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Alira is a woman, she is thirty years old, she is an archaeologista, her

favorite color is wine, her favorite food is barbecue, she enjoys

outdoor walks like trails, walks on the beach sand and practice martial
Her mother was bitten by a vampire while pregnant, getting sick and
dying after childbirth. Her father is a werewolf and took care of her
until she was seventeen, when she began to turn into a vampire.
Alira went to live in a boarding school in Scotland, until she completed
her archeology course, since then she has no contact with her father,
they could not be together, because the tribe of werewolves would kill
her. During the day she manages to have a normal life, go out in the
sun and eat.
When night falls Alira turns into a vampire, who hunts animals in the
forests to feed on blood, because he it keeps her young, strong and
healthy. During the day she works on archeology expeditions, which
vary widely, she travels a lot and has known many countries, where
she has done excavations in search of valuable objects.
She needs to defend herself from the tribe of werewolves, because
they are mortal enemies of vampires., She is always living in different
places and does not stay long, there is also the tribe of vampires, she
keeps in touch through meetings that always take place at night every
three months, where they discuss the threats coming from werewolves
and plan how to extinguish them once and for all.

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