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INTHE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA Inthe application of ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS. and SPEAKER OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE INKATHA FREEDOM PARTY FREEDOM FRONT PLUS econ UNITED DEMOCRATICMOVEMENT [AFRICAN INDEPENDENT CONGRESS CONGRESS OF THE PEOPLE coop PARTY corcase no: CLT 03/23 Applicant First Respondent ‘Secord Respondent “Tad Respondent Fauth Respondent Fh Respondent ‘Soth Respondent Seventh Respondent Eighth Respondent Neth Respondent Tenth Respondent [AFRICAN CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY Eleventh Respondent PAN AFRICANIST CONGRESS OF AZANIA “Twaith Respondent ALSAMAAHL “Titgenth Respondent AFRICAN TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT Fourteen Respondent NOTICE OF MOTION KINDLY TAKE NOTICE thatthe Economic Freedom Fighters EFF" nereby make application to his Court for an order inthe folowing terms: + desing ororderng that tis appicaton be head as an urgent apcaton and he EFF's non-compliance withthe ordinary rues for service and tme perads Be condoned as contemplated by Rule 12, and that this appization be head together veh the application brought by Matamela Cyl Ramaphosa under case number (60738872022 pending before this Court 2 divecing or ordering thatthe EFF is granted direct access to this Sour seeing and sxting esd, and daring ab neonatal a vais 8 clan of ne orth espnder cal fora oon ago or TIEN of the repot of the Independent Pane conterpiated by Rue 1251 of Ne National ese ules pls on 18 December 2022 Becton 8 Proseeins) be naw unoonattuona, raona and fat t soul a se 386 reviewing and seting asd and dediarng 2s unconstiutonal and val, the econ of te fourth respondent rjecting the EFF request fr © ‘secret ballot procedure in respect Section 69 Proceeding revieing an seting aid he Secon 89 Proceedings and desing them to be invalid setting, ateravey ring, he deeon of fe fourth respensenk BY recing tht te ving procedure 1 be flowed by the Nabors Assembly in ondueing tne Rul 121 empeacent proreedngs e conduas BY 8 AA voto proadure ne of Rule 129 fhe poschnt Rees of National ‘Assembly ordering tet te Section 9 Proceedings be hell again BY re AA than tity ‘calendar days ofthis Court's order, nding that he costs ofthis applzaon be paidby ase retpordents wooed these relies; and further andlor alternative relief ‘TAKE FURTHER NOTICE thatthe accompanying affidavit of Floyé Shivambuis attaches seting the basis of the application “TAKE FURTHER NOTICE thatthe EFF has chosen lan Levit Attomeys, The Leonardo, Office Level 12,75 On Maude Steet, Sandton at which delivery and service of all processes and documents in these proveetings willbe accepted, ‘TAKE FURTHER NOTICE thatthe EFF is also wiling to accept all documentation and snail to save costs and expedite the matter. This includes any directive trom this Cour's registar or Chief Justice, The emai address. fs angetke@ianl ‘TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any further conduct ofthis aplication wil be as per the Court or Chief Justice's directions DATED AT JOHANNESBURG ON 10 January 2023, TAN LEVITT ATTORNEYS ‘Applicant's Attorneys, ‘THE LEONARDO. OFF CE LEVEL 12. 75 ON MAUDE STREET SANDTON, 2198 DX 64 SANDTON SQUARE Tel: 011 784 9310 FAX TO EMAIL : 086 579 5368 Email: TO: THE REGISTRAR JONANNESBURG AND TO: ‘The Speaker ofthe National Assembly PER EMAIL Fist Respondent Office ofthe Speaker ofthe National Assembly Parliament of the Republic of South Afi Parliament Steet ape Town, 8000, mal address: sasorae@arlament.aov 2a: zadhkre@pariament gov za; aun @partamentaov za; ‘ AND To: ‘The President ofthe Republic of South Africa Second Respondent mai: presidentrsa@presidency co za clo HARRIS NUPEN MOLEBATS! INC 3 Floor, 1 Bompas road Dunkeld West, Jonannesburg Tel 011 017 3100 Fax: 011 268 0470 mal: pharis@hamatomeys co za /rethabile@hnmatomeys co.z8; ‘ 28 AND To: ‘Aican National Congress PER EMAIL: ‘pmaiodina@pariament ov 28 ‘Sons ‘diakude@oariament cov za AND To: DEMOCRATIC ALLICANCE PER EMAIL: Natashamdids or. 23 ‘And to INKATHA FREEDOM PARTY PER EMAIL’ nsinah@oaflament cov za NarendsinenS<@amailcom AND TO: FREEDOM FRONT PLUS PER EMAIL: Aad to! UNITED DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT PER EMAIL: okwankwa@oariamentgovza kwankwa@icloud com sankwayori@amailcom Aad to ‘AFRICAN INDEPENDENT CONGRESS PER: EMAL Intshaysa@pariament.govza ‘And to ‘CONGRESS OF THE PEOPLE PER EMAlL wmadsha@parlament ov za ‘AND To GOOD PARTY PER EMAIL: AND TO: AFRICAN CHRISTIAN DEMEMOCRATIC PARTY PER: EMAIL President@acdo.oraza AND To: PAN AFRICANIST CONGRESS OF AZANIA PER EMAIL: moyhonlso@pariament g0u23 AND TO: ‘SWJAMA.AH PER EMAIL: muganiat@mweb co 23 INTHE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA Inthe application of ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS and ‘SPEAKER OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA ‘AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE INKATHA FREEDOM PARTY FREEDOM FRONT PLUS UNITED DEMOCRATICMOVEMENT ‘AFRICAN INDEPENDENT CONGRESS ‘CONGRESS OF THE PEOPLE G00D PARTY ccT CASE NO: ‘Applicant Fist Respondent ‘Secon Respondent ‘hid Respondent Fourt Respondent Fits Respondent ‘Soh Respondent Seventh Respondent Eights Respondent Ninth Respondent Tenth Respondent AFRICAN CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY Eleverth Respondent PAN AFRICANIST CONGRESS OF AZANIA ‘Twelth Respondent ALVAMA-AH Thiteenth Respordent AFRICAN TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT Fourteen Respondent FOUNDING AFFIDAVIT ee | the undersigned FLOYD SHIVAMBU {do hereby make oath and state: 11am a member of Pariament and the Deputy President of the Econemic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a registorad potical party represented in the National Assembly, and its Chief Whip; 2 am uly authorsed to bring this application and to depose this affidavit on behalf ofthe EFF: Oe

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