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Glass: Xil ‘SESSION : 2022-2023, CBSE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER (THEORY) SUBJECT: PHYSICS ‘Maximum Marks: 70 Marks ‘Time Allowed: 3 hours. General Instructions: (1) There are 35 questions in all, All questions are compulsory (2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E. All the sections are compulsory. {@) Section A contains eighteen MCQ of 1 mark each, Section 8 contains seven questions ‘of two marks each, Section C contains five questions of three marks each, section D contains three long questions of five marks each and Section E contains two case study ‘based questions of 4 marks each. (4) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in section 8, C, D and E. You have to attempt only one ofthe choices in such questions, 5, Use of calculators isnot allowed, SECTION A. a. or NO. 1 | According to Coulomb's law, which is the correct relation for the |1 following figure? Waaeo ii). 41 Ge qv qe>0 2 | Theelectric potential on the axis of an electric dipole at a distance | 1 ‘t from it's centre is V. Then the potential at a point at the same distance on its equatorial line will be Wav wv ay vi (iv) Zero ‘The temperature (T) dependence of resistivity of materials A and material B is represented by fig (I) and fig (i) respectively Identify material A and material B. Lg fig. i) fig. Gi) (\) material A is copper and material 8 is germanium (i). material Ais germanium and material B is copper (ii) material Ais nichrome and material Bis germanium (iv) material Ais copper and material B is nichrome Two concentric and coplanar circular loops P and Q have their radii in the ratio 2:3. Loop @ carries a current 9 A in the anticlockwise direction. For the magnetic field to be zero at the ‘commen centre, loop P must carry () 3A\in clockwise direction (i) 9A in clockwise direction (il) 6 Ain anti-clockwise direction {iv) 6 Ain the clockwise direction ‘Along straight wire of circular cross section of radius a carries a steady current |. The current Is uniformly distributed across its cross section. The ratio of the magnitudes of magnetic field at a point distant a/2 above the surface of wire to that at a point distant a/2 below its surface Is @ 44 i) tet (ii) 4:3 (wy) 34 I the magnetizing field on a ferromagnetic materia i its permeability (i) decreases (ip increases (ii) remains unchanged (iv) fist decreases and then increases increased, ‘An iron cored coll is connected in series with an electric bulb with {an AC source as shown in figure. When iron piece is taken out of the coll, the brightness of the bulb will po 9 ( decrease (i) increase (ii) remain unatfectes (iv) fluctuate [Which of the following statement is NOT true about the properti of electromagnetic waves? |) These waves do not require any material medium for their ‘propagation i) Both electric and magnetic fleld vectors attain the maxima and ‘minima at the same time i) The energy in electromagnetic wave is divided equally between electric and magnetic fields v) Both electric and magnetic fleld vectors are parallel to each other ‘A rectangular, a square, a cireular and an elliptical loop, all in the (9) plane, are moving out of a uniform magnetic field with a constant velocity’ = vi.The magnetic field is directed along the negative z-axis direction, The induced emf, during the passage of these loops, out ofthe field region, will not remain constant for (0 any of the four loops (Gi) the circular and elliptical loops (ii) the rectangular, circular and elliptical loops (x) only the elliptical loops 10 ina Young's double slit experiment, the path difference at a certain point on the screen between two interfering waves is 2th of the wavelength. The ratio of intensity at this point to that at the centre of a bright fringe is close to (i) 0.80 (iy 0.74 (iy 0.94 (iv) 0.85 1 ‘The work function for a metal surface Is 4.14 eV. The threshold wavelength for this metal surface Is: () 41254, (i) 2062.54 (ii) 3000 A (tv) 6000 A. 2 ‘The radius of the innermost electron orbit of a hydrogen atom is 5.3x10-Tm, The radius of the n-=3 orbit is (1.01 10°%m (i) 1.59X 10°%m (i 2.42% 10-%n (4.77 X10%m, 13 Which of