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Birds and fishes die all around the world

We do not know if the two incidents, the death of hundreds of birds all around the world and the death of hundreds of fishes are related.

Possible causes:

1. A Virus It might be a virus that affects the birds, and due to the fact that birds die all around the world might mean that the level of contamination is global. The question that we must ask ourselves now is why only birds. Maybe humans and other animals are immune to it, but the death of all those sea creatures looks suspicious. I would have taken into consideration that something was in the upper layer of the atmosphere but unfortunately birds dont fly that high.

2. A Curse Maybe this is some sort of curse of the birds casted in ancient times, and now the time has arrived for them to pay for their sins, or something like that. Maybe mother nature is getting her payback on the birds for some reason. Of course, if birds fall to their death from the sky humans will probably burst in flames and then go to hell. But then again if it were true, all the birds would die, some of them still live so its not it.

3. Fireworks All this happened around New Year, so we must take into consideration that the fireworks could have killed all those poor birds all around the world. What is strange though is that cases have been signaled even after all of the celebration ended. Maybe they were traumatized by the loss of their friends and developed some sort of mental illness which eventually lead to their death(I dont think this is the answer).Or perhaps some of the deadly toxins in the fireworks, or deadly gunpowder was carried by the wind and other birds got it and so on and so forth. But the question remainswhy didnt this happen in the previous years. Its not this either.

4. Pollution

If we take into consideration the level of pollution in the world, its very easy to assume that this might be a cause for their deaths. Although the sudden death cannot be explained through this assumption, pollution which teamed up with the New Year Fireworks Stress might have contributed to their sudden perish. And adding the fact that fishes also died with thousands, pollution becomes a very strong argument. It does not explain the fact that it happened so sudden all around the world thou, as I stated before.

5. Malefic Evil Plan This might be a very complex, sophisticated plan of doing something. Maybe somewhere in the world someone is laughing now with an evil Dr. Someone laugh saying: Its perfect!.I am not sure how he might accomplish that but if a human is responsible for this, the cause of their deaths is surely not natural. Although I do not know what does he expect of accomplishing with all of this, Im sure that everything is for a reason in his evil mind. Hopefully the LAPD will catch him.

6. Alien Attack Perhaps they finally thought it was time for us to know that they exist (X Files Theme playing).Maybe they are starting to clean the earth of every living soul and thought that starting with the birds and fishes is a good thing, affecting the balance of nature. There is a chance that some of these days a TV broadcast in which their green ugly headed leader will make their request: We just want your planet!.Of course, I dont want to be unreasonable so I am going to say that this is highly unlikelyor is it.

In the end, we do not know what exactly killed all those birds and fishes, but rest assure, the best scientists in the world are making sure that well never know.

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