ITAF Companion Performance Guidelines 2208

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ITAF™ Companion Performance Guidelines 2208

Information Technology Audit Sampling

Personal Copy of Maria Radu (ISACA ID: extranet\

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ITAF ™ Companion Performance Guidelines 2208: Information Technology Audit Sampling

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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................................7
Terms and Definitions .........................................................................................................................................................................7

Performance Guidelines 2208: Information Technology Audit Sampling............8

APPENDIX A: RELATED STANDARDS ......................................................................................................15

APPENDIX B: RELATED GUIDELINES ....................................................................................................17

APPENDIX C: TERMS AND DEFINITIONS...........................................................................................19

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ISACA’s Information Technology Audit Framework (ITAF™) is a comprehensive framework that:

 Establishes standards that address IT audit and assurance practitioners’ roles and responsibilities, ethics,
expected professional behavior, and required knowledge and skills
 Defines terms and concepts specific to IT audit and assurance
 Provides guidance and techniques for planning, performing and reporting of IT audit and assurance engagements

ISACA created the Information Technology Audit Sampling guidelines (Guidelines 2208) as a companion to the
ITAF framework. These guidelines support IT audit and assurance practitioners’ use of sampling to draw a
conclusion about a total population when audit procedures are applied to less than 100 percent of that population.

Although these companion guidelines do not have a corresponding ITAF standard, the numbering of these guidelines
aligns with the numbering scheme of ITAF. General, performance and reporting guidance series are numbered 2000,
2200 and 2400 respectively. Number 2208 accommodates numbering of related guidelines before and after it.

Adherence to the guidelines is strongly recommended but not mandatory. Accordingly, IT audit and assurance
practitioners may exercise flexibility in their use of the Information Technology Audit Sampling guidelines. Even so,
practitioners should be prepared to defend and justify any significant deviation from the guidelines or the omission
of relevant sections of the guidance in the performance of IT audit and assurance engagements. The guidelines may
not be applicable in all situations but should always be considered.

Terms and Definitions

Throughout these guidelines, some common words have specific meanings that apply to the most common types of
engagements performed by IT audit and assurance practitioners. For these instances, a definition is provided in
Appendix C to ensure that the meanings of these words, within the context of these guidelines, are understood and
consistently applied.

Where practical, ITAF terms and definitions generally are consistent with commonly used terminology in the
practice of professional auditing and in information technology and security; however, practitioners should consult
the current original source standards relevant to the specific type of engagement to be performed. This will ensure
alignment of terminology with the original source standards that are being followed.

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Performance Guidelines 2208: Information Technology Audit


The purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance to IT audit and assurance practitioners in designing and
selecting an audit sample and evaluating sample results. Appropriate sampling and evaluation help to achieve the
requirements of sufficient and appropriate evidence.

IT audit and assurance practitioners should consider these guidelines when determining how to implement related
standards (see Appendix A) and related guidelines (see Appendix B), use professional judgment in their application,
be prepared to justify any departure, and seek additional guidance if necessary.

2208.1 Introduction The guidelines’ content sections are structured to provide information on the following key
audit sampling topics:

2208.2 Sampling

2208.3 Design of the Sample

2208.4 Selection of the Sample

2208.5 Evaluation of Sample Results

2208.6 Documentation

2208.2 Sampling

2208.2.1 In forming an opinion or conclusion, practitioners frequently do not examine all the
information available, because doing so may be impractical (e.g., requiring too much time
for the auditee and practitioners to investigate all information). If examination of all the
information is impractical, valid conclusions can be reached using audit sampling.

2208.2.2 When using statistical or nonstatistical sampling methods, practitioners should design and
select an audit sample, perform audit procedures, and evaluate sample results to obtain
sufficient and appropriate evidence to form a conclusion. When using sampling methods to
draw a conclusion on the entire population, practitioners should use statistical sampling.

2208.2.3 Sampling should not be used in some instances. For example, sampling should not be used
for tests of controls if there is no evidence of performance, such as appropriate segregation
of duties.11

2208.3 Design of the Sample

2208.3.1 When designing the size and structure of an audit sample, practitioners should consider the
specific IT audit objectives, the audit procedures that are most likely to achieve those
objectives, the nature of the population, the nature of the control (e.g., manual or
automated), relevant subgroups within the population, and the sampling and selection
methods. In addition, when audit sampling is appropriate, consideration should be given to
the nature of the evidence sought, possible error conditions and possible root causes.

