Project On C3 Final 1

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Dedicated To

To our most honorable & respectable parents and teacher for your love, encouragement,
support, and for demonstrating the value of education, hard work, and persistence & to Seniors,
for their help & support (over and over again) how to write & make the assignment correct

Letter of Submission

25 September, 2021.
Rabiul Islam
Assistant Professor,
Department of Accounting and Information Systems,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University (BSMRSTU),
Gopalganj- 8100.

Subject: Submission of report of Business Plan on “Car reformation & car care center”.

Dear Sir,
It is our great pleasure to submit the report of Business Plan titled “Car Reformation& Car care
center” under the course “Project on Business Plan” is assigned us as a partial requirement of
BBA course. We thankful to the department for allowing us the opportunity to do the formal
report on this topic. The paper has been completed by the knowledge that we have gathered
from the course “Project on Business Plan”. We are thankful to all those persons who provided
us important information and gave us valuable advices.

Finally, we are truly grateful to the department for giving us this nice opportunity to work on
this report, which we have considered as a great chance for us to develop our managerial
concepts. Although we have tried our best, certain mistakes and inconveniences may reside and
for this we seek pardon and hope the department will accept our apologies.

Yours obediently,

_______ ___

(Md. Sabbir Ahamed)

On Behalf of Our Group “Group-C”
5th Batch, 3rd Year, Semester-II Session: 2017-18
Department of Accounting & Information Systems,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University (BSMRST).

Letter of acceptance

It is my pleasure to accept your work for preparing a seminar paper on the business plan of “Car
reformation & car care center”. I have gone through the whole paper. I think the paper is highly
informative & relevant. The paper is seemed original to me. I appreciate your for such a good

I wish your group “Group-C” every success in life.

With thanks


(Rabiul Islam)
Assistant Professor,
The Department of Accounting and Information Systems,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University (BSMRSTU),


First of all, we want to thank the immeasurable grace and profound kindness of Almighty Allah,
the supreme authority of the universe who bestowed us the capability of successful completion of
our assignment fairly.

“Project on Business Plan” is really an interesting course and attending a project like this
leaves us with a store of knowledge. This type of course will help us in our future job. We are
thankful to our course supervisor Rabiul Islam sir, our Academic faculty from Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University. He is teaching us this interesting
course so easily, that We can understand properly. It is an important course for Business
students. The versatile viewpoint and teaching style of Rabiul Islam sir is very nice and
examples given by him throughout him lecture are very much realistic. So it helped us to
understand the topics of this course easily.

At last we would like to thank our seniors & family members for their nice cooperation in
preparing this assignment. Many of our friends and also many well-wishers contributed ideas and
made suggestions that greatly enhanced this assignment. We would like to thank them all.

Executive summery

The name of our business is "Car reformation & car care service(C3)" which is a partnership
business formed under the Partnership Act 1932. We will provide auto mobile service in whole
Dhaka city by two ways; one is car repairing shop and another is one stop service. Bangladesh
has a big market for automobile servicing business because of huge number of personal vehicle
and most of them are driven by own. Basically among those entire owner most of them have no
idea about any parts of his/her vehicle. For our repairing shop we will lease two plot of land one
in Demra and another in Gabtoli. And for our one stop service we have selected 8 most important
area where our technicians will be available for service providing. If anyone has any problem
regarding his/her vehicle and make a call to us then our local depot technicians’ will go there and
will fix that problem. We will go for racker lease from DMP, which will help us to move those
vehicles which are badly break downed. In order to secure 100% one stop service we have an
office space in our Gabtoli repairing shop and our communication officer will receive call from
there. In order to learn about the market potentiality, we were surveyed to thirty respondents and
ask them questions regarding the industry. We have also done Porter’s five, PEST analysis and
SWOT analysis to get an inside view of the markets internal and external environmental factors.
Our initial investment is TK. 50,00,000 (including 4year promotion cost) and our breakeven
3755units. In addition, we go for NPV and found that in very beginning year we have loss and
after that it will take three year (total 4year) to recover our initial investment.

