T1 Homework 1 1

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Homework 1 Ethical and cultural issues

Unit 5 Impacts of digital technology

Name:............................................................................ Class:................... Mark:................

Remember that the quality of written communication is assessed in examinations in questions

marked with an asterisk (*).
When answering the following questions, remember to:
 Plan some key ideas or areas of focus before you start writing
 Make sure your answer applies to the context given and that all parts are relevant
 Weigh up both sides of the discussion
 If asked to consider specific impacts (e.g. cultural, ethical, legal or environmental),
make sure to focus on these rather than other areas
1.* Parents can now buy GPS tracking devices for their children. This allows them to monitor
their child’s location at any time.
Discuss the impact of tracking children with GPS devices.
In your answer, you might consider the impact on:
 Cultural issues
 Ethical issues [8]
Some more lenient culture such as atheists may not have a issue with this type of device
as they feel it could make it safer for their child by knowing their location all the time and
also they may personally feel that there is nothing wrong with this device as it just tracks
their childs location all the time and it gives parents reassurance however some may say
that it a intrusion into the childs personal life and it violate his privacy


2.* Shopping via online shops has steadily been increasing. This has led to a number of
retailers finding it hard to compete.
Discuss the impact of online shopping on traditional retailers.
In your answer, you might consider the impact on:
 Cultural issues
 Ethical issues [8]

Homework 1 Ethical and cultural issues
Unit 5 Impacts of digital technology

Homework 1 Ethical and cultural issues
Unit 5 Impacts of digital technology

3. Many people now use mobile phones whilst walking near roads.
Explain two cultural or ethical issues with this. [4]

[Total 20 marks]

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