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Khrizlynne L.

Soberano BSN 3-B




 Patient populations  The rise of the  Increase use of

poorly served by the knowledge worker outsourced services
existing system  Changing attitudes by organizations
 Greater emphasis on about nursing  Transformation of
health status of profession licensure laws and
communities  Dissatisfaction of professional scopes of
 Significant strides in nurses with changes practice
positioning nurses as imposed by  Increasing percentage
providers of health employers of woman-owned
services  Changes in societal business
 Greater emphasis on perception of  New technologies
health promotion, authority facilitating small,
illness and accident  Wide prescriptive home-based
prevention, referral rights businesses

The diagram shows the innovative roles which is classify into health
sector, psychological factor, and external factor. Health sector means
that it is related to medical services, equipment and drugs that provides
health to the patient. While psychological factor, are those elements of
your personality that could control or affect with the people you work
with. Lastly, external factors are those outside a business but still have
an impact on its success. I used this diagram to simply see the innovative
roles and on what classification they belong. The word innovative roles
were connected to the three classifications. And in each classification, I
connect to them the innovative roles that they are related.

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