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Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges FM-DPM-GSC-PRS-01
Rev. No. Effective Date Page No.
Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras 02 7 May 2018 1 of 11

Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Design/Syllabus in Ethics

Date Revised/Enhanced: January 2020

I. Institution
Vision : The Guimaras State College as Center of Excellence in Education and Green Technology Generation.
Mission : Guimaras State College is committed to provide access to relevant and quality education and advocate sustainable development.
Core Values: G – Goal oriented and God fearing servant leaders promoting Green Technology for sustainable development
S – Service-effective, service-efficient professionals with global standards and practices.
C- Committed for excellence and desire for harmony among stakeholders
Institutional Outcomes for Instruction:
1. Spiritually and morally upright individuals
2. Globally competent professionals
3. Productive and environment friendly
4. Entrepreneurial and technologically innovative
5. Globally – oriented and service committed
6. Sustainable development advocate
1. Provide quality training for tertiary education and advocate sustainable development through green technology generation;
2. Develop responsible environment friendly and productive citizens who can contribute to the attainment of local and national goals;
3. Encourage and promote research, extensions, and technological and educational development redirected towards green technology
4. Ensure the curricular offerings are responsive to the needs of the community, region, and nation in order to be globally competitive.

II. College of Teacher Education

Graduates of CTE Program should be able to:
1. Graduates of professional institutions demonstrate service orientation in their respective professionals;
2. Graduates of colleges are qualified for various types of employment and participate in development activities and public discourses,
particularly in response to the needs of the communities they serve; and

3. Graduates of universities contribute to the generation of new knowledge by participating in various research and development

III. Program/Degree: Bachelor of Secondary Education

1. Utilize appropriate various socio-cultural and historical materials in explaining current issues;
2. Organize communities towards self-reliance and self-sufficiency;
3. Demonstrate leadership skills that will help in teaching or training students who will empower their communities;
4. Integrate local and global perspectives in teaching the principles of common good;
5. Employ principles of sustainable development in teaching and learning
6. Show scholarship in research and further learning;
7. Display the qualities of an innovative teacher who has mastery of the subject matter.

IV. Program/Degree Outcomes: Based on CMO #75 series 2017.

1. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosohical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts
2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
3. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their
4. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners
5. Apply skills in the development and utilizatin of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and susutainable educational practices
6. Demonstrate variety of thinkjng skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes
7. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitve to the local, national, and global realities
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities

V. Course Number and Title : GE 6: Ethics CMO #20 s. 2013

VI. School Year/Semester Offered : 1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
VII. Course Description : Principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the person, society, and in interaction with the
environment and other shared resources (CMO 20, 2013). Morality pertains to the standards of right and wrong that an individual originally picks up from
the community. The course discusses the context and principles of ethical behaviour in modern society at the level of individual, society, and in interaction
with the environment and other shared resources. The first part lays the groundwork—the meaning of ethics—and leads students through the analysis of
human experience, linking it to elements of the ethical dimension. Part one of the course culminates in the students’ ability to translate human experiences
into ethical cases. The second part of the course takes students through the various classical ethical frameworks—utilitarianism, deontological ethics, virtue

ethics, and natural ethics—providing them with the tools by which to articulate and analyse the ethical cases they constructed. These frameworks also
embed sets of values that students will be asked to examine. This portion of the course culminates in the students’ ability to express their constructed ethical
cases in the language and form of particular ethical frameworks. The last part guides students through the analysis and evaluation of the strengths and
weaknesses of the various ethical frameworks and their value to human life and society. The end goal is for students to be able to make informed decisions
on their constructed ethical cases.
VIII. Course/Credit/Unit : 54 hours/semester or 3 hours/week /3 units
IX. Course/Subject Outcome : At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Develop a crucial understanding of major traditions and contemporary ideas in the field of ethics;
2. Apply concepts and theories of ethics;
3. Acquire the skills to write and speak effectively about ethics;
4. Acquire the abilities to read, evaluate and respond critically to intellectual material from any discipline;
5. Understand and use argument, evaluation, analysis, logic and evidence;
6. Defend against error, manipulation and prejudice;
7. Confront logical errors and devise defensible answers to those questions that define the domain of logic and the philosophy of
language; and
8. Determine what we are logically justified in believing to be true relative to the assumptions that guide our thinking.

