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Clays diagenesis and fluid migration, new information for a 3D modeling of

fluid circulation in the Llanos Basin of Colombia


Copyright 2012, ACGGP.

This paper was selected for presentation by an ACGGP Technical Committee following review
of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). 75°W 70°W 65°W

The increasing of hydrocarbon production in the Llanos
Basin of Colombia (LBC) confirms that its petroleum system
is rather well understood, however, question marks remain Venezuela
concerning the fluid migration pathways and the large

water/oil ratio within the producting fields. To have a better

understanding of the water origin and of the fluid circulation,



formation water have been sampled and analysed. The low ta

salinity values of the formation waters (sampled in the Shield

hydrocarbon producing wells) were historically interpreted as

the result of a dilution of the saline connate waters with the Guaviare R

fresh meteoric waters. New analytical data of stable isotopes,

measured on rivers and formation waters, allow us to highlight
areas where indeed meteoric waters infiltrate within the basin.
However the stable isotopic data (δD, δ18O) suggest a third

source of water in the north-westward deepest part of the Figure 1. Llanos Basin boundary (black line), Topography and
LCB. We link it with the diagenetic evolution of the clay fluvial system of the Llanos Basin. White squares: distribution
minerals; indeed the LCB infilling is for a large part shally and of wells sampled for cuttings. Blue circles: Samples of fluvial
the smectite – illite transition release fresh water (Gonzalez et water distribution. Red circles: Distribution of wells where
al., 2011). XRD and CEC data acquired on six wells confirm formation water were collected.
the occurrence of this transformation in the LBC over the last
couple of Myr and allow us to propose a kinetic reaction for Late Cretaceous formations consist on marine deposits
since transformation taken into account the thermal evolution (including the Gacheta Fm, main source rock), they pinch out
already calibrated in the nuemericla model. The quantity of eastward. The Paleocene is represented by the Barco-Cuervo
water due to this dehydration is far to be negligible. Fms, and the Eocene by the fluvial deposits of Mirador Fm.
Finally, to check the consistency of the data, 3D basin which is the main oil producer reservoir in the LCB. The
modeling of formation fluid circulation in the LBC were Oligocene and Eocene formations correspond to the deltaic
carried out taking into account the water expelled by clays system of the Carbonera Fm, interlayered shales and
diagenesis as well as the meteoric water infiltration. The sandstones differentiated as members C1-C8 (shales and
model allows us to predict the ratio of mixing between the sandstones). The Middle Miocene transgression is presented
waters of various origins by a regional flooding surface, Leon Fm. (a regional seal) and
the current deposits are the mollase of the Guayabo Fm.
Llanos Basin of Colombia (figure 2).
A complete analyse of the petroleum system could be
The so called Llanos Basin of Colombia (LBC) is a flat found in (Moretti et al., 2009a), to resume: most of the
topography of around 200000 km2. Isolated to the East by the sandstones are potential reservoirs and all the shale have
foothills of the Eastern Andes Cordillera, limited to the South organic content. Eastward all the series pinchout, especially
by the Guaviare river, Vaupes basement and the Macarena the cretaceous source rocks but migration from the mature
Sierra (with some Cretaceous and Tertiary outcrops), to the area located north-westward near the Cordillera in continuous
East by the Precambrian Guyana Shield and to the North by since at least the Middle Miocene. The traps located on the
Venezuela (figure 1). migration pathway (essentially small offset normal faults) are
often charged in HC. Discoveries have been also done in
A Northwest dipping monocline of a siliciclastic sequence sedimentary traps, channels in the Carbonera Fms as well as
pinching-out eastward, unconform over Paleozoic sediments pinchout of the reservoir beds eastward. Due to the shallow
and Precambric basement. depth of the reservoirs in the thin part of the foreland east and
southward the oil is often biodegraded and °API could be as
low as 10°. North and westward the reservoirs contain a
2 Clays diagenesis and fluid migration, new information for a 3D modeling of hydrocarbon and water circulation of the Llanos Basin of Colombia

