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II. Members and Assigned Tasks

Team Leader - Ibasan, Michael Ellise

EM Managers - Rakiin, Armelay (Radio waves)

Cariaga, John Ashley (Microwaves)

Morla, Trisha Mae (Infrared waves)

Indico, Mark Jhareem (Visible Light)

Gonzales, King James (Ultraviolet waves)

Tolentino, Armel Jade (X-Rays)

Sato, Phoebe Kates (Gamma ray)

Creative Designer - Sato, Phoebe Kates

Documenter/Data provider - Indico, Mark Jhareem
Mastery Check/Resources Manager - Cariaga, John Ashley

III. EM waves and their applications:

A. Radio wave
[Name of the EM wave]
Electromagnetic waves contain radio waves. Compared to visible light, a radio
wave has a much longer wavelength. Radio waves are frequently used by
humans in communication.

[Wavelength, frequency, and energy]

Radio waves have wavelengths that range from tens of thousands of metres
to 30 cm. These are equivalent to frequencies between 3 Hz and 1 GHz (109
Hz). A stream of photons travelling in a wave-like pattern, carrying energy,
and travelling at the speed of light can be used to represent electromagnetic
radiation. It was recognized in that section that the energy of the photons is
the only distinction between radio waves, visible light, and gamma rays. The
lowest energy photons are found in radio waves.

[Practical uses of the EM wave]

There are many different communications applications that use radio waves,
including television, FM and AM radio broadcasts, military communications,
mobile phones, ham radio, wireless computer networks, and many more.
Most radio waves can freely travel through the atmosphere of Earth.
However, the charged particles in the ionosphere have the ability to reflect or
absorb some frequencies.

[Negative effects of the EM wave]

The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified
radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans
(Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain
cancer, associated with wireless phone use.

B. Microwave

[Name of the EM wave]

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation that has a long
wavelength, low energy and a low frequency. It is the second to the last in
the EM spectrum just below infrared and above the radio wave at around 1 to
300 gigahertz (GHz) and has a wavelength about 1 millimetre to 30
centimetres in length.

[Practical uses of the EM wave]

- Metal surfaces reflect microwaves. Microwaves with a certain
wavelength pass through the earth’s atmosphere and can be useful in
transmitting information to and from satellites in orbit. Hence, the
satellite dishes are made of metal as they reflect microwaves well.
- Microwaves of certain frequencies are absorbed by water. This
property of microwaves is useful and cooking. Water in the food
absorbs microwaves, which causes the water to heat up, therefore
cooking the food.
- Microwave transmission is affected by wave effects such as refraction,
reflection, interference, and diffraction.
- can pass through glass and plastic. This is the reason why we use a
plastic or glass container in a microwave oven and not metal
containers, as metal reflects microwaves.
- Microwaves that penetrate haze, light rain and snow, clouds, and
smoke are beneficial for satellite communication and studying the
Earth from space.

[Negative effects of the EM wave]

- Microwave radiation can heat body tissue the same way it heats food.
Exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause a painful burn. Two
areas of the body, the eyes and the testes, are particularly vulnerable
to RF (Radio Frequency) heating because there is relatively little blood
flow in them to carry away excess heat.
- The damaging effects of microwave radiation on the brain include brain
dysfunction and brain structural damage.
- Microwave radiation can also be the cause of human fatigue,
headache, excitement, dreams, memory loss and other symptoms of

C. Infrared

[Name of the EM wave]

In 1800, William Herschel conducted an experiment measuring the difference
in temperature between the colours in the visible spectrum. Sometimes called
infrared light, is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those
of visible light. It is therefore invisible to the human eye. IR is generally
understood to encompass wavelengths from around 1 millimetre to the
nominal red edge of the visible spectrum, around 700 nanometers.

