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Structuring Research Report

Abstract 5


Introduction 6


3 Literature
review 7


Method 8




The Abstract is a short summary of the complete content of the project report. It often
contains four short paragraphs with the answers to the following questions:

1 What were my research questions and why were

these important?

2 How did I go about answering the research


3 What did I find out in response to my research


4 What conclusions do I draw regarding my

research questions?


The Introduction should give the reader a clear idea about the central issue of concern in
your research and why you thought that this was worth studying. It should also include a
full statement of your research question(s), research aim and research objectives.


Will directly inform the research questions and any specific hypotheses or propositions
that the research is designed to test. These hypotheses or propositions will also suggest
a particular research approach, strategy and data collection techniques.

1. to set the study in the wider context

2. to show how the study supplements existing work



A detailed and transparent chapter giving the reader sufficient information

to understand the method is used, to assess the reliability and validity

of the procedures you used, and to evaluate the trustworthiness of findings.

a checklist of the points you should address in the Method chapter.

✓ Research setting

✓ Selecting the sample

✓ Data collection

✓ Data analysis procedures

✓ Reliability and validity or dependability and

credibility/transferability and Ethical Concerns


This provides the opportunity to report the results and is probably the most straightforward part of
report writing. Where we have analysed data quantitatively, you will include the results of your
statistical analyses and use tables and graphsto illustrate your findings

2 important points to bear in mind when writing

about your findings.

The first is to stress that the purpose is to present the results of

your data analysis.

The second point links to the first. Drawing up a table will lead you to a consideration

of the way in which you present your findings. The purpose of your project report is to

communicate the answer to your research question in as clear a manner as possible to

your readers.


To interpret results and relate the findings to the original research goals and objectives. It's
indicate the implications of the research


It Discusse the Weakness



The conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your research should matter to
them after they have finished reading the paper.
Check your Conclusions using theQuestion

✔ Did the research project meet your aim ✔ Where should further research be
or answer your research question(s)? focused?

✔ Did the research project meet your ✔ What are the main findings of the
research objectives? research?

✔ Are there any recommendations for

future action

based on the conclusions you have drawn?

✔ Do you have any overall conclusions on the

research process itself?


A reference gives the readers details about the source so that they have a good understanding
of what kind of source it is and could find the source themselves if necessary.

Use a conversation that is accepted by the client

Cite all sources referred to in the text

Check all citations to prevent to plagiarism



Examples of items you might have in an appendix include mathematical proofs, lists of words,
the questionnaire used in the research, a detailed description of an apparatus used in the
research, etc. Your paper may have more than one appendix. Usually, each distinct item has its
own appendix.

Include only essential supporting material

Include copies of interview schedule

Keep appendix to a minimum

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