it overcomes the affliction not an animated object loses 1d6 Health when it moves
with a successful Strength roll or it takes 5 or more damage across the border during this time. In addition, at the end of
from fire. the round, each enemy in a zone adjacent to the border
The dark mage can use this magical talent three times. It makes a Strength roll and takes 1d6 damage on a failure.
regains all expended uses of it 24 hours after it expends the The death master can use this magical talent once. It
third use. regains the use of it 24 hours later.

Draugr Brute
Level 3 Defense 16 (breastplate) Health 41
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)

Language understands Archaic
Immune asleep, poisoned, damage from cold; deprivation,
exposure, infection, suffocation
Undead A draugr is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
Burned by Sunlight If the draugr starts its turn in a zone lit by
direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
Dark Vision A draugr needs no light to see in its zone.
Melee Attack—Great Axe (brutal) Strength against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage. If the result of the
roll is 20 or higher, one other enemy in the draugr’s zone
makes an Agility roll and takes 1d6 damage on a failure.

Draugr Death Master

Level 5 Defense 17 (plate and mail) Health 41
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 14 (+4)
Language understands Archaic
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned, damage from cold;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Undead A draugr is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
Protected If a draugr death master has three or more allies in
its zone, it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Burned by Sunlight If the draugr starts its turn in a zone lit by
direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
Leadership The draugr death master grants 1 boon on the
attribute rolls of allies in its zone.
Shrieks and Cackles Enemies in the death master’s zone that
can hear it make attribute rolls with 1 bane. An enemy
immune to the frightened affliction ignores this trait.
Dark Vision A draugr needs no light to see in its zone.
Fanatic The draugr death master makes attribute rolls with 1
Ruinous End When the death master becomes incapacitated,
each draugr ally in the environment loses 3d6 Health.
Melee Attack—Long Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense, or with 2 boons if the death master is not
injured. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Burning Missile As an action, the death master hurls an arrow
of fire into one zone within three zones of it. The missile
explodes in the target zone, dealing 2d6 damage to each
creature or object in it. A creature makes a luck roll and
takes no damage on a success.
The death master can use this magical talent three times.
It regains all expended uses of it 24 hours after it expends
the third use.

The daughters of Grandfather Tree have no love
for outsiders, especially if trespassers happen to
be mortals. They happily water the roots of their
beloved trees with the blood of their enemies if
given any excuse. For as much as they enjoy
tearing apart their enemies, they do fear for the
trees they protect and thus leave warnings aplenty
that the woods through which one might travel are
under their own protection. Such warnings
include hanged corpses, skulls on the paths,
rusting weapons left in a pile, or effigies of the
Green Man placed on their territory’s borders.
Dryads have two forms. One has them appear as
young trees. They can spend years in this form,
entangling their roots with their sisters and those
of their god and maker, sharing in one collective
dream. The other form, adopted only when they
must, is that of a fierce maiden dressed in raiment
of the woods: leaves, lichen, dirt, fungi, and other
growths all over their skin and bodies. Long
poisoned claws extend from their fingertips.
Speakers of their own language, when they
vocalize, they sound like the creaking of wood and
the groans and rustling noises trees make when
the wind blows.

Level 2 Defense 12 Health 22
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 13 (+3)
Language Dryad
Immune asleep
Flammable The dryad takes double damage from fire. When it
takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with 1 bane and
catches fire on a failure
Night Vision A dryad treats dim light as bright light.
Melee Attack—Poisonous Claws Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. If the
result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target also becomes
poisoned and Intellect impaired (luck ends both).
Tree Form As an action when the dryad is standing on an
earthen surface, the dryad transforms into a tree. In this
form, the dryad knows where each creature and object
within three zones of it is located. The dryad stays in this
form until it uses an action, a reaction, a minor action, or a
Plant Strider As a move when the dryad is in a zone that
contains vegetation, the dryad teleports to a zone within
three zones of it that also contains vegetation.

duergar wherever it goes. If the target is harmed, the dazed
affliction ends on it.
The duergar can use this magical talent three times. It
regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
While some elves, changelings, and others have

allied with mortals, a great many cannot seem to
overcome their old grievances and thus seek
vengeance against them for crimes their ancestors
might have committed or not. Examples of such
malice abound, but when it comes to the duergar,
the enmity goes far beyond simple dislike; they
hate mortals outright and make no bones about
their feelings.
Duergars loathe mortals so much they can’t
even meet their eye. When they do, they go off on
tirades about offenses they have endured at
mortal hands, which have nothing to do with the
individual forced to endure their abuse. Duergar
spit, curse, make crude gestures. They have an
uncanny ability to find a person’s and bring them
up in as cutting a way as possible. In fact, people
who have suffered a duergar’s attentions claim
they have never been able to feel clean again.
Insults are one thing, but the only way a riled up
duergar can calm down is to spill blood and who
better to kill than the stupid human or halfling
who made them so angry in the first place. They
might be unreasonable in their feelings, but
they’re no fools. They know when they’re
outmatched. After all, they stand just a foot tall
and that’s only when they stand up straight, which
they almost never do. Since they have little hope in
sending a big, full-grown person into an early
grave, they use magic to lead their victims away
and then kill them at their pleasure.
Duergar dress in leather coats, trousers, fine
shoes, all typical garb for common folk, but sized
for their stature. They wear moss caps decorated
with feathers, which demonstrate tailoring skills.
A kind word about their stylishness might stay the
faerie’s hand.

Level 2 Defense 13 (brigandine) Health 13
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The duergar is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Night Vision A duergar treats dim light as bright light.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6
damage. A dazed target takes an extra 2d6 damage.
Enchant As an action, the duergar targets one creature within
three zones of it. It makes an Intellect roll with 1 boon
against the target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes
dazed for 24 hours. While it is dazed in this way, the target
treats the duergar as its ally and must, if possible, follow the

Dwarfs live on, in, and under the world’s many
mountain ranges, and many of their cultures
developed around efforts to pry precious metals
from the earth. Time has not been kind to the old
kingdoms. Most stand in ruins, having been
overtaken by foul things unearthed in the
darkness, cursed by the Earth Dragon for digging
too deep, or subject by misfortune, disaster, and
catastrophe. More than one dwarfen holdfast fell
to soul sickness, which transformed the people
into howling orcs.
In the present day, many dwarfs settled in
communities of other peoples and have, with
varying degrees of success, assimilated. Most
remain proud perfectionists with an interest in
gold, gems, and the like. Others have turned their
affinity for metalwork into profitable ventures and
the weapons and armor they produce can be
found across the lands.

Deep Warden
Protecting the mines and treasure vaults from
outsiders falls to the deep wardens. Dwarfs take
great pride in belonging to this warrior society.
There’s always need for more capable fighters, but
the wardens sift through candidates to weed out
the weak and fearful. They permit no one to
besmirch their reputations and sacrifice their lives
to protect their charges.

Deep Warden
Level 4 Defense 17 (mail, shield) Health 53
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Common, Runic
Immune frightened
Night Vision A dwarf treats dim light as bright light.
Durable Whenever the dwarf becomes poisoned or exposed to
infection, it makes a luck roll. On a success, it is instead not
poisoned, or it ignores the infection.
Rooted When an effect causes the dwarf to move against its
will, it makes a Strength roll. On a success, the dwarf does
not move.
Fanatic The dwarf makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Warhammer (concussing) Strength with 2
boons against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
Ranged Attack—Crossbow (brutal, range 3) Agility with 2
boons against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6

person and keep them locked away for decades.
Treasures, baubles, fine animals, and other things
of beauty, inherent value, or artistic achievement:
In the world’s earliest days, the elves lived in the the highborn take what they want and abandon
moment, pursued their passions, and passed time their treasures when something else comes along.
seeking pleasure and indulging in it. The troubles, Fey Knight: Quests take fey knights’ all across
of which most elves and other faeries have done the faerie realms and into the mortal lands and
their best to forget, saw elves set aside their beyond. Some seek to win the hand of paramours
childishness to fight for their existence against the who stole their hearts, others fight to shed some
elementals, trolls, and others who would have ignoble debt. Some seek the glory of recovering a
driven them from creation. And when too much lost relic, while others do so simply to alleviate the
blood had been spilled, when new threats began to ennui that comes from living forever. Whatever the
appear in the lands, the elves were the ones who mission, the fey knights strive toward its
used their magic to create new homes for their completion, no matter the cost.
kind, realms hidden behind veils of magic that no Fey knights wear ornate bronze armor, with
outsider could pierce. stylized helmets whose visors look like their faces
Although the faeries generally live in egalitarian or those belong to mortals, other faeries, or even
societies, the elves’ sacrifice of their innocence animals. Fey knights ride lively warhorses,
saw them drift further and further from their kin. accoutered in the faerie’s colors and protected by
Rather than run through enchanted forest at play silvery mail or bronze plates.
with the talking animals, elves constructed cities Wild Hunter: On certain nights of the year, from
in the hearts of their hidden kingdoms and behind the hidden realms comes forth faeries armed with
those walls they adopted human customs of status spears and swords and bows, along with their
and rank, elevating some to the ranks of nobility great hounds to capture as many mortals as they
and condemning others to servitude. While some can. Man or woman, old or young, the faeries burst
might argue for a return to the old ways, the through doors and drag their prisoners away,
ancient fey who have ruled for thousands of years never to be seen again. Folklore claims that the
show no sign of relaxing their grip on the reins of faeries must pay a tithe to the Adversary, while
power they took up so long ago. others believe the faeries steal away mortals to
turn them into more faeries. Whatever the
FAERIE ORIGINS reasons, when the wild hunt begins, fear reigns.
From where came the faeries? According to some, the And only those who protect their homes with iron
gods discovered the faeries after the created the world can keep these hunters at bay.
and, perhaps, the faeries created themselves. Maybe the
faeries belong to the larger family of gods and are Highborn Elf
themselves demigods. After all, they live forever and Level 8 Defense 15 Health 111
magic comes easy to them. Then, it might be that the Strength 11 (+1) Agility 15 (+5) Intellect 16 (+6) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Archaic, Common, Sylvan
faeries came from someplace else. Such travelers would Immune infection
have sailed the black seas between the stars and landed Bewitching Glamer An enemy makes a Will roll when it first
on this world, fleeing the ruin of their former homes. sees the highborn. On a success, it becomes immune to this
Then again, faeries might be just another strain of fiend highborn’s Bewitching Glamer for 24 hours. On a failure, the
created to test mortals and lead them into disaster. enemy becomes dazed for 24 hours or until the highborn
becomes either injured or incapacitated. While it is dazed in
The faeries ought to know their history, but such
this way, the enemy regards the highborn as an ally. If a
events happened so long ago and have no bearing on dazed enemy is injured or starts its turn in an environment
their daily lives that such things are not important. that does not contain this highborn, the enemy makes a Will
Faeries live in the present. If they care nothing about roll and ends the affliction on a success.
tomorrow, they care even less about yesterday. Magic Resistance The highborn takes half damage from
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
The Highborn: The elves who helped create effects with 1 boon.
refuges to benefit their fey kin became the Fearsome The highborn imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
highborn and they formed a society of wise, creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
cunning, and powerful nobles. The highborn take this trait.
Resilience The highborn makes a luck roll when it gains an
what they want, having no concern or regard for affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
those they would deprive. If a mortal catches their Keen Senses The elf can see twice as far as a human can. The
fancy, they see nothing wrong with bewitching the elf can hear a whisper from up to two zones away, normal

speech from up to four zones away, and shouting from a speech from up to four zones away, and shouting from a
distance of up to eight zones away. distance of up to eight zones away.
Highborn Fury Each time the highborn fails a roll, it gains 1 Light Step The elf makes rolls to balance and sneak with 1
fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately boon.
discards its tokens, and each enemy within three zones of it Immortal Effort When the elf makes an attribute roll, it can
that can see the highborn makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a roll an additional d20 and add the rolls together.
failure, the enemy becomes frightened of the highborn until The elf can use this trait once and regains the use of it
either it succeeds on a Will roll to overcome the affliction or after a full night’s rest.
the highborn dies. Iron Weakness The elf is weakened while carrying or wearing
Light Step The elf makes rolls to balance and sneak with 1 an iron or iron-alloy object.
boon. Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6, wounding) Strength with 1
Immortal Effort When the elf makes an attribute roll, it can boon against Defense. On a success, a target takes 8d6.
roll an additional d20 and add the rolls together. The elf can Melee Attack—Long Spear (reach, wounding) Strength with 2
use this trait once and regains the use of it after a full night’s boons against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6
rest. damage. If the knight is riding a mount and its mount ran
Iron Weakness The elf is weakened while carrying or wearing just before the knight attacked, the attack deals an extra 2d6
an iron or iron-alloy object. damage.
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On Ranged Attack—Shortbow (range 4) Agility with 1 boon
a success, the target takes 4d6 damage. against Defense. On a success, a target takes 3d6 damage.
Deranged Revelry As an action, the highborn targets any Fey Assault As an action, the fey knight makes two or three
number of allies in its zone. For each target, roll a d6 to see Sword attacks, but it must choose a different target for each
what it does. attack. If the fey knight attacks two targets, each attack deals
1: The target falls prone and does nothing but writhe on the 6d6 damage instead of 8d6 damage. If the fey knight attacks
ground until the end of its next turn. three different targets, each attack instead deals 4d6
2: The target dances into an adjacent zone and becomes damage.
stunned until the end of its next turn. Fey Challenge As a reaction when the fey knight deals damage
3: An uncontrollable fit of laughter causes the target to to target creature with a melee attack, the target becomes
become weakened until the end of its next turn. challenged until the fey knight attacks a different target. A
4: The target harms itself as a show of devotion to the challenged target makes rolls to attack targets other than
highborn. The target loses 1d6 Health. the fey knight with 1 bane.
5: The target becomes frightened of the highborn until Swift Block As a reaction when an enemy uses a melee weapon
either it overcomes the affliction with a successful Will to attack the fey knight, the knight imposes 1 bane on the
roll or the highborn dies. roll to attack. On a failed roll, the fey knight gains a reaction
6: The target becomes controlled by the highborn (luck and uses it to make a Sword or Long Spear attack the enemy
ends). that enabled the use of this talent.
The highborn can use this magical talent three times. It
regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Mental Invasion As an action, the highborn burrows into the
Wild Hunter
Level 1 Defense 13 (leather) Health 16
mind of one creature in its zone or an adjacent one. The
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
target takes 5d6 damage. Then the highborn makes an
Languages Sylvan
Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s Will. On a
Immune infection
success, the target takes an extra 5d6 damage and the
Fearsome The wild hunter imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
highborn knows everything that has happened to the target
A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
during the last 24 hours. In addition, The highborn makes
attribute rolls against the target with 1 boon forever. this trait.
Keen Senses The elf can see twice as far as a human can. The
The highborn can use this magical talent three times. It
elf can hear a whisper from up to two zones away, normal
regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
speech from up to four zones away, and shouting from a
Swift Step As a minor action, the highborn teleports to a zone
distance of up to eight zones away.
it can see within three zones of it.
Light Step The elf makes rolls to balance and sneak with 1
Once the highborn uses this magical talent, it loses access
to it (luck ends).
Immortal Feat When the elf makes an attribute roll, it can roll
an additional d20 and add the rolls together. The elf can use
Fey Knight this trait once and regains the use of it after a full night’s
Level 7 Defense 19 (plate, shield) Health 94 rest.
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 14 (+4) Iron Weakness The elf is weakened while carrying or wearing
Languages Common, Sylvan an iron or iron-alloy object.
Immune frightened; infection Melee Attack—Spear Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
Enhanced Will The fey knight makes Will rolls with 1 boon a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Will. Ranged Attack—Shortbow (range 4) Agility with 1 boon
Magic Resistance The fey knight takes half damage from against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
effects with 1 boon.
Fearsome The fey knight imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Keen Senses The elf can see twice as far as a human can. The
elf can hear a whisper from up to two zones away, normal

If it were not for the beastmen, wicked orcs, and
other dangerous monsters running amok in the
wilderness, the fauns might have stayed hidden
forever. Yet increasing frequency of attacks drove
them to make alliances with their neighbors to
combine their efforts to protect themselves and
their kin. The necessity enabled some fauns to
leave their woodland homes altogether and more
and more have begun to appear in lands settled by
humans and other peoples.

Woods Watcher
The woods watchers protect faun communities by
patrolling their borders. If they can eliminate
scouts before they can return to the larger forces,
so much the better. Failing that, watchers lead
enemies away from their settlements. Although
they have great skill at woodcraft and survival,
woods watchers tend to be more worldly than
other members of their community thanks to
frequent contact with strangers.

Woods Watcher
Level 3 Defense 14 (leather) Health 36
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Fast When a faun runs, it increases the number of zones it can
move by one.
Leaper The faun can run across challenging terrain without
needing to make an Agility roll. The faun makes Agility rolls
to jump and leap with 1 boon.
Wild Camouflage A faun can hide in a wilderness zone even
when it is being observed, as long as the zone contains no
Melee Attack—Sword and Dagger (keen +1d6) Strength with
1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
Ranged Attack—Longbow (range 6) Agility with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

The guilt for what their ancestors did to the
faeries under the influence of the trolls continues
to torment the fenoderee, even though the events
transpired many thousands of years ago. No
amount of time, it seems, can free them from the
blood staining their hands, nor the corrupting
influence of the cruel overseers who clapped them
in chains. Some fenoderee commit themselves to
doing good works in the hopes of expiating
themselves from the ancient crimes: efforts
include nurturing wild places, protecting the lands
from despoilation, destroying unnatural things
that have no business being in the world. Others,
retreat from the lands and pass their days in

Fenoderee Hermit
Hermits use their seclusion to reflect on the
nature of things, but more often to make peace
with their bloody heritage. Fenoderee who live
apart might be hostile to those trespass on their
solitude, though they will warn away such people
before resorting to anything so crude as violence.
If pressed, they fight to drive off intruders and let
would-be enemies retreat so long as they never

Fenoderee Hermit
Level 3 Defense 9 Health 46
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common, Runic
Hulking The fenoderee makes Strength rolls with 1 boon. It
grants 1 boon on rolls to attack it, and it makes rolls
resulting from the use of a reaction with 1 bane.
Melee Attack—Warclub (reach) Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.

Melee Attack—Teeth and Claws (keen +1d6) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
damage and makes a Will roll. On a failed roll, the target is
magically controlled by the fuath (luck ends).
The bitterness over the faeries’ withdrawal Fuath Assault As an action, the fuath makes two Teeth and
poisoned the fuath’s hearts. It transforms them Claws attacks, but it must choose a different target for each
from beings of unsurpassed beauty who watched attack.
Tail Slash As a reaction when an enemy in its zone uses a
over the pristine waters of streams and lakes into
move, the fuath makes a Strength roll with 2 boons against
hateful, ugly things, consumed by hatred for that enemy’s Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
humans and all the people who claim kinship to damage and falls prone.
them. Their malice bleeds from their warped
bodies and sickens the waters in which they live,
turning them into a mirror of its own spite.
Fuaths spend much of their time at the bottom
of the lakes or pond, occasionally watching the
surface and watching the fish for signs of someone
might be boating or standing on the shores. When
they detect a trespasser, they drift up to the
surface, to spy from a distance. Fuaths might stay
hidden if confronted by numerous foes or sing a
sweet song to lure a fool into their embrace. They
have no capacity for mercy; their victims might
escape maimed or not, their bones joining the rest
in the murky depths.
Fuaths have short squat bodies covered in
yellow fur tangled with slime and clotted with
mud. Water bugs crawl over them and it’s not
impossible for a frog or some other creature to
crawl about their forms. Fuaths have thin
membranes between their long fingers and toes
and each ends at a sharp black talon. And if that all
wasn’t bad enough, they drag long, thick tails
behind them when not swinging them around to
impale prey on the spiked end.

Level 5 Defense 11 Health 52
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 8 (–2)
Languages Goblin, Sylvan
Wilderness Concealment If the fuath is in a wilderness zone,
enemies cannot take the initiative until after the fuath takes
its first turn. The fuath then loses access to this trait until the
combat ends.
Iron Weakness The fuath is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Fearsome The fuath imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Iron Weakness The fuath is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Sunlight Weakness A fuath is weakened while it is in a zone lit
by direct sunlight.
Night Vision A fuath treats dim light as bright light.
Amphibious The fuath can breathe when submerged in water.
Swimmer A fuath can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Fuath Fury Each time the fuath fails a roll, it gains 1 fury token.
When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its tokens
and gains an action and a move.

Fungal Hulk
Melee Attack—Appendage Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

The fungal hulks stomp through the lightless

tunnels beneath the New Lands. Wherever they
go, spore clouds trail behind them. And when they
settle on dead flesh, the spores take root and grow
more hulks. As a result, the subterranean depths
crawl with these strange, animated fungi.
Fungal hulks have humanoid forms with pale,
rubbery skin sprouting rusty orange shelfs, blue
combs, and weird, delicate fronds from all over.
Mops of thick hairlike grows conceal what might
be their heads. The humanish forms should not
suggest sentience; these are mobile fungi and they
work to make more of their kind by infecting
creatures with their spores.
Fungal Hulk Spores Anyone infected with
fungal hulk spores suffers the effects of infection
after 24 hours. See chapter 1 for the rules
concerning infection. Fungal hulk spores impose 1
bane on Strength rolls to fight it off. At the end of
each week of infection, the victims find more and
more discolored patches on their skins. These
patches eventually sprout into fungal growths that
grow in number. When a creature dies from the
infection, 1d6 buds appear on its body to become
an equal number of fungal buds 1d6 days later.
Fungal Bud Buddings break off their corpse
host when they grow to about 8 inches, and then
wander off in search of decaying meat or plant
matter. It takes a couple of weeks for a budding to
grow to full size and become a hulk. Until that
time, it sheds no spores.

Fungal Hulk
Level 5 Defense 9 Health 93
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 5 (–5) Will 15 (+5)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened
Awareness The fungal hulk knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Spore Cloud When the fungal hulk takes 10 damage or more, it
releases spores that obscure its zone for 1 minute. At the of
each round, any creature of flesh and blood in the zone that
is not a fungal hulk or a fungal bud makes a Strength roll. On
a failure, a creature becomes infected with fungal hulk
Melee Attack—Appendage Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
Fungal Assault As an action, the fungal hulk makes two
Appendage attacks, but it must choose a different target for
each attack.

Fungal Bud
Level 1/2 Defense 9 Health 10
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 5 (–5) Will 15 (+5)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened
Awareness The fungal bud knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.

tendrils. The creator and ruler of the colony, she
spreads out in the darkest, wettest place in the
territory. The heat from her mass makes the air
In addition to the fungal hulks that cause so much humid and reeking.
trouble for miners and spelunkers, there are other, The mother knows everything that happen in
older fungi in the warm, moist grottoes who zones within her colony’s environment.
display something that comes close to human
sentience if it’s not equal to it. Some believe hulks Button Man
and the fungen are related species or are rogue Level 1/2 Defense 9 Health 11
breakaways from larger fungen colonies; they’re Strength 11 (+1) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 15 (+5)
not. Hulks are their own kind. Immune asleep, blinded, deafened
Awareness The button man knows where each creature and
Intelligence attributed to fungen colonies object within three zones of it is located.
sources from the fungen mother, the progenitor of Melee Attack—Paddle Strength against Defense. On a success,
all the different varieties of fungen who toil to the target takes 1d6 damage.
protect the colony. Individual members possess
the wherewithal to complete their tasks and Redcap
problem-solve when needed to carry out their Level 1 Defense 11 (shield) Health 12
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 15 (+5)
assigned work if something interferes. Fungen Immune asleep, blinded, deafened
show no signs of ambition beyond the purpose Awareness The redcap knows where each creature and object
given when they came into being, whether that within three zones of it is located.
includes tending the compost piles, killing and Melee Attack—Poisoned Spear Strength against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and makes a luck roll.
dragging intruders to add their flesh to the On a failed luck roll, the target becomes poisoned (luck
mounds dotting their caves, or hunting for prey in ends). If a creature poisoned in this way becomes injured,
the surrounding darkness. the creature falls prone and becomes unconscious for 2d6
Fungen make rumbling noises, but one should hours or until another creature uses an action to waken it.
not mistake such noises as language. The rumble
occurs for unknown reasons. Puffball Fellow
Level 3 Defense 7 Health 52
Button Men The button men have two-foot-tall Strength 12 (+2) Agility 7 (–3) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 15 (+5)
bodies surmounted by a small, brown, rounded Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, prone
cap above vague humanoid features. They have Round Body A puffball fellow cannot climb, but it can roll
slender arms and legs. They work in the refuse across liquid surfaces and float on them.
Awareness The puffball fellow knows where each creature and
piles, using bone paddles to turn over the object within three zones of it is located.
compost. Spore Jet When the puffball takes damage from a source other
Redcap The redcaps are mushroom folk with than fire or lightning, it releases a jet of spores that obscures
wide, white-dotted red caps extending out from its zone and propels the puffball into an adjacent zone,
without enabling enemies to make free attacks against it. At
the tops of their heads. The mother tasks them the end of the round, each creature that is not a fungen in
with protecting the colony from predators. the zone where the puffball took damage makes a Strength
Puffball Fellow The puffball fellows replenish roll. On a failure, the creature becomes weakened (luck
numbers of fungen. When conflict reduces the ends). While it is weakened in this way, the creature loses
1d6 Health at the end of each round.
population below a sustainable level, the fungal Melee Attack—Body Strength with 1 boon against Agility. On a
mother produces rolling puffballs to seed the success, the target takes 1d6 damage and makes an Agility
ground with spores and grow new fungen of kinds roll, falling prone on a failure.
the colony needs most. The puffball is a large
round, brown, dimpled ball from which jet spores. Jellied Lad
Jellied Lad Wet, gelatinous, brown bodies, Level 4 Defense 6 Health 52
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 15 (+5)
jellied lads cling to walls, trees, and fallen debris.
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, prone, free attacks
Close study reveals dark spots in the middle of Total Concealment Enemies cannot take the initiative until
their bodies that suggest a face. These fungen after the jellied lad takes its first turn. The jellied lad then
break down rubbish—fallen logs, leaves, dead loses access to this trait until the combat ends.
Awareness The jellied lad knows where each creature and
creatures. When an enemy draws near, the lad
object within three zones of it is located.
releases its grip on the surface to which it clings Glide A jelled lad takes no damage from landing after a fall and
and envelops its prey. Its digestive enzymes do the can control its descent to land anywhere it chooses in the
rest of the work for it. zone directly underneath it or in any zone adjacent to that
zone when it falls.
Fungen Mother The mother is a pool of white,
Malleable A jellied lad can squeeze through an opening at least
gloopy soup from which emerge long, hair-like 1 inch wide.

Melee Attack—Flaps Strength with 1 boon against Agility. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. If the target is a Mold Thralls
creature, it also becomes enveloped by the lad until either The fungen waste nothing, not even captives.
the target dies, the lad becomes incapacitated, or the target
Often, prisoners find themselves fed to the colony,
overcomes this effect with a successful Strength roll with 1
bane. Whenever the lad takes damage from a weapon while but the fungen mother might have other plans and
it has a creature enveloped, the lad takes half the damage turn them into mold thralls. Any creature of flesh
and the rest applies to the creature. In addition, an and blood can be transformed into a mold thrall.
enveloped creature is subject to suffocation and loses 1d6
The creature retains its ancestry traits and gains
Health at the end of each round.
On a failure, the target takes 1d6 damage, and the lad all the mold thrall traits.
grants 1 boon on rolls to attack it until the end of the round.
Melee Attack—Crushing Grip One creature the jellied lad has Mold Thrall Traits
enveloped. The target takes 2d6 damage. Attributes Increase the creature’s Strength by 1, reduce its
Enzyme Spray As a reaction when the jellied lad takes damage Intellect by 4, and increase its Will by 4.
from a creature that it does not have enveloped, it sprays Immune asleep, blinded, deafened
corrosive fluid at up to three creatures in its zone. Each Awareness The mold thrall knows where each creature and
creature makes an Agility roll with 1 bane and, on a failure, object within three zones of it is located.
becomes weakened (luck ends). A creature weakened in this Toxic Spores At the end of the round, up to two creatures in
way takes 1d6 damage at the end of each round. the mold thrall’s zone that are not fungus make luck rolls. On
a failure, a creature loses 1d6 Health and becomes Strength
Fungen Mother impaired (luck ends). If it is already Strength impaired, the
Level 7 Defense 0 Health 300 creature loses an extra 1d6 Health instead.
Strength 0 (–10) Agility 0 (–10) Intellect 15 (+5) Will 15 (+5)
Languages all (can’t speak)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened
Immobile Threat The fungen mother cannot move or use
Flammable The fungen mother takes double damage from fire.
When it takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with 1
bane and catches fire on a failure
Awareness The fungen mother knows where each creature
and object within three zones of it is located.
Create Mold Spawn A creature of flesh and blood that starts
its turn in the fungen mother’s zone makes a Strength roll.
On a success, the creature becomes infected with mold. If the
infection kills the creature, the creature regains all lost
Health as it returns to life as a mold thrall (see below).
Spores As an action, the mother fills its zone and each adjacent
one with spores. The spores obscure their zones until the
end of the next round. The spores affect only creatures that
are not fungus and are present in the zones where the
spores appear or that enter any of the zones obscured by the
spores. Each time the mother uses this trait, she chooses one
of the following effects:
• Mind Spores An affected creature makes a Strength roll
with 1 bane. On a failure, the mother can telepathically
communicate with the creature for 24 hours provided the
creature is anywhere in the same environment.
• Toxic Spores An affected creature makes a Strength roll
with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature loses 6d6 Health
and becomes weakened (luck ends). At the end of each
round when a creature is weakened in this way, it loses
3d6 Health.
• Hallucination Spores An affected creature makes a Will
roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature becomes
blinded and deafened (luck ends both). If the creature
fails an attribute roll while it is blinded and deafened in
this way, the creature becomes stunned until the end of
the next round.
• Control Spores An affected creature makes a Will roll
with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature becomes controlled
by the fungen mother (luck ends). Until a creature is no
longer controlled, the fungen mother can speak using the
controlled creature’s mouth.

Burning Shackles As a minor action, the fury hurls fiery
shackles at one creature within three zones of it. The target
takes 2d6 damage. Then, the fury makes a Will roll with 1
boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target
Blind embodies the virtues of truth and justice, so becomes immobilized until it overcomes the affliction with a
she tasks her servants with upholding the laws of successful Agility roll. At the end of each round the target is
the land. It falls to them to punish the most immobilized in this way, it takes 2d6 damage.
The fury can use this supernatural talent once. It regains
egregious oath breakers and protecting the
the use of it after a full night’s rest.
innocent from their depredations. Even in lands Inevitable Justice As a minor action, the fury causes one
where the High One holds sway, images of Blind enemy it can see to become cursed until either it the fury
still appear in courthouses and altars of the becomes incapacitated, the fury dies, or the fury uses this
talent again. At the end of the round, if an enemy cursed in
goddess might stand inside the constable this way is not within three zones of the fury, the fury
precincts to remind them of their sacred duty. teleports to that enemy’s zone.
Blind leaves it to mortals to sort their own affairs, Fearsome Gaze As a reaction, when an enemy in the fury’s
but egregious violations of the laws, including zone or an adjacent one starts its turn and the fury can see
it, the fury makes a Will roll against the enemy’s Will. On a
those natural laws that ensure the stability of success, the enemy becomes frightened of the fury until it
reality, those who would corrupt or subvert order overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll or the
for their own ends, risk awakening her wrath. And fury becomes unconscious or dies. An enemy that overcomes
when angered, she sends forth the furies to exact the affliction becomes immune to the Fearsome Gaze of all
furies for 24 hours.
vengeance in her name.
Furies appear as tall, pasty white female
humans dressed in blood-drenched and soot-
stained robes that might once have been white.
Great feathery wings extend out from their backs
and carry them through the air. Hatred contorts
their features and are ferocious in battle.

Level 7 Defense 12 Health 117
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 13 (+3)
Languages all
Immune asleep, frightened; deprivation, exposure, infection,
Fearsome The fury imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Terrifying Strike An enemy that takes 13 damage or more
from the fury’s attack makes a Will roll. On a failure, the
enemy becomes frightened of the fury until either it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll or the
fury dies. While it is frightened in this way, the enemy uses a
move to run away from the fury on each of its turns.
Magic Resistance The fury takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
True Vision A fury needs no light to see and perceives outlines
around invisible creatures and objects in its line of sight.
Flight A fury can move by flying while it is not injured.
Cruel Tormentor The first time the fury deals damage in a
round, it makes attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of
its next turn.
Melee Attack—Flaming Sword Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 7d6 damage. On a
failure, the target takes 3d6 damage from exposure to the
sword’s flame.
Ranged Attack—Bow with Fire Arrows (range 9) Strength
with 1 boon against Agility. On a success, a target takes 7d6
damage. If a target becomes injured from this damage, it also
catches fire (luck ends).
Fury Assault As an action, the fury makes two Flaming Sword
attacks or up to three Bow with Fire Arrows attacks, but it
must choose a different target for each attack.

The souls of the damned on passing through the
Netherworld’s gates find themselves given over to
the care of the gargoyles, if they’re lucky.
Gargoyles, being the most numerous fiends in this
hellish place, spend their days and night
tormenting their charges in imaginative ways.
These fiends can use the realm’s mutable nature to
tailor these experiences to their victims,
personalizing them to make the suffering even
Rare, then, is the gargoyle that escapes the
Adversary’s realm. Like other fiends, they can be
called forth to serve mortals, but gargoyles lack
the devils’ cunning or patience. They tend to be
brutish in their dealings and lack the means to
offer mortals anything other than brute force.
Gargoyles have few personal ambitions, but
remain cruel, selfish, and petty.
Gargoyles have certain features in common, but
are given to great variety when it comes to the
details. Their humanoid-shaped bodies boast a
wide range of features, from exaggerated human
faces frozen in expressions of pain, hilarity,
sadness or hate. Some have the heads and body
parts of animals. Most have horns, talons, claws,
long fangs, and tails ending in strange shapes.

Level 3 Defense 10 Health 47
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Common, Goblin, Sylvan
Immune damage from cold, damage from fire, frightened;
Stony Skin If a gargoyle does not move on its turn, it increases
its Defense by 5 until the start of its next turn.
Silver Vulnerability When a gargoyle takes damage from a
silvered weapon, it also loses 1d6 Health.
Night Vision A gargoyle treats dim light as bright light.
Cruel Tormentor The first time the gargoyle deals damage in a
round, it makes attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of
its next turn.
Melee Attack—Trident Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, a target takes 2d6 damage.
Gargoyle Assault As an action, the gargoyle makes two Claws
and Teeth attacks, but must make each attack against a
different target.

So long has it been since the ghasts last terrorized
the lands, they have become creatures of legend.
The old tales described them as things who feed
on mortal fears. They have been called intruders,
outsiders who slipped into the mortal world from
some other realm, demons in the flesh, and worse.
What is known is that the gods intervened and
sealed them away in the great vault that had been
lost and forgotten for centuries, until a band of
adventurers happened upon the structure and
then broke the seals of binding that imprisoned
these monsters.
Now, ghasts run amok long the edges of the
borderlands, wreaking havoc wherever they go.
They thrive on fear and terrorize their prey,
drinking deep on the horror until their victims
succumb. It’s become all too common to find
corpses with shocks of white hair, faces twisted up
into expressions of despair.
Ghasts look almost human with pale white skin
peeking out through the grim covering their
bodies. Brittle black hair sticks out in all directions
from their heads, while black fissures and cracks
ring overlarge eyes that appear to be all pupils.
Worst of all are their mouths: they hang open, the
lower jaw swinging back and forth as they move,
and from it drains a constant dribble of some dark
oily substance that runs down their necks and
paints their torso with foulness.

Level 2 Defense 12 Health 12
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages understands Archaic
Immune free attacks
Fearsome The ghast imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Dark Vision A ghast needs no light to see in its zone.
Fast When a ghast runs, it increases the number of zones it can
move by one.
Feed on Fear If at least one enemy in the ghast’s zone is
frightened of the ghast, the ghast makes attribute rolls with
1 boon, its attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage, and it takes
half damage from all sources.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Ghast Assault As an action, the ghast makes two Claws and
Teeth attacks, but it must choose a different target for each
Utterance of Doom As a minor action, the ghast utters a
foreboding sound. Each enemy in its zone makes a Will roll.
On a success, an enemy becomes immune to all ghasts’
Utterance of Doom for 1 hour. On a failure, an enemy
becomes frightened of all ghasts for 1 hour or until that
enemy kills a ghast. A ghast can use this talent once per hour.

A ghost roams places where the Spirit World
overlaps the mortal world. Some watch the
locations where they died, and might take interest
when living people inhabit those locations. But if a
ghost feels that it suffered a wrongful death, it
might resent intrusion into its suffering and make
its displeasure known by manifesting itself from
the Spirit World so it can be seen by mortals.
A ghost appears exactly as it did at the moment
of death. Thus, one might look like an elderly
person, another could roam about with a broken
neck. Missing limbs, signs of disease, brutalized,
burned, and butchered bodies could all show in
the ghost’s form. Once the ghost quits the Spirit
World, its injuries fade and it looks as it did at the
prime of its life just before slipping away into the
darkness of the afterlife.

Level 3 Defense 12 Health 30
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Archaic or Common
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, immobilized, poisoned,
prone; free attacks; deprivation, exposure, infection,
Fearsome The ghost imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Damage Resistance A ghost takes half damage from weapons
that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Awareness The ghost knows where each creature and object
within three zones of it is located.
Airborne A ghost moves only by flying and can hover.
Spirit A ghost can move through or end its movement inside a
solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the ghost cannot
be harmed until the object is destroyed. The ghost ignores
the effects of wind and other kinds of challenging terrain
that can ordinarily affect flying creatures. The ghost makes
no noise unless it chooses to do so.
Melee Attack—Touch Will with 1 boon against Strength. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage and makes an Agility
roll. On a failed roll, it falls prone and drops whatever it is
Possession As an action, the ghost tries to merge with one
creature in its zone and possess the creature’s body. It makes
a Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s Will. On a success,
the target becomes controlled by the ghost. The ghost is
inside the target’s body and remains there until the affliction
ends. Each time the target takes damage, it makes a Will roll
with 1 bane. On a successful roll, the affliction ends, and the
ghost is forced out of the target’s body to an empty space of
its choice in the target’s zone.
While it is inside a target, the ghost is immune to harmful
effects except those that result from a successful or failed
Intellect roll or Will roll.
If the ghost gets a failure on its Will roll, the target takes
1d6 damage but is not otherwise affected.
The ghost can use this supernatural talent once. It regains
the use of it 24 hours later.
people who consort with whatever seedy
underworld happens to thrive there.

The gods forbid mortals from eating the flesh of Ghoul

their own kind. Anyone who knowingly violates Level 2 Defense 12 Health 23
this taboo risks transformation into a ghoul, one of Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 7 (–3)
the eaters of the dead, shunned by mortals and Languages Undertongue
Fearsome The ghoul imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
hated by the divine. Considering the fate that one creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
earns by sampling the forbidden flesh, it’s a this trait.
wonder there are any ghouls in the world at all. Cursed A ghoul is cursed. If the ghoul spends at least 1 hour
And yet, there seems to be no shortage of them. eating the flesh of a sentient person, it becomes immune to
this trait for 24 hours.
One can find them among the cannibal tribes Sunlight Weakness A ghoul is weakened while it is in a zone
living in the shadow of the nehe across the Sea of lit by direct sunlight.
Fear, scuttling about in the catacombs beneath Stench A foul smell emanates from the ghoul, causing enemies
Eastport, and haunting graveyards, battlefields, of flesh and blood in its zone to become weakened for as
long as they remain there.
and anywhere else where mortal remains collect. Night Vision A ghoul treats dim light as bright light.
The divine curse works against the new ghoul’s Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Agility with 1 boon against
body and mind. In body, the person cannot seem Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage and
to keep weight; it falls off the body no matter how becomes weakened (luck ends).
much the ghoul eats. All skin and bones, ghouls
must feed constantly or waste away. In the mind,
they crave the flesh of their former people and
that forbidden meat seems the only thing that
eases their pangs.
Ghouls suffer numerous maladies. Many walk
with a stooped postures from running bent over in
cramped catacombs. Disease riddles their bodies
and their minds, and most have skin conditions
and parasites adding to their misery. Ghouls clothe
themselves in garb pilfered from the dead and
some of the vainer members of their small
communities might adorn themselves with rings
and necklaces they fancy.
These monsters appear human, but no matter
how much they wash and how many scented oils
they use, the stench of decay follows them. The
skin of their faces draws close to the bone, while
their eyes turn rheumy and weep black tears that
stain the hollows around them. Worst of all are
their tongues. The organs lengthen, swell, and
develop a hard skin protrude from their mouths
between rows of sharp black teeth.
Living apart from people leads ghouls to
develop societies when there are large numbers of
them. They have developed their own language,
Undertongue, and culture, which unites them
around the idea that they gain something of the
people they eat. Rather than see themselves as
cursed, these “civilized” ghouls believe themselves
to be evolved, having won their new, elevated
nature from consuming the flesh of their old
forms. Often, these ghouls offer a service in the
communities. Feeding on the dead removes the
need for burial, while also giving access to a

Giant Feet As a minor action, the giant kicks or stomps on one
creature in its zone. It makes a Strength roll against the
target’s Agility. On a success, if the giant kicked, the target
takes 3d6 damage, flies 1d6 zones away from the giant, and
Once, giants terrorized the land. Being enormous then lands prone. On a success, if the giant stomped, the
with equal-sized appetites, they roamed the Erth, target takes 5d6 damage, falls prone, and cannot stand up
stuffing whatever they could catch into their until it overcomes this effect with a successful Strength roll.
Powerful Slap As a reaction when a flying creature moves into
mouths. Emerging peoples united to fight back
the giant’s zone or starts its turn there, the giant slaps at the
against them and winnowed their numbers until creature. The giant makes a Strength roll against the target’s
the survivors retreated to the hills and mountains, Agility. On a success, the target takes 10d6 damage, flies 1d6
where they remain to these day. zones away from the giant, and then makes a Will roll with 1
bane. On a failed roll, the target becomes stunned until the
Giants have the general form and appearance of end of the next round.
humans, except for size. A typical giant stands
about twenty feet tall and weigh two-and-a-half to
three tons. Most have human-like features, with

sloping foreheads, broad noses, and jutting jaws.
They have stooped postures and long arms with
oversized hands that reach their knees. Most have
long, tangled, filthy hair, and don crudely stitched
It takes so much food to keep a giant fed, they
must live alone or in small family groups that split
apart when the young come of age. They live in
large caves and in the ruins of human-built

Level 10 Defense 8 Health 818
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Runic
Trample When the giant runs into a zone, each creature in that
zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes 4d6
damage and falls prone.
Mighty Fall When the giant falls prone, its body deals 4d6
damage to each creature and object on the ground in the
zone where it falls. In addition, each creature on the ground
in that zone makes an Agility roll. A prone creature fails the
roll automatically. On a failure, the creature takes an extra
4d6 damage, falls prone, and becomes immobilized either
until the giant is no longer prone or the creature overcomes
the immobilized affliction with a successful Strength roll
with 3 banes. At the end of each round when a creature is
immobilized in this way, the creature takes 2d6 damage.
Giant Fury Each time the giant fails a roll, it gains 1 fury token.
When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its tokens,
moves up to three zones, and makes a Fist attack.
Melee Attack—Tree Trunk (reach) Strength with 1 boon
against Agility. On a success, the target takes 10d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Fist (reach) Strength with 1 boon against
Agility. On a success, the target takes 12d6 damage.
Sweeping Trunk The giant swings its tree trunk at up to three
creatures or objects in its zone. Each target makes an Agility
roll with 2 banes. On a failure, the target takes 10d6 damage
and is propelled 1d6 zones away from the giant, where it
then lands prone.
Boulder A giant carries 1d6 boulders. As an action, the giant
throws one of them at a creature or object within twenty
zones. Each creature in the target’s zone takes 5d6 damage.
The giant makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against the
target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 13d6 damage
and makes a Strength roll. On a failed roll, it falls prone and
becomes stunned (luck ends).