[Practical uses of the EM wave]

- Infrared (IR) light is used by electrical heaters, cookers for cooking
food, short-range communications like remote controls, optical fibres,
security systems and thermal imaging cameras which detect people in
the dark. The heating effect of IR can cause burns to the skin.
- One of the most common uses of infrared radiation is in heat-sensitive
thermal imaging cameras. These can be used to study human and
animal body heat patterns, but more often, they are used as night-
vision cameras. These have uses in warfare, as security cameras and
in nocturnal animal research.
- Infrared is also widely used in astronomy. Taking pictures of the
universe in infrared can lead to some amazing discoveries.
Astronomers can look at an area of the sky that appears empty and
dark in the visual part of the electromagnetic spectrum and find the
area full of activity in the infrared. Since most objects that are at all
hot produce infrared radiation, whereas plenty of objects do not
produce visible light, it is a vital tool in observational astronomy.

[Negative effects of the EM wave]

- Under some circumstances, visible light can be harmful— for example,
when it is presented suddenly, as in a flash or explosion, or when
equipment is first turned on. If the intensity is high enough to cause
damage in <0.25 second, the body’s natural protective mechanisms
will be insufficient.
- The most common eye disease associated with near-infrared radiation
is cataracts. Prolonged exposure to IR radiation causes a gradual but
irreversible opacity of the lens. Other forms of damage to the eye from
IR exposure include scotoma, which is a loss of vision due to the
damage to the retina. Even low-level IR absorption can cause
symptoms such as redness of the eye, swelling, or haemorrhaging.
- Blue-light retinal injury can result from viewing either an extremely
bright light for a short duration or a less bright light for a longer
duration. Measurement of the spectral radiance of the sun has shown
that the exposure limits for blue light can easily be exceeded when
viewing the sun. Viewing the sun directly is very hazardous and should
be avoided.

D. Visible Light

[Name of the EM wave]

Visible Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has the wavelength of
380 to 740 nanometers, corresponding frequencies from about
4 x 10^14 to 8 x 10^14 hertz (Hz) and energies of 2 to 2.75 eV. It is located
in the middle of the Electromagnetic Spectrum just below Ultraviolet rays and
above Infrared. The visible light is the only one in the EM spectrum that can
be detected or seen by the human eye. Anything else in the EM spectrum is
invisible to the human eye. The visible light can be separated into 7 colours in
the visible light spectrum with red being the lowest frequency of all the
colours and violet having the highest frequency of all the colours. The
temperature can also impact what colour something is. As objects grow
hotter, the longer wavelength that you can see is being dominated by shorter
wavelengths. Meaning, it changes colour depending on the temperature.

[Practical uses of the EM wave]

- To see
- Fibre optic communications
- Photography
- Electronic devices

[Negative effects of the EM wave]

- Erythema
- Pigmentation
- Thermal damage
- Free radical production
- Photodermatoses

E. Ultraviolet

[Name of the EM wave]

UV ray or Ultraviolet ray is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has the
wavelength of 100–400 nm, corresponding frequencies from about
7,5×10^14 to 3×10^16 hertz (Hz) and energies ranges from 3 to 124 eV. It
is the third to the highest in the Electromagnetic Spectrum just below X-rays
and above Visible Light. UV rays were first observed and documented in 1801
by German Chemist, Physicist and Philosopher Johann Ritter while
investigating the existence of energy beyond the violet end of the visible
spectrum. Knowing that photographic paper would turn black more rapidly in
blue light than in red light, he exposed the paper to light beyond violet. Sure
enough, the paper turned black, proving the existence of ultraviolet light.

[Practical uses of the EM wave]

- Source of Vitamin D
- Tanning
- Treating psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and localised

[Negative effects of the EM wave]

- Sunburn
- Skin Cancer
- Cataracts
- Premature ageing
- Immune system suppression
- Ozone layer depletion

F. X-Ray

[Name of the EM wave]

X-ray or X-radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength and high
frequency that has a wavelength ranging from about 10^−8 to 10^−12 metres, corresponding
frequencies from about 10^16 to 10^20 hertz (Hz) and energies in the range 100 eV to 100 keV. It
is the second to the highest in the Electromagnetic Spectrum just below Gamma rays and above
UV rays or Ultraviolet rays. X-rays were first observed and documented in 1895 by German
scientist Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen while investigating the effects of electron beams (cathode rays)
in electrical discharges through low-pressure gases. He discovered that firing streams of x-rays
through arms and hands created detailed images of the bones inside. Because bones are dense and
absorb more x-rays than skin does, shadows of the bones are left on the x-ray film while the skin
appears transparent. But the usage of x-rays doesn't stop only in medical applications. Due to the
nature of X-rays, It has found itself in a bunch of different areas from being used in security
inspections in cargo, luggages and passengers when going to an aeroplane to being a vital part of
space research and explorations like the new James-Webb Telescope and etc.

