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traditions the mage discovered. This means the
mage could learn four spells of any combination of
starting and novice spells. The mage could learn
The path you choose here gives you several two novice spells and two starting spells, one
benefits as shown in their descriptions. You gain novice spell and three starting spells, or four
similar benefits from the paths you choose at novice spells. If the mage has discovered
higher levels. A summary of these benefits follows. Pyromancy and Order, the mage chooses the spells
All novice paths offer a table to help develop to learn from those traditions.
your character. You can use the tables by choosing Unless the spell says otherwise, you can cast it
an option from them or rolling a die for a random once. You regain the ability to cast the spell after a
result. You can also make something up. full night’s rest.

Health Other Talents

As noted in chapter 1, talents function like traits,
Your paths increase your Health score by the listed
amount for each level you attain. but they reflect skills and capabilities you have
learned and thus they stay with you if you
transform into something else. A talent might
Languages modify certain activities you perform such as
Some paths grant you knowledge of a language, attacking or casting a spell, or they could let you
which give you the ability speak it and understand use actions, reactions, and the like in different
when it is spoken, as well as to read and write in ways.
this language. If you gain a language that you
already know, choose a different one to learn in its STARTING QUEST AND PATH SELECTION
place. You can choose any path you like for you character, but
you might find the game more satisfying if you make
your choice based on what has happened so far. Your
Talents starting quest presented you with a variety of challenges
and situations in which you had to decide what to do.
All paths grant you talents. A talent might be Some of those decisions might anticipate your
magical knowledge, training in battle, languages, character’s development. Some suggestions follow.
or other benefits. Some of the most common kinds Cleric: You cast a Theurgy spell from an inscription,
of talents follow, the result of your luck roll was 20 or higher, you did a
service for people of faith, you interacted with a holy
Combat Tokens site, you befriended a religious character.
Mage: You cast a spell from an inscription, you
Some paths grant combat tokens. You spend interacted with magic in some way, you were affected
combat tokens to improve your attacks and by magic, you befriended a magic-using character.
perform maneuvers in combat. For full rules, see Rogue: The result of one of your attribute rolls was 20
chapter 1. or higher, you successfully hid from or stole something
from someone, you used your wits to solve a challenge,
Traditions you used a piece of equipment in a particularly clever
Your path might let you discover one or more
Warrior: You defeated an enemy in combat, you
traditions. A tradition is a collection of spells
found a weapon better than what you had at the start,
unified by a common theme. Discovering a the result of your roll to attack was 20 or higher, you
tradition grants you access to the spells, but you stood up for someone weaker than you, or you led the
cannot cast those spells until you learn them. charge into battle.

You path might instruct you to learn one or more
spells. When choosing which spells you learn, you
choose them from the traditions you have
discovered and of any of the tiers or lower tiers to
which your path grants access.
For example, the mage, at level 1, learns four
spells from the starting or novice spells of the

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Traditions You discover the Theurgy tradition and one other
Maybe the gods chose you. Maybe you chose the tradition of your choice. From each tradition, learn one
starting spell.
god. Either way, you enjoy a special connection Holy Symbol You have a symbol related to your faith from
with one or more deities, a connection that lets which you draw spiritual energy. The symbol contains a
you call upon the divine to aid you in your times of number of faith tokens equal to 2 + your level. You expend
need. The gods answer your prayers and give you these tokens to use certain cleric talents. You replenish your
supply of tokens after a full night’s rest. If you lose your
the ability to perform miracles, such as healing the symbol, you can make a new one after a full night’s rest. You
sick, smiting unbelievers, and shielding others can benefit from just one symbol at a time.
from harm. Your gifts could elevate you in the eyes Divine Strike When you succeed on a roll to attack, you can
of the religious institution or could make you a expend 1 faith token to supernaturally deal an extra 1d6
damage. At level 5, you can expend 2 tokens to deal an extra
pariah, believing you to work blasphemy with 2d6 damage instead.
your magical arts. Divine Healing As an action, you can expend 1 faith token to
As a cleric, magic supplements your other allow one ally in reach to heal 1d6 damage. At level 5, you
capabilities. While you might come close to the can expend 2 tokens to heal 2d6 damage instead.
Divine Magic As an action, you can expend 1 faith token to
capabilities of a mage, you might also develop your regain the casting of one starting spell. At level 5, you can
combat capabilities or focus on supporting your expend 3 faith tokens to regain the casting of a novice spell.
DIVINE CALLING Health Increase your Health score by 4.
d20 Calling Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
1 An angel visited you and announced your Spells You learn two spells. You choose them from your
traditions’ starting or novice spells.
service. Shared Recovery As an action, heal all damage. Each ally in
2 You fasted and prayed until your patron took your zone makes a luck roll. On a success, the ally heals half
notice. its damage total.
3 Lightning struck and blinded you for a few You can use this supernatural talent once. You regain the
days. use of it after a full night’s rest.
4 A voice spoke to you from a roaring fire.
5 Your patron deity visited you in a dream.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
6 You died and returned to life with a new Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
purpose. starting, novice, or expert spells.
7 You hear voices and see things others cannot Prayer As a reaction whenever a creature in your zone makes a
see. luck roll, you either supernaturally grant 1 boon or impose 1
8 A sect, after generations of selective breeding, bane on the roll.
produced you to become a vessel for your god.
9 You climbed a mountain and saw the face of
the divine.
10 You are an immortal entity who claimed this
body and now use it to serve your divine
11 You are the product of an immaculate
12 You committed a crime against your god and
now must spent your days righting the wrong.
13 You have amnesia. You cannot remember
anything that happened in the last year.
14 You read from a sacred scroll or holy book.
15 You performed a heroic deed that won divine
16 A whirlwind lifted you into the heavens where
you received your gifts.
17 Another cleric passed their gift to you.
18 You consumed the blood of an angel.
19 You lost everything you had and everyone you
20 You underwent a sacred ritual that set your
feet on the path of divine service.