Giant Bugs
more typical counterparts. They can grow up to
fifteen long and weigh many hundreds of pounds.
Giant lobsters have mottled green and brown
People blame the New Lands’ strangeness on the shells encrusted with barnacles with ropes
Weird Wizard, but he can’t take credit for all the seaweed streaming from their shells.
odd things one finds in the world. Giant bugs, ants, Giant Mosquitoes The giant mosquitoes thrive
spiders, beetles, and others have infested the lands in warm and hot climates in damp terrain such as
since long before people laid the foundations for rain forests, jungles, and swamps. They live by
their first settlements. Rarity and aggressiveness draining blood from the bodies of living creatures.
set these giant bugs apart from other animals one Giant Scorpion The venom from an ordinary
might encounter in the wilds and they can be as scorpion is dangerous enough, but when comes
dangerous as any monster. from the giant variety, the venom is lethal. Giant
Giant bugs do not talk or understand language, scorpions live in hot, arid deserts and badlands.
generally, but those dwelling in faerie lands might They use their mottled carapace to blend in with
gain the ability to do so. their surroundings and await prey. These patient
Giant Ants Great mounds, over one hundred hunters can reach six feet in length and weigh as
feet in diameter, and thirty feet tall mark much as a three hundred pounds.
entrances to giant ant colonies. For miles around, Giant Spider The reason why many people
the ants forage in the wilderness, carrying back react to spiders with revulsion might come from
foodstuffs in the form of young trees and livestock some unconscious knowledge of the giant
back to the nest. Colonies can have hundreds of varieties of spiders who hunt people. These large
members and their nests can spread beneath spiders are no house spiders; they can grow up to
medium and smaller environments. six feet in diameter. Most breeds of giant spider
Drones, or workers, haul and carry. Drones share behavioral qualities with the smaller
reach up to four feet in length and might have counterparts they resemble. One might find giant
brown, red, or black exoskeletons. Soldiers protect black widows, brown recluses, hobo spiders, and
the colonies by guarding the passages in and out tarantulas. Unlike the more reasonably sized
of the nests. When another colony settles too varieties, giant spiders are dangerous to all people.
close, the soldiers march out to destroy the rival Giant Tick Among the nastiest of the giant bugs,
queen. housecat-sized ticks can kill adult people. The
Giant Beetle Over a dozen distinct species of insects hide in tall grasses and under leaves until
giant beetle live in the Known World. In most they can hitch a ride on a passing creature. The
cases, they resemble large versions of their tick climbs onto its victim’s body and bites down
smaller counterparts: dog-sized cockroaches, stag- to drain it of its blood. Many ticks carry diseases.
sized stag beetles, and pony-sized dung beetles. Giant Wasp Giant wasps build paper nests in
Strange variations exist as well. One breed, for large trees capable of bearing the weight. Rather
example, has glowing spots on its carapace that than serve as places for young to mature, the nests
grow bright enough to shed dim light. provide cover for resting wasps. By day, the wasps
Giant Centipede Flat-bodied, segmented fly around their nests, scavenging for food—plant
insects with a multitude of legs, centipedes and matter, small animals, and looking for suitable
creatures only pose significant danger when they hosts in which to lay their eggs.
grow to large size. Monstrous centipedes thrive in
woodlands, but most live underground. Their Giant Ant Drone
carapace color varies depending on varies with Level 1 Defense 15 (natural) Health 11
their environment. Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 10 (+0)
Giant Crab Giant crabs, the size of ponies, pick Climber When the giant ant uses a move to climb, it can climb
into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
debris littering southern sea’s coast. These ill- overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
tempered, amphibious scavengers attack anything makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
they think they can eat. Melee Attack—Mandibles Strength against Defense. On a
Giant Dragonfly Found in the Jungles of Za, the success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
giant dragonflies snap up small monkeys, rodents,
and other wildlife in that place. Swift and nimble, Giant Ant Soldier
Level 2 Defense 15 (natural) Health 36
they can be deadly when provoked. Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 12 (+2)
Giant Lobster The scavengers of the depths, Climber When the giant ant uses a move to climb, it can climb
giant lobsters look like enormous versions of their into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and

overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Giant Lobster
Level 5 Defense 16 (natural) Health 70
Melee Attack—Mandibles and Stinger Strength with 1 boon
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 11 (+1)
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Night Vision A giant lobster treats dim light as bright light.
If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the giant ant also
Amphibious The giant lobster can breathe when submerged in
stings the target, causing it to take an extra 1d6 damage and
become poisoned (luck ends).
Swimmer A giant lobster can move one additional zone when
it swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
Giant Beetle rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
Level 2 Defense 15 (natural) Health 16 swim with 1 boon.
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 10 (+0) Melee Attack—Pincer Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
Dark Vision A giant beetle needs no light to see in its zone. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage and becomes
Climber When the giant beetle uses a move to climb, it can grabbed. A giant lobster can have up to two creatures
climb into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and grabbed at the same time. If it was already grabbed, the
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it target loses 3d6 Health instead. A target makes rolls to
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon. overcome being grabbed in this way with 2 banes. The giant
Melee Attack—Mandibles Strength against Defense. On a lobster extends the duration of the grab it has on all
success, the target takes 4d6 damage. creatures as a minor action.
Lobster Assault As an action, the giant lobster makes two
Pincer attacks, but must choose a different target for each
Giant Centipede attack.
Level 1 Defense 15 (natural) Health 10
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 11 (+1)
Immune free attacks Giant Mosquito
Wilderness Concealment If the giant centipede is in a Level 1/2 Defense 11 Health 10
wilderness zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 5 (–5) Will 13 (+3)
after the centipede takes its first turn. The centipede then Flight A giant mosquito can move by flying while it is not
loses access to this trait until the combat ends. injured.
Dark Vision A giant centipede needs no light to see in its zone. Melee Attack—Proboscis Agility with 1 boon against Agility.
Melee Attack—Venomous Mandibles Agility against Defense. On a success, the mosquito lands on the target. If the target
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and makes a luck is a creature of flesh and blood, the mosquito drains some of
roll with 1 boon. On a failed roll, the target becomes its blood, causing the target to lose 1 Health. Until the end of
poisoned (luck ends). the mosquito’s next turn, it imposes 1 bane on the target’s
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy rolls against the giant rolls to attack it, but grants 1 boon on other creatures’ rolls
centipede’s Defense or Agility, the centipede imposes 1 bane to attack it.
on the roll.
Giant Scorpion
Giant Crab Level 4 Defense 14 (natural) Health 40
Level 1 Defense 15 (natural) Health 12 Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 13 (+3)
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1) Night Vision A giant scorpion treats dim light as bright light.
Amphibious The giant crab can breathe when submerged in Melee Attack—Pincers Strength with 1 boon against Agility.
water. On a success, a target takes 2d6 damage and becomes
Swimmer A giant crab can move one additional zone when it grabbed. A giant scorpion can have up to two creatures
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute grabbed at the same time. If it was already grabbed, the
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to target loses 1d6 Health instead. A target makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon. overcome being grabbed in this way with 1 bane. The giant
Melee Attack—Big Claw Strength against Defense. On a scorpion extends the duration of the grab it has on all
success, the target takes 1d6 damage and becomes grabbed creatures as a minor action.
if the crab does not have another creature grabbed. If the Scorpion Assault As an action, the giant scorpion makes two
target was already grabbed, it loses 1d6 Health instead. The Pincer attacks, but must choose a different target for each
giant crab can extend the duration of the grab as a minor attack.
action. Sting As a minor action, the giant scorpion attacks one creature
Melee Attack—Little Claw Strength against Defense, with 2 in its zone. It makes a Strength roll with 1 boon against the
boons if the target is grabbed. On a success, the target takes target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. A
1d6 damage, and a grabbed target takes an extra 1d6 target of flesh and blood makes a luck roll and becomes
damage. poisoned (luck ends) on a failure.

Giant Dragonfly Giant Spider

Level 2 Defense 13 Health 23 Level 2 Defense 12 Health 12
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 10 (+0) Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Flight A giant dragonfly can move by flying while it is not Climber When the giant spider uses a move to climb, it can
injured. climb into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
Melee Attack—Mandibles Agility against Defense. On a overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
success, the target takes 2d6 damage. makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy rolls against the giant Fast When a giant spider runs, it increases the number of
dragonfly’s Defense or Agility, the dragonfly imposes 1 bane zones it can move by one.
on the enemy’s roll.

Silent A giant spider makes sound from moving across a
surface only if it chooses to do so.
Web-crawler The giant spider ignores the harmful effects of
natural and magical webs.
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Agility with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and
makes a luck roll. On a failed roll, the target becomes
poisoned. If the target’s Health drops to 10 or lower while it
is poisoned in this way, the target becomes unconscious and
ends the poisoned affliction. Every 8 hours, the target can
make a Will roll, removing the unconscious affliction on a
success. Time spent unconscious in this way does not count
as resting.
Webs As a minor action, the giant spider sprays webs at one
creature in its zone or an adjacent one. It makes an Agility
roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target
becomes immobilized until it overcomes the affliction with a
successful Strength roll. The affliction also ends if the target
takes 5 damage or more from fire or if another creature uses
an action to cut away the webs.
Once the spider uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck

A giant web-spinning spider stretches its webs between
multiple points to create a net of webbing. The
exceptionally fine strands of the web are all but invisible.
In an area where a one or more web-spinning spider is
encountered along with each adjacent area, characters
that move have a one-in-six chance of encountering a
web. A character that encounters a web makes an
Intellect with 1 bane. On a success, the character
becomes affected as if by the giant spider’s Web.

Giant Tick
Level 1/2 Defense 17 (natural) Health 10
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 12 (+2)
Wilderness Concealment If the giant tick is in a wilderness
zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the giant
tick takes its first turn. The giant tick then loses access to
this trait until the combat ends.
Climber When the giant tick uses a move to climb, it can climb
into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Mandibles Agility against Agility. On a success,
the tick climbs onto the target’s body. If the target is a
creature of flesh and blood, the tick attaches itself to the
target inconspicuously. Until the tick becomes incapacitated,
the target loses 1 Health at the end of each round and the
tick reduces its Defense by 1 (minimum 5, the tick regains 1
point of Defense every 4 hours by digesting the blood it

Giant Wasp
Level 3 Defense 12 Health 35
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 13 (+3)
Flight A giant wasp can move by flying while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Stinger Agility with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and makes a luck
roll. On a failed luck roll, the target becomes poisoned (luck

The main trouble with gloamings is that they’re
almost impossible to see. They disappear in light.
Only in utter darkness do they become visible, but,
of course, only to people who don’t need light to
see. Such people see gloamings as sleek cats that
move in sudden stops and starts, utterly hairless
and with dull, unreflective eyes.
Most solitary gloamings are males who have yet
to attract a pride of females and sire young on
them. Gloaming prides can wipe out entire towns,
but these groups rarely venture into settled lands.
Gloamings attack any creature, except dogs, who
have an uncanny ability to sense a gloaming, even
when it’s effectively not there. Gloamings have an
aversion for those creatures and flee from them.

Level 4 Defense 12 Health 43
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Invisible A gloaming is invisible while in a zone lit by any light.
Unreal in Light If the gloaming is invisible, it is immune to
harm, cannot harm other creatures or objects, and can use a
move on each of its turns only.
Dark Vision A gloaming needs no light to see in its zone.
Fast When a gloaming runs, it increases the number of zones it
can move by one.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, a target takes 3d6 damage. If the
gloaming ran before making the attack, a target also makes
an Agility roll. On a failed roll, the target takes an extra 1d6
damage, falls prone, and cannot stand up until either it and
the gloaming are no longer in the same zone or the gloaming
becomes prone, stunned, or unconscious.
Gloaming Assault As an action, the gloaming makes two Claws
and Teeth attacks, but must make each attack against a
different target.

It’s surmised that many elemental peoples, of great
diversity once lived, but now just four major lines
remain: gnomes, salamanders, sylphs, and undines. Each
Outside of the dwarfs, the troglodytes, and other holds what territory controlled with an iron grip and
dwellers in the world’s depths, gnomes have little resent any intrusion into their realms and respond with
cause or opportunity to interact with other lethal and shocking force if any tries to settle there. One
peoples. For ages, they sealed themselves away in can find the shattered bones of miners who dug too
giant caverns where they can honor the spirits of closely to a gnome enclave and the smears of dead sky
sailors might darken the ground after making landfall on
earth and stone in the manner of their ancestors
one of the islands drifting across the sky above the far
without interference from the peoples against
eastern reaches of the New Lands.
whom they warred at the dawn of creation. As much as elementals loathe mortals, magic
Isolation makes gnomes suspicious of outsiders sometimes makes them unwilling servants. Mortals
and chance encounters result in violence more might conjure them up to learn the secrets of elemental
often than not. magic or pry from them some wisdom about the world
Dwarfs, for example, count gnomes among their that was. At best, elementals make grudging servants.
direst enemies. The loathing many feel for gnomes At worst, they take the first opportunity to betray and
stems not from any acts of aggression on the murder their summoners.
elementals’ part, but instead from the reprisals the
dwarfs faced when they delve too close to gnome Gnome Warrior
territories. Since gnomes feel no compulsion to Level 4 Defense 13 Health 44
mark their territory, outsiders have no idea when Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Elemental
they trespass. For the gnomes, this is not their Immune blinded, deafened, poisoned, prone; Geomancy spells;
problem and they respond with swift, lethal force. being moved; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Also, gnomes share little in common with other Subterranean Concealment If the gnome is in an
people physically. Instead of flesh and blood and underground zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until
after the gnome takes its first turn. The gnome then loses
bone, gnomes have three-foot-tall bodies access to this trait until the combat ends.
assembled from rocks stacked in the Damage Resistance A gnome takes half damage from weapons
approximation of humanoid shapes. Cracks in the that are neither magical nor supernatural.
stones of their head widen to serve as their Awareness The gnome knows where each creature and object
within three zones of it is located.
mouths and glittering pieces of mica act as their Stone Strider A gnome can freely move into and through an
eyes. They have three fingers on each hand and earth or stone obstacle. When a gnome emerges from such
three toes on each foot. And though they have an obstacle, it loses this trait until the start of its next turn. A
human-like shapes, nothing seems to hold their gnome’s presence inside an obstacle can be detected by the
faint appearance of humanoid features on the surface of the
body stones together. In death, they collapse into obstacle. A creature that inspects an obstacle that might
piles of undifferentiated rocks. contain a gnome can make an Intellect roll and, on a success,
Gnome Warrior The warriors answer threats to spots the telltale signs.
gnome enclaves and these fighters slide through Unhindered Movement A gnome ignores the effects of
challenging terrain.
earth and stone, until they can spring out from the Stone Advantage While a gnome is in contact with an earth or
floor, ceiling, and walls to take apart their enemies. stone surface, it makes rolls to attack targets in contact with
Since the gnomes can simply fall back into the a similar surface with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
surface from which they emerge, enemies find against it by creatures in contact with such surfaces.
Melee Attack—Stone Fists (concussing) Strength with 1 boon
themselves casting about for targets to strike. against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
If the target takes 13 damage or more from this attack, it
ELEMENTALS also falls prone.
The elementals claim to have been the first peoples in Shock Wave Strike As an action, the gnome punches the
the world and witnessed the coming of the faeries and ground to send a shock wave rolling through it. Each
trolls, and all the other peoples who followed. For all creature on the ground in a zone within three zones of the
their claims at being the first, they have fallen far from gnome and that is not a gnome makes an Agility roll. On a
their dizzying heights of yore. Rather than rule over the failure, a creature falls prone. If the result of the roll is 5 or
lower, the creature also takes 1d6 damage and cannot stand
lands, protecting creation as its stewards, the up (luck ends).
elementals have been driven away, forced underground, Once the gnome uses this magical talent, it loses access to
into the skies, the deep waters, and the fiery heart of the it (luck ends).
world. And in their isolation, resentment has only grown,
anger becoming a poisonous hatred for the usurpers
who toppled them in a time long forgotten.

Goblin with Jobs
Goblins Goblins find themselves thrust into different jobs
based on their characteristics and knacks.
Understanding that some faeries have become
embittered by the loss of the natural world to the Mite Horde Goblins too small to heft a spear
mortals and prey upon them, a great many more face a tough existence, primarily because other
faeries love beauty, freedom to pursue their goblins see them as easy targets. For their own
desires, and pleasure, all of which the hidden survival, diminutive goblins, called mites, join
kingdoms provide. There are also faeries, called together to stave off the abuse they endured on
goblins, who reject these things and embrace their their own. Forming into a horde gives mites a
opposites. The dark faeries surround themselves chance to get back at their tormentors and it’s
with ugliness, they sort themselves into a strict nothing to see a large, stupid goblin go under a
hierarchy, with the almost divine Goblin King at tide of these biting, clawing things.
the top, and they take great pleasure in the Odd Fellows Often, what a goblin thinks is a
suffering of others. good idea turns out to be a disaster: traps
Like all faeries, goblins have different shapes, backfires, spells from pilfered scrolls goes awry,
physical characteristics, and other defining explosives go off without any warning. Sometimes,
qualities that set them apart from one another, though, goblins manage to find something useful
though these differentiating features tend toward that works reliably enough to become a thing they
the strange and ugly. Generally, they stand use. And one prime example is the madcaps—
between two and four feet in height and can weigh purple mushrooms that make goblins who eat
anywhere between twenty and eighty pounds. them feel invincible.
They dress in whatever they can steal and cobble Odd fellows gobble up madcaps before they
together armor from ordinary goods and fight and in the grip of the hallucinogenic fungus,
materials. the goblins gain strength and courage. That they
Many goblins live in the Goblin City, a sprawling can also see sounds and taste colors is just a
metropolis that extends for miles in almost every bonus. Odd fellows rush ahead of other goblins to
direction. The Goblin City is said to be everywhere push the enemies back long enough for allies to
and nowhere, a place reached through mirrors, catch up and finish them off.
magical doorways under the stairs, beneath Odd fellows wear bright costumes, large floppy
forgotten bridges, and in the holes of dead trees. hats, and keep their mushrooms in small pouches
The city itself is a great maze and the streets shift hanging around their necks.
around, buildings rise and fall of their own accord, Boomer Given their affection for mechanical
and all manner of strange and terrible things in its traps and devices, it took little time for goblins to
shadows. At the center is the palace of the Goblin figure out how to make explosive powder. Sloppy
King, which can be seen almost anywhere in the design and foolishness, though, make using their
city, but with no obvious route to it. bombs sketchy, at best and many goblins find their
lives cut short mere seconds after lighting a fuse
Goblin or dropping the bomb on the ground.
Level 1/2 Defense 12 (leather) Health 8 Goblin boomers affect a serious air in manner
Strength 8 (–2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 8 (–2) and dress. They wear goggles over their eyes, have
Languages Goblin tools hanging from pockets and loops all over their
Shadow Concealment If the goblin is in a faintly lit or dark
zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the goblin coveralls. They carry their bombs in greasy sacks.
takes its first turn. The goblin loses access to this trait until Beast Rider Goblins steal wolf pups and train
the combat ends. them to bear riders. Beast riders have a special
Immune infection connection to their wolves and the bond enables
Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object. them to fight almost as one. Poor treatment at the
Sunlight Weakness A goblin is weakened while it is in a zone goblins’ hands makes these wolves particularly
lit by direct sunlight. fierce. Often, the wolf turns on other goblins once
Night Vision A goblin treats dim light as bright light. knocked off its back.
Melee Attack—Spear Agility against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage. Skulk Skulks kidnap mortals to replenish the
Ranged Attack—Sling (range 2) Agility against Defense. On a ranks of the workers condemned to toil in the
success, the target takes 1d6 damage. mines under the Goblin City. Young prisoners,
though, might suffer a darker fate and be
transformed into new goblins by the Goblin King’s

dread magic. Such changes require the family Odd Fellow
members to disown the youth, something the Level 1 Defense 12 (leather) Health 16
goblins secure with bribes and offerings. Strength 8 (–2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 7 (–3)
Languages Goblin
Skulks wear dark clothing, camouflage their skin
Immune frightened; infection
with black paint. They sneak about the city when Madcap Mushroom The goblin is under the effects of madcap
not on missions, gathering secrets for later use. mushrooms. Its rules reflect the influence of the mushrooms.
Skulks spy for the Goblin King as well, which At the end of each round, it rolls a d6. On a 6, the goblin
increases the number of actions and moves it can use on its
means they have few friends among their own next turn by one each. On a 1, the goblin becomes stunned
kind. No one likes a snitch. until the end of the next round.
Mog Goblins who stand as tall as humans do and Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or
have the strength and toughness to give even orcs wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Sunlight Weakness A goblin is weakened while it is in a zone
pause are called mogs. They stand between 5 and
lit by direct sunlight.
6 feet tall and have heavy bodies that can weigh as Night Vision A goblin treats dim light as bright light.
much as 300 pounds. They have the typical green Melee Attack—Flail Strength with 2 boons against Defense.
skin, pointed ears and nose common to all goblins. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Hexcaster Magic levels the battlefield. A goblin MADCAP MUSHROOMS
armed with spells can equal or best a knight in full As a minor action, a creature can consume a madcap
plate riding a charging steed, and thus do many mushroom, which looks like a purple portabella. At the
goblins pick up spell that weaken their enemies end of the round in which the creature consumes the
and make them suffer. Hexcasters festoon their mushroom, the creature begins hallucinating. The
bodies with strange writings and stitch occult creature gains the following benefits and drawbacks for
symbols into their clothes. Many also use bone 1 hour:
pins to hold scraps of paper, doll parts, and other • The creature’s Health increases by 8.
odds and ends on their bodies. • The creature becomes immune to the frightened
Goblin Boss The meanest, nastiest goblins affliction.
scratch and claw their ways to the top of the heaps • The creature makes Strength rolls with 2 boons.
to take the title of Boss. Once installed at the top, • The creature’s attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
they cow their underlings through a mix of threats • At the end of each round, the creature rolls a d6.
On a 6, the creature increases the number of
and violence. What physical advantages bosses
actions and moves it can use on its next turn by
had on the ride up fall away as they find their
one each. On a 1, the creature becomes stunned
bodies growing soft from rich foods and idleness, until the end of the next round.
until they have to have their servants carry them
around on palanquins. Boomer
A goblin boss is always accompanied by one Level 2 Defense 11 Health 26
mog or six goblins. Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Goblin
Mite Horde Immune infection
Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or
Level 3 Defense 14 Health 25
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 8 (–2)
Sunlight Weakness A goblin is weakened while it is in a zone
Languages Goblin
lit by direct sunlight.
Immune immobilized, prone, free attacks; infection
Night Vision A goblin treats dim light as bright light.
Damage Resistance A mite horde takes half damage from
Melee or Ranged Attack—Hammer (thrown 1) Strength
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or
Goblin Bomb As an action, the boomer throws a bomb into a
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
zone within three zones of it. The goblin makes a luck roll.
Sunlight Weakness A mite horde is weakened while it is in a
On a success, the bomb detonates where it lands, dealing
zone lit by direct sunlight.
1d6 damage to each creature or object in its zone. A creature
Night Vision A mite horde treats dim light as bright light.
makes an Agility roll and takes an extra 1d6 damage on a
Malleable A mite horde can squeeze through an opening at
failure. Noise from the explosion carries up to ten zones, and
least 1 inch wide.
smoke obscures the target zone until the end of the next
Biting Mites At the end of the round, if the mite horde is not
injured, the mites bite and scratch, dealing 1d6 damage to
On a failed luck roll, the goblin rolls a d6 to see what
each enemy in its zone. An enemy makes an Agility roll and
takes half the damage on a success.
1: The bomb is a dud. Nothing happens.
Melee Attack—Swarming Mites Any number of creatures that
2: The bomb releases a cloud of smoke in the target zone
are not flying. Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On a
without exploding. The smoke obscures the zone for 1
success, a target takes 2d6 damage, or 1d6 damage if the
minute. Creatures in the zone are blinded.
mite horde is injured, and the target becomes Strength
3: The bomb goes off, but deals half the damage.
impaired and Agility impaired (luck ends both).

4: The bomb goes off in the goblin’s hand and deals damage
to creatures or objects in the goblin’s zone instead of in
Level 3 Defense 13 (leather, shield) Health 44
the target zone. The boomer fails its Agility roll
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Goblin
5: The bomb lands in a randomly determined zone within
Immune infection
two zones of the goblin and explodes as normal.
Diminished Intellect The mog makes Intellect rolls with 1
6: The bomb explodes with twice the usual strength. It deals
bane and grants 1 boon on rolls against its Intellect.
2d6 damage to each creature or object in its zone and 1d6
Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or
damage to each creature or object in each adjacent zone.
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
A creature makes an Agility roll. On a failure, it takes an
Sunlight Weakness A goblin is weakened while it is in a zone
extra 2d6 damage if it is in the bomb’s zone or an extra
lit by direct sunlight.
1d6 damage if it is in an adjacent zone.
Night Vision A goblin treats dim light as bright light.
A boomer carries three bombs. It replenishes its supply
Melee Attack—Maul Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
after a full night’s rest.
a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.

Beast Rider Hexcaster

Level 1 Defense 14 (leather, shield) Health 22
Level 3 Defense 13 (leather) Health 36
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Strength 8 (–2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 8 (–2)
Languages Goblin
Languages Goblin
Immune infection
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or
Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Sunlight Weakness A goblin is weakened while it is in a zone
Sunlight Weakness A goblin is weakened while it is in a zone
lit by direct sunlight.
lit by direct sunlight.
Night Vision A goblin treats dim light as bright light.
Aura of Ill-Luck Enemies in the hexcaster’s zone make luck
Combined Attack When the beast rider deals damage with an
rolls with 1 bane.
attack, its mount can use a reaction to make a melee attack
Night Vision A goblin treats dim light as bright light.
and makes the roll for that attack. with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Knives Agility against Defense. On a success, a
Melee Attack—Spear Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
target takes 2d6 damage.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Hexcaster Assault As an action, the hexcaster makes two
Ranged Attack—Shortbow (range 4) Agility with 1 boon
Knives attacks, but must make each attack against a different
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Thorn in the Heel As an action, the hexcaster causes one
Skulk creature within three zones of it to become magically cursed
Level 3 Defense 14 (leather) Health 23 (luck ends). While a creature is cursed in this way, it takes
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0) 1d6 damage each time it uses a move.
Languages Goblin Spit in the Eye As an action, the hexcaster causes one creature
Shadow Concealment If the skulk is in a faintly lit or dark within three zones of it to become magically cursed (luck
zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the skulk ends). While a creature is cursed in this way, it cannot see
takes its first turn. The skulk loses access to this trait until beyond the borders of its zone.
the combat ends. Rumble in the Gut As an action, the hexcaster causes one
Immune infection creature within three zones of it to become magically cursed
Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or (luck ends). While a creature is cursed in this way, whenever
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object. it fails a roll, it becomes stunned until the end of its next
Sunlight Weakness A goblin is weakened while it is in a zone turn.
lit by direct sunlight.
Night Vision A goblin treats dim light as bright light.
Shadow Skulk When an enemy the skulk can see starts its turn
Goblin Boss
Level 5 Defense 8 Health 90
and the skulk is hidden from it, the skulk gains a move and
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 12 (+2)
uses it immediately.
Languages Goblin
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On
Immune infection
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Protected If a goblin boss has three or more allies in its zone, it
Ranged Attack—Blowgun with Poisoned Darts (range 1)
imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target
Iron Weakness The goblin is weakened while carrying or
takes 1 damage and makes a luck roll. On a failed roll, the
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
target is poisoned (luck ends). The first time the target fails
Sunlight Weakness A goblin is weakened while it is in a zone
a luck roll to end the poisoned affliction, the target falls
lit by direct sunlight.
prone and becomes unconscious for 2d6 hours.
Leadership The goblin boss grants 1 boon on the attribute
Shadow Trapdoor As a minor action, the skulk opens a
rolls of allies in its zone.
shadowy portal beneath one creature on the ground in a
Night Vision A goblin treats dim light as bright light.
zone within three zones of the goblin. The target makes an
Palanquin The boss sits in a high-backed chair situated atop a
Agility roll and moves away from the trapdoor on a success.
palanquin carried by six goblins. While the boss is on the
On a failure, the target falls into portal and teleports to an
palanquin, the effect of its Leadership trait extends into
empty space of the skulk’s choice within three zones where
adjacent zones.
the target then lands prone.
The goblins carrying the palanquin use their actions to
The skulk can use this magical talent three times. It
keep it aloft and their moves to carry the platform as the
regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
boss directs them. If three or more of the goblins carrying

the palanquin become incapacitated, the boss loses this trait
and any remaining goblins take their turns when they next
can. If the boss becomes incapacitated while it is atop the
palanquin, any remaining goblins take their turns when they
next can.
Melee Attack—Whip Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 1 damage.
Ranged Attack—Crossbow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon
against Agility. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Hop to it, Scum! As a minor action, the boss enables one ally in
the boss’s zone or an adjacent one that can hear and
understand the boss and has not yet used a reaction during
the round to make an attack using a reaction.
Strong Language As a minor action, the boss harangues one
enemy in its zone that can hear and understand the boss. It
makes an Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s Will.
On a success, the target becomes frightened of the boss until
either the boss becomes incapacitated or the target
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll. On a
failure, the target becomes immune to this boss’s Strong
Language talent for 24 hours.
Corrective Measures When an ally in the boss’s zone fails a

roll to attack, the boss can use a reaction to turn the failure
into a success.

The gorgons trace their heritage back to a
paranoid emperor who ruled over a thousand
years ago. He bargained with the Adversary,
offering his soul and the souls of all his
descendants for the means to kill his enemies with
a mere glance. The Adversary gave him his wish by
turning him into a monster whose gaze petrified
anyone upon which it fell. The emperor’s offspring
scattered after his death, seeking sanctuary
against their sire’s vengeful enemies. Thus have
the gorgons hidden themselves away in secret
places where their enemies will never find them.
The gorgons cannot hide their dark heritage.
The Adversary’s “gift” manifests in different ways.
Some gorgons have heads covered in living
serpents, others have snake tails instead of legs,
others have old wounds, held open by cruel
devices of barb and blade that give them the pain
they need to fight against the ennui that isolation
and time have bred in them. All, though, have solid
gray eyes that petrify whatever meets their gaze.

Level 6 Defense 16 (shield) Health 83
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 14 (+4)
Languages Archaic
Glimpse the Eyes When an enemy attacks the gorgon and
makes the roll with 1 boon or more, the enemy is at risk of
meeting the gorgon’s gaze. If any boons rolled come up as 4
or higher, the enemy is subject to the gorgon’s Petrifying
Gaze without the gorgon needing to use a reaction to use
that trait.
Toxic Blood If the gorgon is injured when it takes damage,
each enemy in the gorgon’s zone makes a luck roll. The
enemy with the lowest failed result takes 2d6 damage.
Gorgon’s Fury Each time the gorgon fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
tokens and makes a Scimitar attack.
Melee Attack—Scimitar (keen +1d6, wounding) Agility with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
Ranged Attack—Longbow (range 6) Agility with 1 boon
against Agility. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Gorgon Assault As an action, the gorgon makes two Scimitar
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
Petrifying Gaze As a reaction, when an enemy in the gorgon’s
zone or an adjacent one starts its turn and the gorgon can
see it, the gorgon makes a Will roll against the enemy’s Will.
On a success against a target with a Health score of 20 or
less turns into a stone statue and dies. On a success against a
target with a higher Health score, the target loses 2d6 Health
and becomes immobilized until it overcomes the affliction
with a successful Strength roll. At the end of each round
when a target is immobilized in this way, it loses 2d6 Health.
If the reduction to Health drops it to 20 or less, the target
turns into a stone statue and dies.

Great Serpent
Cobras, asps, rattlesnakes, and other serpents live
in different lands all across the world, but other,
larger and deadlier breeds live here as well. The
great serpent describes both the land-dwelling
serpent and those sea serpents found in the Sea of
Fear, where they both reign as apex predators.

Great Serpent
Level 8 Defense 10 Health 139
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 12 (+2)
Resilience The great serpent makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Night Vision A great serpent treats dim light as bright light.
Amphibious The great serpent can breathe when submerged
in water.
Shifting Coils At the end of the round, each creature in the
great serpent’s zone makes a luck roll. On a failure, the
creature takes 2d6 damage and falls prone.
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs (reach) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6
damage and becomes poisoned (luck ends). While it is
poisoned in this way, the target is stunned and loses an extra
2d6 Health at the end of each round.
Melee Attack—Tail Strength with 1 boon against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 3d6 damage, and the target
becomes grabbed. The serpent can have up to three
creatures grabbed at once and extends the duration of the
grab on each as a minor action.
Constriction As a move, the giant serpent tightens its coils
around each creature it has grabbed, causing the creature to
take 3d6 damage and make a Strength roll. On a failed roll,
the creature becomes weakened until the end of the next
Reactive Slap As a reaction when an enemy in the great
serpent’s zone harms the great serpent, the great serpent
attacks that enemy with its tail.

Green Gorger
Things living in the depths cannot be selective
about what they eat. There’s little forage outside
of mushrooms, and small things like bugs and
worms provide little enough nourishment for
things that grow to any substantial size. This is
why green gorgers never turn their sensitive noses
up at anything that might be edible, be it fungus,
plant, carcass, or ooze. Green gorgers have a knack
for finding things to eat and once it sniffs out prey,
it pursues its victim with single-minded
The green gorger has a quadrupedal body with
bands of thick armor plates spreading down from
its spine to protect its back and sides from falling
debris. Four squat limbs end in long claws for
digging through earth and stone. It has a short,
paddle-shaped tail, wide head with large toothy
maw that opens in a manner like that of a lizard.
Gnomes, having nothing to fear from green
gorgers, raise these brutes as pets and keep up
their strength with a diet of mushrooms and
rotten vegetable matter. This means the gorgers
become even more hostile when given a chance to
make a meal on something that walks, runs,
creeps, or crawls.

Green Gorger
Level 4 Defense 15 (natural) Health 49
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 13 (+3)
Immune frightened, poisoned
Dark Vision A green gorger needs no light to see in its zone.
Rampage At the end of the round, roll a d6. On a 4 or higher,
the green gorger’s attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage until
the end of the next round.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (keen +1d6) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
Green Gorger Assault As an action, the green gorger makes
two Claws and Teeth attacks, but must make each attack
against a different target.
Digger As a move, the gorger digs into a solid surface of earth
and stone and creates a zone, ten feet wide, deep, and tall.
Aggressive As a reaction when the green gorger sees an
enemy, the gorger can move to where it can reach one enemy
in its zone or an adjacent one.

While it is cursed in this way, the target can use only half the
number rolled on a 20 for any attribute rolls it makes.
Jinx Objects As an action, the gremlin causes any number of
objects all in its zone or an adjacent one to become jinxed for
The wagon throws a wheel, the boat springs a 24 hours. Any creature wearing or carrying a jinxed object is
leak, a sword snaps when it hits the enemy’s cursed until it no longer wears or carries it. In addition,
shield, and the gate on the fence was left unlatched whenever the creature cursed in this way makes an attribute
roll and gets an even number on the die, the creature one
and all the goats escaped. Each one of these
natural object the creature wears or carries loses all its
situations has a perfectly reasonable explanation. Health.
There’s no reason to think there’s some nefarious The gremlin can use this magical talent once. It regains
mind behind a string of such bad luck. But, one the use of it after a full night’s rest.
Sabotage As an action, the gremlin sabotages one object it can
would be wise to hang a horseshoe over the door, see in it zone or an adjacent one. Each time a creature
just in case some offense was given to the Fair touches or uses the target, that creature makes a luck roll
Folk. with 1 bane. On a failure, the object loses 3d6 Health.
The worry some have over unexplainable, The gremlin can use this magical talent three times. It
regains all expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
deleterious events come from folklore concerning Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
wicked, mischievous faeries known as gremlins. the gremlin’s Defense or Agility, impose 1 bane on the
Inveterate tricksters, they delight in spreading enemy’s roll.
chaos wherever they go, and their efforts remain
focused on things people make and use. Gremlins
almost never engage in direct conflict; the sneak
about and weaken objects so that they fail at the
worse time possible.
Gremlins choose their targets for a variety of
reasons. Some gremlins focus on people who
annoy them or show themselves to be ill-
mannered. Unfortunately, gremlins move at their
own speed, so when finally moved to do
something, they might come after descendants of
the individual who originally wronged them.
Large-scale construction also attracts gremlins.
The bigger the project, the greater the appeal.
Multiple gremlins might infest the project site and
work their mischief from behind piles of quarried
stone or high up in the scaffolding.
The gremlins belong to the little folk. As such,
they can live indefinitely, short of violence or
mishap. They stand about eight inches tall and
weigh no more than a couple pounds. They each
have one odd, distinctive feature of unusually large
size: a giant tooth, a bulging eye, a nose so long the
gremlin has to drag it on the ground. Gremlins
eschew clothing and never pass up a chance to
flaunt their undressed appearance.

Level 1 Defense 16 Health 20
Strength 4 (–6) Agility 16 (+6) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 7 (–3)
Languages Goblin or Sylvan
Immune infection
Aura of Ill-luck Enemies in the gremlin’s zone make luck rolls
with 1 bane.
Iron Weakness The gremlin is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Night Vision A gremlin treats dim light as bright light.
Melee Attack—Teeth Agility (+6) against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage. If the result of the roll
is 20 or higher, the target also becomes cursed (luck ends).

An enormous, bipedal lizard with a gray, pebbly
hide and brown stripes, it stands thirteen feet tall
and weight one ton. Its hind legs support its body,
while its smaller forelimbs have long talons that it
uses to tear and claw. A thick, muscular tail
extends out from the base of its spine, while its
boxy head boasts a sizeable maw filled with sharp
teeth. It’s breath smells of death; as a carrion eater,
its mouth it a playground for disease.
The grod share territory with the centaurs and,
like the centaurs, they preyed on curlbeaks until,
after frequent encounters with centaurs, learned
to fear them. Now, the diminishing grod subsist on
carrion, though they become antagonistic when
presented with fresh meat.

Level 9 Defense 10 Health 320
Strength 16 (+6) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Fast When a grod runs, it increases the number of zones it can
move by one.
Trample When the grod runs into a zone, each creature in that
zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes 2d6
damage and falls prone.
Taste for Blood When a grod’s attack causes a creature of flesh
and blood to become injured, the grod gains a taste for its
blood for 24 hours. Until this effect ends, the creature cannot
hide from the grod. In addition, the grod makes rolls to
attack that creature with 1 boon and its attacks deal an extra
1d6 damage to it.
Grod Fury Each time the grod fails a roll, it gains 1 fury token.
When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its tokens,
moves up to two zones, and makes a Teeth attack, a Claw
attack, and a Tail attack. It must choose a different target for
each attack, but it can make these attacks during its
Melee Attack—Teeth (brutal) Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 6d6 damage. If the result of the roll
is 20 or higher, the grod shakes the target in its mouth,
causing it to take an extra 2d6 damage, and then flings the
target so that it falls prone. A target of flesh and blood is also
exposed to infection.
Melee Attack—Claws (keen +1d6, reach) Strength with 1 bane
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Tail (reach) Strength against Agility On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage, and falls prone. If the
result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target becomes dazed
(luck ends).
Furious Assault As an action, the grod makes a Teeth attack
and a Claws attack.
Once the grod uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck
Aggressive As a reaction when the grod sees an enemy, the
grod can move to where it can reach one enemy in its zone
or an adjacent one.
Lashing Tail As a reaction, when an enemy in the grod’s zone
starts its turn in the grod’s reach, the grod makes a Tail
attack against it.

Iron Weakness The hag is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
True Vision A hag needs no light to see and perceives outlines
around invisible creatures and objects in its line of sight.
Strange old women living alone in the woods Hag Fury Each time the hag fails a roll, it gains 1 fury token.
almost always arouses suspicion from people The hag can spend fury tokens at any time to produce the
living in nearby communities. Such suspicions are following effects:
• 1 token to turn a successful roll against its Intellect or its
unfair to the innocent souls who have outlasted
Will into a failed one.
their friends, their family, and face their last days • 1 token to end one affliction on itself.
in seclusion, but folklore recalls too many stories • 1 token to heal 4d6 damage or enable one ally in its zone
of child-eating monsters who don the guises of old to heal 4d6 damage.
• 1 token to force one enemy within three zones to make a
woman in order to lure their victims into their Will roll and, on a failure, become frightened of the hag
clutches. Candy houses, huts marching through the until it overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll.
woods on chicken legs, even horrid things riding • 3 tokens to gain one action and use it immediately.
inside flying giant skulls all involve crones armed Melee Attack—Claws (keen +2d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage,
with diabolical magic and who use that magic to and becomes weakened (luck ends).
feed their unholy appetites. Such beings are called Hag Assault As an action, the hag makes two Claws attacks, but
hags and while they might appear more or less must make each attack against a different target.
human, they are anything but. Hag Fire As an action, the hag throws a ball of magical green
fire to a zone within six zones. When the ball reaches its
Nymphs and other faeries who allow evil to
destination or encounters a solid obstacle before then, the
blossom in their hearts risk becoming hags, beings explodes, dealing 3d6 damage to each creature and object in
of great evil and wickedness. Despite tales of their the zone. A creature that takes this damage makes an Agility
appearance as ugly, withered things, hags, in their roll with 1 bane and, on a failure, takes an extra 3d6 damage
and catches fire.
true forms, appear as beautiful as they ever have, Eyebite As a minor action, the hag targets one creature within
but choose to adopt looks that make them into three zones with a curse. Make a Will roll against the target’s
monsters they seem. The figure of the bent and Will. On a success, the target becomes cursed (luck ends).
hobbling crone is nothing more than a disguise. While it is cursed in this way, the target is weakened and
takes an extra 1d6 damage whenever it takes damage.
Hags who wear these masks might do so
Once the hag uses this magical talent, it loses access to it
believing their outward appearance should match (luck ends).
their inner nature. Others use these disguises to Sleeping Curse As a minor action, the hag targets one cursed
put others at ease, to make themselves appear creature within three zones. Make a Will roll against the
target’s Will. On a success, the target falls prone and
weak and powerless. A few, having come to hate
becomes unconscious until it is no longer cursed.
their beauty, hide themselves behind gruesome Comely Form As a minor action, the hag can shed its
masks as a way to protect themselves. monstrous appearance and present itself as a beautiful man
One might feel sympathy for these faeries, but or woman until it uses a minor action to resume its hag
form. In the form of a beautiful man or woman, the hag loses
hags all have evil hearts and revel in their cruelty its Fearsome trait. A creature makes a Will roll with 1 bane
and disgusting habits. They prey on the weak and when it first sees the hag in this form. On a failure, the
use their magic to lure victims into their clutches creature becomes Intellect impaired for 24 hours or until the
to be savored and eaten. Hags engage in these hag harms the creature. While it is Intellect impaired in this
way, the creature regards the hag as its ally.
activities without remorse and seek ever to find
Streaming Smoke As a reaction, when the hag becomes
new ways to worsen the world in which they live. injured or takes damage while it is injured, the hag dissolves
into a cloud of smoke and can stream into an adjacent zone,
Hag where it immediately returns to its normal form. While it is
Level 9 Defense 11 Health 142 in smoke form, the hag is immune to all harm.
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Arcane, Common, Goblin, Sylvan
Immune frightened; infection
Fearsome The hag imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Damage Resistance A hag takes half damage from weapons
that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Magic Resistance The hag takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
Resilience A hag makes a luck roll when it gains an affliction
and, on a success, ends the affliction.

Of all the peoples in the known world, the halflings
claim to be the most traveled. Some halflings do
settle down in human communities, but halflings
who cleave closest to their society find living in
one place stifling and thus follow the caravans as
they follow the roads to see what’s over the next
horizon. The great caravans sustain themselves by
hunting and forage, through trading goods with
people they meet along the way, and herding goats
and other livestock that travel with them.

Halfling Outrider
Each caravan has a number of halflings who ride
ponies (as horses) in front, behind, and to the
sides to watch for threats and issue warnings to
the caravans if faced with hostile forces. Outriders
are skilled slingers and cunning fighters. They
never back down from a battle and would give
their lives to protect their kin.

Halfling Outrider
Level 2 Defense 13 (leather) Health 27
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common
Pluck When a halfling becomes frightened, it can make a luck
roll. On a success, it does not become frightened. Once the
halfling uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck ends).
Lucky A halfling makes luck rolls with 1 boon.
Spirited Strike If riding a mount, the halfling grants the mount
a move after the halfling makes an attack.
Melee Attack—Spear Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Sling (range 2) Agility with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. If the
result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target also becomes
dazed (luck ends).

Melee Attack—Spear Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) The haren must
not be wielding a shield. Agility with 1 boon against Defense.
The New Lands have few indigenous peoples; the On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
menace of the Weird Wizard saw peoples drift into Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon against
the borderlands and the Old Country. The haren, Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Hop As a move, the haren jumps and lands safely in an adjacent
like the centaurs and a few others, chose to remain
and spent generations fighting against the
clockwork and the Weird Wizard’s other creations
to drive them from the land. Now that the Weird
Wizard has gone missing, the haren have had little
chance to rebuild for newcomers from the west

seem bent on intruding into their lands.
Haren appear as bipedal, humanoid rabbits.
They have soft fur all over their bodies and long,
sensitive ears. Unlike the hares they resemble,
these are no meek or timid people. They are
warriors, fierce and proud, with little use for
others not like themselves. Strict vegetarians, they
wear nothing that comes from animals. They favor
simple weapons, armor fashioned from bark and
Communities of haren, called boroughs, center
on hills, with wattle and daub houses arranged in
a circle around the mound. Rather than kneel
before a king, each community makes decisions as
a group, though they accord elder members the
respect they’re due for their experience. Each
household looks after their own and the neighbors
on their right, thus building tightknit, strong
Haren most subsist on foraging and
opportunistic farming—they let nature do the
bulk of the work. This leaves them free to pursue
their own interests, such as music, art, or playing
games. It also enables them to take turns
patrolling the edges of their territory. Rotating
guard duty means everyone in the borough has
skill at arms, while also preventing warrior
societies from forming, something else the haren
rejecting a long time ago.
Finally, haren do not have gods in the manner of
other peoples. Instead, the put all their spiritual
focus on maintaining the health and safety of their
community. In a way, their borough becomes as a
god to them, and each member sees it as their
duty to sacrifice for the good of their home and

Haren Patroller
Level 1 Defense 14 (wood, shield) Health 15
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Haren
Fast When a haren runs, it increases the number of zones it can
move by one.