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), AS 2315: Audit Sampling,

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2208.3.2 When considering the IT audit objectives while designing the sample, IT audit practitioners
should consider the following:
 Purpose of the sample
 Sampling unit
 Population
 Sampling risk and sample size
 Tolerable error
 Underlying expected distribution (e.g., Poisson, binomial, normal or exponential)
 Behavior over time (e.g., seasonality and decrease in performance)
 Subpopulations or subgroups that occur naturally should be taken into account for
operational relevance
 Outliers
 Small populations of adverse or rare events
 Data from external support tools that are used to confirm or complement the results of
2208.3.3 The purpose of the sample can be:
 Compliance testing/test of controls—An audit procedure designed to obtain audit
evidence on the effectiveness of the controls and their operation during the audit
period. Examples of compliance testing of controls for which sampling can be
considered include user access rights, program change-control procedures, procedure
documentation, program documentation, follow-up exceptions, review of logs and
software license audits.
 Substantive testing/test of details—An audit procedure designed to obtain audit evidence
on the completeness, accuracy or existence of activities or transactions during the audit
period. Examples of substantive tests for which sampling can be considered include re-
performance of a complex calculation (e.g., interest) on a sample of accounts, a sample of
transactions to vouch for supporting documentation, etc.

2208.3.4 The sampling unit depends on the purpose of the sample. For compliance testing of
controls in which the sampling unit is an event or transaction (e.g., a control such as
authorization of an invoice), attribute sampling is typically applied, because it determines
the characteristics of a population. For substantive testing in which the sampling unit is
often monetary, variable sampling is frequently applied, because it determines the
monetary or volumetric impact of characteristics of a population.

2208.3.5 The population is the entire set of data from which practitioners wish to sample to reach a
conclusion on the population. Therefore, the population from which the sample is drawn
must be appropriate to test the design and operating effectiveness of the controls and be
verified as complete for the specific IT audit objective and scope.

2208.3.6 To assist in the efficient and effective design of the sample, sampling stratification may be
appropriate. Stratification is the process of dividing a population into subpopulations with
similar characteristics explicitly defined, so that each sampling unit can belong to only one
2208.3.7 When determining sample size, practitioners should consider the sampling risk, the amount
of error that is acceptable and the extent to which errors are expected. Sampling risk arises
from the possibility that a practitioner’s conclusion may be different from the conclusion
that is reached if the entire population is subjected to the same audit procedure. The two
types of sampling risk are:
 Risk of incorrect acceptance—A material weakness is assessed as unlikely when, in
fact, the population is materially misstated.
 Risk of incorrect rejection—A material weakness is assessed as likely, when, in fact,
the population is not materially misstated.

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2208.3.8 Sample size is affected by the level of sampling risk that the IT audit and assurance
practitioners are willing to accept. Sampling risk should also be considered in relation to the
audit risk model and its components—inherent risk, control risk and detection risk, as
detailed in ITAF Standard 1201 Risk Assessment in Planning. This standard requires that
practitioners consider subject matter risk, audit risk and related exposure to the enterprise
when planning audit engagements.
2208.3.9 Tolerable error is the maximum error in the population that practitioners are willing to
accept and still conclude that the test objective is achieved. For substantive tests, tolerable
error is related to the practitioner’s judgment about materiality. In compliance tests,
tolerable error is the maximum rate of deviation from a prescribed control procedure that
practitioners are willing to accept.
2208.3.10 Smaller sample sizes are justified when the population is expected to be error-free. If
practitioners expect errors to be present in the population, they must examine a larger
sample to conclude that the actual error in the population is not greater than the expected
tolerable error. When estimating the expected error rate in a population, practitioners should
consider matters such as:
 Error levels identified in previous audits
 Changes in enterprise procedures
 Evidence available from an evaluation of the system of internal control, results from
analytical review procedures and/or results of preliminary tests of the population

2208.3.11 Practitioners should consider, if appropriate, the need to involve specialists in the design
and analysis of complex sampling approaches—such as stratified random samples that
must have statistical validity and sampling that is based on established quality control
2208.3.12 In some instances, the practitioner may design a sample that can be used as a test of
controls and as a substantive test. See guidance on dual sample tests by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).2 2

2208.3.13 If practitioners conclude that sampling does not allow the IT audit objectives to be achieved
and a test of the entire population is required, practitioners should consider applying
continuous assurance, because it allows testing of the entire population in a timely and
cost-effective way.

2208.4 Selection of the Sample

2208.4.1 Practitioners should ensure that the population is complete and control the selection of the
sample. Practitioners should select sample items to ensure that the sample is
representative of the population regarding the characteristics being tested.

2208.4.2 For a sample to be representative of the entire population, all sampling units in the
population should have an equal or known nonzero probability of being selected. This
suggests that statistical sampling methods should be used, because they use techniques
from which mathematically constructed conclusions about the entire population can be
drawn. Practitioners should validate completeness of the population to ensure that the
sample is selected from an appropriate data set.