mixture of oil coming from the various source rocks and the near the compressive front as well as the pressure regime,
initial HC that arrived when the reservoirs was shallow before charge from the Eastern Cordillera is precluded. However,
the Guayabo deposit were biodegraded . taken into account the geometry of the series, an active
Biodegradation took place at the contact between water recharge of meteoric water downdip to the Mirador Fm. means
and oil if the temperature of the reservoir remained low (less that shale units of Carbonera Fm. and of the Leon Fm. are
than 80°C). In addition with the high water cut the existence permeable enough (or fracturated) to allow hydraulic
of this process increases the need of a good understanding of comunication with the surface (Villegas et al, 2004). Such an
the water flow in the Llanos. We approached that issue by hypothesis is poorly compatible with the fact that shale
collecting new data (sampling + analyses) on both fluid and formations represent an important volume in the clastic
rock and by modelling the 3D fluid flow within the Llanos sequence and are proven to act also as top seals in the
with the aim to take into account both the water and the HC petroleum system.
flows. Waters have been sampled in various producing fields The low salinity values of formation waters (often less
as well as in rivers (Figure 1), systematic measurements of than 4000mg/L) are so interpreted as the result of a flush of
temperature, pH, O, D isotopes and chemical major elements meteoric water, suggesting a dissolution of salinity in the the
have been done. Some gas samples have been also carefully connate water (the water preserved initially in a sedimentary
taken for noble gas isotope analyses (not presented here). The deposit) of the marine and deltaic deposits (up to 35000
burial history as well as the temperature versus time and the mg/L). can we be more qualitative ?
source rock characteristics are known from previous studies Water modifies its isotopic composition by an additional
(Moretti et al., 2009a) and so will not be discussed further supply of fluid into the reservoir. As a result, the δD and δ18O
more in this paper. isotopic composition of formation water can give us
information about preservation, evolution, origins and mixing
of the current formation water.

Meteoric water influence


Stable isotopes of hydrogen δD and oxygen δ18O, are trace

element in water and present a natural abundance of about
0.015% and 0.24% respectively.
Seawater is the largest reserve of water in the earth and
represents the stable isotopic composition reference of
δD:δ18O 0,0:0,0 (‰) defined as the Standard Mean Ocean

Water (SMOW) (figure 3).

δD and δ18O stable isotope values in meteoric water can
vary with some local conditions as large rivers transporting
water over long distances, small drainages, precipitation,
evaporation and seasonal variations.

Stable Isotope Composition of Fluvial and Formation Water


Samples in the Llanos Basin of Colombia

δ2H / VSMOW (‰)


Figure 2. Stratigraphic Column showing the main elements

of the petroleum system. -60

L Fluvial Samples
Formation water -80
Tertiary Samples
Cretaceous Samples
González Uribe et al, 2007
Salinity of the water produced in the HC fields is low, -100
previous studies (Person et al, 2012; Gomez et al 2009; -12 -9 -6 -3
δ18O / VSMOW (‰)
0 3 6

Villegas et al, 2004) defined the hydrodynamics of the basin

as an active groundwater flow system of meteoric water Figure 3. δD/δ18O ratio of fluvial and formation water samples
recharge topography driven, with different flow patterns for (Gonzalez et al, Geofluids in press; González Uribe et al,
the pre-carbonera units and for the Carbonera reservoirs. 2007). Note the influence of isotopic traces of meteoric water
Recharge is supposed to take place east- and southward. Due in some fomation waters (Tertiary and Cretaceous) and the
to the increase of the salinity in some Cretaceous reservoirs shift of the LMWL with an increase of δ18O values.

δD/δ18O ratio of meteoric waters varies localy in a direct South North

relation to evaporation/precipitation in natural waters at same Eastern Cordillera
environmental condtion. Isotopic behavior synthesized as the
0 km.
Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL) is expressed as: Fresh water 1

δD = 8 δ18O + 10‰, (Eq. 1) Saline water Brackish water

100°C 3
Basement 110°C
0 50 100 km. 4

For this study, 18 rivers of the Llanos fluvial system and


r tr
17 samples of formation waters were collected, filtered

h wate
d bra
(through a 0.45 µm milipore) and stored in-situ to preserve the h an -8

