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Humss D -12

Pamela Jane A. Radadon

1. How do practice compassion to others?

Compassion is a virtue you must cultivate if you want to be happy.The most direct route to mental
health is frequently through the practice of compassion Another study at Brandeis University found
that more compassionate people can cope with stress better and their bodies of more attenuated
inflammatory response. It helps us develop more genuine relationships and connect on a
deeper level with the others people who practiced compansion and classified themselves as "very
happy had lower levels of inflammation than those who simply acknowledged that they had a good

2. How expressing gratitude affects others or someone?

Consider a time when you expressed your gratitude to someone for their assistance, support,
orsimply just the presence in your Me. Or perhaps you can recall an occasion when someone offered
you something as a sign of their appreciation that you didn't buy or request? Didn't it feel fairly
good? The finest ways to express apprecation, the advantages of expressing our thankfulness to
other, and how to practice being grateful while learning to appreciate the good feelings that come
with it are all covered in this article.

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