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), AU Section 350 Audit Sampling,

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2208.4.3 Nonstatistical sampling is an approach that is used by practitioners who want to use their
own experience, knowledge and professional judgment to determine a sample. This method
may likely reflect a human bias, because it is not statistically based and does not ensure
that every sampling unit has a known nonzero probability of being selected. Therefore,
results should not be extrapolated over the population, because the sample is unlikely to be
representative of the entire population. Nonstatistical sampling may be used when results
are needed quickly to confirm a proposition, but it should not be used to draw
mathematically constructed conclusions regarding the entire population.

2208.4.4 There are five commonly used sampling methods that are categorized as either statistical
sampling methods or nonstatistical sampling methods:
Statistical sampling methods:
 Simple random sampling—Ensures that all combinations of sampling units in the
population have an equal chance of selection.
 Systematic sampling—Involves selecting sampling units using a fixed interval between
selections, with the first interval having a random start. Examples include monetary
unit sampling or value-weighted selection in which each individual monetary value
(e.g., $1,000) in the population is given an equal chance of selection. The item that
includes the monetary unit is selected for examination because the individual
monetary unit cannot be examined separately. This method systematically weighs the
selection in favor of the larger amounts. Another example is selecting every nth
sampling unit.
 Stratified random sampling—Ensures that all sampling units in each subgroup have a
known chance of selection.
Practitioners should consider using statistical software for calculating standard deviations
and other summary statistics for results of statistical sampling.
Nonstatistical sampling methods:
 Haphazard sampling—Practitioners select the sample without following a structured
technique, while avoiding any conscious bias or predictability. Analysis of a haphazard
sample should not be relied on to form a conclusion on the entire population.
 Judgmental sampling—Practitioners place a bias on the sample (e.g., all sampling
units over a certain value, all sampling units for a specific type of exception, all
negative sampling units). A judgmental sample is not statistically based, and results
should not be extrapolated over the population, because the sample is unlikely to be
representative of the population as a whole.

2208.4.5 The two commonly used sampling selection methods include:

 Selection on records and population subgroups, e.g.:
 Simple random sampling
 Stratified random sampling
 Haphazard sampling
 Judgmental sampling
 Selection on quantitative fields (such as monetary units), e.g.:
 Simple random sampling
 Systematic sampling

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2.5 Evaluation of Sample Results

2208.5.1 After performing the audit procedures aligned with the particular IT audit objective on each
sample item, practitioners should analyze any possible errors detected in the sample to
determine whether they are actual errors. For possible errors that are determined to be
actual errors, the nature and cause of the errors should be identified. Also, the errors should
be projected as appropriate to the population—but only if a statistically based sampling
method was used.
2208.5.2 When the expected audit evidence regarding a specific sample unit cannot be obtained,
practitioners should consider whether they can obtain sufficient and appropriate audit
evidence by performing alternative procedures on the item selected, or by selecting and
testing a replacement sample unit.
2208.5.3 Practitioners should consider projecting the results of the sample to the population with a
method of projection consistent with the method used to select the sampling unit. The
projection of the sample may involve estimating the probable error in the population, and
estimating any further error that might not have been detected because of the imprecision
of the technique.
2208.5.4 Discussion of nonstatistical sampling (haphazard or judgmental) results should be
restricted to a description of the results of analyzing the sample, in the context of the
population as a whole.
2208.5.5 Practitioners should consider whether errors in the population might exceed the tolerable
error by comparing the projected population error to the estimated or defined tolerable error,
considering the results of other audit procedures relevant to the audit objective. Tolerable
error may be estimated or defined by audit criteria, industry standards, contractual
requirements, software specifications, etc. When the projected population error exceeds the
tolerable error, practitioners should reassess the sampling risk. If that risk is unacceptable,
they should consider extending the audit procedure; recalculating sample size using the
refined tolerable error and testing the additional sample units; or performing alternative
audit procedures.

2208.6 Documentation

2208.6.1 The work papers should include sufficient detail to describe clearly the sampling objective
and the sampling process used. The work papers should include:
 Purpose of the sample, including the sample unit
 Source of the population, definition of the population, and the relation of the population
to the audit scope
 Sampling parameters, e.g., sample size (including any consideration regarding
sampling risk); random start, seed number or method by which random start was
obtained; sampling interval
 Sampling method
 Items selected and, if nonstatistical sampling is used, justification for the selected
 Details of audit tests performed, including evaluation of errors and, if applicable,
alternative audit procedures
 Conclusions reached