"Car Repair & Reformation Business"

Tables of Contents

Serial Title Page

Introduction 9
Slogan 10
Mission 10
Vision 10
values 10-11

Chapter One
Basic Summary

1.1 Business Ownership 13

1.2 Location & Facilities 13
Chapter Two
Why do people choose
“Car Care Center (C3)”
2.1 Reason for Choose (C3) 15
Chapter Three
Financial Management &
Startup Summery
3.1 Financial Management 17-18
3.2 Capital Formation 18
3.3 Individual Capital 18
Chapter Four
Management Summary
4.1 Management Team 20
4.2 Organizational Activities 21
Chapter Five
Financial Plan
5.1 Income Statement 23-24

5.2 Balance Sheet 25-26
5.3 Cash Flow Statement 27
5.4 Break Even Calculation 28-29
Chapter six
Market Segmentation &
Market Analysis Summery
6.1 Market Segmentation 31
6.2 Market Analysis Summery 32
6.3 Target Market Segment Strategy 32-33
6.4 Strategic Value 33
6.5 Market Size 33
Chapter Seven
PEST Analysis &
SWOT Analysis
7.1 PEST Analysis 35
7.1.1 Political Factors 35
7.1.2 Economical Factors 35
7.1.3 Social Factors 35-36
7.1.4 Technological Environment 36
7.2 SWOT Analysis 36
7.2.1 Strengths 36-37
7.2.2 Weakness 38
7.2.3 Opportunities 38-39
7.2.4 Threats 39

I would like to name this car repair & reformation business "Car Care Center(C3)" that will
offers quality products in reasonable price along with a wide range of services as outlined in the
detailed sections below. It is ultimately the goal of the company to offer a one-stop facility for
all auto servicing needs, including brakes, transmission, wheel alignment, etc. In this way the
company can offer greater perceived value for the customer than many other shops which
specialize in certain areas. C3 will hire trained and certified mechanics who are able to prove
they have superior customer awareness and interaction. It is the company's professional people
who will fulfill the firm's contracts and goals. The largest part of the company's expenses will be
in labor costs.

At the present time the number of motor vehicles in Dhaka city has increased in haste. People
from upper class, upper middle class, and middle class also maintain more than one vehicle.
According to Bangladesh road transport authority, they survey the increased number vehicles
in Dhaka city that's our business ground.

Why are we confident that people will purchase my reformed car & takes my service?

Here, the fact is some government policy that imposes minimum 125% to maximum 825%
import duty, that's crazy & demotivates people not to buy car. Having a personal car has
become a basic need today for a secured & safe journey. But the import duty makes it a luxury
product. When one brand-new car is just launched by 1 core in Japan, this same car if you want
to drive in our mother land Bangladesh, you have to count 9.25 core. This is why, people has the
demands but couldn't afford the car.

It's possible to provide the same quality car by reforming car just importing parts, not chassis. In
my business concept, company C3 just collects the old car & reform car by importing only parts
that doesn't require 825 % imports duty. After that it will cost only 2 to 2.50 core instead of 9.25
core & it makes me confident. Bangladesh small county but huge population & this huge
population means huge market. The person who have already car, it is must to come garage for
service. The person having re-condition car, reformed car or brand-new, all owner of car are also
our potential customers.

Make your dream car affordable & "C3" will care your car.

The mission of C3 repair & reformation business is to provide high quality, convenient and
comprehensive auto repair service & re-condition car at low cost. The most important aspect of
this C3 business is trust. It is the goal of our firm to have 100% customer satisfaction in regards
to quality, friendliness, time to completion and to discover new ways to exceed the expectations
of our clients.

• To provide quality car servicing & re-condition car at convenient price.

• To have our service in every area in the country.

• To help people enjoy life, or offer an affordable solution to transportation problem &
it's maintain.
• To be the consumers’ preferred choice by leading in chosen markets with superior
Service as per customer expectation.


• Honesty integrity and professionalism in car service.

• Providing supreme value to car related each & every entity.

• Hard work, dedication and achievement.

• We are agile and flexible in our work, confidently taking bold decisions that benefit
our stakeholders.

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• We work together as one, openly collaborating and sharing skills & knowledge to
enable our people to be the best.

• We are proud of the work we do, and strive for exceptional results.

• We earn respect by embracing fairness, trust and integrity in all our relationships.

• We are diligent in our work and consistently deliver the best quality in everything we do.

• We are driven to improve our business every day and to maximize the creative
potential of our people.