19 You were held prisoner by fox-headed faeries
and figured out how to cast a spell that
allowed your escape.
Becoming a mage teaches you real magic, the 20 You died, but somehow came back to life,
ability to fling flames from your hands, to cross armed with magical power.
vast distances in an instant, to call up monsters to
fight on your behalf, or dabble with the darkest Health Increase your Health score by 2.
forces in reality. Learning magic requires a great Languages You know the Arcane language.
deal of time and energy, forcing you to neglect Traditions You discover two traditions. From each of these
other areas of your development. But then, who traditions, you learn two starting spells for a total of four
starting spells.
needs to be good with a sword when you can Spells You learn four spells chosen from your traditions’
simply blast your enemies apart by speaking a few starting or novice spells.
magic words? Implement You have an item that helps focus your magic. The
Much of your development comes from the item might be a weapon, such as a knife or quarterstaff, a
wand, cup, medallion, hat, or anything you like. If you lose
traditions you discover and the spells you learn your implement, you can replace it with something else after
from them. You could study War magic and learn a full night’s rest. You can benefit from just one implement at
spells to transform you into a cunning combatant a time.
or pick up Necromancy to make undead servants Your implement contains a reservoir of magical energy,
which is measured in magic tokens. You have a number of
to fight on your behalf. Illusions confound your magic tokens equal to your level. When you cast a spell, you
foes, while Enchantment plays with others’ can spend magic tokens from your implement instead of
emotions. Traditions let you tailor your path to fit expending a casting. You spend 1 token for a starting spell, 2
almost any kind of character concept and create for a novice spell, 4 for an expert spell, and 8 from a master
spell. You replenish your magic tokens after a full night’s
the foundation for your further development. rest.
Mage Sense As an action, you learn the location of each
SOURCES OF MAGIC magical effect in your zone.
d20 Source You can use this magical talent a number of times equal to
1 You were buried alive. In your tomb, you your level. You regain expended uses after a full night’s rest.
received a vision of magical mastery.
2 A banded serpent bit you and injected you with LEVEL 2 MAGE TALENTS
its venom. In the throes of your suffering, you Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Traditions Either discover one more tradition or learn one
gained a weird knowledge of magic. more starting spell from a tradition you have already
3 You have mystical runes branded in your skin. discovered.
4 The blood of a magic-using ancestor flows Spells You learn one starting spell from each of your traditions.
through your veins. Then, you learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
5 You served an apprenticeship under another starting or novice spells.
mage. Spell Recovery As an action, you heal all damage and regain all
expended castings of your starting spells.
6 You are the seventh child of a seventh child. You can use this talent once. You regain the use of it after
7 A spirit possessed and merged with your soul. a full night's rest.
8 You made a bargain with a faerie, infernal, or
something else. LEVEL 5 MAGE TALENTS
9 You found an old book filled with arcane lore. Health Increase your Health score by 2.
10 One of your parents was an otherworldly Spells You learn one starting spell from each of your traditions.
Then, you learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
being. starting, novice, or expert spells.
11 You ate or drank something that was forbidden Spell Expertise When you make an attribute roll as the result
to you. of casting a spell, you make the roll with 1 boon. When you
12 You were born with the gift. cast a spell that allows creatures to make an attribute roll or
13 You don’t know since you can remember any luck roll to resist its effects, you impose 1 bane on the
creatures’ rolls.
details about your life.
14 You broke something magical and got some on

You learned from a talking trout you found in a
You made a wish from a spirit you released

from a bottle.
17 You are an ardent follower of the god of magic.
18 You were struck by lightning. When you woke,
you could cast spells.

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