X. Course Design Matrix:

Unit Objectives:
The students will be able to: Revised College Code
1. internalize and demonstrate Unit 0: Vision, 2014 and GSC Essay Checklist Student 1 hour
Mission, Core values Handbook Bulletin of Essay Handbook
the goals, mission, vision,
Information Student Module
and core values of the and Outcomes
Services Manual

Unit I Ethics Pasco, Marc Oliver Discussion Forum Scoring Rubrics, Laptop,
Objectives: A. Ethics – D., Suarez, V. Quiz, Summative computer,
The students will be able to: Introductory Fullente, Rodriguez, 3-2-1 format (ideas, Test cell phone,
Agustin Martin example, question) – and/or
1. Provide the definition of Concepts
G.(2018). -:Ethics, a quick reflective modules 3
ethics and key concepts  What is ethics?
 Types of Ethics
Quezon City: C&E activity. It hrs.
within its discipline; Publishing, Inc. encourages students
 Moral Standards
2. identify the moral act; and  Moral Dilemmas to reflect on a course
3. appreciate the value of ethics B. Moral Act McConnell, T. (2014). experience and
in human life. Moral Dilemmas. The organize their
Stanford Encyclopedia thoughts and
of Philosophy. identify areas of
Retrieved from confusion or
http://plato.stanford.ed concern.
Unit 2 Virtue Ethics: Pasco, Marc Oliver Discussion Forum Scoring Rubrics, Laptop,
Objectives: Aristotle D., Suarez, V. Quiz, Summative computer, 4
The students will be able to: A. Ethics as the Art of Fullente, Rodriguez, Focused listing Test cell phone, hrs.
Living Well Agustin Martin - focuses on one and/or
1. recognize the meaning of
B. The Soul G.(2018). -:Ethics, concept, term, or modules
Eudaimonia or happiness and C. Virtue, the Mean and Quezon City: C&E topic. Students are
its relation to ethics; Practical Wisdom Publishing, Inc. asked to provide
2. differentiate the parts of the D. Contemplation and several ideas related
soul in relation to the respective Philosophical closely with the one
functions; Knowledge concept, term, or
3. appreciate and articulate the topic.
role of virtue in crafting an
ethical life; and
4. articulate the difference
between philosophical

knowledge and practical

Unit 3 The Natural Law: St. Pasco, Marc Oliver Research on the Discussion Laptop, 6
Objectives: Thomas Aquinas D., Suarez, V. topics and issues Forum, computer, hrs
The students will be able to: A. Etsi Deus non Fullente, Rodriguez, related to natural law Scoring Rubrics, cell phone,
Daretur Agustin Martin of St. Thomas. Quiz, Summative and/or
1. recognize the meaning of
B. Conscience and G.(2018). -:Ethics, . Test modules
natural law and its relation to Natural Law Quezon City: C&E
ethics; C. The Rational and Publishing, Inc.
2. explain how natural law is an Perfection of
imprint of the Divine Will on Love in Aquinas
the free person;
3. appreciate and articulate the
role of natural law in crafting
and ethical life; and
4. discuss conscience and how
this is defined by natural law.
Unit 4 Deontological Pasco, Marc Oliver Individual Activity: Scoring Rubrics, Laptop, 6hrs
Objectives: Ethics: D., Suarez, V. Read the newspaper Quiz, Summative computer,
The students will be able to: Immanuel Fullente, Rodriguez, anfd identify a moral Test cell phone,
Kant Agustin Martin issue where you can and/or
1. recognize the meaning of
G.(2018). -:Ethics, use the categorical modules
deontological ethics; A. Autonomous Quezon City: C&E imperative to discern
2. explain the categorical Reason, Publishing, Inc. the duty of the
imperative; Goodwill, and persons involved.
3. appreciate and articulate the Duty Discussion Forum
role of duty in crafting an B. Obligation is
ethical life; and Understood as
“Man as an End
4. apply the principle of
categorical imperative in Himself/herself,
moral dilemma. ” Autonomous