• We facilitate recognition for the skill but unrecognized quality employees.

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Chapter One
Basic Summary

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1.1 Business Ownership

We will start our business is partnership as par rule of partnership act 1932. The number of
partners of this business will be Four. Every partners will be active partner. Everyone will
provide capital of the business. The remaining part of the capital will be collected from
bank, relatives and money lender. The business will be run for a long period of time.

1.2 Location & Facilities

Our business location will be situated at Dhaka city Dhanmondi, Mirpur, Moghbazar, Motijhil,
Gulshan, Nikheton, Banani, Uttara, Bashudhara, Badda & few others area of Dhaka city . Our
head office will be in Mirpur. Because the number of target customer is very high in this
also facilitate us to get more car that isn't reformed but our will take our service. So it is very
easy to communicate with both the customer willing to perchance reformed car and the car
owner who already have a car.

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Chapter Two
Why do people choose
“Car Care Center (C3)”

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2.1 Reason for choose (C3)
At the present time the number of motor vehicles in Dhaka city has increased in haste. People
from upper class, upper middle class, and middle class also maintain more than one vehicle.
According to Bangladesh road transport authority, they survey the increased number vehicles
in Dhaka city. There have some reasons why car reformation & car care service industry will
become popular:

Easy to access

It is easy to access to get our service. This service industry is fully based on online. So when the
car owner gets any trouble in the street or in any place. They need to just call us and we will
make an immediate response for her/ him.

Quick response

For any customer inquiry we give our best customer service as soon as possible. For
any breakdown in the street our response team moves towards that place as soon they

Time consuming

In Dhaka city people are mostly engage to their work. Sometimes they feel bore to bring their
car in the repair shop. So it is good enough for them those who don’t want to bring their car in
the repair shop. That makes the customer to save their time.

Skilled workers

We have a good combination of professional and high technical skilled workers. Most of them are
from technical school. And they have a very good knowledge about vehicles repair industry.

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Chapter Three
Financial Management
Startup Summery

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3.1 Financial Management

Category Units Per cost(BDT) Total(BDT)

Manufacturing cost of garage 2 100,000 200,000

Stock of materials 100,000

Garage land 2 200,000 400,000

Lease agreement 8 20,000 160,000

Motorcycle 8 70,000 560,000

Racker lease agreement 200,000

Equipment and machinaries 500,000

Promotional activities 500,000

Telephone 15,000

Cash 365,000

Total cost 30,00,000

Our company C3 has invested Tk 3000000 which is provided by an angel investor. Our main
service is to provide fast and efficient way to repair cars which is also mobile. So firstly we need
8 depots which will be in every major location of the city. Each of them needs Tk 20000 in
advance on average. Since the depots will be not very big, just a 200sqr feet shop just to park the
motorcycles and put two to three chairs where mechanics can rest, and to keep some tools for
repairing. Also we need to have two main garages from where we will operate the depots and
also repair cars. We thought of taking 2 lands at two corners of the city where leasing
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empty land would not cost us too much. We will provide the land owner four months of advance
payments i.e Tk 400000 for two garage land. Also we need to build the garage with tin only. We
estimated a cost for two garages that is Tk 200000 for both the garage. Also since the technicians
need to travel fast, they need some reliable transport. And what can be better than motorcycles in
the heavy traffic city, Dhaka. Each of the motorcycles would cost us Tk 70000 and for 8 depots
we need 8 motorcycles that cost us (8*70000) Tk 560000. Also if the car is fully damaged and
need to take to the garage, we will offer them racker so that they can take the car to our garage
without delay. So we will have an agreement with the racker owners to provide us the racker
when we need it. It will cost us Tk200000. Also some machineries and equipment that cost us Tk
500000. We kept Tk 500000 for the promotional activities that will be for the next five years.

3.2 Capital Formation

Particular Taka Taka

Owner’s Capital 40,00,000
Bank 8,00,000
Friends and Relatives 2,00,000 10,00,000


3.3 Individual Capital

As our business is partnership concern and the number of partners is four.
Every partner will provide capital. The amount of partners’ capital is given
below in a chart:

S/L No Name of the Partners Amount In tk.