the following statements about nuclear forces is not true? () The nuclear force between two nucleons falls rapidly to zero as their distance is more than a few femtometres. (li) The nuclear force is much weaker than the Coulomb force, (il) The force is attractive for distances larger than 0.8 fm and repulsive i they are separated by distances less than 0.8 fm. (iv) The nuclear force between neutron-neutron, protor-neutron ‘and proton-proton is approximately the same. 14 If the reading of the voltmeter Vi is 40 V, then the reading of voltmeter V2is [wear © “Sovsinot O30V GSEV HV WIBV 15 | The electric potential V as a function of distance X is shown in the figure. vy oa 4 6x The graph of the magnitude of electric field intensity E as a function of Xis +e| co 48 q x + x Pre aye 4 Vv 0 a +e baat aiy 7) 16 | Twostatements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the labelled Reason (R), Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (4) as givon below. ) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A ») Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A ©) Ais true but Ris false 6) Ais false and Riis also false ASSERTION(A): ‘The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor increases on doping, REASON: Doping always increases the number of electrons in the semiconductor. 7 Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the ‘ther labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these ‘questions from the codes (a), (b),(c) and (d) as given below. a) Both A and R are true and R Is the correct explanation of A »b) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A ©) Ais true but Ris false 6) Als false and R'is also false ASSERTION: In an interference pattern observed in Young's double slit experiment, ifthe separation (4) between coherent sources as well asthe distance| (0) ofthe screen from the coherent sources both are reduced to 1/9", then new fringe width remains the same. REASON: Fringe with is proportional to (aD). 18 Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the ‘other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these ‘questions from the codes (a), (b),(c) and (d) as given below. a) Both A and R are true and R Is the correct explanation of A bb Both A and R are true and R Is NOT the correct explanation of A ©) Als true but Ris false 4) Als false and R'is also false Assertion(A) ‘The photoelectrons produced by a monochromatic ght beam incident (on a metal surface have a spread in their kinetic energies. Reason(R) ‘The energy of electrons emitted from inside the metal surface, is lost Incolision wit the other atoms in the metal. SECTION B 19 Electromagnetic waves with wavelength (dy is suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation 3s used o kill germs in water purifies ‘is used to improve visibility in runways during fog and mis, conditions Identify and name the part ofthe eletromagnetie spectrum to which these ‘gations belong, Also strange these wavelengths in ascending order of their magnitude ‘A.uniform magnetic field gets modified as shown in figure when two ‘specimens A and B are placed init. @ o) (identify the specimen A and B. i) How is the magnetic susceptibility of specimen A different from that of specimen 87 a ‘What is the nuclear radius of Fe ,f that of Al is 3.6 fermi. oR ‘The short wavelength limit for the Lyman series of the hydrogen ‘spectrum is 913.4 A, Calculate the short wavelength limit for the Balmer series ofthe hydrogen spectrum. ‘A biconvex lens made of a transparent material of refractive index 1.25 is immersed in water of refracve index 1.33. Wil he lens behave as a ‘converging or a diverging lens? Justify your answer. FThe figure shows a piece of pure semiconductor S in series with a variable resistor Randa source of constant voltage V. Should the value Of be increased or decreased to keep the reading of the ammeter ‘constant, when semiconductor Sis heated? Justify your answer a & oR ‘The graph of potential barrier versus width of depletion region for an ‘unbiased diode is shown in graph A. In comparison to A graphs B and Care obiained afer biasing the diode in different ways .Identiy the type of biasing in B and C and justify