Tertiary sample
stable isotopes composition, avoid loss of water vapour and Cretaceous sample

isotopic exchange with the surroundings. 910000 960000 1010000

North (m)
1060000 1110000

δD/δ18O ratio of the Llanos rivers, allow us to define a Figure 4. South-North cross section, west of the LBC. A projection
local meteoric water line (LMWL) as reference of fluvial of formation waters samples (in blue: formation waters influenced by
meteoric water, in red: formation waters enriched in δ18O) with a plot
waters. Isotopic ratio of δD/δ18O of Formation waters that fits
of δ18O values northward for brackish salinities of formation water.
with the LMWL, highlights the distribution of reservoirs
Note the increase of δ18O values in depth.
influenciated by meteoric water. They are located in the south
and south east in shallow reservoirs.
Distribution of stable isotopes influenciated by meteoric
Geochemical analysis of Clay Diagenesis
water decreases in depth and the increasing δ18O values
deviate from the LMWL. These formation waters that trend Illite to smectite mineral transition is one of the most
away from the LMWL toward positive values (δ18O values of important reactions during shale diagenesis. It could be used
clay minerals are between +10 to +30 per mil, Savin & as geothermometer to constrain the thermal evolution of
Epstein, 1970a, 1970b) can be associated to clay dehydration sedimentary basins and correlated with vitrinite reflectance
and isotopic exchange with clay mineral during burial, linked data. They could be associated to an enhance of hydrocarbon
with the smectite to illite mineral transition in shale formations migration and to supply additional water to the reservoirs (Eq.
(figure 3). 2) (Henry & Bourlange, 2004; Hillier et al, 1995; Huang et al,
1993; Colten-Bratley, 1987; Bruce, 1984).

Diagenesis modifies the geochemical characteristics of Smectite + K + → illite + xSiO2 + nH 2 O (Eq. 2)

formation fluids through fluid-rock interactions controlled by
increase of temperature and pressure, allowing an exchange Loss of interlayer water of smectite minerals in depth
between the water-rock during thermal evolution. These during burial represents an additional source of fresh water
processes include organic matter maturity and smectite to illite into the formation water fluid system (Yang, 2000; Elliot &
mineral transition, sources of hydrocarbon and interlayer Matisoff, 1996; Abercrombie et al, 1994; Colten-Bratley,
water release into carrier beds and reservoirs. 1987; Burst, 1969). Illite to smectite mineral transition
Oxygen is the most abundant element in rock minerals, describes the dehydration states of smectite in depth.
contained in a 46.6% in weight. Interlayer water in clay Clay minerals are a dominant component of shales.
minerals with swelling properties (smectites) re-equilibrates Smectites are hydrated clays formed by weathering of silicates
rather quickly with the environment in few days at room minerals in soils and sediments at surface with cation
temperature (Savin & Epstein, 1970a, 1970b) and exchange exchange capacity (CEC) properties. Estimations of CEC in
easily isotopes with water. Water-rock exchanges during total rock is an indirect measurement to calculate the smectite
diagenesis produce an increase the δ18O concentration in w% in shales. Observed CEC reduction with depth represents
formation waters, shifting the δD/δ18O ratio toward positive the decrease of smectite proportion during burial. It
values of δ18O according to the increasing of temperature in corresponds to the evolution modifying diagenetically the
depth (figure 3 and 4). smectite mineral structure in illite followed by the release of
its interlayer water.
Formation waters without a meteoric water influence shift To define the distribution of %smectite in total rock and
from the LMWL, present an exponential increase in δ18O quantify the smectite to illite mineral transition in depth, 13
concentrations in depth toward the Northwest deep reservoirs cutting samples of shaly formations at different depths of six
in the LBC, where the low salinity values suggest a source of wells were collected, cleaned and analyzed.
fresh water linked with the water-rock exchange (figure 4). Powder of total rock shale cuttings were immersed and
stirred in an alcoholic solution of tetramethylammonium
(TMA), molecules absorbed by minerals with swelling
4 Clays diagenesis and fluid migration, new information for a 3D modeling of hydrocarbon and water circulation of the Llanos Basin of Colombia

properties (smectites) in order to quantify the reduction of %illite %Sm total rock (Swy-2 ref.) Compaction : Water release
0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
CEC during dehydration of clays in depth. Results were 0

obtained with Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectometry

(FTIR) measurments which allow to quantify smectite 1000

proportions in each sample and are calibrated with a synthetic

SWy-2 equivalent (Wyoming montmorillonite) to define a 2000

Depth (m)
Leon Fm Top
%Smectite (figure 5). The use of TMA and FTIR allows to
3000 Carbonera Fm Top
deconvolve the effect of other minerals that have a cation

