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A. Aroma of Plants
B. Plants Habitats
C. Plants Characteristics
D. Gender of plants
E. Plants life cycle

Amorphophallus Titanum is a plant

from the taro tribe. This flower is a giant plant
and is known as the largest flower in the world
with 5 meters. This flower is an independent
flower, in other words, it has its own roots,
tubers and stems. So it does not depend on the
host tree.


Raflesia Arnoldii is a parasitic

plant. Plants that can only live with
other plants. Rafflesia grows wide to
the side and has a hole in the middle.
When in bloom it can reach 1 to 2
meters in width.


Amorphophallus Titanum VS Raflesia Arnoldii Page 1

A. Aroma of Plants

The similarity between Amorphophalus Titanum and Raflesia Arnoldii may lie in the scent of the
flowers when they bloom. These two plants both emit a rotting smell similar to a carcass. According to
experts, these two plants give off a foul odor because they can attract insects, such as flies and beetles,
which usually prey on animal carcasses.

 Amorphophalus Titanum

The inflorescence is cob-shaped with male and

female flowers attached to the cob. The male flowers are
located at the top of the cob, while the female flowers are at
the base of the cob. Female flowers mature earlier than male
flowers, so this type requires male flowers from other
inflorescences. Inflorescence in solitary cob, rarely growing
with leaves; when young protected by a boat-shaped sheath;
the cob sits, shorter or much longer than the sheath. The cob
is more or less divided into female parts, in which the female
flowers are crowded; male part; and a sterile part called the
appendix, at the very top.

It is this stench that invites insects (flies) to come in the hope of bringing pollen
from other inflorescences. This inflorescence can reach 2 m in height with a 1.5 m spadic
crown and the color varies from purple to greenish red. What is unique and the basis for the
need for this species to be protected from extinction is its growth cycle. In its growth to
maturity there are 3 stages, vegetative growth is the stage where the tuber produces only

Amorphophallus Titanum VS Raflesia Arnoldii Page 2

 Raflesia Arnoldii

(A). In this phase the visible structure is

not part of the original Rafflesia, but the host skin
or Tetrastigma. Copula (K) is peeled off. The
bractal phase of the bud (left image B), and the
bract-perigon phase of the bud (right image B).
Braktas (Br) was originally ivory white and
gradually turned brown and black. Perigon (C)
phase, with the folded and unopened perigon (P),
and Bloom (D) with the perigon starting to open.
Then emits a foul odor that can attract insects.

Plant Benefits

Amorphophalus Titanum Tubers are useful for

containing glucomannan fiber which is a rich
thickening agent so it is good for human health. Tubers
can help cure disease because they can function as a
supplement for dietary cholesterol, neutralize blood
sugar levels and weight control agents. Amorphophalus
Titanum Tubers can also treat bone health such as
preventing osteoporosis (thin bone). Consuming tubers
is believed to be a source of energy for the body to
carry out daily activities.
Amorphophalus Titanum Tubers

Another benefit according to the information available is that the corpse flower can
act as an anti-toxin for the body to fight viruses, bacteria or germs that cause toxins. In other
words, it can also increase the body's immunity in humans. Corpse flower functions to
prevent disease, increase platelets when injuries occur to the body, and as an anti-
inflammatory caused by infections such as those in the throat.

Amorphophallus Titanum VS Raflesia Arnoldii Page 3

The health benefits contained in the carrion
flower or Rafflesia arnoldi are found in its very
pungent smell, where the aroma has benefits for the
health of the human body. Where the corpse flower
or Rafflesia arnoldi is known to invite a lot of
minerals and vitamins that are good and needed by
the human body, that's why this corpse flower has a
number of advantages for the human body.

Raflesia Arnoldii Flower

B. Plant Habitat

 Amorphophalus Titanum

Amorphophalus Titanum is a plant native to Indonesia which is endemic to Sumatra. It is

naturally distributed in the rain forest areas of Sumatra (Bengkulu, Lampung) as an undergrowth
on calcareous soils, but this plant is also found in open areas, in secondary forests, roadsides,
river banks or on forest edges. The habitat of this rare flora is in lowland areas that grow with
tropical and subtropical climates. This rare plant usually grows at an altitude of 120 to 365
meters above sea level.