your answer ‘A natrow sit is illuminated by a parallel beam of monochromatic ight ‘f wavelength A equal to 6000 A and the angular width ofthe central ‘maximum in the resulting diffraction pattern is measured. When the silt is next iluminated by light of wavelength x, the angular width decreases by 30%. Calculate the value of the wavelength N. ‘Two large, thin metal plates are parallel and close to each other. On their inner faces, the plates have surface charge densities of opposite ‘signs and of magnitude 17.7 x 10% Cir, Whats electri field intensity E a) n the outer region of the first plate, and (b) betwoen the plates? SECTION 26 “Two long straight parallel conductors carrying currents | and I» are separated by a distance d. If the currents are flowing in the same direction, show how the magnatic fleld produced by one exerts an attractive force on the other, Obtain the expression for this force and hence define 1 ampere. 27. “The magnetic feld through @ circular loop of wire, 12em in radius and 850 resistance, changes with time as shown in the figure. The ‘magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Calculate the ‘current induced in the loop and plot a graph showing induced current as a function of time. Bn) 2 2 4 6 we ‘An ac. source generating a voltage € = fo sin wt is connected to a ‘capacitor of capacitance C. Find the expression forthe current flowing through it. Plot a graph of € and | versus wt to show that the current is, ahead of the voltage by 7/2, oR |An ac voltage V = Vo sin at Is applied across a pure inductor of| inductance L. Find an expression forthe current i, flowing inthe circuit and show mathematically thatthe current flowing through it lags behind the applied voltage by a phase angle of $ ‘Also draw graphs of V and i versus wt forthe circuit. Radiation of frequency 10° Hz Is incident on three photosensitive surfaces A, B and C. Following observations are recorded: ‘Surface A: no photoemission occurs ‘Surface B: photoemission occurs but the photoelectrons have zero kinetic energy. ‘Surface C: photo emission occurs and photoelectrons have some kinetic energy. Using Einstein's photo-elecric equation, explain t ‘observations. three oR ‘The graph shows the variation of photocurrent for a photosensitive metal ra % (a)Wnat does X and A onthe horizontal axis represent? {©)Draw this graph for three ctferent values of frequencies of incident radiation vs,u2and v3 (v3>02>0) for the same intensity. {6) Draw tis graph for thee different values of intensities of incident radiation I, lzand a (b> Lh) having the same frequency. ‘The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. The photon emitted during the transition of electron from n=3 to n=1 slate, 1s cident on a photosensiive material of unknown work function The ‘photoelectrons are emitted from the material with the maximum kinetic ‘energy of 9eV. Calculate the threshold wavelength of the material use. ‘SECTION D at (a)Draw equipotential surfaces for (Jan electric dipole and (i) two | 5 identical positive charges placed near each other. (©) In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates, each plate has an area of 6 x 10m? and the separation between the Plates is 3 mm. (i) Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor. (i) Ifthe capacitor is connected to 100V supply, what would be the the charge on each plate? (ii) How would charge on the piate be affected ita 3 mm thick mica sheet of k=6 Is inserted between the plates while the voltage supply romaine connected ? OR (a)Three charges ~g, Q and -q are placed at equal distances on a straight line. Ifthe potential energy of the system of these charges Is zero, then what isthe ratio Q:q? (0}{) Obtain the expression for the electric field intensity due to a Uniformly charged spherical shel of radius R at a point cistantrtrom the centre ofthe shell outside it (i Draw a graph showing the variation of elect feld intensity E with, fore> Rand rR. 32 (2) Explain the term drift velocity of electrons in @ conductor Hence joblain the expression for the current through a conductor in terms. of drift velocity. (0) Two calls of emts E and E and internal resistances ryand r, respectively are