Another people indigenous to the New Lands, the
harpies live in cliffside communities scattered
along the subcontinent’s southern coast
overlooking the Sea of Fear. Hunters set out each
day at dawn, flying over the sea to catch fish, eels,
and other creatures of the deeps, while the rest
tend to their community’s needs—mending nets,
rearing children, watching for enemies, gathering
forage, and the like. Contact with other peoples
has been anything but peaceful. Many harpy
communities have xenophobic tendencies and
attack interlopers without provocation. Hence,
sailors have been bringing back stories of the
winged terrors out of the east for centuries.
Like many peoples of the New Lands, harpies
possess animal traits with wings in place of arms,
and the lower bodies of hawks. Lacking arms and
hands proves no hardship for them, however; they
are just as nimble with their taloned claws as
humans are with hands and fingers. The rest of
their bodies could pass for human, though their
facial features have sharp angles, high brows, and
feathers instead of hair.

Harpy Hunter
Level 1 Defense 12 Health 23
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Harpy
Flight A harpy can move by flying while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Talons Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. If the result was 20
or higher, the harpy is flying, and the target is human-sized
or smaller, the target becomes grabbed by the harpy and
automatically moves when it moves.
Ranged Attack—Shortbow (range 4) Agility with 1 boon
against Agility. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Spirits eventually break down, lose coherency and
memory until they become mere echoes of what
they were. Haunts manifest from the spirit world
at specific times, move and act in a manner that
gives some clue to their final moments, and then
fade away. They ignore other creatures and go
about their activities as they have done for
decades or even longer. They pass through
obstacles and might even be seen walking in the
empty air, marking the floors of a structure that
fell into ruin long ago. Also unsettling, apparitions
pose little harm to the living.

Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 5
Agility 10 (+0)
Immune asleep, immobilized, poisoned, prone; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Invisible A haunt is invisible.
Damage Resistance A haunt takes half damage from weapons
that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Spirit A haunt can move through or end its movement inside a
solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the haunt
cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed. The haunt
ignores the effects of wind and other kinds of challenging
terrain that can ordinarily affect flying creatures. The haunt
makes no noise unless it chooses to do so.
Frightening Appearance If the haunt is invisible, it can use an
action to lose access to its Invisible trait until the start of its
next turn. Each creature that can see it makes a Will roll. On
a success, the creature becomes immune to the Frightening
Appearance of this haunt for 1 hour. On a failure, the
creature becomes frightened of the haunt (luck ends).

As unnatural fog rolls in, a horse’s whinny cuts
through the silence. A flash of light, the thunder of
hooves, and then, springing out from the mist,
comes the headless.
This warrior bleeds menace. The rotting head it
carries by the hair screams laughter as it swings
from side to side, its filthy grin stretched wide to
show black teeth. Even as terror grips the
onlookers, the headless cracks its bone whip,
which looks awfully like a spine, and cuts a path
through its prey.
Faeries create the headless from warriors who
have crossed them. They sever their heads from
their necks, but curse them with unlife, forcing
them to carry their severed appendages wherever
they go. The curse fuels their hatred for the living
and drives the headless to harry the living each
night until someone or something puts them
A headless rides on the back of a great black
horse (as warhorse) or drives a black carriage
festooned with bones and burning black candles.

Level 4 Defense 17 (plate) Health 37
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Common
Immune frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Fearsome The headless imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Terrifying Cackle When the headless’s attack causes an enemy
to become injured, the headless cackles. Each enemy in the
headless’s zone makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy
becomes frightened of the headless until either the enemy
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll or the
headless dies. While it is frightened of the headless, the
enemy makes a luck roll at the end of each round and, on a
failure, becomes stunned until the end of the next round.
Dark Vision A headless needs no light to see in its zone.
Melee Attack—Bone Whip Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage. If the
result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target also becomes
weakened (luck ends).

Hell Imp
The least of the Netherworld’s fiends, imps are
many, weak, small, and obnoxious pests. Since they
lack the strength and might of larger fiends, they
resort to tricks, taunts, and other games to
frustrate and infuriate their foes. Often, imps
gather in large gangs, watching diabolical scenes
from afar, offering rude commentary about the
victims as they are torn apart, eaten, and tortured
Imps are fiends with tiny chubby bodies, their
cherubic appearance sullied by the presence of
leathery wings, horns, and long stinger-tipped

Hell Imp
Level 1 Defense 13 Health 7
Strength 7 (–3) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Goblin
Immune damage from cold and fire; infection
True Vision A hell imp needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Flight An imp can move by flying while it is not injured.
Painful Curse When an imp becomes incapacitated, each
enemy in its zone makes a luck roll. The enemy that fails the
roll by the most takes 1d6 damage and becomes cursed
(luck ends).
Melee Attack—Stinger Agility against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage, makes a luck roll and, on a
failure, becomes poisoned (luck ends).
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
the hell imp Defense or Agility, impose 1 bane on the
enemy’s roll.

Hell Wraith
There are few ways out of the Netherworld that
lack attention from watchful gargoyles, but,
invariably, the souls of the damned sometimes find
them and when they slither free from the
Adversary’s dominion, the darkness clinging to
them transforms them into hideous hell wraiths.
Black as a starless night with eyes that burn like
fire, hell wraiths fly about the night, scouring the
lands for the living and attack them to feed on
their life force. Creatures who succumb to their
attacks have their bodies withered and their souls
torn free to wander as ghosts.
Wraiths cannot tolerate sunlight. During the day,
they take refuge in old cellars, ruins, vaults, and
tombs. When night falls again, the come boiling
out of their crypts, flowing toward their victims,
the eagerness to feed revealed in the burning
lights of their eyes.

Hell Wraith
Level 5 Defense 15 Health 50
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 15 (+5) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 14 (+4)
Immune asleep, immobilized, poisoned, prone; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Fearsome The hell wraith imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Damage Resistance A hell wraith takes half damage from
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Invisible A hell wraith is invisible while in a zone lit by no
Burned by Sunlight If the hell wraith starts its turn in a zone
lit by direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
True Vision A hell wraith needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Airborne A hell wraith moves only by flying and can hover.
Spirit A hell wraith can move through or end its movement
inside a solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the hell
wraith cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed. The
hell wraith ignores the effects of wind and other kinds of
challenging terrain that can ordinarily affect flying creatures.
The hell wraith makes no noise unless it chooses to do so.
Melee Attack—Touch Agility against Agility. On a success, the
target loses 4d6 Health, and becomes weakened (luck ends).
Hell Wraith Assault As an action, the Hell wraith makes two
Touch attacks, but must make each attack against a different

Folks living on the borderlands have grown
accustomed to sharing their communities with the
house goblins, or hobgoblins as they are more
commonly known. In spite of their name,
hobgoblins have nothing in common with other
goblins; they lack their malicious natures and
would rather get along peacefully with folks rather
than harm them. House goblins might live in
burrows underground in extended families, but a
few might “adopt” another family of mortals and
perform helpful tasks for them in exchange for
food and drink.

Hobgoblin Sneak
The sneak has an uncommon interest in mortals
and watches them from the shadows.
Eavesdropping makes it privy to all kinds of
secrets, secrets others would pay to have. The
sneak is most likely an unwitting tool for a
criminal outfit, assassin ring, or some other
villainous enterprise.

Hobgoblin Sneak
Level 1/2 Defense 13 Health 9
Strength 9 (–1) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The hobgoblin is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Dark Vision A hobgoblin needs no light to see in its zone.
Sneaky When the hobgoblin is hidden, it becomes invisible
until it uses an action, a reaction, or a minor action. While it
is invisible in this way, the hobgoblin moves soundlessly if it
chooses to do so.
Melee Attack—Knife Agility against Defense. On a success, the
target takes 1d6 damage.

Hollow Knight
From the shadows lurch warriors clad in full plate
armor, but the heat and glow radiating from them
reveal them to be hollow, armored suits given the
semblance of life by magic. Hollow knights patrol
their makers’ domains and might march through
the halls or stand guard on the battlements, mute
sentinels that never grow weary. In battle, they are
relentless, fighting with fear as slash and chop
with their weapons.
Hollow knights can be found among the retinues
of any powerful magic-user, though the methods
involved in their creation remains something of a
secret. It’s believed that a renegade magician
named Ranold the Big and would-be rival to the
Weird Wizard created the hollow knights to
counter his enemy’s clockwork soldiers. The small
army of hollow knights, as deadly as they were,
could do nothing against the Weird Wizard’s
forces and Ranold the Big became a footnote in
history and the hollow knights passed into legend.
Of course, some survived, as these creations can
still be found in the employ of Ranold’s heirs.

Hollow Knight
Level 4 Defense 20 (full plate, shield) Health 52
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, heat;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Heat At the end of the round, each creature takes 1 damage for
each hollow knight in its zone.
Awareness The hollow knight knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Explosive Ending When incapacitated, the hollow knight
explodes, which consumes everything it wears and carries.
The explosion of fire and shrapnel deals 2d6 to each
creature and object in its zone. A creature can make an
Agility roll and takes no damage on a success.
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

Horrid Mother
the horrid mother (luck ends). At the end of each round, a
creature frightened of the horrid mother makes a luck roll.
On a failure, the creature becomes stunned until the end of
the next round.

Disgorge Horrid Young At the start of combat, before any
creature takes a turn, the horrid mother vomits 3d6 + 6
unspeakable young into her zone.

Once the horrid mother uses this trait, she regains the use
of it after 24 hours.
Stench A foul smell emanates from the horrid mother, causing
enemies of flesh and blood in its zone to become weakened

for as long as they remain there.
Verminous Symbionts Whenever an enemy attacks the horrid
mother with an unarmed attack or a melee weapon that
A shadow moves in the deep woods. A shrill lacks reach property, the enemy makes a luck roll and, on a
failure, takes 2d6 damage.
piping, a warbling that sets hairs standing and
Splashing Slobber Each time the horrid mother attacks,
chills dancing down the spine. As the thing moves slobber spills from her mouth. Each creature in the zone
out from the canopy-cast gloom and comes into makes a luck roll and, on a failure, takes 1d6 damage and
view, the mind buckles to the point of breaking. becomes Strength impaired (luck ends). If the creature is
already Strength impaired, it takes an extra 1d6 damage
This is a thing that should not be, a horror born
and bred in nightmare whose existence serves Melee Attack—A Flailing of Limbs (reach) Any number of
only to make worse the world. creatures. Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On a
A tangle of limbs, jutting out at unlikely angles success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
from a body bloated and purplish white. Things
that look like insects scurry over its bulk, racing Unspeakable Young
on hundreds of hair-fine legs to sample the Level 1/2 Defense 8 Health 10
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 10 (+0)
nectars weeping from the dark pits dotting its Immune blinded, deafened, frightened, prone, free attacks
form. But most awful is the visage, the wide, Melee Attack—Teeth Strength against Defense. On a success,
moon-shaped face with moist lips dribbling a thin, the target takes 1d6 damage
sweet-smelling liquor that kills whatever it
touches. Then, the horrid mother’s body shudders
and the dimples yawn wide to release a host of
young, each a human-headed worm with idiotic
grin, hooting and bleating with hunger as it
slithers toward the threat to feed.
The horrid mother comes not from this world
and might be unique in its wrongness, though
some have sighted this thing in different places
separated by hundreds of miles, which suggests a
whole race of these terrible things exist. Offspring
of the horrid mother, unspeakable young not
destroyed most likely grow into horrid mothers
themselves. Few survive long enough to do so, as
the horrid mother snaps up her offspring.
If the horrid mother understands language, it
makes no sign, answering no questions, do
nothing but croon and dribble and birth and blight
the land wherever its limbs drag it.

Horrid Mother
Level 9 Defense 11 Health 200
Strength 16 (+6) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 14 (+4)
Immune frightened
Fearsome The horrid mother imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
to this trait.
Horrifying Action When the horrid mother starts its turn,
each enemy in its zone makes a Will roll. On a success, an
enemy becomes immune to this trait until the end of the
next round. On a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of

True Vision A horror needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Rampage At the end of the round, roll a d6. On a 4 or higher,
Horrors hail from alien worlds, alternate realities the large horror’s attacks deal an extra 3d6 damage until the
where many of nature’s rules have no hold. Efforts end of the next round.
to explore these realities let loose strange things Murderous If the horror gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
into the world, nameless horrors anathema to life.
That such things could escape and wreak havoc on Melee Attack—Various Weaponized Appendages (reach)
Erth was unthinkable once, but reckless magicians Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the
have weakened the boundaries between these target takes 6d6 damage.
Horror Assault As an action, the horror gorger makes two
worlds and from time to time these things slip Various Weaponized Appendages attacks, but must make
through the wounds and hunt. each attack against a different target.
Horrors come in two, broad varieties: horrors Teleport As a move, the horror magically teleports to a zone it
and larger horrors. Both types have seemingly can see within three zones.
random arrangements of form, with features
sometimes familiar and at others entirely alien. All
have monochromatic bodies, with most being
glossy black, but red, blue, yellow, green, and other
primary colors are possible. Large horrors are
simply bigger, nastier versions of their
If horrors understand language, they show no
sign of it. They do not speak; they scream, hoot,
and bark, though.

Level 4 Defense 13 Health 36
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 13 (+3)
Immune controlled, dazed, frightened, and stunned
Fearsome The horror imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Enhanced Intellect and Will The horror makes Intellect rolls
and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
against its Intellect or Will.
True Vision A horror needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Rampage At the end of the round, roll a d6. On a 4 or higher,
the horror’s attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage until the end
of the next round.
Murderous If the horror gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Melee Attack—Various Weaponized Appendages Strength
with 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes
3d6 damage.
Teleport As a move, the horror magically teleports to a zone it
can see within three zones.

Large Horror
Level 8 Defense 15 Health 172
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 15 (+5) Intellect 15 (+5) Will 15 (+5)
Immune controlled, dazed, frightened, stunned
Fearsome The horror imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Enhanced Intellect and Will The horror makes Intellect rolls
and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
against its Intellect or Will.

Dooming Appearance An enemy becomes cursed for 24 hours
when it first sees the husk warrior. A creature cursed in this
way loses 1d6 Health the first time it takes damage in a
As if the Salt Barrens were not bad enough, Undead A husk is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes half
travelers have begun reporting figures creeping damage from weapons.
across the sandy dunes, and many blame these Magic Resistance The husk takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
strangers for the emptied villages and the missing
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
caravans. Only recently have people encountered 1 boon.
these people and survived and all descriptions of Fearsome The husk imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
them make them out to be wasted, shriveled creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
people, as dry as the desert and voices that sound Dark Vision A husk needs no light to see in its zone.
like sand scraping over stone. With no name Melee Attack—Spear Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
offered, the peoples on the edges of the wastes On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
have come to call them the husks, for they appear Melee or Ranged Attack—Javelin (thrown 2) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
to be the withered remains of humans given damage.
unnatural life.
The husks come from the heart of the Husk Magus
wasteland. Dark magic blighted their land and Level 5 Defense 13 Health 75
infected them, dooming them to an accursed Strength 11 (+1) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 15 (+5)
existence from which only destruction can bring to Immune frightened, poisoned; damage from cold; free attacks;
an end. Husks retain their minds and memories, deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Accursed Appearance An enemy becomes cursed for 24 hours
but whatever force they summoned devoured when it first sees the husk magus. A creature cursed in this
their souls and, in so doing, enslaved them. Now, way loses 1d6 Health the first time it takes damage in a
the husks march toward other lands to make war round.
on the people they find and feed their souls to the Undead A husk is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes half
damage from weapons.
thing they serve. Magic Resistance The husk takes half damage from magical
All husks curse the people who see them. If sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
those people die, the darkness consumes their effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
souls and they rise up as new husks 1 hour later. 1 boon.
Fearsome The husk imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
Husks created in this way use the rules for husk creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
warriors in place of their previous rules. this trait.
Husks lack the necessary anatomy to speak, Dark Vision A husk needs no light to see in its zone.
though they understand the dead language of their Airborne A husk magus moves only by flying and can hover.
Melee Attack—Claws Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
people. a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
Husk Warrior The rank-and-file members of Dark Bolt As an action, the husk magus flings magical
the husk forces were all once human or near- darkness at one creature within six zones. Make an Intellect
human people, but with their soul they have lost roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the beam hits
and deals 4d6 damage. The target also becomes weakened
almost all the moisture from their bodies, leaving (luck ends).
them nearly skeletal, the flesh of their bodies Feast of Souls As an action, the husk magus drains life energy
having the hardness of wood. Lips gone, noses from each enemy in its zone. A target makes a Strength roll
broken off, long, wispy hair frames skull-like with 1 bane. On a failure, it loses 2d6 Health. For each target
that fails this roll, the husk magus and each of its husk allies
visages. Husk warriors dress in breastplates and heals 1d6 damage.
armored skirts. They carry spears and shields into The husk magus can use this magical talent once. It
battle. regains the use of it after 24 hours.
Husk Magus Leading of the husk warriors falls Battle Tactics As a reaction when an ally in the husk magus’s
zone fails a roll to attack, turn the failure into a success.
to the husk magi. These magic-using undead float
above the ground, being little more than torsos
draped clad in fluttering rags. Most wear spiked
crowns or metal bands around their skulls.

Husk Warrior
Level 3 Defense 18 (breastplate, shield) Health 24
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 15 (+5)
Immune frightened, poisoned; damage from cold; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation

hippogryph, a hybrid combining a horse and
gryphon. The merging of these creatures tempers
the gryphon’s ferocity while giving it the fleetness
The Weird Wizard produced a menageries of of a steed. A full grown hippogryph appears as a
hybrids from the parts of many different creatures, winged horses with feathers in place of hair on its
prized for their sturdiness and ferocity. One can manes and a fan like feathered tail for steering.
finds parts of lions, bears, and horses in his Unlike the gryphon’s front talons, the hippogryph
creations, but improved with wings, beaks, talons, has the hooves of a horse, which lets it run on the
and other features. Rather than cross lions and ground as easily as it flies.
bears to create something, the Weird Wizard far Merlion In the Sea of Fear, merlions hunt
preferred to combine bears with owls and lions sharks, seals, and turtles. In numbers, they can
with eagles, believing, rightly or wrongly that the take on whales. Merlions combine the forms of
marriage of far-removed species demonstrated his lions and sharks. The upper bodies thick green
flair for artistry. and blue fur over feline features down to a pair of
Much of the Weird Wizard’s creations proved clawed paws. The back half of its body tapers
harmless, such as the owlcats he so favored, as down until it reaches its tail fin. As with shark
well as ant-mice and swinesnakes. A few of his skin, merlion skin features a tight mesh of hard,
greatest accomplishments have found their way sharp structures that offer armor-like shell to
into the world and now pose a danger to people protect its body.
and wildlife alike. Some of the best-known Peryton A rare failure for the Weird Wizard,
creations follow. perytons have become a menace to the lands
Gryphon The Weird Wizard bred gryphons to around the Forbidden City. They appear as winged
serve his soldiers as their steeds and certainly the deer with bird plumage, antlers on males, and
Forbidden City boasts a thriving population of sharp, pointed teeth with overlarge fangs that curl
these curious creations. A few escaped into the down over their bottom lips. Their coat and
wilds and nest in high mountain aeries and have feathers are purple with lighter, pink coloring
been depleting the ranges of indigenous wildlife, underneath, and nearly black on their backs.
leading many skinchangers and others to hunt the Perytons cast shadows of people instead of their
beasts to preserve game. Gryphons have means to own shapes and some believe those shadows are
defend themselves and demonstrate incredible the shapes of the peryton’s next victim.
agility when flying. They plummet from above,
raking their claws at their prey, and dragging them Gryphon
into the air only to drop them onto the rocks Level 4 Defense 11 Health 53
below. Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1)
A gryphon combines the features of an eagle Flight A gryphon can move by flying while it is not injured.
Mount A gryphon can carry an ally as a rider.
with a lion. The beast’s front quarters belong to an Melee Attack—Claws and Beak (brutal) Strength with 1 boon
enormous eagle, while its hindquarters are that of against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
a lion. Feathery wings emerge from its shoulder If the result of the roll is 20 or higher and the target is
blade and let it soar through the air. human-sized or smaller, the gryphon can grab it, move two
zones, and drop it.
Hippocampus Hippocampi swim through the Aggressive As a reaction when the gryphon sees an enemy, the
waters of the Sea of Fear in large herds. Wild and gryphon can move to where it can reach one enemy in its
willful, hippocampi charge enemies, butting them zone or an adjacent one.
with their heads and bashing them with their
forelimbs. Usually a few break off from the herd to Hippocampus
deal with sharks and other predators while the Level 2 Defense 12 Health 32
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 11 (+1)
rest of the herd swims to safety. Night Vision A hippocampus treats dim light as bright light.
A hippocampus has the upper body of a horse Aquatic The hippocampus breathes while it is submerged in
and the lower of a large-finned fish. The water and is subject to suffocation while it is out of water.
hippocampus’s front legs end in flippers rather Mount A hippocampus can bear an ally as a rider.
Swimmer A hippocampus can move one additional zone when
than hooves however and a thick, oily coat covers it swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
its upper body while a fine mesh of scales armor rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
the lower. swim with 1 boon.
Hippogryph The few times the Weird Wizard Melee Attack—Head Strength against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 2d6 damage. If the hippocampus swam at
emerged from the Forbidden City to survey the least one zone before the attack, the target takes an extra
lands around, he did so from the back of a 1d6 damage.

Melee Attack—Forelimbs Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage. A human-sized or
smaller target is pushed into an adjacent zone.

Level 5 Defense 12 Health 89
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Fast When a hippogryph runs, it increases the number of zones
it can move by one.
Flight A hippogryph can move by flying while it is not injured.
Mount A hippogryph can carry an ally as a rider.
Melee Attack—Hooves Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage.

Level 3 Defense 12 Health 45
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Night Vision A merlion treats dim light as bright light.
Aquatic The merlion breathes while it is submerged in water
and is subject to suffocation while it is out of water.
Swimmer A merlion can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Teeth and Claws Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. If the target has already been attacked in this
round, the roll is with 2 boons instead. In addition, if the
target is injured, make the roll with 1 additional boon. On a
success, the target takes 3d6 damage.

Level 5 Defense 12 Health 58
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
Night Vision A peryton treats dim light as bright light.
Flight A peryton can move by flying while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Antlers Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage and makes a
Strength roll. On a failure, the target falls prone and becomes
dazed (luck ends).
Melee Attack—Hooves Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, or 2d6 damage if
it is prone.
Melee Attack—Teeth Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage, or 4d6 damage if
it is prone.
Peryton Assault As an action, the peryton makes a Hooves
attack and a Teeth attack, but it must choose a different
target for each attack.

Legend claims hydras descend from an Ancient
One, a power worshiped as a god by primitive
human peoples. The site of their worship, a deep
chasm fringed with sheer mountain peaks,
remains to this day a foreboding place in the Old
Country. An ancient hero, to rescue her true love,
faced down the hydra, but each head she lopped
off slithered away to become a new hydra.
Although she slew the beast, she released terrible
monsters into the world that trouble the lands to
this day.
Hydras appear as giant, multiheaded serpents.
Their bodies can reach up to one-hundred feet in
length and they have between seven and twelve
heads atop long, sinewy necks that emerge from
the main trunk. No easy foes to defeat, severing a
hydra’s neck causes two to grow in its place unless
fire first burns the stump.
As ancient and as mighty as they are, hydras
have the predatory minds of wild animals. They
often hide in caves and send their questing heads
out to snatch unsuspecting prey.

Level 10 Defense 14 Health 28 per head
Strength 17 (+7) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 12 (+2)
Dark Vision A hydra needs no light to see in its zone.
Multiple Heads A hydra has 1d6 + 6 heads. Each head counts
as a separate creature attached to a single, larger body. A
head can use one action and a reaction, but they collectively
share a single move. If one head becomes immobilized, all
the heads become immobilized. Otherwise, afflictions apply
only to the heads that have them. Any damage taken or
Health lost that does not apply to a specific head applies to a
head of the hydra's choice. A head whose damage total
equals its Health is severed or otherwise destroyed (though
see Head Regeneration).
Head Regeneration At the end of the round, if the hydra lost a
head to damage and the damage comes from a source other
than fire, it regenerates the head and grows an additional
head from the same neck. Each head’s damage total is 0.
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs (reach) One creature in the
hydra’s zone or an adjacent one. Strength against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage, makes a luck roll
and, on a failed roll, becomes poisoned (luck ends).
Spit Fire As an action, the hydra spits fire at one creature or
object within eight zones of it. It makes a Strength roll
against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 4d6
damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target also
catches fire (luck ends).

If defeated, the incarnation abandons the form,

Incarnations and becomes docile. The incarnation answers

questions put to it, as described above, and then
becomes dormant for a time, perhaps for a few
Incarnations might have created the world. Their
existence could explain how magic permeates the hours or centuries, as the entity chooses.
world. Or, they might be something else, Avalanche Incarnation A shockwave spreads
something other, a vestige left behind from the through the ground from the sudden bulge in the
creation of the universe. Whatever they are, ground, which grows larger and tears itself free to
incarnations, also called genius loci, daemons, become a giant earth and stone. Rocks rain from
daimons, and genies, have withdrawn from the its body as it moves, smashing flat everything
world and pass the ages in muted fury. underneath it. The grinding of its body and the
Found only in the remotest, isolated places, thundering of its steps foretell the destruction it
incarnations lack form in their natural states. will create.
Their essence imbues their surroundings, unseen, Conflagration Incarnation The daemon’s
but sometimes making their presence known by hatred turns the flames white and they spread
manipulating their surroundings. They cause everywhere, incinerating everything they touch.
patterns to appear in the dust covering the floors The fires gather and form into a miniature sun and
of the caves, fiery words to appear on a wall in in just visible as dark spots on the blazing brightness
an unknown script, or make substance behave in one can make out a snarling visage of something
odd ways: rocks flow like water, streams flow ancient, alien, and inimical to life.
uphill, ice forms crystals in sweltering deserts, and Cyclone Incarnation Dust, dirt, and other
more. Aside from the visual cues, unbound debris lift from the ground to be whipped around
daemons also disturb the magical currents and by a towering cyclone. In the swirling detritus
people can feel their hair standing on end or hear appears a pair of black eyes and a great cavern of a
queer whispers in their ears. mouth, the daemon itself driving forward to tear
An unbound incarnation has no physical or everything to pieces.
visual presence. It ignores all attacks, effects, and Tsunami Incarnation A heaving, frothing mass
anything else that would affect a physical body. It forms in the water and assumes the form of an
might communicate with visitors or not, as it enormous wave that gathers speed as it moves
chooses. When it communicates, it can do so in toward the shore. But rather than break when it
any language and its voice sounds from all gets there, its waters fall as rain to flood the
different directions. grounds.
People seek out a genius loci for information,
generally. The unbound incarnation knows Avalanche Incarnation
Level 10 Defense 10 Health 400
everything about its surrounding environment, Strength 20 (+10) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 18 (+8) Will 20
including the people that live there or have lived (+10)
there, the location of nearby structures, and Languages Elemental
events that happened there over thousands of Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, poisoned;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
years. The genius loci might be convinced to Awareness The daemon knows where each creature and
answer up to three questions, by offering a gift or object within three zones of it is located.
performing a ceremony to catch its attention. The Trample When the daemon runs into a zone, each creature in
gift required depends on the daemon; some might that zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes
3d6 damage and falls prone.
demand blood sacrifice, others offerings of Avalanche Fury Each time the daemon fails a roll, it gains 1
burning incense, gold, or magical trinkets. fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately
Rudeness, disturbances, or for no reason at all, a discards its tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and rains
daemon might become angry and when it does it rubble down in its zone and each adjacent one. The falling
rubble deals 2d6 damage to each creature or object in those
merges its essence with the material nearby to zones.
form itself into an immense being. One daemon Gravity Well At the end of the round, each creature not in the
might cause a mountainside to pull free and move daemon’s zone but within three zones of it makes a Strength
like a giant formed from rock and bristling with roll and, on a failure, is pulled one zone toward the daemon.
Shock Wave At the end of each round, the daemon makes a
trees. Another could assume the form of a 60-foot- luck roll. On a success, a shock wave spreads out through the
tall column of water, while another might ground within three zones of the daemon and deals 4d6
transform into a conflagration with a crude, damage to each creature or object on the ground in one of
hateful face formed in the center. those zones. Secured objects on the ground take 24 damage
instead. A creature makes an Agility roll, taking half damage

on a success or also falling prone on a failure. The ground in a range of three zones and deals 4d6 damage to each
the affected area becomes covered with rubble and is creature or object in the affected zones. An unsecured object
challenging terrain until the rubble is cleared away. is blown to the edge of the farthest zone and then flies 1d6
Melee Attack—Avalanche Strike (reach) Any number of zones beyond it, taking 5 damage for each zone it moves in
creatures. Strength against Defense. On a success, a target this way. A creature makes a Strength roll and. On a success,
takes 10d6 damage and falls prone. it takes half damage, and on a failure it is blown 1d6 + 3
zones away from the daemon, taking 5 damage for each zone
it moves in this way and landing prone when it stops
Conflagration Incarnation moving. If this damage injures the target, it becomes
Level 10 Defense 18 Health 350
stunned (luck ends).
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 18 (+8) Intellect 18 (+8) Will 20
Melee Attack—Flensing Wind (reach) Any number of
creatures. Strength against Strength. On a success, the target
Languages Elemental
takes 8d6 damage and must succeed on a Strength roll with
Immune asleep, blinded, catching fire, deafened, frightened,
1 bane or be moved one zone away from the daemon and be
immobilized, poisoned, prone; damage from fire; free
knocked prone. On a failed roll to attack, the target takes 2d6
attacks; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Awareness The daemon knows where each creature and
object within six zones of it is located.
Airborne A conflagration daemon moves only by flying and Tsunami Incarnation
can hover. Level 10 Defense 10 Health 608
Malleable A conflagration daemon can squeeze through an Strength 18 (+8) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 18 (+8) Will 20
opening at least 1 inch wide. (+10)
Conflagration Fury Each time the daemon fails a roll, it gains 1 Languages Elemental
fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, immobilized,
discards its tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and releases poisoned, prone, fire, free attacks; deprivation, exposure,
a blast of flame that spreads out from itself in all directions infection, suffocation
out to a range of three zones. The flames deal 1d6 damage to Awareness The daemon knows where each creature and
each creature or object in those zones. object within six zones of it is located.
Heat Wave At the end of each round, the daemon makes a luck Malleable A tsunami daemon can squeeze through an opening
roll. On a success, intense heat spreads out to a range of at least 1 inch wide.
three zones and deals 4d6 damage to each creature or object Flooding Fury Each time the daemon fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
in those zones. Flammable objects take 24 damage instead token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
and catch fire. An affected creature makes an Agility roll, tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and immediately uses its
taking half damage on a successful roll or catching fire (luck Tidal Wave trait.
ends) on a failed roll. Smoke from burning objects obscures Undertow At the end of each round, each creature in the
the zones in which they burn. daemon’s zone and in each adjacent one makes a Strength
Melee Attack—Flaming Claws (reach) Any number of roll. On a failure, a creature takes 5d6 damage and falls
creatures. Agility against Agility. On a success, the target prone.
takes 8d6 damage and catches fire (luck ends). On a failure, Tidal Wave At the end of each round, the daemon makes a luck
the target takes 2d6 damage. roll. On a success, a wall of water moves out from the
daemon in all directions out to a distance of three zones. The
wave deals 4d6 damage to each creature or object in the
Cyclone Incarnation affected zones and extinguishes all natural and magical
Level 10 Defense 18 Health 108
flames. The water picks up and moves unsecured objects to
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 18 (+8) Intellect 18 (+8) Will 20
the edge of the farthest zone. A creature makes a Strength
roll and, on a success, takes half damage.
Languages Elemental
Melee Attack—Crashing Wave (reach) Any number of
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, immobilized,
creatures. Strength against Strength. On a success, the target
poisoned, prone; free attacks; deprivation, exposure,
takes 8d6 damage and becomes weakened until it
infection, suffocation
overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength roll.
Blinding, Deafening Storm Creatures in the daemon’s zone
While it is weakened in this way, the target loses 1d6 Health
are blinded and deafened for as long as they remain there.
at the end of each round. On a failure, the target takes 2d6
Awareness The daemon knows where each creature and
object within six zones of it is located.
Airborne A cyclone daemon moves only by flying and can
Malleable A cyclone daemon can squeeze through an opening
at least 1 inch wide.
Cyclonic Fury Each time the daemon fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and wind spreads out
from itself in all directions out to a range of three zones. The
wind pushes all creatures and unsecured objects in those
zones one zone farther away from the daemon.
Tearing Wind At the end of each round, each creature in the
daemon’s zone and each adjacent one makes a Strength roll
and, on a failure, takes 2d6 damage and falls prone.
Gusting Wrath At the end of each round, the daemon makes a
luck roll. On a success, wind blows out in all directions out to

Iron Giant
Animated Object Magic enables this object to behave as a
creature. If it becomes incapacitated, any damage in excess
of the iron giant’s Health score applies to its object form
(Health 100) and the creature becomes an object once more.
The iron statue depicting a seated, elk-headed Awareness The iron giant knows where each creature and
humanoid was ever a curiosity to the people living object within six zones of it is located.
in Guardian Green, a village in the far north of the Trample When the iron giant runs into a zone, each creature in
that zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes
Borderlands. It had become a landmark for many
4d6 damage and falls prone.
travelers and its oddness attracted settlers and Unstoppable When the iron giant runs, it can move into a
fortune hunters alike until a small town had space that contains an obstacle. The obstacle takes damage
grown up around it. And then, one day, the statue equal to twice the iron giant’s Strength’s score. If the
obstacle is destroyed, the iron giant can continue moving.
moved. It stood up, reaching its full 30 feet in Mighty Fall When the iron giant falls prone, its body deals 6d6
height and stomped off to the east. The iron giant damage to each creature and object on the ground in the
ignored the people around it and though its tread zone where it falls. In addition, each creature on the ground
flattened a few houses, squashing Old Man Chester in that zone makes an Agility roll. A prone creature fails the
roll automatically. On a failure, the creature takes an extra
while he was in his outhouse, the moving statue 4d6 damage, falls prone, and becomes immobilized until the
gave no indication that the ruin its movement iron giant is no longer prone or the creature overcomes the
created was done so out of malice. It was simply immobilized affliction with a successful Strength roll with 3
time for it to be moving on. banes. At the end of each round when a creature is
immobilized in this way, the creature takes 4d6 damage.
There might be a dozen iron giants left in the
Iron Fury Each time the iron giant fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
known world, not including the rusted scraps of token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
the few to have fallen to violence and mishap. The tokens, moves up to three zones, and makes a Sword attack.
known giants are something of legend, such that Melee Attack—Sword (reach) Up to three creatures. Strength
with 2 boons against Defense. On a success, the target takes
one is said to have its back braced against a 10d6 damage. If the result is 20 o higher, the target flies 1d6
fractured cliff not far from the Forbidden City and zones away from the iron giant and lands prone in space of
another one marches back and forth across the the iron giant’s choice. On landing the target takes an extra
Shrieking Defile, a deep cut that runs parallel to 1d6 damage per zone it moves in this way.

Centaur Country. Others have been spotted
guarding tombs, marching the streets of
abandoned cities, and in curious places, such as
perched on rocky outcroppings or bristling with
trees whose roots have sunk into the hollows of its
Iron giants can have any shape, though most
have humanoid bodies and the heads of beasts
such as stags, lions, and eagles. Many carry
enormous swords, but any weapons are possible.

Iron Giant
Level 9 Defense 8 Health 298
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 8 (–2)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, poisoned,
Strength impaired, Agility impaired; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Damage Resistance An iron giant takes half damage from
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Magic Resistance The iron giant takes half damage from
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
effects with 1 boon.
Crack the Shell If an iron giant takes damage from fire and
cold in the same round, it loses 3d6 Health.
Metal Body Each time the iron sentry takes 10 damage or
more from fire, each creature and object enemy in its zone
takes 1d6 damage from the heat.
Each time the iron giant takes 10 damage or more from
lightning, each creature in the giant’s zone must succeed on
a luck roll or take 1d6 damage, fall prone, and become
Strength impaired for 1 round.

Nigh Invulnerable While a jabberwock is not injured, it takes
half damage from a weapon attack if the roll to attack it is 24
or lower. In addition, whenever the jabberwock takes half
damage from an attack from an ordinary weapon, the
A single jabberwock exists, or so people hope, and attacker makes a luck roll and, on a failure, the weapon
it lives in the deep forests adjacent to one of the breaks. Or, if the attacker used an unarmed attack, the attack
hidden kingdoms of the faerie. Which kingdom, instead loses 1d6 Health.
Resilience The jabberwock makes a luck roll when it gains an
though, changes, for the jabberwock knows the
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
secret pathways through the world, and can thus Burble The jabberwock makes nonsenses noises. At the end of
move from forest to forest as it chooses. Obviously, the round, each enemy in the jabberwock’s zone and each
this capability makes it exceedingly hard to track adjacent one makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy
becomes Intellect impaired for 24 hours or until the
down the monster. Groups of knights have set on jabberwock dies. A creature Intellect impaired by this effect
quests to bring down this beast if they ever find it. cannot understand any speech as it hears only gibberish. On
None have. a success, the enemy becomes immune to Burble for one day.
But plenty have heard its burbling voice or True Vision A jabberwock needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
caught the flash of its eyes through the gloom. sight.
Plenty more have witnessed the carnage it creates Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (brutal, reach, wounding) Up
with its teeth and claws; pieces of unfortunate to three creatures. Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
cows and sheep and herders have all been found a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
Lightning Blast As an action, the jabberwok spews lightning
in the lower branches of trees or scattered over
from its mouth at up to three creatures all in one zone
wide areas. Such findings, though, offer little hope within three zones. Each target takes 5d6 damage. Then, for
in tracking the monster as it usually means it has each target, make a Strength roll with 1 boon against its
sated its hunger and wandered off. Agility. If the target is wearing metal armor or is metal, the
jabberwock makes the roll with 3 boons instead. On a
A jabberwock has a reptilian body of success, the target takes 5d6 damage. Once the jabberwock
considerable size, but everything about it seems uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck ends).
wrong, which means it cannot be a dragon despite
having some of the same characteristics. It stands
twenty feet tall, has a humanoid body covered in
thick scales, and a brutish head at the top of a long,
sinuous neck. Tentacles hand like wattles from its
face, all wrinkled and swinging with its
movements. It has two bat-wings on its back, but
they let it flutter in an awkward manner, without
giving it real flight. Its blazing eyes seem to find its
foe, even if hidden by magic, and when it rushes
forward, it leads with its claws to catch and tear its
prey to pieces.
Although the jabberwock makes noises aplenty,
whether or not it understands language remains
unknown given that it ignores anything its victims

Level 8 Defense 11 Health 179
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 15 (+5)
Immune frightened
Fearsome The jabberwock imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Eyes of Fearsome Flame When the jabberwock starts its turn,
each enemy frightened of it and that is in its zone and in
each adjacent one that can see the jabberwock makes a Will
roll. On a success, the enemy becomes immune to this trait
until the end of the next round. On a failure, the enemy
becomes frightened of the jabberwock until either it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll or the
jabberwock dies. If the enemy is already frightened, it
catches fire (luck ends).

The ghost lights sometimes spotted on the moors
might be torches or lanterns. It’s common,
perfectly so, to see such things on a dark night. But
there’s something odd about the lights. The longer
one watches them, the stronger one feels a sense
of invitation, an urge to follow the lights and seek
the safety promised by their warm glow.
Such lights shine from wicked faeries called
will-o’-the-wisps or, more commonly, jack-o’-
lanterns, who use magic to lure mortals into
danger. When night falls, they release flames that
make them appear as gently bobbing plumes of
pale fire. When an enemy draws close, though, the
flames assume the appearance of wild, grinning
faces that rush forward and attack.

Level 4 Defense 16 Health 22
Strength 6 (–4) Agility 16 (+6) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Sylvan
Immune damage from fire; infection
Bewitching Lights An enemy makes a Will roll with 1 bane
when it sees the light cast by a jack-o’-lantern. On a failure,
the enemy becomes controlled by the jack-o’-lantern until
the jack-o’-lantern becomes incapacitated or the enemy is no
longer in the same environment as the jack-o’-lantern. In
addition, if the enemy is harmed, it can make a Will roll with
1 bane and ends the affliction on a success. The jack-o’-
lantern commands the creature it controls to approach it by
the fastest and shortest available route. An enemy that
succeeds on the roll or that ends the affliction becomes
immune to all jack-o’-lanterns’ Bewitching Lights trait for 24
Iron Weakness The jack-o’-lantern is weakened while carrying
or wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
True Vision A jack-o’-lantern needs no light to see and
perceives outlines around invisible creatures and objects in
its line of sight.
Airborne A jack-o’-lantern moves only by flying and can hover.
Spontaneous Eruption At the end of each round, roll a d6 and
note the total. If the sum of all the jack-o’-lanterns’ rolls in
one zone equals or exceeds 13, they fill the zone with
magical fire that deals 4d6 damage to each creature and
object in it. A creature can make a luck roll and takes no
damage on a success.
Fiery Touch Agility against Defense. On a success, the target
takes 3d6 damage and catches fire (luck ends).
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
the jack-o’-lantern’s Defense or Agility, impose 1 bane on the
enemy’s roll.

or as small as a typical fish. It retains all its traits while it is
in this form.

The shape-changing kelpies dwell in the rivers and

lakes of the New Lands, in numbers significant
enough for people to have a care when traveling
near such places. Kelpies live simply, making their
meals on birds and animals coming to drink. They
drag their prey into the depths to drown them and
then eat the corpses. Kelpies prefer isolation, and
came to live where they do after they committed
some treacherous act that led to their exile.
In their true forms, kelpies appear as green-
skinned, wrinkled men and women, with soft
mouths containing sharp teeth and heads crowned
with ropy black tendrils. Kelpies can adopt
different forms and assume the appearance of
anything that might attract prey. They might look
like horses, or as fetching young men or women.
Ever hungry and having a taste for alcohol,
kelpies accept bribes to release their captives. An
offering of fresh meat or a gallon of wine sees
them ease the weird stickiness of their forms so
that their victims can scurry off. Note, though, that
kelpies are cunning negotiators and abide by the
exact wording of any bargain they make, no more,
no less.

Level 2 Defense 13 Health 54
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 14 (+4)
Languages Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The kelpie is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Night Vision A kelpie treats dim light as bright light.
Amphibious The kelpie can breathe when submerged in water.
Swimmer A kelpie can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Adhesion When a creature touches or deals damage to the
kelpie using a melee weapon, or when the kelpie succeeds
on a roll to attack a creature, the creature (or the object that
touched the kelpie) becomes adhered to it until the kelpie
dies or it uses a minor action to release it. A creature
adhered to the kelpie moves with it when it moves and is
Strength and Agility impaired. An object moves with the
kelpie unless the object is secured.
An adhered creature can use an action to cut itself free
with an edged weapon, but the creature loses Health equal
to its level (minimum 1) and might suffer some cosmetic
damage—lose of fingers, for example.
Melee Attack—Appendage Strength against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage. Also, a target creature
makes a luck roll. On a success, something the creature
wears or carries becomes adhered to the kelpie.
Kelpie Assault As an action, the kelpie makes two Appendage
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
Shapechange As an action, the kelpie transforms into the form
of another creature. The new form can be as large as a horse

While the target is cursed, the kilmoulis and its allies make

luck rolls with 1 boon.

The people flooding the Borderlands attracts
interest of the malevolent and curious alike.
Among the many denizens of the new lands, the
kilmoulis find the sudden appearance of all these
new folk exciting and creep about, watching them
to see what they do. Mortals who uphold the old
traditions that secure peace between them and the
faeries, such as by leaving offerings of milk, food,
or who keep their homes clear of hateful iron,
might attract the kilmoulis, for good or ill.
Kilmoulis focus their attention on millers and
other people involved in green and growing
things, and, if these mortals earn their respect, the
kilmoulis lend a hand. They grind the grain, chase
of the rodents, and keep the mill, silos, and other
holdings in good working order.
As helpful as they can be, they all have a
mischievous streak running through them. This
wicked impulse sees them play tricks on people,
especially on anyone who comes to visit the
mortals the faeries have adopted. Sacks of grain
might split, a horse might take off after having its
tail pulled, and a cart might throw a wheel—all
acts the kilmoulises find hilarious.
Kilmoulises stand about two feet tall and have
thin, spindly bodies. Their noses take up most of
their faces and they have no mouths. They snort
their food. Without mouths, they communicate by
making whistling, popping, and clicking sounds
out of their nostrils.

