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English-Speaking Countries Research – Group Members & Presentation Dates

Eric, Liz, Suzel: January 27th – the U.K., Ireland, Belize & Guyana

Angie, Tom, Maggie: February 3rd – Canada, Jamaica, Barbados & the Philippines

Karla, Ricardo, Kevin: February 10th – Australia, New Zealand, Fiji & Samoa

Dina, Vero, Mariné: February 17th – India, Pakistan, Hong Kong & Singapore

Your group’s presentation will be given on the date shown above and will cover the English-
speaking nations indicated. It should be a maximum of one hour and 45 minutes, including any
video clips you’d like to share.

Please include the following in your presentation:

 A brief description of the geographical makeup and location of each country, including any
unique flora and fauna that you'd like to highlight.
 An overview of their political structures/types of government (who's the head of state, the
head of government, etc.), and how and when their independence from Britain or another
nation came about.
 The role that English plays in each country as well as what other principal or indigenous
languages are spoken there.
 An overview of the cultures, perhaps touching on such topics as what people there are
generally known for being like, sports, family life, music, art, entertainment, and the
impact of any of these on world pop culture (famous musicians, actors, athletes, etc. that
have come from there).

Your group does not have to go into great detail about everything. Touch on some points briefly
and then focus on the aspects that are more interesting for you. Basically, the goal is to give us a
better idea of what the cultures are like in these nations as well as some of the main aspects of
their history.

Also remember that if some of you are not able to participate in giving a presentation with your
group members on the date specified, you need to contribute more in preparing the presentation
so that all of the work does not fall on only one or two group members. You need to plan with
your group members about how you will organize the research, preparation, and presentation of
the information so that everyone contributes equally to the final product. And it is important to
keep in mind that the dates assigned for each presentation cannot be changed.

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