[Practical uses of the EM wave]

It can be a useful tool that can be used for medical, industrial, scientific
purposes/applications. Such as:
- Combating the growth of malignant tumours
- Chemotherapy
- Imaging bones
- Inspecting items in security
- Damage or destroy abnormal cells
- Restore old paintings
- Detects defects in the welds

[Negative effects of the EM wave]

X-rays can be very lethal in most cases if you have been exposed to it for too
long. The results can be varied from person to person but the usual side
effects can be described as:
- Blocked blood vessels
- Bone cancer
- Infections
- Mutated genes, chromosomes, etc.
- Damage or destroy normal cells

G. Gamma Ray

[Name of the EM wave]

Gamma rays or Gamma Radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation of
extremely short wavelength above 30 exahertz (30×10^18 Hz),
corresponding frequencies greater than 10^19 Hz and energies greater than
100 keV. It is the highest in the Electromagnetic Spectrum in terms of
frequency and energy and has the shortest wavelength of any EM waves in
the spectrum. They are produced by the hottest and most energetic objects in
the universe, such as neutron stars and pulsars, supernova explosions, and
regions around black holes. The energies of a single gamma ray burst can
release more energy in 10 seconds than our Sun will emit in its entire 10-
billion-year expected lifetime. On Earth, gamma waves are generated by
nuclear explosions, lightning, and the less dramatic activity of radioactive

[Practical uses of the EM wave]

- Imaging technique of PET (positron emission topography)
- Chemotherapy
- Sterilise medical equipment
- Used as tracers in medicine
- Radio Therapy
- Gamma-Ray Astronomy
- Sterilise medical equipment

[Negative effects of the EM wave]

- Radiation Injury
- Damage to Normal Cells
- Cancer may develop
- Stochastic health risk
- Produce gene mutations

IV. Mastery Check

Multiple Choice:
1. Which of the following EM waves that can be only seen in our eyes?
A. Visible
B. Radio
C. Microwave
D. Infrared

2. Which of the following EM waves are used in scanning items in security?

A. Radio
B. Visible
C. X-ray
D. Gamma ray

3. All of these are Negative Effects of UV rays EXCEPT for one. Which of the
following does not belong to the group
A. Sunburn
B. Reduced Vitamin A
C. Ozone Depletion
D. Cataracts

4. Which of the following statements are true?

A. Infrared causes Sunburn
B. Visible Light is used for scanning
C. Radio Waves are used for heating food
D. None of the Above

5. Which color has the second lowest frequency in the Visible Light
A. Violet
B. Yellow
C. Blue
D. Green

6. Which of the following EM waves produces more energy?

A. Radio
B. Visible
C. UV rays
D. Infrared

7. Which of the following EM waves are used in destroying cancer cells?

A. Gamma ray
B. UV ray
C. Radio
D. Infrared

1. This is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is used for heating up foods by
absorbing and heating the water.
2. This is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has the highest frequency and
3. Color that has the longest wavelength.
4. Color that has the shortest wavelength.
5. Color that has the second longest wavelength.
6. This contains all the EM waves in order
7. This contains all the colors in order.

Multiple Choice
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. A

1. Microwave
2. Gamma ray
3. Red
4. Violet
5. Orange
6. Electromagnetic Spectrum
7. Visible Light Spectrum

Activity 3: What are they? (enumeration)

1-7. What are the 7 Electromagnetic Waves?

Activity 4: Giving what I want. (enumeration)

1-2. State the practical uses of radio wave.
3-5. Give 3 negative effects of x-rays.
6. State the definition of microwave using one sentence only.
7. Give one practical uses of gamma ray.

V. Resources
VI. Documentation


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