Level 1/2 Defense 11 Health 12
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 8 (–2)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The kilmoulis is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Night Vision A kilmoulis treats dim light as bright light.
Good Sniffer The kilmoulis knows the location of each
creature of flesh and blood, as well as each odiferous object,
within three zones of it. The kilmoulis makes rolls with 1
bane to resist the harmful effects of smoke, gas, vapor, and
similar obscuring hazards.
Melee Attack—Fist Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Stumble Fall As an action, the kilmoulis causes one creature
within three zones to fall prone. Then, each faerie in the
kilmoulis’s zone and each adjacent one that can see the
target makes attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of the
next round.
The kilmoulis can use this magical talent three times. It
regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Steal Luck As a reaction when an enemy within three zones of
the kilmoulis makes a luck roll, the kilmoulis interrupts the
roll and causes the enemy to become cursed (luck ends).

targeted by the use of this talent. The ceiling crumbles and
rains rock and debris that deal 3d6 damage to each creature
and object under it in the zone. A creature makes a luck roll
with 1 bane and takes no damage on a success, or also falls
Veteran miners know to pour out a measure of prone on a failure. The debris turns the ground into
beer and leave a sweet behind when they finish challenging terrain that remains until the debris is cleared
their daily work. They always keep candles lit to away.
watch for the telltale sign of the green flame. And
when they hear the tapping in the stone, they
A kobold can use this magical talent once. It regains the
use of it 1 hour later.
know they have dug too far and make haste to
leave behind the shafts for the Little People under
the Mountains are close.
Ask any hedge witch and she’ll prescribe a twist
of iron to those with faerie troubles. Everyone
knows that the fair folk can’t abide iron. They
recoil from its stink and shrink away from its
touch. Oh, it doesn’t hurt them, aside from making
them feel a bit sick and their skin to wriggle under
the metal’s influence, all enough to turn them
away, but not enough to kill them: faeries become
quite angry when one of their own comes to harm.
But such a remedy does no good when it comes
to kobolds, who—rather than withdraw from it—
seek iron in the subterranean realms. Kobolds
savor the sensations iron creates in their body and
use it in the manner that the gin-blossomed might
use drink. Miners believe kobolds keep great piles
of ore in the deepest caves and in cold forges
shape the metal into exquisite weapons, armor,
and decorative apparel.
Well-suited to deep delving, kobolds have tiny,
green bodies, about one-foot tall and weigh
between six and ten pounds. Dirt, mold, and lichen
almost conceal their light green skin, but no
amount of grubbiness can cover up the one
exaggerated feature all seem to have. Examples
include feet of preposterous size, long noses
whose tips drag on the ground, eyelids so droopy,
they use clothespins to hold them up.

Level 2 Defense 17 (plate) Health 23
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The kobold is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Dark Vision A kobold needs no light to see in its zone.
Melee Attack—Pick (concussing, thrown 1) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
Rumble in the Deep As an action, the kobold causes all
surfaces in one zone within three zones to shake. Each
creature in the zone makes an Agility roll and, on a failure, it
falls prone and cannot stand up until after the end of the
A kobold can use this magical talent once. It regains the
use of it 1 hour later.
Rockfall As an action, the kobold targets one ceiling in one
zone within three zones that has not been previously


Level 1/2 Defense 11 Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
When the faeries fought a war against their own Languages Common, Goblin, Sylvan
Immune free attacks; infection
extinction against the trolls, not one korrigan took
Iron Weakness The korrigan is weakened while carrying or
up arms. When the mortal peoples spread out to wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
claim the lands lost by the faeries, the korrigan Climber When the korrigan uses a move to climb, it can climb
living there simply withdrew. Even when into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
threatened by cold steel, korrigans would rather makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
die than take up arms against their enemies. To be Faerie Queen’s Curse A korrigan is cursed. While it is cursed,
a korrigan is to embrace nonviolence. They cannot if the korrigan deals damage to another creature or causes
even contemplate the alternative. another creature to lose Health, the korrigan, at the end of
the round, transforms into a fell beast and remains in that
Korrigans commitment to peace stems both
form until it dies. The korrigan uses the rules for the fell
from the distress bloodshed brings them, but also beast in place of its own, but it brings its damage total with it
the risks to themselves and everyone around them to its new form.
if they ever wavered in their commitment to Melee Attack—Fist Strength with 1 bane against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
harming none. The Faerie Queen cursed the
Confuse As an action, the korrigan targets up to five creatures
korrigans for their inaction in fighting against the all in the same zone within three zones. For each target,
trolls. Calling them cowards and fainthearts, if make an Intellect roll with 1 boon against its Intellect. On a
ever they drew blood, even in their own self- success, the target becomes dazed (luck ends). While it is
dazed, the target is Intellect impaired, must choose targets
defense, they would themselves become monsters.
of its attacks at random, and when it moves, it must move
Avoiding such transformations keep korrigans away from any korrigan it can see.
in hidden places, where there’s little chance of The korrigan can use this magical talent whenever it
encountering even the boldest ranger. They might chooses, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last
used it.
live in the deep forests, secluded mountain vales,
Disappear As a minor action, the korrigan becomes magically
high mountains, and elsewhere, provided the invisible for 1 minute and then teleports to a zone it can see
place has few, if any, means of ingress. Korrigans within three zones.
make their homes in the hollows of old trees, and
expand these spaces with magic to make them Fell Beast
spacious and roomy. Level 4 Defense 11 Health 48
Once each year, the korrigan emerge from their Strength 16 (+6) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 13 (+3)
Immune frightened; free attacks; infection
hidden lands to trade at the Shadow Market, Iron Weakness The fell beast is weakened while carrying or
offering fine cloaks of woven spider silk, shoes of wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
living plants that take their nourishment when Climber When the fell beast uses a move to climb, it can climb
their wearers stand still, and other wonders. They into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
take buttons, bronze, and other goods in exchange. makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
They keep to themselves, though, even at this Fast When a fell beast runs, it increases the number of zones it
bustling place, never mingling, by choice, with can move by one.
others. Melee Attack—Fist Up to three creatures or objects. Strength
with 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes
Korrigans look like short, two-foot-tall dwarfs, 4d6 damage.
with long, fanciful beards, and varicosed noses. Aggressive As a reaction when the fell beast sees an enemy, the
Closer inspection reveals they have the pointed beast can move to where it can reach one enemy within its
ears of their fair folk, squat heads, and wrinkled zone or an adjacent one.
features. Adults have thin or no hair on the tops of
their heads. They have hands at the ends of their
arms and feet, and these appendages appear large
for their bodies.
If a korrigan succumbs to its curse, thick, coarse
hair sprouts all over its body, while its head sinks
into its torso, until it emerges from the middle of
its chest, all contorted and strange. Extra limbs
sprout from its body and the thing gambols and
capers as it tears everyone and everything into

kraken itself each take a turn. See Kraken Tentacles, below,
for their rules.
Melee Attack—Beak Strength with 1 boon against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 10d6 damage. If the result of the
It might be that the kraken living in the Sea of Fear roll is 20 or higher, the kraken devours the target. While it is
is Oceanus himself. Certainly, the monster has devoured, the enemy is immobilized and stunned, moves
proven itself the equal of anything that dares sail with the kraken when it moves, and loses 5d6 Health at the
end of each round. If the kraken is incapacitated, it vomits all
its waters and the people who return from such
devoured creatures into empty spaces in its zone.
journeys without having caught wind of its Ink Cloud As a reaction if the kraken is submerged in water
appalling stench or spotted its flexible tentacles when it becomes injured or loses four of its tentacles or
reaching up from the waters swear they offered more, the kraken releases a jet of ink that through its zone
and into each adjacent water-filled zone. The ink completely
gifts to the sea god before they touched their oars obscures the zones, causing creatures in it to become
or lowered their sails. Then again, the kraken blinded. The ink clears away 1 minute later.
might just be an impossibly powerful monster. After the kraken uses ink cloud, it swims six zones. This
After all, the world has such things aplenty. movement does not provoke free attacks.
The kraken is enormous. Its measures 120 feet
in length from the tips of its tentacles to the crest Tentacle
of its head. Suction cups and thorns dot its flexible Level — Defense 13 Health 40
Strength 20 (+10) Agility 13 (+3)
limbs the monster uses them to grab and hold Awareness The tentacle knows where each creature and
prey. Like an octopus, the kraken has neither object within three zones of it is located.
skeleton nor exoskeleton, so it can squeeze Body Dependent A tentacle is attached to the kraken and is
through spaces far smaller than its size should part of its body, but it acts as an independent creature. The
tentacle’s end can move up to three zones away from the
allow. tentacle, but the tentacle stretches through each zone
Under normal circumstances, the kraken comes between itself and the kraken’s body. If the kraken moves,
up from below a ship and sends it tentacles the tentacle moves to stay within three zones of it.
reaching up and over the sides to either crush the Snatch As an action, the tentacle targets one creature within
three zones of the kraken’s body. Make a Strength roll with 1
ship or snatch creatures from it. A kraken uses two boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target
of its tentacles to anchor itself in place and fights takes 4d6 damage, makes a luck roll and, on a failure,
with the remaining six. becomes grabbed. The tentacle can have just one creature
grabbed at a time.
Constrict As an action, the tentacle crushes one creature it has
Kraken grabbed and then extends the duration of the grab until the
Level 11 Defense 13 Health 240 end of its next turn. The creature takes 24 damage.
Strength 20 (+10) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 18 Smash As an action, the tentacle swings a creature it has
(+8) grabbed at another creature within three zones. Make a
Immune blinded, controlled, dazed, frightened, stunned Strength roll with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a
Fearsome The kraken imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A success, the target and the creature the kraken has grabbed
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to each take 4d6 damage, and the tentacle extends the duration
this trait. of the grab until the end of its next turn. On a failure, the
Horrifying Action When the kraken starts its turn, each enemy grabbed creature can use a reaction to make a Strength roll
in its zone makes a Will roll. On a success, an enemy to overcome the grab.
becomes immune to this trait until the end of the next round. Tear Asunder As an action, the tentacle tears apart a creature
On a failure, an enemy becomes frightened of the kraken grabbed by a different tentacle within three zones. The
(luck ends). At the end of each round, a creature frightened target makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
of the kraken makes a luck roll. On a failure, the creature target loses 8d6 Health. If the loss drops the target’s Health
becomes stunned until the end of the next round. to 0, the tentacles rip the target’s body to bloody pieces.
Enhanced Intellect The kraken makes Intellect rolls with 1
boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Intellect.
Resilience The kraken makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Stench A foul smell emanates from the kraken, causing
enemies of flesh and blood within six zones to become
weakened for as long as they remain there.
Aquatic The kraken breathes while it is submerged in water
and is subject to suffocation while it is out of water.
Swimmer A kraken can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Independent Tentacles The kraken has eight tentacles. Each
acts as its own creature and any damage taken applies to the
tentacle. During each round, the kraken’s tentacles and the

body and its needs, become filthy and riddled with
sores. Each eye moves separately, the one closest
to the site of infection having been hijacked by the
Not even pirates dare set foot on Storm Isle. No parasite. Sickness and untreated injury clear out
ships pass in sight of it, sailors make no mention weakest thralls, while the strong ones evolve into
of it, even when recounting tales of strangeness other, nastier things.
and horror from their time on the Sea of Fear. No, Guard A hard, pearlescent shell, bristling with
Storm Isle is a place most people would rather spikes, forms over the bodies of the largest,
forget and appear happy to pretend the rocky toughest thralls, until they become fully encased in
island, with its debris-strewn shores, and bizarre this armor. Extra appendages grow out from under
inhabitants never existed. the arms and each terminates in a sharp spine.
But exist it does and it’s anything but desolate. The overall effect of this transformation makes the
Religious fugitives seeking escape from the thralls appear crablike and strange.
tyrannical theocracy that had compromised and Ktulian guards protect the tunnels that provide
crippled a once-mighty nation sought refuge in the routes to the temple under the island and take
lands beyond the sea. A brutal storm caught them charge of any prisoners until such time that they
unprepared and dashed their ships on the rocks. can receive the Sleeper’s Gift. They have no means
Stranded, the survivors sought shelter in the caves of speaking, but communicate their intentions via
dotting the rocky island and in the damp darkness gestures.
of those caverns they met their doom. Taker The ktulians need new blood to sustain
Beneath the greenery and rubble making up their numbers and thus greet trespassers with no
much of the island’s surface lays a great temple, little enthusiasm. They make plain routes up to the
one that sank beneath the waves thousands of caves and make them as inviting as they can,
years ago by divine decree. Built by hands alien leaving offerings of food and fire. If newcomers
and strange, the worshipers sacrificed creatures to opt not to venture too far inland, the takers
appease their monstrous deity. Their reward was descend from the mountains under night’s cover
to become changed, altered by their god’s to bring them in by force.
influence. They became as things from the seas, all Takers retain the appearance of their former
moist and suckered, rolling fish eyes and wheezing ancestries, but for the ropy tentacles emerging
gills. The corruption offended Oceanus and he from their abdomens. The fleshy appendages have
washed them all away. unusual strength and can overpower and restrain
The refugees stirred up the ancient evil and, even strong foes. Takers know their surroundings
one-by-one, became infected by the Ancient One’s well and move without making a sound to better
influence. As the changes took hold, they came to take their victims by surprise.
resemble the horrors of the past in body and Crawler Animals infected with the Sleeper’s Gift
became thralls to their new god in mind. They grow out of their original forms, shedding wings,
excavated the temple, freeing it from the darkness limbs, and other features as they transform into
that swallowed it and have spent the last centuries long, worm like creatures with bulging arms and
working to awaken their master. hair like tentacles bearding their heads. These
The island’s remoteness makes it unlikely for things thrive underwater and on land, but are so
anyone to interfere with their designs, but far removed from the other ktulians that they
whispers of great treasure and ancient magic have contribute nothing to the cause of awakening the
lured more than a few adventurers to the island’s Sleeper. Instead, they prey on passing ships, snag
shore, where each and all have been infected by and drag off swimmers, or rise up from the
the spiritual contagion and forced to join the shallows to strike much like serpents and rip
servants of the Unnamable One, the Sleeper in the chunks from their victims’ bodies.
Dark, He Who Dreams. Is it possible that the Infiltrator One might think the threat the
ktulians, as they have come to be called, will ktulians pose to the rest of the world contained,
spread out from their lair to bring forth the word what with there being no clear or easy means off
and mind of their master? Have they done so the island. Yet the ktulians have managed to slip a
already? Time will only tell. few off the island, who have managed to infiltrate
Thrall The fate of anyone infected by the coastal settlements on both sides of the Sea of
Sleeper’s Gift is to become a loathsome thrall, a Fear, and there they work to build new followings
veritable slave of the alien intelligence hidden toward the Sleeper. Few “cults” survive long, as the
beneath the island. The thrall neglects the host changes to its membership attracts attention from

the authorities, but a few have been able to waves of minions via telepathic means while they
transport new hosts to the island and their themselves bring to bear the full weight of their
successes seem to embolden the ktulians. psionic magic to eradicate trespassers and leave of
Infiltrators can shape their bodies to look like their bodies smoking husks.
almost anyone and typically start their efforts by
killing a local and impersonating them. In their THE SLEEPER’S GIFT
Ambulatory nodules of wrinkled flesh wriggle free from
natural shape, they have pinkish-gray, featureless
the island’s deep, dark places and infest the caves. It
body with large fish-like eyes on their sides of takes no effort to destroy them; they pop when crushed
their head. underfoot and burn to greasy ash when touched by
Chanter Some recipients of the Sleeper’s Gift flame. But they become dangerous to those nearby
escape being warped out of true and find the sleepers, who bed down unaware of the tiny watchers.
introduction of the alien meat spore to their The nodule creeps up to a sleeping victim and inserts
systems lifts them up to become better than they itself into the victim’s earn canal where it takes root and
once were. The hope of ascension dissipates when spreads roots throughout the sleeper’s mind. The
transformation stumbles to leave no chance of effects on the victim are subtle, manifesting as an
joining the exalted high ones. Instead, the obsession with the island and a growing certainty that
transformed become chanters. They can hear some wondrous treasure lays in wait. After a few days,
whispers from the Sleeper, buy the message never the individual vanishes and the parasite takes total
comes through clear and leave these individuals control. The parasite learns enough from the early days
clutching their skulls and mouthing half-formed of infection to mimic the host’s personality and
behavior, but apes in this way only to preserve its own
words, eyes rolling in their heads searching for
existence from suspicious companions who have not yet
some clue about the point of their existence.
been turned.
Pain wracks the chanters bodies and strange
voices crowd out their own thoughts from their
minds. Such agony as they face prevents them
Ktulian Thrall
Level 1/2 Defense 9 Health 10
from standing upright; the pressure in their heads Strength 10 (+0) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
becomes unbearable when they pull themselves Languages Ktulian
up. Instead, they scuttle about on all fours, their Immune Strength impaired, Agility impaired.
Amphibious The ktulian can breathe when submerged in
faces occluded by the writhing mop of tentacles water.
that beard their faces. Foul Bolstering When the thrall becomes incapacitated, it dies
Exalted Most who receive the Sleeper’s Gift lose and one ally in its zone heals 1d6 damage.
something of themselves, becoming monstrous Melee Attack—Club Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
things. People who possess some latent psychic
ability, however, enjoy the fullness of their re-
maker’s reward and become high ones, exalted
Ktulian Guard
Level 2 Defense 18 Health 16
simulacra of the thing trapped in its slumber, able Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 12 (+2)
to hear their master’s whispers and carry out its Languages Ktulian
orders. Spiked Hide When a creature within reach of the ktulian
attacks it, the creature makes a luck roll. On a failure, it takes
Just a few exalted exist, so rare are the gifts 1d6 damage.
required to ascend and they form a cabal in the Amphibious The ktulian can breathe when submerged in
darkness far below the island. Each appears as an water.
emaciated hovering thing, the ruined, useless Melee Attack—Sword Arm (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
limbs hanging until they fall free from the torso
whose sole purpose is to keep alive the bloated
gray matter locked inside skulls split from within Ktulian Taker
Level 1 Defense 12 Health 16
to accommodate the new mass. Tentacles grow Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
from their faces, completely concealing their Languages Ktulian
features. Exalted draw nutrients from these new Amphibious The ktulian can breathe when submerged in
appendages and no longer have need of solid water.
Melee Attack—Tentacles Strength with 1 boon against Agility.
foods. On a success, the target becomes grabbed. The taker can
Psychic powers grant exalted full functionality have one creature grabbed at a time and can use a minor
despite the ruin done to their bodies. They can action to extend the duration of the grab. The taker
move objects around them by thought and can automatically moves with it any creature it grabbed when it
moves provided that creature is human-sized or smaller.
lacerate enemy minds with blasts of psychic Melee Attack—Club Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
energy. If they come under attack, exalted summon a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. If the target is

grabbed, it becomes Strength impaired (luck ends). If it is Telekinesis While it is not incapacitated, the exalted flies and
already Strength impaired, it makes a Will roll and becomes hovers. It has four invisible appendages of psychic force that
unconscious for 1d6 hours on a failure. Time spent can reach anywhere inside its zone. Each has the
unconscious in this way does not count as resting. functionality of arm and hand. The exalted uses Will for any
rolls it makes to use these appendages.
Flying Debris If the exalted is not injured at the start of its
Ktulian Crawler turn, it causes debris flies around it, dealing 1d6 damage to
Level 4 Defense 12 Health 90
all enemies in the zone. A creature can make an Agility roll
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 12 (+2)
and takes no damage on a success.
Languages Ktulian
Ktulian Fury Each time the exalted fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
Immune immobilized, prone, free attacks
token. The exalted can spend fury tokens at any time to
Night Vision A ktulian crawler treats dim light as bright light.
produce the following effects:
Amphibious The ktulian crawler can breathe when submerged
• 1 token to turn a successful roll against its Intellect or its
in water.
Will into a failed one.
Melee Attack—Mass of Tentacles Strength with 1 boon
• 1 token to end one affliction on itself.
against Agility. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage
• 1 token to heal 2d6 damage or enable one ally in its zone
and is grabbed. A crawler can grab one creature at a time.
to heal 2d6 damage.
• 1 token to force one enemy within three zones to make a
Ktulian Infiltrator Will roll and, on a failure, become frightened of the
Level 3 Defense 11 Health 41 exalted until it overcomes the affliction with a successful
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 11 (+1) Will roll.
Languages Ktulian • 3 tokens to gain one action and use it immediately.
Amphibious The ktulian infiltrator can breathe when Amphibious The ktulian can breathe when submerged in
submerged in water. water.
Melee Attack—Fist Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On Psychic Torment At the end of the round, each Intellect
a success, the target takes 3d6 damage. impaired or Will impaired creature within the exalted
Change Shape As a minor action, the infiltrator transforms ktulian’s zone or adjacent ones takes 1d6 damage.
into human with any appearance it chooses. In this form, it Melee Attack—Tentacles Will with 1 boon against Defense. On
loses the Amphibious trait but deals an extra 2d6 damage a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and loses 1 Health.
with melee attacks. When the infiltrator attacks while it is in Exalted Assault As an action, the ktulian makes up to four
this form, it can choose to end this effect as part of the attack Tentacles attacks, but must make each attack against a
to deal an extra 2d6 damage if it succeeds on its roll, but it different target.
loses access to the change shape talent (luck ends). Ravage the Mind As an action, the exalted deals 4d6 damage
to each enemy in one zone within three zones. An enemy
makes a Will roll and takes an extra 4d6 damage and
Ktulian Chanter becomes dazed (luck ends) on a failure. A target injured by
Level 2 Defense 9 Health 35 this damage becomes stunned (luck ends). A target
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1) incapacitated by this damage dies.
Languages Ktulian The exalted ktulian can use this magical talent once. It
Immune blinded, deafened regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.
Gibbering The ktulian chanter makes gibbering noises that Pierce the Cranium As an action, the exalted ktulian targets
muddle the thoughts of other creatures. Enemies in the one or two creatures within three zones. Against each target,
chanter’s zone are Intellect impaired. make a Will roll with 1 boon against its Will. On a success,
Awareness The chanter knows where each creature and object the target takes 5d6 damage, and becomes Will impaired
within three zones of it is located. (luck ends). A target injured by this damage is also stunned
Amphibious The ktulian chanter can breathe when submerged (luck ends). A target incapacitated by this damage dies.
in water. The exalted can use this magical talent three times. It
Psychic Death When the chanter becomes incapacitated, each regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
enemy in its zone makes an Intellect roll with 1 boon and, on Telekinetic Barrier As a minor action, once per round, the
a failure, takes 3d6 damage and becomes stunned (luck exalted surrounds itself with an invisible barrier that moves
ends). with it for 1 hour, until it uses this magical talent again, or
Melee Attack—Claws and Tentacles Strength with 1 boon until the barrier is destroyed. The barrier has Health 20, and
against Defense. The target takes 1d6 damage. If the result of any damage the exalted takes from a non-supernatural
the roll is 20 or higher, a target also loses 1 Health. source is applied to the barrier instead. If the barrier is
Chanter Assault As an action, the chanter makes two Claws destroyed, make a luck roll and, on a success, the exalted
and Tentacles attacks, but must make each attack against a teleports to an empty space of your choice within three
different target. zones.
The exalted can use this magical talent three times. It
Exalted Ktulian regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Level 7 Defense 12 Health 104
Strength 4 (–6) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 16 (+6) Will 18 (+8)
Languages Ktulian
Immune blinded, deafened, frightened
Awareness The exalted ktulian knows where each creature
and object within three zones of it is located.
Synaptic Static Psychic noise wreaks havoc on enemies. Each
enemy in the exalted ktulian’s zone is Intellect and Will
impaired for as long as it remains there.

Lamia Assault As an action, the lamia makes up to four
Scimitar attacks, but must make each attack against a
different target.
Melee Attack—Tail Strength with 1 boon against Agility. On a
A grand entrance offers access to a temple built success, the target takes 3d6 damage and becomes grabbed.
inside a mountain. Fluted columns and giant The lamia can have one creature grabbed at a time and can
statues flank the high doors. Cherry blossoms extend the duration of the grab as a minor action. If the
target is already grabbed by the lamia, it instead loses 3d6
swirl in the perfume-scented air and when the
doors open, a vision of beauty emerges, bidding Sudden Tail Strike As a reaction when an enemy moves into
welcome to weary travelers to take their rest in the lamia’s zone, make a tail attack against that enemy.
sumptuous environs. Yet all this is nothing more
than illusion, a façade spun by a malicious
creature known as a lamia. The monster’s cruelty
Lamia Lair
A lamia chooses the appearance of its zone and
and hunger for the flesh and blood of the innocent
each adjacent zone. The lamia can make doors
are the stuff of legend.
disappear, conceal traps and hazards, make
Only by stripping away the illusions can the
creatures appear as other than they are, add
monster’s true nature be discovered. Instead of a
features or make features invisible. The illusions
temple or palace or house of plenty, the lamia
have visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile
dwells in ruins, filth, and squalor. Bones litter the
features. Any illusory feature that would deal
floors and the stench of rot and excrement hang
damage deals damage equal to 2d6 + the lamia’s
heavy in the air. Blank-eyed victims sit in cages,
level, though no more than once each round.
lost in the lamia’s fantasies until such time that the
Hazards and properties that would deal damage
lamia makes ready to dine on their fattened
but are concealed by illusions deal their normal
damage. Any illusions created by the lamia
Of the lamia, the handsome, inviting form
disappear if it is more than 1 zone away from it or
transforms to reveal four arms instead of two and
if the lamia becomes incapacitated.
a serpent’s tail instead of legs. The lamia’s
beautiful face curls into a cruel smirk and its evil
intent shows in the flaring of its eyes.
Lamias ensnare and enchant strangers. They
take from them their treasures and scatter them
about their lairs and devour their victims one by
one. If threatened, the lamia can rely on the
enchanted servants to defend it from attack.

Level 9 Defense 16 Health 115
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 16 (+6) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 16 (+6)
Languages Archaic, Common
Immune frightened; free attacks
Enhanced Intellect and Will The lamia makes Intellect rolls
and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
against its Intellect or Will.
Resilience The lamia makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
True Vision A lamia needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Fast When a lamia runs, it increases the number of zones it can
move by one.
Corrupting Whispers At the end of the round, each enemy in
the lamia’s zone that can hear and understand it makes a
Will roll with 1 bane. On a success, the enemy becomes
immune to this lamia’s Corrupting Whispers for 24 hours.
On a failure, the enemy becomes controlled by the lamia
until the end of the next round.
Melee Attack—Scimitars (keen +1d6, wounding) Strength
with 2 boons against Defense. On a success, the target takes
5d6 damage.

Grandfather Tree’s angels sprang from the seeds
that fell from his branches and now roam the
lands, watching over the woodlands and forests all
over the world. When not patrolling, they sink
their roots into the soil and these questing
appendages to entangle with other trees. The god
uses the network to communicate his wishes with
his offspring. Leshies might spend any amount of
time in this dormant state, and the songs they
make with creaking of their branches coaxes the
other trees to grow strong and true.
When angered or called to fight, a leshy uproots
itself from the ground and its body reveals itself to
have two long legs and powerful arms. The face-
like structure in its bark animates and its eyes
open to reveal glowing green orbs. Little can stand
up to an enraged leshy; its rootlike hands can turn
stones to powder and when it moves it squishes
anything too slow to move under its spatulate feet.

Level 8 Defense 10 Health 213
Strength 17 (+7) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 15 (+5)
Languages all
Immune poisoned; deprivation, exposure, infection,
Woodland Concealment If the leshy is in a wooded zone,
enemies cannot take the initiative until after the leshy takes
its first turn. The leshy then loses access to this trait until the
combat ends.
Flammable The leshy takes double damage from fire. When it
takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with 1 bane and
catches fire (luck ends) on a failure.
Night Vision A leshy treats dim light as bright light.
Trample When the leshy runs into a zone, each creature in that
zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes 3d6
damage and falls prone.
Unstoppable When the leshy runs, it can move into a space
that contains an obstacle. The obstacle takes damage equal
to twice the leshy’s Strength’s score. If the obstacle is
destroyed, the leshy can continue moving.
Leshy Fury Each time the leshy fails a roll, it gains 1 fury token.
When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its tokens
and makes a Fists attack.
Awakened Woodland At the end of the round, if the leshy is in
a zone that contains trees, each enemy in the zone takes 1d6
damage and makes an Agility roll. On a failure, an enemy
takes 3d6 damage, falls prone, and becomes immobilized
until it overcomes the affliction with a successful Strength
roll. If the leshy moves out of the zone, each enemy
immobilized in the zone it left ends the affliction on itself.
Melee Attack—Fist (concussing, reach) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
A target object takes 36 damage.
Leshy Assault As an action, the leshy makes two Fist attacks,
but must make each attack against a different target.
Ranged Attack—Boulder (range 12) Strength against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.

At over three hundred feet long, from the front of
its blunt head to the flukes of its tail, few, if any,
creatures in Erth’s waters exceed its size. Many
sailors have spotted its midnight blue hide,
remarked on the gleaming white patterns dotting
its back, but no one has ever bested this beast. The
harpoons bristling from its hide and the bones
tangled into the ropes it drags behind it tell the
tales of those who tried.
The leviathan might appear in the Sea of Fear
one day and a thousand leagues away the next. In
no way could the beast manage these speeds,
which leads some sailors to speculate that the
leviathan knows the hidden channels through the
world’s waters and uses them to move from ocean
to ocean in its need to sate its terrible hunger.
As challenging as the leviathan can be to fight,
the zones inside its body can house all manner of
strange things. Entire ships might sit inside the
beast, while old sailors, turned into ghouls from
having to resort to cannibalism in order to survive,
might greet the fools who thought to bring this
great whale to its end.

Level 11 Defense 15 Health 400
Strength 20 (+10) Agility 10 (+10) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 18
Night Vision A leviathan treats dim light as bright light.
Massive The leviathan fills a line of ten zones.
Swimmer A leviathan can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Gullet The leviathan’s gullet is a line of six dark, air-filled
zones. Each creature inside this zone is weakened until it
leaves the leviathan’s body. A creature can escape the
leviathan through its digestive system, but this counts as
moving through four zones. A creature can attempt to escape
through the leviathan’s mouth but the creature makes the
roll with 3 banes and takes 6d6 damage on a failure. If the
leviathan becomes incapacitated, it expels the content of its
gullet into empty spaces in front of its body.
Maw As an action, the leviathan swims up to two zones. Each
creature in a zone it enters makes an Agility roll with 1 bane.
On a success, a creature takes 20d6 damage and moves into
an adjacent zone. On a failure, a creature moves into the
leviathan’s gullet.
Fluke Slaps As a reaction when the leviathan enters a new
zone, each creature in the zone it leaves makes an Agility roll
with 3 banes. On a failure, a creature takes 10d6 damage and
becomes dazed (luck ends).

Immune asleep, frightened; damage from cold and fire;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Fearsome The liche imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
Few people are willing to relinquish greatness this trait.
once they have attained it. To have reached the Magic Resistance The liche takes half damage from magical
peak of one’s ability, to have exceeded all rivals, to sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
stand at the top, the idea that one would
1 boon.
surrender all the success is unthinkable. For the Resilience The liche makes a luck roll when it gains an
magician who masters magic, who learns more affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
than any, who becomes the envy of all others, True Vision A liche needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
death becomes just another obstacle to be sight.
overcome. Eternal Returns When it becomes incapacitated, the liche
Liches result when magicians refuse to die. crumbles to dust and re-forms 24 hours later in an empty
Using the most forbidden magic, they anchor their space within reach of its soul cage.
Dreadful Rebuke At the end of the round, each enemy that can
essential essence to soul cages so that if their reach the liche makes a Strength roll. On a failure, an
bodies should perish, the bound soul can remake invisible force throws the enemy into an adjacent zone of the
them from the wreckage of their bodies. Their liche’s choice, where it falls prone and becomes dazed until
physical forms can die again and again, but so long the end of the next round.
Melee Attack—Touch Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On a
as their soul remains on the mortal world, they
success, the target takes 4d6 damage and loses 2d6 Health.
return. Spectral Grasp As an action, the liche raises its hand toward
The methods for securing the soul against Lord one creature in it zone or in an adjacent one. Make an
Death requires a purposeful sundering of the soul Intellect roll with 2 boons against the target’s Strength. On a
success, the target rises 10 feet into the air and becomes
from the body. The liche achieves this by drinking immobilized (luck ends). A target makes the roll to end the
poison or using some other method to kill its flesh. affliction with 2 banes. Each time the target starts its turn
The prepared cage then snares the soul and the while it is immobilized in this way, it takes 16d6 damage. On
liche awakens in this vessel. From there, it can a failure, the liche regains the use of this talent 1 minute
awaken its corpse into state of unlife and control it
The liche can use this magical talent once. It regains the
as it did before death. use of it after 1 hour.
Often, when one thinks about liches, the image Flense As an action, the liche rakes a clawed hand at one
visualized is one of a withered animated corpse creature in it zone. Make an Intellect roll with 2 boons
against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target takes
dressed in the moldy rags of its former finery. This
12d6 damage. If the damage causes the target to become
image holds up for the oldest of their kind, usually incapacitated, the magic pulls the skin from its body, and
ones who have spent centuries in the world. Most, then, after being fully shucked, it dies screaming.
though, appear, more or less as they did before The liche can use this magical talent three times. It
regains the expended uses of them after 1 hour.
they transformed themselves into undead Dart of Darkness As an action, the liche sends one or more
abominations. And why should they appear rotten black missile from its hand at up to three creatures it can see
and decayed? After all, if they can triumph over within three zones. For each target, make an Intellect roll
death, they can certainly preserve their bodies. with 1 boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
target takes 6d6 damage and makes a luck roll. If the luck
The only way to truly kill a liche is to destroy its
roll fails, the target becomes blinded until the end of its next
soul cage. Unfortunately, liches keep these vessels turn.
hidden away, behind deadly traps and guarded by Crack the Mind As an action, the liche attempts to invade the
terrifying monsters. And even if the questors mind of one creature it can see in it zone. Make an Intellect
roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the target
breach the liche’s defenses, they must contend
becomes stunned (luck ends), and the liche learns all the
with it and the full force of the magic it has at its target’s secrets. On a failure, the target becomes dazed and
disposal. A soul cage is a magical object with Will impaired (luck ends both).
Defense 20 and Health 100. If the soul cage is The liche can use this magical talent once. It regains the
use of it after 1 hour.
destroyed, the liche loses the Eternal Returns
Horrid Glare As a minor action, once per round, the liche
talent. levels its gaze on one creature that it can see within three
This liche has mastered certain dark spells, zones. Make a Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s Will.
turning them into magical talents. You can replace On a success, the target becomes immobilized and weakened
these talents with spells from any traditions. (luck ends both). On a failure, the target becomes immune to
this liche’s Horrid Glare for 24 hours.
Level 9 Defense 18 Health 99
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 17 (+7) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common, Sylvan

Life Eater

The life eaters creep out of their lairs when night
falls. In the quiet darkness they hunt for living
things on which they feed. Having refused or been
prevented from accepting the finality of death, life
eaters steal life energy from living beings to
extend their own unnatural existence. Without it,
they wither away and crumble into greasy ashes.
Victims get a reprieve from life eaters during
daylight hours as the sunlight burns them like fire.
Once the horizon pinks, life eaters scramble for
cover. They hide in old cellars, in the muck at the
bottom of wells, tombs, caves, and anywhere the
hated light cannot reach.
Life eaters create more life eaters by draining
living people of all their essential vitality,
whatever motive force that keeps them alive.
Darkness flows in to fill the vacuum the draining
creates, and transforms the victims into pale
strangers, with huge black eyes, frizzed hair, and
mouths that issue a constant high-pitched whine.
Nothing remains of who they were the darkness
uses their bodies as tools to feed its insatiable

Life Eater
Level 3 Defense 11 Health 24
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages understands Archaic
Dark Vision A life eater needs no light to see in its zone.
Fearsome The life eater imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Burned by Sunlight If the life eater starts its turn in a zone lit
by direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
Spawn Life Eater Any living creature reduced to 0 Health by a
life eater stands up 1d6 rounds later as a new life eater and
it takes the next available turn. The new life eater uses the
rules for a life eater instead of the ones it used when it was
Life Draw At the end of the round, roll a d6 once for all life
eaters present in the combat. If there are two or more life
eaters in the same zone, add 1 to the die roll for each life
eater in that zone beyond the first. If the total of the roll is 6
or higher, each living enemy within two zones of zone
holding the most life eaters—if there’s a tie, choose one—
makes a Strength roll. On a failure, the enemy moves one
zone toward that zone and becomes weakened until the end
of the next round.
Melee Attack—Claws Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage and becomes
immobilized (luck ends).
Life Drain As an action, the life eater drains life from one
immobilized creature within its reach. The target loses 3d6
Health and becomes weakened for 24 hours. If the target is
already weakened, it loses an extra 1d6 Health. The life eater
heals 2d6 damage. Then, for 1 minute, it emits faint light
from its eyes and makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.

Living Statue
Living Statue Assault As an action, the living statue makes two
Fist attacks, but must make each attack against a different

Living statues blend into the rubble and wreckage

of ruined cities and settlements. When found, they
appear as ordinary stone statues, cracked and
weather, sculpted as people in various poses.
These are no ordinary statues, though. They are
very much alive.
Living statues have no difficulty remaining still.
They can go years without moving at all. But when
they do move, their unnatural nature shows itself
in the fluidity of their form, their poise, and
balance, and the lightness of their steps. One might
mistake them for creatures of flesh and blood, if
not for the hardness of their bodies and their
superhuman strength.
For generations, the living statues observed the
development of the peoples who rose after their
own civilization fell. The living statues took no
part in the struggles or tragedies they have
witnessed. But the influx of refugees and the
uncertainty created by the Weird Wizard’s
disappearance has come with reports of walking
and talking statuary, some of which have been
anything but peaceful in their dealings with
The New Lands once belonged to the living
statues, but the peoples who followed them picked
over their civilization’s corpse until only a few
ruins remain. The living statues see themselves as
monuments to their past and they fight to
preserve the memories of who they were once.

Living Statue
Level 4 Defense 14 Health 66
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Common, Living Statue
Immune poisoned; deprivation, exposure, infection,
Statue Disguise Until a living statue takes a turn, it appears as
an ordinary statue. During its first turn, it makes rolls to
attack with 1 boon.
True Vision A living statue needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Pass through Stone A living statue can enter and remain in or
move through solid stone objects. If the living statue
occupies the same space as an object and that object is
destroyed, make a luck roll. On a failure, the living statue’s
Health drops to 0.
Absorb Stone At the end of the round, if the living statue is in
contact with a stone surface, the surface loses 1d6 Health
and the statue heals 1d6 damage. In addition, if the living
statue places a gemstone in its mouth and bites down on it,
it heals damage equal to the gemstone’s value.
Melee Attack—Fist (concussing) Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.

and weigh about one hundred pounds. They have
boxy heads, with large, globular eyes on either
side, and large, toothy mouths.
Thin marsh islands rise up from the Sea of Fear a Chameleon lizardmen eat insects, frogs, smaller
couple miles north of the Jungles of Za and it is on lizards, and birds, but they’re not above eating
these islands that bipedal lizards live. The people when they can catch by surprise. With the
lizardmen, named by the first to encounter these growing number of gekomen and crocodilians,
reptile folk, thinking them all males due to a lack who both hunt them, chameleon lizardmen find
of female characteristics as well as lacking an profit in forming small groups, both to increase
understanding of reptile anatomy, might seem like the odds of their individual survival and to
people and do in fact have the rudiments of a cooperate when hunting to bring down larger
culture, but such developments seem recent or, prey.
possibly, are all that they lizardmen have left since Gekoman Rapid breeding helps the gekomen
some total collapse of an ancient civilization. survive against predation by their fellow
Lizardmen behave more like the apex predators lizardmen and spread throughout the Jungle of Za.
they are: they build no shelters, wear no clothing, Gekomen eat all they time and make a feast of
eat what they hunt and find, and possess a large foes through cooperation. They clash
language that lacks the means for expressing constantly with the nehe and crocodilians, and are
complex ideas. the most likely of the lizardmen to gather around
Varied physical differences seem to divide the the obelisks.
lizardmen into discrete peoples. From the safety of Gekomen appear as short, three foot tall, lizard
their boats, observers using spyglasses have seen humanoids, with long tails, slender limbs, and
lizardmen hunt different breeds of lizardmen, wedge-shaped heads. Their scaly bodies might be
suggesting that lizardmen do not see others as green, brown with black spots, yellow, pink, or,
fellows, but instead as competition or prey. The really, any color. They have enormous eyes that
major kinds of lizardmen are described below. help them see at night when they are most active.
Mottled Lizardman Named for their pebbly Crocodilian The strongest and the toughest of
orange and black hides, mottled lizardmen have the lizardmen, crocodilians have thick armored
hollow teeth that can inject a fast-acting venom plating all over their bodies. To go with their
into their victims’ bodies, causing weakness, superior physiques, they all have keen minds and
vomiting, and, heart stoppage. The mottled stand at the brink of taking the next evolutionary
lizardmen can move bipedally or quadrupedally, as step toward using tools, building shelters, and
they choose, and have long, curling claws to aid in using magic. This has not yet happened, but the
digging. A typical mottled lizardman stands eight signs are there and they work in small groups to
feet tall and weighs as much as five hundred hunt prey, which include intruders, game, and
pounds. other lizardmen. Crocodilians paint their bodies
Mottled lizardmen range outside the swamps and wear bones and colorful stones.
and can adapt to most warm environments. They
typically burrow into the ground and pass most of Mottled Lizardman
their time there until hunger stirs them. Level 4 Defense 13 Health 52
Territorial, they attack any other lizardmen that Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 12 (+2)
stray into their hunting grounds. Languages Lizardman
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Strength with 1 boon against
Armored Lizardman Armored lizardmen live Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage, makes a
in the bogs and mires, tidepools and marshy inlets. luck roll and, on a failure, becomes poisoned (luck ends).
They can be hostile when threatened, pull up from Melee Attack—Claws (keen +1d6) Strength against Defense.
the muck, stretching their long necks, to take a bite On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Lizardman Assault As an action, the mottled lizardman makes
out their foes. They appear as bipedal turtles, two Claws attacks, but must make each attack against a
about five feet tall and two hundred pounds, with different target.
hard shells covering their backs. They have brown,
gray, or black skin, and large beaked faces. Like Armored Lizardman
turtles, they can draw in their heads and limbs to Level 3 Defense 15 Health 20
protect themselves against attack. Strength 12 (+2) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 7 (–3) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Lizardman
Chameleon Lizardman The chameleon Swimmer An armored lizard can move one additional zone
lizardmen’s color-shifting hide makes them when it swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its
difficult to spot. Most stand four and a half feet tall

attribute rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes approximating chanted speech come from their
rolls to swim with 1 boon.
throats. Their eyes glow with a febrile light and
Melee Attack—Beak (brutal, wounding) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage. narrow tongues flicking the air, tasting for prey.
Protective Shell As a reaction when an enemy attacks the
armored lizardman, the lizardman draws itself into shell Dread Obelisk
before the roll and its Defense becomes 20 until the start of Level 2 Defense 0 Health 50
the lizardman’s next turn. Fearsome The obelisk imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
Chameleon Lizardman this trait.
Level 1/2 Defense 11 Health 11 Unholy Blessing When there is at least one creature in a zone
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0) that contains an obelisk, the runes etched onto its surface
Languages Lizardman emit dim light. The obelisk grants the following benefits and
Wilderness Concealment If the lizardman is in a wilderness drawbacks to creatures in its zone:
zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the • The creature is immune to the frightened affliction.
lizardman takes its first turn. The lizardman then loses • The creature makes rolls to attack with 1 boon.
access to this trait until the combat ends. • The creature makes rolls to perform any activity other
Climber When the chameleon lizardman uses a move to climb, than attack with 1 bane.
it can climb into an adjacent zone; it can climb across Dark Gift When a creature in the obelisk’s zone becomes
ceilings and overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack incapacitated, it dies. Each other creature in the zone regains
it; and it makes rolls to climb with 1 boon. 1d6 Health and becomes immune to deprivation for 24
Melee Attack—Teeth Strength with 1 boon against Defense. hours. A creature can benefit from this trait just once per 24-
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. hour period.

Level 1/2 Defense 11 Health 9
Strength 9 (–1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 8 (–2)
Languages Lizardman
Night Vision A gekoman treats dim light as bright light.
Climber When the gekoman uses a move to climb, it can climb
into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Teeth Agility against Defense, with 1 boon if
the target has already been attacked in this round. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Level 3 Defense 15 Health 45
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Lizardman
Night Vision A crocodilian treats dim light as bright light.
Swimmer A crocodilian can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Teeth Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. A prone target
takes an extra 1d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Tail Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage and makes an Agility
roll. On a failed roll, the target falls prone.