connected in parallel as shown inthe igure. Dediuce the expression forthe ‘equivalent em ofthe combination (i) equivalent internal resistance ofthe combination (i) potential ference between the points A and B. me oR {a) State the two Kirchhoffs rules used in the analysis of electric circuits and explain them. (©) Derive the equation of the balanced stato in a Wheatstone bridge using Kirchhoff laws. 33 '@) Draw the graph showing inlensty distribution of fringes with phase angle due to diffraction through a single slit, What is ‘the width of the central maximum in comparison to that of secondary maximum? b) A ray PQ Is incident normally on the face AB of 2 triangular prism of refracting angle 60°as shown in figure. The prism is made ofa transparent material af refractive index 4. Trace the path of the ray as it passes through the prism, Calculate the angle of emergence and the angle of deviation. 2) Write two points of difference between an interference pattern and a diffrection pattern, ») () Aray of light incident on face AB of an equilateral glass prism, shows minimum deviation of 30°, Calculate the speed of light through the prism. A B c ) Find the angle of incidence at face AB so that the emergent ray grazes along the face AC. SECTIONE Case Study : Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. ‘A number of optical devices and instruments have been designed and developed such as periscope, binoculars, scopes and telescopes utilising the reflecting and refracting properties of mirrors, lenses and prisms. Most of them are in ‘common use. Our knowledge about the formation of images by the mirrors and lenses is the basic requirement for understanding the working of these devices. () Why the image formed at infinity is often considered most suitable for viewing, Explain (ii) Inmodern microscopes multicomponent lenses are used for both the objective and the eyepiece. Why? Write two points of difference between a compound! microscope and an astronomical telescope OR (ili) Write two distinct advantages of a reflecting type telescope| over a refracting type telescope. Case study: Light emitting diode. [Read the following paragraph and answer the questions LED Is a heavily doped P-N junction which under forward bias emits ‘spontaneous radiation. When itis forward biased, due to recombination of hholes and electrons at the junction, energy is released in the form of photons. In the case of Si and Ge diode, the energy released in recombination lies in the infrared region. LEDs tha can emit red, yellow, ‘range, green and blue light are commercially available, The semiconductor used for fabrication of visible LEDs must at least have band gap of 1.8 eV. The compound semiconductor Gallium Arsenide Phosphide is used for making LEDs of different colours. LEDs of diferent kinds {i). Why are LEDs made of compound semiconductor and not of elemental semiconductors? {ii) What should be the order of bandgap of an LED, if itis required to emit light in the visible range? {ill A student connects the blue coloured LED as shown in the igure. ‘The LED did not glow when switch S is closed, Explain why ? 15Vv i} s + AW LED R oR (ii) Draw V-l characteristic ofa p-n junction diode in (0) forward bias and (3) reverse bias ‘MARKING SCHEME (CBSE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER (THEORY) SUBJECT: PHYSICS. Qa ‘aris SECTIONA 1 |iaacd 7 2 [zero ‘3. |) material As germanium and material 8s copper 1 |v) in the locewise drecton i s—fomas. T 6 [decreases T 7 [inerease T | Both eect and magnetic fold vectors are parlelto each 1 3 | ithe circular and eliptical loops: 7 10 [w)oas i 11 |) 3000 i 12 [477 X40 i 13 [i)_The nuclear foes Is much weaker than the Coulomb force T 14 [@)30V i 15 [) i 16 [eq Aistrue bat Rabe i 17 [e)Aistrue but Ris fase i 8 | 2) Both Aand Rare true and Ris the correct explanation of A i SECTIONS: 19 |i Nisrowave % io ulavilet % infrared 4 Ascending onder =o 4 20 | A= diamagnetic ry B. paramagnetic % ‘The magnetic susceptibility of is small negative 4 ad tht of Bis small postive. 