C. Kantian Ethics
and Religion
Unit 5 Pasco, Marc Oliver Reflect and react on Scoring Rubrics, Laptop, 6
Objectives: Utilitarianism: John D., Suarez, V. the moral reasoning Quiz, Summative computer, hrs
The students will be able to: Stuart Mill Fullente, Rodriguez, in each framework. Test cell phone,
Agustin Martin Discussion Forum and/or
1. articulate the meaning of
A. The Greatest G.(2018). -:Ethics, modules
consequentialist ethics; Happiness Quezon City: C&E
2. analyze the Greatest principle Publishing, Inc.
Happiness Principle; B. Ultimate
3. examine the objections to Sanction
Mill’s position and his
responses to each them; and
4. evaluate ethical decisions
from the point of view of
Midterm Examination

Unit 6 Asian Ethical Pasco, Marc Oliver Interview online a Scoring Rubrics, Laptop, 6
Objectives: Traditions D., Suarez, V. Chinese Friend Quiz, Summative computer, Hrs
The students will be able to: A. Vedas and Fullente, Rodriguez, about his/her Test cell phone,
1. articulate the ethical Upanishads Agustin Martin practices of ancestor and/or
behavior for Buddhist; B. Buddhism G.(2018). -:Ethics, worship and how modules
2. analyze how the concept of Chinese Quezon City: C&E can affects the
philosophy and Publishing, Inc. human behavior
the oneness of all things in
Confucian towards ethically
Brahma serves as a basis for Ethics living persons and
moral behaviour; and Analyze his/her
3. examine how Confucianism responses from what
founds ideal humans you understand to be

behavior on the ideas of basis for ethical

Ren and Li. behaviour
Discussion Forum

Unit 7 Justice Theory Pasco, Marc Oliver Choose the Scoring Rubrics, Laptop, 4
Objectives: A. Justice theory of D., Suarez, V. situations where Quiz, Summative computer, hrs
The students will be able to: John Rawls Fullente, Rodriguez, discourse ethics can Test cell phone,
1. evaluate John Rawls’s B. The problem of Agustin Martin be applied and and/or
Justice theory; redistribution G.(2018). -:Ethics, engage in a process modules
2. analyze the problem of C. Ethics of Justice Quezon City: C&E of discourse playing
redistribution; and theory Publishing, Inc. these roles and
3. apply justice theory in an observe how people
ethical situation. Discourse Harvard Univ. (2009). argue for their
4. articulate why discourse Ethics John Rawls, A Theory position and arrive at
ethics was a necessary A. Competing of Justice. Cambridge, a consensus society
development; Conceptions of MA: Harvard
5. explain the principles of (U) the Good University Press. Discussion Forum
and (D) as the foundations B. “Legislating”
of discourse theory; and for autonomous sinessethicsopenstax/ch
6. Discuss the principles of Rational Being apter/theory-of-justice
fair and just discourse and C. Shared Opinion
how these principles lead to and Will Stanford Encyclopedia
a shared we-perspective. Formation of Philosophy, s.v.
“John Rawls. 3.3
Reasonable Pluralism
and the Public Political
Culture” (by Leif
(accessed November
20, 2017).

Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy, s.v.
“Robert Nozick’s
Political Philosophy”
(by Eric Mack).
political/ (accessed
March 9, 2018).
Unit 8 Pasco, Marc Oliver Make a campaign Scoring Rubrics, Laptop, 6
Objectives: Environmental Ethics D., Suarez, V. advertisement on the Quiz, Summative computer, hrs.
The students will be able to: A. Various Fullente, Rodriguez, value of Test cell phone,
Agustin Martin environmental ethics and/or
1. recognize the value of Approaches to
G.(2018). -:Ethics, in today’s modern modules
environmental ethics environmental Quezon City: C&E world.
especially in the context of Ethics Publishing, Inc.
contemporary era;  Peter Singer and Discussion Forum
2. show an understanding of the Tom Regan on the
position of animal rights ethical treatment
activists and philosophy  Paul taylor and
behind it; Biocentrism
3. discuss biocentric outlook on  Aldo Leopald’s
nature and compare and land Ethics
differentiate it from the land B. Climate change
ethic; and Sustainable
4. trace the philosophical Development
foundations of ecological C. Kohak and human
problems such as climate being as Dweller
change; and