Lizardmen Obelisks
Throughout the islands where lizardmen live
stand thirteen-foot-tall obelisks of black stone on
which has been scrawled strange, squiggly writing.
The writing emits a nauseous green light when a
living thing comes close. The lizardmen appear
fascinated by these things, though it’s doubtful
that they carved them since lizardmen have not
yet developed tool use. Lizardmen become wild in
the presence of an obelisk and sounds

When human followers of the Horned Lord gave
into their bestial impulses by killing devotees of
Sister Moon for the sole purpose of killing, the god
cursed them. The curse caused these humans to
transform into beasts in the light of the full moon
to remind them of the wrong they committed. The
Horned Lord turned from these people and left
them to fend for themselves. The curse lingers in
their blood and the victims passed the stain of it
down through all of their descendants.
The curse of lycanthropy forces the victim to
adopt an animal or animal-hybrid form. In these
forms, the people lose themselves to become
ravenous monsters. The curse torments its
victims, as it prevents them from living normal
live. Invariably, the lycanthrope makes victims of
its loved ones when the change comes upon them.
A lycanthrope in human form uses whatever
rules are appropriate: priest, necromancer, knight,
or commoner. In this form, they are as vulnerable
to harm as anyone and the curse lays dormant.
When they transform, they become killing
machines, driven by unnatural hunger to slaughter
and feed on the remains.
Passing the Curse: A living, mortal creature
incapacitated by a lycanthrope becomes cursed
until the lycanthrope who bestowed the curse is
slain. While it is cursed in this way, the creature
transforms and uses the following rules one night
each month when the moon is full.

Level 5 Defense 13 Health 58
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Common
Immune frightened
Regeneration At the end of the round, the lycanthrope heals
1d6 damage.
Silver Vulnerability When a lycanthrope takes damage from a
silvered weapon or ammunition, it loses an amount of
Health equal to the damage taken.
Night Vision A lycanthrope treats dim light as bright light.
Murderous If the lycanthrope gets a result of 5 or lower on a
roll to attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the
first one.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (punishing) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6
Lycanthrope Assault As an action, the lycanthrope two Claws
and Teeth attacks, but must make each attack against a
different target.
Aggressive As a reaction when the lycanthrope sees an enemy,
the lycanthrope can move to where it can reach one enemy
in its zone or an adjacent one.

Strength 9 (–1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common
Melee Attack—Knife Agility against Defense. On a success, the
target takes 1d6 damage.
Magic might be everywhere, but the people who Abjuration Spells lesser healing
can wield it with anything that comes close to Aeromancy Spells gust
proficiency are few. It takes talent, drive, and Order Spells force missile
ability to make a serious go at casting spells and
even the ones who manage it rarely learn more Druid
than a couple of spells. Rather, true magic-users Level 8 Defense 13 Health 59
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 13 (+3)
attain their standing after training and time, and Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common
hold positions of considerable influence in the Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
land. A wizard might stand at a king’s side offering against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
council and wisdom, while a foul necromancer Order Spells implosion, law hammer
Pyromancy Spells fireball, pyroclastic strike
could work dark magic in a tower of bones in the Eldritch Flames As an action, the druid throws magical green
center of a blighted lands. Witches, warlocks, flames at one creature in it zone and makes an Intellect roll
sorcerers, and more might be great allies or deadly against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 7d6
foes. damage.
On either a success or a failure, green flames limn the
Hedge Mage More dabblers than accomplished druid’s hands, emitting dim light for 1 hour or until the
spellcasters, hedge mages learn spells that make druid extinguishes them.
them useful to would-be employers. They also Signs and Portents As a reaction when a creature in the
have broad educations and can converse about a druid’s zone makes an attribute roll or a luck roll, the druid
enables the creature to roll an additional d20. The druid
variety of subjects. Hedge mages might run decides which result is used.
specialty shops in large communities or hire The druid can use this magical talent six times. The druid
themselves out to adventurers and the like. regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Druid The druids manipulate events to produce Meddle The druid can help or hinder as a minor action.
outcomes they desire. They throw their support
behind agents they choose for their talents, Necromancer
Level 4 Defense 10 Health 23
birthrights, or some other quality, and then Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 13 (+3)
discard them when no longer useful. Some druids Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common
might appear as forces for good, but just as many Death Delayed When an effect from a source other than the
stand alongside the forces of corruption and necromancer causes an ally to lose Health, the necromancer
reduces the amount of Health lost by half the ally’s level.
darkness. Druids do what they believe is best for Sword (keen +1d6) Strength against Defense. On a success, the
achieving their secret goals. target takes 1d6 damage.
Necromancer Necromancy, like any tool, can be Necromancy Spells death smoke, flay, life drain, grave grasp.
good or evil. Surely, necromancers exist who
possess noble, even virtuous intentions, but most Sorcerer
study the magic for wicked ends, to subvert the Level 8 Defense 13 Health 91
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 13 (+3)
natural order and make slaves of the dead. A Languages Arcane, Archaic, Common
typical villainous necromancer embraces all the Melee Attack—Dagger Agility against Agility. On a success, the
trappings of undead and often wears clothing target takes 1d6 damage.
stitched from humanoid skin, bone-adorned and Dark Arts Spells liquefy, oubliette, release demon, vivisection
Sorcerous Blast As an action, the sorcerer sends a magical
stained. Such individuals always keep company blast of black lightning at one enemy within three zones.
with their undead creations. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success,
A necromancer is always encountered in the the target takes 7d6 damage, and becomes cursed (luck
company of four walking dead. See the ends).
Sorcerous Shield As a reaction when an enemy the sorcerer
Necromancy tradition for details. can see makes a roll to attack them, the sorcerer can impose
Sorcerer Evil spirits grant magical knowledge 2 banes on the roll. If the enemy's attack still succeeds, the
to the sorcerers. Such congress leaves these sorcerer takes half damage.
magic-users sullied, stained, corrupted beyond
redemption, such that they show the ruin of their
souls in their very flesh. Most sorcerers crave
power and take it by any available means.

Hedge Mage
Level 1 Defense 10 Health 9

After a dozen hunters and trappers vanished in
the Misty Vale, a deep valley in the Middle
Mountains, three seasoned rangers went in to
investigate. Of the three, only one returned and he
was never the same, mumbling about the
squealing, the claws, the horror. The rangers and
the hapless woodsfolk who preceded them fell
victim to the dreaded man-bear-pig.
The idea of a creature combining the qualities of
man, bear, and pig might seem ludicrous, but its
squealing cries that sound from time to time send
thrills of fear through anyone with the misfortune
to hear it. The few people to have seen it confirm
that the it does have qualities of all the creatures
for which it is named. It is bipedal humanoid
figure of considerable size and bulk, covered in
coarse black hair, and with the facial features of a
tusked wild hog.
The man-bear-pig keeps to itself for the most
part, rarely showing itself, but it leaves signs
everywhere. Gouges in tree trunks mark places
where it has sharped its tusks, mounds of scat,
huge piles of the stuff, and the tell-tale prints of
cloven hooves all reveal the presence of this

Level 6 Defense 13 Health 110
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 14 (+4)
Immune Strength impaired, Agility impaired
Fearsome The man-bear-pig imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
to this trait.
Night Vision A man-bear-pig treats dim light as bright light.
Ferocious When the man-bear-pig is harmed, it makes rolls to
attack with 1 boon until the end of the next round.
Vicious When a man-bear-pig rolls damage, it rolls an
additional time and uses the higher total.
Rampage At the end of the round, roll a d6. On a 4 or higher,
the man-bear-pig’s attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage until
the end of the next round.
Melee Attack—Fists and Tusks Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
Man-Bear-Pig Assault The man-bear-pig makes two Fists and
Tusks attacks, but must make each attack against a different
Aggressive As a reaction when the man-bear-pig sees an
enemy, the man-bear-pig can move to where it can reach one
enemy in its zone or an adjacent one.

Manticores have no place in this world. They are
monsters, vicious things born from evil magic to
terrorize other beings. A manticore has the body
of a lion, though covered in filthy, matted red fur.
Great black, leathery wings unfurl from its
shoulder blades and a long, insectoid scorpion tail
extends from its hindquarters, stinger dripping
venom. If these features are not bad enough, add
to them a human head with a mane of black fur.
The manticore’s face appears male or female, but
with bestial characteristics of a darkened nose,
deep set eyes, and a mouth fringed in sharp teeth
similar to those found in a shark’s mouth.
Centaurs know manticores better than anyone.
They have grieved the loss of the foals these
monsters snatch and despite hunting them and
guarding against them, the manticores continue to
vex them no matter how far they travel across the
plains. The manticores thrive in the grasslands
and seem to take special pleasure in tormenting
the horse folk.

Level 6 Defense 15 Health 118
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Manticore
Immune frightened
Night Vision A manticore treats dim light as bright light.
Flight A manticore can move by flying while it is not injured.
Sadistic When the manticore harms a creature, the manticore
makes attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of its next
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Stinger (reach) Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage and
becomes poisoned (luck ends). Each time a target poisoned
in this way fails a roll to end the affliction, it loses 1d6
Manticore Assault The manticore makes two Claws and Teeth
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
Instinctive Sting As a reaction when an enemy moves into the
manticore’s zone, the manticore attacks that enemy with its

not trigger free attacks. Then, for 1 minute, the
marid makes Will rolls with 1 boon.
Once the marid uses this trait, it loses access to it for 1
The marid come from the Four Kingdoms, a realm
though to exist on the other side of the world.
Exploration and the lure of commerce drew

explorers across the seas to make landfall on the
shores of the New Lands, where they have done
their best to acclimate to the societies they have
discovered here. Most marid aim for peaceful
relations; successful trade drives most of their

Marid Observer
The marid claim to have come in peace and show
themselves eager to conduct business, but many
suspect them of having an ulterior motive. Some
marid are genuine in their dealings with others,
but a few see the New Lands as a place they might
plunder of resources with a ready population they
might clap in chains of servitude. The marid
observer works for their marid and gathers
information about local leaders, religious groups,
and anyone that might interfere with their plans of

Marid Observer
Level 2 Defense 11 Health 18
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Common, Marid
Melee Attack—Rapier Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Aeromancy Spells forked lighting, gust, leap
Observation As a minor action, the marid targets one creature
it can see within three zones. Until the marid uses this talent
again, the marid makes rolls to attack the target with 1 boon,
its attacks against it deal an extra 1d6 damage, and the
marid imposes 1 bane on the target’s rolls to attack it.
Disperse As a reaction when the marid becomes injured, it
becomes invisible until the end of its turn and gains a move
which it must use before the end of its turn without enabling
its enemies to make free attacks against it.
Elemental Outburst As reaction after the marid is harmed, it
can use this trait to release elemental energy from within its
body. Roll a d20 to see what happens.
1–5 Wind blasts each creature within reach. An affected
creature makes a Strength roll and, on a failure, is
moved out of the marid’s reach. Then, for 1 minute,
the marid makes Agility rolls with 1 boon.
6–10 The ground trembles around the marid. Each
creature on the ground in its reach makes an
Agility roll and, on a failure, falls prone. Then, for 1
minute, the marid makes Strength rolls with 1
11–15 Fire rushes out from the marid’s body. Each
creature in reach makes an Agility roll and, on a
failure, takes 1d6 damage. Then, for 1 minute, the
marid makes Intellect rolls with 1 boon.
16–20 Water gathers around the marid and carries it to
safety. The marid can move to any space it chooses
in its zone or an adjacent one. This movement does

Ruinous Pulse As an action, the mechanical releases a
destructive pulse from its body that spreads out in all
directions out to a range of six zones. The pulse deals 5d6
damage to each creature or object in these zones. A creature
People feel the mechanical’s approach long before makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. On a failure, a creature
it shows itself. The ground shakes with each step it takes an extra 5d6 damage and becomes stunned until the
takes, and then the screech of metal on metal and end of its next turn.
Once the mechanical uses this magical talent, it loses
chuffing sounds of machinery fill the air causes
access to it (luck ends).
animals to scatter in panic. And when finally
revealed, the gigantic, ambulatory machine
smashes everything in its path, heedless of the

obstacles it encounters.
The mechanical appeared in the New Lands not
long after the Weird Wizard vanished and since, it
has roamed the countryside, tearing up the
landscape almost as if it was searching for
something or someone.
The automaton has the form of an armored
humanoid, thirty feet tall. Pistons in its arms and
legs give it mobility and a giant motor on its back
generates the energy it needs to move. Faceted
jewels crown its head and it appears to use them
to see. A few dents and scratches mar its body,
signs of failed efforts to destroy it.

Level 11 Defense 19 Health 219
Strength 19 (+9) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 19 (+9)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, impaired,
poisoned; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Damage Resistance A mechanical takes half damage from
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Resilience The mechanical makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Magic Resistance The mechanical takes half damage from
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
effects with 1 boon.
True Vision A mechanical needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Fast When a mechanical runs, it increases the number of zones
it can move by one.
Trample When the mechanical runs into a zone, each creature
in that zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature
takes 4d6 damage and falls prone.
Deafening Alarm At the end of the round, if the mechanical
took damage, it emits a high-pitched siren until the end of
the next round. The noise is audible from 1 mile away and
causes creatures within six zones of the mechanical to
become deafened for as long as the siren sounds and for 1
hour after it ends.
Explosive Demise When incapacitated, the mechanical
explodes to deal 20d6 damage to each creature and object
within six zones. A creature makes a luck roll and takes an
extra 20d6 damage on a failure. The explosion fully
consumes the mechanical.
Melee Attack—Claws (brutal, keen +1d6, reach) Strength with
1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 10d6
Mechanical Assault As an action, the mechanical makes two
Claws attacks, but must make each attack against a different

controlled enemy is harmed, it can make a Will roll and ends
the affliction on itself with a success.
Shriek As an action, or as a reaction when harmed, the siren
shrieks. Each creature that hears the shriek, is not a merrow,
Just about anyone who sails the seas or who and is within three zones of the siren takes 3d6 damage, and
makes their livings from fishing has a story about each object within this range takes 18 damage. A creature
the merrows, about how they cut the nets, lure makes a Strength roll and, on a failure, takes an extra 3d6
damage and becomes stunned (luck ends).
sailors to their doom, and come aboard in the
darkest hours of the night to make ghost ships of
the seafaring vessels. Merrows resent mortal
intrusion into their waters and see any ship or
boat who comes into their territory as fair game.
Merrows are blue or green-skinned humanoids
with fish tails instead of legs. The fierce hunters
wear thick beards, while sirens appear comely.
Sirens lure victims into the reach of hunting
parties who butcher their foes with practiced ease.

Merrow Hunter
Level 1 Defense 11 Health 19
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Merrow
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The merrow is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Night Vision A merrow treats dim light as bright light.
Amphibious The merrow can breathe when submerged in
Swimmer A merrow can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Trident Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
If the target has already been attacked in this round, the roll
is with 2 boons instead. On a success, the target takes 2d6

Merrow Siren
Level 3 Defense 11 Health 23
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Merrow
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The merrow is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Enchanting Appearance An enemy makes a Will roll with 1
bane when it first sees the siren. On a failure, the enemy
becomes Intellect impaired for 1 hour or until harmed. On a
success, the enemy becomes immune to the siren of all
sirens for 24 hours.
Night Vision A merrow treats dim light as bright light.
Amphibious The merrow can breathe when submerged in
Swimmer A merrow can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Knife Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Bewitching Song As an action, the siren starts singing and
continues to sing as long as it uses an action on its turn. Each
enemy within ten zones of the siren that can hear the song
makes an Intellect roll with 1 bane. On a success, an enemy
becomes immune to the Bewitching Song of all sirens for 24
hours. On a failure, an enemy becomes controlled by the
siren until it stops singing, which it can do at any time. If a

Muttering Maw
Heaving stomping and the spatter of slimy drool
announce the muttering maw’s approach. A
monster of dim intelligence, it wanders about to
feed its prodigious appetite. When it catches
something in its paw like appendages, it stuffs
them inside the mouth that cuts across the top of
its headless torso. No one knows from where they
came and they lack numbers enough to pose
danger on a large scale, but they are hungry
enough to trouble people who cross paths with
A muttering maw has a large, bulky torso with a
mouth that bisects its body, opening between its
two powerful shoulders. Rotten brown teeth
crowd the gaping wound of its mouth and foul
slime leaks out from the sides, splashing between
its legs and leaving a trail behind it wherever it
goes. It has strong limbs, and its arms end in three
fingered hands.

Muttering Maw
Level 5 Defense 10 Health 148
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 7 (–3) Will 13 (+3)
Immune blinded, deafened, frightened
Fearsome The muttering maw imposes 1 bane on rolls to
attack it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is
immune to this trait.
Horrid Doubling At the end of the round, roll a d6. On a 6, the
muttering maw becomes stunned until the end of the next
round, but a new muttering maw crawls out of the old
muttering maw’s mouth and takes the next available turn.
Once the muttering maw produces another muttering
maw in this way, it must wait 24 hours before it can do so
Awareness The muttering maw knows where each creature
and object within three zones of it is located.
Melee Attack—Fist Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage. If the result of the
roll is 20 or higher, the target also becomes grabbed.
Melee Attack—Maw (brutal) Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. If the muttering maw is grabbing the target, the
maw makes the roll with 3 boons instead. On a success, the
target takes 4d6 damage.
Murttering Maw Assault As an action, if the muttering maw
has a creature grabbed, the muttering maw makes a Fist
attack and a Maw attack against that creature.

alter their physical form so they appear as
members of other ancestries.
Thonian The Thonians cling to the memory of
Few people have ever heard of the Thonian their fallen civilization, and have retained enough
Empire, let alone have any idea that this knowledge to utilize artifacts recovered from the
civilization thrived some twenty thousand years depths. Thonians dress in diaphanous robes,
ago before it slid beneath the waves following a jeweled rings, necklaces, and headdresses. They
terrible cataclysm. Sailors who traveled beyond speak the Thonian tongue only.
the Sea of Fear report spotting a ruins atop a Thonian Elucidators The elucidators fight a
scattering of islands that form the Shattered losing battle to preserve their kind. These
Lands, but in a world as old and as storied as Erth, individuals have kept themselves alive for
ruins are common enough that their existence thousands of years by pumping themselves full of
arouses little suspicion. The ruins on these islands, strange chemicals that have driven them all
however, are all that’s left of this ancient and hopelessly insane. Their madness blinds them to
terrible nation and the crumbling monuments the futility of trying to rebuild what was lost. The
shelter the degenerated remnants of their elucidators don black robes embroidered in weird
civilization. symbols. The robes come with tall pointed hoods
Thonian Empire appeared not long after that leave their snake-like visages exposed.
refugees from an unraveling reality slipped
through a gate and settled on the subcontinent Naga Degenerate
that holds the Jungles of Za. The settlers brought Level 1/2 Defense 11 Health 11
with them advanced technology that allowed them Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 8 (–2)
stamp out resistance of the indigenous humans Languages Thonian
Night Vision A naga treats dim light as bright light.
and enslave them. With a large labor force and the Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Strength against Defense. On
technological wonders that they had salvaged a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, makes a luck roll
from their home world, the Thonians built a and, on a failure, becomes poisoned (luck ends).
powerful empire that spread nearly half of all Erth. Melee or Ranged Attack—Javelin (thrown 2) Strength
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
For all its power, flaws riddled the civilization.
The naga discovered they were ill-suited to adapt
Naga Shapeshifter
to this world and after a few generations, their Level 1 Defense 11 Health 16
numbers diminished due to hardship, disease, and Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 9 (–1)
a shrinking numbers of eggs. To save themselves, Languages Common, Thonian
the brightest worked to merge their kind with that Night Vision A naga treats dim light as bright light.
Murderous If the shapeshifter gets a result of 5 or lower on a
of their slaves, and produced all manner of roll to attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the
abominations, some of which have since evolved first one.
into monsters that terrorize the world to this day. Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength against Defense.
The horrors perpetrated by these desperate On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Strength against Defense. On
efforts saw a slave uprising that culminated with a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, makes a luck roll
the collapse of the Thonian empire and the sliding and, on a failure, becomes poisoned (luck ends).
of most of its lands into the deeps. Of the humans Shapeshift As an action, the naga transforms itself to become a
who threw off their chains, they fled to the Jungles creature of flesh and blood with a humanoid shape. Its uses
it normal rules regardless of its appearance.
of Za and, their descendants would orchestrate
their own fall into barbarism.
Generally, naga appear as humanoids with
Level 2 Defense 11 Health 21
serpent heads and scaly bodies. Experimentation Strength 9 (–1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
with magic and science have led to the creation of Languages Thonian
many strange offshoots, some appearing almost Night Vision A naga treats dim light as bright light.
Melee Attack—Shock Lance Agility with 1 boon against
humans, others revolting to all. Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage, and
Naga Degenerate Most nagas are degenerates, becomes Strength impaired (luck ends).
the most wretched of their kind. They speak a Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Strength against Defense. On
pidgin of the Thonian tongue and use simple tools a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, makes a luck roll
and, on a failure, becomes poisoned (luck ends).
for hunting. Ranged Attack—Devastator Pistol (range 4) Intellect with 1
Naga Shapeshifter The shapeshifters descend boon against Agility. On a success, the target takes 3d6
from the naga who sought to integrate into their damage. If the damage causes the target to become
enemies’ societies and have an innate ability to incapacitated, the target, along with everything it wears and

carries, dies and disappears. On a failure, make a luck roll.
On a failure, the weapon runs out of charges and counts as a

Level 4 Defense 12 Health 35
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 16 (+6) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Thonian
Fearsome The elucidator imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Magic Resistance The naga takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
Night Vision A naga treats dim light as bright light.
Melee Attack—Staff of Serpents Agility with 1 boon against
Agility. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage and
becomes Strength impaired and poisoned (luck ends both).
Melee Attack—Venomous Fangs Agility with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage, makes a
luck roll and, on a failure, becomes poisoned (luck ends).
Dread Coercion As an action, the elucidator invades the mind
of one creature in it zone or an adjacent one. Make an
Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a success, the target
becomes controlled by the elucidator (luck ends).
The elucidator can use this talent once. It regains the use
of it after a full night’s rest.
Invisible Fire As an action, the elucidator inundates one
creature in its zone or an adjacent one with invisible fire that
deals 1d6 damage. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the target takes an extra 3d6 damage
and becomes poisoned (luck ends).
The elucidator can use this talent three times. It regains
expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.

faces behind animal masks. They hoot, shriek, and
bark like the animals they resemble.
Mutant Creeper The boneless creepers
The old Empire fell and darkness swept over its infiltrate communities, gather information, and
lands. The emperor’s sorcerers battled with vile assassinate their leaders Their efforts can bring a
warlocks in flaming skies to decide the fate of the community to its knees even without a full mutant
mightiest nation ever, but the more magic they attack. Creepers favor long hooded cloaks that can
used, the more chaos they created until the be drawn low enough to cast their monstrous
Empire at last expired. Most fled, but a few stayed faces into shadow. Many take trophies from their
behind and those few soon found themselves victims; its common to see one with a child’s
altered, warped into broken forms. stuffed animal hanging from its belt or a necklace
The survivors became mutants, once human of ears around its neck.
descendants forced into unlikely and appalling Terror Hulk Not even the warp masters can
forms by the reckless magic let loose on the control the terror hulks, so violent and aggressive
Empire’s ruins. If these changes affected their are they. The best they can do is to imprison their
bodies alone, perhaps they would have realized heads in cages so that they at least can’t bite their
the fault in staying where they were, but the allies. At nine feet tall and close to six hundred
transformation infected their minds, freighting pounds, mutants accept the risks of bringing these
them with cruel impulses and uncontrollable brutes along if it means smashing down walls and
anger. tearing knights from their steeds.
The mutants worship the forces of destruction Warp Knight The silent warp knights stride
that had changed them and their interpretations into battle wearing black armor that has become
of the burning skies and the upheaving earth told fused to their bodies. So completely does their
them to spread forth and conquer, to remake other armor encase their forms that not even their eyes
peoples in their own, hideous image. Now, with show. Strange magic courses through the armor
the Old Country in its own troubles, there’s plates and in the darkness of that matte armor one
nothing and no one to stop the mutants as they might spy monstrous visages and alien vistas.
march to conquer. Warp Master The warp masters take their
Wretch The majority making up the mutant orders from the magic storms raging over their
host are wretches. Each one is a study in how homelands for they, and they alone, can pick out
deadly their homeland has become, how strange the messages between the booms of thunder and
its effects on those who were once human. scream of wind. Masters visualize other lands in
Wretches have humanoid shapes, but thick, purple their minds’ eyes and believe them to be the very
scars, folds of hanging flesh, tumescent nodules, sites their powers wish them to destroy.
misshapen limbs make their lives misery. A few Warp masters appear as appalling things of
lose the ability to walk and must drag themselves tissue and bone, without any trace of their former
across the ground. The pain they endure leaves humanity left. They are floating clots of meat,
little room for humanity and thus they form into bristling with teeth, hair, and rolling eyes. When
bloodthirsty mobs, driven to share their suffering they use their magic, unseemly bulges form in
to everyone they find. bodies, stretching and sometimes bursting to
Warp Caster Warp casters learned how to tame release spurts of pus splashing onto the ground.
the wild magic running amok through the
Devastation and channel its energies through iron Mutant Wretch
staffs capped with metal rings. Their skill at Level 1/2 Defense 9 Health 15
magic-use earns them a higher standing in their Strength 11 (+1) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 12 (+2)
society and when at large, they travel in the Languages Archaic
Unhinged The mutant grants 1 boon on rolls against its
company of wretches. Warp casters wear long Intellect or its Will.
black robes with tall, pointed black hats that cover Appalling Explosion When it becomes incapacitated, the
the sides of their faces but leave their faces bare. wretch explodes. Each creature in its zone makes a luck roll
The robes bear glyphs the bearers believe protect and, on a failure, takes 1d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Club Strength against Defense. On a success,
them from their magic. the target takes 1d6 damage.
Mutant Marauder The marauders lead the
charge into battle. They armor their bodies in Mutant Warp Caster
leathers dyed in ludicrous colors and conceal their Level 4 Defense 10 Health 39
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 14 (+4)

Languages Archaic Uncontrollable If the terror hulk lacks the Caged Head trait, it
Unhinged The mutant grants 1 boon on rolls against its treats all other creatures as enemies.
Intellect or its Will. Unhinged The mutant grants 1 boon on rolls against its
Melee Attack—Quarterstaff Strength against Defense. On a Intellect or its Will.
success, the target takes 1d6 damage. Melee Attack—Maul Strength against Defense, with 1 boon if
Warp Strike As an action, the warp caster hurls multicolored the hulk has the Uncontrollable trait. On a success, the target
energy at one creature within nine zones of it. The warp takes 5d6 damage. If the result of the roll is 15 or higher and
caster makes a Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s the hulk has the Uncontrollable trait, it tries to bite one
Strength. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage and other creature in its zone: it makes a Strength roll with 1
catches fire (luck ends). boon against the target’s Agility. On a successful roll, the
On either a success or a failure, the warp caster makes a target takes 3d6 damage.
luck roll. On a failed roll, the warp caster takes 4d6 damage, Aggressive As a reaction when the terror hulk sees an enemy,
and each other creature or object in its zone takes 2d6 the terror hulk can move to where it can reach one enemy in
damage. A creature other than the warp caster makes a luck its zone or an adjacent one.
roll and takes an extra 2d6 damage on a failed roll. If this
damage incapacitates the warp caster, it and everything it
wears or carries disappears.
Mutant Warp Knight
Level 5 Defense 20 (full plate, shield) Health 53
The warp caster can use this magical talent three times. It
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 15 (+5)
regains all expended uses of it 1 hour after it expends the
third one. Languages Archaic
Unhinged The mutant grants 1 boon on rolls against its
Seize the Warp As an action, the warp caster regains a use of
Intellect or its Will.
Warp Strike and uses it immediately. It makes the luck roll
Reality Distortion Reality is distorted in the warp knight’s
with 1 bane, however, and takes double damage on a failed
zone, causing all creatures in it other than warp knights to
luck roll.
make Intellect rolls, Will rolls, and luck rolls with 1 bane.
Explosive End When the warp knight becomes incapacitated,
Mutant Marauder it catches fire. At the end of the round, the warp knight
Level 3 Defense 13 (leather) Health 36 explodes, and each other creature or object in its zone takes
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1) 2d6 damage. A creature makes a luck roll and takes an extra
Languages Archaic 2d6 damage on a failure. The explosion kills the warp knight
Unhinged The mutant grants 1 boon on rolls against its and consumes everything the warp knight wears or carries.
Intellect or its Will. Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
Fast When a marauder runs, it increases the number of zones it against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
can move by one.
Murderous If the marauder gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll
to attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Mutant Warp Master
Level 6 Defense 11 Health 88
Strength 8 (–2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 16 (+6)
Melee Attack—Sword and Axe (keen +1d6) Strength with 1
Languages Archaic
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
Immune blinded, deafened, frightened
Fearsome The warp master imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
Mutant Creeper to this trait.
Level 3 Defense 14 (leather) Health 38 Protected If a warp master has three or more allies in its zone,
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1) it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Languages Archaic Resilience The warp master makes a luck roll when it gains an
Immune free attacks affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Malleable A mutant creeper can squeeze through an opening Leadership The warp master grants 1 boon on the attribute
at least 1 inch wide. rolls of allies in its zone.
Unhinged The mutant grants 1 boon on rolls against its Awareness The warp master knows where each creature and
Intellect or its Will. object within three zones of it is located.
Melee Attack—Daggers Agility with 1 boon against Defense. Airborne A warp master moves only by flying and can hover.
On a success, a target takes 3d6 damage. If the result of the Strange Expulsion When a creature in the warp master’s zone
roll is 15 or higher, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. If uses magic, the warp master makes a luck roll. On a success,
the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target makes a something foul squirts at the creature, which causes the
Strength roll. On a failed roll, it becomes dazed (luck ends). creature to become weakened (luck ends).
While it is dazed, the target loses 1 Health at the end of each Melee Attack—Tentacle Agility against Defense. On a success,
round. the target takes 4d6 damage, loses 1d6 Health, and becomes
Creeper Assault As an action, the creeper makes two dagger weakened until after a full night’s rest. If the target is already
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target. weakened, it loses an additional 1d6 Health instead.
Warp Strike As an action, the warp master sends one or two
beams of shifting color speeding toward the same number of
Mutant Terror Hulk creatures in a zone within six zones of it. A target takes 1d6
Level 5 Defense 8 Health 99
damage. Then, the warp master makes a Will roll with 1
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 7 (–3) Will 14 (+4)
boon against each target’s Agility. On a success, the target
Languages Archaic
takes 3d6 damage and becomes Strength impaired (luck
Caged Head The terror hulk makes rolls to attack with 1 bane.
When the terror hulk becomes injured, it loses this trait until
a new cage is installed on its head.

On either a success or a failure, if the warp master
targeted two creatures, it teleports them to cause them to
swap positions.
Warp Form As a minor action, the warp master distorts the
form of one ally within three zones of it. The target becomes
stunned until the end of its next turn. For 1 hour after the
affliction ends, the target gains the following benefits: It
increases its Health by 10, its attacks deal an extra 1d6
damage, and it gains the Fearsome trait.
The warp master can use this magical talent three times.
It regains all expended uses of it 1 hour after it expends the
third use.
Confusion Field As a minor action, the warp master causes a
multicolored field of energy to appear across each border of
one zone within three zones of it. The field remains for 1
minute. Each creature that crosses an affected border makes
a Will roll and, on a failure, takes 3d6 damage and becomes
stunned (luck ends).
The warp master can use this magical talent once. It
regains the use of it after 1 hour.

Mutant Beasts
The Devastation spares nothing. The mutants
found ways to put some of the stranger creations
to good use.
Slug Steed Swollen to the size of horses, slug
steeds they have purple hides with yellow
mottling. Tall eyestalks emerge from their heads
above soft, dripping maws that drip corrosive
juices. They carry warp knights into battle.
Sniffer Hounds Sniffer hounds were people
selectively bred by the mutants for finding and
tracking prey, and years of debasement and
brutality has turned them into things like beasts.
The sniffer hounds crawl over the ground on all
fours and use the great, tube of a nostril that
occupies their face to pick up the faintest scents.

Slug Steed
Level 2 Defense 8 Health 28
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 9 (–1)
Languages understands, but cannot speak, Archaic
Mount A slug steed can carry an ally as a rider.
Corrosive Spittle As an action, the slug spits acid at one
creature in its zone or an adjacent one. It makes a Strength
roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes
2d6 damage and becomes Strength impaired (luck ends). At
the end of each round while the target is Strength impaired
in this way, it loses 1d6 Health.

Sniffer Hound
Level 1 Defense 11 Health 15
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 10 (+0)
Languages understands Archaic
Immune blinded, deafened
Awareness The sniffer hound knows where each creature and
object within six zones of it is located.
Melee Attack—Claws Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

Diminished Intellect The nehe makes Intellect rolls with 1
bane and grants 1 boon on rolls against its Intellect.
Sadistic When the nehe harms a creature, the nehe makes
attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of its next turn.
A great nation once thrived in the Jungle of Za, but, Melee Attack—Club Strength against Defense. On a success,
like many nations, its decadence allowed an the target takes 2d6 damage.
authoritarian regime to come to power and drain Melee or Ranged Attack—Rock (thrown 1) Strength with 1
bane against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
the nation of any good and decency it once had. As
their cities crumbled, the people retreated to the
wilderness, where they carried their cruelty, Nehe Oathsworn
pettiness, and selfishness with them as they Level 2 Defense 11 Health 24
devoted the entirety of their lives to worshiping Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 11 (+1)
their twisted deity in the hopes of gaining power Languages Nehe
over others. Diminished Intellect The nehe makes Intellect rolls with 1
bane and grants 1 boon on rolls against its Intellect.
Generations of inbreeding and unchecked Sadistic When the nehe harms a creature, the nehe makes
violence left the nehe, as they are known, attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of its next turn.
impoverished of any prior advances. They have Melee Attack—Warclub Strength against Defense. On a
forgotten agriculture, know only weapons as their success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
tools, and they live by hunting and scavenging.
Nehe appear somewhat human, but behave more Nehe Demagogue
Level 3 Defense 11 Health 36
like wild, violent apes. Most stand between five Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
and six feet tall and weigh hundreds of pounds. Languages Nehe
Most have a thin layer of fur over much of their Enhanced Will The demagogue makes Will rolls with 1 boon
hides, with coloration ranging from yellow to and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Will.
Protected If a demagogue has three or more allies in its zone,
brown, but orange being the most common. Nehe it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
have broad facial features that express their idiocy Leadership The demagogue grants 1 boon on the attribute
and brutishness. rolls of allies in its zone.
Oathsworn The dark god the nehe worship Fearsome The demagogue imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
demands regular sacrifices, and the oathsworn, this trait.
who have spoken vows of loyalty to their deity, Sadistic When the nehe harms a creature, the nehe makes
keep the altars sticky with fresh blood. The attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of its next turn.
oathsworn are larger and tougher than their Melee Attack—Axe (brutal) Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
fellows. They dye their bodies bright red and carry
weapons studded with teeth.
Nehe Demagogues and Speakers Nehe
Nehe Speaker
Level 4 Defense 13 (shield) Health 64
demagogues represent almost everything that is Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 14 (+4)
wrong with the nehe. They put themselves first in Languages Nehe
everything, pay little attention to the needs or Enhanced Will The speaker makes Will rolls with 1 boon and
imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Will.
desires of the people they would lead, and focus all Protected If a speaker has three or more allies in its zone, it
their efforts on improving their own positions and imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
providing for their own comforts. For all their Leadership The speaker grants 1 boon on the attribute rolls of
bluster, demagogues give ground if faced with a allies in its zone.
Fearsome The speaker imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
serious threat and quit the battlefield long enough creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
to drum up reinforcements. this trait.
The demagogues take their orders from the Melee Attack—Battle Axe (brutal) Strength with 1 boon
speakers, of whom it is believed they speak for against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Scapegoat As a minor action, the speaker targets one enemy it
their dread god. Demagogues appear more human can see in its zone or an adjacent zone. Until the end of the
than other nehe, having little body hair and going speaker’s next turn, all allies make rolls to attack the target
so far as to wear finery and masks. The speakers with 1 boon and their attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage to it.
direct nehe society, deciding whom people should
hate and what grievances they have.

Nehe Brute
Level 1 Defense 10 Health 19
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Nehe

Stomp As a minor action, the nisse stomps on one creature or
object within its reach. The target makes an Agility roll and
takes 3d6 damage on a failure. If this damage injures the
target, it also falls prone.
Let Far Dwelling’s ruins be the warning to those
who do not take seriously the threat of the Round 4
traveling old man. The few people who managed Trample When the nisse runs into a zone, each creature in that
zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes 4d6
to escape the flattening of their town, the punting damage and falls prone.
of their livestock, and the ruin of all they ever had Melee Attack—Walking Stick (reach) Strength against
and hoped to have, explained they had no idea the Defense. On a success, the target takes 8d6 damage.
little old man, not even two feet tall, on the back of Sweep the Weapon As an action, each enemy in the nisse’s
zone takes 4d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a
a surly pig would have such a temper, especially failure, the enemy takes an extra 4d6 damage, falls prone,
about his long, white beard. The more they and becomes stunned (luck ends).
laughed, the angrier he became. And when angry Stomp As a minor action, the nisse stomps on one creature or
enough, he grew and grew until he towered over object within its reach. The target makes an Agility roll and
takes 4d6 damage on a failure. If this damage injures the
them all. target, it also falls prone.
Nisse travel from place to place, sometimes on
foot, sometimes on the back of a pig, to gauge Round 5+
Trample When the nisse runs into a zone, each creature in that
whether or not mortals act as good custodians of
zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes 5d6
the land or bad. Nisse leave small gifts on damage and falls prone.
doorsteps for those they would reward and they Melee Attack—Walking Stick (reach) One creature. Strength
destroy those who offend them. against Defense. On a success, the target takes 10d6 damage.
Sweep the Weapon As an action, each enemy in the nisse’s
These wandering faeries take the forms of little
zone and each adjacent one takes 5d6 damage and makes an
old man, about two feet tall, bent nearly in half, Agility roll. On a failure, the enemy takes an extra 4d6
with long white beards that drag on the ground. damage, moves to an adjacent zone, falls prone, and
All wear smart blue jackets and pointed blue hats, becomes stunned (luck ends).
but no pants at all. When not astride a pet feral Stomp As a minor action, the nisse stomps on one creature or
object within its reach. The target makes an Agility roll and
hog, they hobble using canes to get around. takes 5d6 damage on a failure. If this damage injures the
target, it also falls prone.
Level 6 Defense 10 Health 130
Strength 18 (+8) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 16 (+6)
Languages Common, Sylvan

Immune infection
Iron Weakness The nisse is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Night Vision A nisse treats dim light as bright light.
Bigger and Bigger The nisse grows larger and larger at the
end of each round during combat, which causes its rules to
change as shown below. When the combat ends, the nisse
shrinks down to its normal size.
Melee Attack—Walking Stick Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

Round 2
Melee Attack—Walking Stick Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
Sweep the Weapon As an action, each enemy in the nisse’s
zone takes 2d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a
failure, the enemy takes an extra 2d6 damage, falls prone,
and becomes dazed (luck ends).

Round 3
Trample When the nisse runs into a zone, each creature in that
zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a creature takes 3d6
damage and falls prone.
Melee Attack—Walking Stick (reach) Strength against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
Sweep the Weapon As an action, each enemy in the nisse’s
zone takes 3d6 damage and makes an Agility roll. On a
failure, the enemy takes an extra 3d6 damage, falls prone,
and becomes dazed (luck ends).

Melee Attack—Claws (keen +1d6, wounding) Agility with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6
Nymph Assault As an action, the nymph makes two Claws
The nymphs sprang from the shattered pieces of a attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
magical looking glass in which the Faerie Queen Awful Glare As a reaction when an enemy in the nymph’s zone
was looking until she threw it to the floor in a fit of or an adjacent one attacks the nymph, but before the dice
are rolled, the enemy makes a Will roll with 3 banes. On a
pique. The faeries produced from these shards
failure, the enemy becomes cursed until the nymph dies or
were nearly equal to the Faerie Queen in terms of uses an action to lift the curse. While it is cursed in this way,
terrible beauty and that to allow one’s eyes to rest the enemy is blinded. If the result of the enemy’s roll is 0 or
upon their perfect forms would drive all sight from lower, the enemy also takes 20d6 damage.
Teleport As a move, the nymph magically teleports to a zone it
them forever. The nymphs had no place in the can see within two zones.
courts of the elvish lords and ladies, and thus
spread out to settle into the mortal lands, where
they could rule over their own dominions in the

manner of their maker.
Selfish, vain, and sometimes petty, nymphs have
no regard for the feelings of those whom they
enchant and hold captives until they weary of
them and discarding them. Nymphs might involve
themselves in the affairs of neighboring peoples,
fomenting discord between them just to see what
happens. They take what they want and do as they
please. They surround with pretty things, such as
a fine painting, the voice of a bard, the face of a
striking young woman, and marvel over them until
they grow bored and discard them.
A nymph keeps the company of 1d6 – 1
adventurers enchanted protect her from harm.

Level 8 Defense 16 Health 87
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 16 (+6) Intellect 16 (+6) Will 18 (+8)
Languages Archaic, Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The nymph is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Terrible Beauty An enemy makes a Will roll with 3 banes
when it first sees the nymph. On a success, the enemy
becomes immune to this nymph’s Terrible Beauty for 1 hour.
On a failure, the enemy becomes cursed until the nymph
becomes incapacitated or the nymph uses an action to end
the affliction (if the creature is in her zone). A creature
cursed by the nymph is also controlled by her.
Enhanced Intellect and Will The nymph makes Intellect rolls
and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
against its Intellect or its Will.
Magic Resistance The nymph takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
Resilience The nymph makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Distracting Enemies in the nymph’s zone are Intellect
impaired and Will impaired for as long as they remain there.
Night Vision A nymph treats dim light as bright light.
Nymph Fury Each time the nymph fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately discards its
tokens and forces each enemy in its zone and each adjacent
one that can see the nymph to make a Will roll. On a failure,
the enemy becomes controlled by the nymph (luck ends).

Once the Weird Wizard completed construction of
the Forbidden City, he withdrew behind its walls
to focus on his work. He did not, however, leave
the lands unattended. He left many creations to
watch over his dominion, to monitor
developments, and correct behavior when and as
necessary. The most common of these creations
are the observers, giant floating eyeballs who
transmitted everything they saw to their creator.
The floating organs have tendrils fringing their
orbs, which let them steer while flying and drag
behind them a curtain of fibrous tendrils. Flying
eyes never communicate nor do they initiate
hostile action. They defend themselves, though, if
they come under attack and release a beam of
white light from their pupils that can burn through
solid stone.

Level 1 Defense 11 Health 8
Strength 8 (–2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 11 (+1)
Fearsome The observer imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
True Vision An observer needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Airborne An observer moves only by flying and can hover.
Explosive Demise When incapacitated, the observer explodes
to deal 1d6 damage to each creature and object in its zone.
The explosion utterly destroys the observer’s remains.
Eye Ray As an action, the observer releases a beam of light at
one creature or object within three zones. The observer
makes an Agility roll with 1 boon against the target’s Agility.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. If the target takes
6 damage or more, it also catches fire (luck ends).

