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Gab: Good morning, everyone.

As I’ve said a few weeks ago, I gave all of you a task in which you are
going to inspect the extent use of electricity in a community to ensure enough energy supply. (page 2)
I also told all of you that you need to gather the total kilowatt hour of the community per month from
July to December of the year 2022, and then predict the energy consumption of the community for the
next three months this year 2023 which is January, February, and March. But before we jump in our
discussion and reports, did you encountered any difficulties gathering data from the communities and
calculating for the prediction?

Nicole: As for your concern, we don’t encounter any issues or difficulties gathering data in the
community since all the families helped us.

Gab: Ok. How about calculating for the predicted energy consumption? (page 3)

Denise: When it comes to calculating for the predicted energy consumption, we don’t have any issues
with it.

Gab: Looks like there is no issues at all. You may now begin.

Ezekiel: We gathered first the extent energy consumption of the community from July to December
2022. Where in July has a total of 2,010 2,010-kilowatt August has a total of 1,821-kilowatt hour,
September has a total of 1,819-kilowatt hour, October has a total of 1,878 kilowatt hour, November has
a total 1,804 kilowatt hour, and finally, December has a total of 1,682 kilowatt hour. (page 4)

Erica: We put the data in the excel and made a graph using the excels’ scatter plot and trendline with
the purpose of finding the function that will be used to predict the energy consumption for the next
three months. And we got the function of y=2.8917x5 – 46.208x4 + 253.12x3 – 530.29x2 + 233.48x +
2097. Before finding and calculating the predicted energy consumption, we are going to use the
numbers 7, 8, and 9 for January to March to substitute the x. Take note, the predicted value will be
rounded-off with two decimal places. Please excuse me, Ms. Casipe, you may now begin. (page 4)

Denise: To find the predicted energy consumption for the month of January, we substituted the x in the
function with 7, after calculating it, we have the predicted energy consumption for the month of January
which is 2,222.70-kilowatt hour. After substituting 8 for the month of February, we predicted that the
energy consumption for this month is 5,110.98 kilowatt hour. And lastly, we substituted x with 9 to get
the predicted energy consumption for the month of March, and after calculating we predicted that the
energy consumption for March is 13,350.62-kilowatt hour. (page 5)

Gab: I can say that it is a very nice presentation of your work, it is clear and easy to follow. I would like to
thank all of you for the hard work that you’ve shown for this assignment. (page 6) Well, I just noticed
something. In the predicted energy consumption, as the month goes by, the total energy consumption
per month is increasing. Do you have any recommendations for this? Do you guys think it is bad for
everyone? (page 7)

Nicole: Well, high energy consumption means that the electrical bill of the consumers might be high. But
it is not just about the bills, it will also affect the environment. The following months which are January,
February, and March, is the start of the season of Summer and people normally expect high electricity
bill, but we have recommendations that may help to prevent high bills such as unplugging appliances
when not in use. Leaving appliances plugged whether it is on or not, it stills sucks energy, so it is better
to unplug in when not in use. (page 8)

Gab: Anything else?

Ezekiel: Another thing what we recommend is limiting the consumption of energy if possible. For
example, we can use the sunlight to dry our clothes instead of using dryer which consumes excessive
energy. And another example for this, during daytime, we can just open our windows or curtain so light
can enter our home and we can avoid using lightbulbs. (page 9)

Denise: It will also help the family if they know their previous bills to identify what is the reason behind
their current bill that is high, and they will plan to solve it. (page 10)

Gab: Actually, that is the first thing that must be done. Is there someone that has another idea?

Erica: We mentioned earlier that these months is the opening or the start of Summer. In this case,
people prefer to stay indoors where they use air conditioner or AC. Air conditioner consume tons of
energy. So, instead of using air conditioner, we may just open our windows so wind can enter the house,
turning off the lightbulbs, or just use a stand fan with a bucket of ice in front of it. (page 11)

Ezekiel: The government may provide renewable energy resources for the community. Renewable
energy resources limit the usage of electrical energy from electrical power plants since we use energy
directly from our environment. It also helps lessen our damage to our environment since it lessens the
production of harmful gasses in our atmosphere. (page 12) That’s all, thank you. (page 13)

Gab: Thank you very much for your recommendations. I will take note all of this to the other staffs and
we will figure this out. Once again, thank you for your cooperation for this task. Meeting adjourned.


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