Smectite Swy-2 25%

Smectite Swy-2 50%

Smectite Swy-2 75%

Smectite Swy-2 100%

exchange capacity (by adsorption, micellization ...).
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of oriented clay fraction Mirador Fm Top
(< 2µm) in a vapour of ethylen glycol (EG) at 60°C, is a 5000
Gacheta Fm Top

technic that allow diffrenciate the swelling properties of

smectites and identify the smectite content in the interlayered Figure 5. Well cuttings analysis of 6 wells (figure 1) and
mineral illite/smectite (I/S) and subsequently, the smectite to modeling. (a) I/S transition observed data in XRD-EG clay
illite mineral transition of I/S in depth (figure 5). minerals and modeled curve (Eq. 3). (b) Variation of
%smectite equivalent SWy-2 (Wyoming) in total rock,
Smectite to illite modeling reduction of CEC in depth. (c) Interlayer water release versus
water expelled by compaction in depth, taking into account he
Numerous studies on smectite to illite reaction in natural lithological change and by dehydration of smectite.
environments and synthetic clays (Berger et al., 1997; Velde
& Lanson, 1993; Pollastro, 1985; Velde & Vasseur, 1992;
Withney & Northrop, 1988), have showed the reaction in 3D Modeling
terms of the evolution of relative proportions of smectite in I/S
during the subsidence and thermicity rate versus time. The Numerical simulation methods have became a strong tool for
reaction produce a reduction of smectite abundance in the I/S testing and defining scenarios of conceptual models. Now we
interstratified minerals, this reaction highlight the depth which are able to define which the main issues to solve are and we
a potential source of diagenetical water could be expelled to have an strong data base of new geochemical characterization
the reservoirs product of an release of the water contained in analysis of formation water to be synthesized and calibrated in
the smectite structure (figure 5 and 6). a basin modeling to determine the sources of fresh water,
Kinetic modeling of the smectite to illite mineral transition quantify the volumes of waters, timing of intervention of each
can be described as: source and mix.

∂[ Smectite]  − Ei 

= Ai exp (Eq. 3) A
∂t  RT  B
Guayabo Fm
t: time, Ai: Kinetic constant, Ei: Activation Energy, R: North
Leon Fm
Perfect gas constant, T: temperature.

The reaction depends on the potassium available (eq. 2) %Sm

and chemical composition of smectite. For a release of
interlayer water, smectite layers may be transformed in illite
during a global substitution of Al3+ by Si4+ in the tetrahedral West
layer without predicting the nature of the reaction, energy to
break the Si-O bound in the silica tetrahedron corresponds to
14 Kcal/mol, value used to fit the model the kinetic reaction Figure 6. A. Composition: Low salinity and Cl- Family.
with the smectite to illite mineral transition observed. Kinetic Isotope stable: d18O Influence. Clay diagenesis: illitization
constant used is 10-10 m2/mol/s. >70%.Temperature: > 80°C. B. Composition: Low salinity
Quantity of water release depends on the initial hydration and HCO3- Family. Stable Isotopes: Meteoric Influence. Clay
state of smectite before diagenesis. Based on new geochemical diagenesis: Smectite hydrated. Temperature: < 80°C.
information of clay analysis a scenario of interlayer water
release for the llanos show an potential supply between 2000- Modeling show a 3D distribution of the smectite to illite
4000 m in depth (figure 5), a reaction that takes place in the mineral transition where the additional diagenetic water is
last couple of Mys (based in Gonzalez et al, 2011). released into the reservoirs between 2000-4000 m.

Water plays a major role in all the processes in earth crust
as result of water-rock interaction and is the main medium of The sampling of the water within the producing fields has
transport of components both surface and underground. Stable been possible thanks to the help of various operating
isotopes of δD and δ18O of formation waters give us companies (Ecopetrol, Cepcolsa, ICP). We also thank
information about preservation of connate water, mix with Caroline Guilmette from the CRPG at Nancy who did part of
meteoric water and diagenetic influence during water-rock the stable isotopes analysis. The integration of data has been
exchange. done with GOCAD and the basin modeling with TEMIS.
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