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1.) Completion of Lecture 

 Every lecture must be completed with perfect
accuracy, which means that if you have any doubt in
a particular lecture (say) then clear that doubt in that
lecture only. Do not proceed until conceptual doubts
are not cleared.
 Stronger are the concepts, more accurately and
efficiently you will be able to solve problems and
retain them.

2.) Practicing of a Chapter 

 First solve the in class questions (do not practice
until once a syllabus is not finished), then module
(not extra edge until once a syllabus is not finished),
then previous year questions and BITSAT guide.
 Practicing should have to be done in three rounds
where in round 1 give 1 minute for a question, then
in round 2 give 2 minutes for a question and in round
3 give 3 minutes for a question. (Not to be followed
for BITSAT guide)
 For BITSAT guide practicing round 1 give 66 seconds,
then in round 2 give 1.5 minutes and in round 3 give
2 minutes.
 After the completion of all the three rounds, the left
questions will be considered as doubts.
Note: - After second round of solving whichever
questions you are having doubt with, map the
concepts related to them and read them once again.

3.) Doubt solving of a Chapter 

 After understanding the doubt question, try to figure
out where you were lagging out. Do concept
mapping and then whichever concept is related to
that question mark it as important.

4.) Reading Books 

 A daily reading of books is very important as it helps
you to analyze the concept while reading a question.
You will be able to recall concept to be applied very
5.) Revision 
 Revise each chapter by writing because it helps you
to retain things longer. Make a fair notebook for
complete notes, while making these complete notes
revise the topic also on same time. Class notes,
modules, NCERT, and other books should also be
included in it with important points.

6.) Testing of a Chapter 

 On Sundays give time to mock tests of whichever
chapter you have completed fully. After giving each
test, give time for its analysis and try to understand
which concepts you are lagging in, read the related
concept once and reattempt those questions.

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