1 Md. Sabbir Ahmed 10,00,000
2 Md. Mahedi Hasan 10,00,000
3 MD. Lokman Hakim 10,00,000
4 Md. Khairul Islam 10,00,000
Total= 40,00,000

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Chapter Four

Management Summary

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4.1 Management Team

As our business is partnership, all the partners will active partner. Everyone will take
part in the business. All partners will be the board of directors. Besides, they will run
the business by taking the different post such as general manager, production
manager, marketing manager, accounts manager, and supervisor.

The names and posts of the management team are:

S/L Name Post

1 Md. Sabbir Ahmed General Manager
2 Md. Mahedi Hasan Marketing Manager
3 Md. Lokman Hakim Accounting Manager
4 Md. Khairul Islam Functional Manager

Except these managers, there will 8 delivery boy, a electrician, a peon, and a guard.

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4.2 Organizational Structure:

Board of


Accounting Functional Marketing

manager manager manager



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Chapter Five

Financial Plan

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5.1 Income Statement

Particulars Year 1 (BDT) Year 2 (BDT) Year 3(BDT) Year 4(BDT)

Income 72,00,000 1,08,00,000 1,44,00,000 1,80,00,000
Rent(depot) 960,000 11,52,000 13,44,000 15,36,000
Rent(garage) 12,00,000 13,20,000 14,40,000 15,60,000
Wages 36,00,000 57,60,000 67,20,000 76,80,000
Salaries 11,40,000 13,50,000 17,40,000 22,20,000
Communication 120,000 144,000 216,000 264,000
Transportation 120,000 180,000 300,000 360,000
Misc. expenses 60,000 84,000 120,000 144,000
Advertising expenses 120,000 144,000 180,000 216,000
Utilities 24,000 36,000 60,000 72,000
Motorcycle (7 Year straight line) 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000
Equipment & machineries 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Garage building 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Total expenses 74,84,000 1,03,10,000 1,22,60,000 1,41,92,000

Net income before tax -284,000 490,000 21,40,000 38,08,000
Tax (37.5%) 0 187,500 806,250 14,28,000

Net income or loss -274,000 302,500 13,33,750 23,80,000

In the first year we are expecting that each of the depot and the garages will receive at least on
call a day. And we charge Tk 2000 for going and repairing the cars. So if the sales unit is 10 per
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day and if we charge Tk 2000 per car, then our revenue per day turns out to be Tk 20000. And at
the first year we generated Tk 7200000. For the next year, we just expected demand to go up 5
unit per day. So it becomes 30 units and gives us Tk 30000 per day, and the whole year Tk
10800000. And in the following year the expected demand to be increase is 5 unit per day which
gives us the assumption for the Income.

Now the expected expenses part, firstly we assumed that our depot will cost us Tk 10000 per
month for the first year and gradually increases by Tk 2000 by the following years. Also the
expected rent for the garage rent will follow the same pattern of increasing its rent by Tk 5000
per year starting from Tk 50000 per month. The expected salary for the technicians will be Tk
10000 per month and gradually it increases by Tk 2000 in the following years, also the labors
that assist the technician gets the half of the amount technicians receives. For the first year only
we expected to hire 22 labors and 19 technicians. And the year onwards we will have 32 labors
and 24 technicians. Also we will have 5 managers and two communication officers. For the
managers we will provide Tk 15000 at the start and Tk 10000 for the communication officers.
Each person salary will increase by Tk 2500 every year and also in the third year we will recruit
1 more communication officer since the demand will be increasing and we will receive more
calls. Moreover we expected to have others expenses and it will also increase as our business
starts to operate fully.

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5.2 Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet

Year 1(TK) Year 2(TK) Year 3(TK) Year 4(TK)

Fixed Assets

Garage building 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

Less: Accumulated -10,000 -20,000 -30,000 -40,000
Equipments and Machineries 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
Less: Accumulated -50,000 -100,000 -150000 -20,0000
Motorcycles 560,000 560,000 560,000 560,000
Less: Accumulated -80,000 -160,000 -240000 -320,000
Land (lease) 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Depot (lease) 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000
Racker (lease) 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Total Fixed Assets 16,16,000 14,76,000 13,36,000 11,96,000
Current Assets
Cash 231,000 623,500 20,47,250 45,17,250
Inventories 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000
Total Assets 19,47,000 22,49,500 35,83,250 59,63,250

