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FALL 2021

MTH 302
VU id: BC210425784

Q1. The area of a triangle is calculated by formula . If Height of the

triangle is h (fixed) and its area is changed from 30sq.m to 35sq.m. What’s the percentage
change in the base of the triangle?
Height is fixed so let the height = 10
Formula is given for area.
A= 1/2 *(base*height)
So, to find the base formula would be
(Area*2)/Height =Base
Putting the values for 30sq.m
(30*2)/10 =Base
60/10= Base
6= Base
Now putting the values for 35sq.m in the formula of Base
(35*2)/10= Base
70/10= Base
7= Base
To find the percentage change the formula is given
C= (final value – initial value)/initial value
C= (7-6)/6
C= 1/6
C= 0.16
To convert the value in %
0.16*100 = 16%
So, the percentage change in the base of triangle is 16%

Q2. A school organized a book fair and in this book fair a book seller is selling
his books under the following rules:
There are three different packages available.
First package contains 2 Islamic books, 2 Science books and 2 Geography books, second
package contains 2 Islamic books, 4 Science books and 1 Geography books and third
package contains 3 Islamic books, 4 Science books and 5 Geography books. The book fair
has a total of 250 Islamic books, 300 Science books, and 270 Geography books. First
package makes a profit of Rs. 120, second package makes Rs.100 and third package makes
Rs.270 per pack.  
How many packs should be made to maximize book fair profits?
What will the profit be?


First package:

2 Islamic books, 2 Science books, 2 Geography books

Total packs:
250/2 =125
If the profit of one pack is Rs. 120
So, the profit of Rs.125 pack will be
125*120 = Rs.15000

Second package:

2 Islamic books, 4 Science books, 1 Geography book

Total number of packs
300/4 = 75

If the profit of one pack is Rs. 100

So, the profit one 75 packs will be
75*100 = Rs. 7500

Third package:

3 Islamic books, 4 science books, 5 geography books

Total number of packs
If the profit of one pack is 270
So, the profit of 54 packs will be
54*270= Rs. 14580
Maximum number of packs are 125
Maximum amount of profit is Rs. 15000

Q3. You have been offered two deals for the car worth 1,600,000 that you’re purchasing.
Deal 1: Series discount of 3%, 5% and 7%.
Deal 2: A cash discount of 15/10 [i.e. 15% discount if payment made in first 10 days].
Which deal will you choose and why?
Note: You are expected to provide reason by performing all desired calculations. The direct
answers may earn you low grades.

For deal 1:
Formula for series discount is:
L*(1-d1) (1-d2) (1-d3)
By putting the values,
Net price =1,600,000 (1-3%) (1-5%) (1-7%)
Net price= 1,600,000 (1-0.03) (1-0.05) (1-0.07)
Net price= 1,600,000 (0.970 (0.95) (0.93)
Net price= 1,600,000 (0.856996)
Net price= 1,371,192
To find the discount
L- Net price
1,600,000- 1,371,192
Discount from Deal 1= 228,808
For deal 2:
To find the discount
1600000* 15%
1,600,000* 0.15
Discount from Deal 2= 240,000
I would prefer to choose deal 2 because it is providing me more discount than deal 1.

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