Argumentative Essay

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Kenneth A.

Tolio English

10-Maxwell Argumentative Essay



There is an old adage that excess of anything is harmful. The same principle applies to
mobiles and other digital devices. In modern times, we constantly switching between playing on a
computer, checking our phones, watching TV in the evening, and sometimes even playing on a
tablet at the same time. This has led the kids to be obsessed with the digital platform and become
reliant on it for information, entertainment, social connection, etc. The overindulgence of kids on
these devices is often considered to be equivalent to ‘behavioural addiction’.

A recent study shows that children aged 8-10 spend on average 5-6 hours in front of the
screen, and ages 11-14, it increases to an average of 9 hours a day. This is alarming, as early screen
time could harm the overall development of a child. Benefits of limiting screen time for children
include developing a better sense of rest and relaxation, providing opportunities for homework and
other outside activities, providing mental and physical stimulation, mitigating the risk of addiction,
fostering social skills, and promoting healthy eating habits.

Some people believe that screen time is necessary to provide children with the proper
opportunity to learn, while others argue that it can lead to harmful effects such as stress and anxiety.
Ultimately, it is up to the parents to decide how much screen time their children are allowed.
Limiting screen time for kids includes that they'll have more free time to do other things, which can
be very beneficial. Additionally, kids who limit screen time often develop better mental health
because they're able to focus on their work and other activities outside the home. However, some
professionals argue that there are far better ways to spend the morning than watching television.

According to a recent study by The Journal of Neurology, there is evidence that children who
have more screen time perform worse on reading and math tests than those who don't have screens
in their homes. This is because the children's prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain that controls
impulse control) is still developing and is not as well equipped to manage impulses. So rather than
limit screen time, it would be more effective to provide a balance of physical activity and screen
time so that all the kids are getting some good exposure to both.

Screen time can negatively affect a child's mental health. It increases the risk for depression,
anxiety and other mental health issues. It also decreases a child's IQ, as screen time disrupts
concentration and cause screen knowledge to be visualized more than real knowledge. Additionally,
screen time can lead to early sleep deprivation, which can lead to an array of negative teenage years.
It is important for parents to limit their child's screen time so that they can develop as best as

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