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Our business is a service business. So there is no option to deliver the service in credit or get
anything in credit. Only the parts we need in the business to run it efficiently are the assets. We
have lots of assets which cost us merely Tk 2700000. Some of them, like the lease agreements
are considered as assets since those payments are advance payment provided to the land owners.
These advance payments will be back if we no longer stay on their assets. Also the depreciation
method we used for the real fixed assets is straight line method of depreciation. For garage
building its life is 20years, for motorcycles 7years, for equipment and machineries 10years.
Though the equipment and machineries used in the repair shop is hard to spoil. But the tools
might get lost frequently. Also if the business demands more we might be forced to increase our
fixed assets like motorcycles, depots, etc.

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5.3 Cash Flow Statement

Cash flow statement

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Cash flows from operating activities

Net Income/ Loss -274,000 302,500 13,33,750 23,80,000

Add Depreciation 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000
Subtract Increase In Inventory 0 -50,000 -50,000 -50,000

Net Cash provided from operating -134,000 392,500 14,23,750 24,70,000

Beginning cash 365,000 231,000 623,500 20,47,250
Ending cash 231,000 623,500 20,47,250 45,17,250

For the cash flow our initial ending cash is not that much as expected. First year we could not
generate profit which is applicable for most of the business. so in the first year we used some of
the cash from the business to cover the loss. But as the days goes by, with the marketing and
promoting help, our demand tends to increase which results in a profit. The second year is
considered to fall under the growing stage for the business. The next year as the market starts to
grow for our service we generate more and more profit, which results in a tremendous cash flow
for the business.

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5.4 Break Even Calculation

Break Even Calculation Year 1(TK) Year 2(TK) Year 3(TK) Year 4(TK)

36,00,000 57,60,000 67,20,000 76,80,000

Labor cost

demanded units (expected) 3600 5400 7200 9000

Labor cost / unit 1000 1066 933 853

communication expenses 120,000 144,000 216,000 264,000

demanded units (expected) 3600 5400 7200 9000
communication expenses / unit 33 26 30 29

Transportation Cost 120,000 180,000 300,000 360,000

demanded units (expected) 3600 5400 7200 9000
Transportation Cost / unit 33 33 41 40

Misc. Expenses 60000 84000 120,000 144,000

demanded units (expected) 3600 5400 7200 9000
Misc. Expenses / unit 16 15 16 16

Advertising Expenses 120,000 144,000 180,000 216,000

demanded units (expected) 3600 5400 7200 9000
Advertising Expenses / unit 33 26 25 24

Utilities 24000 36000 60000 72000

demanded units (expected) 3600 5400 7200 9000
Utilities / unit 6 6 8 8

Average Variable Cost 1121 1172 1053 970

Salaries 11,40,000 13,50,000 17,40,000 22,20,000

Rent ( Depot) 960,000 11,52,000 13,44,000 15,36,000

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Rent ( Garage) 12,00,000 13,20,000 14,40,000 15,60,000
Total Fixed Cost 33,00,000 38,22,000 45,24,000 53,16,000

BEP For The Year in units 3755 4616 4777 5161

BEP For The Year in Taka 75,08,532 92,31,885 95,54,383 1,03,22,330

Explanation of above calculation for BEP(1st year) :

To find out the break-even analysis, we may use the following formula (Algebraic method):
We have,
Sales = tk.72,00,000
Total unit = 3600
Sales per unit = tk.2000
Fixed cost = tk.33,00,000
Variable cost= tk.40,35,600
Variable cost per unit= 40,35,600/3600= tk.1121

So, Break-even point (Unit)= Fixed cost/ Sales per unit- Variable cost per unit
=3755 units

Break-even point (tk.) =Fixed cost* Sales per unit/Sales per unit- Variable cost per unit
=33,00,000*2000/2000-1121 = tk.75,08,532

Comment: From the above calculation, we may say that there is no profit and loss in 3755 units
and tk. 75,08,532

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Chapter six
Market Segmentation
Market Analysis Summery

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6.1 Market Segmentation

The following table and chart show the market analysis for C3 repair & reformation business :

This chart shows different potential market segment of C3 or "Car care center" for repair portion
that includes new car owners,sports car owner, older car owner, life time owner like U-bar,used
car buyers etc.All the people who already have a car or connected with car by profession like
driving goes under repair segment of C3 business.

