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Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous.
1. He ________________ (show) people card tricks at the moment.
2. ________________ many artists ________________ (perform) in the market at the
3. David ________________ (not like) card tricks.
4. On Wednesdays, my cousin ________________ (study) magic.
5. What ________________ you ________________ (do) at the moment?
6. Look! I ________________ (stand) on my head!

Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple or Present
1. The children/wait/for/me/at the moment/.
2. Greg/never/wear/sandals/.
3. Rebecca/sit/next to/Mike/now/.
4. you / enjoy / classical / music / ?
5. you/listen/to/me/?

Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use the comparative or
superlative form.
1. My hair is ________________ (dark) yours.
2. This is ________________ (good) hairstyle for you.
3. My new photograph is ________________ (bad) the old photograph.
4. You are ________________ (competitive) person in the world.
5. Melissa is ________________ (generous) me.

Use the correct form: There was, There wasn’t, There were, There weren’t, Was
there, Were there.
1. _________________ some clothes in the cupboard.
2. _________________ a TV in the bedroom.
3. _________________ a telephone in the room.
4. _________________ some books on the shelf.
5. _________________ any pictures on the wall.
6. _________________ a DVD in the room. I took it to the repair shop yesterday.
7. _________________ a chair next to the desk.
8 _________________ any hospitals 200 years ago?

Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.

Today, I ______________ (spend) the day in London. First of all, I ______________

(take) a bus tour of the city. Then, I ______________(go) on a tour of Buckingham
Palace. I ______________ (love) the palace. After that, I ______________(meet) my
cousins at Hyde Park. It was raining, so we ______________ (not have) a picnic.
Instead, we ______________ (order) fish and chips at a really nice restaurant in the
park. The rain ______________ (not stop), so we ______________ (visit) Madame
Tussauds Wax Museum after lunch. WE ______________ (see) statues of the Queen,
David Beckham, Lady Gaga and many other famous people.

Complete the questions. Use the Past Simple. Then answer the questions to make
them true for you.
1. ______________ you ______________ tea yesterday?
2. ______________ your parents ______________ to the cinema at the weekend?
3. What ______________ your best friend ______________ you for your last
4. How ______________ you ______________ to school this morning?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs below.
like - walk - play - cook - climb
1. When I lived near school, I ______________ to school every day.
2. I ______________ avocado, but now I love it!
3. He ______________ mountains before his accident.
4. ______________ your father ______________ professional football?
5. I ______________, but now I enjoy preparing all kinds of food.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Make the sentences true for
you. Use the Past Continuous affirmative or negative.
1. Last night at seven o’clock, I _________________ (have) dinner.
2. Last night at eight o’clock, I _________________ (do) homework.
3. Last night at eight o’clock, my mum _________________ (wash) the dishes.
4. Last night at nine o’clock, my parents and I _________________ (watch) TV.
5. Last night at midnight, I _________________ (sleep) in my bed.

Rewrite the sentences using perfect perfect.

1. You sell things online
2. I don’t download music filers,
3. He reads an architecture blog.
4. They sell their business.

Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple.
Do - be - not see - hear - come - not reach -compose
1. Bob is upset because he ______________ his best friend for more than a week.
2. Jane and Jill ______________ circus performers since 2010.
3. ______________ Ricky ever ______________ any charity work for this
4. I ______________ never ______________ of that band before. Are they famous
in your country?
5. ______________ the kids already ______________ home from the show?
6. How many songs ______________ Elton John ______________?
7. They ______________ their destination yet.

Write about the people’s plans with the words below. Use be going to.
1. I/hike/bymyself
2. She / take / a painting course
3. He / not eat / any sweets
4. They/take/atour

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use will.

1. Scientists ______________ (build) underground cities.
2. The temperature inside ______________ (be) warm.
3. It ______________(not be) too hot or too cold.
4. ______________ children ______________ (play) outside 200 years from now?

Write words in the correct order to form sentences with the Future continuous.
1. Do / what / this time next year / you /?
2. My bicycle / not use / tomorrow morning / I.
3. Sit / at this time tomorrow / we / on the plane.
4. In New York / How long / stay / you / ?

Circle the correct answer.

1. I haven’t got many / much money in my wallet.
2. Ron has got a lot of / much belts.
3. There isn’t many / much face glitter here.
4. I’ve got many / much bracelets.
5. I want some / any designer jeans.
6. You haven’t got some / any hats.
7. Have you got some / any scarves?

Zero conditional
1. If you _________________ (leave) ice in the sun, it _________________(melt).
2. If I _________________(not know) a word, I _________________ (look) it up
in the dictionary.
3. If it _________________ (rain) a lot in April, there _________________(be)
usually lots of flowers in May.
4. _________________ your teacher _________________ (get) impatient when
students _________________ (ask) a lot of questions?

First conditional
1. If it _________________ (be) cold this weekend, we _________________ (not
drive) to the lake.
2. He _________________ (climb) up the Eiffel Tower if he
_________________(visit) Paris.
3. _________________ you _________________ (take) a taxi if the bus
_________________(not come)?

Second conditional
1. We _________________ (not join in) the protest if we _________________(not
support) the boycott.
2. _________________ you _________________(tell) Mum if
_________________(come) home late?
3. She _________________(not expel) you If you

Third conditional
1. Jack _________________ (go) to the nightclub if it _________________ (not
cost) so much.
2. If we _________________(leave) the hotel earlier, we _________________
(see) more.
3. We _________________ (not stay) at home if the weather _________________
(be) sunny.
Join the sentences using defining relative clauses. Use the relative pronoun in
1. He often makes pizza. It’s got four different vegetables on it. (which)
2. I met the baker. Her cake won an award. (whose)
3. Do you remember the day? We ate at that expensive restaurant then. (when)
4. I’d like you to meet the woman. She cooks for the president’s family. (who)
5. There is a huge variety of fruit and vegetables in the market. I shop there.
6. I ate a hamburger and chips. They were very salty. (that)

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