The trolls’ creations befoul the world still, and the
things that spawned in the flesh-forges
reproduced themselves and passed down all the
cruelty, violent tendency, and brutishness to their
offspring. The ogres have the distinction of being
the trolls’ greatest success and their numbers have
spread across the lands. Comprising all the worst
aspects of the mortal peoples, ogres have few
interests beyond consumption, excretion, and
reproduction, and there’s not much they won’t do
to feed their prodigious appetites.
Ogres ruin the lands in which they live. They
build shelters from felled trees, boulders, and
bones, and then spend their time indulging
themselves. They might live in these places alone
or in small groups. Some take over towns, raising
themselves up to be tyrants who take and take
until there’s nothing left, not even people, to eat.
Others lead bands of brigands, orcs, goblins, and
other wicked folk.
The human stock used to make them remains
apparent ogres’ forms. They stand about ten feet
tall and tend toward corpulence. Lacking shame,
they forgo clothing, but will cover themselves in
uncured hides during the winter months. Most
carry a surplus of diseases and their extended
presence in a place can contaminate water

Level 4 Defense 12 Health 54
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Night Vision An ogre treats dim light as bright light.
Melee Attack—Cleaver (brutal, keen +1d6) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6
Melee Attack—Fist Strength against Defense. On a success, the
target takes 3d6 damage.
Ogre Assault As an action, the ogre makes two Cleaver attacks,
but must make each attack against a different target.
Vomit As a minor action, the ogre projectile vomits at one
creature in its zone. Make a Strength roll against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the corrosive vomit deals 3d6 damage,
and the target becomes weakened (luck ends).
Once the ogre uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck

spider legs. Om can emit beams of energy from the
eyes that warp their enemies’ bodies. Watchers
are sometimes called lash crawlers.
Little do people know that the Weird Wizard spent Skittercrawl The skittercrawls serve as the Om
the better part of ten years fighting against the collective’s shock troops and speed over the
Om, to prevent these aliens from getting a foothold ground and pounce on their victims, worrying
on Erth. These invaders came from another, failing them with the thin claws curling from their
reality and, upon emerging from the Void, sought fingertips. Skittercrawls appear as headless and
to conquer the world and remake it in their own neckless humanoids with bruise-colored skin and
image. Only through the Weird Wizard’s efforts clawed appendages.
was their attack blunted and, now that he has Gigant To clear away deadfalls, hammer
gone, the Om recover from their losses and make through stone walls, to topple buildings and any
ready to emerge from hiding and take the New other obstacle, the Intelligence constructs gigants.
Lands and beyond. Each one has an overlarge and muscled humanoid
All members of the Om collective follow the body covered in black and white marbled skin. In
directives given to them telepathically by the great place of a head, it has a head-sized block of steel
mind, the Intelligence hidden somewhere in the atop a corded, muscular neck. Somehow, the
world. This Intelligence commands its minions to gigant perceives from this block.
spread out, capture the living, remake them into Overmind The Intelligence extends its identity
something useful, and expand until the whole of to all bodies it creates. It perceives from them and
the world falls under their control. As some have acts through them, but the forms limit what it can
noticed that the Om pursue an objective not do. To take a more direct hand, the Intelligence
dissimilar to that of the reen, some believe that the might produce an overmind, a superior creation
two might share a common origin. that more closely matches the Intelligence’s true
In every Om outpost, one can find the fabricator form.
vats that spawn the skittercrawls and other The overmind wields an arsenal of psychic
monstrosities to serve the Intelligence. Servitors powers with which it lashes enemies not yet
dump unconscious bodies and the vats’ fluids under its control. If, though, the overmind falls to
break down the organic matter, which then its injuries, each Om within a certain distance
coheres into the desired shape. becomes momentarily compromised, such is the
Om individuals do not eat. Instead, they have shock of its prized creation’s demise.
feeding ports. At feeding time, the members make An overmind, a giant brain, hangs suspended in
their way to the nutrient tanks that sport dozens a nutrient rich soup carried by a floating glass and
of flexible hoses. The Om member can attach the steel vat.
hose to the port, which then pumps in a nutritious
slurry of discarded organic matter that has been Servitor
enriched with vitamins and minerals. Level 1/2 Defense 9 Health 11
The Om’s members carry out specific roles as Strength 11 (+1) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 20 (+10) Will 20
noted below. The Intelligence perceives from each (+10)
Immune blinded, dazed, deafened, frightened, stunned,
member of the Om and can speak through them, Intellect impaired, and Will impaired
providing they have the necessary organs to Strength in Numbers Impose 1 bane on rolls to attack the
speak. servitor if the servitor has at least one ally within three
Servitor Even without the metal plug fitted into zones.
Awareness The servitor knows where each creature and
its mouth, the metal grills fitted over the eyes, or object within three zones of it is located.
the nutrient port with screwcap installed in its Melee or Ranged Attack—Hammer (thrown 1) Strength
abdomen, it would be clear that there was against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
something wrong with servitors. They don’t move
as people do. They appear stiff, awkward, as if they Watcher
considered every movement of their bodies before Level 1 Defense 13 Health 6
Strength 6 (–4) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 20 (+10) Will 20
taking them. Servitors show no anger or joy on (+10)
their slack faces and simply go about their duties Immune dazed, frightened, stunned, Intellect impaired, and
as the Intelligence directs them. Will impaired
Watcher The Om make their spies by harvesting Fearsome The watcher imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
the eyeballs from the bodies of those prisoners this trait.
doomed to become servitors and fit them with

Strength in Numbers Impose 1 bane on rolls to attack the
watcher if the watcher has at least one ally within three
Level 10 Defense 11 Health 205
Strength 5 (–5) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 20 (+0) Will 20 (+0)
True Vision A watcher needs no light to see and perceives
Immune blinded, dazed, deafened, frightened, stunned,
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Intellect impaired, and Will impaired
Fearsome The overmind imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
Climber When the watcher uses a move to climb, it can climb
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
this trait.
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
Magic Resistance The overmind takes half damage from
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
Melee Attack—Tendril Agility against Defense. On a success,
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
the target takes 1d6 damage.
effects with 1 boon.
Warp Gaze As an action, the watcher emits a beam from its
Psychic Shield While it is not injured, the overmind imposes 3
pupil at one creature within three zones. Make a Will roll
banes on rolls against its Defense.
against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 1d6
Resilience The overmind makes a luck roll when it gains an
damage and becomes impaired in an attribute of your choice
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
(luck ends).
Awareness The overmind knows where each creature and
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
object within three zones of it is located.
the watcher’s Defense or Agility, impose 1 bane on the
Airborne An overmind moves only by flying and can hover.
enemy’s roll.
Synaptic Overload At the end of the round, each enemy in the
overmind’s zone must succeed on a luck roll or become
Skittercrawl dazed until the end of the next round.
Level 2 Defense 12 Health 16 Arrest Thought As an action, the overmind attempts to wipe
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 20 (+10) Will 20 the minds of any number of creatures all in one zone within
(+10) three zones. A target with a Health score of 70 or less falls
Immune blinded, dazed, deafened, frightened, stunned, prone and becomes unconscious (luck ends). A target with a
Intellect impaired, and Will impaired; free attacks Health score of 35 or less dies from the exploding of its head.
Fearsome The skittercrawl imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. Once the overmind uses this magical talent, it loses access
A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to to it (luck ends).
this trait. Lance the Mind As an action, the overmind targets one, two, or
Strength in Numbers Impose 1 bane on rolls to attack the three creatures all in one zone within three zones. For each
skittercrawl if the skittercrawl has at least one ally within target, make an Intellect roll with 1 boon against its Will. On
three zones. a success, the target takes 8d6 damage, and becomes
Awareness The skittercrawl knows where each creature and weakened (luck ends).
object within three zones of it is located. Your Body, My Weapon As a minor action, the overmind
Climber When the skittercrawl uses a move to climb, it can targets one creature in its zone. Make a Will roll with 1 boon
climb into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it becomes immobilized, rises into the air, and then is used to
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon. attack a different creature or object in the same zone. Make a
Fast When a skittercrawl runs, it increases the number of Will roll with 1 boon against the secondary target’s Agility.
zones it can move by one. On a success, both the primary and secondary target take
Melee Attack—Claws Strength with 1 boon against Defense. If 10d6 damage, and then the immobilized affliction ends for
the target has already been attacked in this round, the roll is the primary target and it falls prone.
with 2 boons instead. On a success, the target takes 2d6 Force Seal As a minor action, the overmind creates an invisible
damage. barrier of force across one border within three zones. The
barrier has Defense 0 and Health 50. It remains until
destroyed or the overmind uses this magical talent again.
Gigant Mental Disdain As a reaction when an enemy in the
Level 7 Defense 10 Health 116 overmind’s zone attacks it, the overmind makes a Will roll
Strength 16 (+6) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 20 (+10) Will 20 with 1 boon against the attacking enemy’s Strength. On a
(+10) success, the target rises into the air and flies 1d6 + 2 zones,
Immune blinded, dazed, deafened, frightened, stunned, or 2d6 + 2 zones if the result is 20 or higher, directly away
Intellect impaired, Will impaired from the overmind, lands prone, and becomes stunned (luck
Fearsome The gigant imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A ends). The target takes 10 damage for each zone through
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to which it moved or was prevented from moving by an
this trait. obstacle. If this damage causes the target to become injured,
Strength in Numbers Impose 1 bane on rolls to attack the it becomes unconscious (luck ends) instead of stunned.
gigant if the gigant has at least one ally within three zones.
Awareness The gigant knows where each creature and object
within three zones of it is located.
Melee Attack—Fist (brutal, concussing, reach) OStrength with
1 boon against Defense. On a success, a creature takes 12d6

damage, or an object takes 72 damage. A creature makes a
Strength roll and, on a failure, falls prone and becomes
dazed (luck ends).
Gigant Assault As an action, the gigant makes two Fist attacks,
but must make each attack against a different target.

survival instinct ensures they bolt from superior
forces. The sunlight becomes hateful to orcs, and
they cannot stand green and growing things.
Orcs are people corrupted by a supernatural They’ll kill anything, but they love murdering
sickness of the soul. The disease infects those faeries, as they know each life taken purges them
living close to one of the imprisoned Ancient Ones, fully from existence as death means oblivion to the
and the blight cares nothing if its victims are immortals.
humans or elves, dwarfs or something else. Orc Minion Many orcs never rise above the
Dwarfen kingdoms have gone dark when miners lowly station of minion. The drudges in every force
dig too deep and encountered the blight in their of orcs, they know better than anyone the
tunnels, while faeries have become changed when cheapness of life. The form the van of any
some shifting of the Dragon’s coils causes a dark attacking force and their fate is to be chopped,
power to rise closer to the world’s surface. Worse, sliced, bashed, or shot. Orc minions cobble
dark wizards and foul sorcerers, discovering together what armor they can find and wield
places steeped in corruption, assemble armies chipped, rusty, and broken weapons.
from the prisoners that drag to these places and Orc Trooper Healthier specimens can take
burying them in the muck until the transformation better equipment and thus find themselves
takes hold. fighting in units of other troopers. Orc troopers
The infection dooms a victim to a tragic might cut down minions in their path.
existence, one shaped by untrammeled hatred, Orc Heavy The heavies form the iron core of orc
viciousness, and cruelty. Empathy and compassion fighting forces. Their better armor protects them
become signs of weakness and orcs recognize from enemy missiles as they close in on them and
authority only in the strongest and most hack them apart with their heavy weapons.
dangerous of their fellows. Imminent death or Orc Skirmisher Swift and merciless,
suffering ensure obedience from lesser orcs, skirmishers use hit and run tactics to provoke
though they have no alliances among each other. enemies into engaging the heavies. Skirmishers
Each fights over the scraps left by their betters and might also serve as scouts, but most orc bands
laugh when the injured, the frail go hungry. care little for the disposition of their enemies’
Efforts to heal the afflicted fail this ailment forces.
strikes not the body, but the essential essence of Orc Manslayer Adept at infiltration and
the individual, remaking them into monsters. assassination, manslayers slip through enemy
Perhaps divine intervention might lift the blight lines to cause mayhem by killing officers and
from their souls, but the gods have shown proof sabotaging supplies. Manslayers wear dark
against the orcs’ plight and turn their backs on clothing, hoods, and cloaks.
them as if they were the very fiends of Hell. A Orc Firebreather Orc gangs sometimes include
sharp blade and a readied spell appear to be the a colorful character whose antics and insults whip
only remedies for these unfortunate souls. the warriors into a fighting frenzy. These orcs,
Transformation into an orc happens almost at called firebreathers, wear motley, foolish
once. The body convulses, the skin assumes an costumes, and dance and caper while their fellows
unhealthy gray or green color, and the sclera turn start the killing.
blood red. Meanwhile, the mind sickens and Orc Overseer Big and nasty, orc overseers
personality warps. Empathy dies to leave the command their underlings through intimidation
individual callous and hardened. Emotions beyond and the crack of their whips. Many overseers wear
anger and hatred fade away so that they show gruesome masks and adorn their bodies with
almost no emotion to anything they encounter and trophies taken from the people they have killed.
certainly experience no shame, no guilt for their Orc Doombringer Clever orcs make pacts with
actions. They lie, manipulate, and coerce, all to the forces responsible for their transformation
feed their appetites. The curse makes of these and gain from them dreadful magical power. Orc
people, uncaring, vicious monsters, a true plague doombringers wear long robes strewn with
on the world. symbols upon which to look upon hurts.
Orcs grow strong and durable. They can tolerate Death Orc That some turn into death orcs and
pain and keep fighting after suffering appalling others do not remains a mystery. Taller, stronger,
injuries. Their inflated sense of self prevents keeps more vicious than other orcs and free from the
them from suicidal action and though they love to weakness suffered from being exposed to sunlight,
butcher those weaker than themselves, their death orcs have many advantages over their kin

and thus rule over them. Death orcs don the best Melee Attack—Axe Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
armor and wield the best weapons.
Ranged Attack—Longbow (range 6) Agility with 1 boon
Orc Warlord Orcs take charge using strength against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
and cunning. They pick out their rivals and
eliminate them and then brutalize anyone who Orc Manslayer
might object. Battle scars make them ugly, which Level 3 Defense 14 (leather) Health 36
only makes lesser orcs fear and respect them Strength 12 (+2) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
more. Languages Common
Shadow Concealment If the manslayer is in a faintly lit or dark
zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the
Orc Minion manslayer takes its first turn. The manslayer loses access to
Level 1/2 Defense 12 (leather) Health 11 this trait until the combat ends.
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 9 (–1) Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit
Languages Common by direct sunlight.
Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light.
by direct sunlight. Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light. attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to one.
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first Melee Attack—Daggers Agility with 1 boon against Defense.
one. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Spear Strength against Defense. On a success, Melee or Ranged Attack—Knives (thrown 1). Agility with 1
the target takes 1d6 damage. boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength against damage.
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. Manslayer Assault As an action, the orc makes two Dagger or
Knives attacks, but must make each attack against a different
Orc Trooper
Level 1 Defense 15 (brigandine, shield) Health 16
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0) Orc Firebreather
Languages Common Level 2 Defense 12 Health 19
Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 9 (–1)
by direct sunlight. Languages Common
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light. Immune free attacks
Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to Craven The firebreather makes attribute rolls with 1 bane
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first while it is in a zone that contains more enemies than allies.
one. Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon by direct sunlight.
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. Vicious Mockery Enemies in the firebreather’s zone that can
Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon against hear and understand it are Will impaired for as long as they
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. remain in that zone.
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light.
Fast When a firebreather runs, it increases the number of
Orc Heavy zones it can move by one.
Level 2 Defense 16 (plate and mail) Health 17
Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Languages Common
Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit
Melee Attack—Club Strength against Defense. On a success,
by direct sunlight.
the target takes 1d6 damage.
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light.
Single Out As a minor action, the firebreather targets one
Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
enemy within the firebreather’s zone or an adjacent one.
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Until the orc uses this talent again, the orc’s allies make rolls
to attack the target with 1 boon and their attacks against it
Melee Attack—Great Axe (brutal) Strength against Defense.
deal an extra 1d6 damage.
On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Irritating Prattle As a minor action, help or hinder.

Orc Skirmisher Orc Overseer

Level 2 Defense 13 (brigandine) Health 23
Level 4 Defense 15 (mail) Health 53
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Common
Languages Common
Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit
Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit
by direct sunlight.
by direct sunlight.
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light.
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light.
Fast When a skirmisher runs, it increases the number of zones
Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
it can move by one.
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first

Melee Attack—Battle Axe (brutal, wounding) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
Orc Warlord
Level 6 Defense 19 (plate and shield) Health 55
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 14 (+4)
Melee Attack—Whip Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
Languages Common
On a success, the target takes 2d6 + 1 damage or no damage
Immune frightened
against a target with a Defense 14 or higher.
Protected If a warlord has three or more allies in its zone, it
Where There’s a Whip As a minor action, make a whip attack
imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
against one ally within the orc’s zone. On a success, the ally
Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit
takes 1 damage, but makes rolls to attack with 1 boon and
by direct sunlight.
deals an extra 1d6 damage on its attacks until the end of the
Leadership The orc warlord grants 1 boon on the attribute
overseer’s next turn.
rolls of allies in its zone.
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light.
Orc Doombringer Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
Level 4 Defense 12 (leather) Health 55 attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3) one.
Languages Common Sadistic When the orc warlord harms a creature, the orc makes
Fearsome The doombringer imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of its next turn.
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune Melee Attack—Long Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
to this trait. against Defense. On a success, the target takes 7d6 damage.
Sunlight Weakness An orc is weakened while it is in a zone lit Die for Me As a reaction when the orc warlord takes damage
by direct sunlight. and has an ally in its zone, the ally takes the damage on the
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light. warlord’s behalf.
Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first

Killing Shadows At the end of the round if the doombringer is
injured, shadows bleed from its body and deal 2d6 damage
to the doombringer and each enemy in its zone.
Melee Attack—Polearm (reach) Strength with 2 boons
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage.
Concussion Blast As an action, the doombringer targets one
creature or object within three zones. Make a Will roll with 1
boon against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target
takes 6d6 damage and becomes dazed (luck ends).
The doombringer can use this magical talent three times.
It regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Melting Curse As an action, the doombringer targets one
creature in its zone or an adjacent one. Make a Will roll with
1 boon against the target’s Strength. On a success, the target
becomes cursed (luck ends). Each time the target starts its
turn with this affliction, it loses 4d6 Health. On a failure,
make a luck roll and regain the use of this talent on a
The doombringer can use this magical talent once time. It
regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.

Death Orc
Level 5 Defense 18 (plate and mail, shield) Health 48
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Common
Immune frightened
Night Vision An orc treats dim light as bright light.
Murderous If the orc gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Sadistic When the death orc harms a creature, the death orc
makes attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of its next
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6, wounding) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. If the death orc is injured, make the
roll with 2 boons instead. On a success, the target takes 6d6
damage, or 7d6 damage if the death orc is injured.
Ranged Attack—Longbow (range 6) Agility with 1 boon
against Defense. If the death orc is injured, make the roll
with 2 boons instead. On a success, the target takes 3d6
damage, or 4d6 damage if the death orc is injured.

Foresters have reason to be careful when
exploring the forests of the New Lands. Aside from
the spirits, the mischievous faeries, and an untold
number of monsters, one entity above the rest
others gives cause for wariness. The great golden
bear known as the otso rules the woodlands and
protects all animals in its domain. So, if a
trespasser comes with torch and axe and shows no
respect for the living things that dwell there, the
golden bear might appear and to deliver justice for
those harmed.
As angels of the Horned One, who created them
soon after Grandfather Tree seeded the world with
green and growing things, sought to protect his
own creations against the trolls and other wicked
beings that preceded the mortal peoples. Priests of
the Horned One claim each land has an otso
protector, though the immortals seem hidden
away, perhaps hibernating until such time that
there is need for them. At religious festivals
involving the Horned One, images of golden bears
are raised to protect the revelers from harm.
The otso is an angel, a supernatural being that
takes the form of an enormous bear with a
gleaming coat of golden fur. When it stands on its
hind legs, it easily reaches fifteen feet tall. It
weighs close to 2,000 pounds.

Level 6 Defense 10 Health 115
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 15 (+5)
Languages all
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned, weakened, Strength
impaired; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Magic Resistance The otso takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
Resilience The otso makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Protector The otso imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack its allies
in its zone.
Night Vision An otso treats dim light as bright light.
Fount of Life At the end of the round, each ally in the otso’s
zone heals 1d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (wounding) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. If the otso is injured, make the roll
with 2 boons instead. On a success, the target takes 8d6
damage, or 9d6 damage if the otso is injured. In addition, the
target makes a Strength roll and, on a failure, falls prone and
becomes immobilized until the otso moves or becomes
unconscious or the target overcomes the affliction with a
successful Strength roll with 2 banes. While it is immobilized
in this way, the target cannot stand up.
Otso Assault As an action, the otso makes two Claws and Teeth
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.

The longer one spends as a ghost, the greater the
chance that bitterness and regret poison the spirit
until it becomes a phantom. In this form, the
ghost’s memory of being alive is so dimmed that it
develops an unreasonable hatred for the living
that drives it to seek out people and tormenting
them to death. Those murdered by phantoms have
their souls torn from their bodies and cursed to a
ghostly existence.
Phantoms appear as spectral versions of their
living forms at the time of their death, but frayed
around the edges and with more monstrous

Level 4 Defense 13 Health 34
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Archaic, Common
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Fearsome The phantom imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Damage Resistance A phantom takes half damage from
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Sunlight Weakness A phantom is weakened while it is in a
zone lit by direct sunlight.
Awareness The phantom knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Airborne A phantom moves only by flying and can hover.
Spirit A phantom can move through or end its movement
inside a solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the
phantom cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed.
The phantom ignores the effects of wind and other kinds of
challenging terrain that can ordinarily affect flying creatures.
The phantom makes no noise unless it chooses to do so.
Melee Attack—Ruinous Touch Agility with 1 boon against
Agility. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage, loses 1d6
Health, and becomes Agility impaired (luck ends). In
addition, if the target is frightened, it falls prone and cannot
stand until it overcomes the affliction. If the target becomes
incapacitated, it dies and, at the end of the round, its hostile
ghost appears in the space above its body. The ghost treats
the phantom as its ally.

Ranged Attack—Flintlock (keen +2d6, range 1) Agility with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6
Bark Orders As a minor action, the mate barks an order. Until
Pirates live by plundering the vessels of ships they the end of the next round, each ally in the mate’s zone that
capture in battle or by raiding coastal settlements. can hear and understand it makes rolls to attack with 1
Robbing and murdering people take a certain boon.
The mate can use this talent once. It regains the use of it
amount of ruthlessness, and though pirates might
after 1 minute.
limit the sorts of vessels they attack and people
they kill, nearly all are bloodthirsty villains who Pirate Captain
would think nothing of cutting their own mothers’ Level 5 Defense 11 Health 69
necks if it meant enriching themselves. For this Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 11 (+1)
reason, ships bearing valuable cargo sail in groups Languages Common
and keep marines on board to repel attackers. Fearsome The pirate captain imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
Most pirates tend to be human, though they can to this trait.
be of any ancestry, and include youngsters and Protected If a pirate captain has three or more allies in its
oldsters alike. Many sport scars, tattoos, flesh zone, it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
piercings, and other adornments. They tend to Leadership The pirate captain grants 1 boon on the attribute
rolls of allies in its zone.
have shabby clothing assembled from whatever Trickery Once per round, the pirate captain either makes an
they take off the people they kill. attribute roll with 1 boon or imposes 1 bane on a roll against
Pirates sail on heavily-armed ships and raise the it.
black flag to terrorize enemies when they draw Sea Legs The pirate makes attribute rolls related to moving
with 1 boon. In addition, when the pirate falls prone, it
close. The flag might feature skulls and bones, makes a luck roll. On a success, the pirate does not fall prone.
hourglasses, and other symbols of death. Melee Attack—Cutlass and Dagger (keen +1d6, wounding)
First and Second Mates The ship’s secondary Strength with 1 boon against Defense. If the target has
and tertiary officers, the mates keep order on the already been attacked in this round, the roll is with 2 boons
instead. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
vessel and carry out the captain’s commands. They Ranged Attack—Flintlock (keen +2d6, range 1) Agility with 1
are competent veterans of many battles. boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6
Captain The captain runs the ship and is often a damage.
person who has gone to great lengths to build a
reputation for themselves. Most have nicknames
and monikers by which they’re known in ports of
call from one side of the Sea of Fear to the other.

Level 1/2 Defense 11 Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Sea Legs The pirate makes attribute rolls related to moving
with 1 boon. In addition, when the pirate falls prone, it
makes a luck roll. On a success, the pirate does not fall prone.
Melee Attack—Cutlass (keen +1d6) Strength against Defense,
with 1 boon if the target has already been attacked in this
round. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Trident Strength against Defense, with 1 boon
if the target has already been attacked in this round. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Crossbow (reload) Agility against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

First or Second Mate

Level 3 Defense 12 Health 32
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Sea Legs The pirate makes attribute rolls related to moving
with 1 boon. In addition, when the pirate falls prone, it
makes a luck roll. On a success, the pirate does not fall prone.
Melee Attack—Cutlass and Dagger (keen +1d6) Strength
with 1 boon against Defense. If the target has already been
attacked in this round, the roll is with 2 boons instead. On a
success, the target takes 4d6 damage.

It’s easy to miss pixies when you’re not looking for
them. At six inches tall, with the coloration of
flowers, and fluttering on colorful wings, they look
like ordinary butterflies, and that’s only if they
wish to be seen. If they wear clothes, they make do
with a bit of fur or a ribbon plucked from a mortal
home. But rarely do the pixies show themselves to
mortals, prefer instead to remain hidden so they
can watch and play tricks on them.
Pixies join the other diminutive faeries of the
Hidden Kingdoms, being exceptionally small and
whimsical. Where atomies and brownies and
others might band together, pixies seem just fine
on their own, and travel the lands in search of
adventure and excitement. They love to dig around
in old ruins, and flit through the deep woodlands,
but they follow along anything that interests them,
watching a mortal from a distance for a few days
or even weeks before something else catches their
More than anything, pixies love making mischief
for others. They take any chance they can to make
a mortal look foolish. Pixies get away with their
mischief since few can see them. Simple creatures,
such as animals, idiots, and children who have yet
to form opinions about the world can all see pixies
clearly, but those who have let their imaginations
lay fallow, whose thoughts and beliefs have
calcified, these are easy prey for the pixies.

Level 1 Defense 17 Health 5
Strength 5 (–5) Agility 17 (+7) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The pixie is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Invisible A pixie is invisible. When it uses an action or minor
action, it loses access to this trait until it uses an action to
regain it.
Night Vision A pixie treats dim light as bright light.
Flight A pixie can move by flying while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Knife Agility against Defense. On a success, the
target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage. If the result of the roll
is 20 or higher, the target makes a Will roll. On a failed roll, it
falls prone and becomes unconscious until it is harmed or
until a creature uses an action to shake, kick, or otherwise
waken it.
Shrink Object As an action, the pixie shrinks one object it
touches until it becomes suitable for a creature of its size.
The object remains at this size until the pixie uses this
magical talent again.
Glow As a minor action, while the pixie is visible, it emits dim
light until it becomes unconscious or ends the effect as a
minor action.

Plague Mother
Pestilence craves her father’s crown. She plots
against him and works in the world to gnaw at the
edges of his dominion. Unlike Lord Death,
Pestilence has no compunctions against using or
creating the undead, and she sees them as just one
more plague to let loose on mortals. Among her
nastier creations are the plague mothers, undead
created from women, bloated by the goddess’s fell
influence, ready to deploy her unholy gifts.
Plague mothers make perfect delivery systems
for sickness. They walk with heads bent, long hair
draped across their faces. Their tattered dresses
swish as they shuffle along the roads between
places. They could be commoners. They might be
refugees. But they are incubators for vicious
plagues that spread with ease through the air.

Plague Mother
Level 1 Defense 10 Health 19
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 12 (+2)
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Undead A plague mother is not alive. While it is not injured, it
takes half damage from weapons.
Night Vision A plague mother treats dim light as bright light.
Melee Attack—Claws Strength against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.
Necrotic Spew As an action, the plague mother projectile
vomits on one creature in its zone, dealing 1d6 damage to it.
Make a Strength roll against the target’s Agility. On a success,
the target takes an extra 2d6 damage, and becomes
weakened until the end of its next turn. Regardless of the
result, the vomit obscures the air in the zone with a reeking
cloud that lasts until the end of its next turn. Any creature
that starts a turn in the zone or that enters it and is not
undead must succeed on a Strength roll or become infected.
The plague mother can use this magical talent whenever
it chooses, as long as at least 1 hour has elapsed since it last
used it.

Under normal circumstances, the pod tree drops
its seeds during the spring and each seedling
unfolds arms and legs to set out on its journey and
plant itself in a suitable location, provided, that is,
that gangs of squirrels don’t get to it first. But
when threatened by fire, disease, or axes, a pod
tree drops its seeds for its own defense. A typical
pod tree is a 20-foot-tall plant with Defense 0 and
Health 100.
A podling looks like a little person assembled
from chestnuts.

Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 5
Strength 5 (–5) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 5 (–5) Will 10 (+0)
Immune asleep, frightened
Resolute The podling imposes 1 bane on rolls against its
Intellect and Will.
Melee Attack—Claws Agility against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.

Melee Attack—Club Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Hop As a move, the pollywog jumps to and lands on a surface
in an adjacent zone.
The pollywogs, a swamp-dwelling people found Tongue Snatch As a minor action, the pollywog flicks its gluey
throughout the known world, rebuff peoples tongue at one creature in its zone or an adjacent one. Make a
outside their communities. Self-sufficient and god- Strength roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
pollywog pulls the target into its zone and the target grants
fearing, they make do by fishing and foraging, but
1 boon on rolls to attack it by the pollywog until the end of
consider any trespassers onto their lands as a its turn.
source of food, be these trespassers wildlife or
explorers. Invariably, disappeared travels bring Great Pollywog
angry relatives and friends and loved ones, but all Level 3 Defense 10 Health 45
that these seekers ever find are bones. Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Although pollywogs have humanoid forms, with Languages Pollywog
Night Vision A pollywog treats dim light as bright light.
size and stature similar to humans, no one would Amphibious The pollywog can breathe when submerged in
mistake them for such. Pollywogs more resemble water.
bipedal frogs with stooped postures, heads that Swimmer A pollywog can move one additional zone when it
extend out from their torsos, and long fingers and swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
toes with webbing between them. They have swim with 1 boon.
moist, mottled skin and bulging eyes atop their Melee Attack—Warclub Strength with 1 boon against
heads. Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Pollywogs wear simple clothing of woven reeds Great Croak As an action, the great pollywog croaks. Each
creature in its zone and each adjacent one makes a Strength
and their weapons tend to be crude things, clubs roll and, on a failure, become stunned until the end of the
and rock-tipped spears. pollywog’s next turn.
Great Pollywog One of every twenty eggs The great pollywog can use this talent whenever it
produce a great pollywog, one of about twice the chooses, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last
used it.
size as the typical warrior and with a bright Hop As a move, the pollywog jumps to and lands on a surface
orange skin. in an adjacent zone.
God-Croaker The shamans and mystics of a Tongue Snatch As a minor action, the pollywog flicks its gluey
pollywog community, they wear elaborate masks tongue at one creature in its zone or an adjacent one. Make a
Strength roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
of tree bark and animal bones that make them pollywog pulls the target into its zone and the target grants
appear strange and monstrous. The shamans 1 boon on rolls to attack it by the pollywog until the end of
invoke Tchatchanaga, the god of the pollywogs, its turn.
whom they believe lives in the bottom of the great
swamp, eating the flesh of dead things. Pollywog God-Croaker
Monarch Every ten or so pollywog settlements Level 3 Defense 11 Health 43
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
have a special place apart from the rest. This place Languages Pollywog
is the home of their monarch, a nasty, violent sort Night Vision A pollywog treats dim light as bright light.
that rules by terrorizing all the rest. Pollywogs pay Amphibious The pollywog can breathe when submerged in
tribute to their monarch in the form of offerings, water.
Swimmer A pollywog can move one additional zone when it
but otherwise keep clear of this sacred site so they swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
can go about their business unmolested. The rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
monarch can do whatever the monarch wants: swim with 1 boon.
killing, eating, taking, and so on. For this reason, Melee Attack—Spear Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
the other pollywogs leave their monarch alone to Ranged Attack—Sling (range 2, reload) Agility against
avoid their leader’s attentions. Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Corpse-Eater Maw As an action, the god-croaker targets one
Pollywog Warrior creature within three zones. A great frog mouth rises up
from under the target and bites. The target takes 2d6
Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 15
damage. Make a Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 10 (+0)
Agility. On a success, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage. If
Languages Pollywog
the target becomes incapacitated, it disappears into the maw
Night Vision A pollywog treats dim light as bright light.
and is never again seen.
Amphibious The pollywog can breathe when submerged in
The god-croaker can use this magical talent once. It
regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.
Swimmer A pollywog can move one additional zone when it
Trill of the Pollywogs As an action, the god-croaker fills the
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
air in its zone and each adjacent one with a high-pitched
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
whine that lasts for 1 minute. Each enemy in one of these
swim with 1 boon.

zones or that enters one of these zones and can hear the
pollywog makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
enemy becomes dazed and deafened (luck ends both). While
a creature has these afflictions, it takes an extra 2d6 damage
whenever it takes damage.
Hop As a move, the pollywog jumps to and lands on a surface
in an adjacent zone.
Tongue Snatch As a minor action, the pollywog flicks its gluey
tongue at one creature in its zone or an adjacent one. Make a
Strength roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
pollywog pulls the target into its zone and the target grants
1 boon on rolls to attack it by the pollywog until the end of
its turn.

Pollywog Monarch
Level 4 Defense 10 Health 62
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Pollywog
Night Vision A pollywog treats dim light as bright light.
Amphibious The pollywog can breathe when submerged in
Swimmer A pollywog can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Pollywog Fury Each time the pollywog fails a roll, it gains 1
fury token. When it has 3 fury tokens, it immediately
discards its tokens, ends all afflictions on itself, and releases
a deadly, furious croak that deals 1d6 damage to each enemy
in the pollywog’s zone and in each adjacent one. Each target
makes a Will roll and also becomes dazed and deafened
(luck ends both) on a failure.
Claws (brutal) Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Monarch Assault As an action, the monarch makes two Claws
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
Hungry, Hungry Monarch As an action, the monarch makes a
Claws attack against one creature, but it makes the roll with
2 boons instead. On a success, in addition to dealing damage,
the monarch grabs the target, takes a bite out of it, and flings
the creature away. The target takes an extra 4d6 damage and
falls prone in an adjacent zone.
Once the monarch uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck
Hop As a move, the pollywog jumps to and lands on a surface
in an adjacent zone.
Tongue Snatch As a minor action, the pollywog flicks its gluey
tongue at one creature in its zone or an adjacent one. Make a
Strength roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the
pollywog pulls the target into its zone and the target grants
1 boon on rolls to attack it by the pollywog until the end of
its turn.

roll. On a failure, a creature becomes frightened of the zone
until the end of its next turn.
5: Forceful Assault An invisible force strikes at one creature
of the poltergeist’s choice in the zone. Make a Will roll
Spirits who refuse to abandon the living world against the target’s Strength. On a failure, the target takes
often linger in places they consider their homes. 3d6 damage, moves into an adjacent zone of the poltergeist’s
The longer they spend in these places, the greater choice, and falls prone.
6: Spiritual Chaos Choose two different effects.
their detachment from who they used to be and
Frightening Appearance As a move, the poltergeist loses
they might become restive, violent even, especially access to its Invisible trait until it uses a move to regain it.
to those whom they deem intruders. Such spirits Each creature that can see the poltergeist makes a Will roll.
become poltergeists, noisy ghosts that terrorize On a success, a creature becomes immune to the Frightening
Appearance of this haunt for 1 hour. On a failure, a creature
the living by causing all manner of destructive and becomes frightened of the poltergeist (luck ends).
dangerous happenings in the place they haunt. Slip Away As a reaction when the poltergeist attacks, it gains a
Foul odors, bone-chilling cold, flying objects, and move that it uses immediately.
invisible fists smashing into people represent just
some of the tricks a poltergeist can use to scare off
those who intrude on its suffering.
For some reason, poltergeists who spend too
much time in one place eventually attracted
demonic attention. Often, a formless demon might
latch onto a poltergeist, driving it to lethal levels of
violence. If the poltergeist is destroyed, the demon
breaks free and either possesses a person it
encounters or assumes a physical form.

Level 4 Defense 11 Health 31
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 15 (+5)
Immune asleep, immobilized, poisoned, prone; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Damage Resistance A poltergeist takes half damage from
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Airborne A poltergeist moves only by flying and can hover.
Spirit A poltergeist can move through or end its movement
inside a solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the
poltergeist cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed.
The poltergeist ignores the effects of wind and other kinds
of challenging terrain that can ordinarily affect flying
creatures. The poltergeist makes no noise unless it chooses
to do so.
True Vision A poltergeist needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Invisible A poltergeist is invisible.
Melee Attack—Forceful Thrust Will with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage, and falls
prone unless the target succeeds on an Agility roll.
Wreak Havoc As an action while the poltergeist is invisible, the
poltergeist targets one zone within three zones. Roll a d6 to
see what happens:
1: Freezing Cold! The temperature plunges in the target
zone until the poltergeist’s next turn starts. Each creature in
the zone makes a Strength roll and, on a failure, takes 2d6
damage and becomes Agility impaired (luck ends).
2: Foul Odor A profound stench fills the target zone. Each
creature in the zone makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. On a
failure, the creature becomes dazed and Strength impaired
(luck ends both).
3: Flying Objects Doors fly open and slam shut, and 1d6
objects fly into the air. For each flying object, one creature of
the poltergeist’s choice makes an Agility roll with 1 bane
and, on a failure, takes 3d6 damage.
4: Chilling Sounds Unsettling noises sound in the zone.
Each creature in the zone and in adjacent ones makes a Will

Famously friendly and personable faeries, pookas
seek out the company of mortals to travel with
them, aid them, and share in all kinds of
experiences. However, pookas have a reputation
for volatile behavior. They can be all laughter and
songs one moment and bite their friend’s face off
the next. These sudden bouts of anger blow over
as quickly as a storm, but they are nevertheless
nasty and wise folks avoid making lasting
connections with these fey.
A pooka can adopt just about any form it wishes,
but in its normal form it looks like a hunched
naked man or woman of declining years with long,
stringy white hair. In this form, the pooka has
some physical sign of its fey blood, having a
rabbit’s ears, a donkey’s tail, cloven hooves instead
of feet, or some other quality. A pooka is the first
to laugh at its own jokes and its laughter tends to
be loudest of all.

Level 2 Defense 12 Health 18
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The pooka is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Disastrous Presence The pooka imposes 3 banes on the rolls
of enemies in its zone. In addition, whenever the result of a
roll of an enemy in its zone is 0 or less, the enemy loses 1d6
Night Vision A pooka treats dim light as bright light.
Fickle Fortune At the end of the round, roll a d6 for each ally
in the pooka’s zone. On a 3 or less, the ally becomes an
enemy until the next round ends. On a 4 or higher, the ally
makes attribute and luck rolls with 1 boon until the end of
the next round.
Once the pooka uses this trait, it loses access to it (luck
Melee Attack—Teeth Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Animal Form As an action, the pooka transforms into an
animal of its level or less and then gains a move, which it
must use immediately. The pooka remains in this new form
until it becomes incapacitated, uses an action to return to its
normal form, or uses this talent again. The pooka uses the
rules for its new form in place of its own, though it retains
this talent regardless of the form it wears.

The Goblin King ensures that the underlings who
displease him suffer for their faults. One only
needs to look to the powries, sometimes called
redcaps, who live in constant fear of death, and
usually from some minor indiscretion. Powries
must keep their caps drenched in mortal blood or
face an excruciating end—green flames consume
their bodies as they run around screaming until
they finally collapse into a pile of greasy ashes.
Being goblins to begin with, powries have no
qualms about cutting up mortals and plugging the
wounds with their hats until they are sopping wet.
Such efforts buy them a day or so before they have
to go searching for more blood.
Powries slink about, rarely showing themselves
until just before they attack. They look like little
old men, all gnarled, bent, and crooked, with
glittering eyes beneath beetling brows, yellow
teeth crowding small mouths, and streaks of blood
down the sides of their face and turning their
white beards black. Powries wear tattered
clothing and heavy iron boots.

Level 3 Defense 14 Health 20
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Goblin
Immune free attacks; infection
Iron Weakness The powrie is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Fast When a powrie runs, it increases the number of zones it
can move by one.
Murderous If the powrie gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Melee Attack—Razor (keen +1d6) Agility with 1 boon against
Defense. If the target is injured, make the roll with 2 boons
instead. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage. If a
target takes 10 damage or more, the powrie heals 1d6
Vicious Pursuit As a reaction when an enemy leaves the
powrie’s zone, the powrie either ends the immobilized
affliction or gains a move that it must use immediately to
walk or run toward the enemy.

They work to convince others of their god’s
superiority over others and the rewards worship
of the deity promises—good crops, joy and
In both the Old Country and the New Lands, comfort in the afterlife, love, or defeat of one’s
religion helps stabilize societies. A common enemies.
religion knits together communities through
shared beliefs, outlines behavioral expectations Acolyte
through whatever code it presents, and Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 10
encourages cooperation between the members. Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Religion can also do great harm to communities, Languages Common
Melee Attack—Knife Strength against Defense. On a success,
especially when religion serves to justify a tyrant’s the target takes 1d6 damage.
reign, strips away liberties, and when it is used to
denigrate others for their individual qualities or Penitent
behaviors. Too often, people fall under the sway of Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 14
a one religion or another and adopt extreme Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
interpretations of the doctrine, which leads to Languages Common
Fanatic The penitent makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
fanaticism. Martyr When a penitent takes damage, it can choose to take an
Fanatics become dangerous when left to their extra 1d6 damage. Until the end of its next turn, the penitent
own devices, when their belief systems isolate makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
them from other viewpoints, and when friction Melee Attack—Club Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
becomes too great, fanatics might abandon the
societies that birthed them to establish their own
communities on the fringes. Such communities
Level 1 Defense 10 Health 18
might create settlements built on religious law or Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
they might wander the lands, causing trouble for Languages Archaic, Common
people in their paths. Melee Attack—Quarterstaff Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Acolyte All priests begin their careers as Theurgy Spells consecrated circle, divine aid, sacred light
acolytes. At this lowly status, they spend as much
time cooking, cleaning, gardening, and doing other Flagellant
chores as they study holy texts and learn the Level 2 Defense 10 Health 21
liturgy. Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1)
Penitent A penitent is one who has been taught Languages Common
Immune frightened, Strength impaired, Agility impaired,
or comes to believe they have committed some
grievous crime and the only way to attain Fanatic The flagellant makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
redemption is through suffering. They wear hair Martyr When a flagellant takes damage, it can choose to take
shirts and are generally filthy and diseased. an extra 1d6 damage. Until the end of its next turn, the
penitent makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
Priest The priests have charge of religious
Melee Attack—Flail (brutal) Strength with 1 boon against
congregations. On holy days, priests perform the Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
sacred rites to honor their gods. In religions that
profess to offer moral guidance, priests might lead Holy Warrior
groups in instructions on proper behavior. Level 3 Defense 17 (mail, shield) Health 45
Flagellant Guilt can drive people to commit Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
self-destructive acts as a way to expiate Languages Common
Enhanced Will The holy warrior makes Will rolls with 1 boon
themselves of the wickedness brewing in their and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Will.
hearts. Flagellants travel in wretched conditions Righteous Wrath When the holy warrior is not dazed and gets
and when not fighting non-believers, they scourge a failure on a roll to attack, use this talent to discard the
their bodies with whips and chains. result and roll again, but with 1 bane. If this roll fails, the
holy warrior becomes dazed (luck ends).
Holy Warrior Religions wage war to stamp out Melee Attack—Mace (concussing) Strength with 1 boon
heretics, to combat existential threats to against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
themselves, and to spread their faith to Ranged Attack—Crossbow (brutal, range 3) Agility with 1
unbelievers. boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6
Proselytizer Out of insecurity, fear of their
deity’s wrath, or a desire to expand their influence
to all corners, religions produce proselytizers who Level 2 Defense 12 (shield) Health 28
work to make converts from the nonbelievers. Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 14 (+4)

Languages Common
Protected If a proselytizer has three or more allies in its zone,
it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Leadership The proselytizer grants 1 boon on the attribute
rolls of allies in its zone.
Cast Down the Infidel The proselytizer makes rolls to attack
targets with the Intellect impaired or Will impaired
Fanatic The proselytizer makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Spiked Mace (brutal) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Harangue As a minor action, the proselytizer targets one
enemy within three zones. Make a Will roll with 1 boon
against the target’s Will. On a success, the target becomes
Intellect and Will impaired (luck ends both).
The proselytizer can use this supernatural talent
whenever it chooses, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed
since it last used it.

Pumpkin Head
Refusing the Underworld’s call costs spirits much.
It takes little time for separation from their living
bodies to erode their sense of self and with it goes
empathy toward other living things. Cruelty,
malice, even hatred become the motive forces for
these spirits and they take aim at people on which
to vent all their rage. Such spirits use whatever
means they have to carry out their wicked actions,
even if it means possessing objects.
Pumpkin heads form when spirits enter the
bodies of scarecrows and give them the semblance
of life. They take their name for the custom of
using gourds for scarecrow heads during harvest
season. As one might expect, a great orange
pumpkin with features carved into the flesh,
perched atop a body of wood and hay, dressed in
old clothes presents a startling figure for those not
expecting to see one. The pumpkin head uses its
disturbing appearance to terrorize victims and
carve them up with its big, rusty knife.

Pumpkin Head
Level 3 Defense 12 Health 39
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned; deprivation,
exposure, infection, suffocation
Scarecrow Disguise Until the pumpkin head takes a turn, it
looks like an ordinary scarecrow.
Fearsome The pumpkin head imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
to this trait.
Animated Object Magic enables this object to behave as a
creature. If it becomes incapacitated, any damage in excess
of the pumpkin head’s Health score applies to its object form
(Health 20) and the creature becomes an object once more.
Flammable The pumpkin head takes double damage from fire.
When it takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with 1
bane and catches fire (luck ends) on a failure.
Awareness The pumpkin head knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Spawn Ghost When the pumpkin head becomes incapacitated,
it makes a luck roll. On a success, a ghost wriggles free from
the pumpkin head’s body and begins taking turns in the next
Melee Attack—Big Knife (keen +1d6) Agility with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, a creature of flesh and
blood also loses 1d6 Health.