Eeven the persons who don't have any car just thinking to purchase, are also target customers
of C3 business. It's going to bring a blaster in market by providing quality car as compair with
brand-new car in terms of money.

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6.2 Market Analysis Summary

Market segmentation is the identification of portions of the market that are different from one
another. Segmentation allows the firm to better satisfy the needs of its potential customers. There
are some bases for Segmentation in Consumer Markets and they are :

• Geographic

• Demographic

• Psychographic

• Behavioristic

From the mentioned market segment we will follow both Geographic, Demographic and

Geographic Segmentation
Region: firstly our market will be situated in Dhaka city .
Population density: we select urban area for our target area.

Demographic Segmentation
Age: As our product is transportation, our market will be for all ages of people.
Gender: This product will be for all classes of both male & female.
Income: The price of our product is reasonable for medium and upper class. So our product is
for classes of people who financial capability with actual need.

6.3 Target market segment Strategy

A target market segment strategy is an essential plan of action for any organization to adopt.
Essentially, the strategy outlines our business's plans for reaching our intended customers. It
takes into account consumer demand, our business response to that demand and its plan of action
for delivering high-quality products coupled with solid customer service. The target market is
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defined by the customer needs that create the market, the structural forces that govern
operation within the market, and the attractiveness of the market based on strategic value,
market size, market growth, and potential for profit. Each of these areas is described below:

6.4 Strategic Value

The small business consulting market is a strategic, and available, segment for our business. We
will able to get customers to associate a particular concept or idea with our business. Actually
"car reformation & car care center(C3)s will provide high quality, convenient and
comprehensive auto repair service & re-condition car at low cost.

6.5 Market Size

The size of the market is an important factor. While the large number of re-condition car
businesses starting each year will make it difficult to gain significant share of the market in the
near term, it does help to ensure that there will be initial customers available to our enterprise.
According to World Population Review Bangladesh has an estimated population is 166.67
million. According to them, 48.4% of the middle class population is employed in the private
sector and 20.4% in the public sector.Both classes have felt that having personal car isn't luxury,
it has become a need.

Data from Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) shows that there are a total of
4,471,625 registered vehicles in the country, of which only 370,519 are registered as 'Private
Passenger Car' followed by 105,896 'Microbus' and 66,219 'Jeeps'. All the mentioned
transportation need regular basis service that is offering by our business "car care service ".

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Chapter Seven
PEST Analysis &
SWOT Analysis

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7.1 PEST Analysis

PEST stands for political, economical, social, and technological. This analysis will reveal
the overall scenario of Bangladesh of these mentioned factors.

7.1.1 Political factors

Political Turmoil :
Bangladesh has always been under some sort of political unrest and recently with the interim
government; the situation has taken a violent downturn. Political instability is one of the biggest
barriers in Bangladesh for any business venture. Sound political situation helps to grow sound
business condition. In our country Political situation is not good at all. It always inhibits the
growing of business. In this case we can face problems to run our business due to politically
unfriendly environment. As our business is one stop automobile solution service, the political
unrest will jeopardize our business badly.

Trade License:
Any business requires the use of trade license to prove its legitimacy. One stop automobile
solution Service will have to acquire a trade license from the City Corporation. Getting a trade
license is not a hassle free job. One has to go through heavy bureaucratic pressures to get a trade
license in Bangladesh. Sometimes heavy bribing is required.

7.1.2 Economical factors

GDP and the Income Growth:
Bangladesh has been maintaining a good GDP over the last few years and the GDP will expected
to grow at 6.5% in the year 2009. This is a positive indicator for our business because an increase
in GDP usually raises the standard of living of the people. An increase in the income level will
enable more and more people to spend money on luxury needs, especially to buy luxury items
Ex- Car, Motorcycle etc.; thereby the need for one stop automobile solution service will increase.


As Bangladesh has a booming economy, the overall social structure has been changed
dramatically. Now Bangladesh has a strong middle class who has enjoying a stable economic life.
By our one stop automobile solution business we try to change the attitude of our customer

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towards the use of our service. We think that our service will create an impact on the
society.As there is an economic growth of at the rate of 6-7% p.a., from a long time it is an
indication that people has a positive attitude towards automobile buying and servicing.