12 ITAF™ Companion Performance Guidelines 2208: Information Technology Audit Sampling

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When implementing standards and guidelines, practitioners are encouraged to seek other guidance if necessary. This
guidance can be from IT audit and assurance:
 Colleagues within or outside the enterprise, e.g., through professional associations or professional network
 Management
 Governance bodies of the enterprise (e.g., audit committee)
 Professional guidance materials (e.g., books, papers and other guidelines)

Linkages to COBIT® 2019 for Information Technology Audit Sampling Guidelines (Guidelines 2208)

COBIT 2019 Governance and

Management Objectives Purpose

EDM03 Ensured Risk Ensure that I&T-related enterprise risk does not exceed the enterprise’s risk appetite and risk
Optimization tolerance, the impact of I&T risk to enterprise value is identified and managed, and the
potential for compliance failures is minimized.
AP012 Managed Risk Integrate the management of I&T-related enterprise risk with overall enterprise risk
management (ERM) and balance the costs and benefits of managing I&T-related enterprise
MEA02 Managed System of Obtain transparency for key stakeholders on the adequacy of the system of internal
Internal Control controls and thus provide trust in operations, confidence in the achievement of enterprise
objectives and an adequate understanding of residual risk.
MEA04 Managed Assurance Enable the organization to design and develop efficient and effective assurance initiatives,
providing guidance on planning, scoping, executing and following up on assurance reviews,
using a road map based on well-accepted assurance approaches.

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APPENDIX A: Related Standards

Note: Only those standard statements that are relevant to the Information Technology Audit Sampling Guidelines
(Guidelines 2208) are listed.

Standard Relevant Standard Statements

1006 Proficiency 1006.1 IT audit and assurance practitioners, collectively with others assisting with the
audit and assurance engagement, shall possess the professional competence to
perform the work required.
1201 Risk Assessment in Planning 1201.3 IT audit and assurance practitioners shall consider subject matter risk, audit
risk and related exposure to the enterprise when planning audit engagements.

1204 Performance and Supervision 1204.4 IT audit and assurance practitioners shall obtain and preserve sufficient and
appropriate evidence to achieve the audit objectives.
1204.5 IT audit and assurance practitioners shall document the audit process and
describe the audit work and the audit evidence that support findings and conclusions.
1204.7 IT audit and assurance practitioners shall provide an appropriate audit opinion
or conclusion and include any scope limitation where required evidence is obtained
through additional test procedures.

1205 Evidence 1205.1 IT audit and assurance practitioners shall obtain sufficient and appropriate
evidence to draw reasonable conclusions.
1205.2 Applying professional skepticism, IT audit and assurance practitioners shall
evaluate the sufficiency of evidence obtained to support conclusions and achieve
engagement objectives.

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APPENDIX B: Related Guidelines

Guideline Related Standards

2006 Proficiency  1006 Proficiency
2201 Risk Assessment in Planning  1201 Risk Assessment in Planning
2204 Performance and Supervision  1005 Due Professional Care
 1205 Evidence
 1401 Reporting
2205 Evidence  1205 Evidence

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APPENDIX C: Terms and Definitions

A Sampling stratification—The process of dividing a

Attribute sampling—Method to select a portion of a population into subpopulations with similar
population based on the presence or absence of a certain characteristics explicitly defined, so that each sampling
characteristic unit can belong to only one stratum.

Audit sampling—The application of audit procedures to Statistical stratification—A method of selecting a

less than 100 percent of the items within a population to portion of a population, by means of mathematical
obtain audit evidence about a particular characteristic of calculations and probabilities, for the purpose of making
the population. scientifically and mathematically sound inferences
regarding the characteristics of the entire population.
Nonstatistical sampling—Method of selecting a portion of
a population, by means of one’s professional judgment and Tolerable error—The maximum error in the population
experience, for the purpose of quickly confirming a that professionals are willing to accept and still conclude
proposition. This method does not allow drawing that the test objective has been achieved. For substantive
mathematical conclusions on the entire population. tests, tolerable error is related to professionals’ judgment
about materiality. In compliance tests, it is the maximum
P rate of deviation from a prescribed control procedure
that the professionals are willing to accept.
Poisson distribution—A distribution of independent
events, usually over a period of time or space, used to
that help predict the probability of an event. Like
binomial distribution, this is a discrete distribution. Variable sampling—A sampling technique used to
estimate the average or total value of a population based
Population—The entire set of data from which a sample on a sample; a statistical model used to project a
is selected and about which an IT auditor wishes to draw quantitative characteristic, such as a monetary amount.

Sampling risk—The probability that an IT auditor has
reached an incorrect conclusion because an audit sample,
rather than the entire population, was tested.

Scope Notes: While sampling risk can be reduced to an

acceptably low level by using an appropriate sample size
and selection method, it can never be eliminated.

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