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Nama : Rizky Andri Saputra

Npm : 21001073
Kelas : 3C
Matkul : Kodifikiasi

1. Peracunan diri dengan sengaja dengan cara gantung diri, pencekikan dan mati lemas
- hanging X70.-
X70 intentional self-harm by hanging, strangulation and suffocation

KODE : X70

2. Fobia binatang , Fobia ujian dan Fobia sederhana

Phobia, phobic F40.9
- Specific (isolated) F40.2
Tabular List : F40 Phobic anxiety disorders
F40.2 Specific (isolated) phobias
… Though the triggering situation is discrete, contact with it can
evoke panic as in aghoraphobia or social phobia.
- Acrophobia
- Animal phobias
- Claustrophobia
- Simple phobia
KODE : F40.2

3. Ganguan panik
- Panic F41.0
Tabular List : F41 Other anxienty disorders
F41.0 Panic disorders
- attack
- state
KODE : F41.0

4. Gangguan jiwa dan perilaku berat yang berhubungan dengan masa nifas YTK
- Mental F99
-- Puerperal F53.9
--- Psycotic F53.1
Tabular List : F53.1 Severe mental and behavioural disorders associated with the
puerperium, not elsewhere calssified
Puerperal psychotic NOS
KODE : F53.1

5. Autisme masa kanak

Autism, autistic (childhoold) (infantile) F84.0
Tabular List : F84.0 Childhoold autism
Autistic disorder
- autism
- psychosis

Kanner syndrome
KODE : F84.0

6. Gangguan preferensi seksual

a. pedofilia
Pedophilia F65.4
Tabular List : F65.4 Pedophilia
A sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually ofprepubertal or early
pubertal age.
KODE : F65.4

b. Ekshibisionisme
Exshibitionism F65.2
Tabular List : F65.2 Ekshibitionism
A recurrent or persistent tendency to expose the genitalia to
strangers (usually of the opposite sex) or to people in public
places, without inviting or intending closer contact. There is
usually, but not invariably, sexual excitement at the time of the
exposure and the act is commonly followed by masturbation.
KODE : F65.2

7. Penyerangan dengan benda tajam

Assault (by) (homicidal) (in) Y09
- weapon NEC Y09
-- cutting or piercing X99
Tabular List : X99 Assault by sharp object
Include : stabbed NOS
KODE : X99

8. Problem yang berkaitan dengan kejadian kehidupan yang negative dalam masa kanak
a. Kehilangan hubungan kasih saying dalm masa kanak
Loss (of)
- love relationship in childhood Z61.0
Tabular List : Z61.0 Loss of love relationship in childhood
Loss of an emotionally close relationship, such as of a
parent, a sibling, a very special friend or a loved pet, by
death or permanent departure or rejection.
KODE : Z61.0

b. Pengalamamn pribadi yang menakutkan pada masa kanan

History (personal) (of)
- Psychological trauma NEC Z91.4
-- in childhood Z61.7
Tabular list : Z61.7 Personal frightening experience in childhood
Experience carrying a threat for the child's future, such
as a kidnapping, natural disaster with a threat to life,
injury with a threat to self-image or security, or
witnessing a severe trauma toa loved one.
KODE : Z61.7

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