7.1.4 Technological environment

Technological environment has a huge impact on this industry. Due to the technological
advancements, more and more scientists are putting more effort on developing effective form
of simplified automobile solutions.

7.2 SWOT Analysis

The primary tool used to make sense of the information is a SWOT analysis, which stands for
strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. The strengths and weaknesses are internally
focused and the opportunities and threats lie in the external marketing environment. The idea is
to leverage the strengths and opportunities and address the weakness and threats, which is how
the key problems and opportunities are identified. The SWOT analysis of One Stop Automobile
Solution service will give us the overall profit potential of this Business.

7.2.1 Strengths

We are the pioneer in our city

The concept of a one stop Automobile Solution is totally unique in our city. As we are going to
provide each and everything regarding automobile in road and so far we know that there is no
other competitor in market to provide this kind of service. So it is certainly a great strength for us.

We will provide quality service

So far we planned for our business, we the executive body decided to put more emphasis on
providing quality service. We know for a business, it is very important to pay attention to the
service quality as it attracts customer. So it is sure that our service will be strength for us.

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Extensive marketing strategy
We will mostly emphasize on marketing and advertising activities. No other automobile solution
company like us to performs this activity. So it is definitely a great strength for our Business.
We will run promotional campaigns, advertise on newspapers, banners and many more, which
other business don’t actually perform.

Enthusiastic Management
We are some enthusiastic young entrepreneur and we are committed to business to make it
very profitable with providing better service.

Faster Operation
Our operation is faster because we will use different location wise service like as Example we
have selected total 20 main areas from where we provide service and same time we use
special engineer to give faster service.

Affordable pricing
Our pricing system is affordable which is the main thing that customer always looking for.

Operation and maintenance by highly skilled and trained personnel

Our one stop automobile solution Company provides high experienced engineer and quality
worker, who are working hard to provide better service and quality while they provide their

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7.2.2 Weakness

Brand unawareness
Unawareness of our brand among customers is our main weakness. But we are able to
overcome this obstacle at the very first stage through extensive advertising and promotion.

Lack of product knowledge

As we are the first in this business and this is the first time that we have come up with
such unique idea, it is obvious that we will have lack of product knowledge.

New Employees
We want to diminish our operation cost and that is why we will employ new employees
who might not have previous experience to provide this kind one stop solution service.

7.2.3 Opportunities

Expansion in other areas of Bangladesh

Up till now we decided to operate our one stop automobile solution service in the Dhaka city. As
it is the capital and central part of our country. Since we will have the largest market share in a
very short period, we’ll also be able to expand our business in different parts of our country. In
our plan, we decided to open our ongoing branches in Chittagong, Shylet, and Rajshahi etc.

We the owner of the business are educated

We the Six executives as well as the shareholders of the one stop automobile solution company
are educated and studied in the field of business. In market environment we often observe that
many business fail due to the lack of education of the founder. As he has less education, he
usually fails to carry on with his business. But in our case the situation is different. As we are the
student of business, we know much more than any other person. We will consider it as our

Higher demand and increasing popularity

Our business will certainly have higher demand and its popularity will increase day by day as
people will get all the necessary information and service from our one stop automobile solution
and as they will get to know about our service from advertisements and also from other people.

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They need not to face any difficulties while they were facing problem with their vehicle in the

7.2.4 Threats

More Expansion/Diversification May Lead to Chaos

Up till now our One Stop automobile solution service business will operate in the Dhaka city.
But we already said that we have planned to expand our business out of Dhaka. In that time as
we will expand our operations widely, it may create any problems or chaos.

Huge competitors
Since we will be the first modern One Stop automobile solution service business in Bangladesh,
it may happen that businessmen, after acquiring knowledge from us, come up with more
attractive feature than us. It will become a threat for us. Increasing competition is pushing the
company to lower its price down.

Better Communication with Other Garage with owner

When the communication with nearby other garage with the vehicle owner from where they
always check and repair their vehicle will become easier and cheaper, people will feel more
comfortable to go in those particular garages to fix and repair their vehicle problem. No matter
how improved quality we are providing or even we are providing the same product.

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