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Vocabulary 20 points

1 Match the words in A to their definitions in B. Write definitions for the two extra words. (3 points)
1. snow ...... a. In the past, soldiers used this skill.
2. windsurfing ...... b. This is a sport with a boat that you stand on.
3. forest ...... c. This is next to the ocean.
4. camping ...... d. It is white and cold and falls from the sky.
5. coast ...... e. ............................................................................
6. archery ...... f. ............................................................................

2 Complete the sentences to show you understand the words in bold. (4 points)
1. The weather is usually warm in .............................................................................. .
2. A postman’s job is to ............................................................................................. .
3. People uses lorries to .............................................................................................. .
4. Some people design fashion accessories such as .....................................................
5. To earn money, you .................................................................................................
6. A person who works as a chef ...................................................................................
7. You can go canoeing in ............................................................................................
8. When you perform in a band, you ..........................................................................

3 Complete the sentences. (4 points)

1. A p…………………… sometimes takes pictures of people.
2. Actors and actresses p…………………… on s…………………… .
3. Athletes want to r…………………… their c…………………… in the Olympics.
4. L…………………… s…………………… s…………………… can help you live in the desert.
5. Steven Spielberg d…………………… f…………………… like Jurassic Park and War Horse.
6. The u…………………… is a type of public transport.
7. People often swim in the o…………………… .
8. A j…………………… sometimes sends criminals to prison.

4 Complete the words in the categories below. (4 points)
Transport for passengers:
1. a……………………
2. c…………………… s……………………
An outdoor activity:
3. o……………………
4. r…………………… c……………………
Helps to get a job in the film industry:
5. s…………………… c…………………… a……………………
6. c…………………… s…………………… e……………………
Bad weather:
7. r……………………
8. f……………………

5 Complete the text with the correct form of the words below. There are more words than you need.
(5 points)
direct films  actress  compose songs  politician  donate  environment  act in plays  rainforests
musician  significant contribution  inventor  do charity work
Celebrities have often got a lot of money and influence. Luckily, quite a few of them try to use this to
help others. For example, we know that Paul McCartney 1. ……………………. and gives concerts,
but he also works with many different charity organisations. One of his favourite charities is PETA, an
organisation that protects animals. Another famous 2. ……………………. , Sting, is busy trying to save
the 3. ……………………. . Sting has established a charity that helps to protect the 4. …………………….
of South America. 5. ……………………. Scarlett Johansson doesn’t only 6. ……………………. and
films. Scarlett 7. ……………………. for Oxfam and she also helps an unusual organisation called
Sole4Souls. This organisation doesn’t 8. ……………………. money, but instead, it gives shoes to people
who need them. Scarlett has given them more than 2,000 pairs of shoes! British 9. …………………….
Tony Blair was the Prime Minister of the UK. One of his charity organisations helps young people
with disabilities to participate in sport. Clearly, these and other famous people are trying to make
a 10. ……………………. to the world they live in.

Grammar 30 points
1 Write the words in the correct order to form sentences. Make any necessary changes. (5 points)
1. $1 million / donate / when / to charity / he / ?
2. since / act / he / a child / on stage / was / he / .
3. earn / she / at the moment / a lot of money / .
4. saw / while / the aquarium / they / they / several sharks / visit / .
5. her sister / tall / Ella / than / .

2 Complete the sentences with the correct time expression below. There are more expressions
than you need. (5 points)
ago  at the moment  how long  since  often  just  while
1. …………………… have they been performing in that band?
2. …………………… he was directing the film, he fell and broke his arm.
3. Here he is. He’s …………………… walked in.
4. Does he …………………… donate money to that charity?
5. We are not watching the game …………………… .

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Then match the questions to the answers.
There are more answers than you need. (5 points)
compose  act  snow  drive  have
1. .…………………… you ever …………………… in a play?
2. How long …………………… it …………………… outside?
3. When …………………… he …………………… these songs?
4. …………………… you …………………… dinner now?
5. We’re going very fast. …………………… you always …………………… so quickly?
…. a. For 10 years.
…. b. Last year.
…. c. Since last night.
…. d. Yes, several times.
…. e. Not at the moment.
…. f. Twice a week.

…. g. Not usually.

4 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.
(5 points)
1. During dinner, I listened to the radio.
I listened to the radio while I …………………… dinner.
2. They have recorded an album in English for the first time.
They have …………………… an album in English before.
3. I don’t know a more generous person than Tom.
Tom is …………………… person I know.
4. HeatWave started singing when he was very young.
HeatWave …………………… since he was very young.
5. They bought the tickets a few moments ago.
They …………………… the tickets.

5 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs below. There are more verbs than you need.
(10 points)
become  choose  grow up  know  not have  act  enjoy  move  take part  hear  compose  do
…………………… you ever …………………… of Cameron Thomaz? Probably not. But maybe you
…………………… him by the name Wiz Khalifa – the famous American rap singer. Since the beginning
of hip hop, rappers 3. …………………… unusual names for themselves and Cameron wanted a special
name too. Khalifa was the name of an uncle he admired. He decided to use the name Wiz because Wiz is
short for wisdom and wizard. Wiz was always good at everything he 4. …………………… , including
music. Wiz 5. …………………… an easy life while he 6. …………………… . His parents were both
soldiers in the US Army and they 7. …………………… from place to place. This was difficult for Wiz,
but music helped him. This talented young rapper 8. …………………… songs since he was nine. Since
the release of his first album, in 2006, Wiz 9. …………………… a big star. He 10. ……………………
now …………………… his popularity and earning a lot of money!

Writing 10 points
Write an article about an event you had at school. Write what the event was,
when and where it happened, who was there, what happened, how the people
felt and your impression of the event.

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