 Raflesia Arnoldii

Rafflesia can be found in both primary and secondary forests. Its distribution is highly
dependent on the spread of its host plant, namely Tetrastigma. However, not all Tetrastigma
grows Rafflesia even in their habitat. Rafflesia is generally found in hosts that live in places
close to springs. The height and slope of the land where it grows varies greatly depending on the
type. Rafflesia species from Sumatra (Bengkulu, Lampung) are mostly found on the west side of
the Bukit Barisan Mountains.

Amorphophallus Titanum VS Raflesia Arnoldii Page 4

C. Plants Characteristics
 Amorphophalus Titanum
Roots on Amorphophallus titanium in the
form of tubers. Tubers slightly rounded flattened,
about 65 cm in diameter and high tubers about 40
cm, tuber weight can reach 100 kg, the surface is
rather rough and a lot there are accessories such as
prospective buds, colored light brown, no side
shoots. The stem of Amorphophallus titanium is a
pseudo rod composed of leaf sheaths that are
attached to each other.

The giant carrion flower has a

pseudo stem like a banana, the stems
are only fronds of leaves that are
fused together.

The fruit is a buni fruit with

seeds 1 to many; orange- red when
ripe, rarely blue or white;
ellipsoids shape seeds.

Amorphophallus Titanum VS Raflesia Arnoldii Page 5

 Raflesia Arnoldii

When the flower blooms, we get see five perigone lobes, rarely 6. This perigon emerge from
the perigon tube. Perigon strand is a floral structure Rafflesia which has a function similar to a
flower crown. Main function of perigon is thought to attract pollinators (pollinators). In the top
center of the flower bloom, there is a ring with a certain width called the diaphragm. Hole on The
center of the flower is called the diaphragm aperture. On surface on the perigon and diaphragm
strands there are spots (warts) of various colors and size. These patches are usually white, orange
or pink. Spot pattern in both places above is one of the properties used for identification
Rafflesia species. On the lower surface of the diaphragm, there is usually a window (windows)
and ramenta. The window is a collection of white spots and usually round, lined up and forming
intermittent circles.

D. Gender of Plants

 Amorphophalus Titanum

In one corpse flower plant there is a male and there is also a female, different plants. If
from seeds, carrion flowers take decades to grow and flower, and if propagated from tubers,
carrion flowers will grow faster depending on the age of the tubers found in the forest.

Amorphophallus Titanum VS Raflesia Arnoldii Page 6

 Raflesia Arnoldii
In one plant the rafflesia flower has two sexes, or it is called a flower with two houses.
Rafflesia flowers can grow with male and female fertilized seeds. However, these seeds are
difficult to find because self-fertilization must occur within one plant that blooms at the same
time, with two different sexes.

E. Plants life cycle

 Amorphophalus Titanum

In its life, corpse flower plants will

experience two phases which will occur
alternately, namely the vegetative (asexual)
and generative (sexual) phases.

At the time of entering the

generative phase, adequate nutrition is
needed. When in this phase the corpse
flower will emit a rotten smell like a
carcass which serves to attract the attention
of insects such as flies, beetles and so on to
assist in the pollination process.

Amorphophallus Titanum VS Raflesia Arnoldii Page 7

 Raflesia Arnoldii
The Rafflesia life cycle includes: seed germination; development Rafflesia in the host (copula
phase); emergence of flower buds; development flower (brakta phase); bloom process; flower
rot; fruit and seed ripening; and dispersal of Rafflesia seeds (Nais, 2001 modified by Susatya,
2011). If note, the stages of the vegetative phase (formation of leaf and stem organs) are not
occurs in the Rafflesia life cycle. This is typical in the process Rafflesia flowering, which
ultimately differentiates Rafflesia (Rafflesiacae) from other Spermatophyta. In general, the
development of plant flowers The high level begins with the process of developing the vegetative
organs and then a transition occurs from the vegetative phase to the generative phase.


A. Seeds (takes 2-3 years to reach phase B)

B. Copula (takes 272-400 days to reach phase C)

C. Braktea (takes 1-14 days to bloom)

D. Flowers bloom (it takes 5-7 days for flowers to rot)

E. Ripe Fruit (it takes 6-8 months for ripe fruit after the flowers bloom)

Amorphophallus Titanum VS Raflesia Arnoldii Page 8

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