Aggressive As a reaction when the rager sees an enemy, the
rager can move to where it can reach one enemy in its zone
or an adjacent one.

It took a single day for the rage fever to wipe out

Highpoint’s population. A merchant ship had
crashed onto the rocks and the surviving crew
spilled out from the wreckage. They swarmed up
the slopes, pulled themselves up the walls, and
overran the city, reducing the population of five
thousand to zero in a matter of hours. Only by luck
did word of the disaster reach the Great Kingdom
magicians, and they contained the outbreak with
fire until nothing of the city remained except
blackened stones. Only fools believe the threat of
this strange plague has passed, and many suspect
the rage fever will return and, the next time,
people won’t be so lucky.
A supernatural disease, rage fever spreads
through the bites of the infected. A victim of the
disease sickens rapidly, with a high fever and
debilitating headache. When the victim finally
succumbs, it snaps awake, jumps up, and rushes
about looking for others to infect.
Ragers look like filthy, wounded humans with an
abundance of energy that prevents them from ever
slowing down. Close inspection of their dead
reveal eyes changed. Their irises are orange blobs,
pupils upside-down five-pointed stars.

Level 2 Defense 12 Health 13
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 7 (–3) Will 15 (+5)
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Night Vision A rager treats dim light as bright light.
Fast When a rager runs, it increases the number of zones it can
move by one.
Vicious When a rager rolls damage, it rolls an additional time
and uses the higher total.
Savage Mob If there are five or more ragers in the same zone,
their attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
Wild Violence At the end of the round, the rager rolls a d6. On
a 5 or a 6, the rager increases the actions and moves it can
use by one during its next turn.
Melee Attack—Hands Strength with 1 boon against Defense. If
the target was already attacked during the round, make the
roll with 2 boons instead. On a success, the target takes 1d6
damage. If the result of the roll is 15 or higher, the rager can
use a reaction to make a Teeth attack.
Melee Attack—Teeth (brutal) Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. If the target was already attacked during the round,
the roll is with 2 boons instead. On a success, the target
takes 1d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. If the target's
Strength roll fails, the target is affected by rager infection.
When a creature makes a roll to resist the infection, it also
makes a luck roll with 1 bane. The creature succeeds only if
both rolls result in a success.
If the target dies while it has this infection, the target
returns to life, heals all damage, and stands up at the end of
the round, having become a new rager. The target uses these
rules in place of its own.

Melee Attack—Hatchet (keen +1d6, thrown 1) Strength with
1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6

Despite the best efforts by the cities and nations to

tame the continent, many people in and around Raider Scout
Level 1/2 Defense 12 (leather) Health 10
the New Lands and Old Country reject the ways of Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
progress and keep their own customs. Of these, Languages Archaic, Common
some live in peace with their neighbors. Tribes Vicious When a raider rolls damage, it rolls an additional time
might follow herds of cattle or live along rivers, and uses the higher total.
Melee Attack—Knife Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On a
growing their crops in the nutrient-rich mud of success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
the shores. But as civilization encroaches, some Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon against
tribal groups see profit in taking what they want Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
using violent means. These raiders might attack
outposts on the edges of their land or sweep in Raider Berserker
across the ocean to strike seaside settlements, Level 2 Defense 12 (leather) Health 28
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 12 (+2)
carrying off prisoners and plunder. Raiders, then, Languages Archaic, Common
represent those violent, barbarian tribes whose Vicious When a raider rolls damage, it rolls an additional time
social structure celebrates war and violence. and uses the higher total.
Raider Scout A force of raiders rely on the Melee Attack—Battle Axe (brutal) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
information their scouts gain about the Aggressive As a reaction when the berserker sees an enemy,
disposition of enemy forces. Quick and lightly the berserker can move to where it can reach one enemy in
armed and armored, they sneak ahead and return its zone or an adjacent one.
with their findings. Vicious Backswing As a reaction when the berserker’s attack
injures or incapacitates a target, make an attack.
Raider Berserker Warlike tribes often include
berserkers, warriors with a penchant for losing
control in battle. This loss might stem from
Raider War Shaman
Level 1 Defense 12 (leather) Health 18
consuming hallucinogenic substances, spiritual Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 13 (+3)
possession, or psychosis. Languages Archaic, Common
Raider War Shaman Go-betweens for living Vicious When a raider war shaman rolls damage, it rolls an
additional time and uses the higher total.
and the dead, shamans commune with spirits or Melee Attack—Knife Strength against Defense. On a success,
gods their tribe worship. The shaman performs all the target takes 1d6 damage.
the rites and rituals required to gain favor from Spirit of the Damned As an action, the war shaman causes a
their supernatural masters and offer support in spirit of the damned to appear in one zone within three
zones. The spirit shrieks and fades away. Each creature in
the form of counsel or magic as needed. Shamans the zone makes a Will roll. On a failure, a creature becomes
belonging to violent tribes decorate their bodies to frightened of the shaman until either the shaman becomes
make them appear fearsome, and the symbols incapacitated or the creature overcomes the affliction with a
they use evoke the dread powers they serve. successful Will roll.
The war shaman can use this supernatural talent once.
Named Raider Raider bands include a few of The shaman regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.
the named, warriors whose acts have earned them Spirit Storm As an action, moaning, shadowy spirits appear
a place above the rabble at the side of their thane. and fly around in the shaman’s zone or an adjacent one. Each
These warriors tend to be colorful, eccentric enemy in the zone makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure,
an enemy takes 1d6 damage, falls prone, and cannot stand
characters who carry trophies of past conflicts up until after the end of the round.
into battle. The shaman can use this supernatural talent three times.
Raider Thane Many barbarian tribes owe fealty The shaman regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.
to a king, lord, lady, or legendary figure. Some
inherit their positions and others win them by Named Raider
trial of combat and through their own deeds. Level 5 Defense 15 (mail) Health 55
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
Regents might have absolute authority or might
Languages Archaic, Common
rule only by consent of the ruled. Dastardly Effort When the named raider makes an attribute
roll, it can use this talent to gain an automatic success. Once
Raider the named raider uses this talent, it loses access to it (luck
Level 1 Defense 14 (leather, shield) Health 23 ends).
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0) Vicious When a raider rolls damage, it rolls an additional time
Languages Archaic, Common and uses the higher total.
Vicious When a raider rolls damage, it rolls an additional time Melee Attack—Greataxe (brutal, wounding) Strength with 1
and uses the higher total. boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 5d6

damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, one enemy in
the raider’s zone makes an Agility roll. On a failed roll, the
enemy takes 1d6 damage.

Raider Thane
Level 6 Defense 15 (mail) Health 78
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 15 (+5)
Languages Archaic, Common
Fearsome The thane imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Protected If a thane has three or more allies in its zone, it
imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Resilience The thane makes a luck roll when it gains an
affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
Leadership The raider thane grants 1 boon on the attribute
rolls of allies in its zone.
Dastardly Effort When the raider thane makes an attribute
roll, it can use this talent to gain an automatic success. Once
the named raider uses this talent, it loses access to it (luck
Vicious When a raider rolls damage, it rolls an additional time
and uses the higher total.
Melee Attack—Great Axe (brutal, wounding) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6
damage, or 8d6 damage if the target is weakened. If the
result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target also falls prone
and becomes weakened until the end of the raider thane’s
next turn.
Inspiring Command As a reaction when an ally in the thane’s
zone fails a roll to attack, the roll becomes a success and the
attack deals half damage.
The thane can use this talent whenever it chooses, as long
as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last used it.

Rawhead and
Slippery Blood As a reaction when a creature grabs the bloody
bones, the bloody bones automatically overcomes the grab
and attacks the creature that enabled the use of this talent.

Bloody Bones
It’s easy to dismiss folklore as being nothing more
than a heap of superstition. Those bizarre
warnings about bogeymen and goblins stealing
them away could be nothing more than misguided
efforts to steer the young toward proper behavior.
But sometimes, the villains described have an
eerie ring of truth, and they very well might be out
there in the world, squatting in the bottom of an
old sinkhole or lurking in the darkness under the
Rawhead and bloody bones always appear
together, since they are one creature divided into
two parts. The rawhead is a flayed skull with sharp
teeth that floats around in the air as if held up by
an invisible body. It’s partner, bloody bones, is a
headless bloody skeleton from which hang
tattered strips of skin and sinew. The pair
terrorize their victims and compete to see who
will be the first to make them scream and then die.

Level 1 Defense 12 Health 12
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 14 (+4)
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Fearsome The rawhead imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Undead A rawhead is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
Dark Vision A rawhead needs no light to see in its zone.
Melee Attack—Teeth (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage,
and a target of flesh and blood also loses 1d6 Health.
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
the rawhead’s Defense or Agility, impose 1 bane on the
enemy’s roll.

Bloody Bones
Level 2 Defense 11 Health 25
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 14 (+4)
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Fearsome The bloody bones imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
to this trait.
Undead A bloody bones is not alive. While it is not injured, it
takes half damage from weapons.
Sight Link A bloody bones sees using the rawhead’s eyes and
can see only what the rawhead can see. If the bloody bones
attacks a creature the rawheads cannot see, the bloody
bones is blinded for that attack.
Melee Attack—Weapon (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.

and its animated head appears on the reaper’s belt until the
reaper reaches the Underworld, Netherworld, or Paradise,
wherever the spirit belongs.
Reaper Assault As an action, the reaper makes two Scythe
Lord Death wrote the laws governing the fates of attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
mortals and, for the most part, those laws hold. Death Calls for Thee As a minor action, the reaper targets one
Souls do, though, escape the Underworld and creature in its zone or an adjacent one and causes the target
to see its death. The target makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On
linger in the mortal lands, slipping in and out of
a failure, the target becomes frightened of the reaper until it
the Spirit World. It might take days, maybe years, overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll or the
but the reapers always find these runaways and reaper dies. At the end of each round, a target frightened in
drag them to whatever fate they earned. this way makes a luck roll and, on a failure, becomes dazed
until the end of its next turn.
Spectral entities of darkness and sharp edges, Death Burst As a reaction when reaper takes damage, each
reapers roam the shadows of the mortal world, enemy in the reaper’s zone loses 1d6 Health and becomes
from which they watch for signs of those who frightened of the reaper until either the reaper becomes
would violate the natural order. Although charged incapacitated or the target overcomes the affliction with a
successful Will roll. If the target is already frightened, it
with snagging disembodied souls on their scythes, instead becomes stunned (luck ends).
they sometimes take on tasks that further their
maker and master’s interests and might harass
mortals engaged in activities that threaten divine
law. Once committed to a charge, they pursue their
victims until they make the kill or they themselves
are destroyed.
A reaper appears as a humanoid figure draped
in darkness. Anyone close to it can make out the
skull that hovers where its head should be and spy
the blue-white pinpricks blazing in its eye sockets.
All reapers carry scythes than glimmer when

Level 8 Defense 13 Health 113
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 15 (+5)
Immune asleep, frightened, immobilized, poisoned, weakened;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Invisible A reaper is invisible. When it uses an action, it loses
access to this trait until it uses an action to regain it.
Fearsome The reaper imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Magic Resistance The reaper takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
Awareness The reaper knows where each creature and object
within three zones of it is located.
Spirit Sense The reaper knows the location of each spirit
within twelve zones of it.
Airborne A reaper moves only by flying and can hover.
Spirit A reaper can move through or end its movement inside a
solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the reaper
cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed. The reaper
ignores the effects of wind and other kinds of challenging
terrain that can ordinarily affect flying creatures. The reaper
makes no noise unless it chooses to do so.
The End Is Nigh At the end of the round, the reaper can
teleport to the zone within three zones that contains the
enemy with the highest Health score.
Life-Draining Presence At the end of the round, each enemy
in the reaper’s zone must succeed on a luck roll or lose 1d6
Melee Attack—Scythe (keen +2d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Agility. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage. A
living target also loses 3d6 Health, while a spirit disappears

Melee Attack—Machinery Strength against Defense. On a

success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

The reen are forerunners of a terrible invasion
from beyond the stars. Eons ago, a dying
civilization dispatched these machines to scour
the universe for worlds suitable for colonization
and prepare them for the coming of their makers.
The reen fall like stars from the skies and establish
outposts in remote places. There, they build copies
of themselves from the resources they plunder
from their environment. As their numbers grow,
they venture out to explore the world, to sample
what interesting things they find for use or to
Reen Drone The reen drone has an egg-shaped
body from which protrudes eight flexible arms
terminating in three-pronged grippers. The body
sports numerous lenses of red glass that swivel to
give the drone all-around vision.
Reen Thrall People, animals, and monsters
captured by the reen become raw materials for
making thralls. Mechanical components
introduced to the victims’ bodies transform them
into mindless workers who aid in the colonization
of the world.

Reen Drone
Level 4 Defense 16 Health 29
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Reen
Immune Strength impaired, frightened, poisoned, weakened;
free attacks; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Fearsome The reen drone imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
True Vision A reen drone needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Airborne A reen drone moves only by flying and can hover.
Climber When the drone uses a move to climb, it can climb
into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Detonation When the drone becomes incapacitated, it
explodes and deals 2d6 damage to each creature and object
in its zone. A creature makes a luck roll and takes an extra
1d6 damage and falls prone on a failure. The explosion
consumes the drone’s body.
Melee Attack—Tentacles Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Reen Assault The green gorger makes up to three Tentacles
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.

Reen Thrall
Level 1/2 Defense 8 Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 3 (–7) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Reen
Immune dazed, frightened, impaired, poisoned, stunned,
weakened; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation

A second chance at life earned from having
unfinished business gives revenants a chance to
right the wrongs done to them. Rebirth into their
dead bodies brings them to a state where they can
function, but offers no security when it comes to
preserving their bodies. They are dead, after all.
Thus, revenants thwarted in their bid to complete
whatever task remains might find their bodies
starting to fall apart—lost teeth, injuries that
never heal, lost extremities, and the constant stick
of decay that not even the strongest perfumes can
conceal. That revenants face a slow decaying
existence blunts whatever elation they might feel
at escaping death.

Revenant Vigilante
A need for revenge, hatred, or fury at some wrong
drives some revenants to become vigilantes. The
time for law and order to punish the criminals has
past and thus do these revenants take it upon
themselves to mete justice.

Revenant Vigilante
Level 3 Defense 14 (ring) Health 28
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
Languages Common
Immune poisoned; deprivation, exposure, infection,
Chill of the Grave The revenant takes half damage from cold.
Undead A revenant is not alive. While not injured, it takes half
damage from weapons.
Fearsome The revenant imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Unhinged The revenant grants 1 boon on rolls against its
Intellect or its Will.
Night Vision A revenant treats dim light as bright light.
Fanatic The revenant makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.
Murderous If the vigilante gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll
to attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 2 boons against Agility. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Crossbow (brutal, range 3) Agility with 2
boons against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6
Vigilante Assault As an action, the revenant makes two Dagger
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
Feign Death As a reaction when the revenant becomes
incapacitated, it heals 3d6 damage.

The salamander can use this magical talent once. It

regains the use of it after a full night’s rest.

The salamanders were not about to allow mortals

to spread across the world unchecked and so they
raised armies, constructed war machines, and
pushed out to meet humanity’s spread head on. As
history shows, the salamanders failed in their
mission and the resounding defeat almost spelled
the end of their kind, for the bellicose humans saw
in the salamanders a threat to their own existence.
Surviving salamanders fled to the Hell Furnaces
and other hot, volcanic lands, places where they
knew mortals could not follow, and there licked
their wounds, biding their time until they strike
once more.
The malice salamanders feel toward mortals
distracts them from doing much else to improve
their lots. Not a minute has been wasted doing
anything other than to ensure their own survival.
Day and night, the forges produce iron spears and
breastplates for the soldiers who undergo grueling
training to prepare for battle. They have the
numbers to pose a threat, but they wait, possibly
to secure alliances with the other elementals.
Salamanders stand about seven feet tall and
have lithe, muscled bodies with long tails instead
of legs. Skin coloration tends to be orange with
spots of brown, red, or black. Fleshy fringes hang
from their arms and sides of their faces, while a
crest of horns crowns their heads.

Level 4 Defense 12 Health 34
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Elemental
Immune poisoned, prone, damage from fire; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Heat At the end of the round, each creature in a zone occupied
by at least one salamander makes a Strength roll. If three or
more salamanders are in a creature's zone, the creature
makes the roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the creature
becomes weakened until the end of the next round.
Melee Attack—Burning Spear Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage plus 1d6
damage from fire. If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the
target also catches fire (luck ends).
Javelin of Fire As an action, the salamander hurls a fiery
javelin at one creature within six zones of it. The target takes
2d6 damage, and the salamander makes a Will roll with 1
boon against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target
takes an extra 4d6 damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or
higher, the target also catches fire (luck ends).
The salamander can use this magical talent three times.
The salamander regains expended uses from it after a full
night’s rest.
Wild Fire As an action, the salamander causes any number of
creatures and objects in the same zone within three zones to
catch fire (luck ends). A target makes rolls to end this effect
with 1 bane.

target takes 5d6 damage plus 2d6 damage from the flames.

If the result is 20 or higher, the target catches fire (luck
ends) and cannot retreat until the end of the seraph’s next
For all that the priests of the High One present Seraph Assault The seraph makes up to three Flaming Sword
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
angels as benevolent entities, created to watch Heavenly Inferno As an action, the seraph calls down a
over mortals and protect them from evil, seraphs column of flame deal 7d6 damage to each enemy in one it
have no obligation to mortals unless their orders can see. Magical and supernatural enemies in the zone take
say otherwise. Seraphs have no purpose beyond an extra 3d6 damage.
The seraph can use this supernatural whenever it
the service they give to their creator and thus chooses, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last
might be protectors and saviors or merciless used it.
destroyers. Word of Summons As a minor action, the seraph causes one
The Rolls of Paradise hold all the names of the creature within three zones to teleport to the seraph’s zone.
million or so seraphs in service to their maker, yet
little sets one apart from the others. All look
humanoid with the same grim and unsmiling
countenances. Although they have no body hair,

they all have great, feathered wings emerging from
their backs. Seraphs have skin in a range of
metallic hues, from silver to gold, brass to bronze,
each etched with fine filigree that, when one
draws close enough, reveals itself to be faint,
woven lines that chronicle the life and times of the
That the High One intends them for war shows
itself in the fiery blades they wield and the zeal
with which they use them. Seraphs make poor
conversationalists, despite knowing all tongues,
and when they speak, they do so in monotone
voices, droning on about whatever mission impels
them. No reason can move them. Bargaining falls
on deaf ears. The seraphs know what awaits them
should they falter in their purpose or develop the
sickness of free will. Existence as an archon, cast
out from Paradise, shunned by all of heaven, holds
appeal for only the most deranged and broken of
these mighty servants.

Level 7 Defense 17 Health 77
Strength 17 (+7) Agility 17 (+7) Intellect 17 (+7) Will 17 (+7)
Languages all
Immune asleep, frightened, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Holy Light The seraph emits bright light from its body.
Invisible creatures and objects in a zone lit by this light
become visible. Enemies in zones lit by this light are cursed
for as long as they remain in it.
Flight A seraph can move by flying while it is not injured.
Seraphic Fury Each time the seraph fails a roll, it gains 1 fury
token. The seraph can spend fury tokens at any time to
produce the following effects:
• 1 token to turn a successful roll against its Intellect or its
Will into a failed one.
• 1 token to end one affliction on itself.
• 1 token to heal 2d6 damage or enable one ally within its
zone to heal 2d6 damage.
• 3 tokens to gain one action and use it immediately.
Melee Attack—Flaming Sword (keen +1d6, wounding)
Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the

gnash teeth, sit and stare, scour the curious
writings in the library of Forgotten Works, or,
haunt the borders of the Underworld, in hopes of
Actions in life determine what fate mortals find catching a glimpse of the living world.
when they day. Most souls vanish into the dark
kingdom of the Underworld, where Lord Death Lares
rules over the numbed masses doomed to wander Level 2 Defense 11 Health 35
this lightless place. A few, chosen by the High One, Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
might be lifted out of the Underworld to dwell in Languages Archaic, Common
Immune asleep, controlled, poisoned; deprivation, exposure,
Paradise, experiencing comfort and joy, but also infection, suffocation
relentless boredom. And those who embraced Enhanced Intellect and Will The lares makes Intellect rolls
selfishness, whose actions brought about evil and Will rolls with 1 boon and imposes 1 bane on rolls
ends, fall into the clutches of the Netherworld to against its Intellect or Will.
Resilience The lares makes a luck roll when it gains an
face the fiends condemned to this harrowing affliction and, on a success, ends the affliction.
place. Eternal Returns If killed by anything other than a god or
Lares The High One came to Erth to save worthy demon, the lares returns to life with all lost Health regained
mortal souls from the oblivion of the Underworld. and all damage healed after 24 hours.
Radiant A lares emits dim light.
People who live free from error, virtuous, noble, True Vision A lares needs no light to see and perceives
and compassionate might find salvation in death outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
and become a lares in Paradise. Unfortunately, sight.
even a minor infraction can block a soul’s ascent. Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Lares, the souls who reach Paradise, appear as
idealized versions of their mortal selves, carved
from metal, with halos shining around their heads. Level 2 Defense 9 Health 32
The longer they spend in Paradise, the less they Strength 12 (+2) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 12 (+2)
remember until the High One promotes them to Languages Archaic, Common
the rank of seraph. Immune asleep, poisoned; deprivation, exposure, infection,
Lemure Existence in the Netherworld should be Fearsome The lemure imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
unendurable for the fiends show great creativity in creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
the suffering they create. But for the souls damned this trait.
to pass the eons in this place of pain, all paths out Eternal Returns If killed by anything other than a god or
demon, the lemure returns to life with all lost Health
of Hell have been closed. The lemures are not even regained and all damage healed after 24 hours.
allowed to die—no matter how brutalized their Dark Vision A lemure needs no light to see in its zone.
bodies become, they remain keenly aware and feel Sadistic When the lemure harms a creature, the lemure makes
every twinge, ache, and pain. Such treatment attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of its next turn.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth Strength against Defense. On
makes them hateful beyond reason and, given the a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
chance, they subject others to everything and
anything they have so far endured. Manes
Lemures have wrecked, broken bodies, flesh Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 10
torn open, bones breaking through the skin, Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
organs dragging, forms pierced, shattered, and cut Languages Archaic, Common
Immune asleep, poisoned, Intellect impaired, Will impaired;
almost beyond recognition. Yet they mewl and cry, deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
curse and spit, lashing out at anything within Eternal Returns If killed by anything other than a god or
reach. demon, the manes returns to life with all lost Health
Manes Souls of the dead become manes upon regained and all damage healed after 24 hours.
Night Vision A manes treats dim light as bright light.
passing through the Underworld’s gates. The Fading Memory At the end of the round, make a luck roll. On a
transformation fixes their forms so they appear failure, the manes becomes stunned until the end of the next
without any of the infirmities they experienced in round.
life, yet appear neither old, nor young, but Melee Attack—Unarmed Strength with 1 bane against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
somewhere between.

The Underworld erodes their identities,
corroding memories, dulling emotions, until the
individuals fade away, utterly consumed by Lord
Death. Until dissolution occurs, manes can pass
their time in whatever way they choose—wail and

slain victims and each rune etched on the blade

Skeletons pins the victim’s soul to the weapon.

Decrepit Skeleton
Undead skeletons inhabit lost cities, such as those
Level 1/2 Defense 8 Health 9
in the Purple Wastes, prowl the corridors of Strength 9 (–1) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
forgotten tombs, and stand sentry in the holdfasts Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened;
of their makers. Although stripped down to bones, deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
skeletons lose none of their combat cunning and Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
some even retain fragments of their personalities. Broken A decrepit skeleton is prone and cannot stand up.
Skeletons understand Archaic or other old, Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and
forgotten languages, but they themselves lack the object within three zones of it is located.
means to speak themselves. Melee Attack—Claws Strength against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.
Decrepit Skeleton The battered and broken
remnants of other skeletons, the magic animating
them lingers enough to let these heaps of bones
Skeleton Archer
Level 1 Defense 13 (leather) Health 15
pull themselves across the ground to claw at the Strength 11 (+1) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
living. Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened;
Skeleton Archer Fast and lightly armored, deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
archers can keep their distance from closing foes,
half damage from weapons.
scurrying backwards to fire again and again. Magic Resistance The skeleton takes half damage from
Skeleton Chopper Sparks fly from the axe blade magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
as the chopper drags it on the ground. The magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
effects with 1 boon.
skeleton must use all its strength to swing its Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and
terrible weapon and when it does it lands with object within three zones of it is located.
lethal force, hacking through armor, flesh, and Decrepit Persistence When the skeleton becomes
bone. incapacitated, make a luck roll. On a success, the skeleton’s
damage total drops to 0 and it becomes a decrepit skeleton
Shield-Bearer The shield-bearer skeletons
at the end of the round.
form the vanguard of any force of skeletons. They Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 1 boon against Defense.
heft their heavy shields in front of them to catch On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
enemy missiles as they march inexorably forward. Ranged Attack—Longbow (range 6) Agility with 1 boon
against Agility. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Skeleton Soldier Soldiers make up the majority
Shift Position As a reaction when an enemy enters the
of any skeleton force. skeleton’s zone, the skeleton moves into an adjacent zone.
Skeleton Death Master The magic-using death
masters hover among their fellow undead, Skeleton Chopper
supporting them with hideous curses. Death Level 1 Defense 10 Health 20
masters have bodies of shattered bones held Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
together by shadows. Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Skeleton Captain Through their malign Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
presence, captains make the skeletons fighting half damage from weapons.
under their commands attack with greater speed Magic Resistance The skeleton takes half damage from
and force. Unlike other skeletons, captains make magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
sounds—high pitched wails, shrieks, and laughter. effects with 1 boon.
Giant Skeleton Bones from giants and similarly Slow A skeleton chopper cannot run.
large creatures can be animated by the same dark Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and
magic responsible for other skeletons, but the object within three zones of it is located.
Decrepit Persistence When the skeleton becomes
animation demands more profane energy that the incapacitated, make a luck roll. On a success, the skeleton’s
rest. Thus, when giant skeletons rise up, their damage total drops to 0 and it becomes a decrepit skeleton
bodies burn with unholy flames. at the end of the round.
Skeleton Champion Some skeletons retain Melee Attack—Greataxe (brutal) Strength against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
more of their memories than do others. Skeletons
of mighty warriors rise up to become champions.
Skeleton Shield-Bearer
Nearly all wield magical weapons, called Level 2 Defense 16 (ring, shield) Health 12
runeblades, which are crafted from the bones of Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation

Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes Airborne A death master moves only by flying and can hover.
half damage from weapons. Melee Attack—Claws (keen +1d6) Agility with 1 boon against
Magic Resistance The skeleton takes half damage from Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from Chilling Screech As an action, the death master screeches.
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical Each enemy in its zone and each adjacent one takes 2d6
effects with 1 boon. damage and makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and creature takes an extra 2d6 damage and becomes Will
object within three zones of it is located. impaired (luck ends).
Shield Wall If there are three or more shield-bearers in the The death master can use this magical whenever it
same zone, they impose 1 bane on rolls for ranged attacks chooses, as long as at least 1 hour has elapsed since it last
against targets in this zone. used it.
Decrepit Persistence When the skeleton becomes Hateful Blast As an action, the death master hurls profane
incapacitated, make a luck roll. On a success, the skeleton’s energies at one creature or object within three zone. Make
damage total drops to 0 and it becomes a decrepit skeleton an Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s Strength. On
at the end of the round. a success, the target takes 6d6 damage, moves to an adjacent
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 1 boon against Defense. zone, and falls prone.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
On either a success or a failure, the shield-bearer’s the death master Defense or Agility, impose 1 bane on the
Defense drops to 14 until the start of its next turn. enemy’s roll.
Melee Attack—Shield Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Swift Strike As a reaction when the shield-bearer deals
Skeleton Captain
Level 4 Defense 18 (plate and mail, shield) Health 33
damage with a shield attack, the shield-bearer makes a
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened;
dagger attack.
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
Skeleton Soldier half damage from weapons.
Level 2 Defense 16 (mail, shield) Health 16 Protected If a skeleton captain has three or more allies in its
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2) zone, it imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened; Magic Resistance The skeleton takes half damage from
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
half damage from weapons. effects with 1 boon.
Magic Resistance The skeleton takes half damage from Unholy Leadership The skeleton captain grants 1 boon on the
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from attribute rolls of allies in its zone. The attacks of skeleton
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical allies in the captain’s zone also deal an extra 1d6 damage.
effects with 1 boon. Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and
Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and object within three zones of it is located.
object within three zones of it is located. Decrepit Persistence When the skeleton becomes
Decrepit Persistence When the skeleton becomes incapacitated, make a luck roll. On a success, the skeleton’s
incapacitated, make a luck roll. On a success, the skeleton’s damage total drops to 0 and it becomes a decrepit skeleton
damage total drops to 0 and it becomes a decrepit skeleton at the end of the round.
at the end of the round. Unnerving Cackle At the end of the round, the skeleton
Melee or Ranged Attack—Spear (thrown 1) Strength with 1 captain rolls a d6. On a 5 or 6, the captain issues shrieking
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 laughter that forces each enemy in its zone to make a Will
damage. roll. On a failure, an enemy becomes frightened of the
Melee Attack—Dagger Strength with 1 boon against Defense. skeleton captain until either the captain becomes
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. incapacitated or the enemy overcomes the affliction with a
successful Will roll.
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
Skeleton Death Master against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Level 5 Defense 13 Health 46
Skeleton Assault As an action, the captain makes two Sword
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 12 (+2)
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes Giant Skeleton
half damage from weapons. Level 6 Defense 9 Health 91
Fearsome The skeleton imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A Strength 15 (+5) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 12 (+2)
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened;
this trait. deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Magic Resistance The skeleton takes half damage from Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from half damage from weapons.
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical Fearsome The giant skeleton imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
effects with 1 boon. it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
Anathematic Presence At the end of the round, each enemy in to this trait.
the death master’s zone makes a Strength roll and loses 1d6 Magic Resistance The skeleton takes half damage from
Health on a failure. magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
object within three zones of it is located. effects with 1 boon.

Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Trample When the giant skeleton runs into a zone, each
creature in that zone makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a
creature takes 3d6 damage and falls prone.
Black Flames Black flames burn inside the giant skeleton’s
ribcage. When a creature in the giant skeleton’s zone attacks
it, the creature makes a luck roll along with its roll to attack.
On a failed luck roll, the creature takes 2d6 damage and
loses 1d6 Health.
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6, reach, wounding) Strength
with 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes
8d6 damage.
Skeleton Assault As an action, the giant skeleton makes two
Sword attacks, but must make each attack against a different

Skeleton Champion
Level 6 Defense 16 (plate and mail) Health 93
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 15 (+5)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned, weakened;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Undead A skeleton is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
Fearsome The skeleton champion imposes 1 bane on rolls to
attack it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is
immune to this trait.
Magic Resistance The skeleton takes half damage from
magical sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from
magical effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical
effects with 1 boon.
Awareness The skeleton knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Obliteration When the champion becomes incapacitated, it
explodes, which destroys it and everything it wears and
carries. The flying debris deals 5d6 damage to each creature
and object in the champion’s zone and the air fills with the
shrieks of souls released from the champion’s weapon. A
creature in the zone makes a Strength roll and a Will roll. On
a failed Strength roll, the creature takes an extra 5d6
damage. On a failed Will roll, the creature becomes stunned
(luck ends).
Melee Attack—Rune Blade (keen +2d6, wounding) Strength
with 2 boons against Defense. On a success, the target takes
4d6 damage and loses 1d6 Health. If the target becomes
incapacitated, it dies, its soul becomes trapped in the
champion’s rune blade, which prevents the target from being
restored to life until the rune blade is destroyed.
Skeleton Assault As an action, the champion makes two Rune
Blade attacks, but must make each attack against a different

Awareness The slime knows where each creature and object
within three zones of it is located.
Malleable A sinister jelly can squeeze through an opening at
least 1 inch wide.
Any creature lacking a fixed anatomy, skeleton, Amphibious The sinister jelly can breathe when submerged in
and exoskeleton counts as a slime. Hunger drives water.
these nearly mindless predators in search of prey Swimmer A sinister jelly can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
and when they find them, they dissolve them so
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
they can absorb their nutrients. Oozes thrive in swim with 1 boon.
damp, dark places and can take over entire cave Liquefied Victims Any creature of flesh and blood reduced to
systems given sufficient prey and time. 0 Health by a sinister jelly becomes a liquid that the sinister
jelly can absorb. Objects worn and carried by the creature
Sinister Jelly One finds sinister jellies in that feature metal construction are unaffected by this trait.
underground lakes and riverbeds, though their Melee Attack—Body Strength against Agility. On a success, the
clear bodies make them difficult to spot. When a target loses 1d6 Health and becomes grabbed. A target
creature disturbs the water, the jelly unfolds itself grabbed in this way makes rolls to overcome the effect with
1 bane. If the target was already grabbed, the target loses an
to ensnare its victim in damp folds, at which point extra 1d6 Health and the jelly extends the duration of the
tiny barbs inject digestive enzymes that let the grab for another round.
jelly drink its victim.
Malevolent Goo A malevolent goo spreads its Malevolent Goo
clear mass thin over the ground to make itself look Level 2 Defense 8 Health 36
like a shallow puddle or damp spot. It creeps by Strength 12 (+2) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 4 (–6) Will 15 (+5)
inches, until its victim comes into reach. It then Immune blinded, deafened, immobilized, prone
Subterranean Concealment If the goo is in a subterranean
forms pseudopods from its mass, appendages that zone, enemies cannot take the initiative until after the goo
drip corrosive juices. takes its first turn. The goo then loses access to this trait
Nefarious Pudding A nefarious pudding looks until the combat ends.
like a big dollop of wet liver-colored pudding with Underground Concealment At the start of combat, the
malevolent goo is hidden from all its enemies if the goo is in
a thick skin from which sprout a hair, fingernail, or an underground zone.
bit of bone. When confronted with something it Burned by Sunlight If the malevolent goo starts its turn in a
deems tasty, it draws itself up into a large column zone lit by direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses
and folds itself in half, bring its top down onto its 1d6 Health.
Awareness The slime knows where each creature and object
victim’s body, wrapping it in a damp sheathe that within three zones of it is located.
numbs nerve-endings even as it turns liquid the Climber When the malevolent goo uses a move to climb, it can
skin, hair, and bones of its prey. climb into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
Malicious Ooze Looking like ambulatory pools overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
of bubbling snot, a malicious ooze dampens the Malleable A malevolent goo can squeeze through an opening
ground around itself wherever it comes to a rest. A at least 1 inch wide.
clever predator, it hides from prey, follows along at Slow A malevolent goo cannot run.
a distance, and then strikes from the shadows Melee Attack—Pseudopodia Strength against Agility. On a
success, a target takes 3d6 damage and becomes Strength
when its victim would be distracted or caught impaired (luck ends).
unawares. The ooze’s corrosive juices make short Goo Assault The goo makes two Pseudopodia attacks, but
of work of its victim’s skin, turning it into a runny, must make each attack against a different target.
foul-smelling slick that the ooze absorbs over
time. Nefarious Pudding
Level 4 Defense 7 Health 75
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 7 (–3) Intellect 3 (–7) Will 15 (+5)
Sinister Jelly Immune blinded, deafened, immobilized, prone; free attacks
Level 1 Defense 9 Health 21 Corrosive Spray When the nefarious pudding takes damage
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 9 (–1) Intellect 2 (–8) Will 15 (+5) from a pointed or edged weapon or a ranged attack, it
Immune blinded, deafened, immobilized, prone; free attacks releases a spray of corrosive fluid from its body. Each
Aquatic Concealment If the jelly is in a water zone, enemies creature in its zone makes a luck roll and takes 1d6 damage
cannot take the initiative until after the jelly takes its first on a failure.
turn. The jelly then loses access to this trait until the combat Awareness The slime knows where each creature and object
ends. within three zones of it is located.
Shared Pain Whenever the jelly takes damage while it has a Malleable A nefarious pudding can squeeze through an
creature grabbed, the jelly divides the damage evenly opening at least 1 inch wide.
between itself and the creature it has grabbed. Melee Attack—Engulf Strength against Defense. On a success,
Corrosive Leakage At the end of the round, any creature in the the target loses 2d6 Health, and disappears inside the
sinister jelly’s zone that is also in the same body of water as pudding’s body where it remains until the pudding becomes
it takes 1d6 damage. incapacitated or the target overcomes the effect with a

successful Strength roll with 1 bane. While it is in the
pudding’s body, the target loses access to the Awareness
trait, if it has it, is blinded, deafened, weakened, and loses
2d6 Health at the end of each round. In addition, whenever
the pudding takes damage, the pudding evenly divides the
damage between itself and each creature in its body.
Hideous Bulge As a reaction when an enemy starts its turn in
the pudding’s zone, the pudding makes a Strength roll
against that enemy’s Strength. On a success, the enemy takes
1d6 damage and is pushed into an adjacent zone. If the
result of the roll is 20 or higher, the enemy also falls prone.

Malicious Ooze
Level 1 Defense 10 Health 21
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 15 (+5)
Immune blinded, deafened, immobilized, prone; free attacks
Awareness The malicious ooze knows where each creature
and object within three zones of it is located.
Malleable A malicious ooze can squeeze through an opening at
least 1 inch wide.
Division When the malicious ooze takes damage from an
edged weapon or lightning, it splits into two smaller oozes,
each with half the Health of its original form. Divide the
damage total between each. A divided ooze makes rolls to
attack with 1 bane for each time it has divided in a 24-hour
Melee Attack—Pseudopod Strength against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage, and becomes grabbed.
If the target is already grabbed, it also loses 1d6 Health and
the ooze extends the duration of the grab until the end of its
next turn.

Soldiers Level 1/2 Defense 13 (padded, shield) Health 10
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 9 (–1)
Communities look to soldiers to protect them. Languages Common
Melee Attack—Spear Strength against Defense. On a success,
Whether fighting hostile armies, roving bands of
the target takes 1d6 damage.
brigands, or vicious monsters, opportunities Ranged Attack—Sling (range 2) Agility against Defense. On a
abound for people who know how to handle success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
themselves in a fight.
Conscript From the ranks of ordinary folk come Archer
the conscripts. Community leaders press the Level 1/2 Defense 12 (leather) Health 10
common folk into service and give them a spear to Strength 10 (+0) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Common
carry in war. They are the least members of any Melee Attack—Knife Agility against Defense. On a success, the
force. target takes 1d6 damage.
Archer Most archers in a force of soldiers were Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility against Defense. On a
hunters, farmers, and the like who displayed some success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
proficiency with bows.
Mercenary Mercenaries have the training and Mercenary
Level 1 Defense 16 (mail, shield) Health 19
experience of professional soldiers, but have none Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
of the loyalty to their masters and sell their Languages Common
swords to the highest bidders. Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
Soldier Professional soldiers have the training against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength with 1
they need to survive in battle. When not fighting, boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
they might find employment as guards. damage.
Constable Towns and cities depend on Ranged Attack—Crossbow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon
constables to police their streets. Duties include against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
breaking up fights, chasing down thieves, and
bringing killers to justice. A community might Soldier
Level 1 Defense 16 (mail, shield) Health 20
have a small team of constables or several Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
precincts of constables charged with protecting an Languages Common
entire district. Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
Bodyguard Merchants, nobles, and other against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength with 1
wealthy individuals who can afford protection boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
receive it from the bodyguards they hire. These damage.
professionals stand head and shoulders above
hired muscle for they have sharp senses, Constable
durability, and a full understanding that if they Level 1 Defense 13 (brigandine) Health 15
must, they will die for their employers. Strength 11 (+1) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Knight A knight could be a shining beacon of
Melee Attack—Mace Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
chivalry and honor, captain a household guard, On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
pledge to protect a regent, undertake quests for
the crown, or wander the lands in disgrace, forced Bodyguard
to wear the black for violating the chivalric code. Level 3 Defense 16 (mail, shield) Health 32
Knights can be as rich as lords or as poor as Strength 12 (+2) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
beggars, but most fall somewhere in between. All Languages Common
Protector The bodyguard imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack its
knights, regardless of their circumstances, earn allies in its zone.
the right to carry arms and display their family’s Melee Attack—Scimitar (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
colors by swearing oaths to uphold the tenets of against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
chivalry, a code of conduct to which all knights Melee or Ranged Attack—Knife (thrown 1) Strength against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
must cleave. Take the Hit As a reaction when an ally in the bodyguard’s
When encountered in the wild, a knight rides a zone takes damage, the bodyguard takes the damage instead
war steed. of the ally that enabled the use of this talent.
One or more squires (soldier) and servants
(commoner) accompany traveling knights, each Knight
mounted on steeds. Level 5 Defense 18 (plate and mail) Health 53
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Common

Enhanced Will The knight makes Will rolls with 1 boon and
imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Will.
Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Mace (concussing) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Long Spear (reach, wounding) Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6

True Vision A specter needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Airborne A specter moves only by flying and can hover.
Some people were so awful in life, so incalculably Spirit A specter can move through or end its movement inside
evil that not even Hell wants them. The unwanted a solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the specter
spirits roam the mortal world, doing as much cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed. The specter
ignores the effects of wind and other kinds of challenging
harm as they can. As they exist trapped between
terrain that can ordinarily affect flying creatures. The
life and death, their anger and hatred build until it specter makes no noise unless it chooses to do so.
transforms their soul into something monstrous. Melee Attack—Draining Touch Agility with 1 boon against
Specters have power enough to stand before the Agility. On a success, the target loses 4d6 Health and
becomes weakened until it rests for at least 1 hour. On a
full light of the sun and remain unscathed. No holy failure, the specter adds 20 to the next roll it makes to
symbol can move them, no god-sworn servant can attack.
disturb them. They are a force for evil that Specter Assault As an action, the specter makes two Draining
obliterates everything in its path. Touch attacks, but must make each attack against a different
Luckily, specters haunt the places in which they Aggressive As a reaction when the specter sees an enemy, the
lived in life. They roam the corridors of old castles, specter can move to where it can reach one enemy in its
prowl the dungeon depths, and survey the zone or an adjacent one.
crumbling splendor of the lives they lost. Those of
low station terrorize peoples in their haunts and
the presence of a specter can clear the poor
quarter faster than can a brute squad.
Elements of their former appearance survives in
their spectral forms, but everything appears
warped and distorted, almost making them
caricatures. Nearly all show signs of how they
died. One might have a hangman’s noose around
its neck, while another has a bloated face from
being poisoned.

Level 7 Defense 15 Health 92
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 15 (+5) Intellect 15 (+5) Will 17 (+7)
Immune frightened, immobilized, prone; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Fearsome The specter imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Damage Resistance A specter takes half damage from
weapons that are neither magical nor supernatural.
Magic Resistance The specter takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
Supernatural Resistance The specter takes half damage from
supernatural sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against from
supernatural effects, and makes rolls to resist or end
supernatural effects with 1 boon.
Psychic Tempest When the specter takes 20 damage or more,
each enemy in its zone makes a Will roll. A creature takes
3d6 damage and become frightened of the specter (luck
ends) on a failure, or takes half the damage on a success.
Psychic Torment When an enemy in the specter’s zone is
harmed, a different enemy the specter choses from those in
its zone takes 1d6 damage.
Spiritual Destruction A specter devours the soul of any
creature it kills. Such a creature cannot be restored to life by
any means. When this happens, each enemy within the
specter’s zone makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
enemy becomes frightened of the specter until the enemy
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll or the
specter dies.

Recent arrivals to the New Lands, the sphinxes
seek a new home for themselves, for theirs has
begun to die. Efforts to forestall the ruination
spreading through their fields and forest have
proven fruitless; the sands creep ever closer, the
rivers and lakes have gone dry, and death claims
more and more lives. Hence, across the Sea of Fear
come the sphinxes, more refugees to join the flood.
For now, the sphinxes who have reached the
New Lands come as explorers and diplomats,
hoping to arrange the founding of settlements
through peaceful means first. Sphinxes seek a
genuine accord, as they have troubles enough back
in their lands, but as their situation grows more
desperate, they will use force to secure their own

Sphinx Exile
Traitors, devotees of Nekron, the Aegon death god,
criminals, and the like find themselves cut off from
their homeland and forced to make do in a strange
and unknown world. Want, conflict, and other
hardships turn even the wrongly exiled into
grizzled, tough survivors, willing and able to do
whatever they must to see another day.

Sphinx Exile
Level 5 Defense 14 (ring) Health 69
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common, Sphinx
Whirling Defense Whenever the sphinx uses an action to
attack, it imposes 1 bane on rolls against its Defense until
the start of its next turn, or until it becomes controlled,
stunned, or unconscious.
Nimble The sphinx…
• … suffers no drawbacks from running.
• … imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack from free attacks.
• … loses half as much Health from landing after a fall.
• …make the Agility roll with 2 boons when it uses a
reaction to dodge.
Melee Attack—Scimitar and Dagger (keen +1d6, wounding)
Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the
target takes 5d6 damage.
Whirling Strike As an action, the sphinx exile makes a
spinning leap, whipping its weapons around itself. Make an
Agility roll and compare the result to the Defense of each
enemy in the sphinx’s zone. If the result equals or beats the
enemy’s Defense, the enemy takes 3d6 damage.
The sphinx can use this talent whenever it chooses, as
long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last used it.
Swift Cut As a reaction when an enemy in the sphinx’s zone
attacks the sphinx, the sphinx forces the enemy to make a
luck roll along with its roll to attack. If the luck roll results in
a failure, the enemy takes 2d6 damage.