5. exhibit an understanding of
what it means to be dweller in
Unit 9 Business Ethics & Pasco, Marc Oliver Simulate an example Scoring Rubrics, Laptop, 6
Objectives: Professional Ethics D., Suarez, V. of which projects Quiz, Summative computer, hrs.
The students will be able to: A. Normative Fullente, Rodriguez, stakeholder theory Test cell phone,
Agustin Martin and social contract and/or
1.examine the ethical dimension Theory
G.(2018). -:Ethics, theory for instance, modules
of business, its relevance, and B. Stockholder Quezon City: C&E in a board meeting.
necessity; Theory Publishing, Inc. the stockholder, C. Stakeholder Discussion Forum
stakeholder, and social contract, Theory
normative theories of business D. Social Contact
ethics; theory
3.recognize the implications of E. Conceptual
corporate social responsibility Model of
in running a business; and Corporate Moral understanding of the Development
various stages of organizational F. Stages of
moral development. organizational
5. analyze the complexity of development
the professional field; G. Understanding teaching/professional
6. identify issues about moral Professional -ethics
integrity in the professional ethics https://www.indeed.
field; and H. Professional com/career-
7. reflect on the ethical competence/aut advice/career-
standards required by their onomy development/profess
respective future profession I. Code of ethics ional-code-of-ethics

Unit 10 The Question of Pasco, Marc Oliver Simulation: Choose Scoring Rubrics, Laptop, 6
Objectives: Women and D., Suarez, V. as a man or a woman Quiz, Summative computer, hrs
The students will be able to: Emancipation Fullente, Rodriguez, and discuss how you Test cell phone,
Agustin Martin might evaluate and/or
1.explain the necessity of A. Feminist Ethics
G.(2018). -:Ethics, different moral modules
feminism; B. Equality and Quezon City: C&E situations and how
2.discuss and articulate the idea Discrimination Publishing, Inc. would reason about
that women’s rights are human C. How can work it.
rights; and toward
3.recognize how women’s rights Emancipation
are abused and articulate
possible paths to emancipation
and equality.
Grand Total 54 hrs
Note: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the teacher.

XI. Criteria for Grading :

1. Performance/Output 50%
2. Major Examination 50%
TOTAL 100%
XII. Requirement:
Short Paper: “My Ethical Theory”

XIII. References:
Angeles, Peter A., (1992). The HarperCollins dictionary of philosophy. New York: HarperCollins publishing.
Ariola, M. M. (2018). Ethics. Intramuros Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.
Aristotle (n.d.). , Aristotle’s Noicomachean Ethics, Trans. Robert C. Bartlett and Susan D. Collins. Chicago: Chicago Universsity Press, 2011
Confucianism. (n.d.). Philosophy Terms. Retrieved May 19, 2020 from
Early Civilizations in the Indian Subcontinent. (n.d.). OER Services. Retrieved May 19, 2020 from

Glenn, Paul J. (1968). Ethics: a class manual in moral philosophy. Quezon City: National Bookstore.
Harvard Univ. (2009). John Rawls, A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Jen & Li – Confucian Virtues. (2010-2018). Retrieved May 19, 2020 from
McConnell, T. (2014). Moral Dilemmas. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from
Mucato, C. (2003-2020). Eastern Theories of Ethics. Retrieved May 18, 2020 from
Pasco,Marc Oliver D., Suarez, V. Fullente, Rodriguez, Agustin Martin G. (2018). Ethics. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, s.v. “John Rawls. 3.3 Reasonable Pluralism and the Public Political Culture” (by Leif Wenar). (accessed November 20, 2017).
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, s.v. “Robert Nozick’s Political Philosophy” (by Eric Mack).
political/ (accessed March 9, 2018).
Vedas and Upanishads. (2008). Sanatan Kultura. Retrieved May 19, 2020 from
Velasquez, Manuel. (2012). Business Ethics: Concepts and Caes. 7 th ed. New Jersery: Pearson education.

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Recommending Approval: Approved by:


Chair, Social Science Dean, College of Teacher Education

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