4 2 From the elation R= Rua, where Ry isu constant and A isthermass |= umber of cous RedRu= (Anda = 412927)" * Ry. Ry 53x36 % = 6 fermi % oR Given short wavelength limit of Lyman series Forte short wavelength limit of Balmer series neural ; 1 gta t a ie r=) S f 3653.64. F Pens 5 pro OG) : ae 7 NG a Wy 133 098 a * Thewucet on isnettnd wit benz So witb eset Fee remar maaoTT o Baal]T Rea a eee ean eee pe iris i on ae P Thc eft bid tee po bri bec ier iene frre psa ene , ee i ass comntn he pin of Pade it nd ce Prck ere Tseariaey , 2 gtr ik 29= 30 i ene Incas teee essed ee , Ao Mune Sacaransnan m 2H = 020X (20/4) 22008 s Surface charge densiy of plate A= 17.7 « 10% Cin# Sic charge dey of pale B==17.7 «10a? (@ Inteouer gion apa eae eld incaiy Bisa. | (Bike intently Bn btwn the plates gv elaion E Wer, Pei of fe space 8.85 x10" NC m? wrax10-# 4% a1 “Thee ltl betwen te plats is2.0 1" NIC SECTION %6 [Dagan % Devan i ‘heme the vale of hat sendy cent which, when ined in ‘chef wo ve ong. sise allel conductors onesie | ‘Soneaecon and paved one mete apart yactam, woul ket on ‘cho these condor foe eal 02» 10 eons perma af iat 77 [Ace aft car ap =e? 14 «(0.127 me ‘ Ford TAT o Hh 610° Sm 310 oy | espcinng Peanasstesou0%aRio = rao | (dines 02 cv yal tore 3 {i NonchageQ™KQ-on 7710 “1084 108C : @) oe 2 Diagram o « ‘When point Plies ouside the spherical shel: Suppose that we have ‘calculate fick atthe point Pata distance r(@R) fom is centre, Draw ‘Gaussian surface through pia P so as to enclose the charged spherical, shell Gaussian surface is a sphrial surface of radius rand centr O. Let be the electric field at point P, then the electric ux through area element of area ds is given by dg = Bods Since dé is also along normal othe surface dg Eds + Total elect ux through the Gaussian sures is given by > fEie-Bfds Now. $ds=4 x 6) Bane Since the charge enclosed bythe Gassan sure i aeorng othe Gases theorem, oman Fo equton() nd Gwe ts ay 0 ) o Drift veloc Tis the average Velocity acquired by te Fes electrons superimpased over the random motion in the direction opposite to electri field and along te length ofthe metalic conductor. Derivation I=ne A Vs Here, I= 16h of Let V= Potential diterence bowcen A and B, Forcell ar Then. Veen > h=8ah a “ss h(is) ‘Compating the above equation withthe equivalent circuit oF emf “ey ‘and internal resistance" then, Pa © Set et ree en ee Junetion rue: At any junction, the sum ofthe curens entering the jimeton sequal ta the sum ofeurents leaving the junction Loop rule: The algebraic sum of changes in potential around any closed loop involving resistors and cells inthe loop s 20 Derivation ay » @ ‘Width of conta maximum i twice that of any secondary maximum Given: 2A=60?, 2-0" AcM:sinc=!= sin 60? 2 cit So the ray PM after reaction from the Tage AC grazes along AC. eat Fm citzereA+28 or 9060+ 5 5 =90°- a0? = 30° oR (i) The interference pater has a numberof equsly spaced bright and ‘ark bands, The ifration patter has a cereal bright maximum which istwice as wide asthe other maxims, The inensiy falls s We got0 successive maxima avay fom the cent on either sie. (i) We calulate the interference pattem by superposing two waves ‘originating fom the two narow sits. The dffaction pattem is & superposiion ofa continuous fanily of waves originating from each point ona single slit. (@ At theo AC, Tet the angle oF incidence be For grazing ray. eo? gle = cue) -ae Leta cn AB Some : . ioe has Ligon eer sin in é=ain" (V2. sint5-21.5° SECTIONE i) w wy ‘When the images formed at ini, we ean see with minimum Stain inthe ciliary muscles ofthe eye ‘The multicomponent lenses ae ved fr both objective and te eyepiece tempos inequity by minimising varus opal eats a {The compound microscope is used to obser minute nearby objects ‘whereas te telescope is used to chserve distant object. (8) Incompound microscope the focal length ofthe objectives lesser ‘than that of the eyepiece whereas in telescope the foal length ofthe ‘objective is larger than that of the eyepiece ‘OR {29 The image formed by reflecting type telescope is brighter than that Formed by refracting telescope (8) The image formed by the reflecting type telescope is more magnified ‘than tat formed bythe refracting type telescope 3 « a, TTEDsate made up of compound semiconduciors and not By he

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