Spriggans believe themselves the scions of
Grandfather Tree and their beliefs compel them to
watch over the natural world and guard it from
harm. Most spriggans live in peace with others
who share their territory, and might even allow
outsiders to harvest some timber from their lands,
provided such cutting is done with an eye toward
conservation. Many spriggans, though, tolerate no
intrusion into their territory and seed their lands
with carnivorous plants, use magic to recruit
wildlife to aid them in defending their territory.

Spriggan Xenophobe
Considering how peoples of flesh and blood ravage
the forests for timber, it’s easy to understand how
and why spriggans might come to despise others.
Spriggan xenophones declare war against the
fleshies and hunt them whenever they trespass in
their woods. Spriggans might mount their victims’
mutilated heads on the edges of their territory as a
warning, but spriggans who have a taste for
murder might not.

Spriggan Xenophobe
Level 2 Defense 10 Health 28
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common
Immune asleep
Woodland Concealment If the spriggan is in a wooded zone,
enemies cannot take the initiative until after the spriggan
takes its first turn. The spriggan then loses access to this
trait until the combat ends.
Woodland Concealment At the start of combat, the spriggan
xenophobe is hidden from all its enemies if the spriggan is in
a woodland zone.
Melee Attack—Claws (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Plant to Plant As a move when the spriggan is in a wilderness
zone, the spriggan, along with whatever it carries and has
grabbed, teleports to a wilderness zone it can see within six
Plant Allies As a minor action, the spriggan causes the ground
in its zone, if that zone contains natural plants, to become
challenging terrain until the end of its next turn. Once the
spriggan uses this trait, it regains the use of it after it rests
for 1 hour.
Drag Off As a reaction when spriggan grabs a creature, the
spriggan either uses its plant to plant talent, or moves into
an adjacent zone and drags the creature it has grabbed with

• The target attacks one other creature of the sprite’s
choice in the target’s zone. The target makes the roll with
1 bane.
Wild Escape As a reaction when harmed, the sprite gains a
Many faeries chose to live in the world of mortals, move which it must use immediately or lose it. This
and the degree to which they adapt to the movement does not enable enemies to make free attacks
changing world depends a great deal on the against the sprite. Once the sprite uses this talent, it must
rest for 1 hour before it can use it again.
individual faeries. Some resent mortal dominion
and prey upon them in their doomed struggle to
keep the mortal numbers in check. Others find
mortals a source of endless fascination and might
spend years watching from the shadows, playing
tricks on them, or, maybe, come out of hiding to
live near them, if not alongside them. Thus do the
sprites find themselves sometimes aiding,
frustrating, and vexing mortals, in equal numbers.
All sprites can communicate with natural

Sprite Scamp
Belonging firmly to the group of sprites who see in
mortals perfect targets for games. Scamps do all
tricky things on which other faeries receive the
blame—horses panic, small items disappear,
youngsters become lost in the woods. Most sprites
do not seek to do lasting harm, but when they
become riled up, the tricks can go too far, and
someone can get hurt.

Sprite Scamp
Level 1/2 Defense 13 Health 9
Strength 9 (–1) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Languages Common, Sylvan
Immune infection
Iron Weakness The sprite is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Melee Attack—Dagger Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Bow (range 3) Agility with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Wee Form As an action, the sprite causes its body, along with
everything it wears and carries, to shrink down until it is
three inches tall. While it is at this reduced size, the sprite is
harmless: its attacks, spells, and talents do not deal damage,
cause others to lose Health, or bestow afflictions. When the
sprite speaks, its shouts sound like whispers. If the sprite
walks, it can reach the edge of its zone. If the sprite runs, it
can run into an adjacent zone. Unless a creature is
specifically looking for the sprite, though, it counts as if it
were invisible.
Cruel Tricks As an action while it is hidden, the sprite plays a
magical trick on one creature in its zone or an adjacent one.
Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Intellect. On a
success, the target suffers one of the following effects:
• The target’s mouth seals shut (luck ends).
• The target falls prone and must succeed on an Agility roll
or take 1d6 damage.
• A fearsome image appears in the target’s zone, causing
the target to become frightened (luck ends) until it
overcomes the affliction with a successful Will roll.

Almost any kind of small animal can join its
fellows to become swarm. Bats, rats, carnivorous
fish, insects, and birds, when encountered in great
numbers a seething mass of scales, feathers, fur,
claws, and teeth. Swarms retain coherency for as
long as they perceive a threat.

Level 4 Defense 12 Health 50
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 6 (–4) Will 10 (+0)
Immune blinded, deafened, immobilized, prone; free attacks
Multitudinous Beings The swarm takes half damage from
weapons and effects that target single creatures.
Mass of Creatures The swarm spreads out through its zone,
turning all surfaces in it into challenging terrain.
Murderous Swarm Each creature that enters a zone that
contains at least one swarm or that starts its turn in such a
zone takes 1d6 damage and makes a Strength roll. On a
failure, the creature takes an extra 1d6 damage and becomes
weakened until the start of its next turn.
Awareness The swarm knows where each creature and object
within three zones of it is located.
Malleable A swarm can squeeze through an opening at least 1
inch wide.
Melee Attack—Claws, Teeth, Stingers Each enemy in the
zone takes 1d6 damage. Agility with 1 boon against Agility.
On a success, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage.

Zephyr Escape As a reaction when the sylph takes damage and
is not injured, the sylph becomes invisible and flies to a zone
within two zones. At the start of the sylph’s next turn, it
becomes visible again.
When the elementals went to war against the
mortals, they went without the sylphs. The people
of the air refused to sacrifice their lives for lands

they never wanted in the first place and to fight
alongside peoples with whom they had almost
nothing in common. Rather than drown in a sea of
blood and violence, the sylphs took the skies and
the cities they built atop the clouds. And there
they have remained for thousands of years.
Time has been anything but kind to the sylphs.
Their isolation from the rest of the world left them
alone to face threats. City after city fell into ruin,
some of them to dragons that chose to make their
lair amidst the spires, while others were emptied
after some unknown calamity struck, the city’s
inhabitants vanished seemingly all of a sudden.
The few communities that have survived have
become even more withdrawn to the point that
visitors who make it to their eyries find
themselves thrown off the side to fall all the way
back the way they came.
Sylphs look humans, but have the skin, hair, and
eyes of the skies, being azure, gray, bone white,
and all the colors of dawn, dusk, and night. They
have lightweight bodies thanks to the hollowness
of their bones and large, butterfly wings on their

Level 4 Defense 14 Health 38
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Elemental
Immune poisoned, wind; free attacks; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Flight A sylph can move by flying while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Spear Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Ranged Attack—Shortbow (range 4) Agility with 1 boon
against Defense. Roll a d20 twice for this attack and use the
higher of the numbers rolled. On a success, the target takes
2d6 damage.
Howling Gale As an action, the sylph causes wind to blow in
one zone within six zones of it for 1 minute. Each enemy in
the zone when the sylph uses this talent or that enters it
makes a Strength roll. On a failure, an enemy is moved into
an adjacent zone away from the target zone, takes 1d6
damage, and falls prone.
The sylph can use this magical talent three times. The
sylph regains expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
Scattering Gust As an action, the sylph blasts one, two, or
three creatures in its zone with hurricane-strength winds. A
target takes 2d6 damage and then, for each target, make a
Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s Strength. On a
success, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage and moves
into an adjacent zone.
The sylph can use this magical talent three times. The
sylph regains expended uses from it after a full night’s rest.

Tomb Guardian
Dire curses and deadly guardians make tomb
raiders think twice before breaking the seals on
the tombs of the Devastation. The grand structures
stand as monuments to arrogance, wealth, and
power. Those interred the structures went to great
lengths to secure their bodies and treasures from
thieves. Thus, one finds diabolical traps, disease,
curses, and worse lurking in the darkness inside
these pyramids.
But for all the perils that wait for the unwary,
the greatest threat comes in the form of the
accursed guardians, undead protectors who stand
a vigil over their masters to ensure none disturb
their slumber. The guardians exist with Lord
Death’s blessing, a rare instance of the god
permitting undead and granted only by the lavish
sacrifices the holy orders. Thus do the accursed
guardians carry the seed of darkness in their
remains, a darkness that makes them terrors in
Linens wrap the guardian’s body, but time and
scavengers have caused some to fall free and
reveal their desiccated, blackened flesh. The
glimpse of their visages shows lips pulled back
from teeth and hollows where eyes once looked
out. Many wear outlandish costumes of the times
when they were interred and in those costumes
one can find hints of the crimes that they
committed in life that saw them condemned to the
fate of spending eternity watching over the dead.

Tomb Guardian
Level 5 Defense 8 Health 85
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 15 (+5)
Immune frightened, poisoned, Strength impaired, weakened;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Accursed Appearance An enemy becomes cursed for 24 hours
when it first sees the tomb guardian. A creature cursed in
this way loses 1d6 Health the first time it takes damage in a
Undead A tomb guardian is not alive. While it is not injured, it
takes half damage from weapons.
Fearsome The tomb guardian imposes 1 bane on rolls to
attack it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is
immune to this trait.
Flammable The tomb guardian takes double damage from fire.
When it takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with 1
bane and catches fire (luck ends) on a failure.
True Vision A tomb guardian needs no light to see and
perceives outlines around invisible creatures and objects in
its line of sight.
Slow A tomb guardian cannot run.
Melee Attack—Fists Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 7d6 damage. If the target takes 25
damage or more from this attack, the target becomes
stunned until the end of the tomb guardian’s next turn.

The tritons build their homes in the sea depths,
and collect themselves in great coral cities under
the rule of kings and queens who trace their
lineage back to the days when the tritons fought
the gods. Feared by sailors and fishers alike, the
tritons saw the land-dwelling peoples as their
enemies and thus raided the coastal settlements
and dragged their foes’ ships into the depths for
plunder. Recent years have seen the tritons soften
their ways and trade has taken the place of vicious
attacks, though certain factions in triton
communities resent and fear these changes. It
remains to be seen if the new spirit of cooperation
will last or if it is but a momentary reprieve from
the terror of the high seas.

Triton Sea Devil

A militant, bellicose faction found in nearly every
triton community, the Sea Devils see the recent
effort to deal peacefully with the land-dwellers as
capitulation and that to make allies with the
humans and others will ultimately dilute triton
culture and society. Sea Devils do everything they
can to sabotage peace treaties with the peoples
living on dry land and carry out vicious attacks
against ships that sail the Sea of Fear.

Triton Sea Devil

Level 2 Defense 11 Health 24
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Triton
Night Vision A triton treats dim light as bright light.
Amphibious The triton can breathe when submerged in water.
Swimmer A triton can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Trident Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Harpoon (thrown 2) Strength with
1 boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6
damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or higher, the target
becomes weakened and also becomes tethered to the triton.
While it is tethered, the target cannot move out of the
triton’s zone, but if the triton leaves its zone, it pulls the
target with it. The target can use an action to yank the
harpoon free, which causes it to lose 1d6 Health, or to cut
the harpoon’s rope with an edged weapon.
Dart Away As a reaction after the triton attacks while it is
swimming, the triton moves into an adjacent zone without
enabling enemies to make free attacks against it.

guarantees them first picks of the food and
prisoners, who also might become food.

There are places not even the rangers dare travel. Troglodyte Wretch
Bone Canyon and the Pitfields, in particular, have Level 1 Defense 10 Health 15
claimed the lives of so many, that the mere Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 7 (–3)
whisper of their names can cause people to break Languages Undertongue
Immune Will impaired
in the sweats. The trouble with both environments Fearsome The troglodyte imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
and ones like them is that they belong to the A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
troglodytes, a violence, monstrous people who this trait.
pass their days underground and come up under Sensitive Hearing A troglodyte is weakened while it is
the cover of night to hunt. Sunlight Weakness A troglodyte is weakened while it is in a
Humanity triumphed over the elemental foes zone lit by direct sunlight.
when war broke out between them, and now that Dark Vision A troglodyte needs no light to see in its zone.
ancient conflict has been all but forgotten by the Murderous If the wretch gets a result of 5 or lower on a roll to
attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the first
human descendants. Among the troglodytes, one.
though, the horrors of that war remain fresh, Melee Attack—Club Strength against Defense. On a success,
captured in the macabre art decorating the walls the target takes 2d6 damage.
of their cavern homes. Fear of the fiery worms and Melee or Ranged Attack—Spear (thrown 1) Strength against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
the mountains that move kept these human
descendants underground, and saw them delve
Troglodyte Witch
ever deeper until they left behind the purity of the Level 3 Defense 10 Health 39
sunlight lands and walked into the embrace of Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 12 (+2) Will 7 (–3)
eternal darkness. Languages Undertongue
The refugees found a new god in the dark, an Immune Will impaired
Fearsome The troglodyte imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
Ancient One shackled in the depths, but who A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
rested close enough to the surface for his whispers this trait.
to reach the ears of the frightened people. Those Sensitive Hearing A troglodyte is weakened while it is
whispers awakened the fear until it drove out all deafened.
Sunlight Weakness A troglodyte is weakened while it is in a
other thought and in their frightened state they zone lit by direct sunlight.
turned to the darkness to guide them. Generations Dark Vision A troglodyte needs no light to see in its zone.
spent listening to the voices have seen ordinary Melee Attack—Knife Strength against Defense. On a success,
people become monstrous in both body and mind, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Maddening Whispers As an action, the witch attacks the mind
the last vestiges of their humanity remaining only of one creature in its zone or an adjacent one. Make an
in their shapes. Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s Will. On a
The troglodytes would be content to stay in the success, the target becomes (dazed). Until the effect wears
darkness, but hunger draws them forth. The crave off, the target is deafened from the constant noise of
deranged whispering it hears. In addition, if the target is
meat, materials, and new blood to fold into their injured, it becomes controlled by the witch.
numbers and keep the Whisperer’s Gifts at bay— The witch can use this magical talent whenever it
those gifts being a whole host of problems caused chooses, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last
by relentless inbreeding. So, when the fire in the used it.
Skin the Rabbit As an action, the witch attacks the body of one
sky sinks below the world rim, the troglodytes creature of flesh and blood in its zone or an adjacent one.
come forth to hunt, to capture, to kill. Make an Intellect roll with 1 boon against the target’s
Troglodytes appear human for the most part, Strength. On a success, the target loses 2d6 Health and
but they have chalk white skin and dark bruising becomes weakened (luck ends). While it is weakened in this
way, the target loses 1d6 Health at the end of each round.
under their eyes. Most have some sort of physical The witch can use this magical talent whenever it
malady that intensifies their suffering. They garb chooses, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last
themselves in the skins of people they’ve killed used it.
and use weapons of wood, bone, and rock. Feast on Death As a reaction when an enemy within the
witch’s zone or an adjacent one becomes incapacitated, the
Most claim membership in one of the many witch and each of its allies in its zone and each adjacent one
troglodytic clans, each of which looks to the heals 1d6 damage.
largest, nastiest one to lead them. Some tribe The witch can use this magical talent whenever it
members have magical abilities as taught to them chooses, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last
used it.
by the Whisperer. Such individuals gain special
status as everyone fears them. The status

Troglodyte Monstrosity
Level 5 Defense 12 (leather) Health 54
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 7 (–3)
Languages Undertongue
Immune Will impaired
Fearsome The troglodyte imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it.
A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Ferocious When the troglodyte monstrosity is harmed, it
makes rolls to attack with 1 boon until the end of the next
Sensitive Hearing A troglodyte is weakened while it is
Sunlight Weakness A troglodyte is weakened while it is in a
zone lit by direct sunlight.
Dark Vision A troglodyte needs no light to see in its zone.
Murderous If the monstrosity gets a result of 5 or lower on a
roll to attack, it rolls another d20 and adds that result to the
first one.
Melee Attack—Warclub Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
Punch Down As a minor action, the monstrosity swings a fist
at one enemy in its zone. Make a Strength roll against the
target’s Strength. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage
and falls prone.
Unhinged Charge As a reaction when the monstrosity takes
damage from a ranged attack or magic, the monstrosity runs
toward the source of the damage. If it ends this move in the
source’s zone, the monstrosity attacks it and its attack deals
an extra 1d6 damage.
The monstrosity can use this talent whenever it chooses,
as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since it last used it.

Marsh Troll Marsh trolls live in swamps, bogs,
and other wetlands. Smart and nasty, marsh trolls
use traps and beasts to corral their prey into
The trolls entered the world at the same time as places where the troll can take them apart at its
did the faeries, but have since fallen into own time. Some marsh trolls even know how to
barbarism and evil. Once a cunning people, gifted use crude magic. As they cannot tolerate sunlight,
in crafting things and working magic, few equaled marsh trolls pass the days in dark waters or
skill at commanding the weather or bending the buried in mud, silt, or sand.
elements to their will. And their discovery of the Two-headed Troll Trolls’ regenerative ability
arcane arts would go on to become the foundation can produce weird anomalies, such that some
for major traditions of magic used today. grow additional limbs or even heads.
But for all their virtues, the trolls were a
spiteful, mistrustful people and they hated the Cave Troll
faeries for their willfulness and their inability to Level 5 Defense 10 Health 76
keep their word. Where faeries had beauty and Strength 16 (+6) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 11 (+1)
wit, trolls were ugly, cynical and skeptical. A war Languages Runic
Flammable The troll takes double damage from fire. When it
between the faeries and the trolls seemed takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with 1 bane and
inevitable and when it began, their struggle for catches fire (luck ends) on a failure.
dominion of creation would spawn giants, ogres, Petrified by Sunlight If the troll starts its turn in or moves into
and other beings, while leaving great swaths of the a zone lit by direct sunlight, it increases its Defense by 2 and
reduces its Health by 20. If the troll’s Health drops to 0, it
world damaged and unsuited for life of any kind. becomes a stone statue and dies.
In the end, the trolls fled for the mountains, the Night Vision A cave troll treats dim light as bright light.
caves, and the swamps, where their bitterness Hatred The troll makes rolls to attack with 1 boon during the
poisoned them and held them back from playing a first round of combat.
Regeneration At the end of the round, the cave troll heals 2d6
part in the world’s development. In their isolation, damage.
they lost so much of their lore that they eventually Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (keen +2d6) Strength against
became the monsters the faeries claimed them to Defense. On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
be. Troll Assault As an action, the troll makes two Claws and
Teeth attacks, but must make each attack against a different
Trolls now live in the wilderness, singly or in target.
small groups. They terrorize anyone upon whom Aggressive As a reaction when the troll sees an enemy, the troll
they happen and eat what they take by force, can move to where it can reach one enemy in its zone or an
whether they snatch an innocent cow from a field adjacent one.
or the farmer who raised it from a calf. Evil tyrants
sometimes recruit trolls for their strength and Marsh Troll
Level 7 Defense 11 Health 96
ferocity in battle or enslave them if they resist. Strength 16 (+6) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 14 (+4)
Trolls find themselves in wicked company, often Languages Runic
whether they want to be there or not. Flammable The troll takes double damage from fire. When it
Trolls adapt to their environments and many takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with 1 bane and
catches fire (luck ends) on a failure.
develop unusual physical traits as a result, but all Petrified by Sunlight If the troll starts its turn in or moves into
share a few common traits. First, trolls are big. a zone lit by direct sunlight, it increases its Defense by 2 and
They stand twice as tall as humans do and their reduces its Health by 20. If the troll’s Health drops to 0, it
bellies stick out, hanging over their belts if they becomes a stone statue and dies.
Night Vision A marsh troll treats dim light as bright light.
wear them. They have gray, pebbly skin, owing to Amphibious The marsh troll can breathe when submerged in
the brief encounters with sunlight, which turns water.
them to stone. Their facial features appear Swimmer A marsh troll can move one additional zone when it
cartoonish, with exaggerated noses, eyebrows, and swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
mouths filled with chisel-like teeth. swim with 1 boon.
Cave Troll As their name suggests, cave trolls Regeneration At the end of the round, the marsh troll heals
live underground in places where they can access 3d6 damage.
the surface for hunting and foraging. Of all the Sadistic When the marsh troll harms a creature, the troll
makes attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of its next
trolls, cave trolls have degenerated the most and turn.
many have lost their language altogether. For Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (keen +2d6) Strength against
these reason, when villains need muscle to bolster Defense. On a success, the target takes 12d6 damage.
their forces, they find the dim-witted brutes to be Troll Assault As an action, the troll makes two Claws and
Teeth attacks, but must make each attack against a different
suitable fodder. target.

Aggressive As a reaction when the troll sees an enemy, the troll
can move to where it can reach one enemy in its zone or an
adjacent one.

Two-Headed Troll
Level 7 Defense 10 Health 116
Strength 16 (+6) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 12 (+2)
Languages Runic
Flammable The troll takes double damage from fire. When it
takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with 1 bane and
catches fire (luck ends) on a failure.
Petrified by Sunlight If the troll starts its turn in or moves into
a zone lit by direct sunlight, it increases its Defense by 2 and
reduces its Health by 20. If the troll’s Health drops to 0, it
becomes a stone statue and dies.
Night Vision A marsh troll treats dim light as bright light.
Hatred The troll makes rolls to attack with 1 boon during the
first round of combat.
Regeneration At the end of the round, the two-headed troll
heals 4d6 damage.
Extra Actions A two-headed troll can use two actions on its
turn while it is not injured.
Extra Reactions A two-headed troll can use two reactions in
each round while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Claws and Teeth (keen +2d6) Strength against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 8d6 damage.
Troll Assault As an action, the troll makes two Claws and
Teeth attacks, but must make each attack against a different
Aggressive As a reaction when the troll sees an enemy, the troll
can move to where it can reach one enemy in its zone or an
adjacent one.

Elude Enemies As a reaction when an enemy moves into the
unicorn’s zone, the unicorn teleports to a zone it can see
within three zones.

Few have ever seen a unicorn, but the stories all

describe them silvery white deer with single
spiraling horns that emerge from the center of
their foreheads. They have manes and tails akin to
those of horses, while males have beards. A faint
gleam shines from them all, marking them as
somehow special, holy even. It should thus be
understandable that many people see unicorns as
symbols of purity, virtue, and goodness.
Unicorns, like most faeries, have no reason to
adhere to civilization’s conceptions of good and
evil and, more importantly, unicorns seek pleasure
in all things and go where they choose and when
they choose it. Many unicorns do show some
preference for keeping the company of human
maidens, though what reasons a unicorn might for
this interest is anyone’s guess.
Unlike other faeries, unicorns make little
mischief. If captured, corralled, or in any way
restrained they become wild, kicking at their
captors and using their horns to gut. Unicorns can
just step away to safety anytime they choose, but
the need to punish the temerity of their would-be
jailors seems to get in the way of their using
common sense.
A unicorn’s horn holds great magical power, so
much so that some hunt these magnificent beasts.
Legend claims the horns can restore life to the
dead, grant immortality, slay any creature, and
open portals to other universes. Killing a unicorn,
though, is hardly a good act and the faeries look
down at unicorn-murderers and might reward
such actions with a lasting and terrible curse.

Level 6 Defense 13 Health 73
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 13 (+3) Will 13 (+3)
Immune controlled, dazed, stunned; infection
Enhanced Defense The unicorn imposes 1 bane on rolls
against its Defense.
Magic Resistance The unicorn takes half damage from magical
sources, imposes 1 bane on rolls against it from magical
effects, and makes rolls to resist or end magical effects with
1 boon.
Radiant A unicorn emits faint light.
Iron Weakness The merrow is weakened while carrying or
wearing an iron or iron-alloy object.
Melee Attack—Horn (brutal) Strength against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 6d6 damage. If the unicorn ran
before the attack, the target takes an extra 6d6 damage. If
the result is 20 or higher, the unicorn can also make a hooves
Melee Attack—Hooves Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
Teleport As a move, the unicorn magically teleports to a zone
it can see within three zones.

Undines were among the first people to appear in
the world and soon after their awakening, they
spread across the globe, carrying with them the
waters to quench creation’s fires. Now, they live in
the deep waters, avoiding contact with other
peoples, even shunning the tritons with whom
they sometimes share territory.
In many ways, undine resemble the
salamanders, physically. They humanoid torsos
with from long, eel-like tails in place of legs. Their
facial features recall that of fish: wide mouths,
large bulging eyes with gold or silver irises. A fin
rises like a crest along the top of their heads and
extends down the back of the skull, neck, and
spine. Delicate fins follow their arms and form a
fringe at the end of their tails.

Level 4 Defense 14 Health 32
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Elemental
Immune poisoned; free attacks; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
Night Vision An undine treats dim light as bright light.
Aquatic The undine breathes while it is submerged in water
and is subject to suffocation while it is out of water.
Swimmer An undine can move one additional zone when it
swims; it ignores the effects of swimming on its attribute
rolls and on rolls against its Defense; and it makes rolls to
swim with 1 boon.
Melee Attack—Spear Agility with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage.
Riptide As an action, the undine magically moves the water in
one zone within three zones. The disturbance deals 2d6
damage to each creature in the zone that lacks the Swimmer
trait, and such a creature makes a Strength roll. On a failure,
a creature takes an extra 2d6 damage and is pushed into an
adjacent zone.
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
the undine’s Defense or Agility, impose 1 bane on the
enemy’s roll.

The sudden chill, the standing of hairs, the feeling
of being watched: these and other sensations
mean nothing, until they don’t. The phenomena
might be caused by the presence of a spirit. But it
might also mean that one of the unseen are near.
The unseen shoulder a terrible curse from
offending Blind and must live out their remaining
days unnoticed, unheard, almost entirely cut off
from the world around them.
The crime earning such a fate always involves a
grave injustice, an act that brings harm to the
innocent or that renders meaningless a victim’s
suffering. When such an act occurs, Blind, or one
of her proxies, might intervene and bestow doom
on the head of the perpetrator. This doom results
in a fading from view such that ordinary people
can no longer see or recognize the individual or
hear their conversation, cries, or suffering. The
goddess cuts these people off from the rest of the
Although the curse’s intent is to make the
individual suffer, some who come by it find it
affords them with even more opportunities for
making mischief. Although an unseen cannot
directly touch or affect a person who cannot see it,
an unseen could spy and sabotage, making them
invaluable assets for unscrupulous people who
would deign to consort with such cursed
individuals, if even they can.

Level 1/2 Defense 10 Health 11
Strength 11 (+1) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 9 (–1)
Languages Common
Invisible An unseen is magically invisible. An unseen cannot
touch or affect any creature that cannot see it, nor can it
affect any object being observed by a sighted creature.
Creatures that cannot see the unseen cannot hear the
unseen either.
Melee Attack—Fists Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On
a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.

Vampire Bat
The setting sun sparks a flurry of activity in the
town of Eastwood. People hurry to their homes
and slam the doors behind them. Shutters close
shut, latches rattling. By the time full dark settles
over the place, all has become still and quiet, with
only the wind sighing through the trees. Even the
animals stay quiet lest they. No one dares draw
attention from the nocturnal hunters. The vampire
bats wing through the darkness, gathering in great
clouds to feed on the living.
The vampire bats in the New Lands prey on all
living creatures, large or small. An individual
vampire bat can kill a full-grown human if it finds
purchase on the body, while a pack can wipe out a
herd of livestock, leaving drained their drained
carcasses all of their grazing fields. Vampire bats
possess a strange, unnatural cunning, a
ruthlessness that shows in the snorting, wheezing
sounds they make as they close in for the kill.
Like ordinary bats, vampire bats have furred
bodies and thin membranes that stretch from
arms to their bodies, which gives them the ability
to fly. Unlike their smaller kin, vampire bats grow
up to two feet long and have up to six-foot
wingspans. They have a pair of sharp fangs they
use to puncture holes in their victims and lap up
the spilling blood with their tongues.
Vampire bats have strong forelimbs and can use
them to speed across the ground. So even if
knocked from the sky with a torn wing, they can
charge and cling to their prey’s bodies with the
same proficiency. The bats glut themselves on
blood and some feed until they burst their bodies.
Most, though, become lethargic when full and
slowly fly back to their lairs.

Vampire Bat
Level 1/2 Defense 14 Health 6
Strength 6 (–4) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 7 (–3) Will 10 (+0)
Night Vision A vampire bat treats dim light as bright light.
Flight A vampire bat can move by flying while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Teeth Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On a
success, the target takes 1d6 damage and becomes grabbed.
Blood Drain As an action while it is grabbing a creature, the
vampire bat extends the duration of the grab until the end of
its next turn and a creature of flesh and blood that it has
grabbed loses 1d6 Health.
Avoidance As a reaction when an enemy makes a roll against
the vampire bat’s Defense or Agility, impose 1 bane on the
enemy’s roll.

Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 2 boons
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Fangs One creature of flesh and blood.
Strength with 1 boon against Defense. On a success, the
Vampires encompass many different strains of target takes 1d6 damage, loses 2d6 Health, and the vampire
parasites who wear humanoid forms. The most adds tokens to its reserve equal to the amount of Health the
common feed on blood, but some feed on energy, target loses.
Charming Gaze As a minor action, the vampire reduces its
emotion, and desire. Most vampires count
reserve tokens by 1d6 to gaze upon one creature in its zone.
themselves among the ranks of undead, but a few Make a Will roll with 1 boon against the target’s Will. On a
are living beings, mortal or even faerie. Whatever success, the target becomes controlled by the vampire for 1
their appearance or their nature, vampires depend minute. If the target is harmed from a source other than the
vampire, the target can make a Will roll and become immune
on living beings to sustain their unnatural to this vampire’s Charming Gaze talent for 24 hours on a
existence. success. If the vampire fails the roll, the target becomes
Most vampires drink blood. Each time they feed, immune to this vampire’s Charming Gaze for 24 hours.
they restore vigor to themselves and appear Speed Healing As a minor action, spend any amount of reserve
tokens to heal an equal amount of damage.
almost alive, flushed with the hot blood they have Misty Escape As a reaction when the vampire becomes
taken. In time, they rush fades and the price of incapacitated, the vampire reduces its reservoir by 1d6,
undeath takes hold once more, making the heals 1d6 damage, and becomes a flying, hovering cloud of
vampires appear, pale, thin, ghastly. The longer a mist. In this form the vampire is immune to all harm, but
cannot use actions, reactions, or minor actions, other than to
vampire goes without drinking, the less control
use a minor action to resume its normal form.
the vampire has over its impulses and it might
turn against friends and loved ones to slake its
terrible appetite.

For typical vampires, the nature comes as a
curse passed to them by the vampire that ended
their lives. When feeding on a victim and draining
that victim of all its blood, a vampire can spill its
own blood into the victim. Three nights after, the
victim becomes a vampire and uses the following
rules in place of those it had in life.

Level 5 Defense 14 Health 54
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 14 (+4) Intellect 14 (+4) Will 14 (+4)
Languages Archaic, Common
Immune controlled, dazed, poisoned, stunned; free attacks;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Human Appearance If the vampire has a blood reserve of 14
or more, it appears fully human. While it has this
appearance, it loses access to its Fearsome trait.
Undead A vampire is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
half damage from weapons.
Fearsome The vampire imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
Destroyed by Sunlight If the vampire starts its turn in or
moves into a zone lit by direct sunlight, the vampire loses
10d6 Health. If its Health drops to 0, the vampire collapses
into a pile of charcoal and greasy ashes.
Night Vision A vampire treats dim light as bright light.
Climber When the vampire uses a move to climb, it can climb
into an adjacent zone; it can climb across ceilings and
overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it; and it
makes rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Blood Reserve A vampire has a reserve of blood taken from
creatures on which it has fed. The vampire measures the
amount in its reserve with blood tokens. It can have a
maximum number of blood tokens equal to its Health score.
Each time the vampire finishes an 8-hour rest, it reduces its
number of tokens by 1d6. A typical encountered vampire has
4d6 tokens.

Void Shadow
The Void sometimes intrudes on creation, casting
the lands into a faint shadow. In this gloom, the
souls newly released from the dead might
succumb to this otherworldly influence and
become corrupted by it. Such souls become
shadows themselves, humanoid shapes formed
from darkness that seek to make more of their
own from the souls of the living.
Invisible in shadows and darkness, Void
shadows take shape when forced into the light and
then appear as human-shaped clots of darkness,
all smeary around the edges. The air grows still
and temperatures plummet until water turns to
Void shadows show great patience when on the
hunt. They follow prey, oozing through the
darkness until their victims are most vulnerable.
However, most Void shadows stay in places near
those where they took shape, places that have
borne witness to demonic incursions or where
dark magic has been recently used.

Void Shadow
Level 4 Defense 13 Health 18
Strength 10 (+0) Agility 13 (+3) Intellect 11 (+1) Will 13 (+3)
Immune asleep, frightened, impaired, poisoned, weakened;
deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Invisible The Void shadow is invisible in zones lit by dim light,
faint light, or no light at all.
Fearsome The Void shadow imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack
it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune
to this trait.
Burned by Sunlight If the Void shadow starts its turn in a zone
lit by direct sunlight or moves into such a zone, it loses 1d6
Wrongness A Void shadow warps reality around itself,
imposing 1 bane on the attribute rolls of creatures other
than demons and Void shadows in its zone.
True Vision A Void shadow needs no light to see and perceives
outlines around invisible creatures and objects in its line of
Spirit A Void shadow can move through or end its movement
inside a solid object. While it is inside a solid object, the Void
shadow cannot be harmed until the object is destroyed. The
Void shadow ignores the effects of wind and other kinds of
challenging terrain that can ordinarily affect flying creatures.
The Void shadow makes no noise unless it chooses to do so.
Spawn Shadow A creature of flesh and blood that is reduced to
0 Health by a Void shadow dies and rises, 1d6 rounds later,
as a new Void shadow, using the rules for such in place of its
Melee Attack—Draining Touch One creature of flesh and
blood. Agility with 1 boon against Agility. On a success, the
target loses 2d6 Health and becomes weakened (luck ends).
The shadow heals damage equal to the amount of Health the
target lost.

• Cannot use any equipment that transforms with it.
• Increases its Health by an amount equal to 1 + its level.
• Has Night Vision, which lets it treat dim light as bright
Wargs fled into the New Lands to escape • Its teeth are natural weapons that have the finesse
persecution by the Church of the High One, who property and deal 1d6 damage.
had named them scourge, unnatural, and deviant, Aggressive As a reaction when the warg sees an enemy, the
warg can move to where it can reach one enemy in its zone
ultimately calling for their extinction. The wargs
or an adjacent one.
settled in the largely unexplored New Lands and
kept to themselves avoiding the centaur herds, the
faeries, and the various monsters who also settled

here. The peace the wargs won came to a sudden
end with the Weird Wizard, in whom they saw an
existential threat. The wargs fought an ongoing
war against the Wizard’s mechanical soldiers, the
abominations let loose from his workshops, until
they became a true thorn in his heel.
Now that the Weird Wizard has vanished, what
victory the wargs celebrated came to an abrupt
end with the influx of refugees fleeing the violence
of the Old Country. With them came the hated
priests, despoilers, and thieves, and thus the
wargs have taken up arms once again to drive back
the invaders. Many warg tribes see these
newcomers as enemies, but significant numbers of
wargs recognize the futility in fighting against the
invaders. Rather than fight a war to extinction,
these tribes seek a peaceful arrangement. It
remains to be seen whether the pragmatic wargs
will prevail or if the spilled blood will drown the
lands once more.

Feral Warg
The feral wargs have adopted a hostile stance
toward the newcomers and they make regular
attacks against settlements to drive the people
away. Feral wargs might take prisoners, but the
fates of their captives might mean torture,
servitude, or worse. Feral wargs embrace their
bestial natures and forgo clothing when in human
form. They paint their bodies in black and white
stripes, switching between their forms as they
race to engage their enemies.

Feral Warg
Level 1 Defense 11 Health 20
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 11 (+1)
Languages Common
Night Vision A warg treats dim light as bright light.
Melee Attack—Axe (brutal) Strength with 1 boon against
Defense. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage.
Wolf Form As an action, the feral warg, along with anything it
wears and carries, transforms into a wolf. The effects of the
transformation last until the warg becomes incapacitated or
until it returns to its normal form as a minor action. While it
is in wolf form, the warg has the following benefits and
• Cannot speak.

White Worm
When demons breach the barriers of reality and
spill into the world, they bring with them a storm
of erratic energy that warps and rends the
landscape all around. Emerging from the churned
earth, pushing aside the stones and dirt, are dog-
sized grubs known as white worms. Looking like
enormous maggots, there are some who believe
these things feed on the carcass of something
massive in the Void. The white worms thrash
about, chewing organic matter and excrete it in
reeking sprays in which grows devastating
plagues—see the ragers and zombies. If
threatened, the white worms turn themselves
inside out, ejaculating the corrosive goo that
makes of the organs and fluids of their bodies in
one self-destructive burst.

White Worm
Level 1/2 Defense 8 Health 8
Strength 8 (–2) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 3 (–7) Will 10 (+0)
Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, poisoned; deprivation,
exposure, infection, suffocation
Awareness The white worm knows where each creature and
object within three zones of it is located.
Melee Attack—Teeth Strength against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.
Corrosive Outburst As a reaction when a creature in the white
worm’s zone attacks it, the white worm’s Health drops to 0
and it releases a foul spray of corrosive fluids at the
attacking creature. The creature takes 1d6 damage and
makes an Agility roll. On a failure, the creature takes an extra
1d6 damage and becomes poisoned (luck ends).

Darkness descended over the field sending the
sheep scattering and the shepherd casting about
for the shadow’s source. Before it could find the
monster, something long and sharp punched into
his back and lifted him into the air. It was not the
stinger that killed him though; it was the venom
pumped into his body that sent him off to the
Underworld screaming.
Large relatives of the drakes, people sometimes
mistake wyverns for dragons since these beasts
grow to enormous size, fly, and have reptilian
forms. Wyverns, though, have more in common
with drakes than they do the larger, nastier
monsters. Wyverns lack the dragon’s keen intellect
and behave as other predators do. They scouring
the lands for prey and dive down to sting their
victims to death.
Wyverns are thirty-foot-long reptiles with wings
instead of forelimbs and clawed digits at the joints.
Long snake tails end in a scorpion stingers that
drips venom from the tip. This spillage burns the
ground where it falls and more than one tracker
has followed these burns to a wyvern’s roost to
destroy the beast and all its eggs, if it finds them.
Size and appetite disrupt ecosystems unlucky
enough to attract a wyvern. The beast establishes
itself as the top predator, focusing its hunts on
larger prey such as livestock, bear, wolves, and the
like. Wyverns attack people too, though they can
be driven off if injured in the attack.

Level 9 Defense 12 Health 135
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 8 (–2) Will 10 (+0)
Flight A wyvern can move by flying while it is not injured.
Melee Attack—Teeth and Talons Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 8d6 damage.
Melee Attack—Stinger (reach) Strength with 1 boon against
Agility. On a success, the target takes 2d6 damage, loses 1d6
Health, and makes a Strength roll with 1 bane. If the target's
Strength roll is a failure, the target loses an extra 2d6 Health
and becomes poisoned (luck ends). A target poisoned in this
way makes rolls to end the affliction with 1 bane.
Wyvern Assault As an action, the wyvern makes two Teeth
and Talons attacks, but must make each attack against a
different target.
Swift Sting As a reaction when an enemy enters the wyvern’s
zone, the wyvern makes a stinger attack.

Hulking Zombies A zombie’s overall durability
depends on the source cadaver. Bigger, tougher,
and stronger people make more dangerous
The unmistakable odor of rotting meat alerts the zombies as they can take more punishment before
living to the presence of the dead. The shuffling, they fall.
nearly mindless undead known as zombies are the
most wretched of all the living dead. Theirs is a Zombie
tortured existence, where the light of reason casts Level 1/2 Defense 8 Health 11
but a feeble, flickering glow and in whose minds Strength 11 (+1) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 3 (–7) Will 15 (+5)
can be found only the desire to consume raw flesh, Immune asleep, dazed, frightened, impaired, stunned,
weakened; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
torn straight from the bone. They want nothing of Undead A zombie is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
dead meat and so gather into mobs that shuffle half damage from weapons.
and stumble toward the nearest concentrations of Fearsome The zombie imposes 1 bane on rolls to attack it. A
people and animals they can find. creature immune to the frightened affliction is immune to
this trait.
With no safeguards against decay, zombies Slow A zombie cannot run.
collapse into twitching piles after a few days or a Stench A foul smell emanates from the zombies, causing
week or two at most. Their stink attracts enemies of flesh and blood in its zone to become weakened
scavengers and so it’s nothing to see a zombie for as long as they remain there.
Awareness The zombie knows where each creature and object
picked over by crows or savaged by jackals. within three zones of it is located.
Zombies can do little to arrest their decline and Headshot When the result of an enemy’s roll to attack a
use the time afforded in undeath to feed their zombie is 20 or higher or the enemy succeeds on a called
appalling appetites and make more of their kind. shot, the zombie’s Health drops to 0.
Broken Body When the zombie becomes injured, it falls prone
Zombie Plague Exotic magic of terrible and cannot stand up.
darkness brings zombies into the world, but Melee Attack—Teeth Strength against Defense. On a success,
zombies can and do perpetuate their own kind. the target takes 1d6 damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or
Each carries a virulent plague that causes the higher and the target is a creature of flesh and blood, it loses
1 Health.
living to die and rise up as zombies themselves.
Any living creature of flesh and blood that loses
Hulking Zombie
Health to a zombie becomes infected with zombie Level 2 Defense 8 Health 32
plague that can be cured only by magic. If a carrier Strength 12 (+2) Agility 8 (–2) Intellect 3 (–7) Will 15 (+5)
of zombie plague becomes incapacitated, it dies Immune asleep, dazed, frightened, impaired, stunned,
and rises up as a zombie 1d6 rounds later unless weakened; deprivation, exposure, infection, suffocation
Undead A zombie is not alive. While it is not injured, it takes
its head is cut from its body. half damage from weapons.
Infested Zombies The vulnerability zombies Fearsome The hulking zombie imposes 1 bane on rolls to
have to scavengers cause some to become infested attack it. A creature immune to the frightened affliction is
with vermin. Wriggling worms, roaches, maggots immune to this trait.
Slow A hulking zombie cannot run.
and flies, and even rats might hide in their bodies. Stench A foul smell emanates from the hulking zombie, causing
About one in ten zombies have the following trait. enemies of flesh and blood in its zone to become weakened
for as long as they remain there.
Infested The first time the zombie takes damage and does not Awareness The zombie knows where each creature and object
become incapacitated, a swarm of vermin bursts from its within three zones of it is located.
body, which causes the zombie to lose its next turn. Each Melee Attack—Hands Strength against Agility. On a success,
creature in the zombie’s reach makes a luck roll. On a failure, the target takes 1d6 damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or
a creature takes 1d6 damage and becomes frightened of the higher, the target is also grabbed.
zombie. Melee Attack—Teeth One grabbed creature. Strength with 1
boon against Defense. On a success, the target takes 2d6
damage. If the result of the roll is 20 or higher and the target
Bloated Zombies Gasses trapped inside zombie is a creature of flesh and blood, it loses 1 Health.
bodies can the undead to bulge and issue
flatulating sounds when they move. About one in
ten zombies have the following trait.

Explosive End When injured or incapacitated, the zombie’s
Health drops to 0 and it explodes. Each creature in its zone
makes a luck roll and, on a failure, takes 1d6 damage from
the flying debris.

Appendix I:
Quick Foes
If you need a creature that does not appear here,
you can use these general rules to cover all kinds
of things, adding whatever traits you deem
necessary to make them reflect the thing you
describe in the game.

Level 1/2 Foe

Level 1/2 Defense 11 Health 5
Strength 5 (–5) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Melee Attack—Weapon Agility against Defense. On a success,
the target takes 1d6 damage.

Level 1 Foe
Level 1 Defense 10 Health 12
Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Melee Attack—Weapon Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage.

Level 2 Foe
Level 2 Defense 11 Health 21
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Melee Attack—Weapon Strength against Defense. On a
success, the target takes 3d6 damage.

Level 3 Foe
Level 3 Defense 12 Health 33
Strength 13 (+3) Agility 12 (+2) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Melee Attack—Weapon Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage.

Level 4 Foe
Level 4 Defense 11 Health 54
Strength 14 (+4) Agility 11 (+1) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Melee Attack—Weapon Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 5d6 damage.
Weapon Assault As an action, the foe makes two weapon
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.

Level 5 Foe
Level 5 Defense 10 Health 75
Strength 15 (+5) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 10 (+0) Will 10 (+0)
Melee Attack—Weapon Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
On a success, the target takes 6d6 damage.
Weapon Assault As an action, the foe makes two weapon
attacks, but must make each attack against a different target.


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